
Table of Contents

Turn Up and Test

Turn Up and Test

This chapter describes the turn up and test procedures for the ONS 15200 system. This chapter includes the ONS 15252 Multichannel Unit (MCU) turnup, the ONS 15201 Single-Channel Unit (SCU) turnup, and the system span test. "Acceptance Test Plan" contains the tables and forms that you must complete during system turn up and testing.

After adding channels to the ONS 15200 system configuration, test the added channels using the procedures in the "Perform System Span Testing for a Hub Configuration" section.

4.1 Equipment

You need the following equipment to turn up and test the ONS 15200 system:

4.2 ONS 15200 Network Configuration

This section describes how to set up the NCB module so you can communicate with the MCU and SCUs. It also describes how to configure the ONS 15200 network.

Procedure: Configure the Network

Step 1   Using a CIM RS-232 cable, connect the laptop to the management access (MA) port on the Communication Interface module (CIM). See Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Communication Interface module connections

Step 2   Use HyperTerminal to configure the RS-232 parameters listed in Table 4-1. See the following steps for an example of the procedure you may follow when using HyperTerminal.

Note   The steps in this procedure are an example of the steps you might follow when using HyperTerminal to configure the RS-232 parameters. Not all HyperTerminal installations are the same. The following example lists the necessary steps when using the Microsoft Windows NT operating system.

Table 4-1: RS-232 Parameters
Parameter Value


19200 bps

Data bits




Stop bits


Flow control



Send EOL with LF

Step 3   After you have connected the CIM RS-232 adapter cable (Step 1) and set the parameters in Table 4-1, press Enter in the HyperTerminal window. The system responds with a logon prompt. Press Enter again. Because no password is needed, press Enter a third time.

Step 4   Create a user with administrator privileges:

Step 5   Create a user with operator privileges:

Step 6   Set the initial IP address of the NCB module:

Step 7   Reboot the system for the changes to take effect. At the NCB:= prompt, type reboot and press Enter.

Step 8   Disconnect the CIM RS-232 adapter cable. The Subnetwork Manager on the NCB module now has an IP address and can be accessed directly at the Ethernet port on the NCB module front panel with the standard protocols (telnet, ftp, and http) , provided that the subnet mask and gateway are set appropriately and that your PC has an appropriate IP address.

Step 9   Connect a crossover Ethernet cable to the PC and the Ethernet port on the NCB module.

Step 10   Start a telnet session on the host computer by typing the command telnet <ipaddr> at a command prompt (MS-DOS prompt).

Step 11   Log into the system as a user with operator privileges.

Step 12   Set the system time (in 24-hour format), if necessary. A soft reboot does not restart the clock.

Step 13   At the NCB:> prompt, type show inventory and press Enter. The ID of the SNM you are logged into displays.

Step 14   Set the unit ID of the NCB module. This step is necessary for the NCB to scan the network for nodes.

Step 15   At the NCB:> prompt, type show inventory and press Enter. Verify that an inventory of all installed CLIP modules appears, and the CLIP module slot number and ITU channel number match the information in Table B-5. Complete Step 15 of Table B-4. The NCBs and CLIPs are not assigned at this point to any MCU or SCU.

Step 16   Create the MCU and its container name:

Step 17   Configure the MCU:

Step 18   Create the SCUs and the container names:

Step 19   Configure each SCU:

Step 20   Set the unit ID of the NCB module. This step is necessary for the NCB to scan the network for nodes.

Step 21   Set available NCBs as the primary or secondary manager:

Step 22   Set up performance monitoring, if applicable:

4.3 ONS 15252 MCU Turn Up and Test

This section describes how to turn up and test an ONS 15252 MCU.

Procedure: Initialize the ONS 15252 MCU

Step 1   Record the information for each Client Layer Interface Port (CLIP) module in Table B-5. Locate the CLIP information in the following places:

Table 4-2: ONS 15200 Wavelength Plan
Channel Number Frequency (THz) Wavelength (nm)

















































Step 2   Compare the data in Table B-5 with data provided by the network planner, and verify that the data is consistent. Complete Step 2 of Table B-4.

Step 3   Compare the order of the Hub Filter modules (HFMs) on the A and B sides of the passive optical shelf with those provided by the network planner and verify that the order is the same. Complete Step 3 of Table B-4.

Step 4   Check wavelength and output power:

Figure 4-2: An OSA-to-LM connection

Procedure: Check DWDM Receivers and Client Transmit Levels

Use the following steps to check DWDM receivers and client transmit levels.

Step 5   Attenuate the DWDM transmit port:

Figure 4-3: Attenuators from the A Side and B Side Line modules

Step 6   Retrieve the DWDM receive level:

Step 7   Set the data rate for each CLIP module if the desired rate differs from the default value (the default is OC-48/STM-16):

Step 8   Check the client side transmit levels:

Procedure: Check Alarms

Continue with the following steps to verify that no alarms exist.

