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Table Of Contents
Using the Broadband Access Center for Cable Administrator User Interface
Listing Device Provisioning Engines
Listing Network Registrar Extension Points
Viewing Regional Distribution Unit Details
Using the Broadband Access Center for Cable Administrator User Interface
This chapter describes the administration activities performed using the Broadband Access Center for Cable (BACC) administrator user interface. These activities mainly involve monitoring the actions of various BACC components including:
The procedures described in this chapter are presented in a tutorial manner. Wherever possible, examples are included to illustrate the possible results of each procedure.
User Management
Managing users involves adding, modifying, and deleting users who administer BACC. This section contains instructions for managing BACC users including:
You can add and delete users only if you are logged in as the Administrator. See the "Users" section on page 8-6 for additional information on user types.
Adding a New User
Adding a new user is a simple process of entering the user's name and creating a password. However, while creating a new user you do have to determine which type of user it will be; a Read/Write user or a Read Only user. BACC comes with one Administrator user already created; you cannot create an Administrator as a new user.
To add a new user:
Step 1
Click Users, from either the Main Menu or the Primary Navigation bar. The Manage Users page appears. (See Figure 9-1.)
Figure 9-1 Example Manage Users Page
Step 2
Click Add to display the Add User page.
Step 3
Enter the new user's username and a password.
Step 4
Confirm the new user's password, and select whether the new user's role is to be read only or read/write. See the "Users" section on page 8-6 for complete descriptions of each user type.
Step 5
Enter a short description of the new user.
Use the description field to identify the user's job or position; something that identifies the unique aspects of the new user.
Step 6
Click Submit when complete. The Manage Users page appears with the new user added.
The new user's password must be recorded and stored in a safe place. This helps to prevent the loss or theft of the password and possible unauthorized entry.
Modifying Users
Although any user type can modify their own password and user description, only the administrator can modify any other user's information. You can change the password, user type, and description.
Any nonadministrative user that is created cannot be used to modify or delete the admin user.
To modify user properties:
Step 1
From either the Main Menu or the Primary Navigation bar, click Users. The Manage User page appears.
Step 2
Click the desired user name to display the Modify User page for that user.
Step 3
Make the necessary changes to the password, user type (provided that you are logged in as the Administrator), and the user's description.
Step 4
Click Submit. The Manage Users page appears with the appropriately modified user information.
Deleting Users
Only the administrator has the ability to delete any other user that appears in the Manager Users page. To delete a user:
Step 1
From either the Main menu or the Primary Navigation bar, click Users. The Manage User page appears.
The default user called admin cannot be deleted.
Step 2
Click the Delete icon corresponding to the user you want to delete. the Delete User dialog box appears.
Step 3
Click OK to delete the selected user. The Manage Users page appears without the deleted user.
Device Management
Use the Devices menu to provision and manage various devices. You can:
Search for a specific device or for a group of devices that share criteria that you specify. See the "Searching for Devices" section.
Add, modify, or delete devices in the RDU database. See the:
Regenerate device configurations. See the "Regenerating Device Configurations" section.
Relate and unrelate any device to a specific node. See the "Relating and Unrelating Devices" section.
Reset, or reboot, any selected device. See the "Resetting Devices" section.
Return a device configuration to its default condition without rebooting the device. See the "Unregistering a Device" section.
Manage Devices Page
The Manage Devices page appears whenever you click Devices in either the Main menu or the primary menu bar. This page, shown in Figure 9-2, contains the fields and controls necessary to perform all device management functions.
Figure 9-2 Manage Devices Page
The Manage Device page utilizes two separate but related areas to generate search results that let you perform many device management functions. These areas are the Search Type drop-down list, defining which search to perform, and search value field, which qualifies the search type. You can perform these searches:
Class of Service search
DHCP Criteria search
FQDN search
IP Address search
MAC Address search
Node search
Owner ID search
Some searches that you can perform allow the use of a wildcard character (*) to enhance the search function. Using the FQDN as an example, you use these formats when using wildcard characters to search:
Cisco does not recommend using the last wildcard search (*) in systems that support hundreds of thousands, or more, devices. This can return many thousands of search results, and use extensive system resources sufficient to impact performance.
