
Table of Contents

Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue
Upgrading to CiscoWorks Blue Release 3.0.1
Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue
Configuring the Host Connection
Applying Licenses after Installation
Configuring CiscoWorks Blue after Installation
Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue
Modifying Color Schemes for the Maps Motif Applications
Running the Maps Applications with a Sample User
CiscoWorks Blue Maps Environment Variables

Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue

This chapter provides information on installing and configuring CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View on AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris workstations.

This chapter includes the following main sections:

Upgrading to CiscoWorks Blue Release 3.0.1

This section describes how to upgrade to CiscoWorks Blue Maps or SNA View Release 3.0.1 from a previous release.

Creating a Seed File from a Previous Software Release Database

Use the following procedure to create a seed file from your database of a previous release for use with your Release 3.0.1 applications.

Note   You can avoid having to discover the network from the network management database by creating a seed file or saving the seed file from the previous release.

Creating a Seed File in a Previous Release

Enter the following command:

cwb create seed [-s seedfile]

Where -s seedfile specifies the name of the seed file to create. If you omit this parameter, the seed file is named seed.file.

Note   When you deinstall CiscoWorks Blue, the following configuration files are saved in the /var/tmp/ directory: cwbinit, runprocess, CWBlue.conf, Services.conf, and SeedFile.

Upgrading SNA View Configuration Files

If you specify the same domain name during configuration of Release 3.0.1, your mainframe connection configuration file will be upgraded automatically.

Using CiscoWorks Blue Release 3.0.1 Workstation Software with a Previous SNA View Release of Mainframe Software

If you are installing CiscoWorks Blue Release 3.0.1, the mainframe software must be at least Release 2.1 (version 3.0 for LU 6.2 users). Cisco strongly recommends that you upgrade both the mainframe software and CiscoWorks Blue to Release 3.0.1.

Note   If you plan to connect a workstation running CiscoWorks Blue Release3.0.1 to a mainframe running a previous release of SNA View using TCP/IP, set MESSAGES OFF in the NSPPARM file on the mainframe to avoid connectivity problems.

Saving the cwbinit File

Before you install CiscoWorks Blue Release 3.0.1, you might want to save the $CWBROOT/etc/cwbinit configuration file from your previous release. Although the previous versions of this file are not suitable for use with Release 3.0.1, you can copy settings from the older release after you install Release 3.0.1.

Deinstalling Maps and SNA View from a Previous Release

Before you install CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Release 3.0.1, you must deinstall the previous release. Use the deinstall script from the CD-ROM to perform the deinstall function.

Use the instructions in the "Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue From a Previous Release" section

Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue

You can install and configure CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View from a local or remote CD-ROM drive. In either case, you install both Maps and SNA View at the same time. The license that you purchase from Cisco determines which applications you can use. You must have a license key for each application, one for Maps and one for SNA View.

This section includes the following subsections:

If it is necessary to reinstall a CiscoWorks Blue product, deinstall the existing software using procedures in the "Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue From a Previous Release" section, and then reinstall as if it were a new installation.

Installing CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View

Use the following procedure to install the software on your system. The default for each prompt is the value in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter.

Installing from a Remote CD-ROM Drive

If you are installing from a remote CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM into the drive on a remote system and export the CD-ROM file system (make it available to an outside system). If you are installing from a local CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM in the drive on the local system, then mount the CD-ROM file system on the local system. If you do not know how to mount a CD-ROM drive from a local or remote system, see "Mounting a CD-ROM on UNIX Workstations."

Installing from a Remote System

If you are installing from a remote system, you must export your display to that remote system to view the applications that are started at the end of the installation process.

Installing the First CiscoWorks Blue for the First Time

If you are just now installing your first CiscoWorks Blue 3.0.1 product, go to the "Installing the CiscoWorks Blue 3.0.1 Products."

Installing a Second CiscoWorks Blue Product

If you have already installed one of the CiscoWorks Blue 3.0.1 products, either Maps or SNA View, and now want to install the other CiscoWorks Blue 3.0.1 product, do not go through the installation process. Instead, apply the second license key to the license file, as described in the "Applying Licenses after Installation."

Installing the CiscoWorks Blue 3.0.1 Products

The default for each prompt is the value shown in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter.

Step 1   Before you start, collect the necessary information as described in the "Collecting Data for Installation on UNIX" section.

Step 2   If you have any release of CiscoWorks Blue Maps or SNA View installed, deinstall it as described in the "Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue From a Previous Release" section or the "Modifying Color Schemes for the Maps Motif Applications" section before you begin to install CiscoWorks Blue Maps or SNA View Release 3.0.1.

Note    When you deinstall a previous release and then install Release 3.0.1, the following configuration files are saved in the /var/tmp/ directory for reference: cwbinit, runprocess, CWBlue.conf, Services.conf, and SeedFile.

Step 3   Start the interactive installation script by entering the following command:

# /cdrom/

Step 4   If you have already installed the products and are already licensed for Maps but not for SNA View, you will see the following message.

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key is not valid.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key[yes|no]? [Y]

Press Enter to install a license for SNA View.

Step 5   If you have installed the products and are already licensed for SNA View and not for Maps, you will see the following message:

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key is not valid.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key[yes|no]? [Y]

Press Enter to install a license for Maps.

Step 6   If you have installed the products but you have applied a temporary license key for an evaluation copy of Maps or SNA View, or a license key that is invalid, you might see one of the following messages:

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue Maps license expires on mm/dd/yyy.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key[yes|no]? [Y]

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license expires on mm/dd/yyy.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key[yes|no]? [Y]

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key is not valid.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key[yes|no]? [Y]

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key is not valid.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key[yes|no]? [Y]

Press Enter if you now want to apply a valid, permanent license key for Maps or SNA View.