Step 9   Connect all CLIP modules in a daisy chain:

Figure 4-4: Daisy-chained CLIP modules

Step 10   Type show alarm and press Enter. Verify that no alarms exist and that no red diodes are lit on any of the NAMs or on the CIM. Complete Step 10 in Table B-4.

If the network design does not provide optical protection, skip the "Check Optical Protection" procedure and proceed to the "Test the Bit Error Rate" procedure.

Procedure: Check Optical Protection

Continue with the following steps to check optical protection.

Step 11   Set the switchmode for all CLIP modules to automatic:

Step 12   Remove the fiber jumper cable from the LM A-side INPUT and verify that the Active LED on the A side goes out and the B side switches from Standby to Active on each CLIP module. Complete Step 12 in Table B-4.

Step 13   Reconnect the jumper cable on the A side and verify that the A-side green Standby LED is illuminated on each CLIP module and that the B-side Active LED remains illuminated. Complete Step 13 in Table B-4.

Step 14   Remove the fiber jumper from the LM B-side INPUT and verify that the Active LED on the B side turns off. Verify that the A side switches from Standby to Active on each CLIP module. Complete Step 14 in Table B-4.

Step 15   Reconnect the jumper cable on the B side and verify that the B-side green Standby LED is illuminated on each CLIP module and that the A-side Active LED remains illuminated. Complete Step 15 in Table B-4.

Step 16   Before continuing with the bit error rate testing, complete the following:

Procedure: Test the Bit Error Rate

Continue with the following steps (as applicable) to test the BER.

Note   The maximum number of spans is six for a 3R CLIP, and two for a 2R CLIP.

Step 17   To test bit error rate on unprotected modules, clear all errors on the test set and run BER tests error free for 15 minutes. Complete Step 17 in Table B-4.

Step 18   Test A-side protected channels and all non-protected channels:

Step 19   Test B-side protected channels and all non-protected channels:

Step 20   Return the CLIP switchmode setting to the original setting (Table B-10).

4.4 ONS 15201 SCU Turn Up and Test

Use the following procedures to turn up and test the ONS 15201 SCU.

Procedure: Initialize the ONS 15201 SCU

Step 1   Connect a laptop to the management access (MA) port located on the ONS 15201 SCU using the PCCAN cable, CAN interface cable, and the PCMCIA LAPcan board (Figure 4-5). For more information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15200 Maintenance Manager Installation and Operations Guide.

Figure 4-5: ONS 15201 SCU management access interface

Step 2   Open Maintenance Manager and expand the ONS 15201 SCU information.

Step 3   Record the information for the Client Layer Interface Port (CLIP) module in Table B-12. Locate the CLIP information in the following places:

Step 4   Compare data in Table B-12 with data provided by the network planner, and verify that the data is consistent. Complete Step 4 in Table B-11.

Step 5   Check the output power. Unprotected channels will have an output on only one of the DWDM ports.

Procedure: Check DWDM Receivers and Client Transmit Levels

Continue with the following steps to check DWDM receivers and client transmit levels.

Step 6   Attenuate the DWDM transmit port:

To calculate the expected receive power, take the measured transmit power and subtract the associated losses caused by the channel dropping. Actual received power should be within 2 dB of the expected received power.

ERp = MTp - 2

ERp—Expected received power

MTp—Measured transmitter power (with attenuators attached) on the OUT port of the SCU side in use

2—Value (in dB) that must be subtracted to account for the combined loss from the connectors and drop in the CFM

Step 7   Double-click the data rate parameter in Maintenance Manager, and set the data rate to OC-48 (datarate stm_16). Verify the data rate.

Step 8   Check the client side transmit levels.

Step 9   Disconnect the power meter from the client side output and run a fiber from the client OUTPUT interface to the receive of the signal generator.

Figure 4-6: ONS 15201 SCU CLIP Module A side and B side with attenuators

Step 10   Verify that red LEDs on the ONS 15201 SCU are not illuminated. Click the folder CLIP alarms and ensure that no alarms are active. Complete Step 10 in Table B-11.

If the network design is not configured with protected channels, skip the "Check Optical Protection" procedure and proceed to the "Test the Bit Error Rate (Single SCU)" procedure.

Procedure: Check Optical Protection

Continue with the following steps to check optical protection.

Note   Before changing the switchmode, record the current setting for the CLIP module in Table B-15. You will need to reset the original switchmode setting after checking the bit error rate.

Step 11   Set the switchmode for all CLIP modules to automatic:

Step 12   Remove the fiber jumper cable from the B-side INPUT to simulate a break in the B-side path. The Active LED for the A side should be illuminated. Complete Step 12 in Table B-11.

Step 13   Reconnect the fiber jumper cable pulled in Step 12. The Standby green light for the B-side should be illuminated, and the A side Active LED should remain illuminated. Complete Step 13 in Table B-11.

Step 14   Remove the fiber jumper cable from the A side and verify that the Active LED on the A side goes out and the B-side switches from Standby to Active. Complete Step 14 in Table B-11.

Step 15   Replace the jumper on the A side and verify that the A green Standby LED is illuminated and that the B Active LED remains illuminated. Complete Step 15 in Table B-11.