In addition, a Page Size drop-down lets you limit the number of search results displayed per page. You can select 25, 50, or 75 results for display. If the number of results returned for a search exceeds the number selected, a screen prompt appears at the bottom left corner of the administrators user interface to let you move from page to page of results.
Device Management Controls
These buttons are located directly below the search function fields and are generally used in conjunction with the search function. For example, you might search for devices belonging to a specific group of devices in order to perform some sort of management function. The following buttons are available, although each management function may not be available depending on the search type used.
The Add function lets you add a new device to the RDU database. See the "Adding Devices" section for the appropriate instructions.
The Delete button lets you delete any selected device from the RDU database. See the "Deleting Devices" section for the appropriate instructions.
Use the Regenerate function to update stale configurations. Device configurations can become stale when changes are made to either the class of service or DHCP criteria parameters. Device configurations are automatically regenerated whenever class of service or DHCP properties are changed or new criteria are designated. They can also occur when an external file is replaced. However, some configurations cannot be automatically regenerated, but must rely on manual regeneration using either the generationConfiguration() method or the administrator's user interface.
The Relate function lets you associate a device (using its MAC address) with a specific node.
The Reset button automatically reboots the selected device.
This function cancels the relationship between and selected device and the node that the device is currently related to.
The Unregister function lets you reset a device back to its defaults as if it had just booted on the network.
Identifies all devices matching the search criteria. Each of the identifiers displayed has a link to another page from which you can modify the device.
Device Type
Displays a drop-down list that identifies the available device types. Available selections, as they appear on screen, include:
Identifies whether or not the device is provisioned. A provisioned device has been registered using the application programming interface (API), or the administrative user interface, and has booted on the network.
Displays all available details for the selected device. See the "Viewing Device Details" section for additional information.
Searching for Devices
You can search for device information in a number of different ways using BACC. Each search result that you generate also carries with it a View Details function. The details that are displayed are identical whichever search method you use.
To search for a device type, from the Manage Devices page, click the Search Type button and a drop-down list appears. Subsequent search pages contain screen components that may be unique to the search type selected.
When the number of search results is greater than the selected page size, paging controls appear in the lower left corner of the page. These let you scroll forward or backward one page at a time, or to select a specific page. Refer to the "Scrolling Backward and Forward" section on page 8-7 for additional information.
A maximum of 1000 results are returned for any query with a maximum of 75 results displayed per page. You can change the default maximum by modifying the /adminui/maxReturned property, in <BACC_HOME>/rdu/conf/adminui.properties file, and then running the bprAgent restart jrun command (located in the /etc/init.d/ directory) to restart the BACC JRun component.
Search Types
You can search for specific devices using these functions:
Registered Class of Service search—Searches using the class of service that a device has been provisioned with.
Selected Class of Service search—Searches using the class of service selected by the RDU for a device that, for one reason or another, cannot retain its registered Class of Service.
Related Class of Service search—Searches using both the registered and selected class of service.
Registered DHCP Criteria search—Searches for devices that belong to certain DHCP criteria.
Selected DHCP Criteria search—Searches using the DHCP criteria selected by the RDU for a device that, for one reason or another, cannot retain its registered DHCP Criteria.
Related DHCP Criteria search—Searches using both the registered and selected DHCP criteria.
Under normal circumstances the Related/ Selected Class of Service and Related/Selected DHCP Criteria should be identical. If they are not you should investigate the reason and modify the Selected Class of Service/DHCP Criteria to match the Related Class of Service/DHCP Criteria.
Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) search—The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) search is useful when searching for devices that are identified through the FQDN assigned by the DNS Server, especially when the device MAC address is unknown.
For example, www.cisco.com is a fully qualified domain name. Where www identifies the host, cisco identifies the second level domain, and .com identifies the third level domain.
