
Table Of Contents

Before You Begin

About the CLI

About Cisco IOS Command Modes

Listing Cisco IOS Commands and Syntax

Interface Naming Conventions

Transparent Interfaces

Wave Interfaces

Wavepassthru Interfaces

Wavepatch Interfaces

Filter Interfaces

Wdm Interfaces

Thru Interfaces

Filterband Interfaces

Filtergroup Interfaces

OSC Interfaces

NME Interfaces

Auxiliary Port Interfaces

Configuration Overview

Before You Begin

This chapter provides basic information about the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP. This chapter includes the following topics:

About the CLI

About Cisco IOS Command Modes

Interface Naming Conventions

Configuration Overview

About the CLI

You can configure the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP from the CLI (command-line interface) that runs on the system console or terminal, or by using remote access.

To use the CLI, your terminal must be connected to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP through the console port or one of the TTY lines. By default, the terminal is configured to a basic configuration, which should work for most terminal sessions.

About Cisco IOS Command Modes

The Cisco IOS user interface is divided into many different modes. The commands available to you depend on which mode you are currently in. To get a list of the commands available in a given mode, type a question mark (?) at the system prompt.

When you start a session on the system, you begin in user mode, also called EXEC mode. Only a limited subset of the commands are available in EXEC mode. To have access to all commands, you must enter privileged EXEC mode. Normally, you must type in a password to access privileged EXEC mode. From privileged mode, you can type in any EXEC command or access global configuration mode. Most of the EXEC commands are one-time commands, such as show commands, which show the current configuration status, and clear commands, which clear counters or interfaces. The EXEC commands are not saved across system reboots or across processor switchovers.

You can monitor and control the standby processor with commands entered on the active processor. A subset of EXEC and privileged EXEC commands are available via the standby processor console.

Note You can easily determine if you are accessing the active or the standby processor: The standby processor has "sby-" prefixed to the command prompt.

The configuration modes allow you to make changes to the running configuration. If you later save the configuration, these commands are stored across system reboots. You must start at global configuration mode. From global configuration mode, you can enter interface configuration mode, subinterface configuration mode, and a variety submodes.

ROM (Read-only memory) monitor mode is a separate mode used when the system cannot boot properly. For example, your system or access server might enter ROM monitor mode if it does not find a valid system image when it is booting, or if its configuration file is corrupted at startup.

Table 2-1 lists and describes the most commonly used modes, how to enter the modes, and the resulting system prompts. The system prompt helps you identify which mode you are in and, therefore, which commands are available to you.

Table 2-1 Frequently Used IOS Command Modes 

Description of Use
How to Access


To connect to remote devices, change terminal settings on a temporary basis, perform basic tests, and display system information.

Log in.


Privileged EXEC (Enable)

To set operating parameters. The privileged command set includes the commands in user EXEC mode, as well as the configure command. Use this command to access the other command modes.

From the user EXEC mode, enter the enable command and the enable password.


Global configuration

To configure features that affect the system as a whole.

From the privileged EXEC mode, enter the configure terminal command.


Interface configuration

To enable features for a particular interface. Interface commands enable or modify the operation of a port.

From global configuration mode, enter the interface type location command.

For example, enter
interface fastethernet 0


Line configuration

To configure the console port or VTY line from the directly connected console or the virtual terminal used with Telnet.

From global configuration mode, enter the line console 0 command to configure the console port, or the line vty line-number command to configure a VTY line.


Redundancy configuration

To configure system redundancy.

From global configuration mode, enter the redundancy command.


APS1 configuration

To configure APS redundancy features.

From redundancy configuration mode, enter the associate group command.


Threshold list configuration

To configure alarm threshold list attributes and thresholds.

From the global configuration mode, enter the threshold-list command.


Threshold configuration

To configure alarm threshold attributes.

From threshold list configuration mode, enter the threshold command.


