
Table of Contents

Viewing Performance Data
Viewing Current Performance Data in the Interface Performance Windows
Viewing Historical Performance Data

Viewing Performance Data

This chapter describes the interface performance windows in which you can view real-time, current performance information within 10-second polled intervals for interfaces and line cards. This chapter also describes how to access CDM windows that display historical performance data.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Performance polling collects historical data and occurs over a specified time period. Current performance data that you can view on the specific interface performance windows is live; that is, the interface performance windows display what the interface is doing at that moment.

Viewing Current Performance Data in the Interface Performance Windows

This section describes the interface performance windows that are specific to an interface and that display current, live data for that interface. This section includes the following topics:

Viewing CPU Performance Data of NI Cards

You can see how busy the CPU of an NI card is at any given time in the Module Performance window. For example, you may be issuing a lot of SNMP read/write operations on a particular chassis. The load on the CPU of the NI card for that chassis immediately increases; this load on the CPU is reflected in the Module Performance window.

Complete the following steps to open the Module Performance window:

Step 1   From the Physical view, right-click the NI card whose CPU performance you want to view to access the object menu.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Module > CPU Performance.

The Module Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-1.)

Figure 8-1   Module Performance Window

Step 3   Click Start in the Performance Logging area to initiate performance logging; click Stop to end performance logging.

The Module Performance window displays the same information as the IOS command:

sh processes | include CPU

The Module Performance window has one tab, Performance. The CPU Usage area displays the following information about the NI card CPU.

Viewing xDSL Interface Performance Data

The Interface Performance window displays generic performance data for the selected interface. This section applies to viewing line card interface performance data for interfaces such as FlexiDMT and FlexiCAP.

To open the Interface Performance window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   From the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the chassis for which you want to view interface performance data.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > XDSL > Generic from the object menu.

The Interface Performance window opens to the Performance (1) tab. (See Figure 8-2.)

Figure 8-2   Interface Performance Window—Performance (1) Tab

The chassis, card, and interface that you selected is highlighted in the list boxes on the left side of the window.

The interface performance information for the selected interface displays on the right.

Step 3   Click Start to start performance logging on the selected interface.

Step 4   Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog box to begin performance logging.

The Action Report dialog box opens to inform you that performance logging is on.

Step 5   Click Close to close the Action Report dialog box.

Note    Performance logging logs data that displays in the Performance Manager window.

Step 6   Click Stop in the Interface Performance window to stop global performance logging.

Step 7   Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog box to stop performance logging.

Tip After you have clicked the Stop or Start button, you cannot click that button again.

The Performance (1) tab displays three areas—General Information, Packets/Octets Statistics, and Performance Logging. The fields in this tab are described in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1   Interface Performance Window—Performance (1) Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description
General Information


Displays the number of times the interface resets internally.

Transmitted Bandwidth Utilization

Displays the percentage of the bandwidth for transmitting data that is being used.

Received Bandwidth Utilization

Displays the percentage of the bandwidth for receiving data that is being used.

Packets/Octets Statistics

In Octets

Displays the total number of packets received on the interface, including framing characters.

In Bits/sec

Displays the average number of bits per second received during the last 5-minute period.

In Packets/sec

Displays the average number of packets per second received during the last 5-minute period.

In Unicast Packets

Displays the number of packets received by the layer that were not addressed as multicast or broadcast packets.

In Multicast Packets

Displays the number of packets received by the layer addressed as multicast.

In Broadcast Packets

Displays the number of packets received by the layer addressed as broadcast.

Out Octets

Displays the total number of packets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Out Bits/sec

Displays the average number of bits per second transmitted during the last 5-minute period.

Out Packets/sec

Displays the average number of packets per second transmitted during the last 5-minute period.

Out Unicast Packets

Displays the number of packets transmitted by the layer that were not addressed as multicast or broadcast packets.

Out Multicast Packets

Displays the number of packets transmitted by the layer addressed as multicast packets.

Out Broadcast Packets

Displays the number of packets transmitted by the layer addressed as broadcast packets.

Performance Logging


Click to start performance logging.


Click to stop performance logging.

The Interface Performance window Performance (2) tab displays Error Statistics. (See Figure 8-3.)

Figure 8-3   Interface Performance Window—Performance (2) Tab

The Performance (2) tab displays a single Error Statistics area; the fields in this area are described in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2   Interface Performance Window—Performance (2) Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description


Displays the number of input packets that were smaller than the physical media permits.


Displays the number of input packets input that were larger than the physical media permits.


Displays the number of output collisions detected on this interface.

Aborted Packets

Displays the number of input packets that were aborted.

Ignored Packets

Displays the number of input packets ignored by the selected interface.

Overrun Packets

Displays the number of input packets that arrived too quickly for the hardware to receive.

Misaligned Packets

Displays the number of misaligned input packets.

In Errored Packets

Displays the number of input packets that contained errors.

In Discarded Packets

Displays the number of input packets selected to be discarded even though no errors are found.

In Packets Dropped

Displays the number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.

Out Errored Packets

Displays the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Out Discarded Packets

Displays the number of outbound packets selected to be discarded even though no errors were detected.

Out Packets Dropped

Displays the number of outbound packets dropped because the output queue is full.

CRC Errored Packets

Displays the number of input packets that contain cyclic redundancy checksum errors.

The Interface Performance window Performance (3) tab displays Packets/Octets Statistics (High Capacity). This tab is shown in Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4   Interface Performance Window—Performance (3) Tab

The fields in this tab are described in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3   Interface Performance Window—Performance (3) Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

In Octets1

Displays the number of in octets.

Out Octets

Displays the number of out octets.

