
Table Of Contents

Node Data Checklist

Node Data Checklist

The tables in this appendix are used to keep track of data for each node. Make copies of these tables to record information for additional nodes.

Use Table A-1 to keep track of essential node data, such as IP address, hostname, and IDs.

Table A-1 Node Data Checklist

Node data

Node IP address


Node IP subnet mask


Node hostname


Node ID


Use Table A-2 to keep track of customer site information, such as customer name, the site name, the location of the equipment, and the system configuration (network topology, number of CPUs).

Table A-2 Customer Information

Customer data

Customer name


Site name




System Configuration


Use Table A-3 to record contact information for the engineers responsible for installation and verification of the node.

Table A-3 Team Information

Team data

Lead Engineer


Test Engineer


Test Engineer




Use Table A-4 to record the expected power from the network design, and the power measured by the OSA during system span testing.

Refer to the "Verifying a Meshed Ring Configuration" section on page 5-2.

Table A-4 Expected and Measured Power for Channels in the Network

Expected Power
OSA Measured Power


Posted: Mon Dec 6 19:45:32 PST 2004
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