1 Automatic Protection Switching

The Cisco IOS command interpreter, called the EXEC, interprets and executes the commands you enter. You can abbreviate commands and keywords by entering just enough characters to make the command unique from other commands. For example, you can abbreviate the show command to sh and the configure terminal command to config t.

When you type exit, the CLI backs out one command mode level. In general, typing exit returns you to global configuration mode. To exit configuration mode completely and return to privileged EXEC mode, press Ctrl-Z or end.

Listing Cisco IOS Commands and Syntax

In any command mode, you can get a list of available commands by entering a question mark (?).


To obtain a list of commands that begin with a particular character sequence, type in those characters followed immediately by the question mark (?). Do not include a space. This form of help is called word help, because it lists the words for you.

Switch# c?
calendar cd clear clock configure
connect copy

To list keywords or arguments, enter a question mark in place of a keyword or argument. Include a space before the question mark. This form of help is called command syntax help, because it reminds you which keywords or arguments are applicable based on the command, keywords, and arguments you have already entered.

Switch# configure ?
memory Configure from NV memory
network Configure from a TFTP network host
overwrite-network Overwrite NV memory from TFTP network host
terminal Configure from the terminal

To redisplay a command you previously entered, press the Up-arrow key. You can continue to press the Up-arrow key to see more previously issued commands.

Tip If you are having trouble entering a command, check the system prompt and enter the question mark (?) for a list of available commands. You might be in the wrong command mode or using incorrect syntax.

You can press Ctrl-Z or end in any mode to immediately return to privileged EXEC (enable) mode, instead of entering exit, which returns you to the previous mode.

Interface Naming Conventions

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP has two types of motherboards, the 2.5-Gbps line card motherboard and the mux/demux motherboard. Each line card motherboard can have up to four transponder modules. Each transponder module has two interfaces: an external client side interface and an internal trunk side interface. The client side interface connects to client equipment. The trunk side interface connects through the backplane to a mux/demux module in a mux/demux motherboard. The external interfaces of each mux/demux module connects to a pair of fibers, one for the receive direction and one for the transmit direction. The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP CLI supports the following interface types:

Transparent interfaces

Wave interfaces

Wavepatch interfaces

Wavepassthru interfaces

Filter interfaces

Wdm interfaces

Thru interfaces

Filterband interfaces

Filtergroup interfaces

OSC (optical supervisory channel) interfaces

NME (network management Ethernet) interfaces

Figure 2-1 shows the interface relationships for splitter protected 2.5-Gbps line card motherboards with 2.5-Gbps transparent transponder modules and mux/demux motherboards with mux/demux modules and the OSC.

Figure 2-1 Interface Model with Splitter Protection

Figure 2-2 shows the interface relationship for unprotected 2.5-Gbps line card motherboards with 2.5-Gbps transparent transponder modules and mux/demux motherboards with mux/demux modules and the OSC.

Figure 2-2 Interface Model with Line Card Protection

Transparent Interfaces

The transparent interfaces are the client side interfaces on the 2.5-Gbps transponder modules. The interface does not terminate the protocol, hence the term transparent. Also, transparent applies to transparency with regard to networking protocols. The transparent interface connects to the wave interface on the backplane side of the 2.5-Gbps transponder module (see Figure 2-1).

The naming convention for the client side interfaces on the 2.5-Gbps transponder module is as follows:

transparent slot/subcard/port

Because the client side of a 2.5-Gbps transponder module has only one port, the port number is always 0. For example, the client side interface identifier for a 2.5-Gbps transponder module in subcard position 2 in slot 4 is transparent 4/2/0.

Wave Interfaces

The wave interface is the specific wavelength generated by a 2.5-Gbps transponder module. The wave interface electrically connects to the client side transparent interface and optically connects to two wavepatch interfaces on a splitter protected line card motherboard (see Figure 2-1), or to one wavepatch interface on a unprotected east or west line card motherboard (see Figure 2-2).