In Unicast2 Packets

Displays the number of in unicast packets.

Out Unicast Packets

Displays the number of in unicast packets.

In Multicast Packets

Not used.

Out Multicast Packets

Not used.

In Broadcast Packets

Not used.

Out Broadcast Packets

Not used.

1octet = an eighth-bit byte

2unicast = point-to-point communication

Viewing ADSL (DMT) Interface Performance Data

This section includes the following topics:

You can view performance data about the ADSL interface in the ADSL Interface Performance window. Complete the following steps to view ADSL performance data:

Step 1   From the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the line card whose ADSL performance data you want to view.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > XDSL > ADSL from the object menu.

The ADSL Interface Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-5.)

Figure 8-5   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Line Performance (1) Tab

Note    The software automatically creates four DMT interfaces when you deploy a DMT line card. These DMT interfaces are actually ATM over ADSL over DMT interfaces, which means that all three interfaces are combined in CDM and identified by the last specific DMT interface. Therefore, when you view performance information for an ADSL interface, it is identified as a DMT interface.

Step 3   From the list boxes on the left, select the relevant chassis, card, and ADSL interface. The current performance information for the selected ADSL interface appears on the right.

The ADSL Performance window contains six tabs:

The fields in these tabs are described in the following sections.

Viewing the ADSL Interface Performance Window—Line Performance (1) Tab

The Line Performance (1) tab contains two areas—Agent Reset and Current 15 Minutes. These fields are described in Table 8-4.

Note   The Agent refers to the Cisco DSLAM chassis.

Note   The Current 15 Minutes area displays information collected during the most recent 15-minute interval for which performance monitoring information was derived.

Table 8-4   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Line Performance (1) Tab
Field Descriptions

Field Description
Agent Reset

Loss of Signal

Displays the total number of loss of signal failures since the last reset.

Initialization Attempts

Displays the total number of line initialization attempts since reset. It includes both successful and failed attempts.

Loss of Link

Displays the number of loss of link failures since reset.

Loss of Power

Displays the number of loss of power failures since reset.

Errored Seconds

Displays the number of errored seconds since reset.

Loss of Frame

Displays the number of loss of framing failures since reset.

Valid Intervals

Displays the number of previous intervals for which valid data has been stored.

Invalid Intervals

Displays the number of previous intervals for which invalid data has been stored.

Current 15 Minutes

Loss of Signal

Displays the number of seconds in the current 15-minute interval during which loss of signal was detected.

Initialization Attempts

Displays the number of line initialization attempts in the current 15-minute interval. It includes both successful and failed attempts.

Loss of Link

Displays the number of seconds in the current 15-minute interval during which loss of link was detected.

Loss of Power

Displays the number of seconds in the current 15-minute interval during which loss of power was detected.

Errored Seconds

Displays the number of errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.

Loss of Frame

Displays the number of seconds in the current 15-minute interval during which loss of framing was detected.

Elapsed Time

Displays the number of seconds that have elapsed in the specified interval. A full interval is 900 seconds.

Viewing the ADSL Interface Performance Window—Line Performance (2) Tab

The Line Performance (2) tab contains two areas—Current Day and Previous 1 Day. (See Figure 8-6.)

Figure 8-6   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Line Performance (2) Tab

The fields in this tab are described in Table 8-5.

Note   The Current Day area displays the time in the current day during which the performance monitoring information is actually counted. This value is normally the same as the total interval duration except in when performance monitoring data cannot be collected.

Note   The Previous 1 Day area displays the time in the previous 1-day interval during which the performance monitoring information was actually counted. This value is normally the same as the total interval duration except when performance monitoring data cannot be collected. Typically, elapsed 1-day time is copied into monitored seconds when the 1-day rollover occurs.

Table 8-5   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Line Performance (2) Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description
Current Day

Loss of Signal

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of signal during the current day.

Initialization Attempts

Displays the number of line initialization attempts in the day. It includes both successful and failed attempts.

Loss of Link

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of link during the current day.

Loss of Power

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of power during the current day.

Errored Seconds

Displays the number of errored seconds that have elapsed during the current day.

Loss of Frame

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of framing during the current day.

Elapsed Time

Displays the number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the current 1-day interval.

Previous 1 Day

Loss of Signal

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of signal during the previous day.

Initialization Attempts

Displays the number of line initialization attempts in the previous day. It includes both successful and failed attempts.

Loss of Link

Displays the number of seconds over which there was loss of link during the previous day.

Loss of Power

Displays the number of seconds over which there was loss of power during the previous day.

Errored Seconds

Displays the number of errored seconds that have elapsed during the current day.

Loss of Frame

Displays the number of seconds over which there was loss of framing during the previous day.

Monitored Seconds

Displays the number of seconds over which data was collected or monitored during the previous day.

Viewing the ADSL Interface Performance Window—Fast Channel Performance (1) Tab

The Fast Channel Performance (1) tab contains two areas—Agent Reset and Current 15 Minutes. (See Figure 8-7.)

Note   An interface is set to either fast channel or interleave, which determines which of these tabs display data. If set to fast channel, the Fast Channel Performance (1) and (2) tabs display data; if set to interleave, the Interleave Channel Performance (1) and (20 tabs display data.

Figure 8-7   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Fast Channel Performance (1) Tab

Table 8-6 describes the fields that are in the Fast Channel Performance (1) tab.

Table 8-6   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Fast Channel Performance (1) Tab
Field Descriptions

Field Description
Agent Reset

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted since the last agent reset.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted since the last agent reset.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted since the last agent reset.

Valid Intervals

Displays the number of intervals since the last agent reset during which data monitoring was valid.

