
Table of Contents

Cisco Network Order Manager Policies

Cisco Network Order Manager Policies

This appendix provides an overview of CNOM policies, a description of each policy, and a description of the CNOM internal work flow. It also includes a table that lists the scripts provided with CNOM for invoking policies. This chapter includes the following sections:

DSLAM Profile and Policies

DSLAM profile policies consist of the DSL and ATM profiles that CNOM uses to configure a connection. You can set up the profiles in the CDM GUI, or by using the policies supported by the CDM NOA. The profile policies are responsible for deploying profile objects and configuring connection profile values for:

DSLAM-only Architecture Policies

The policies connectSubscriber_CDM and disconnectSubscriber_CDM support DSLAM-only profile management.

The connect policy uses the following parameters:

The disconnect policy is assigned the profile name as the parameter for deleting the DSLAM profile.

Multiple Cisco 6400 UAC Architecture Policies

The policies connectSubscriberToATMService and disconnectSubscriberAndService support profile and service management in an environment of multiple Cisco 6400 UACs.

The connect policy uses the following parameters:

The disconnect policy is assigned the profile name as the parameter for disconnecting from a multiple Cisco 6400 UAC architecture profile.

NI-2 Profile Policies

The profiles for configuring NI-2 line cards consist of DSL parameter profiles and ATM QoS profiles. The profiles are either set up in the CDM GUI, or through the policies supported by the CDM NOA. The profile configuration policies manage the following:

The perl script create_ni2_profile provides a wrapper around socketDaSet to create a profile. Invoke the script as follows (where <DMT, CAP, SDSL, or ATMQoS> is the type of profile to create, and <profileName> is the name to assign the profile).

/opt/cemf/bin/create_ni2_profile <DMT|CAP|SDSL|ATMQoS> <profileName>

To check the arguments for a DMT profile, invoke the following script:

./create_ni2_profile DMT

Modify an existing profile using the scripts:

The delete script contains two parameters: profile type (DMT, CAP, SDSL, or ATMQoS) and profile name as follows:

NI-2 DMT Profile

The policies createNI2DMTProfile, modifyNI2DMTProfile, and deleteNI2DMTProfile support DMT profile management. The internal work flow sections describe how CNOM executes the policies.

Note   From the GUI, configure the DMT profile and the ADSL profile separately. From the DMT profile policy, configure the ADSL and DMT profiles together.

The create and modify policies use the following parameters:

The delete policy is assigned the profile name as the parameter for deleting both the ADSL and DMT profiles.

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createNI2DMTProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findDMTTechnologyObject_createNI2DMTProfile

    1. Find Technology Object: ResolveName

    2. Create DMT Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Set Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyNI2DMTProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findDMTTechnologyObject_modifyNI2DMTProfile

    1. Find DMTProfile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find DMT Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Modify Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteNI2DMTProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findDMTTechnologyObject_deleteNI2DMTProfile

    1. Find DMTProfile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete DMTProfile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

NI-2 CAP Profile

The policies createNI2CAPProfile, modifyNI2CAPProfile, and deleteNI2CAPProfile support CAP profile management. The create and modify policies are assigned the following parameters:

The delete policy is assigned the profile name as the parameter for deleting the profile.

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createNI2CAPProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findCAPTechnologyObject_createNI2CAPProfile

    1. Find Technology Object: ResolveName

    2. Create CAP Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Set Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyNI2CAPProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findCAPProfileObject_modifyNI2CAPProfile

    1. Find CAP Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find CAP Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Modify Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteNI2CAPProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findCAPProfileObject_deleteNI2CAPProfile

    1. Find CAP Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete CAP Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

NI-2 SDSL Profile

The policies createNI2SDSLProfile, modifyNI2SDSLProfile, and deleteNI2SDSLProfile support SDSL profile management.

The create and modify policies are assigned the following parameters:

The delete policy is assigned the profile name as the parameter for deleting the profile.

