
Table Of Contents

Monitoring the Network Topology

About the OSC

Hardware Guidelines for Using OSC

Configuring CDP

Configuring Global CDP

Configuring CDP Topology Discovery on Wdm Interfaces

Configuring OSCP

Configuring the Hello Interval Timer

Configuring the Hello Hold-Down Timer

Configuring the Inactivity Factor

Displaying the OSCP Configuration

Displaying OSCP Neighbors

Configuring IP on the OSC

Verifying Connectivity Over the OSC

Configuring SNMP

Enabling MIB Notifications

Monitoring Without the OSC

Setting Up Connections to Individual Nodes

Manually Configuring the Network Topology

Configuring Transparent Interfaces in the Network Topology

Displaying Topology Information for Transparent Interfaces

About Embedded CiscoView

Installing and Configuring Embedded CiscoView

Accessing Embedded CiscoView

Displaying Embedded CiscoView Information

Monitoring the Network Topology

This chapter describes how to configure and manage your network topology. This chapter includes the following sections:

About the OSC

Configuring CDP

Configuring OSCP

Configuring IP on the OSC

Configuring SNMP

Monitoring Without the OSC

Configuring Transparent Interfaces in the Network Topology

About Embedded CiscoView

Installing and Configuring Embedded CiscoView

About the OSC

As described in the "Optical Supervisory Channel" section on page 1-8, the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP dedicates a separate channel (channel 0) for the OSC (optical supervisory channel), which is used for network control and management information between Cisco ONS 15540 ESP systems on the network. The OSC is carried on the same fiber as the data channels (channels 1 through 32), but it carries no client data traffic.

Figure 9-1 shows the path of the OSC in a protected ring configuration. The OSC signal is generated by a laser on each mux/demux motherboard and is sent in both directions from the node; both receive signals are monitored to maintain communication with the neighboring nodes. The OSC signal terminates at each node.

Figure 9-1 OSC Signal Path in a Ring Configuration

The OSC performs the following functions:

Discovery—CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) sends packets on the OSC to discover neighboring nodes. CDP runs by default every 60 seconds. The information gathered by CDP can be displayed using the CLI (command-line interface) and used by the NMS (network management system) to discover the logical topology of the network.

Monitoring—OSCP (OSC Protocol) runs over the OSC to provide monitoring of the status of adjacent nodes. OSCP is a keepalive mechanism similar to the PNNI Hello protocol used in ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). Using OSCP, nodes exchange packets that allow them to determine the operational status of their neighbors. OSCP must establish that there is two-way communication before declaring to the upper layer protocols that a node is "up."

Management—IP packets are carried over the OSC to support SNMP and Telnet sessions. Using Telnet over the OSC allows you to access the CLI of all systems on your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP network with a single Ethernet connection. Also, just one Ethernet connection is required from the NMS to monitor all Cisco ONS 15540 ESP systems on the network using SNMP.

Hardware Guidelines for Using OSC

The OSC signal is generated using a dedicated laser on the mux/demux motherboards. To provide protection against failure of the laser or a fiber break in protected configurations (point-to-point or ring), the following rules apply:

Both mux/demux motherboards must support OSC.

One mux/demux module in each slot must support OSC along with a band of wavelengths.

The wdm interface of each mux/demux module that supports OSC must connect to the trunk fiber.

For more information on hardware configuration rules, refer to the
Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Planning Guide.

Configuring CDP

CDP is primarily used to obtain protocol addresses of neighboring devices and to discover the platform of those devices. For a full description of CDP and details on configuring the protocol, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide. For a full description of the CDP commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference.

On the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, you can configure CDP at both the global level and the interface level. The global-level CDP configuration sets the attributes for the entire system. The interface-level configuration identifies interfaces connected to the client equipment and to the trunk interface to CDP. Because there are only optical connections to the client equipment, you must explicitly identify the transparent interfaces connected to the client equipment. On wdm interfaces, you can choose to provide the information about the interface in the CLI or you can let CDP discover it.

Note The shelf must include the OSC to support CDP. If the OSC is not present, see the "Monitoring Without the OSC" section.

Configuring Global CDP

To configure CDP on your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, use the following commands in global configuration mode:


cdp advertise-v2

Specifies CDP version 2 advertisements. The default is version 2.

cdp holdtime seconds

Specifies the amount of time the receiving device should hold a CDP packet from the sending device before discarding it. The default value is 180 seconds.

cdp timer seconds

Specifies how often to send CDP updates. The default value is 60 seconds.