IP address search—The IP Address Search returns all devices on the network that currently have the specified DHCP leased IP address.
MAC address search— The MAC address search function is best used when you know the precise MAC address for a specific modem or when all devices with a specific vendor-prefix unambiguously identify the equipment vendor. Therefore, if you perform a MAC address search, you can identify, by the MAC address, the manufacturer and type of device. See the "Troubleshooting Devices by MAC Address" section on page 12-52 for information on the effective use of this search criteria.
The vendor-prefix is the first 3 octets of the MAC address. For example, for MAC address 1,6,aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff, the vendor-prefix is "aa:bb:cc".
Node search—The Node search function is used to search for nodes and node types that you have already created.
Owner ID search— The owner ID can identify a device, it could identify the service subscriber's account number, or anything else that uniquely identifies that device. Wildcard searching is not supported by this search function.
Viewing Device Details
You can view the details of any device identified in the search results. To view any device details, click the Details icon corresponding to the device you want to view and a View Device Details page appears. Figure 9-3 provides an example View Device Details page.
The information that appears in the View Device Details page is largely dependent on the type of device you choose. However, Figure 9-3 does identify the typical detail displayed for most devices.
Figure 9-3 Device Details Page
Table 9-1 identifies the fields shown Figure 9-3.
Table 9-1 Device Details Page
Field or Button DescriptionDevice Details
Device Type
Displays a drop-down list that identifies the available device types.
MAC Address
Identifies the devices MAC address.
Identifies the fully qualified domain name for the selected device. For example, ACME.COM is a fully qualified domain name.
Host Name
Identifies the host. For example, from the FQDN description above, ACME is the host name.
Domain Name
Identifies the domain within which the host resides. For example, from the FQDN description above, .COM is the domain name.
Behind Device
Identifies the device that is behind this device.
Provisioning Group
Identifies the provisioning group to which the device is assigned.
DHCP Criteria
Identifies the DHCP criteria used. This is an active link that, if clicked, displays the appropriate Modify DHCP Criteria page.
CPE DHCP Criteria
Identifies the DHCP criteria used for customer premises equipment, when in the Promiscuous mode.
Device Properties
Identifies any properties, other than those displayed on this page, that can be set for this device. These are custom properties.
Device Provisioned State
Identifies whether the device is provisioned or not. A device is provisioned only when it is registered and has booted on the network.
Device Registered State
Identifies whether the device is registered or not.
Relay Agent Circuit Identifier
Identifies the relay agent circuit identifier of the device. This is equivalent to DHCP option 82, sub option 1.
Relay Agent Remote Identifier
Identifies the relay agent remote identifier of the device. This is the equivalent to the DHCP option 82, sub option 2.
Client Identifier
Identifies the client identification used by the device in its DHCP messages.
Client Request Host Name
Identifies the host name that the client requested in its DHCP messages.
Class of Service
Identifies the class of service assigned to this device.
Owner Identifier
Identifies the device. This may be a user ID, and account number, or may be blank.
Detected Properties
Identifies properties returned by the RDU device detection extension(s) when the device's configuration was generated.
Selected Properties
Identifies properties returned by the RDU service level selection extension(s) for the detected device type when the device's configuration was generated.
Is Behind Required Device
This returns "false" if the IPDeviceKeys.MUST_BE_BEHIND_DEVICE property has been used to establish a required relay agent device and the service level selection extension(s) determined this device did not boot behind the required relay agent.
Is In Required Provisioning Group
This returns "false" if the IPDeviceKeys.MUST_BE_IN_PROV_GROUP property has been used to establish a required provisioning group and the service level selection extension(s) determined this device did not boot in the required provisioning group.
Selected Access
Identifies the access granted to the device by the service level selection extension(s):
REGISTERED—Indicates the device was registered and met any requirements for access.
PROMISCUOUS—Indicates the device's provisioning will be based on policies assigned to it' relay agent.
