
Table of Contents

CiscoWorks Blue Maps Features

CiscoWorks Blue Maps Features

CiscoWorks Blue Maps is a suite of applications for managing networks of Cisco routers that are enabled for remote source-route bridging (RSRB), data link switching (DLSw), or the Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) protocol.

This chapter includes the following major sections on CiscoWorks Blue Maps applications and features:

Note To learn how to start and use the basic features in CiscoWorks Blue Maps, refer to the "Using CiscoWorks Blue Maps" chapter. For specific task-related information, see the online help. The online help provides procedures and overview information.

Menu Features in Map Applications

The RSRB, DLSw, and APPN Map applications have many features in common. Figure 1-1 shows the main window of the RSRB Map application. Not all options in Figure 1-1 appear in every Map application.

Figure 1-1: RSRB Map Application---Main Window with Menu Options

The main window consists of the following elements:

The Locator window, shown in Figure 1-2, is a navigational aid that shows your entire network and lets you control which portion of the network appears in the main window.

Figure 1-2: Main Window with Locator Window and Box

Table 1-1 lists the File menu options in all Map applications.

Table 1-1: Common File Menu Options in CiscoWorks Blue Maps Applications
Menu Option Purpose


Display the Map File Selector window from which you can do the following:

  • Open a previously saved network map file

  • Use the Filter field to search for map files with a wildcard, such as the asterisk (*) character

  • Select the directory where the map file is located


Save the network map file that is currently displayed in the Map application main window.

Save As

Save the current network map file under a different name.


Print the network map to a printer.

New Window

Create a new main window for the Map application.

Clone Window

Create an identical main window showing the network map displayed in the first window. Having an identical window is useful if you want to compare two different parts of your network on side-by-side maps or navigate to another map while keeping the current map.

Close Window

Close the main window for the Map application.

Exit Program

Exit the Map application.

Table 1-2 lists the Edit menu options available in all Map applications.

Table 1-2: Common Edit Menu Options in CiscoWorks Blue Maps Applications
Menu Option Availability Purpose

Add Device


Manually add a device to the Map database by specifying its name or IP address and its Read Community string. If the device is running RSRB or DLSw, then the device is added to the appropriate map display.

Delete Device(s)


Delete selected devices from a network database. This also removes the device from the corresponding map.

Modify Device(s)


Modify selected devices information by entering a new device name and read community string.

Rediscover Device(s)


Query selected devices to update its information in the Sybase database and display on the network map.

Key Device(s)


Specify key routers in your network. Key routers are those routers that are in close proximity to the host and are responsible for handling DLSw traffic between the host and other routers and devices in your network.

Table 1-3 Lists the View menu options in Map applications.

Table 1-3: View Menu Options in CiscoWorks Blue Maps Applications
Menu Option Availability Purpose


All Map applications

Locate a specific device in a network map by specifying its name or IP address.



Refresh the displayed network map in the main window with latest status of devices.


All Map applications

Display the global map.

Virtual Ring


Present a view of a specified virtual ring and its peers.



Select View > Focus and specify the peer name of the device you want in focus view.



Query the status of a specified PU and its dependency.

SNA View software must be installed on your mainframe and workstation.



Query the status of a specified LU and its dependency.

SNA View software must be installed on your mainframe and workstation.

Adjacent Nodes


Display a subset of the APPN map showing the nodes that are just one hop away from a selected node.

Ports and Links


Display the ports on a selected APPN node (such as Ethernet and Token Ring), plus the links from those ports to adjacent network nodes.

Table 1-4 lists the ways you can view a map in the main window of a Maps application.

Table 1-4: Common Layout Menu Options in Map Applications
Menu Option Availability Purpose


All Maps

Display network devices in a circular format.


All Maps

Display network devices in a hierarchical format.


All Maps

Display network devices in a symmetrical format.

See All

All Maps

Display a view of the network map that shows all devices.

Zoom Out

All Maps

Provides a larger view of the network map.

Zoom In

All Maps

Display a close-up view of the network map.

Zoom Reset

All Maps

Reset to the default size.

Home Position

All Maps

Reset the locator window to the upper left-hand corner of the map window.