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createNI2SDSLProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findCAPTechnologyObject_createNI2SDSLProfile

    1. Find Technology Object: ResolveName

    2. Create SDSL Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Set Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyNI2SDSLProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findSDSLProfileObject_modifyNI2SDSLProfile

    1. Find SDSL Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find SDSL Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Modify Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteNI2SDSLProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findSDSLProfileObject_deleteNI2SDSLProfile

    1. Find SDSL Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete SDSL Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

NI-2 ATM QoS Profile

The policies createNI2ATMQoSProfile, modifyNI2ATMQoSProfile, and deleteNI2ATMQoSProfile support ATM QoS profile management. The create and modify policies take the following parameters:

The delete policy is assigned the profile name as the parameter for deleting the profile.

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createNI2ATMQoSProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findATMQoSTechnologyObject_createNI2ATMQoSProfile

    1. Find Technology Object: ResolveName

    2. Create ATM QoS Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Set Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyNI2ATMQoSProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findATMQoSProfileObject_modifyNI2ATMQoSProfile

    1. Find ATM QoS Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find ATM QoS Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Modify Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteNI2ATMQoSProfile

Initial State: CDMDmmCtrlr:DSLAM.findATMQoSProfileObject_deleteNI2ATMQoSProfile

    1. Find ATM QoS Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete ATM QoS Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

Cisco 6400 UAC Profile and Service Policies

Cisco 6400 UAC service profiles and service management are provided through the SCM GUI, and policies are provided by SCM NOA modules.

The profile policies are used for deploying service profile objects and configuring the service values. The service policies are used for deploying service objects, applying service profiles, and commissioning the service by configuring the node. The modify service policies are used for decommissioning the service to remove existing configuration from the node, applying the service profiles, and recommissioning the service to configure the node with new values. When service uplinks are used as in L2TP services, you must deploy and configure both the service object and service uplink objects.

The SCM NOA module supports the following service and profile management:

For each of the above services, CNOM provides the following policies:

Manage connection templates using profile policies; do not deploy them as services.

PPPoA Service Management

Use the policy createPPPoAServiceProfile to create a PPPoA profile. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyPPPoAServiceProfile, with the parameters above, to modify an existing profile. Only the profile object is updated. You must apply the profile to an existing service object to effect the change in a service object.

Use the policy deletePPPoAServiceProfile to delete the profile specified by workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.ProfileName.

Use the policy createPPPoAServiceFromProfile to create a service object in a given chassis. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyPPPoAServiceFromProfile, with the parameters above, to modify an existing service.

The policy deletePPPoAService decommissions the specified service and deletes it from SCM.

The following scripts provide a wrapper around the policies for service management:

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createPPPOAServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findTechnologyObject_createPPPOAServiceProfile

    1. Find the Technology Object Name: ResolveName

    2. Create PPPOA Profile Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Set PPPOA Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createPPPOAServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findNRP_createPPPOAServiceFromProfile

    1. Find NRP by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Cisco 6400 UAC Chassis from NRP Name: GetAncestorPrimitive

    3. Find Profile Object: ResolveName

    4. Create Service Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    5. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    6. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deletePPPOAService

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceObject_deletePPPOAService

    1. Find Service Object: FindObject

    2. Determine Commission State: Annotate

    3. Delete Service Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deletePPPOAServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_deletePPPOAServiceProfile

    1. Find Service Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete Service Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyPPPOAServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_modifyPPPOAServiceProfile

    1. Find Service Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Service Profile Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Update Profile Services Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyPPPOAServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findSourceServiceProfile_modifyPPPOAServiceFromProfile

    1. Find Service Profile: ResolveName

    2. Find Service Object: FindObject

    3. Find NRP Object: ResolveName

    4. Determine Commission State: Annotate

    5. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    6. Set Service Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    7. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

L2TP Service Management

Use the policy createL2TPServiceProfile to create an L2TP profile. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyL2TPServiceProfile, with the parameters above, to modify an existing profile in the profileContainment view. Only the profile object is updated. You must apply the profile to an existing service object to effect the change in a service object.