The naming convention for wave interfaces is as follows:

wave slot/subcard

Wavepassthru Interfaces

The wavepassthru interface is a passive optical interface that transparently carries optical DWDM signals.

The naming convention for the wave pass thru interfaces on the ITU direct insertion module is as follows:

wavepassthru slot/subcard/port

Wavepatch Interfaces

The wavepatch interface is the interface on the backplane side of the line card motherboard. The wave interfaces on the backplane side of the transponder modules connect to the wavepatch interfaces.

A splitter protected line card motherboard has four pairs of wavepatch interfaces, one pair for each transponder module position. One interface of a pair connects to a filter interface on a mux/demux module in slot 0 and the other connects to a filter interface on a mux/demux module in slot 1. (See Figure 2-1.)

Unprotected line card motherboards have only one wavepatch interface per transponder module position for a total of four. A wavepatch interface on a west line card motherboard connects to the filter interface on a mux/demux module in slot 0; a wavepatch interface on an east line card motherboard connects to the filter interface on a mux/demux module in slot 1. (See Figure 2-2.)

The wavepatch interface operational state reflects the operational state of the corresponding wave interface. If the wave interfaces are operationally down, the corresponding wavepatch interfaces are operationally down. Conversely, if the wave interfaces are operationally up, then the wavepatch interfaces are up. However, the administrative states of the wave and wavepatch interfaces are independently tracked.

The naming convention for wavepatch interfaces is as follows:

wavepatch slot/subcard/port

Filter Interfaces

The filter interface is the interface on the backplane side of a mux/demux module. Each filter interface corresponds to an individual wavelength filter. The filter interface connects a wavepatch interface on a line card motherboard to a wdm interface on the same mux/demux module (see Figure 2-1).

The naming convention for filter interfaces is as follows:

filter slot/subcard/port

The port numbers are 0 through 3 for 4-channel mux/demux modules, 0 through 7 for 8-channel mux/demux modules, and 0 through 15 for 16-channel mux/demux modules.

Wdm Interfaces

The wdm interface is the interface on the mux/demux module that receives the DWDM signal containing wavelengths to be dropped, or transmits the DWDM signal with added wavelengths. It represent the pairs of fibers (Tx and Rx) coming out of a mux/demux module. The wdm interface connects either to a wdm interface on another network node, or, in the case of an add/drop mux/demux modules, to a thru interface on another add/drop mux/demux module in the same slot (see Figure 2-1).

The naming convention for wdm interfaces is as follows:

wdm slot/subcard

Thru Interfaces

The thru interface is the interface on the add/drop mux/demux module that sends the DWDM signal to, or receives it from, another add/drop mux/demux module without altering it. It represents the pairs of fibers (Tx and Rx) coming out of a add/drop mux/demux module. The thru interface connects either to the wdm interface on an add/drop mux/demux module in the same slot, or to the thru interface on an add/drop mux/demux module in the other slot (see Figure 2-1).

The naming convention for thru interfaces is as follows:

thru slot/subcard

Filterband Interfaces

The filterband interface is an interface on the terminal mux/demux module that supports channels 1 through 16. This interface represents a pair of fibers (Rx and Tx) that transmit channels to, and receive channels from, the terminal mux/demux module that supports channels 17 through 32.

The naming convention for filterband interfaces is as follows:

filterband slot/subcard/port

Because each terminal mux/demux module occupies two subcard positions, the numbering for the filterband interface subcard position is either 0 or 2.

Filtergroup Interfaces

The filtergroup interface is an interface on the terminal mux/demux module that supports channels 17 through 32. This interface represents a pair of fibers (Tx and Rx) that transmit channels to, and receive channels from, the terminal mux/demux module that supports channels 1 through 16.

The naming convention for filtergroup interfaces is as follows:

filtergroup slot/subcard/port

Because each terminal mux/demux module occupies two subcard positions, the numbering for the filtergroup interface subcard position is either 0 or 2.

