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Cisco Network Order Manager System Configuration

Cisco Network Order Manager System Configuration

This appendix describes how to configure CNOM. It contains several sections:

CNOM Configuration

To configure a CNOM system, you must complete the following:

After installation, configure CNOM using script utilities supplied with the product to create mapping objects and set the various attributes in CEMF that CNOM uses during connection management. Examples of configuration tasks that are carried out are:

Configuration is normally required after any new device is installed in the network if the new device is to support connections managed by CNOM.

Profile Management

Network orders that create connections contain the attribute serviceCharacteristics, whose value corresponds to the names of profiles that will be applied by the various participating element managers. The settings in each profile should support the intended characteristics of the connection. So, an ADSL profile called Gold in CDM sets line speeds on a DSL port which match the speed settings in the Gold SCM connection template that is applied to a PVC cross-connect.

Each element manager must be configured to contain profiles corresponding to each possible value of serviceCharacteristics. For example, suppose you have the following transport speeds and DSL types:

In this case you might set up DMT, ADSL, CAP and ATM QoS profiles named ADSL-1.5x384 and ADSL-512x128, and SDSL and ATM QoS profiles named SDSL-512 and SDSL-256. In the network order, you would also specify the name of the appropriate profile for the serviceCharacteristics attribute.

The primitive ConfigureDSLPort, used in the policy connectSubscriber applies the profiles of the appropriate type for the port being configured.

Setting Up a Subtended Hierarchy

Note   This procedure is necessary only if you are running CDM Release 3.0.

The subtend hierarchy in CDM Release 3.0 is modeled in CEMF as a containment view called Subtend. All DSLAMs which are to be used by CNOM must appear in this view, even if they operate as standalone units. The view contains the chassis object for each DSLAM, and each chassis object contains its trunk and subtend ports. Chassis objects appear at either:

The policy setupSubtend automatically sets up the DSLAM in a Subtend view and also sets the attributes to designate the network port and subtend ports. You can invoke the setupSubtend policy by running the subtend command as follows:

    ./subtend node_chassis_path [subtend_port_path]


To position a node under a subtend path, the subtend port must already exist in the Subtend view. If the [subtend_port_path] parameter is not provided, the node is placed in the top level of the subtend view. For example, to set up a subtend view of three nodes (Node1/Node2/Node3), each with a single SONET trunk port and single SONET subtend port, run the following commands:

    ./subtend Physical:/Site-1/Node1-Shelf/Node1-Chassis ./subtend Physical:/Site-1/Node2-Shelf/Node2-Chassis subtend:/Node1-Chassis/SONET-10-2 ./subtend Physical:/Site-1/Node3-Shelf/Node3-Chassis subtend:/Node2-Chassis/SONET-10-2
    Note   Run the subtend command from a CEMF shell.

Configuring Line IDs for CNOM Modules

Line IDs are used in CNOM to identify the ingress point (start) or egress point (end) of a connection. For example, line IDs are used to identify the ingress port for a DSLAM or a Cisco 6400 UAC connection. In the SCM ATM Connection policy, the line IDs are used to identify both an ingress and egress value. The line IDs are:

For example:

For performance, line IDs are managed in an invisible view, ObjectMapView, under the technology object DDMTopology.lineID. For each line ID assigned to a port, the system creates a map object whose name matches the line ID. The line ID object includes the following attributes:

In addition, the line port sets the value in its local attribute (LocalDB:DDMTopology.lineID).

When you assign the value DSLAM-1,DSLAM-2,DSLAM-3 to a line port, the resulting configuration in CEMF is as follows:

Line IDs are configured using policies which provide a more abstract form of mapping objects to arbitrary attribute values. The policies include:

The following command line scripts provide perl wrapper scripts to execute this policy:

Command line scripts are provided to configure line IDs for CNOM.

Note   If the same line IDs are assigned to more than one port, policies fail.

Setting the Line ID of a DSLAM Port

Use the ./set_line_ids script to assign a line ID to a DSLAM port to identify a subscriber line attached to the port. The script assigns a new ID to the port if none exists, or it overwrites an existing line ID with a new value. The command syntax is as follows:

    ./set_line_ids <port> <line_ID> DSLAM


The following command assigns the line ID 408-555-1212 to the DSLAM port Chelmsford/.../DMT-5-1 (where \ indicates that the command continues on a new line):

    ./set_line_ids ComponentManaged:/Chelmsford/ni2-90-shelf/ni2-90-chassis/D5/DMT-5-1 \ 4085551212 DSLAM

Setting the Line ID for a Cisco UAC Port

To identify the set of DSLAMs served by the UAC, set the line ID for a Cisco 6400 UAC port. The command syntax is as follows:

./set_line_ids <port> <line_ID> C6400DMM

The following command sets the line ID for the UAC port sw1-shelf/.../ATM-3-1-0
(where \ indicates that the command continues on a new line). The line ID indicates that the port serves DSLAM-1, DSLAM-2, and DSLAM-3.

    ./set_line_ids Cisco6400ServiceView:/sw1-shelf/sw1-chassis/sw1-nsp/OC3-3-1/ATM-3-1-0 \ DSLAM-1,DSLAM-2,DSLAM-3 C6400DMM
    Note   Run all of the following commands from the CEMF shell.

    workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.objectName Cisco6400ServiceView:/sw1-shelf/sw1-chassis/sw1-nsp/OC3-3-1/ATM-3-1-0
    ./reset_line_ids Cisco6400ServiceView:/sw1-shelf/sw1-chassis/sw1-nsp/OC3-3-1/ATM-3-1-0
If you then run ./get_line_id, the script returns an empty value (because the line ID has been reset).

    ./add_line_id Cisco6400ServiceView:/sw1-shelf/sw1-chassis/sw1-nsp/OC3-3-1/ATM-3-1-0 \
    DSLAM-4 C6400DMM
./remove_line_id Cisco6400ServiceView:/sw1-shelf/sw1-chassis/sw1-nsp/OC3-3-1/ATM-3-1-0 \ DSLAM-2 C6400DMM

If you run ./get_object_for_line DSLAM-2, the script returns an error message stating that this value is no longer mapped to an object.

Note   Use the cleanup_line_Id command to remove line IDs that were not deleted before you removed a chassis or uninstalled CNOM. For instance, if you attempt to use or remove a line ID from a removed chassis and receive an error message that you can not use that particular line ID, run the ./cleanup_line_Id [<LineId>] [<ContainmentPath>] command.

Setting Quality of Service

For CNOM to successfully make connections, you must name at least one fully configured quality of service (QoS) through the network. To set a quality of service, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Create a CDM Manager DMT profile using an appropriate name.

Step 2   Create a CDM Manager DSL profile using an appropriate name.

Step 3   Create a CDM Manager ATM connection profile using an appropriate name.

Step 4   Create an SCM connection template using an appropriate name.

Tag each connection template with a profile name to tell CNOM which named QoS it represents. This name is used in the work order to identify the appropriate connection template for a connection.

Posted: Sun Sep 29 05:27:01 PDT 2002
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