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Table Of Contents
7.1 Performance Monitoring Thresholds
7.2 Provisioning Electrical Cards
7.2.1 Mapping Card Provisioning and Performance Monitoring
7.3 Provisioning Optical Cards
7.3.1 Modifying Transmission Quality
7.5.2 External Output Controls
7.5.3 Provisioning Orderwire Pass-Through
Card Provisioning
This chapter provides Cisco ONS 15327 procedures for:
Changing the default transmission parameters for electrical (DS-N) and optical (OC-N) cards
Setting performance monitoring (PM) thresholds, including intermediate path performance monitoring
Provisioning the Alarm Interface Controller card
Ethernet card provisioning is described in Chapter 9, "Ethernet Operation."
Because much of the electrical and optical card provisioning involves PM thresholds, see Chapter 8, "Performance Monitoring," for definitions and general information about ONS 15327 performance monitoring parameters. In addition, refer to the Telcordia GR-1230-CORE, GR-820-CORE, and GR-253-CORE documents. The default thresholds delivered with ONS 15327 cards are based on specifications contained in those documents.
For information about creating protection groups, see the "Creating Protection Groups" section on page 3-7. For circuit creation procedures, see "Circuits and Tunnels."
7.1 Performance Monitoring Thresholds
ONS 15327 card default thresholds are based on GR-253-CORE and GR-820-CORE. If you change their settings, the following rules apply:
The minimum threshold that you can set is 1.
If you set a threshold to 0, no threshold crossing alert (TCA) is issued.
You can set thresholds to any DS-N or OC-N maximum. However, CTC does not perform range checking. Setting a threshold to a value greater than what is logically possible is the same as setting the threshold to zero. No TCA will be issued.
7.2 Provisioning Electrical Cards
The ONS 15327 electrical cards (DS-1 ports on the XTC-14 and XTC-28-3 and DS-3 ports on the XTC-28-3) are pre-provisioned with settings that you can modify to manage transmission quality. When you open an XTC card in CTC and select the Provisioning tab, the following subtabs are commonly displayed:
Line—Sets line setup parameters, such as line coding and line length. This is also where you put ports in and out of service.
Line Threshold—Sets the line-level PM thresholds.
Electric Path Threshold—Sets the path-level PM thresholds for DS-1 traffic.
STS 1 Path Threshold—Sets the path-level PM thresholds for DS-3 traffic.
SONET Path Threshold—Sets the path-level PM thresholds for (STS/VT1.5) traffic.
Alarming—Sets alarm profiles for individual ports and suppresses alarms. See "Alarm Monitoring and Management" for information about alarm profiles and alarm suppression.
Table 7-1 provides an overview of DS-1 and DS-3 parameters (an X means the item is available for the card).
7.2.1 Mapping Card Provisioning and Performance Monitoring
The card provisioning items in Table 7-1 map to the performance monitoring (PM) parameters displayed when you click the Performance tab. Table 7-2 shows the relationship between the card provisioning items and the PM parameters.
7.2.2 DS-1 Card Parameters
The ONS 15327XTC cards provide 14 (XTC-14 or 28 (XTC-28-3) DS-1 ports. Each port operates at 1.544 Mbps. Default thresholds are based on recommendations in GR-820-CORE, Section 4.0.
Procedure: Modify Line and Threshold Settings for the DS-1 Card
Step 1
Display the XTC card in CTC card view.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning tab ( Figure 7-1).
Figure 7-1 Provisioning line parameters on the DS1-14 card
Step 3
Depending on the setting you need to modify, click the Line, Line Threshold, Electric Path Threshold, Sonet Path Threshold, or Alarming subtab.
See "Alarm Monitoring and Management" for information about the Alarm Behavior tab.
Step 4
Modify the settings shown in Table 7-3. For drop-down lists, select an item from the list. For numerics, double-click the field and type the new number.
Step 5
Click Apply.
Step 6
Repeat Steps 4 - 5 for each subtab that has parameters you want to provision.
7.2.3 DS-3 Card Parameters
The ONS 15327 XTC-28-3 card provides 3 DS-3 ports. Each port operates at 44.736 Mbps. Default thresholds are based on recommendations in GR-820-CORE, Section 5.0.