Step 7   If you have already installed the products but did not apply any license, and then you reran the installation program, you will see the following message:

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue license keys are not valid.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue license key(s) [yes|no]? [Y]

Press Enter to install a license.

Step 8   The setup program starts and displays the following banner:

*                           Cisco  Systems
*      .          .                                 .          .
*      |          |          CiscoWorks             |          |
*     :|:        :|:      Blue Maps and SNA View  :|:        :|:
*   :|||||:    :|||||:                           :|||||:    :|||||:
* .:|||||||:..:|||||||:.    Setup  Program     .:|||||||:..:|||||||:.

Note    Installation error messages are self-describing and are not described in this manual. If you cannot complete the installation successfully, call the Cisco TAC.

Step 9   On Solaris, if you have more than one network management system (NMS) installed, select which NMS you want to integrate with CiscoWorks Blue. The installation program detects if you have any network management systems installed. If it finds more than one NMS, it asks you to select one to use. In response to the following prompt, type SNM to use the Sun Net Manager, or type HPOV to use HP-OpenView.

INFO: Install program detected SunNet Manager and HP Openview installed on the machine.
Which NMS platform do you want to use to integrate CiscoWorks Blue Product?: [SNM/HPOV]

Step 10   If the installation program cannot find an NMS, either enter the NMS path or specify no NONMS:

In response to the following prompt, specify which NMS is installed:

Install program did not detect either HP OpenView or SunNet Manager
Do you have either HP OpenView or SunNet Manager installed on the system? [HPOV/SNM/NONMS]

In response to the following prompt, specify which NMS is installed:

Install program did not detect HP OpenView 
Do you have HP OpenView installed on the system? [HPOV/NONMS]

In response to the following prompt, specify which NMS is installed:

Install program did not detect NetView for AIX
Do you have NetView for AIX installed on the system? [NETV/NONMS]

Step 11   And, in response to the next prompt, enter the full path name for the NMS:

Enter the SunNet Manager installation root directory:

Enter the HP OpenView installation root directory:

Enter the NetView for AIX installation root directory:

Step 12   In response to the following prompt, enter the path and name of your Netscape browser binary file (the executable file):

Note    This file should be the Netscape executable, not a shell script that runs Netscape.

Enter fully qualified Netscape browser executable path

Type the full path (including filename) to the Netscape browser binary file; for example:

Enter fully qualified Netscape browser executable path /usr/local/packages/cnetscape/current/Solaris-2.5/netscape.128

If you do not have Netscape installed yet, you can install it later. At that time, add the string Netscape to your path statement and ensure that the Netscape executable name is Netscape.

Step 13   (Optional) If you are installing on a Solaris platform and want to use the path tool for mainframes in HPR/IP session paths, "traceroute" must be included in your current path. If "traceroute" is not in your current path, you will be prompted to supply the path as in this example:

Ener fully qualified traceroute executable path

Type the full path of the traceroute command.

To skip this step, hit the Enter key.

Step 14   In response to the following prompt, press Enter to accept the default or enter a new path for installing the product. Normally the installation program chooses the drive with space available.

Where should the product be installed? [/opt] 

Note    The installation program always creates links from /opt/CSCOcb to wherever you choose to install the product. You can always find the CiscoWorks Blue cwb command in /opt/CSCOcb/bin.

Step 15   For AIX systems, if there is insufficient room in the /usr file system, in response to the following prompt, press Enter to expand the /usr file system:

/usr has insufficient space for installation.
Do you want to expand /usr partition [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 16   The program installs the software from the CD-ROM and reports on its progress.

You can use the more command to examine the installation log file for error messages.

more /opt/CSCOcb/install/cwb_install.log

Press the Spacebar to advance the display one screen at a time.

When installation is complete, the cwbinit script is added to the system initialization files to automatically start the CiscoWorks Blue processes when you reboot.

This concludes the installation process. Go to the next section to apply your licenses for CiscoWorks Blue applications.

Applying the CiscoWorks Blue Licenses

During installation, you can apply the license information for the Maps and SNA View applications. If you do not apply the license information now, you can apply it later as described in the "Applying Licenses after Installation" section.

Note   If you uninstalled CiscoWorks Blue Release 3.0 from the Release 3.0.1 CD, your licenses will be automatically restored. Depending on which products you had previously licensed, Steps 1 and 2 in this procedure will be skipped.

Step 1   In response to the prompt, enter the Maps license key as found in your license materials. If you are not licensed for Maps, press Enter.

Enter the CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key (example:123456789012) or press enter if not licensed for CiscoWorks Blue Maps

Step 2   In response to the following prompt, enter the SNA View license key as found in your license materials. If you are not licensed for SNA View, press Enter.

Enter the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key (example:123456789012) or press enter if not licensed for CiscoWorks Blue SNA View

Step 3   In response to the prompt, press Enter to configure the installed product now and go to the next section. If you enter N, you can configure the product later using the cwb config command.

Would you like to configure CiscoWorks Blue Maps now [yes|no]? [Y]

Go to the next section to configure CiscoWorks Blue applications.

Configuring CiscoWorks Blue

After you install Maps and SNA View, configure the application using the following procedures.

Using Default Values

In the configuration procedure, the default for each prompt is the value shown in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter.

The CiscoWorks Blue configuration procedure starts with a set of predefined default values. After you run the CiscoWorks Blue configuration procedure the first time, the choices you make become the default values for the next time you run the program. For example, the first time you run the program, the default for enabling DNS queries is N:

Would you like to enable DNS search [yes|no]? [N]

If you change the N to Y and press Enter to enable DNS queries, the next time you run the configuration procedure, the default changes to Y:

Would you like to enable DNS search [yes|no]? [Y]

Note   In the prompts in the following section, the values shown in brackets are the predefined default values used when you first run the configuration program.

