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Table Of Contents
Configuring Broadband Access Center for Cable
Configuring the Class of Service
Selecting Configuration Options
Gateway (xGCP) Control Protocol Defaults
Adding and Modifying a License
Managing Regional Distribution Unit Extensions
Installing RDU Custom Extension Points
Modifying Publishing Plug-In Settings
Configuring the SRV Record in the Network Registrar DNS Server
Configuring SNMPV3 Cloning on the RDU and DPE for Secure Communication with PacketCable MTAs
Creating the Key Material and Generating the Key
Automatically Generated FQDN Format
Properties for Automatically Generated FQDNs
Sample Automatic FQDN Generation
Configuring Broadband Access Center for Cable
This chapter describes the Broadband Access Center for Cable (BACC) configuration activities that you perform using Configuration menu options:
Configuring the Class of Service
Configuring Custom Properties
Managing Regional Distribution Unit Extensions
Publishing Provisioning Data
Configuring the Class of Service
Using the BACC administrator, you can configure the classes of service offered to your customers. For example, you can associate DOCSIS options with different DOCSIS classes of service. You use the BACC administrator user interface to add, modify, view, or delete any selected class of service. Start with the Manage Class of Service page, as shown in Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1 Manage Class of Service Page
Table 10-1 identifies the fields and buttons shown in Figure 10-1.
Table 10-1 Configure Class of Service Page
Field or Button DescriptionClass of Service
A drop-down list that identifies the technology classes of service that you can search for. Available selections, as they appear on screen, include:
ATA 186
ATA 188
Refer to the "Configuring Defaults" section, for additional information on these areas of technology.
Lets you add a new class of service.
Class of Service list
Displays the attributes of any selected class of service.
Lets you delete selected classes of service.
Adding a Class of Service
To add a specific class of service:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose Class of Service from the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3
Click Add. The Add Class of Service page appears. This page identifies the various settings for the selected class of service.
Step 4
Enter the name of your new class of service.
Step 5
Choose a Class of Service Type.
Step 6
Enter a Property Name and Property Value in the appropriate fields.
For example:
Assume that you want to create a new class of service called Gold-Classic for DOCSIS modems. You might:
Enter Gold-Classic as the Class of Service Name.
Choose DOCSIS from the service type drop-down list.
Choose the /cos/docsis/file property file name.
Enter Gold-Classic.cm in the Property Value field and then continue with the rest of this procedure.
Step 7
Click Add to add the property to the defining class of service.
Step 8
Click Submit to finalize the process or Reset to return all fields to their previous setting. After submitting the class of service, the Manage Class of Service page appears to show the newly added class of service for that particular device type.
Multiple Property Name:Property Value pairs could appear on this page. You use the Delete button to remove any unwanted pairs from the class of service.
CautionWhen adding a DOCSISModem class of service, you must specify the /cos/docsis/file property with the value being the name of a previously added external file. This file is used when provisioning a DOCSIS device that has this class of service.
When adding a PacketCable class of service, you must specify the /cos/packetCableMTA/file property with the value being the name of a previously added external file. This file will be used when provisioning a Packetcable device that has this class of service.
When adding a CableHomeWanMan class of service, you must specify the /cos/cableHomeWanMan/file property with the value being the name of a previously added external file. This file will be used when provisioning a CableHomeWanMan device that has this class of service.
Table 10-2 identifies the fields and buttons shown in the Add Class of Service page.
Modifying a Class of Service
You modify your classes of service by selecting the various properties and assigning appropriate property values. When creating a class of service for the first time you must select all the required properties and assign values to them. If you make a mistake, or your business requirements for a certain class of service change, you can either change the property value before submitting your previous changes or delete the Property Name:Property Value pair altogether.
Subsequent device configurations will include the changes you implement here. All existing configurations are regenerated, although the devices on the network will not get the new configuration until they reboot.
To add, delete, or modify class of service properties:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose Class of Service from the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3
Choose the class of service to be modified.
Step 4
Click the link corresponding to the desired class of service. The Modify Class of Service page appears; note that the selected class of service name and type are displayed below the page description.
To add a new property to the selected class of service:
Select the first property that you want assigned to the selected class of service, from the Property Name drop-down and then, after entering the appropriate value for that property, click Add.