Invalid Intervals

Displays the number of intervals since the last agent reset during which data monitoring was not valid.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data received since the last agent reset.

Current 15 Minutes

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted during the current 15-minute interval.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted during the current 15-minute interval.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted during the current 15-minute interval.

Time Elapsed

Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the start of the current 15-minute interval.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data received during the current 15-minute interval.

Viewing the ADSL Interface Performance Window—Fast Channel Performance (2) Tab

The Fast Channel Performance (2) tab contains two areas—Current Day and Previous 1 Day. (See Figure 8-8.)

Figure 8-8   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Fast Channel Performance (2) Tab

Table 8-7 describes the fields that are in the Fast Channel Performance (2) tab.

Table 8-7   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Fast Channel Performance (2) Tab
Attribute Descriptions

Attribute Description
Current Day

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted during the current day interval.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted during the current day interval.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted during the current day interval.

Time Elapsed

Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the start of the current day interval.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data received during the current day interval.

Previous 1 Day

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted during the previous day interval.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted during the previous day interval.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted during the previous day interval.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data received during the previous day interval.

Monitored Seconds

Displays the number of seconds during the previous day interval when data was monitored.

Viewing the ADSL Interface Performance Window—Interleave Channel Performance (1) Tab

The Interleave Channel Performance (1) tab contains two areas—Agent Reset and Current 15 Minutes. (See Figure 8-9.)

Note   An interface is set to either fast channel or interleave, which determines which of these tabs display data. If set to fast channel, the Fast Channel Performance (1) and (2) tabs display data; if set to interleave, the Interleave Channel Performance (1) and (20 tabs display data.

Figure 8-9   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Interleave Channel Performance (1) Tab

The Interleave Channel Performance (1) tab fields are described in Table 8-8.

Table 8-8   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Interleave Channel Performance (1) Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description
Agent Reset

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted since the last agent reset.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted since the last agent reset.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted since the last agent reset.

Valid Intervals

Displays the number of intervals since the last agent reset during which data monitoring was valid.

Invalid Intervals

Displays the number of intervals since the last agent reset during which data monitoring was not valid.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data received since the last agent reset.

Current 15 Minutes

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted during the current 15-minute interval.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted during the current 15-minute interval.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted during the current 15-minute interval.

Time Elapsed

Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the start of the current 15-minute interval.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data received during the current 15-minute interval.

Viewing the ADSL Interface Performance Window—Interleave Channel Performance (2) Tab

The Interleave Channel Performance (2) tab contains two areas—Current Day and Previous 1 Day. (See Figure 8-10.)

Figure 8-10   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Interleave Channel Performance (2) Tab

The ADSL Interface Performance Window Interleave Channel Performance (2) tab fields are described in Table 8-9.

Table 8-9   ADSL Interface Performance Window—Fast Channel Performance (2) Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description
Current Day

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted during the current day interval.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted during the current day interval.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted during the current day interval.

Monitored Seconds

Displays the number of seconds during the current day interval when data was monitored.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of data blocks received during the current day interval.

Previous 1 Day

Transmitted Blocks

Displays the number of blocks of data transmitted during the previous day interval.

Uncorrected Blocks

Displays the number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted during the previous day interval.

Corrected Blocks

Displays the number of corrected blocks of data transmitted during the previous day interval.

Monitored Seconds

Displays the number of seconds during the previous day interval when data was monitored.

Received Blocks

Displays the number of data blocks received during the previous day interval.

Viewing SDSL Interface Performance Data

The SDSL Interface Performance window displays performance data for SDSL or G.SHDSL interfaces.

To view the SDSL Performance window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   In the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the SDSL or G.SHDSL card whose performance data you want to view.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > XDSL > SDSL from the object menu.

The SDSL Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-11.)

Figure 8-11   SDSL Performance Window

The interface that you selected is highlighted in the list box on the left side of the Map Viewer window. You can also select another SDSL or G.SHDSL interface from the list box.

Step 3   From the list boxes at the left, choose the relevant chassis, card, and SDSL or G.SHDSL interface.

The current performance information for the selected interface displays on the right.

The SDSL Performance window contains four tabs described in the following sections:

Viewing the SDSL Performance Window Current 15 Minutes Tab

The Current 15 Minutes Tab contains two areas—G.SHDSL and G.SHDSL/SDSL. (See Figure 8-11.)

Table 8-10 describes the fields that are in the Current 15 Minutes tab. Each field contains both a downstream and upstream column, except for the Unavailable Resources and the Line Initializations fields, which display downstream data only.

Table 8-10   SDSL Performance Window—Current 15 Minutes Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

Loss of Signal Seconds

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of signal during the current 15 minutes.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 15 minutes.

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 15 minutes.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 15 minutes.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 15 minutes.

Unavailable Resources

Displays the total number of unavailable resources encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 15 minutes.


LOSQ1 Seconds

Displays the number of LOSQ failures experienced by the STU-C for the current 15-minutes. The Upstream column displays G.SHDSL data only.

Elapsed Time

Amount of time that has elapsed. The Upstream column displays G.SHDSL data only.

Line Initializations

Displays the number of line initializations that occurred during the current 15-minute interval.

1LOSQ = loss of signal quality

Viewing the SDSL Performance Window Current 1 Day Tab

The Current 1 Day Tab contains two areas—G.SHDSL and G.SHDSL/SDSL. (See Figure 8-12.)

Figure 8-12   SDSL Performance Window—Current 1 Day Tab Field Descriptions

Table 8-11 describes the fields that are in the Current 1 Day tab. Each field contains both a downstream and upstream column, except for the Unavailable Resources and the Line Initializations fields, which display downstream data only.