Using the Configuration Procedure

The installation script should automatically start the configuration script. If it does not, or if you want to reconfigure the product at any time, you can start the interactive configuration script with the cwb config command as described in the "Configuring CiscoWorks Blue after Installation" section.

Note   You must have applied a valid Maps or SNA View license to configure the product.

Use the following information to configure the CiscoWorks Blue:

Step 1   In response to the following prompt, type Y and press Enter to configure the mainframe connection now or type N and press Enter to bypass configuring a mainframe connection. You can use the cwb config command later to configure a mainframe connection.

Would you like to Add/Modify/Delete a SNA host connection [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 2   At the following prompt, enter the name of the mainframe SNA domain in uppercase letters:

SNA Domain name(s) (Use upper case letters only):MVSD

To specify a domain name, enter any 1- to 8-character alphanumeric value. Choose a name that is meaningful in your environment, such as an SSCP name or host PU name. This domain name is added as an extension to all PU and LU names to create the format PUNAME.DOMAIN, which is used in the SNA View database and on the Maps views. You must use all uppercase characters in domain names.

Step 3   To reconfigure an existing domain, specify an existing domain name. The configuration program displays a message informing you of the reconfiguration of the existing file. Type Y and press Enter to modify the selected mainframe connection now or type N and press Enter to bypass modifying the mainframe connection.

Would you like to modify it [yes|no]? [Y] 

You might want to reconfigure an existing domain if you migrated configuration files from a previous release of SNA View.

Step 4   At the following prompt, specify whether the connection to that domain is using LU 6.2 or TCP/IP. Type TCP and press Enter to configure a TCP/IP connection or type LU62 and press Enter to configure an LU 6.2 connection.

Connectivity to mainframe (TCP or LU62): TCP

If you enter TCP, then the Process Manager automatically starts the cwbhcid daemon to start a connection to the mainframe component.

At this point in the configuration process, if your host connection is via LU 6.2, you should configure the host connection as described in the "Configuring the Host Connection" section.

Step 5   At the following prompt, for TCP/IP connections only, enter the TCP/IP address or host name for the SNA mainframe:

Mainframe TCP/IP Name or Address: rtpmvsd

For each SNA domain that you configure, the program builds a configuration file named /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME, where DOMAINNAME is the name of the SNA domain that you specified. To review the SNA parameter values, edit this file as described in the "Configuring Domain-Specific Parameters" section.

Note    The configured mainframe ports for /etc/svopen_config_hostname are 6104 and 6105. Ensure that NSPPARM on the mainframe is configured to match. See the CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide for more information.

Step 6   When you see the following prompt, type Y and press Enter to configure another host domain or type N and press Enter to stop configuring host domains.

Configure another SNA host connection [yes|no]? [N]

Step 7   In response to the following prompt:

Configure APPN [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 8   In response to the following prompt:

Configure DLSW [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 9   In response to the following prompt:

Configure RSRB [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 10   In response to the following prompt:

Configure TN3270 [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 11   In response to the following prompt:

Note    The option you select here is used to set the doDNSSearch variable in the cwbinit file.

If you select N, then a device can be added only by the name with which the device was discovered. If you select Y, then a DNS lookup will let you enter any other valid names for the device that can be resolved by a DNS. For example, using DNS lookup, a device that was discovered as could also be referred to as heritage.

Devices in the network may be referred to in different ways. For
example a device may be discovered as, but a
Maps/SNA View user may refer to the device just as router1. In order
for the application to identify both names as the same device it
must perform a DNS lookup on the device name both when it is discovered and for each client request that can not be identified based upon the device name supplied. Enabling DNS searches can increase the device discovery time and the amount of time it takes to service requests, especially if the DNS searches fail for the devices being discovered.

Would you like to enable DNS search [yes|no]? [N]

Step 12   In response to the following prompt, press Enter to accept the default port for use by the CiscoWorks Blue web server or type in another TCP port above 1023 and press Enter. Initially, the default port is port 80.

Enter 80, 8080 or an unused tcp port above 1023 for Web Server:[80]

The configuration program checks to see whether the selected port is available. If it is unavailable, you will be prompted to select another port for the web server.

Step 13   In response to the following prompt, press Enter to accept the default port for use by the CiscoWorks Blue Open Server Gateway or type in another TCP port above 1023 and press Enter. Initially, the default port is port 44541.

Enter an unused tcp port above 1023 for Open Server Gateway:[44541] 

The configuration program checks to see whether the selected port is available. If it is unavailable, you will be prompted to select another port for the Open Server Gateway.

Step 14   In response to the following prompt, press Enter to accept the default port for use by the CiscoWorks Blue Name server or type in another UDP port above 1023 and press Enter. Initially, the default port is port 44542.

Enter an unused udp port above 1023 for Name Server:[44542]

The configuration program checks to see whether the selected port is available. If it is unavailable, you will be prompted to select another port for the Name server.

Note    Ensure that the ports that you select are not used by other applications. During configuration, the /etc/services file and current ports in use are checked, but a service might not be active at the moment. If you need to change this port later, you must reconfigure the product using the cwb config command.

Step 15   If one of the selected ports is reserved in the /etc/services file but does not appear to be in use at this time, you might see the following message. If you want to keep the port reserved and use another port, type N and press Enter.