DEFAULT—Indicates the device will be provisioned with the default access for its device type,.
OTHER—Not used by the default extensions built into BACC and is provided for use by custom extensions.
Selected Class of Service
Identifies the name of the class of service used to generate the device's configuration.
Selected DHCP Criteria
Indentifies the name of the DHCP criteria used to generate the device's configuration.
Selected Explanation
Provides a textual description of why the service level selection extension(s) selected the access they granted the device.
For example, the device may have been granted default access because it did not boot in its required provisioning group.
Selected Reason
Identifies why the service level selection extension(s) selected the access they granted the device as an enumeration code. The possible values are:
Most of these indicate violations of requirements for granting registered or promiscuous access resulting in default access being granted.
Related Node Type
Identifies the node type to which this device is related. See the "Node Management" section for additional information.
DHCP Information
DHCP Inform Dictionary
Identifies additional information that the Network Registrar extensions send to the RDU when requesting the generation of a configuration. This is for internal BACC use only.
DHCP Request Dictionary
Identifies the DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST packet details that were sent from the Network Registrar extensions to the RDU when requesting the generation of a configuration.
DHCP Response Dictionary
This field is for internal BACC use only; it should always be empty.
DHCP Environment Dictionary
This field is for internal BACC use only; it should always be empty.
Lease Information
IP Address
Identifies a device's IP address.
DHCP Lease Properties
Identifies the lease properties, this should always be empty.
Technology Specific Information
The technology-specific information identifies only data that is relevant for the technologies you are licensed to use.
XGCP Ports
Identifies the ports on which the gateway control protocol is active.
DOCSIS Version
Identifies the DOCSIS version currently in use.
Managing Devices
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the Devices menu lets you create and manage how devices are maintained within the RDU database. Device management includes adding, deleting, and modifying devices as well as regenerating configurations, relating, and unregistering selected devices.
This section describes how to perform the various device management functions on new or existing devices. Several information fields appear consistently over all device management pages. These include:
Device Type—When adding a device, this is a drop-down list that identifies the available device types you can create within BACC. Available selections, as they appear on screen, include:
When modifying a device the device type can not be edited or changed.
MAC Address—This is the MAC address of the device being added.
Enter the MAC address of the device being added in this field. When doing this, you must ensure that you enter the commas and colons in the appropriate positions. For example:
Host Name—Identifies the device's host. For example, from an FQDN of node.cisco.com, node is the host name.
Domain Name—Identifies the domain within which the host resides. For example, from an FQDN of node.cisco.com, cisco.com is the domain name.
Owner Identifier—Identifies the device using something other than the host name. This may be a user ID, an account number, or may be left blank.
Class of Service—Specifies the class of service that the device is to be provisioned with.
DHCP Criteria—Specifies the DHCP criteria that the device is to be provisioned with.
Depending on the page displayed, additional information may appear. Where appropriate, this additional information is identified in the following procedures.
Adding Devices
To add a device:
Step 1
From the Manage Devices page, click Add. The Add Device page appears.
Step 2
Choose the device type and class of service, and complete the other fields on the page. In addition to the fields described earlier in this section, you can also add new values for existing property name/value pairs.
Property Name—Identifies the name of the custom or built-in device property.
Property Value—Identifies the value of the property.
Step 3
Click Submit to add the device, or Reset to clear all fields.
To specify a CPE DHCP criteria for a DOCSIS modem, for use with promiscuous computers, you must specify the property /provisioning/cpeDhcpCriteria. The value must be a valid DHCP criteria.
Modifying Devices
To modify a device:
Step 1
From the Manage Devices page, click the Identifier link corresponding to the desired device. The Modify Device page appears.
Step 2
Choose the desired parameter(s) from the applicable drop-down list(s) or enter the data in the correct field. You can modify any existing property name/value pairs by clicking Add, or delete any of them by clicking Delete.
Step 3
Click Submit to save the changes made to this device, or Reset to clear all fields.