Repeat for any other properties you want to assign to the selected class of service.
To delete a property for the selected class of service:
Locate the unwanted property in the list immediately above the Property Name drop-down.
Click Delete.
To modify the value currently assigned to a property:
Delete the appropriate property as described above.
Add the same property back to the class of service while entering the new Property Value.
If you delete a required property you must add it back, and select the appropriate value, before you submit the change.
Step 5
Click Submit to make the modifications to the class of service. Each property added to a class of service, is displayed when you click Submit. After doing so, a confirmation page appears to regenerate the configuration for the devices with the selected Class of Service.
Step 6
Click OK and the modified class of service will be available in the Manage Class of Service page.
Deleting a Class of Service
You can delete any existing Class of Service but, before you attempt to do so, you must ensure that there are no devices associated with that Class of Service.
Where there are large numbers of devices associated with a Class of Service to be deleted, use the BACC application programmers interface (API) to write a program to iterate through these devices to reassign another class of service to the devices.
If you try to delete a Class of Service with devices associated with it, this error message is displayed:
The following error(s) occurred while processing your request. Error: Class Of Service [sample-COS] has devices associated with it, unable to delete Please correct the error(s) and resubmit your request.
The specific class of Service is specified within the error message. In this example this is represented by sample-COS.
To delete a class of service:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose Class of Service from the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3
Click Delete for any desired class of service, and a confirmation dialog box appears.
You cannot delete the default `unprovisioned-docsis' Class of Service.
Step 4
Click OK to delete the file, or Cancel to return to the Manage Class of Service page. (See Figure 10-1.)
A class of service cannot be deleted if devices are associated with it or, if it is designated as the default class of service.
Configuring Custom Properties
Custom properties let you specify additional customizable device information to be stored in the RDU database. The Custom Property configuration page is found under the Configuration menu and you use this page to add or delete custom properties.
CautionAlthough you can delete custom properties if they are currently in use, doing so could cause extreme difficulty to other areas where the properties are in use.
To configure custom properties:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose Custom Property from the Secondary Navigation bar and the Configure Custom Properties page appears.
To add a custom property:
Click Add on the Configure Custom Properties page, and the Add Custom Property page appears.
Enter the name of the new custom property.
Choose a custom property type from the drop-down list.
Click Submit when complete. After the property has been added to the administrative database, the Configure Custom Properties page appears.
To delete a custom property:
Identify the custom property to be deleted from the Configure Custom Properties page.
Click the Delete icon corresponding to the desired custom property, and the custom properties deletion dialog box appears.
Click OK to delete the custom property.
Step 3
After clicking Submit or OK, and your custom property is added or deleted, the Configure Custom Properties page appears.
Configuring Defaults
The Defaults page, found under the Configuration option, lets you access the default settings for the overall system, including the regional distribution unit (RDU), Network Registration extensions, and all supported technologies.
Selecting Configuration Options
The procedure for configuring specific default types is identical. Complete this procedure to access the desired defaults page and then refer to the appropriate section within this chapter for a description of the various page components.
Step 1
Choose Configuration on either the Primary Navigation bar or Main Menu page.
Step 2
Choose Defaults from the Secondary Navigation bar and the Configure Defaults page appears.
Step 3
Choose the desired default type from the list to the left of the screen. The appropriate defaults page appears.
ATA 186 Defaults
The Cisco ATA 186 is a handset-to-Ethernet adaptor that turns a traditional telephone into an Ethernet IP telephone. You can take advantage of the many IP telephony applications by connecting an existing analog telephone to this device.
The Configure ATA 186 Defaults page ( Figure 10-2) displays a list of default values currently available to support the ATA 186.
Figure 10-2 Configure ATA 186 Defaults Page
Table 10-3 identifies the fields and buttons shown in Figure 10-2. In many cases, the parameters that appear on this page also appear in other default pages.
Table 10-3 Configure ATA 186 Defaults Page
Field or Button DescriptionExtension Point
Identifies the extension point to execute when generating a configuration for a device of this technology.
Disruption Extension Point
Identifies the extension point to be executed to disrupt a device of this technology.
Service Level Selection Extension Point
Identifies the extension used to determine the DHCP criteria and Class of Service required for a device.
