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Table Of Contents
Viewing the License File Properties
Cisco ANA 4.0 Licensing
Cisco Active Network Abstraction is a FlexLM licensed product and an evaluation license is provided when you receive ANA. When you install ANA from the DVD-ROM, the evaluation license is automatically installed and allows you to evaluate the product for a period of ninety days. During this ninety day evaluation period, we recommend that you request a permanent license for ANA.
During the evaluation period, every time ANA is started, a message is displayed indicating the time remaining before the evaluation key will expire. You can also check how many days remain, see Licensing Reminders.
If the server is running when the evaluation license runs out, all processes stop. ANA will not restart after the evaluation license has expired. You will not lose any data stored in the database. You can view the properties of your license, see Viewing the License File Properties.
When you start to use the permanent license on the same hardware after using an evaluation license, all existing configuration and databases are preserved.
ANA uses a Product Authorization Key (PAK) for licensing. The PAK can be found on the documentation you received with your ANA DVD-ROM. For details about obtaining your license key, see Obtaining the Licensing File.
You will need to apply for additional licenses when you purchase more clients, VNEs, or network elements. The procedure is the same as for your first permanent license, see Obtaining the Licensing File. The additional licenses are appended to existing licenses, see Adding License Files.
The following topics are covered in this section:
Obtaining the Licensing File
Viewing the License File Properties
Obtaining the Licensing File
To request your license key, go to the licensing web page:
If you are a registered user on Cisco.com— http://www.cisco.com/go/license
If you are not a registered user on Cisco.com— http://www.cisco.com/go/license/public
Enter your details including the product's PAK, the MAC address from the ANA gateway server, and the gateway server hostname. Fill in the rest of the requested information.
When you enter your MAC address, ensure that you enter twelve characters. A MAC address usually has the following format, n:n:xx:nn:nx:nx, where n is a number and x is a letter of the alphabet. Where you have a single number you should prefix it with 0 (zero) . For example, for MAC address 0:1:ab:11:0a:1b, you should enter 0001ab110a1b.
If you need to find your MAC address, see Obtaining the MAC Address. The license will be e-mailed to you from licensing@cisco.com.
When you apply for an ANA license you must agree to the following End-User License Agreement:
By submitting this form, you are acknowledging that you have read the End-User License Agreement, of which this Registration Form is a part ("Agreement"), and that you understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that the Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between the parties, and supersedes all proposals or prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of the Agreement.Your license and user information will be sent by e-mail within one hour to the e-mail address you specified. If you have not received an e-mail within 1 hour, please open a Service Request using the TAC Service Request Tool. Please have your valid Cisco.com user ID and password available. As an alternative, you may also call our main Technical Assistance Center at 800-553-2447.
When you have your license you should store it in a specific directory, for example /export/home/ana40/ana.lic. You will need details of this location when you install the license.
It is also good practice to print the e-mail, save the attachment to a floppy disk, and store both of them for future use.
Obtaining the MAC Address
To find the MAC address that you need to obtain your license file:
Step 1
Log into the ANA gateway server using the UNIX root account.
Step 2
Run the command:
ifconfig -a
The MAC address is in the following format:
When you enter your MAC address, ensure that you enter twelve characters. Where you have a single number you should prefix it with 0 (zero) . For example, for MAC address 0:1:ab:11:0a:1b, you should enter 0001ab110a1b.
Installing the License File
After you have registered your ANA product you will receive an e-mail with your Cisco Active Network Abstraction license key/file and installation instructions. The license file has a .lic extension.
CautionDo not edit the contents of the .lic file in any way or the MDS software will ignore any features associated with that license file. The contents of the file are signed and must remain intact. Should you accidentally copy, rename, and insert the license file multiple times, the duplicate files will be ignored, but the original will be counted.
Before you proceed, make sure that the ANA server software has been installed and configured on the server.
To install the license file:
Step 1
Save the license file (.lic) in the e-mail to a temporary directory on your hard drive.