WARNING: Port port_number/protocol is reserved for application_name service in /etc /services file.
Do you want to use port_number/protocol anyway [yes|no]? [N]

Step 16   In response to the following prompt, type Y and press Enter to stop and restart CiscoWorks Blue processes or type N and press Enter to restart them at a later time. If you make any changes to the CiscoWorks Blue configuration, you must stop and restart all CiscoWorks Blue processes before those changes become active.

You will see this prompt only if you have configured the product already and are now changing that configuration.

CiscoWorks Blue configuration has changed. You must restart
all CiscoWorks Blue processes to make these changes effective.
Do you want to restart CiscoWorks Blue processes [yes|no]? [Y] 

This concludes the configuration process. To start CiscoWorks Blue processes, go to the "Enabling DNS Lookups for Device Queries" section.

Enabling DNS Lookups for Device Queries

When CiscoWorks Blue processes add a device to the database or make device queries, they use the device host names. If a DNS is available, the processes can query the DNS to resolve the host names. If a DNS is not available, the processes must use the exact device names with which the devices were first discovered.

If you do not enable DNS queries, a device can be added only by the name with which the device was discovered. If you enable DNS queries, a DNS lookup will let you enter any other valid names for the device that can be resolved by a DNS. For example, using DNS lookup, a device that was discovered as could also be referred to as heritage.

Use the following sections for information on selecting DNS lookup:

Selecting DNS Lookup During Configuration

During configuration, a prompt asks you to specify whether or not to use a DNS lookup when devices are added to the database.

Selecting DNS Lookup with the doDNSSearch Variable

The doDNSSearch variable in the cwbinit file lets you specify to use DNS lookup to query routers during discovery and polling. In previous releases, you had to enter the exact name of the router by which it was first discovered. You can set this variable so that you can enter a different host name that can be resolved by a DNS lookup. This variable is used when you do the following:

The following new section of the cwbinit file provides the doDNSSearch variable:

# This boolean value is used by both the cwbsnamapsd server process 
# and other processes such as cwbadmin, cwbdiscover, dlsw and rsrb
# that add devices to the database.
# When adding a device to the database, this value is used to decide 
# whether to do a DNS lookup on the name of the device being added,
# storing the DNS name in the DNS database table.
# cwbsnamapsd uses this value to decide whether to do a DNS lookup on
# a device name supplied in a user's request, if the request could
# not be satisfied with a device name or IP address lookup.
# The default value is "false", DNS lookups are not enabled. Set this
# value to "true" to enable DNS lookups.

doDNSSearch = false

Note   You can set the doDNSSearch value during configuration.

You can set the doDNSSearch variable in the cwbinit file to true to discover and query routers by any valid name. Now you can enter the discovered name, a valid IP address, or any valid name for the router. For example, you could enter cwb-c5 in the input field for a DLSw focus view even if the router was discovered as To enable DNS lookup for routers, change the doDNSSearch value to true:

doDNSSearch = true

The DNS lookup is done when the router is added to the database and any time a device cannot be found by the discovered name or IP address. This search might impact performance.

Note   After you change the doDNSSearch parameter, you should stop and restart cwbsnamapsd.

Starting the CiscoWorks Blue Processes

This section describes how to start CiscoWorks Blue processes during installation.

Step 1   In response to the following prompt, press Enter to start the CiscoWorks Blue servers. If you enter N, you can start the servers yourself with the cwb start servers command, as described in "Monitoring and Controlling CiscoWorks Blue Applications."

Would you like to start the CiscoWorks Blue Maps processes now [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 2   When the servers are started, the installation program displays the current status of all CiscoWorks Blue servers and processes:

CiscoWorks Blue Naming Server Started.
CiscoWorks Blue Process Manager Started.
Process Manager running with processes:

PROCESS              STATE    PID        Last Message
CWBHTTPAdapter       Ready    45818      Running
CWBOSAMonitor        Ready    25078      Running
cwbhcid_MVSDTCP      Ready    26162      Running
cwbhcmdd_MVSDTCP Ready    17106      Running
cwbhmond_MVSDTCP Ready    18690      Domain Discovered : Mon Aug  2 17:189

CWBPMMonitor         Ready    19262      Running
cwbsnamapsd          Ready    26422      Ready for client requests
cwbtrapd             Ready    15548      Running
CWBMsgLogServer      Ready    40696      Running
AppnPollerServer     Ready    21386      Connection opened with cwbsnamapsd

cwbdlswpollerd       Ready    29058      Running
cwbhci_server_MVSDLU62 Initial
cwbhcmd_server_MVSDLU62 Initial
CWBDBAdapter         Ready    33598      Running
cwbmonitord          Initial

Step 3   The installation program starts the following applications:

Note    The Administration application, the Process Manager, and Message Logger clients require X Window System support. If you install the product from a remote workstation, you need an X Window System server and you must export your display to that server to use these applications.

Now that all the servers and processes are running, go to the "Finishing Installation" section to finish the installation.

Finishing Installation

After the installation process is complete and the CiscoWorks Blue programs are started, you can create a seed file, discover the network routers, and specify DLSw key routers by using the following procedures;

Creating a Seed File with DLSw Key Routers

This step is optional. A seed file is a file that contains a list of router names or addresses. You can list the routers in either of two formats:

router [ReadCommunityString] [key]




key indicates that this is a DLSw key device. This option does not apply to APPN/SNASw, RSRB, or TN3270 devices. If you omit the word key, the router is not considered a DLSw key device.

For more information on using key devices, see the "Using Key Devices" section.

For information about creating a seed file, see the "Discovering the Network" section and review creating a seed file in the subsections for each protocol (DLSw, RSRB, TN3270, and APPN/SNASw).

Discovering the Routers

You can discover the network devices using the CiscoWorks Blue Administration application, as described in "Using the Administration Application."