Default Class of Service
Identifies the current default class of service for a specific device technology, in this example, ATA186. New, unrecognized devices of that technology type will be assigned to this class of service. Use the drop-down list to select a new default value.
Default DHCP Criteria
Identifies the current default DHCP criteria for a specific device technology, in this example, ATA186. New, unrecognized devices of that technology type will have this default DHCP criteria assigned. Use the drop-down list to select a new default value.
Automatic FQDN Generation
Automatically generates a host and domain name for the device. Two selectable options are available:
Enabled—Automatic generation of the FQDN is enabled.
Disabled—Automatic generation of the FQDN is disabled.
See the "Automatic FQDN Generation" section for additional information.
Activates the changes you have made. After the administrative database has been updated the Configure Defaults page will reflect the changes you have made.
Returns all settings to their previous setting.
ATA 188 Defaults
The Cisco ATA 188 interfaces regular telephones with IP-based ethernet telephony networks. The ATA 188 provides true, next-generation voice-over-IP (VoIP) terminations to support the needs of the enterprise, small-office environments, and emerging VoIP managed voice services and local services market.
The Configure ATA 188 Defaults page displays a list of default values currently available to support the ATA 188. The default parameters displayed for the ATA 188 are identical to those displayed for the ATA 186 although the values you select could be different.
CableHome WAN Defaults
There are two distinct CableHome WAN default screens; one for WAN-Data devices and one for WAN-Man devices.
WAN-Data devices, which are entirely dependent on their corresponding WAN-Man devices, are not unlike computers operating in the promiscuous mode, relative to their cable modems. A WAN-Data device is simply a MAC address and an IP address.
In either case, select the desired default from the displayed list to display the appropriate page. Each WAN default page contains the same fields and buttons, as identified in Table 10-4.
Table 10-4 Configure WAN MAN /WAN Data Defaults Page
Field or Button DescriptionExtension Point
Identifies the extension point to execute when generating a configuration for a WAN device.
Disruption Extension Point
Identifies the extension point to be executed to disrupt a WAN device.
Service Level Selection Extension Point
Identifies the extension used to determine the DHCP criteria and Class of Service required for a device.
Default Class of Service
Identifies the current default class of service for a WAN-Data. New, unrecognized WAN devices are assigned to this class of service. Use the drop-down list to select a new default value.
Default DHCP Criteria
Identifies the current default DHCP criteria for a specific device technology. New, unrecognized WAN devices are assigned this default DHCP criteria. Use the drop-down list to select a new default value.
Automatic FQDN Generation
Automatically generates a host and domain name for the device. Two selectable options are available:
Enabled—Automatic generation of the FQDN is enabled.
Disabled—Automated FQDN generation is disabled.
See the "Automatic FQDN Generation" section for additional information.
CableHome WAN Data Defaults
When you select the CableHome wide area network (WAN) Data defaults link, the CableHome Defaults page (see Figure 10-3) appears. Use this page to configure the WAN-Data device type.
Figure 10-3 Configure CableHome WAN-Data Defaults Page
CableHome WAN-Man Defaults
When you select the CableHome WAN-Man defaults link, the CableHome WAN-Man Defaults page (see Figure 10-4) appears. Use this page to configure the WAN-Man device type.
Figure 10-4 Configure CableHome WAN-Man Defaults Page
Computer Defaults
The Computer Defaults page ( Figure 10-5) displays a list of default values currently applied to the computers supported by BACC.
Figure 10-5 Configure Computer Defaults Page
Refer to Table 10-3 for the description of all fields and buttons appearing in Figure 10-5.
Changes to the default Class of Service and default DHCP Criteria cause regeneration to occur. Any other changes made to this page will not affect the current devices.
DOCSIS Defaults
When the DOCSIS Defaults option is selected, the DOCSIS Defaults page appears. This page ( Figure 10-6) displays a list of default DOCSIS values currently applied to cable modems supported by BACC.
Figure 10-6 Configure DOCSIS Defaults Page
Refer to Table 10-5 for the description of all fields and buttons appearing in Figure 10-6.
Changes to the default Class of Service and default DHCP Criteria cause regeneration to occur. Changes to any TFTP option come into effect starting from the next TFTP transfer.