Procedure: Modify Line and Threshold Settings for the DS-3 Card
Step 1
Display the XTC card in CTC card view.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning tab.
Step 3
Depending on the setting you need to modify, click the Line, Line Threshold, STS 1Path Threshold, or Alarming subtab.
See "Alarm Monitoring and Management" for information about the Alarm Behavior tab.
Step 4
Modify the settings shown in Table 7-4. For drop-down lists, select an item from the list. For numerics, double-click the field and type the new number.
Step 5
Click Apply.
Step 6
Repeat Steps 4 - 5 for each subtab that has parameters you want to provision.
7.3 Provisioning Optical Cards
This section explains how to modify transmission quality by provisioning line and threshold settings for OC-N cards.
7.3.1 Modifying Transmission Quality
The OC-3, OC-12 and OC-48 cards are pre-provisioned with settings that you can modify to manage transmission quality. Depending on the optical card, you can specify thresholds for near and far end nodes at the Line, Section, and Path levels for 15-minute and one day intervals.
Procedure: Provision Line Transmission Settings for OC-N Cards
Step 1
Display the OC-N card in CTC card view.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Line tabs.
Step 3
Modify the settings shown in Table 7-5.
Table 7-5 OC-N Card Line Settings on the Provisioning > Line Tab
Heading Description OptionsPort #
Port number
1 (OC-12, OC-48)
1-4 (OC-3)
Port Name
Name of the OC-N port
32 alpha-numeric characters
SF BER Level
Sets the signal fail bit error rate
1E-4 (default)
SD BER Level
Sets the signal degrade bit error rate
1E-7 (default)
Provides Synch
If checked, the card is provisioned as a network element timing reference on the Provisioning > Timing tabs
Yes (checked)
No (unchecked)
Enable Synch Messages
Enables synchronization status messages (S1 byte), which allow the node to choose the best timing source
Yes (checked, default)
No (unchecked)
Send Do Not Use
When checked, sends a DUS (do not use) message on the S1 byte
Yes (checked)
No (unchecked; default)
PJ Sts Mon #
Sets the STS that will be used for pointer justification. If set to 0, no STS is monitored. Only one STS can be monitored on each OC-N port. See the "Pointer Justification Count Reference" section on page 8-13 for more information.
0 (default) - 3 (OC-3, per port)
0 (default) - 12 (OC-12)
0 (default) - 48 (OC-48)
Places port in or out of service
Out of Service (default)
In Service
Defines the port as SONET or SDH.
Sonet only
Step 4
Click Apply.
Procedure: Provision Threshold Settings for OC-N Cards
Step 1
Display the OC-N card in CTC card view ( Figure 7-2).
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Thresholds tabs.
Figure 7-2 Provisioning thresholds for the OC48 IR 1310 card
Step 3
Modify the settings shown in Table 7-6.
Default thresholds apply to all optical cards unless otherwise specified.