Now that all the servers and processes are running, and you have created a seed file and discovered the routers in the network, go to "Monitoring and Controlling CiscoWorks Blue Applications" to learn how to control the applications.

Running the Verification Program

After you finish installing the CiscoWorks Blue products, configuring the products, and discovering routers for the database, use the verification program to ensure that all went successfully. Click Verify on the Administration window or enter the commands shown below:

cd /opt/CSCOcb/bin
./cwb verify

The verification program performs the following tasks:

                          CiscoWorks Blue Verification
                           Wed Jan 20 14:56:26 1999 
Process Summary

     Name       Configured      Ready
    ------     ------------    -------
     APPN/SNASw    Yes           Yes
     Base          Yes           Yes
     DLSw          Yes           Yes
     RSRB          Yes           Yes
     TN3270        Yes           Yes
     SNA           Yes           Yes

Database Summary
Total number of devices: 13
    APPN/SNASw:     3
    DLSw:           8
    RSRB:           3
    TN3270:         2

DLSw Key Devices:  6
Physical Units:    7
Logical Units:     7
Action Summary

The last section of the report suggests changes you might make to improve the CiscoWorks Blue installation.

Configuring the Host Connection

This section describes how to configure the connection between the Maps and SNA View workstation component and the mainframe component. You should configure the host connection before you install and configure the workstation.

This section includes the following subsections:

Creating and Deleting a Domain

To create a new domain or delete an existing domain, use the cwb config command.

Note   Do not copy domain files nor edit them to create new domains. Do not delete domain files to delete existing domains.

Configuring Domain-Specific Parameters

This section describes how to configure domain-specific parameters for an SNA domain. For each SNA domain that you configure, the configuration program creates a file named /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME, such as /etc/svopen_config_TEXAS using the domain name and protocol (TCP or LU 6.2) to create a set of default values in the configuration file. You can edit this file directly, if necessary, to change the values. The following is a sample configuration file:

SVPATH /opt/CSCOcb/snahost
SVWORK_AREA /opt/CSCOcb/snahost/tmp

Table 3-1 lists the parameters you must set in the configuration file. Table 3-2 lists additional parameters that you might choose to customize. Table 3-3 lists additional parameters whose defaults you might choose to accept.

See the detailed descriptions of all parameters in the sections that follow the tables.

Table 3-1   Required Configuration Parameters

Parameter  Default Value  Description and Valid Values 


Host name or IP address of the mainframe on which the mainframe component is installed.



LU62 or TCP. Set to LU62 if you use an LU 6.2 connection.

Table 3-2   Configuration Parameters You Might Want to Customize

Parameter  Default Value  Description and Valid Values 



YES—Indicates to include LUs in the database.

NO—Indicates to exclude LUs from the database.



1 to 1800 seconds.



YES—Calculates PU-SRB dependencies during host discovery.

NO—Does not calculate PU-SRB dependencies during host discovery.



1 to 1800 seconds.






1 to 65535 PUs.



YES—Generates an event notification message.

NO—Does not generate an event notification message.



Any valid APPC TP name.



Any valid APPC TP name.



YES—If the TCP connection to the mainframe fails, automatically try to reconnect.

NO—If the TCP connection to the mainframe fails, do not automatically try to reconnect.

Table 3-3   Configuration Parameters You Might Want to Accept

Parameter  Default Value  Description and Valid Values 



Home directory.



Any valid directory.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value. Must match ports defined in mainframe PARM member.



Any unused port value. Must match ports defined in mainframe PARM member.

Configuration Parameter Descriptions

The following sections describe each parameter in detail.

Required Parameters

Set the following parameters, or accept the default values, for each domain:

Parameters You Might Want to Customize

These parameters have preset default values that suit most users. Review the default setting for each parameter and decide whether it meets your requirements. You might want to change some of these parameter values.

You must also alter the /opt/CSCOcb/etc/CWBlue.conf file by changing the cwbhcid process for the proper domain from R "automatically restart" to Y "start automatically (but no restart)".

For example, if your domain in"MVSD", change the following line:

cwbhcid_MVSD R CWBMsgLogServer,CWBDBAdapter /opt/CSCOcb/etc/runprocess cwbhcid_MVSD,MVSD 30


cwbhcid_MVSD YCWBMsgLogServer,CWBDBAdapter /opt/CSCOcb/etc/runprocess cwbhcid_MVSD,MVSD 30

See the "Configuring Process Manager Windows" section for more information on updating the CWBlue.conf file.

Parameters You Might Want to Accept

These parameters have preset default values that suit most users. Review the default setting for each parameter and decide whether it meets your requirements. Depending on how your workstation is configured, you might want to change some of these parameter values.

You can change the port values that the SNA host component specifies as default values if any of these ports are already in use at your site. We recommend that the port values be greater than 6000 and not exceed 9999.

When you are managing more than one domain, the Maps and SNA View installation program automatically increments the port values for each specified domain by 20. For example, if a port number in domain ABC is 6100, the SNA host component automatically sets the value for the same configuration parameter in domain DEF to 6120. If the port numbers are already in use, modify them to fit your site's requirements.

Configuring LU 6.2 Connectivity to the Mainframe

This section explains how to configure LU 6.2 connectivity between the SNA host workstation component and the mainframe.

This section includes the following subsections:

Preparing to Configure the SNA Host Component for Maps and SNA View

Before starting the steps to allow the SNA host component on the workstation to communicate with the mainframe, you must first do all the necessary configuration to allow an LU 6.2 session to flow from the workstation to the mainframe. You might need to make changes to both VTAM and the workstation application that supports LU 6.2 sessions. The following workstation LU 6.2 programs are supported:

If the workstation is not directly connected to the mainframe running the SNA host component, but the session instead passes through one or more VTAMs before reaching the destination VTAM, then the correct configuration might require changes to all VTAMs (and possibly NCPs in the path).

