Table Of Contents
Troubleshooting the Cisco ANA 4.0 Installation
Configuration Settings for Running ANA In a Multi-homed Solaris Environment
Verify the Operating Environment
Verifying the Oracle Installation
Manually Uninstalling the Product
Troubleshooting the Cisco ANA 4.0 Installation
This chapter addresses the problems that you may encounter while installing ANA 4.0. It contains information on:
• Configuration Settings for Running ANA In a Multi-homed Solaris Environment
• Verify the Operating Environment
• Verifying the Oracle Installation
• Manually Uninstalling the Product
• Regenerating a Root Password
Frequently Asked Questions
This section comprises the frequently-asked questions for ANA 4.0.
Q. Unit and gateway are properly installed. Why is there no communication between them?
A. User ID (the default is anauser) must be the same for both unit and gateway. See "Verifying the Gateway Installation" section.
Q. Why can't I launch the webpage to download client installation binary file?
A. Check to see that the installation server is up and running. See "Installing and Uninstalling Cisco ANA 4.0".
Q. How can I tell if I have enough available memory? (The installation server isn't coming up and I think that might be the reason.
A. Enter the Unix command
prtdiag | grep size . You should have 16 GB available.
Q. After installing ANA 4.0, can I change the IP Address of the installed Solaris server?
A. You will not be able to change the IP Address after ANA is installed. A change of IP Address would require you to uninstall ANA and then install it again.
Log Files
Each ANA module writes a log file to its own folder within the $ANAHOME/Main/logs folder, where, $ANAHOME is the ANA installation directory. By default, ANA is installed in /export/home/ana40. By default, log sizes are limited to 4 MB, and 10 backup versions are maintained for each log file. If the number of backup versions exceeds 10, the oldest version is deleted.
When a log file reaches its maximum size, ANA backs up the file and starts a new log file. The module appends a number to the backup file, until it reaches the maximum allowed backups.
In the following example, the oldest file is process.log.2.gz, and process.log is the current log file.
11:42 PM 4,481,607 process.log 07:22 AM 5,120,447 process.log.1.gz 03:17 AM 5,120,105 process.log.2.gz
If the ANA server is restarted, all log files are moved to $ANAHOME/Main/logs/old. (There are also $ANAHOME/Main/logs/older and $ANAHOME/Main/logs oldest folders, to store logs in the event of several stops and restarts.)
When you install ANA on the gateway server, the installation log is Cisco_ANA_4.0_InstallLog.log in the $ANAHOME/Main/logs/install folder.
Table 6-1 lists each ANA module, the name of the folder where the log files are stored, and the related log files. You can view these files using any text editor.
Note To collect all log files for troubleshooting purposes (such as when working with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center), use the procedure described in the Cisco Active Network Abstraction 4.0 User and Administration Guide.
Unix DNS Setup
Networking should be configured correctly on a Unix system for proper connectivity and hostname address resolution.
Note The IP addresses in this section are for example only.
To enable hostname IP address resolution you must define the hostname in /etc/hosts. For example, myhost
If the hostname is defined, you will see:
/etc/hosts : myhost
<Host IP> <hostname> loghost
You must then enter the domain in the /etc/resolv.conf. For example, domain mydomain.com
If the domain name is defined, you will see:
/etc/resolv.conf :
- domain mydomain.com
- nameserver
Configuration Settings for Running ANA In a Multi-homed Solaris Environment
ANA requires additional custom configuration to work correctly in a multi-homed Solaris environment. Use the following suggestions to workaround any problems you may encounter.
ANA Gateway
If the ANA Gateway is installed on a Solaris machine that has multiple IP addresses then the ANA Gateway picks up the primary IP address as the ANA Gateway. To find out which IP address the ANA Gateway is using:
Step 1 Start the Gateway, by entering
cmpctl start
Step 2 Open th e AVM 0 management port (Telnet localhost 2000). To get the gateway primary address, enter:
cd os
The Gateway machine name and IP address are displayed.
Step 3 Enter
You must use the same IP address when installing or adding an ANA unit
ANA Unit
To find the primary IP address that is connected to the ANA Gateway if the ANA unit is installed on a Solaris machine that has multiple IP addresses:
Step 1 Enter
ping ANA Gateway IP Address
This command will make sure that the ANA Gateway is reachable from the unit.
Step 2 Enter
netstat -ran | grep ANA Gateway IP Address
This command will display the ethernet interface which is directly connected to the ANA Gateway.
Step 3 Enter
ifconfig enter the interface name obtained from step 2
This command will give the IP address of the ANA unit that will be used as the local host IP address during installation.
The local host IP address is added to avm99.xml under key avm99/services/os/localhost.
When adding the unit to the gateway, make sure that you use the unit IP address specified as the avm99/services/os/localhost entry in avm99.xml.
Verify the Operating Environment
This section describes how you can verify your operating environment:
1. Verify the root PATH is set to use the java version that was installed with and is stored in /usr/bin/java, and that the version is at least 1.5.0:
# type java
# java -version
2. Verify the system is running Solaris 10:
# uname -r
3. Verify the system has at least 16 GB of memory:
# prtdiag | grep size Memory size: 16GB
4. Verify NIS+ is disabled by logging in as root and editing /etc/nsswitch/conf. Remove nisplus in the following entries:
passwd: files nisplus
group: files nisplus
5. If you are using Xterm, verify that your display is correctly set (or you will not be able to launch the application):
setenv DISPLAY x.x.x.x:0.0
Where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the client connecting to the Xterm server.
If you receive an error, enter csh and re-enter the setenv command.