Table 7-6 OC-N Card Threshold Settings on the Provisioning > Thresholds Tab
Heading Description Options PortPort number
1, 2, 3, or 4 (OC-3)
1 (OC-12, OC-48
CVCoding violations
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
1312/13120 (OC-3 Near and Far End)
5315/53150 (OC-12 Near and Far End)
21260/212600 (OC-48 Near and Far End)
10000/100000 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
15/125 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
ESErrored seconds
Numeric. Default (15 min/1 day):
87/864 (Near and Far End)
500/5000 (Near End); (NA Far End)
12/100 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
SESSeverely errored seconds
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
1/4 (Near and Far End)
500/5000 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
3/7 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
FCFailure count
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
10/40 (Near and Far End)
10/10 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
UASUnavailable seconds
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
3/10 (Near and Far End)
10/10 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
SEFSSeverely errored framing seconds
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
500/5000 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PPJC-PdetPositive Pointer Justification Count, STS Path detected. See the "Performance Monitoring for Optical Cards" section on page 8-24 for more information.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
60/5760 Near End
NPJC-PdetNegative Pointer Justification Count, STS Path detected. See the "Performance Monitoring for Optical Cards" section on page 8-24 for more information.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
60/5760 (OC-3 Near End); N/A (OC-3 Far End)
0/0 (OC-12 and OC-48 Near End); N/A (OC-12 and OC-48 Far End)
PPJC-PgenPositive Pointer Justification Count, STS Path generated. See the "Performance Monitoring for Optical Cards" section on page 8-24 for more information.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
60/5760 (OC-3 Near End); N/A (OC-3 Far End)
0/0 (OC-12 and OC-48 Near End); N/A (OC-12 and OC-48 Far End)
NPJC-PgenNegative Pointer Justification Count, STS Path generated. See the "Performance Monitoring for Optical Cards" section on page 8-24 for more information.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
60/5760 (OC-3 Near End); N/A (OC-3 Far End)
0/0 (OC-12 and OC-48 Near End); N/A (OC-12 and OC-48 Far End)
PSCProtection Switching Count (Line)
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
1/5 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PSDProtection Switch Duration (Line)
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
300/600 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PSC-WProtection Switching Count - Working line
BLSR is not supported on the OC-3 card; therefore, the PSC-W, PSC-S, and PSC-R PMs do not increment.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
1/5 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PSD-WProtection Switching Duration - Working line
BLSR is not supported on the OC-3 card; therefore, the PSD-W, PSD-S, and PSD-R PMs do not increment.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
300/600 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PSC-SProtection Switching Duration - Span
BLSR is not supported on the OC-3 card; therefore, the PSC-W, PSC-S, and PSC-R PMs do not increment.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
1/5 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PSD-SProtection Switching Duration - Span
BLSR is not supported on the OC-3 card; therefore, the PSD-W, PSD-S, and PSD-R PMs do not increment.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
300/600 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PSC-RProtection Switching Duration - Ring
BLSR is not supported on the OC-3 card; therefore, the PSC-W, PSC-S, and PSC-R PMs do not increment.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
1/5 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
PSD-RProtection Switching Duration - Ring
BLSR is not supported on the OC-3 card; therefore, the PSD-W, PSD-S, and PSD-R PMs do not increment.
Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
300/600 (Near End); N/A (Far End)
Click Apply.
7.4 Provisioning IPPM
Intermediate-Path Performance Monitoring (IPPM) allows you to transparently monitor traffic originating on DS-1 or DS-3 ports on XTC cards (Path Terminating Equipment) as it passes through OC-3, OC-12, and OC-48 cards (Line Terminating Equipment). To use IPPM, you create the STS circuit on the DS-N cards, then enable IPPM on the OC-N cards that carry the circuit.
For example, suppose you have an STS circuit that originates and terminates on DS-N ports at Nodes 1 and 4. You want to monitor the circuit as it passes through OC-N cards at Nodes 2 and 3. To do this, you enable IPPM on the OC-N card by selecting the appropriate STS, in this example, STS 1 ( Figure 7-3).
Figure 7-3 IPPM provisioned for STS 1 on an OC-12 card
After enabling IPPM, performance is displayed on the Performance tab for the OC-48 card. IPPM enables per-path statistics for STS CV-P (coding violations), STS ES-P (errored seconds), STS FC-P (failure count), STS SES-P (severely errored seconds), and STS UAS-P (unavailable seconds). Additional rows will appear in the table on the STS IPPM subtab as circuits are created. After the circuits are created, you can enable each for IPPM collection. See Chapter 8, "Performance Monitoring" for a definition of every parameter.
Procedure: Enable Intermediate-Path Performance Monitoring
Step 1
If the STS circuit does not exist, create the circuit. (The circuit must pass through the OC-N card before you can enable IPPM on the circuit.)
Step 2
In CTC, open the card view of an OC-N card that carries the circuit.
Step 3
Select the Provisioning > STS tabs.
Step 4
Click Enable IPPM for the STS you want to monitor.
Step 5
Click Apply.
7.5 Using Virtual Wires
Provisioning the external alarms provides a "virtual wires" option that you can use to route external alarms and controls from different nodes to one or more alarm collection centers. For example, in Figure 7-4, smoke detectors provisioned as external alarms at Nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are assigned to Virtual Wire #1, and Virtual Wire #1 is provisioned as the trigger (external output control) for an external bell at Node 1.
