
Table of Contents

Cisco Network Order Manager Introduction

Cisco Network Order Manager Introduction

This chapter describes the management associated with Cisco Network Order Manager (CNOM), which includes multiple management modules (or Network Order Adapters [NOAs]). NOAs are CNOM components that are connected to specific management modules in CDM, CWM, or SCM. Each specific management module interprets the actions of the management module to which it is connected and forwards this information to CNOM.

Cisco Network Order Manager Components and Features

You can use CNOM to manage DSL service life cycle: the creation, modification, and deletion of customer services achieved by performing specific reconfiguration of network equipment in a specific order. CNOM provides order management systems with a consistent interface for requesting services when the network equipment that supports the services vary within an operator, and will vary over time. Key CNOM components that support successful operation in complex, evolving environments include:

Each NOA:

CNOM provides a capability to manage Layer 2 connections in network architectures which contain the following devices:

CNOM is versatile enough to use in a variety of environments (see "Using Cisco Network Order Manager in a DSLAM Architecture," "Configuring a Multiple Cisco 6400 UAC Architecture," and "Configuring a WAN Environment").

System Architecture

CNOM is made up of a number of processes that work together to execute network management tasks. The processes all use the same API that is used to develop CEMF-based element managers and are able to access all aspects of the CEMF information model. Table 2-1 describes CEMF aspects:

CNOM is focused on connection management, and in this application uses each of the above capabilities to perform specific activities within that context. See the examples in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1: CEMF Capabilities and Typical CNOM Activities
CEMF Capability Typical CNOM Activities

Navigate CEMF views

Find the chassis object that contains a specified ATM interface.
Find a mapping object with the specified name.

Create/delete CEMF objects

Create profiles which will later be applied to PVC objects.

Read/write attributes

Read topology attributes to determine which interface on another device is connected to a particular port.

Perform EMS user action

Create a PVC connection within a device.

Network Orders

A network order is a list of attributes or value pairs set on the processes:/ddmGateway object. At a minimum, a network order contains the following:

Connection, service, and profile management scripts require you to set other attributes. The attributes you set depend on which policy you invoke and on which features of the policy are required.

When a network order appears as arguments to a CNOM command such as socketDaSet, you must supply appropriate escape characters to prevent the shell from interpreting the parentheses.

If a network order command is generated in a different language (for example, a perl script), you must escape further. For example, the following is from the getConnectionData script:

$command = "/opt/cemf/bin/socketDaSet processes:/ddmGateway workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectionIdentifier \"(@ARGV[0])\" workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.workOrderPolicy \"(getATMConnectionData)\" workOrder:DDM.finalWorkOrder \"()\" ";


Submitting Network Orders

Enter a network order into CNOM for processing by sending an ASCII string containing the network order to a TCP port or by setting attributes on a ddmGateway object. The attributes you set depend on the policy you are invoking.

Set network orders in any of the following ways:

These methods are described in the following sections.

You can use any or all of these methods on a CNOM system. Network orders are processed asynchronously, which means that new network orders may be submitted before previous orders have been completed. Several network orders may execute simultaneously, subject to the value of maxExecuting in the ddmGateway.init file.

Submitting Network Orders Using the CNOM socketDaSet Command

The CNOM command socketDaSet submits its arguments in the form of an ASCII message to the ddmGateway TCP socket interface on a specified CEMF server.

Use the socketDaSet command to:

Submitting Network Orders Using a TCP Socket

To submit network orders directly to the ddmGateway process, send them to a specified port (10531, by default) on the machine on which CNOM is running. The network order has the same form as the arguments to socketDaSet. The ddmGateway process starts processing text when it receives a new line character. Responses are sent back to the calling process on the return channel of the socket on which the network order was submitted.

Submitting Network Orders Using the CEMF CORBA Gateway

The CEMF CORBA Gateway provides a way to set attributes on objects in CEMF. You can use it to set network order attributes on processes:/ddmGateway.

Note   To build a client that can access CEMF services, use the CEMF CORBA Gateway Developer Kit.

Note   For projects involving integration of CNOM with other systems, use the TCP socket interface or the CEMF CORBA Gateway.

Network Order Policies

The network processes carried out by CNOM are defined in network order policies (NOPs) which use an ASCII representation of UML state-machine notation to describe a work flow that implements the required network activity.

An NOP is defined by a set of states, each of which executes a code block known as a primitive. Primitives run inside Network Order Adapter (NOA) processes and are able to:

NOPs are stored in a set of text files in the directory <CEMF_ROOT>/config/ddmGateway/policies and are read by CNOM processes (ddmGateway and each individual CNOM module) at startup, or when you run the CNOM command policyFileParser. A file can contain the definition of more than one policy, and all the files in the policy directory are parsed by each CNOM process.

An NOP defines the initial state in the policy, and defines a cleanup policy that runs if an invocation of the policy fails to complete successfully.

Aliases define mappings between attributes in the internal network order, which allow you to copy values from one internal network order attribute to another.