Table 10-5 identifies the fields and buttons that are unique to this defaults page.
Table 10-5 Configure DOCSIS Defaults Page
Field or Button DescriptionExtension Point
Identifies the extension point to execute when generating a configuration for a DOCSIS device.
Disruption Extension Point
Identifies the extension point to be executed to disrupt a DOCSIS device.
Service Level Selection Extension Point
Identifies the extension used to determine the DHCP criteria and Class of Service required for a device.
Default Class of Service
Identifies the current default class of service for a device. New, unrecognized devices are assigned to this class of service. Use the drop-down list to select a new default value.
Default DHCP Criteria
Identifies the current default DHCP criteria for a specific device technology. New, unrecognized devices are assigned this default DHCP criteria. Use the drop-down list to select a new default value.
TFTP Modem Address Option
Identifies whether the TFTP modem address option is enabled.
TFTP Time Stamp
Identifies whether the TFTP server will issue a time stamp.
Automatic FQDN Generation
Automatically generates a host and domain name for the device. Two selectable options are available:
Enabled—Automatic generation of the FQDN is enabled.
Disabled—Automated FQDN generation is disabled.
See the "Automatic FQDN Generation" section for additional information.
CMTS Shared Secret
Identifies the character string that BACC uses in the calculation of the CMTS MIC in the configuration file. The CMTS uses it to authenticate the configuration file that a cable modem submits to the CMTS for authorization.
CMTS Default Docsis Version
Specifies the default DOCSIS version used by all CMTSs. If you do not enter a DOCSIS version in this field, it will default to version 1.0.
Relay Agent IP Address to CMTS Version Mapping file
Identifies the mapping file used by the CMTS. This file specifies the DOCSIS version that the CMTS will use.
If you enable either or both of the TFTP options on this page, that appropriate TFTP information will be included in the TFTP file before it is sent to the DOCSIS cable modem.
Network Registrar Defaults
BACC provides Network Registrar (NR) extension points that allow BACC to pull information from an incoming DHCP packet(s) to detect a device's technology. They also let BACC respond to device DHCP requests with options that correspond to the configuration stored at the DPE.
When the NR Defaults option is selected, the NR Defaults page (see Figure 10-7) appears.
Figure 10-7 Configure Network Registrar Defaults Page
Refer to Table 10-6 for the description of all fields and buttons appearing in Figure 10-7.
Changes made to this page do not take effect until the Network Registrar extensions are reloaded.
PacketCable Defaults
The PacketCable Defaults page identifies those defaults necessary to support the PacketCable voice technology. When selected the PacketCable Defaults page (see Figure 10-8) appears.
Figure 10-8 Configure PacketCable (Voice Technology) Defaults Page
Table 10-7 identifies the fields and buttons that are unique to this defaults page.
RDU Defaults
When you select the RDU defaults link, the RDU Defaults page (see Figure 10-9) appears. Use this page to configure the RDU to communicate with Network Registrar. See the Cisco CNS Network Registrar User's Guide for additional information.
Figure 10-9 Configure RDU Defaults Page
Table 10-8 describes all fields and buttons appearing in Figure 10-9.
See the Managing Regional Distribution Unit Extensions for related information on RDU extension points.
System Defaults
When you select the Systems Defaults link, the System Defaults page (see Figure 10-10) appears.
Figure 10-10 System Defaults Page
You can configure the default values using the BACC application program interface.
Table 10-9 describes all fields and buttons appearing in Figure 10-10.
Gateway (xGCP) Control Protocol Defaults
XGCP is a gateway control protocol that lets external call agents control gateways in a Voice over IP (VoIP) environment. The Configure XGCP Defaults page ( Figure 10-11) displays a list of default values currently applied to the xGCP gateway devices supported by BACC.
Figure 10-11 Configure XGCP Page
Table 10-10 describes all fields and buttons appearing in Figure 10-11.
Subsequent device configurations will include the changes you implement here. However, all existing configurations are not changed. To make the changes in any existing configuration, you must regenerate the configuration using the application programming interface (API).