Table 8-11   SDSL Performance Window—Current 1 Day Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

Loss of Signal Seconds

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of signal during the current 1 day.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 1 day.

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 1 day.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 1 day.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 1 day.

Unavailable Resources

Displays the total number of unavailable resources encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the current 1 day.


LOSQ Seconds

Displays the number of LOSQ failures experienced by the STU-C for the current 1 day. The Upstream column displays G.SHDSL data only.

Elapsed Time

Amount of time that has elapsed. The Upstream column displays G.SHDSL data only.

Line Initializations

Displays the number of line initializations that occurred during the current 1 day.

Viewing the SDSL Performance Window Previous 1 Day Tab

The Previous 1 Day Tab contains two areas—G.SHDSL and G.SHDSL/SDSL. (See Figure 8-13.)

Figure 8-13   SDSL Performance Window—Previous 1 Day Tab Field Descriptions

Table 8-11 describes the fields that are in the Previous 1 Day tab. Each field contains both a downstream and upstream column, except for the Unavailable Resources and the Line Initializations fields, which display downstream data only.

Table 8-12   SDSL Performance Window—Previous 1 Day Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

Loss of Signal Seconds

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of signal during the previous 1 day.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the previous 1 day.

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the previous 1 day.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the previous 1 day.

Performance Monitoring Seconds

Displays the number of seconds that the interface performance is being monitored in the previous 1 day.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the previous 1 day.

Unavailable Resources

Displays the total number of unavailable resources encountered by the G.SHDSL interface during the previous 1 day.


LOSQ Seconds

Displays the number of LOSQ failures experienced by the STU-C for the previous 1 day. The Upstream column displays G.SHDSL data only.

Line Initializations

Displays the number of line initializations that occurred during the previous 1 day.

Viewing the SDSL Performance Window Agent Reset Tab

The Agent Reset Tab contains two areas—G.SHDSL and G.SHDSL/SDSL. (See Figure 8-14.)

Figure 8-14   SDSL Performance Window—Agent Reset Tab Field Descriptions

Table 8-13 describes the fields that are in the Agent Reset tab. Each field contains both a downstream and upstream column, except for the Unavailable Resources and the Line Initializations fields, which display downstream data only.

Table 8-13   SDSL Performance Window—Agent Reset Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

Loss of Signal Seconds

Displays the number of seconds since there was loss of signal since agent reset.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the G.SHDSL interface since agent reset.

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface since agent reset.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface since agent reset.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the G.SHDSL interface since agent reset.

Unavailable Resources

Displays the total number of unavailable resources encountered by the G.SHDSL interface since agent reset.


LOSQ Seconds

Displays the number of LOSQ failures experienced by the STU-C since agent reset. The Upstream column displays G.SHDSL data only.

Line Initializations

Displays the number of line initializations that occurred since agent reset.

Invalid Performance Intervals

Displays the number of invalid performance intervals since agent reset.

Valid Intervals

Displays the number of valid intervals since agent reset. The Upstream column displays G.SHDSL data only.

Viewing T1/E1 Interface Performance Data

The T1/E1 Interface Performance window displays performance data for the T1/E1 port on the NI-2 card. To view the T1/E1 Interface Performance window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   From the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the NI-2 card for T1/E1 interface whose performance you want to monitor.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > T1/E1 from the object menu.

The T1/E1 Interface Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-16.) The T1/E1 Interface Performance window has one tab—Performance.

Figure 8-15   T1/E1 Interface Performance Window— Performance Tab

The chassis, card, and interface that you selected is highlighted in the list boxes on the left side of the T1/E1 Interface Status window. The current performance information for the selected T1/E1 interface appears on the right.

The fields in T1/E1 Interface Status window are described in Table 8-15.

Table 8-14   T1/E1 Interface Performance Window Field Descriptions

Field Description

Severely Errored Framing Seconds

Displays the number of severely errored framing seconds that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Degraded Minutes

Displays the number of degraded minutes that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Line Errored Seconds

Displays the number of line errored seconds that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Line Code Violations

Displays the number of line code violations that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Errored Seconds

Displays the number of errored seconds that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Path Code Violations

Displays the number of path code violations that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the number of unavailable seconds that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Controlled Slip Seconds

Displays the number of controlled slip seconds that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Bursty Errored Seconds

Displays the number of bursty errored seconds that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the number of severely errored seconds that the DS1 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Viewing DS3/E3 Interface Performance Data

The DS3/E3 Interface Performance window displays performance data for the DS3/E3 port on the NI-2 card. To view the DS3/E3 Interface Performance window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   From the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the NI-2 card for DS3/E3 interface whose performance you want to monitor.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > DS3/E3 from the object menu.

The DS3/E3 Interface Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-16.) The DS3/E3 Interface Performance window has two tabs—DS3 Performance and E3 Performance.

Figure 8-16   DS3 Interface Performance Window—DS3 Performance Tab

The chassis, card, and interface that you selected is highlighted in the list boxes on the left side of the DS3/E3 Interface Status window. The current performance information for the selected DS3/E3 interface appears on the right.

The DS3 Performance tab contains two areas, DS3 Statistics, and Far End DS3 Statistics. The fields in this tab are described in Table 8-15.