Deleting Devices
Deleting devices is a simple process, but one that you should use carefully. To undo the delete, you must restore a previously backed up database or re-add the device.
Refer to the "Database Restore" section for additional information if restoration of a backed up database becomes necessary.
To delete a device:
Step 1
From the Devices page, locate the device that you want to delete. You can use one of the search types for this purpose.
Step 2
Click the check box to the left of the desired device.
Step 3
Click Delete. The device record stored in the RDU database is removed.
Regenerating Device Configurations
It is sometimes necessary to change many different class of service or DHCP criteria parameters. When this happens, existing device configurations become stale and require regeneration of the configuration. To eliminate the need to manually regenerate each configuration, and reduce the potential for introducing errors, BACC provides a configuration regeneration service (CRS) that you can use to automatically regenerate all device configurations.
Device configurations are automatically regenerated whenever:
A class of service property is changed.
A DHCP criteria property changes.
An external file is replaced. This applies to files that are dynamic DOCSIS templates and are directly associated with a class of service.
New default classes of service or DHCP criteria are designated.
In addition, some configurations cannot be automatically regenerated, but must rely on manual regeneration using either the generationConfiguration() method or the administrator's user interface. Configurations that must be manually regenerated are those that become necessary whenever:
A technology default is changed.
The system defaults are changed.
A file that is included within another DOCSIS template is changed.
Regardless of how configurations are regenerated, they are not propagated to the devices until the device is rebooted.
Relating and Unrelating Devices
The concept of relating devices is somewhat similar to that of Class of Service or DHCP Criteria inasmuch as a device is related to a specific class of service or to a specific DHCP criteria. The significant difference is that the Class of Service and DHCP Criteria are considered to be predefined nodes and that you use nodes to group devices into arbitrary groups that you define.
In this context, the Relate function lets you associate a device, using its MAC address, to a specific node, which is in turn associated with a specific node type.
By relating a device to a specific node, an extraordinarily large volume of information is recorded for the device. This information can then be used to troubleshoot potential problems. Table 9-2 identifies a possible work flow using the Relate and Unrelate functions.
Resetting Devices
The Reset button lets you reboot any selected device.
Unregistering a Device
The unregister function lets you reset a device back to its defaults as if it had just booted on the network.
If the device has never booted on the network, it will be deleted.
Node Management
Node management allows the creation, modification and deletion of nodes and node types. Within the context of BACC, node types can be considered as groups of nodes, while nodes themselves make up the node type.
Managing Node Types
Access the Manage Nodes page (shown in Figure 9-4) by selecting Nodes from either the main menu or the primary menu bar. Node Type is the default setting when this page appears.
Figure 9-4 Manage Nodes Page
Adding a Node Type
To add a new node type:
Step 1
Click Add and the Add Node Type page appears.
Step 2
Enter a name for the new node type.
Step 3
Select the appropriate Property Name from the drop-down list and enter the required Property Value.
Step 4
Click Add and the new node type appears. You can continue adding as many properties as required.
Step 5
Click Submit when complete. The new node type is recorded in the RDU and the Manage Node Types page appears with the new node type added.
Modifying Node Types
To modify node type properties:
Step 1
Click the desired node type and the Modify Node Type page appears.
Step 2
Make the necessary changes to the Property Name/Property Value pairs. If you need to delete a specific pair, click Delete next to the desired pair.
Step 3
Click Submit and the Manage Node page appears with the appropriately modified description.
Deleting Node Types
To delete node types:
Step 1
In the Manager Node page click the Delete icon corresponding to the desired node type.
Step 2
In the Delete Node Type dialog box, click OK to delete the selected node type, or Cancel to return to the previous page.
The Manage Nodes page appears without the deleted Node Type.
Managing Nodes
You can create and modify nodes, and delete unwanted nodes.
Adding a New Node
To add a new node:
Step 1
Select Nodes from the drop-down list on the Manage Nodes page.
Step 2
Click Add and the Add Node page appears.
Step 3
Enter the new node name and select the appropriate Node Type for this node.