Configuring DHCP Criteria
In BACC, DHCP criteria describe the specific criteria for a device when selecting a scope in Network Registrar. For example, a DHCP criteria called provisioned-docsis has an inclusion selection tag called tagProvisioned. The DHCP criteria is associated with a DOCSIS modem. When this modem requests an IP address from the Network Registrar, Network Registrar looks for scopes associated with the scope selection tag tagProvisioned.
To access the DHCP Criteria page:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose DHCP Criteria from the Secondary Navigation bar and the Manage DHCP Criteria page appears.
Adding DHCP Criteria
To add a DHCP criteria:
Step 1
Click Add, on the DHCP Criteria page, and the Add DHCP Criteria page appears.
Step 2
Enter the name of the DHCP criteria you want to create.
Step 3
Enter the DHCP Criteria client-class name.
Step 4
Enter the inclusion and exclusion selection tags.
When creating new DHCP criteria, the client-class and Inclusion and Exclusion selection tag names you enter must be the exact names from within Network Registrar. Refer to the Network Registrar User's Guide and the Network Registrar CLI Reference for additional information about client-class and selection tags. You should specify either the Client Class, Inclusion Selection Tag or Exclusion Selection Tag names when creating a new DHCP criteria.
Step 5
You can add or modify the properties that are added on the DHCP criteria. Enter or select a Property Name, or select an existing name, and enter or modify the appropriate Property Value.
Step 6
Click Add after changing or creating the property name-property value pair.
Step 7
Click Submit. After the DHCP criteria is successfully added in the RDU database, it will be visible in the Manage DHCP Criteria Page.
Modifying DHCP Criteria
To modify existing DHCP criteria:
Step 1
On the Manage DHCP criteria page, click the DHCP criteria link that you want to modify and the Modify DHCP Criteria page appears.
Step 2
Make the desired changes to the client-class, inclusion and exclusion selection tags, and the property value settings.
Step 3
Click Submit. After successful modification of the DHCP criteria in the RDU Database, the Manage DHCP Criteria page appears.
Subsequent device configurations will include the changes you implement here. All existing configurations are regenerated, although the devices on the network will not get the new configuration until they are rebooted.
Deleting DHCP Criteria
Deleting DHCP criteria using the administrator application does not delete the actual DHCP server configurations from the DHCP server. You must delete the DHCP server configurations manually. To delete an existing criteria:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose DHCP Criteria from the Secondary Navigation bar and the Manage DHCP Criteria page appears.
Step 3
Click the Delete icon corresponding to the criteria you want to delete, and a deletion dialog box appears.
Step 4
Click OK to delete the criteria or click Cancel to abort the operation. The Manage DHCP Criteria page appears.
You can delete a DHCP criteria only if there are no devices associated with that criteria, and it is not designated as the default DHCP criteria. If a DHCP criteria has devices associated, you must associate a different DHCP criteria before deleting the criteria.
Managing External Files
Using the BACC administrative user interface, you can manage the TFTP server files or template files for dynamic generation for DOCSIS, PacketCable MTAs, and WAN-Man files, or software images for devices (see Figure 10-12). You can add, delete, replace, or export any file type, including:
Template files—These are text files that contain either DOCSIS, PacketCable, or CableHome options and values that, when used in conjunction with a particular class of service, provide dynamic file generation.
Template files can be created in any text editor, but must have a tmpl file extension. Refer to the "Developing Template Files" section on page 12-1 for additional template information.
Static configuration files—These files are used as a configuration file for a device. For example, a static configuration file called gold.cm would identify the gold DOCSIS class of service. BACC treats this file type like any other binary file.
IOS images—These are images stored in firmware for a Cisco device. The Cisco device can upload the image to upgrade its functionality. BACC treats this file type like any other binary file.
Figure 10-12 is displayed after clicking the Search button on the Manage External Files page.
Figure 10-12 Manage External Files Page
Table 10-11 identifies the fields and buttons shown in Figure 10-12.
Adding External Files
To add an existing external file:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose External Files from the Secondary Navigation bar. The Manage External Files page appears.
Step 3
Click Add and the Add External Files page appears.
Step 4
Enter the Source filename and the External filename.
If you do not know the exact name of the source file, use the Browse function to navigate to the desired directory and select the file. By default, file sizes up to 12 MB are supported.
Step 5
Click Submit. The Manage External Files page appears to indicate that the file has been added.