Note   It is not the intent of this document to identify all the steps necessary to set up the network. See the relevant IBM VTAM and NCP publications for more setup information.

If this LU 6.2 configuration has not yet been done, the installation should be delayed until the LU 6.2 configuration is complete. One way to determine whether there is LU 6.2 connectivity between the workstation and the mainframe is to issue the VTAM command D NET,APING,ID=NETID.RESOURCE. The NETID.RESOURCE should be the fully qualified name of the SNA workstation. Until this command returns a positive response, the mainframe will be unable to connect to the workstation.

After the initial LU 6.2 configuration is complete, you can use the procedures in the following sections to complete the configuration for the SNA host component.

Configuring LU 6.2 Connectivity for the eNetwork Communications Server on AIX

If the AIX workstation is connected to the mainframe using SNA LU 6.2, use this procedure to configure the LU 6.2 operating environment. This procedure creates the sna_tps file for TP profiles for the command server and the message server and a logmode named PARALLEL.

To configure AIX, create a file named sna_tps, and then configure PARALLEL mode processing.

Creating the sna_tps File on AIX

To configure the LU 6.2 transaction programs (TPs) that the SNA host component uses to communicate between an AIX workstation and a mainframe, create the configuration file /etc/sna/sna_tps, as described in the IBM eNetwork Communication Server for AIX publications. Use the sna_tps file to define two TPs named NSPOPNMS and NSPOPNCS. The following example shows a sna_tps file:

USERID = root
GROUP = system
PATH = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp
ARGUMENTS = cwbhcmd_server MYDOMAIN

USERID = root
GROUP = system
PATH = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp
ARGUMENTS = cwbhci_server MYDOMAIN

This sample sna_tps file defines two TPs:

In the file, each TP name is enclosed in brackets, as shown below:


For each TP, code the following entries:

Note    When the new eNetwork Communications Server protocol stack is used, you must set the STYLE to EXTENDED.

Configuring PARALLEL Mode on AIX

After you create the /etc/sna/sna_tps file, create a new LU 6.2 session profile named PARALLEL as described in the eNetwork Communication Server for AIX publications. Use the xsnaadmin command to configure an LU 6.2 PARALLEL logmode. The xsnaadmin command can often be found in the /usr/lpp/X11/bin directory.

Step 1   At the command prompt, enter the xsnaadmin command, as shown below.

% xsnaadmin

The xsnaadmin window is displayed.

Note    Ensure that your DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set. You might also have to set the LANG environment variable to your language.

Step 2   In the xsnaadmin window, select Services > APPC > Modes.

Step 3   If the PARALLEL mode is not in the list of defined modes, select Add. The Add Mode window is displayed.

Step 4   If the PARALLEL mode is already in the list of defined modes, exit the window. If its not in the Add Mode window, enter PARALLEL for the Mode Name, and either accept the defaults or customize the values for your operating environment.

If you need to create a PARALLEL log mode, accept the default parameter values:

Field  Default Value 

COS name


Initial session limit


Maximum session limit


Min con. winner sessions


Auto-activated sessions


Receive pacing window (Initial)


Configuring LU 6.2 Connectivity for SNAplus2 on HP-UX

This section describes how to configure SNAplus2 for LU 6.2 support on HP-UX. To configure HP-UX SNAplus2, you first create a file named sna_tps, and then configure PARALLEL mode processing.

Creating the sna_tps File on HP-UX

To configure the LU 6.2 TPs that the SNA host component uses to communicate between an HP-UX workstation and a mainframe, create the configuration file /etc/opt/sna/sna_tps, as described in the SNAplus2 Administration Guide and SNAplus2 Installation Guide. Use the sna_tps file to define two TPs named NSPOPNMS and NSPOPNCS. The following example shows a sna_tps file:

#SNA Host Message Server
PATH          = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp 
ARGUMENTS     = cwbhci_server MYDOMAIN 
TYPE          = NON-QUEUED
TIMEOUT       = 30
USERID        = root 
GROUP         = sys 

#SNA Host Command Server
PATH          = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp
ARGUMENTS     = cwbhcmd_server MYDOMAIN
TYPE          = NON-QUEUED
TIMEOUT       = 30
USERID        = root
GROUP         = sys

This sample sna_tps file defines two TPs:

In the file, each TP name is enclosed in quotation marks and then in brackets, as shown below:


For each TP, code the following entries:

Configuring PARALLEL Mode on HP-UX

After you create the sna_tps file, use the xsnapadmin command to configure SNAplus2 for PARALLEL processing mode. The xsnapadmin command is often found in the /opt/sna/bin/X11 directory.

Step 1   At the command prompt, enter the xsnapadmin command, as shown below.

% xsnapadmin

The xsnapadmin window is displayed.

Note    Ensure that your DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set. You might also have to set the LANG environment variable to your language.

Step 2   In the xsnapadmin window, select Services > APPC > Modes.

Step 3   If the PARALLEL mode is not in the list of defined modes, select Add. The Add Mode window is displayed.

Step 4   If the PARALLEL mode is already in the list of defined modes, exit the window. If its not in the Add Mode window, enter PARALLEL for the Mode Name, and either accept the defaults or customize the values for your operating environment.

If you need to create a PARALLEL log mode, accept the default parameter values:

Field  Default Value 

Receive pacing window


Initial session limit


Max session limit


Min con. winner sessions


Auto-activated sessions


Configuring LU 6.2 Connectivity for SNAP-IX on Solaris

This section describes how to configure SNAP-IX for LU 6.2 support on Solaris. To configure SNAP-IX, you first create the file sna_tps, and then configure PARALLEL mode processing.