Click Submit when complete and the Manage Node page appears with the new node added.
Step 4
Select the appropriate Property Name from the drop-down list and enter the required Property Value.
Step 5
Click Add to increase the number of applicable Property Name/Property Value pairs.
Step 6
Click Submit when complete. The new node is recorded in the RDU and the Manage Nodes page appears with the new node added.
Modifying a Node
To modify node properties:
Step 1
Click the desired node and the Modify Nodes page appears.
Step 2
Make the necessary changes to the Property Name/Property Value pairs. If you need to delete a specific pair, click Delete next to the desired pair.
Step 3
Click Submit and the Manage Node page appears with the appropriately modified description.
Deleting Nodes
You can delete any node that appears in the Manager Node page by checking the box corresponding to the node being deleted and then click Delete. The node is immediately deleted.
Relating/Unrelating Node Types to Nodes
The relate and unrelate functions are used to establish a relationship between specific node types and nodes. To either relate or unrelate this relationship:
Step 1
Click Relate or Unrelate, as desired, for the selected node. Either the Relate Nodes or Unrelate Node page appears.
Step 2
Select the appropriate Node Type from the drop-down list and select the group to which the node will be related/unrelated.
Step 3
Click Submit and the Manage Nodes page appears.
Viewing Node Details
Use the Devices icon to search for a specific node. Doing this displays the Node Search function on the Manage Devices page. From this page select the appropriate Node Type and enter the node name. You can use wildcard characters to locate a group of similarly named nodes. See the "Searching for Devices" section for additional information on search functions.
Viewing Servers
This section describes the BACC administrator view server pages:
Listing Device Provisioning Engines
Listing Network Registrar Extension Points
Viewing Regional Distribution Unit Details
Listing Device Provisioning Engines
The List Device Provisioning Engines page lets you monitor the list of all DPEs currently registered with the BACC database. Each DPE name displayed on this page is a link to another page that shows the details for that DPE. Click this link to display the details page, which is similar to Figure 9-5.
The RDU determines the names of the CNR extensions and DPEs by the interface they connect to the RDU on. That is, the name of the DPE or CNR extensions is what the RDU machine thinks it is.
Figure 9-5 View Device Provisioning Engine Details Page
Table 9-3 identifies the fields and buttons shown in Figure 9-5.
The type of DPE details displayed for a hardware or Solaris DPE are the same.
Listing Network Registrar Extension Points
The List Network Registrar Extension Points page lists the extension points for all Network Registrar servers that have been registered with the RDU, and are configured for use with BACC. Network Registrar servers automatically register with the RDU when those servers are started.
Each Network Registrar extension point displayed on this page is a link to a secondary page that displays details of that extension point. Click this link to display the details page, which is similar to Figure 9-6.
Figure 9-6 View Cisco Network Registrar Details Page
Table 9-4 identifies the fields and buttons shown in Figure 9-6.
Listing Provisioning Groups
The List Provisioning Groups page lets you monitor all current provisioning groups. Each provisioning group appearing in this list is a link to its own details page. Click this link to display the details page, which is similar to Figure 9-7.
Figure 9-7 View Provisioning Group Details Page
Table 9-5 identifies the fields and buttons shown in Figure 9-7. The fields described in Table 9-5 may include active links that, if clicked, display the appropriate details page.
Viewing Regional Distribution Unit Details
The RDU option, from the Servers menu, displays details of the RDU currently in use. Figure 9-8 illustrates a sample RDU details page.
Figure 9-8 View Regional Distribution Unit Details Page
Table 9-6 identifies the fields and buttons shown in Figure 9-8.
For performance reasons, the RDU does not write updated database statistics to disk every time a device record is updated. Database statistics, such as device object counters shown in Table 9-6, are maintained in memory and periodically written to the database. Consequently, the device statistics displayed in this page are approximate counts that may not exactly match the actual number of devices in the database.
Posted: Thu Feb 2 13:02:22 PST 2006
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