Use the policy deleteL2TPServiceProfile to delete the profile specified by the parameter workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.ProfileName.

Use the policy createL2TPServiceFromProfile to create a service object in a given chassis. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyL2TPServiceFromProfile, with the parameters above, to modify an existing service.

The following scripts provide a wrapper around the policies for service management:

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createL2TPServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findTechnologyObject_createL2TPServiceProfile

    1. Find the Technology Object Name: ResolveName

    2. Create Uplink Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Create L2TP Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    4. Set L2TP Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createL2TPServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findNRP_createL2TPServiceFromProfile

    1. Find NRP by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Cisco 6400 UAC Chassis from NRP Name: GetAncestorPrimitive

    3. Find Uplink Port: ResolveName

    4. Find Profile Object: ResolveName

    5. Create Service Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    6. Create Uplink Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    7. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Profile: ApplyProfile

    9. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteL2TPService

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceObject_deleteL2TPService

    1. Find Service Object: FindObject

    2. Determine Commission State: Annotate

    3. Delete Service Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteL2TPServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_deleteL2TPServiceProfile

    1. Find Service Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete Service Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyL2TPServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_modifyL2TPServiceProfile

    1. Find Object Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Profile Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Find Service Profile Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Update Profile Uplink Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

    5. Update Profile Services Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyL2TPServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findSourceServiceFromProfile_modifyL2TPServiceFromProfile

    1. Find Service Profile: ResolveName

    2. Find Service Object: FindObject

    3. Find Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Find NRP Object: ResolveName

    5. Find Uplink Port: ResolveName

    6. Determine Commission State: Annotate

    7. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Profile: ApplyProfile

    9. Set Service Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    10. Set Uplink Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    11. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

Bridging Service Management

Use the policy createBridgingServiceProfile to create a bridged services profile. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyBridgingServiceProfile, with the parameters above, to modify an existing profile in the profileContainment view. Only the profile object is updated. You must apply the profile to an existing service object to effect the change in a service object.

Use the policy deleteBridgingServiceProfile to delete the profile specified by the parameter workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.ProfileName.

Use the policy createBridgingServiceFromProfile to create a service object in a given chassis. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyBridgingServiceFromProfile, with the parameters above to modify an existing service.

The following scripts provide a wrapper around the policies for service management:

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createBridgingServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findTechnologyObject_createBridgingServiceProfile

    1. Find the Containment Object for the Profile: ResolveName

    2. Create Uplink Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Create Bridging Service Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    4. Set Bridging Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createBridgingServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findNRP_createBridgingServiceFromProfile

    1. Find NRP Object: ResolveName

    2. Find Cisco 6400 UAC Chassis Object: GetAncestorPrimitive

    3. Find Uplink Port Object: ResolveName

    4. Find Profile Object: ResolveName

    5. Create Service Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    6. Create Uplink Service Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    7. Apply Service Object: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Service Object: ApplyProfile

    9. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteBridgingService

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceObject_deleteBridgingService

    1. Find Service Object: FindObject

    2. Determine Commission State: Annotate

    3. Delete Service Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteBridgingServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_deleteBridgingServiceProfile

    1. Find Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyBridgingServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_modifyBridgingServiceProfile

    1. Find Object Profile by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Profile Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Find Service Profile Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Update Profile Uplink Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

    5. Update Profile Services Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyBridgingServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findSourceServiceProfile_modifyBridgingServiceFromProfile

    1. Find Service Profile Object by name: ResolveName

    2. Find Service Object: FindObject

    3. Find Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Find NRP Object: ResolveName

    5. Find Uplink Port Object: ResolveName

    6. Determine State of Uplink Port Object: Annotate

    7. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Profile changes: ApplyProfile

    9. Set Service Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    10. Set Uplink Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    11. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

IRB Service Management

Use the policy createIRBServiceProfile to create an IRB profile. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyIRBServiceProfile, with the parameters above to modify an existing profile in the profileContainment view. Only the profile object is updated. You must apply the profile to an existing service object to effect the change in a service.