Creating the sna_tps File on Solaris

To configure the LU 6.2 TPs that the SNA host component uses to communicate between a Solaris workstation and a mainframe, create a configuration file named /etc/opt/sna/sna_tps as described in the SNAP-IX publications. Use the sna_tps file to define two TPs named NSPOPNCS and NSPOPNMS.

The following example shows a sna_tps file:

USERID = root
GROUP = other
PATH = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp
ARGUMENTS = cwbhcmd_server MYDOMAIN
USERID = root
GROUP = other
PATH = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp
ARGUMENTS = cwbhci_server MYDOMAIN

This sample sna_tps file defines two TPs:

In the file, each TP name is enclosed in brackets, as shown below:


For each TP, code the following entries:

Configuring PARALLEL Mode on Solaris

After you create the /etc/opt/sna/sna_tps file, create a new LU 6.2 session profile named PARALLEL, as described in the SNAP-IX publications. Use the xsnaadmin command to configure an LU 6.2 PARALLEL logmode. The xsnaadmin command can often be found in the /opt/sna/bin/X11 directory.

Step 1   At the command prompt, enter the xsnaadmin command, as shown below.

% xsnaadmin

The xsnaadmin window is displayed.

Note    Ensure that your DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set. You might also have to set the LANG environment variable to your language.

Step 2   In the xsnaadmin window, select Services > APPC > Modes.

Step 3   If the PARALLEL mode is not in the list of defined modes, select Add. The Add Mode window is displayed.

Step 4   If the PARALLEL mode is already in the list of defined modes, exit the window. If its not in the Add Mode window, enter PARALLEL for the Mode Name, and either accept the defaults or customize the values for your operating environment.

If you need to create a PARALLEL log mode, accept the default parameter values:

Field  Default Value 

Initial session limit


Maximum session limit


Min con. winner sessions


Auto-activated sessions


Receive pacing window (Initial)


Configuring LU6.2 Connectivity to Multiple Hosts

This section allows you to define a single workstation to communicate with multiple mainframes using LU6.2. This section describes the configuration requirements for having a single workstation communicate with multiple hosts using LU6.2:

For example, to have the workstation communicate to both MVS1 and MVS2, configure two sets of APPC TP programs. The pair of TP names for host connection MVS1 could be NSPM1 and NSPC1, while the host connection MVS2 could be NSPM2 and NSPC2.

For example, for host connection MVS1, the /etc/svopen_config_MVS1 configuration file should specify the following entries:

Also, for host connection MVS2, the /etc/svopen_config_MVS2 configuration file should specify the following entries:

For example, at host MVS1 a SERVER card must be configured to indicate TP names of NSPM1 and NSPC1. At host MVS2 a SERVER card must be configured to indicate TP names of NSPM2 and NSPC2.

Configuring TCP/IP Connectivity to the Mainframe

This section explains how to configure TCP/IP connectivity between the workstation and the mainframe. It includes the following subsections:

Configuring TCP/IP Port Parameters

If you configure TCP/IP connectivity from the workstation to the mainframe, you must match the SVMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and SVMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT parameters of the domain to the TCP Parameter Cards used in the mainframe. (TCP Parameter Cards are documented in the CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide.) For example, the workstation parameters for domain "NORTH" should be set as follows in /etc/svopen_config_NORTH:


The host configuration file should have a TCP card containing the following:

TCP 6104 6105

Sending Nonencrypted Data

The data that is transferred between the mainframe and workstation component is not encrypted. This data transfer is secure if the data is transferred over a private intranet. If the workstation-to-host connection traverses the Internet, or if additional security is desired over the intranet, you can use the "Network Data Encryption with Router Authentication" feature provided with Cisco routers to encrypt the data that flows between the router nearest to the workstation and the router nearest to the host.

For more information on this topic, see the Cisco IOS software Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring Connectivity to Multiple Domains

If you configure TCP/IP connectivity from the same workstation to multiple mainframe domains, each set of SVMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and SVMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT parameters for each domain must have corresponding TCP parameter cards in the mainframe. (TCP Parameter Cards are documented in the CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide.)

To configure connectivity from the same workstation to multiple mainframe domains, use the following procedure:

For example, the workstation parameters for domain NORTH should be set as follows in /etc/svopen_config_NORTH:


The workstation parameters for domain SOUTH should be set as follows in


The host configuration file for the SNA Host component at each domain's mainframe should have a TCP cards that contain the following lines:

TCP 6104 6105

TCP 6114 6115

Applying Licenses after Installation

If you choose not to apply your CiscoWorks Blue license information during installation, or if you later obtain a new license for Maps or SNA View, you can apply a license after installation as described in this section.

You can get one of two licenses for the CiscoWorks Blue applications. You can get a license to run the Maps applications and a license to use the SNA View web pages. The license that you obtain determines which CiscoWorks Blue applications you can run. If you license both Maps and SNA View, you can use all the applications:

After installation, use the command to apply the Maps and SNA View license keys. To enter a license key, use the following procedure:

Step 1   Start the /opt/CSCOcb/install/ program:


Step 2   When you see the following prompt, enter y to enter a license key:

Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key [yes|no]? Y

Step 3   When you see the following prompt, enter the Maps license key:

Enter the CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key (example 123456789012) or press enter if not licensed for CiscoWorks Blue Maps: 123456789012

Step 4   When you see the following prompt, enter the SNA View license key:

Enter the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key (example 123456789012) or press enter if not licensed for CiscoWorks Blue SNA View: 123456789012

Step 5   If you applied a temporary license key for an evaluation copy of Maps or SNA View, or a license key that is invalid, you might see one of the following messages:

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue Maps license expires on mm/dd/yyy.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key[yes|no]? [Y]

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license expires on mm/dd/yyy.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key[yes|no]? [Y]

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key is not valid.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key[yes|no]? [Y]

INFO:Your current CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key is not valid.
Do you want to enter CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key[yes|no]? [Y]

Press Enter if you now want to apply a valid, permanent license key for Maps or SNA View.