Viewing External Files
To view the contents of a DOCSIS or PacketCable voice technology external file:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose External Files from the Secondary Navigation bar. The Manage External Files page appears.
Step 3
Search for the required file using the search field and appropriate wildcard characters.
Step 4
Click the Details icon corresponding to the DOCSIS, CableHome WAN-Man, and PacketCable MTA binary configuration files and a View Binary File Contents page appears. Figure 10-13 identifies example binary file content and Figure 10-14 identifies example Jar file content.
Figure 10-13 Example Binary File Content
Figure 10-14 Example Jar File Content
Replacing External Files
To replace an existing external file:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose External Files from the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3
Select the link that corresponds to the file you want to replace from the search output list. The Replace External Files page appears. Note that the selected filename already appears on this page.
Step 4
Enter the path and filename of the source file to be used as a replacement for the displayed external filename.
If you do not know the exact name or location of the source file, use the Browse function to navigate to the desired directory and select the file.
Step 5
Click Submit. After submitting the replacement file, a confirmation page appears to indicate that, after replacement, BACC will regenerate configurations for the affected devices.
Step 6
Click OK and the Manage External Files page appears.
All devices using this file through a class of service are regenerated after the replacement is finished.
Exporting External Files
You can copy external files to your local hard drive using the export function.
The procedure described below assumes that you are using Internet Explorer. This procedure is different if you are using Netscape Navigator.
To export a file:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose External Files from the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3
Identify the external file that you want to export.
Step 4
Click the Export icon and you are prompted to either open the file or save it.
Step 5
Return to the BACC user interface.
Deleting External Files
Complete this procedure to delete an existing external file:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose External Files from the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3
In the External Files field, enter the filename of the external file that you want to modify.
Step 4
Click Search. The appropriate file will appear in the External Files list.
Step 5
Choose the appropriate file or files.
Step 6
Click Delete.
CautionDeleting a template file that is not directly linked to a class of service, but is referenced by another template file that is linked to a class of service, will cause the configuration regeneration service to fail.
You cannot delete a file that has a class of service associated with it. You must remove the class of service association before proceeding. See the "Configuring the Class of Service" section for additional information.
Managing License Keys
Software licenses are used to activate specific features or to increase the functionality of your installation. Each license is available as either a permanent license or an evaluation license.
Permanent—A permanent license is purchased for use in your network environment and activates the specific features for which it is intended.
Evaluation—An evaluation license enables functionality for a specific amount of time after installation. You can upgrade an evaluation license to a permanent license by entering a new permanent license number.
CautionDo not attempt to deploy into a fully operational network with an evaluation license key installed. Any provisioning done using an evaluation license will be disabled when that evaluation license expires.
When you upgrade from an evaluation license to a permanent license, you do not have to re-install the software. You can perform the upgrade directly from the BACC administrator user interface; you do not have to repeat the entire installation process.
The Manage License Keys page ( Figure 10-15) displays a list of licenses that have been entered for your implementation. This BACC release supports both evaluation and permanent licenses for high-speed data (DOCSIS cable modems), PacketCable MTAs, ATAs, DPEs, CableHome WAN-Man and WAN-Data devices, and computers. The status of each available license is displayed as active, expired, not installed, or identifies the expiration date.
You can upgrade your evaluation licenses to permanent status. You can also upgrade a permanent license to increase the number of authorized devices. When you reach the limit of your number of licensed devices you cannot provision new devices, but existing devices that are already provisioned continue to receive service.
Figure 10-15 Manage License Keys Page
Adding and Modifying a License
To add, modify, or upgrade a license:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose Licenses from the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3
Obtain your new license key from either your Cisco Systems, Inc. representative or the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) website. See the Preface in this guide for TAC contact information.
Step 4
Enter the new license key in the License Key field.
Step 5
Click Add/Upgrade to install the new license key. If you enter a permanent license key, it overwrites the corresponding evaluation key (if that key was installed). If you enter a license key (permanent or evaluation) for a new technology, it will appear in the technology list.
Managing Regional Distribution Unit Extensions
Creating a custom extension point is essentially a programming activity that can, when used in conjunction with the BACC administrator' s user interface, allow you to expand the quantity of device types and technologies supported.