Table 8-15   DS3/E3 Interface Performance Window—DS3 Performance Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description
DS3 Statistics

C-bit1 Coding Violations

Counts the number of C-bit coding violations that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

C-bit Errored Seconds

Counts the number of C-bit errored seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

C-bit Severely Errored Seconds

Counts the number of C-bit severely errored seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

P-bit Coding Violations

Counts the number of P-bit coding violations that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

P-bit Errored Seconds

Counts the number of P-bit errored seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

P-bit Severely Errored Seconds

Counts the number of P-bit severely errored seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Unavailable Seconds

Counts the number of P-bit unavailable seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Far End DS3 Statistics

C-bit Coding Violations

Counts the number of far-end, C-bit coding violations that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

C-bit Errored Seconds

Counts the number of far-end, C-bit errored seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

C-bit Severely Errored Seconds

Counts the number of far-end, C-bit severely errored seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Unavailable Seconds

Counts the number of far-end, C-bit unavailable seconds that a DS3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

1C-bit = Signaling and control bits used in some T-carrier systems for synchronization and parity-checking error control.

The DS3/E3 Interface Performance window E3 Performance tab is shown in Figure 8-17.

Figure 8-17   DS3/E3 Interface Performance Window—E3 Performance Tab

The DS3/E3 Interface Performance window E3 Performance tab contains three areas—Current E3 Status, Interval E3 STatus, and Total E3 Status. The fields in this tab are described in Table 8-16.

Table 8-16   DS3/E3 Interface Performance Window—E3 Performance Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description
Current E3 Status

C-Severely Errored Framing Seconds

Counts the number of current, severely errored framing seconds that an E3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

C-Line Errored Seconds

Counts the number of current, line errored seconds that an E3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

C-Line Coding Violations

Counts the number of current, line coding violations that an E3 interface encountered in the current 15-minute interval.

Interval E3 Status

I-Severely Errored Framing Seconds

Counts the number of severely errored framing seconds that an E3 interface encountered in one of the previous 96 individual 15-minute intervals.

I-Line Errored Seconds

Counts the number of errored framing seconds that an E3 interface encountered in one of the previous 96 individual 15-minute intervals.

I-Line Coding Violations

Counts the number of coding violations that an E3 interface encountered in one of the previous 96 individual 15-minute intervals.

Total E3 Status

T-Severely Errored Framing Seconds

Counts the total number of severely errored framing seconds that an E3 interface encountered in the previous 24-hour interval.

T-Line Errored Seconds

Counts the total number of line errored seconds that an E3 interface encountered in the previous 24-hour interval.

T-Line Coding Violations

Counts the total number of line coding violations that an E3 interface encountered in the previous 24-hour interval.

Viewing ATM Interface Performance Data

This section includes the following topics:

To view the ATM Interface Performance data window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   From the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click either the DMT line card or a NI-2 card whose performance data you want to view.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > ATM from the object menu.

The ATM Interface Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-18.) The ATM Interface Performance window has one tab, the Performance tab.

Figure 8-18   ATM Interface Performance Window

Note    CDM automatically creates four DMT interfaces when you deploy a DMT line card. These DMT interfaces are actually ATM over ADSL over DMT interfaces. This means that all three interfaces are combined in CDM and identified by the last specific DMT interface. Therefore, when you view performance information for an ATM interface, it is identified as a DMT interface.

The relevant chassis, card, and ATM interface that you selected is highlighted in the list boxes on the left side of the window. The current performance information for the selected ATM interface displays on the right.

The Performance tab contains four areas:

These tabs are described in the following sections.

Viewing the ATM Interface Performance Window Transmitted and Received Areas

Received and transmitted gauges are displayed from a subscriber point of view. The transmitted values display the number of cells per second that the subscriber is transmitting. The received values display the number of cells per second that the subscriber is receiving.

The Transmitted and Received areas display the same attribute parameters, which are described in Table 8-17.

Table 8-17   ATM Interface Performance Window Field Descriptions

Field Description
Transmitted and Received


Displays the number of Restart Activity errors that are transmitted from or received by this interface. The Restart Activity Counter provides a count of host, switch, or network restart activity. This counter is incremented when transmitting or receiving a Restart message.

Timer Expires

Displays the number of Timer Expires transmitted from or received by this interface. The Timer Expires counter provides a count of network timer expiries, and to some extent, host or switch timer expiries. The Timer Expires counter is incremented whenever one of the following conditions occurs:

  • Expiration of any network timer
  • Receipt of a Release or Release Complete message
  • Recovery on timer expiration

Called Party Events

Displays the number of Called Party Events messages transmitted from or received by this interface. This counter is incremented when a Release, Release Complete (only when not preceded by a Release message for the same call), Add Party Reject, or Status message is transmitted or received that contains one of the following cause code values:

  • 17—User busy
  • 18—No user responding
  • 21—All rejected
  • 22—Displays the number changed
  • 23—User rejects all calls with calling line ID restriction (CLIR)
  • 27—Destination out of order
  • 31—Normal, unspecified
  • 88—Incompatible destination

Note A cause code value alerts you that something is wrong with your ISDN connection. A cause code value applies to both User Network Interface (UNI) Version 3.0 and UNI Version 3.1. A UNI is an interface point between ATM end users and a private ATM switch, or between a private ATM switch and the public carrier ATM network.

Calling Party Events

Displays the number of Calling Party Events messages transmitted from or received by this interface. This counter reflects error events that occur due to the originating user performing an incorrect action. This counter is incremented when a Release, Release Complete (only when not preceded by a Release message for the same call), Add Party Reject, or Status message is transmitted or received that contains one of the following cause code values:

  • 28—Invalid number format (address incomplete)
  • 43—Access information discarded
  • 57—Bearer capability not authorized
  • 65—Bearer capability not implemented
  • 73—Unsupported combination of traffic parameters
  • 78—AAL parameters cannot be supported (UNI 3.1 only)
  • 91—Invalid transit network selection
  • 93—AAL parameters cannot be supported (UNI 3.0 only)

Note These cause code values apply to both UNI 3.0 and UNI 3.1.