Verifying the Oracle Installation
Issues related to Oracle configuration or the start up of ANA are generally not installation issues. To determine whether an observed issue is indeed an installation-related problem, you must perform this basic troubleshooting.
Note ANA images must be installed as root. Patches must be installed as the ANA Unix user.
Step 1 Confirm that these prerequisites are met:
•Oracle is installed properly according to Oracle installation instructions.
•Oracle max processes has been increased to 500 and the max cursors has been increased to 300.
Step 2 Verify the Oracle listener is correctly configured:
a. Confirm that it has an entry for localhost ( in ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora:
b. If you add the entry, stop and restart the Oracle listener:
# lsnrctl stop
# lsnrctl start
Cleanup of Oracle Database
To correct database errors during installation or uninstallation, do the following:
•If you are logging into the gateway with a local database and the database is stopped after the uninstallation of ANA, enter the following commands:
su - oracle
sqlplus /nolog
connect /as sysdba
alter database datafile '
<Install Dir>/dbdata/ANA_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
alter database datafile '
<Install Dir>/dbdata/DWE_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
>> shutdown oracle and then restart oracle.
drop user ana cascade;
drop tablespace ana_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
drop user dwe cascade;
drop tablespace dwe_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
select tablespace_name from user_tablespaces;
•If you are logging into the gateway with a local database and the database is not stopped after the uninstallation of ANA., enter the following commands:
su - oracle
sqlplus /nolog
connect /as sysdba
alter database datafile '/export/home/ana40/dbdata/ANA_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
alter database datafile '/export/home/ana40/dbdata/DWE_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
>> shutdown oracle and then restart oracle.
drop user ana cascade;
drop tablespace ana_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
drop user dwe cascade;
drop tablespace dwe_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
select tablespace_name from user_tablespaces;
•If you are logging into the gateway with a remote database and the database is stopped after the uninstallation of ANA, enter the following commands:
su - oracle
sqlplus /nolog
connect /as sysdba
alter database datafile '/Datafile Directory at Remote DB Machine//ANA_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
alter database datafile '/Datafile Directory at Remote DB Machine//DWE_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
>> shutdown oracle and then restart oracle.
drop user ana cascade;
drop tablespace ana_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
drop user dwe cascade;
drop tablespace dwe_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
select tablespace_name from user_tablespaces;
•If you are logging into the gateway with a remote database and the database is not stopped after the uninstallation of ANA, enter the following commands:
su - oracle
sqlplus /nolog
connect /as sysdba
alter database datafile '/Datafile Directory at Remote DB Machine/ANA_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
alter database datafile '/Datafile Directory at Remote DB Machine//DWE_DATA.dbf' offline drop;
drop user ana cascade;
drop tablespace ana_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
drop user dwe cascade;
drop tablespace dwe_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;
select tablespace_name from user_tablespaces;
•To verify that the Oracle database cleanup has occurred, enter the following commands:
su - oracle
sqlplus /nolog
connect /as sysdba
select tablespace_name from user_tablespaces; This command should not show DWE, DWE_TEMP, ANA, ANA_TEMP tablespaces after performing the manual cleanup of the database.
Manually Uninstalling the Product
To manually uninstall ANA 4.0 from a gateway and local database, a gateway and remote database installation, or a unit:
Step 1 Stop the system (as anauser) by entering:
# cmpctl stop
# webcontrol stop
# sshcontrol stop
Step 2 Check that the system is completely down, by entering:
# ps -ef | grep anauser
# kill -9 all_visible_processes
# ps -ef | grep cmp_secured
# kill -9 all_visible_processes
# ps -ef | grep apache
# kill -9 all_visible_processes
Step 3 Drop database entries, see Cleanup of Oracle Database.
Note This step is not required when uninstalling ANA 4.0 from a unit.
Step 4 Remove the ANA installation directory (as root) by entering;
# rm -rf /export/home/ana40
This procedure assumes you used the default installation directory /export/home/ana40:
Step 5 Remove the ANA Unix credentials (as root) by entering:
# userdel anauser
# groupdel ana
Step 6 Clean up previous installer program files (as root) by entering:
# rm -f /var/.com*.xml
Regenerating a Root Password
To regenerate an ANA root password using the password reset tool:
Step 1 Open a Telnet or an SSH session to the gateway machine and login using your ANA username and password.
Step 2 Run the system password reset tool by entering:
Note The Oracle database should be up and running before running the system password reset tool.
The tool will prompt for the following parameters:
anauser@ana-gw58-440 [~/local/scripts]# resetSystemPassword.pl
Please enter Oracle server ip address:
Please enter Oracle listener port number: 1521
Please enter Oracle SID: MCDB
Please enter Oracle scheme username: ana
Please enter Oracle password for scheme ana:
Please enter a new password for ANA user root:
Please re-enter Password for ANA user root:
Password reset is done; the log file is located in /export/home/ana40/Main/logs/install/resetSystemPasswordlog-1183683980
Another option is to provide parameters along with resetSystemPassword.pl, as shown in the following example:
anauser@ana-gw58-440 [~/local/scripts]# resetSystemPassword.pl -dbip -sid MCDB -dbport 1521 -dbuser ana -dbpass hashalom1 -syspass roZes123!
Password reset is done, the log file is located in /export/home/ana40/Main/logs/install/resetSystemPasswordlog-1183683980.
The tool usage can be retrieved by entering the following at the prompt:
#anauser@ana-gw58-440 [~]#
resetSystemPassword.pl -h
-dbip [DB HOST]
If this procedure is not successful, check the Oracle scheme username and password that was provided and try again.
Posted: Mon Sep 24 21:02:50 PDT 2007
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