Managing extensions includes:
Installing RDU Custom Extension Points
You can specify multiple extension points by making them run one after another. You do this by specifying the extensions points in a comma-separated list.
Writing a New Class
This procedure is included to better illustrate the entire custom extension creation process. You can create many different types of extensions; for the purposes of this procedure the a new Publishing Extension Point is used.
To write the new class:
Step 1
Create a Java source file for the custom publishing extension.
Step 2
Create a manifest file for the Jar file that will contain the extension class.
Step 3
Create the Jar file for the custom extension point. You can give the jar file any name you wish although the name given should be descriptive in nature and not be a duplicate of any other existing Jar file.
Installing RDU Custom Extension Points
After a Jar file is created, use the administrator's user interface to install it:
Step 1
Use the "Adding External Files" procedure to add the new Jar file.
Use the Browse function to locate the Jar file created in the "Writing a New Class" procedure and select this file as the Source File; leaving the External File Name blank assigns the same file name for both source and external. The external file name is what you will see through the Administrator's user interface.
Step 2
Click Submit.
An error message is generated if the class name does not exist within the jar file or if BACC detects any other errors.
Step 3
Return to the RDU Defaults page and note that the newly added Jar file appears in the Extension Point Jar File Search Order field.
Step 4
Enter the extension class name in the Publishing Extension Point field.
Step 5
Click Submit to commit the changes to the RDU database.
Step 6
View the RDU extensions to ensure that the correct extensions are loaded.
Viewing RDU Extensions
You can view the attributes of all RDU extensions directly from the View Regional Distribution Unit Details page. This page displays details on the installed extension Jar files and the loaded extension class files. See Viewing Regional Distribution Unit Details, page 9-24.
Publishing Provisioning Data
BACC has the capability to publish the provisioning data it tracks to an external datastore in real time. To do this, a publishing plug-in must be developed to write the data to the desired datastore. The Manage Publishing page, shown in Figure 10-16, identifies information such as the plug-in name, its current status (whether it is enabled or disabled), and switch to enable or disable it.
You can enable as many plug-ins as required by your implementation but care must be exercised because the use of publishing plug-ins can decrease system performance.
BACC does not ship with any publishing plug-ins. You must create your own plug-ins and then manage them from this page. The plug-ins shown in Figure 10-16 are for illustration only.
Figure 10-16 Manage Publishing Page
Publishing Datastore Changes
To publish changes to an external datastore:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose Publishing from the Secondary Navigation bar. The Manage Publishing page appears as shown in Figure 10-16. This page displays a list of all available database plug-ins and identifies the current status of each.
Step 3
Click on the appropriate status indicator to enable or disable the required plug-in. Note that as you click the status, it toggles from enabled to disabled. (See Figure 10-16.)
Modifying Publishing Plug-In Settings
These settings are a convenient way for plug-in writers to store plug-in settings in the RDU for their respective datastore. To modify the publishing plug-in settings:
Step 1
Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose Publishing from the Secondary Navigation bar and the Manage Publishing page appears.
Step 3
Click the link corresponding to the plug-in you want to modify. The Modify Publishing Plug-Ins page appear.
Table 10-12 identifies the fields shown in the Modify Publishing Plug-Ins page.
Step 4
Enter the required values in the Server, Port, IP Address, User, Password, and Confirm Password fields. These are all required fields and you must supply this information before proceeding.
Step 5
Click Submit to make the changes to the selected plug-in, or click Reset to clear all fields on this page.
Configuring the SRV Record in the Network Registrar DNS Server
You must configure the Network Registrar DNS server to operate with the KDC. Refer to your Network Registrar documentation, and these instructions, to perform this configuration.
It is recommended that you create a zone name that matches the desired realm name, and that the only DNS record in this special zone (other than the records required by the DNS server to maintain the zone) should be the SRV record for the realm. This example assumes that the desired Kerberos realm is voice.acme.com, and that all other KDC, Network Registrar, and DPE configuration has been performed. The FQDN of the KDC is assumed to be kdc.acme.com.
Step 1
Start the nrcmd CLI (usually located under /opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin), and enter your username and password.