Unavailable Routes

Displays the number of Route Unavailability messages transmitted from or received by this interface. This counter is incremented when a Release, Release Complete (only when not preceded by a Release message for the same call), Add Party Reject, or Status message is transmitted or received that contains one of the following cause code values:

  • 1—Unallocated (unassigned) number
  • 2—No route to specified transit network
  • 3—No route to destination

Note For this counter, Release Complete messages that are a reply to a previous Release message and contain the same cause code value, are redundant (for counting purposes) and should not be counted.

These cause code values apply to both UNI 3.0 and UNI 3.1.

Unavailable Resources

Displays the number of Resource Unavailability messages transmitted from or received by this interface. This counter is incremented when a Release, Release Complete (only when not preceded by a Release message for the same call), Add Party Reject, or Status message is transmitted or received that contains one of the following cause code values.

  • 35—Requested VPCI / VCI not available
  • 37—User cell rate not available (UNI 3.1 only)
  • 38—Network out of order
  • 41—Temporary failure
  • 45—No VPCI / VCI available
  • 47—Resource unavailable, unspecified
  • 49—Quality of Service unavailable
  • 51—User cell rate not available (UNI 3.0 only)
  • 58—Bearer capability not presently available
  • 63—Service or option not available, unspecified
  • 92—Too many pending add party requests

Note These cause code values apply to both UNI 3.0 and UNI 3.1.

Setup Attempts

Displays the number of call setup attempts (both successful and unsuccessful) transmitted from or received by this interface.

Number of Cells

Displays the number of cells transmitted from or received by this interface, including p2p and p2mp cells.

Bandwidth Utilization

Displays the used bandwidth as a percentage of the maximum bandwidth supported by the port.

Viewing the ATM Interface Performance Connection Established Area

The Connection Established area displays the fields that are described in Table 8-18.

Table 8-18   Connection Established Field Descriptions

Field Description
Connection Established


Displays the number of switched virtual connections (SVCs) virtual channel connections (VCCs) established at the signaling entity for incoming connections.


Displays the number of SVC VCCs established at the signaling entity for outgoing connections.


Connection Event

Displays the number of connection events on this interface:

  • SSCOP Connection Disconnect Counter—The abnormal occurrence of the event is characterized by the expiration of Timer_NO_RESPONSE. (The event is communicated to the layer management with MAA-ERROR code P. Refer to ITU-T Q.2110 [13].)
  • SSCOP Connection Initiation Failure—The condition indicates the inability to establish an SSCOP connection. The event occurs whenever the number of expires of the connection control timer (Timer_CC) exceeds the MaxCC value or whenever a connection reject message BGREJ PDU is received. (The event is communicated to layer management with MAA-ERROR code O. Refer to ITU-T Q.2110.)
  • SSCOP Connection Re-establ/Resynch—Occurs upon receipt of a BGN PDU or RESYNC PDU.
1SSCOP = Service-Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol

Viewing IMA Group and Link Performance

The inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) Group Performance and Link Performance windows display information about the IMA connections. These windows are described in the following sections:

Viewing IMA Group Performance Data

To open the IMA Group Performance window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   From the left side of the Map Viewer window, from within the Physical hierarchy view, right-click the IMA group whose performance statistics you want to monitor.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > IMA Group from the object menu.

The IMA Group Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-19.)

Figure 8-19   IMA Group Performance Window

This window contains two areas—Operation and Failures. The fields in this window are described in Table 8-19.

Table 8-19   IMA Group Performance Window Field Descriptions

Field Description

Running Time

Displays a count of the IMA group running seconds.

Unavailable Time

Displays a count of the IMA group unavailable seconds.


No. of near-end Group Failures

Displays the number of times that a near-end group failure (Config-Abort, Insufficient-Links) has been reported since power up or reboot.

No. of far-end Group Failures

Displays the number of times that a far-end group failure (Config-Abort-FE, Insufficient-Links-FE, Blocked-FE) has been reported since power up or reboot. This is an optional attribute.

Viewing IMA Link Performance Data

To open the IMA Link Performance window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   From the left side of the Map Viewer window, from within the IMA hierarchy view, right-click the IMA link whose performance data you want to monitor.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance > IMA Link from the object menu.

The IMA Link Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-20.)

Figure 8-20   IMA Link Performance Window

This window includes the following areas:

The fields in this window are described in Table 8-20.

Table 8-20   IMA Link Performance Window Field Descriptions

Field Description

Relative Delay with least delay link

Displays the latest measured delay on this link relative to the link, in the same IMA group, with the least delay.

IMA Violations

Displays a count of errored, invalid, or missing ICP1 cells, except during SES2-IMA or UAS3-IMA conditions.

OIF Anomalies

Displays the number of OIF anomalies, except during SES-IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end. This is an optional attribute.

No. of Transmit Stuffs

Displays a count of stuff events that are inserted in the transmit direction in the current 15-minute interval. This is an optional attribute.

No. of Receive Stuffs

Displays a count of stuff events that are inserted in the receive direction in the current 15-minute interval. This is an optional attribute.

Near End

Unavailable Seconds

Displays a count of unavailable seconds at the near end in one of the previous 96 individual 15-minute intervals. Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays a count of 1-second intervals that contain one of the following items except during a UAS-IMA condition, in the previous 24 hour interval:

  • >= 30% of the ICP that are cells counted as IV-IMAs
  • One or more link defects (that is, LOS4, OOF/LOF5, AIS6, or LCD7)
  • LIF defects
  • LODS defects

Invalid 15-minute intervals count as 0.