The following sections describe the following policy components:


A state defines actions performed at a particular point in the network process. A state contains the following parameters:


Transitions in the policy define the flow of the network process between states. Transitions are either success-based or failure-based. When a primitive completes:


Primitives are high-level instructions executed in NOAs during invocation of a policy. Each state in a policy specifies an NOA and a primitive which runs when the state is entered. Primitives can read information from any part of the internal network order, but can only write into the section owned by the NOA that executes it.

Primitives typically provide a wrapper for functionality that requires many steps involving:

Primitives in NOAs perform simple functions such as setting a CEMF attributes and complex functions such as making PVC connections across a subtended tree of DSLAMs.

Primitives enable you to develop policies with a minimum knowledge of device-specific detail.


If an attribute is used in a primitive, an alias allows the value of that attribute to be substituted for the value of another attribute. Aliases are most often used to allow primitives to access attribute values supplied in the original network order, but can be used to copy information from any part of the internal network order.

Cleanup Policy

Each policy defines a cleanup policy which runs if a policy invocation returns to the ddmGateway process through the failure primitive. The purpose of the cleanup policy is to remove any objects from CEMF together with corresponding device configurations that may have been created during a failed policy invocation, and to clean out any cached data from the NOAs relating to that connection.


CNOM uses profiles in CEMF element managers to store sets of attribute values that can be applied from a menu item or programmatically. CNOM leverages this feature to allow a network order to specify a single serviceCharacteristics attribute value which corresponds to the name of profiles in different element managers.

Topology Attributes

CNOM uses topology attributes to navigate between physically and logically connected devices. Topology attributes are created at run time. Because the CEMF dynamic object model allows these attributes to be created on objects without requiring a system halt or database regeneration, CNOM is able to create topology attributes. When an attribute is defined in a policy and the policy is read by the ddmGateway process, the necessary metadata for the attribute is created. After the attribute is created, it is available for set and get operations.

Some topology attributes used in CNOM include:

When you deploy new equipment in CEMF, set the attributes using script utilities. Refer to each supported architecture which uses attributes for details on the specific topology attributes.

Mapping Objects

In some operational environments, the system sending network orders to CNOM uses its own naming convention for CEMF objects and does not have access to CEMF names. CNOM uses mapping objects to allow network orders to refer to an object using a name other than a CEMF containment name. Mapping objects allow policies to which CEMF object and external name refers.

Mapping objects are located in a special view (ObjectMapView) which is not visible in the CEMF View application. The mapping objects are assigned the names that will be used in network orders, and have an attribute whose value is the CEMF object ID of the CEMF object to which the name refers. To resolve an external name to a CEMF object ID, look up the name in the mapping view, and then get the value of the attribute LocalDB:DDMMappingObject.targetObject.

CNOM provides primitives and utilities for mapping objects. The use of the utilities is described in the following chapters.

Use the following command to list all the mapping objects in a CNOM system.

% cemfql "select objects from containment ObjectMapView: (startLevel=1, endLevel=0)"

Selected 5 objects







In the previous example, the mapping objects are used to resolve from a subscriber phone number to the object ID of an ATM interface on a DSLAM.

The mapping object view is categorized by a mapping type (DDMTopology.lineID in the example) which allows mapping objects that are used for different purposes to be stored separately. In order to be able to retrieve a list of mapping objects that refer to a given CEMF object without performing a query over all mapping objects, an attribute is set on each target object to contain a comma separated list of mapping object names. The name of this attribute is specific to the mapping type.

Policy Storage

Policies are stored in the directory <CEMF_ROOT>/config/ddmGateway/policies. Use the genPolicyDoc command to generate an HTML representation of policies.

Network Order Adapters

Network Order Adapters are processes that execute primitives to fulfill a network order.

To develop NOAs, use a library that supplies:

NOAs are typically developed to implement primitives specific to a device type such as DSLAM, or a Cisco 6400 UAC.

When an NOA starts up, it reads all the policies in the <CEMF_ROOT>/config/ddmGateway/policies directory. The NOA then has knowledge of all the policies and the part it plays in each one. States in a policy define the network order adapter that will run the primitive for that state.

Network Order Adapters:

ddmGateway Process

Use the following list as a reference of the ddmGateway processes.

Data Synchronization

CNOM uses a CEMF controller (syslog) to monitor for object create and delete events through the participation framework. When an event is detected the controller logs the information to a file using standard CEMF facilities. CNOM Synchronization logs the following data:

Using syslog provides a means to log data on a remote machine for use in a recovery process.

Data Recovery

When CEMF is restored from backup, and VCs were created between the backup and the time when the CEMF system last operated, VCs configured on devices, which do not exist in the element manager object models, are present. Also, VCs that were created in the same time period exist in CEMF, but not on the device. The CNOM recovery feature enables logging of all network orders that create or delete VC connections, and to replay the network orders that were entered between the time of the backup that is used to restore the system, and the last time the system operated. The replay re-creates or deletes the objects in the CEMF that correspond to the VCs that were created or deleted in the period following the backup.

Posted: Tue Sep 17 07:52:10 PDT 2002
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