Step 2
Enter this command to create a zone for the Kerberos realm:
nrcmd> zone voice.acme.com create primary <address of nameserver> hostmaster
Step 3
Enter this command to add the SRV record to the new zone:
nrcmd> zone voice.acme.com. addRR _kerberos._udp. srv 0 0 88 <address of KDC>
Step 4
Enter these commands to save and reload the DNS server:
nrcmd> save
nrcmd> dns reload
Configuring SNMPV3 Cloning on the RDU and DPE for Secure Communication with PacketCable MTAs
BACC lets you enable an external network manager for SNMPV3 access to MTA devices. Additionally, the RDU is capable of performing SNMPV3 operations in a specific MTA.
To enable this capability, set the security key material at the DPEs and RDU. After the key material has been set, the BACC API calls that are used to create cloned SNMPV3 entries are enabled.
Enabling this capability will impact provisioning performance.
Creating the Key Material and Generating the Key
Creating the key material is a two-step process. First, run a script command on the RDU and then run a CLI command on the DPE.
This shared secret is not the same shared secret as the CMTS or the BACC shared secrets.
To create the key material:
Step 1
From the <BACC_HOME>/rdu/bin directory, run this script on the RDU:
generateSharedSecret.sh <password>
Where the <password> is any password, 6 to 20 characters in length, that you create. This password is then used to generate a 46 byte key. This key is stored in a file, called keymaterial.txt, that is located in the <BACC_HOME>/rdu/conf directory.
Step 2
Run the packetcable snmp key-material DPE CLI command, with the <password> used in step 1 to generate that key, on all DPEs for which this voice technology is enabled.
This generates the same 46 byte key on the DPE and ensures that the RDU and DPE(s) are synchronized and can communicate with the MTA securely.
Automatic FQDN Generation
When configuring the PacketCable voice technology, a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) must reside in the BACC database for each voice device, whenever the KDC queries the registration server for that FQDN. The BACC automatic FQDN generation feature is not limited to use by any single voice technology; it can be used by any BACC technology.
Automatically Generated FQDN Format
An automatically generated FQDN in BACC follows this format:
prefix, suffix, and domain—Identify information set using either the BACC administrators user interface or the provisioning API.
In the example FQDN used here, prefix1,6,aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ffsuffix is the generated host name and domain is the domain name.
1,6,aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff—is the device MAC address
The entry of a prefix and suffix property is optional. If you do not specify these properties, and a host name is not specified during PacketCable MTA provisioning and, if neither the prefix nor suffix property is defined in the BACC property hierarchy, the device's MAC address followed by the domain name are used as the generated FQDN.
For example:
A device with the MAC address 1,6,aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff will have this FQDN generated:
Specifically, when configuring for PacketCable and many other technologies, the domain name property must also be configured. If you do not specify a domain name while provisioning a PacketCable MTA, the BACC property hierarchy is searched and, if it is not found, the MTA is not provisioned. However, if you do specify the domain name during MTA provisioning, that domain name will be used regardless of the domain name property that is specified in the BACC property hierarchy.
Properties for Automatically Generated FQDNs
Properties can be defined at any acceptable point in the BACC property hierarchy. You can use the System Defaults, Technology Defaults, DHCP Criteria, or Class of Service to accomplish this, and you can also do this at the device level.
FQDN Validation
There are a few things to consider when entering the information that is used to generate an FQDN. These include:
Use valid alphanumeric characters only in the generated FQDN.
Keep the length of each label (characters between the dots in the generated FQDN) to fewer than 63 characters.
Do not allow the overall length of the generated FQDN to exceed 254 characters.
The FQDN supports host and domain names as per RFC1035.
Sample Automatic FQDN Generation
This section provides an example of creating an automatically generated FQDN.
Step 1
Choose the appropriate class of service, and set the /fqdn/domain property value to the DNS domain for all devices using this class of service. For the purposes of this example, assume that the domain in use is pctest.com, and that you want to provision a set of PacketCable devices into that domain.
If a domain is not specified, devices in the class of service will not receive a DHCP configuration from BACC.
Step 2
Click Submit.
In this example, a device with MAC address 1,6,aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff will yield an automatically generated FQDN of 1-6-aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff.pctest.com. Additionally, the Automatic FQDN Generation field should be enabled in the device's default configuration.
Posted: Thu Feb 2 13:09:52 PST 2006
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