Use the policy deleteIRBServiceProfile to delete the profile specified by the parameter workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.ProfileName.

Use the policy createIRBServiceFromProfile to create a service object in a given chassis. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyIRBServiceFromProfile, with the following parameters, to modify an existing service:

The following scripts provide a wrapper around the policies for service management:

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createIRBServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findTechnologyObject_createIRBServiceProfile

    1. Find the Technology Object Name: ResolveName

    2. Create Uplink Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Create IRB Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    4. Set IRB Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createIRBServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findNRP_createIRBServiceFromProfile

    1. Find NRP by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Cisco 6400 UAC Chassis from NRP Name: GetAncestorPrimitive

    3. Find Uplink Port: ResolveName

    4. Find Profile Object: ResolveName

    5. Create Service Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    6. Create Uplink Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    7. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Profile: ApplyProfile

    9. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteIRBService

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceObject_deleteIRBService

    1. Find Service Object: FindObject

    2. Determine Commission State: Annotate

    3. Delete Service Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteIRBServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_deleteIRBServiceProfile

    1. Find Service Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete Service Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyIRBServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_modifyIRBServiceProfile

    1. Find Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Profile Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Find Service Profile Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Update Profile Uplink Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

    5. Update Profile Services Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyIRBServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findSourceServiceProfile_modifyIRBServiceFromProfile

    1. Find Service Profile: ResolveName

    2. Find Service Object: FindObject

    3. Find Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Find NRP Object: ResolveName

    5. Find Uplink Port: ResolveName

    6. Determine Commissioned State: Annotate

    7. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Profile changes: ApplyProfile

    9. Set Service Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    10. Set Uplink Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    11. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

RFC 1483 Service Management

Use the policy createRFC1483ServiceProfile to create an RFC 1483 profile. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyRFC1483ServiceProfile, with the parameters above to modify an existing profile in the profileContainment view. Only the profile object is updated. You must apply the profile to an existing service object to effect the change in a service.

Use the policy deleteRFC1483ServiceProfile to delete the profile specified by the parameter workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.ProfileName.

Use the policy createRFC1483ServiceFromProfile to create a service object in a given chassis. The policy expects the following parameters:

Use the policy modifyRFC1483ServiceFromProfile, with the parameters above to modify an existing service.

The following scripts provide a wrapper around the policies for service management:

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createRFC1483ServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findTechnologyObject_createRFC1483ServiceProfile

    1. Find the Technology Object Name: ResolveName

    2. Create Uplink Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    3. Create RFC1483 Profile Object and set its attributes: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    4. Set RFC1483 Profile Attributes: SetProfileAttribute

CNOM Internal Work Flow for createRFC1483ServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findNRP_createRFC1483ServiceFromProfile

    1. Find NRP by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Cisco 6400 UAC Chassis from NRP Name: GetAncestorPrimitive

    3. Find Uplink Port: ResolveName

    4. Find Profile Object: ResolveName

    5. Create Service Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    6. Create Uplink Object: ObjectDeployPrimitive

    7. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Profile: ApplyProfile

    9. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteRFC1483Service

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceObject_deleteRFC1483Service

    1. Find Service Object: FindObject

    2. Determine Commission State: Annotate

    3. Delete Service Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for deleteRFC1483ServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_deleteRFC1483ServiceProfile

    1. Find Service Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Delete Service Profile Object: ObjectDeletePrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyRFC1483ServiceProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findServiceProfile_modifyRFC1483ServiceProfile

    1. Find Profile Object by Name: ResolveName

    2. Find Profile Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    3. Find Service Profile Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Update Profile Uplink Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

    5. Update Profile Services Attributes: SetAttributesPrimitive

CNOM Internal Work Flow for modifyRFC1483ServiceFromProfile

Initial State: C6400DMMCtrller:C6400DMM.findSourceServiceProfile_modifyRFC1483ServiceFromProfile