Step 6   If Maps or SNA View is now running, press Enter when you see the following prompt:

INFO: CiscoWorks Blue Servers are currently running. You must restart all CiscoWorks Blue processes to make these changes effective.
Do you want to restart CiscoWorks Blue processes [yes|no]? [Y]

Configuring CiscoWorks Blue after Installation

You can configure the CiscoWorks Blue applications after installation using the cwb config command.

Step 1   Enter the following commands:

# cd /opt/CSCOcb/bin
# ./cwb config

Step 2   Make your responses to the configuration prompts as described in the "Configuring CiscoWorks Blue" section.

Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue

If you have a previous version of CiscoWorks Blue installed, you must deinstall it before installing Release 3.0.1. If you have errors during installation of 3.0.1, you might also need to run uninstall before trying to install it again.

This section describes how to deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View, and contains the following sections:

Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue From a Previous Release

Note   When you deinstall the previous release and then install Release 3.0.1, the following configuration files are saved in the /var/tmp/ directory: cwbinit, runprocess, CWBlue.conf, Services.conf, and SeedFile.

Step 1   Log in as the root user. For details, see the "Becoming the Root User" section.

Step 2   If you are deinstalling Release 3.x, use the following command from the CD to preserve the license keys:


If you are deinstalling Release 2.x, start the interactive deinstallation script by entering the following commands:

# cd /opt/CSCOcb/install
# ./

Note   To deinstall Release 2.x, do not run uninstall from the CD because the license keys for Release 2.x will not work with Release 3.0.1.

After you issue the uninstall command, the deinstallation script lists the packages that are installed:

Step 3   In reply to the following prompt, enter Y or press Enter to deinstall the packages.

Delete all Cisco Products CiscoWorks Blue packages listed above? [yes]

The deinstall program removes the CiscoWorks Blue products from the system.

Note    If the program fails to completely uninstall all CiscoWorks Blue files and directories from the /opt/CSCOcb file structure, run again.

Modifying Color Schemes for the Maps Motif Applications

After installation, you can modify the color scheme of the Maps Motif applications by copying the Color.schemename file in the /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults directory to the file named /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults/Color.

Here is an example that shows how to copy the Color.Rembrandt file as Color:

# cd /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults
# cp Color.Rembrandt Color

Running the Maps Applications with a Sample User

After installation is complete, the installation process creates a sample user with the username cwblue. The username cwblue is created without a password. To start a Maps application from the command line, you can do one of the following:

# su - cwblue

Note    You must be the root user to start the server processes.

CiscoWorks Blue Maps Environment Variables

This section lists the environment variables that are set automatically by the CiscoWorks Blue Maps script (runprocess). Table 3-4 lists the environment variables, used by each application (for technical reference only).

Table 3-4   Maps and SNA View Environment Variables

Variable  Use and Default Value 


CiscoWorks Blue Maps bitmap directory; the default is $CWBROOT/Xbm.


CiscoView installation directory.


Discover-in-progress timeout to detect abnormal termination of discovery process.


Time required for discovery process to initially contact progress indicator window.


Tells Maps application not to read the layout from a saved map file, which forces the application to create a new layout; by default it is not set. This variable is for use when you are instructed to create a new layout by the Cisco TAC to solve a layout problem.


CiscoWorks Blue common code directory.


CiscoWorks Blue Maps installation directory; set to the directory you specify during installation, usually /opt/CSCOcb.


Sets the default layout of graphical maps; values can be C (circular), H (hierarchical), or S (symmetrical). The default value is H.


Specifies the name of the MIB file; defaults to


Specifies the refresh interval, in seconds, for the Update Process window.


Identifies the workstation on which the daemons run. The default is hostname.


Defines an interval to control map refresh requests. During this period, map changes are recorded but not displayed. When the interval expires, the map is refreshed. The default value is 10 seconds.


Identifies the workstation on which the cwbmonitord daemon runs. The default is $CWB_SERVER.


Name of the CiscoWorks Blue database, such as SNA.


Name of the Sybase database server, such as CW_SYBASE.


HyperHelp installation directory for CiscoWorks Blue Maps help. The default is $CWBROOT/hyperhelp.


Allows installation on Solaris Version 7 when set to TRUE.


Allows installation on Solaris Version 8 when set to TRUE.


Allows installation on AIX Version 5.1 when set to TRUE.


Set runtime library search path for Solaris.


Sets the runtime library search path for AIX.


Indicates whether an NMS is integrated with CiscoWorks Blue. NONMS indicates no NMS is integrated.


CiscoWorks installation directory.


Printer identification. The default is none; if printing maps is desired, set this before starting any Maps application.


Set runtime library search path for HP-UX.


Directory path to SQLAnywhere, such as /opt/CSCOcwbC/db.


CiscoWorks Blue the SNA Host component installation directory. The default is $CWBROOT/snahost.


Sybase installation directory, such as /opt/CSCOcwbC/db/ctlibs.


Specifies xterm terminal.


CiscoWorks Blue Maps X resource directory. The default is /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults.

Posted: Tue Aug 5 15:42:18 PDT 2003
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