OSC Interfaces

The optional OSC provides management communications among the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP systems in a network. The OSC is separate from the 32 data channels. The shelf can have two OSCs, one per mux/demux slot. Each OSC has two interfaces: one connection on the mux/demux motherboard and one on the mux/demux module that sends and receives the OSC wavelength on the network trunk (see Figure 2-1). Each interface represents the pairs of fibers (Tx and Rx).

The naming convention for the OSC interface on a mux/demux motherboard is as follows:

wave slot

The naming convention for the OSC interface on a mux/demux module is as follows:

oscfilter slot/subcard

The subcard position number for an oscfilter interface on a terminal mux/demux module is either 0 or 2 because the module occupies two subcard positions in the mux/demux motherboard.

Note Only one mux/demux module per slot can have an oscfilter interface. For more information on hardware rules, refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Planning Guide.

NME Interfaces

Each processor card has a Fast Ethernet interface, called an NME (network management Ethernet), for network management purposes. The NME interface on the active processor card is named fastethernet 0 and the NME interface on the standby processor card is named as fastethernet-sby 0.

Each NME interface has a unique MAC address. Also, you must configure each NME interface with a unique IP address. After a processor switchover, when standby processor card takes over as active, the IP and MAC addresses of the standby processor card are reinitialized to those of the active processor card.

Note Network management system sessions and Telnet sessions are allowed on the NME interface on the active processor card (fastethernet 0) but not allowed on the NME interface on the standby processor card (fastethernet-sby 0).

Auxiliary Port Interfaces

Each processor card has an auxiliary port interface. This interface is named aux 0.

Note Each Cisco ONS 15540 ESP processor card has an ASE (aggregation shelf Ethernet) interface. This interface is not supported.

Configuration Overview

Configure your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP systems and network using the following steps:

Step 1 Select transponder modules, line card motherboards, mux/demux modules, and mux/demux motherboards to meet your requirements.

For detailed information about the hardware components, refer to the
Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Hardware Installation Guide. For detailed information on system planning and design, refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Planning Guide.

Step 2 Insert the modules, motherboards, and processor cards into the chassis.

For detailed information on hardware configuration rules, refer to the
Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Planning Guide.

Step 3 Configure the NME ports on the active processor card and on the standby processor card, if present.

For detailed information on configuring the NME port, see Chapter 3, "Initial Configuration."

Step 4 Connect the mux/demux modules with optical cables. If present, connect the OSC interface on the mux/demux motherboard to the OSC interface on a mux/demux module in the same slot. Configure the patch connections with the CLI.

For detailed information on cabling between mux/demux modules, refer to the
Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Planning Guide. For information on configuring patch connections with the CLI, see the "Configuring Patch Connections" section on page 4-20.

Step 5 Verify the mux/demux connections using the show patch and show connect commands.

For more information about the show patch and show connect commands, see the "Displaying Patch Connections" section on page 4-21 and the "About Cross Connections" section on page 4-21.

Step 6 For all transparent interfaces in the shelf, configure either the protocol encapsulation or the clock rate for the client signal. Also, enable protocol monitoring for supported protocols.

For detailed information on interface configuration, see Chapter 4, "Configuring 2.5-Gbps Transponder Module Interfaces and Patch Connections."

Step 7 Configure APS.

For detailed information on configuring APS, see Chapter 5, "Configuring Splitter Protection and Line Card Protection with APS."

Step 8 Configure processor card redundancy.

For detailed information on processor card redundancy, see the "About Processor Card Redundancy" section on page 3-15.

Step 9 Configure IP connectivity on the OSC or the in-band message channel for network management.

For detailed information on configuring IP connectivity on the OSC, see the "Configuring IP on the OSC" section on page 9-8. For detailed information on configuring connectivity on the in-band message channel, see the "Configuring SNMP" section on page 9-11.

Step 10 Configure CDP and the network topology.

For detailed information on network monitoring, see Chapter 9, "Monitoring the Network Topology".


Posted: Wed Mar 22 04:38:10 PST 2006
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