    1. Find Service Profile: ResolveName

    2. Find Service Object: FindObject

    3. Find Uplink Object: GetDescendantPrimitive

    4. Find NRP Object: ResolveName

    5. Find Uplink Port: ResolveName

    6. Determine Commissioned State: Annotate

    7. Apply Service Profile: ApplyProfile

    8. Apply Uplink Profile changes: ApplyProfile

    9. Set Service Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    10. Set Uplink Parameters: SetAttributesPrimitive

    11. Commission Service: InvokeActionPrimitive

Cisco WAN Manager Profile Policies

Cisco Wan Manager (CWM) profiles consist of WAN QoS parameter profiles and ATM QoS profiles. You can set up the profiles in CWM GUI, or through the policies supported by the CWM NOA.

WAN QoS Profile Policies

There are two policies that support WAN QoS profile management:

Use the policy create_cwm_QoS to create a WAN QoS profile. The policy expects the following attributes in the work order:

To create a WAN QoS profile (ATMDMMQOS object) use the following script:

./create_cwm_qos <ProfileName> <ProfileType> [<attribute=value>]

The supported profile types are listed in Table B-1.

Table B-1: WAN QoS Profile Types
Profile Type Description


Constant bit rate (cell loss priority [CLP] not applicable)


Variable bit rate (CLP not applicable)


Variable bit rate


Variable bit rate (CLP enabled)


Available bit rate (CLP enabled; ForeSight enabled)


Unspecified bit rate (CLP disabled)


Unspecified bit rate (CLP enabled)


Available bit rate

Caution   You must adhere to valid attribute ranges when creating a WAN QoS profile (Table B-2).

Table B-2: WAN QoS Valid Attribute Ranges
Attribute Name Type Valid Attribute Ranges



(1 to 10,200) as the following:
cbr1(1), vbr1(2), vbr2(3), vbr3(4), abr-fs(5), fr-fs(6), fr(7), ubr-1(8), ubr-2(9), abr-1(10), unknown(200)



(0 to 15)



(none(1), satellite(2), terrestrial(3))



(false(1), true(2))



(enable(1), disable(2))



(10 to 1412832)



(0 to 5000000)



(1 to 100)



(enable, disable)



(7 to 1412832)



(1 to 5000000)



(enable, disable)



(0 to 1412832)



(0 to 1412832)



(1 to 32768)



(1 to 255)



(2 to 256)



(0 to 1048320)



(0 to 16700)



(enable, disable)



(policingVbr1(1), Vbr2(2), Vbr3(3), Pcrpic(4), none(5))



(0 to 1412832)



(62 to 255000)

If you do not assign a value to an attribute, the default value is used.

Use the policy remove_cwm_QoS to remove a WAN QoS profile. The policy expects the following attributes in the work order:

To remove a WAN QoS profile, use the following script:

./remove_cwm_qos <ProfileName>

WAN Connection Management

Use WAN Connection Management to create and remove connections in:

WAN Cloud Connection

The policy connectSubscriber_cwm sets up a connection between ingress and egress ports on the appropriate nodes in a WAN cloud. The policy expects the following attributes in the work order:

To run the policy successfully, satisfy the following conditions:

To set up the connection inside the WAN cloud, use the following script:

./connect_cwm <Connection_ID> <QoS type> <ingressNode> <ingressSlot> <ingressPort> <ingressVpi> <ingressVci> <egressNode> <egressSlot> <egressPort> [<egressVpi> <egressVci>]

Disconnect CWM Connection

The policy disconnect_cwm eliminates a connection in a WAN cloud and removes it from CNOM view.

The policy expects the following attribute in the work order:

You can also run this policy by using the script disconnect_cwm as follows:

./disconnect_cwm <Connection_ID>

Posted: Sun Sep 29 05:27:43 PDT 2002
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