Figure 7-4 Example of external alarms and controls in a virtual wire configuration
7.5.1 External Input Alarms
Use external alarms for sensors such as open doors, temperature sensors, flood sensors, and other environmental conditions.
Provision External Alarms
Step 1
Wire the external-device relays to the Alarm RJ-45 connector on the MIC.
Step 2
Log into CTC and display the working XTC card in card view.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > External Alarms tabs ( Figure 7-5).
Step 4
Complete the following fields for each external device wired to the RJ-45 connector on the MIC card:
Enabled—Click the box to activate the fields for the corresponding alarm input number.
Alarm Type—Select an alarm type from the list provided.
Severity—Select a severity. The severity determines how the alarm displays in the CTC Alarms and History tabs and whether the LEDs activate. Critical, Major, and Minor activate the appropriate LEDs. Not Alarmed and Not Reported do not activate LEDs, but do report the information in CTC.
Virtual Wire—Select the virtual wire that will carry the alarm signal (none or Virtual Wire 1- 4).
Raised When—Select the contact condition (open or closed) that will trigger the alarm in CTC.
Description—Default descriptions are provided for each alarm type; change the description as necessary. The description appears in Alarms tab view when the alarm is raised.
Step 5
To provision additional devices, complete Step 4 for each additional device.
Step 6
Click Apply.
Step 7
Figure 7-5 shows the External Alarms subtab.
Figure 7-5 The External Alarms subtab showing the XTC-28-3 card
7.5.2 External Output Controls
Use external controls, or office alarms, to drive visual or audible devices such as bells and lights. The alarm-triggering conditions for the external controls can be the user-defined external input alarms (virtual wire), local severity-based alarms (e.g. trigger when any Major alarm happens), or remote severity-based alarms.
Provision External Controls
Step 1
Wire the external control relays to the ALARM RJ-45 connector on the MIC.
Step 2
In CTC, log into the node and display the XTC card view.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > External Controls tabs as shown in Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-6 The External Controls subtab showing the XTC-14 card
Step 4
Complete the following fields for each external control wired to the Alarm connector on the MIC:
Enabled—Click the box to activate the fields for alarm input number 1 or 2.
Control Type—Select a control type: Air Conditioning, Engine, Fan, Generator, Heat, Light, Miscellaneous, or Sprinkler.
Trigger Type—Select a trigger type: a local Minor, Major, or Critical alarm; a remote Minor, Major, or Critical alarm; or a virtual wire activation.
Description—Enter a description.
Step 5
To provision additional controls, complete Step 4 for each additional device.
Step 6
Click Apply.
Figure 7-7 shows a functional diagram of alarm input and output.
Figure 7-7 Example of the external alarm input and output process
7.5.3 Provisioning Orderwire Pass-Through
Orderwire allows onsite personnel to communicate with one another using standard phone sets. Although the ONS 15327 does not terminate orderwire (there is no RJ-11 jack), it can pass through Local and Express orderwire traffic using the SONET Orderwire overhead:
Local orderwire is carried on the SONET Section layer E1 byte. Regenerators on either side of ONS 15327 nodes terminate the channel.
Express orderwire is carried on the E2 byte of the SONET Line layer. Regenerators on either side of ONS 15327 nodes terminate the channel.
Use the E1 byte (Local) when making orderwire connections to section terminating equipment and the E2 byte (Express) when making orderwire connections to line terminating equipment. The ONS 15327 and ONS 15454 are both section and line terminating equipment. When provisioning orderwire pass-through across networks that are exclusively ONS 15327s and/or ONS 15454s, you can use either Local or Express orderwire. If other equipment will be used to pass or terminate orderwire traffic, consult the documentation for that equipment to determine if it is section or line terminating equipment.
Procedure: Provision Orderwire Pass-Through
Step 1
In CTC, open the node view.
Step 2
Select the Orderwire subtab.
Step 3
Click Create.
Step 4
Select a slot/port in the From (A) column and the To (B) column.
Step 5
Click OK.
Posted: Mon Feb 25 05:47:33 PST 2008
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