No. of Failures

Displays the number of transmit failures and receive failures at the near end.

Unusable seconds

Displays a count of unusable seconds at the near end.

Far End

Unavailable Seconds

Displays a count of unavailable seconds at the far end in one of the previous 96, individual 15-minute interval. Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA-FE and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA-FE.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays a count of 1-second intervals that contain one or more RDI8-IMA defects, except during a UAS-IMA-FE condition, in the previous 24 hour interval. Invalid 15-minute intervals count as 0.

No. of Failures

Displays the number of transmit failures and receive failures at the far end.

Unusable seconds

Displays a count of unusable seconds at the far end.

1ICP = intelligent call processing

2SES = severely errored second

3UAS = unavailable seconds

4LOS = loss of signal

5OOF/LOF = out of frame/loss of frame

6AIS = alarm indication signal

7LCD = logical channel device

8RMI = remote detect indication

Viewing SONET (OC3) Interface Performance Data

This section includes the following topics:

The SONET Interface Performance window displays performance data for the SONET interfaces.

Note   SONET and OC-3 interfaces are the same thing.

To view the SONET Interface Performance window, follow these steps:

Step 1   From the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the NI-2 card whose performance data you want to view.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Interface > Performance SONET from the object menu.

The SONET Interface Performance window opens. (See Figure 8-21.)

Figure 8-21   SONET Interface Performance Window

Step 3   From the list boxes on the left, select the relevant chassis, card, and SONET interface.

The relevant chassis, card, and SONET interface that you selected are highlighted in the list boxes on the left side of the window. The current performance information for the selected SONET interface displays on the right.

The SONET Interface Performance window contains four tabs:

The fields in these tabs are described in the following sections.

Viewing the SONET Interface Performance Window—Section Tab

The Section tab window contains one area, Section (see Figure 8-21). The fields in this tab are described in Table 8-21.

Table 8-21   SONET Interface Performance Window—Section Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the number of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Severely Errored Framing Seconds

Displays the total number of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the SONET interface.

Viewing the SONET Interface Performance Window—Line Tab

The Line tab contains two areas—Line and Far End Line. (See Figure 8-22.)

Figure 8-22   SONET Interface Performance Window—Line Tab

The fields in this tab are described in Table 8-22. The Line and Far End Line areas contain the same fields.

Table 8-22   SONET Interface Performance Window—Line Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the number of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the SONET interface.

Far End Line

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the number of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the SONET interface.

Viewing the SONET Interface Performance Window—Path Tab

The Path tab contains two areas—Path and Far End Path. (See Figure 8-23.)

Figure 8-23   SONET Interface Performance Window—Path Tab

Table 8-21 describes the fields that are in the Path tab. The Path and Far End Path areas contain the same fields.

Table 8-23   SONET Interface Performance Window—Path Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the number of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the SONET interface.

Far End Path

Errored Seconds

Displays the total number of errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Severely Errored Seconds

Displays the number of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Unavailable Seconds

Displays the total number of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET interface.

Coding Violations

Displays the number of coding violations encountered by the SONET interface.

Viewing Historical Performance Data

This section describes how to use the Performance Manager window to view historical data as well as current data in the form of a line chart, bar chart, or table. This section also describes how to view DS3/E3 or OC-3 interface performance data and how to view ATM over ADSL over DMT interface performance data.

This section includes the following topics:

Setting the Chassis to Performance Logging On State

Before you can view historical performance data, you must set the state of the chassis to performanceloggingon state, which begins the polling process. Complete the following steps to start performance logging:

Step 1   Right-click the chassis object or objects on which you want to set performance logging on.

Step 2   Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Chassis > Configuration.

The Chassis Configuration window opens. (See Figure 8-24.)

Figure 8-24   Chassis Configuration Window

Step 3   Click Start in the Global Performance Logging area on the lower right side of this window.

The Action Report window opens to inform you whether the logging process has successfully started or failed. If a failure occurs, it is often because performance logging has already been set to on.

Viewing DS3/E3 or OC-3 Interface Performance Data

This section includes the following topics:

You can open the Performance Manager within the Map Viewer window. After you open the Map Viewer window, complete the following steps:

Step 1   In the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the DS3/E3 or OC-3 interface whose performance you want to view.

Step 2   Choose Tools > Performance Manager from the object menu.

The Performance window opens to the Line Chart tab and displays historical performance data about the DS3/E3 interface. (See Figure 8-25.)

Figure 8-25   DS3/E3 Performance Window—Line Chart Tab

The DS3/E3 Interface Performance window consists of three left areas, and three tabbed sections at right. Choose the parameters you want from the left areas.

Step 3   From the Monitored Attributes list, choose the attribute you want to monitor. You can choose multiple contiguous attributes in a list by holding down the Shift key and then selecting the first and last attributes in the list. You can choose multiple individual attributes by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on individual items. Information for all selected attributes is shown in the table display. Only the first selected attribute is shown in the line chart or bar chart.

In the Time Period area, choose the time parameters.

Step 4   Set the Start Date. Enter the date on which you want to begin viewing performance data in the Start Date entry boxes. The format must be mm/dd/yyyy.

Step 5   Set the Start Time. Enter the time you want the performance data to start on in the Start Time data entry boxes. Set a start time and an end time using the 24 hour clock notation. The times are inclusive.

Step 6   Set the End Date. You have two options when setting the end date. Enter the date on which you want to stop viewing performance data in the End Date entry boxes. The format must be mm/dd/yyyy. Or, select the Now check box to view the data from the selected start date to the current time. By selecting this option, you do not need to update the End Date and Time fields.