Procedure: Test the Bit Error Rate (Single SCU)

Continue with the following steps, if applicable, to test the bit error rate for a single SCU.

Step 16   Test the A-side protected channel:

Step 17   Test the B-side protected channel or unprotected channel:

Step 18   Reset the original switchmode settings (Table B-16).

Procedure: Test the Bit Error Rate (Multiple SCUs at a Site)

Continue with the following steps to test the bit error rate for multiple SCUs at a site.

Step 19   Configure the SCUs for testing:

Figure 4-7: ONS 15201 SCU in a daisy-chain configuration

Step 20   To test unprotected channels, clear all errors on the test set and run the BER test error-free for 15 minutes. Complete Step 20 in Table B-11.

Step 21   Test A-side protected channels and all unprotected channels:

Step 22   Test B-side protected channels and all unprotected channels:

Step 23   Reset the original switchmode settings (Table B-16).

4.5 Perform System Span Testing for a Hub Configuration

Use the following procedures to perform ONS 15200 system span testing for a hub configuration.

Note   First complete the individual turn up and test procedures for each ONS 15252 MCU and ONS 15201 SCU in the network.

Procedure: Connect a Path

Step 1   Configure the MCU so that the signal generator transmit is connected to the Client INPUT port on the first CLIP module.

Step 2   Daisy chain the remaining CLIP modules together by using fiber-optic jumper cables to connect the OUTPUT port of the previous CLIP module to the INPUT port of the next CLIP module on the client side. The last CLIP module OUTPUT port is connected to the receive on the signal generator.

Step 3   Beginning at the MCU hub node, use an OSA to measure and record the power level of each wavelength on the LM A-side OUTPUT port and the LM B-side OUTPUT port. Record the measured values in Table B-18.

Step 4   Run a fiber from the OUTPUT port on the A-side LM of the MCU counterclockwise to the B-side INPUT port of the first node in the ring (per customer design).

Step 5   At the first node (counterclockwise) connected to the A-side LM, use an OSA to measure and record the signal level of each wavelength going into the B-side INPUT port.

If necessary, use attenuators to reduce the level of the dropped wavelength to within receiver specification range. As a rough guide, the input power should be between -25 and -7 dBm for the wavelength (receiver operating range is -30 and -8 dBm). Record the (unattenuated) measured OSA incoming signal levels in Table B-19.

Step 6   Use an OSA to measure and record the optical power level on the A-side OUTPUT port for each wavelength. Record the measured OSA outgoing signal levels in Table B-19.

Step 7   Connect a fiber from the A-side OUTPUT port of the first node to the B-side INPUT port of the next node in the ring. Continue until the ring is completed by connecting the fiber from the last node A-side OUTPUT port to the INPUT port of the originating MCU B-side INPUT port (Figure 4-8).

Record the OSA-measured B-side receive levels and A-side transmit levels in Table B-19 for each remote node in the ring. At the originating hub node, record the incoming signal on the B-side in Table B-18.

Figure 4-8: ONS 15200 system span test connection (hub configuration)

Step 8   At the first node (clockwise) connected to the B-side LM, use an OSA to measure and record the signal level of each wavelength going into the A-side INPUT port. If necessary, use attenuators to reduce the level of the dropped wavelength to within receiver specification. As a rough guide, the input power should be between -19 and -7 dBm for the wavelength (receiver operating range is -30 and -8 dBm). Record in Table B-19.

Step 9   Use an OSA to measure and record the optical power level on the B-side OUTPUT port for each wavelength. Record the measured OSA outgoing signal levels in Table B-19.

Step 10   From the first node, connect a fiber from the B-side OUTPUT port to the A-side INPUT port of the next node in the ring. Continue until the ring is complete by connecting the fiber from the last node B-side OUTPUT port to the A-side INPUT port of the originating ONS 15252 MCU (Figure 4-8).

Record the OSA-measured A-side receive levels and B-side transmit levels in Table B-19 for each remote node in the ring. At the hub node, record the incoming signal on the A side in Table B-18.

Step 11   Log into the MCU and verify that the data rate is set to stm_16 (or another data rate that conforms with the test set) for each MCU and SCU CLIP in the ring.

Step 12   Type show power at the CLI to obtain the signal level at the receivers. Compare the receive power at each node with the results given by your network planner and complete Table B-20 for the hub node and Table B-21 for the remote nodes.

Procedure: Test the Bit Error Rate for Unprotected Channels

Continue with the following steps to test the bit error rate for unprotected channels. If you have one or more protected channels, proceed with Step 14 .

Step 13   Clear all errors on test box and run the bit error rate test (BERT) error free for two hours. Complete Step 13 in Table B-17.

You have completed the span test for networks with no protection.

Procedure: Test the Bit Error Rate for Protected Channels

Continue with the following steps to test the BER for protected channels.

Step 14   Test the A-side protected channels:

Step 15   Test the B-side protected channels:

Step 16   Reset the original switch mode settings recorded in Table B-22.

Posted: Thu Jan 10 16:54:33 PST 2002
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