Table 1-5 lists the applications you can launch from the Tools menu in a Maps application.

Table 1-5: Tools Menu Options in CiscoWorks Blue Maps Applications
Menu Option Purpose


Launch a Telnet application to let you log into a router. Click a router on the map, and select Telnet from the Tools menu.

Path Tool

Launch the Path Tool application (that is part of your existing CiscoWorks installation), which enables you to view and analyze the path between two devices so that you can:

  • Analyze the path to collect utilization and error data.

  • Display the IP devices encountered between the source and the destination devices, the link speeds connecting these SNMP devices, and the interface names.


Launch the CiscoView application (that is part of your existing CiscoWorks installation), which is a GUI-based device management application that provides dynamic status, statistics, and comprehensive configuration information for Cisco Systems' products. CiscoView allows you to display a graphical representation of each network device, display configuration and performance information, examine the status of interfaces, and perform minor troubleshooting tasks. For a list of Cisco devices that you can manage with this application, refer to the CiscoWorks Release Note or CiscoView Release Note.

Web Browser

Launch the web browser so that you can use the CiscoWorks Blue HTML interface, if installed.

SNA View Task Mgr

Available for all Maps applications if CiscoWorks Blue SNA View is installed on your mainframe and workstation. Launch the SNA View application which enables you to:

  • Set up connection to the host and command servers

  • Discover your SNA resources

  • View VTAM messages or MVS messages

  • Control the status manager


Enable you to view a list of PUs based on specified filter settings. SNA View must be configured on the system for RSRB or DLSw.


RSRB and DLSw:

Enable you to view a list of LUs based on specified filter settings.


When selected from the Tools menu, presents a list of all LUs in the network.

When you select a node by pointing to it clicking the right mouse button:

  • If that node is a network node (NN), APPN shows all LUs in that node's domain.

  • If that node is an End Node (EN) or LEN (low-entry networking) node, APPN shows all LUs associated with that node.

For each LU, the information includes:

  • LU name

  • NN server

  • owning CP

  • type, which can be:

    • Home. The LU is local to the node queried, or defined to be on adjacent LEN.

    • Registered. At served EN with active CP-CP sessions.

    • Cache. Learned by network search; not necessarily current.

Table 1-6 explains the administrator-level functions you can perform with Map applications.

Table 1-6: Admin Menu Options in CiscoWorks Blue Maps Applications
Menu Option Availability Purpose


Seed File


All Map applications

Synchronize the set of IP devices in the Maps database with seed file or with those in the network management system. Queries each device to ascertain whether it is an RSRB, DLSw, or APPN device.

Process Control


DLSw Map

Enable you to start, stop, or reset each of the following daemons used by the RSRB or DLSw Maps applications:

Table 1-7 lists the Option menu options in the Map applications.

Table 1-7: Option Menu Options in CiscoWorks Blue Maps Applications
Menu Option Purpose

Show Color Key

Display or hides the color key at the bottom of the Maps window.

Show Locator

Display or hide the Locator window with the Locator Square.

Table 1-8 explains the Help option in all Map applications.

Table 1-8: Help Menu Options in CiscoWorks Blue Maps Applications
Menu Option Purpose


Display online help for the main map window for the Map application that is running.


Launch the contents tab for the online help for the Maps and SNA View products.


Display version and copyright information about the application.

Getting Help

This section explains how to access the online help system.

Use the Maps help system to accomplish the following:

Map applications come with a HyperHelp viewer window that displays help topics.

You can get help by doing one of the following:

Navigating Help Topics

You can navigate help topics in the HyperHelp Viewer window in a variety of ways:

Searching for a Topic with the Find Dialog Box

The HyperHelp Viewer provides a superior search capability through the Find dialog box. Click the Find button to access the Find dialog box. Using the Find dialog box, you can quickly locate occurrences of text in almost any combination.

When you enter the desired characters in the text entry field at the top of this dialog box, the corresponding words appear in a list in the middle of the dialog box, and the related topics for those words are listed for display in the bottom portion of the box.

You can search for words that contain text strings that begin or end with, appear in, or contain exactly the characters that are typed.

Posted: Thu Aug 19 11:40:02 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.