Step 7   Set the End Time. You have two options when setting the end time. Enter the end date on which you wish to stop viewing performance data in the End Time entry boxes. The format must be mm/dd/yyyy. Or, select the Now check box to view the data from the selected start date to the current time. By selecting this option, you do not have to update the end date and time fields.

Step 8   From the drop-down list, choose the summary interval. The summary interval is the period of time over which the rule is applied. This varies according to the attribute selected. You can choose the Raw option, which displays performance data in its most detailed format, not summarized.

Note    If you choose the Raw option, the bar chart view is not available, and the Summary Rule option is dimmed.

Step 9   Click Refresh.

Refreshing the screen initiates your request for data. The text "Refresh Screen" is blue when you can refresh a screen and dimmed when this function is unavailable. Refresh Screen is available for selection when Now is selected or when any criteria have changed and you have moved the cursor away from the changed value (for example, by pressing the Tab key or by using the mouse).

A line chart of the performance information you requested appears on the right side of the Performance window. You can click any of the three tabs to display your data differently.

Note    The performance information corresponds to the attribute raw values. If you select a summary period, the information is displayed according to the summary rule. No summary period is associated with raw data.

Performance Window Line Chart Tab

The Line Chart tab (see Figure 8-25) displays the retrieved data in a graphical format. The X-axis depicts the time at which the polling was done, and the Y-axis depicts the value retrieved or the value when the equipment did not respond properly.

Further information regarding the element, units, and missed polls is provided, using the appropriate color coding displayed at the top of the chart. Blue represents the values retrieved and red identifies any polled values missed.

Performance Window Table Display Tab

This tab (see Figure 8-26) displays the data retrieved in a tabular format. The first column shows the time of polling, and the second column shows the retrieved values. Blue represents the values retrieved and red identifies any polled values missed.

Figure 8-26   Performance Window—Table Display Tab

Missed Polls

In some circumstances, possibly due to Cisco EMF being shut down or heavy network loads, an object might fail to be monitored. This is known as a missed poll. All missed polls are indicated by a yellow point on Performance Manager graphs and charts. The last valid value collected is shown. A missed poll affects the summary data and you should not rely upon such data.

Performance Manager graphs and charts also indicate when an attribute started and stopped being polled due to history storage criteria being added, edited, or removed. Start and stop polling events are shown in charts and tables. The start polling events point is shown in green, and the stop polling events point is shown in red.

Note   A polling events key appears for a selection.

Viewing ATM over ADSL over DMT Interface Performance Data

When you deploy a DMT line card, four ATM over ADSL over DMT interfaces are created automatically. For simplification, these interfaces are generally referred to as DMT interfaces throughout CDM. In a sense, the three technologies are combined in one interface. You can view performance information for any one of these technologies by selecting the one desired in the Performance Manager list box.

Step 1   In the Map Viewer window, within the Physical view, right-click the DMT interface whose performance you want to view.

Step 2   Choose Tools > Performance Manager from the object menu.

The Performance Manager window opens to the Line Chart tab. (See Figure 8-27.)

Figure 8-27   DMT Interface Performance Window—Line Chart Tab

The Performance Manager window consists of three areas on the left, and three tabbed sections on the right. Choose the parameters you want from the areas on the left.

Step 3   From the Monitored Attributes list, choose the attribute you want to monitor.

This list includes attributes for ATM, ADSL, and DMT interfaces. You can choose multiple contiguous attributes in a list by holding down the Shift key and then selecting the first and last attributes in the list. You can choose multiple individual attributes by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on individual items. Information for all selected attributes is shown in the table display. Only the first selected attribute is shown in the line chart or bar chart.

Step 4   In the Time Period area, choose the time parameters.

Step 5   Set the Start Date, as follows:

Enter the date on which you want to begin viewing performance data in the Start Date entry boxes. The format must be mm/dd/yyyy.

Step 6   Set the End Date.

You have two options when setting the end date. Enter the date on which you want to stop viewing performance data in the End Date entry boxes. The format must be mm/dd/yyyy. Or, select the Now check box to view the data from the selected start date to the current time. By selecting this option, you need not update the end date and time fields.

Step 7   Set the Start Time.

Enter the time when you want the performance data to start in the Start Time data entry boxes. Set a start time and an end time using the 24 hour clock notation. The times are inclusive.

Step 8   Set the End Time.

You have two options when setting the end time. Enter the end date on which you wish to stop viewing performance data in the End Time entry boxes. The format must be mm/dd/yyyy. Or, select the Now check box to view the data from the selected start date to the current time. By selecting this option, you do not have to update the end date and time fields.

Step 9   From the drop-down list, select the summary interval.

The summary interval is the period of time over which the rule is applied. This varies according to the attribute selected. You can choose the Raw option, which displays performance data in its most detailed format, not summarized.

Note    If you choose the Raw option, the bar chart view is not available, and the Summary Rule option is dimmed.

Step 10   Click Refresh.

Refreshing the screen initiates your request for data. The text "Refresh Screen" is blue when you can refresh a screen and dimmed when this function is unavailable. Refresh Screen is available for selection when Now is selected or when any criteria have changed and you have moved the cursor away from the changed value (for example, by pressing the Tab key or by using the mouse).

A line chart of the performance information you requested appears at the right. You can click in any of the three tabs to display your data differently.

Note    The performance information corresponds to the attribute raw values. If you select a summary period, the information is displayed according to the summary rule. No summary period is associated with raw data.

The Performance window—Table Display tab displays retrieved data in a tabular format. (See Figure 8-28.)

Figure 8-28   Performance Window—Table Display Tab

Posted: Fri Jan 24 05:54:17 PST 2003
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