Step 2
Move or copy the license file to the ANA gateway server.
Step 3
Log into the ANA gateway server as anauser
Step 4
Change the directory to $ANAHOME/Main/scripts.
Where $ANAHOME/ is the installed ANA directory. By default it is, /export/home/ana40, so you need to enter:
cd /export/home/ana40/Main/scripts
Step 5
Run the command:
perl LicenseAdminScript.pl -o add -f <fully_qualified_path>fileName.lic
Where fileName.lic is the license file name along with the absolute path.
For example:
perl LicenseAdminScript.pl -o add -f /export/home/ana40/ana40.lic
Step 6
Verify the license file has been added correctly:
perl LicenseAdminScript.pl -o view
Viewing the License File Properties
To view the license file information:
Step 1
Log into the ANA gateway server as anauser.
Step 2
Change the directory to $ANAHOME/Main/scripts.
Where $ANAHOME is the installed ANA directory. By default it is, /export/home/ana40, so you need to enter:
cd /export/home/ana40/Main/scripts
Step 3
Run the command:
perl LicenseAdminScript.pl -o view
Step 4
The following message appears:
No. of licensed features - 1
Feature License Info - #0
Feature Name - ANA
Version - 4.0
License Type - Purchase
Licensed Count - 0
Expiry Date - null
The license information contains the following details:
Feature Name—Displays the name of the application.
Version—Displays the application version.
License Type—Displays the license type. That is either Evaluation or Purchase.
Expiry Date—Displays the expiry information.
For Evaluation, the license will expire 90 days from the date you have installed ANA 4.0.
For Purchase, the license will be permanent.
Number of licensed features—This is usually one, for example ANA or ABA.
License Count—This will vary based on the number of applications you have licenses for. For example, an NE count of 50 and a VNE count of 20 are count-based licenses.
Licensing Reminders
If you have installed the evaluation version of ANA, you must obtain the license file from Cisco.com before the evaluation license expires.During the evaluation period, ANA will remind you to purchase a licence. The reminder will appear from the first day.
A license reminder is displayed when you log into the client. A pop up window shows the date the license will expire.
You can also view the license reminder in the System drawer:
Step 1
Go to the Object tab in the Troubleshooting perspective and click the System drawer.
The System workspace appears.
Step 2
Look for messages in the workspace that start with the word `Licensing'.
Step 3
Choose this message and double-click on it.
The System Event workspace appears with the details of the Evaluation license.
Adding License Files
When you purchase an additional client, VNE, or network element you will need to apply for another license. Obtain your license file, see Obtaining the Licensing File.
After you have registered the component you are adding, you will receive an e-mail with your license key/file and installation instructions. The license file has a .lic extension. This license file will be appended to any existing licenses.
CautionDo not edit the contents of the .lic file in any way or the MDS software will ignore any features associated with that license file. The contents of the file are signed and must remain intact. Should you accidentally copy, rename, and insert the license file multiple times, the duplicate files will be ignored, but the original will be counted.
Before you proceed, make sure that the ANA server software has been installed and configured on the server.
To install the additional file:
Step 1
Save the license file (.lic) in the e-mail to a temporary directory on your hard drive.
Step 2
Move or copy the license file to the ANA gateway server.
Step 3
Log into the ANA gateway server as anauser.
Step 4
Change the directory to $ANAHOME/Main/scripts.
Where $ANAHOME/ is the installed ANA directory. By default it is, /export/home/ana40, so you need to enter:
cd /export/home/ana40/Main/scripts
Step 5
Run the command:
perl LicenseAdminScript.pl -o add -f <fully_qualified_path>fileName.lic
Where fileName.lic is the license file name along with the absolute path.
For example:
perl LicenseAdminScript.pl -o add -f /export/home/ana40/ana40.lic
Step 6
Verify the license file has been added correctly:
perl LicenseAdminScript.pl -o view
Posted: Mon Sep 24 21:02:13 PDT 2007
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