[no] cdp run

Enables and disables CDP on the device. The default state is enabled.


In the following example, the CDP packets being sent from your device should be held by the receiving device for 60 seconds before being discarded:

Switch(config)# cdp holdtime 60

In the following example, CDP updates are sent every 80 seconds:

Switch(config)# cdp timer 80

Displaying the Global CDP Configuration

To display the configured CDP values, use the following EXEC command:


show cdp

Displays the configured CDP timer, holdtime, and advertisement settings.


The following example shows how to display the configured CDP values:

Switch> show cdp

Global CDP information:
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Sending a holdtime value of 180 seconds
Sending CDPv2 advertisements is enabled

Displaying Global CDP Information

You can display information gathered by CDP, including a specific neighbor device listed in the CDP table, the interfaces on which CDP is enabled, and the traffic between devices gathered using CDP.

To display the CDP information, use the following EXEC commands:


show cdp entry {{* | entry-name} [protocol | version]}

Displays information about all neighbors or a specific neighbor discovered by CDP. Optionally, displays the protocol and version.

show cdp interface [type number]

Displays information about the interfaces on which CDP is enabled.

show cdp neighbors

Displays a list of CDP neighbors.

show cdp traffic

Displays information about traffic between devices gathered using CDP.


The following example shows how to display CDP status and activity information:

Switch1# show cdp entry *
Device ID: Switch2
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: cisco , Capabilities: Router
Interface: Wave0, Port ID (outgoing port): Wave0
Holdtime : 176 sec

Version :
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) ONS-15540 Software (manopt-I-M), Experimental Version 12.1 [koj-ons 122]
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 30-Apr-01 12:04 by koj
advertisement version: 2

Switch1# show cdp interface
Wave0 is up, line protocol is up
Encapsulation UNKNOWN
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds

Switch1# show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater

Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
Switch2 Wave0 158 R Wave0

Switch1# show cdp traffic
CDP counters :
Total packets output: 18, Input: 20
Hdr syntax: 0, Chksum error: 0, Encaps failed: 0
No memory: 0, Invalid packet: 0, Fragmented: 0
CDP version 1 advertisements output: 0, Input: 0
CDP version 2 advertisements output: 18, Input: 20

Clearing Global CDP Information

You can reset the CDP traffic counters to zero and clear the table that contains the CDP neighbor information. To clear the CDP information, use the following privileged EXEC commands:


clear cdp counters

Resets the CDP traffic counters to zero.

clear cdp table

Clears the table that contains the CDP neighbor information.

Configuring CDP Topology Discovery on Wdm Interfaces

You can enable CDP topology discovery on the wdm interfaces that connect to the trunk fiber. CDP then automatically advertises interface information to neighboring nodes.

Note The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP enables CDP by default on the wdm interfaces connecting to the trunk fiber.

To configure CDP topology discovery on wdm interfaces, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# topology hold-time seconds

Modifies the interval to hold a nonstatic network topology node entry. The default value is 300 seconds.

Step 2 

Switch(config)# interface wdm slot/subcard


Selects the interface to configure and enters interface configuration mode.

Step 3 

Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor cdp


Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor disable

Enables CDP topology discovery on the interface. The default is enabled.


Disables CDP on the interface.


The following example shows how to enable CDP topology discover on a wdm interface:

Switch(config)# interface wdm 0/0
Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor cdp

The following example shows how to disable CDP topology discovery on a wdm interface:

Switch(config)# interface wdm 0/0
Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor disable

Displaying CDP Information for Wdm Interfaces

You can display interface-level information gathered by CDP, including neighboring devices.

To display the CDP information for an interface, use the following EXEC commands:


show topology neighbor [detail]

Displays information about the physical network topology neighbors for the node.

show topology

Displays the global physical network topology configuration.


Switch# show topology neighbor

Physical Topology:

Local Port Neighbor Node Neighbor Port
---------- ------------- -------------
Wd0/0 Node1 wdm1/1
Wd0/1 Node2 wdm0/2
Trans8/1/0 Router1 gigabitethernet1/1

Switch# show topology
Global Physical Topology configuration:
Maximum Hold Time = 300 secs
Trap interval = 60 secs

Configuring OSCP

The configurable parameters of the OSCP are described in the following sections.

Note The default values are suitable in most cases.

Configuring the Hello Interval Timer

The OSCP sends Hello packets to adjacent nodes at a configured interval. When five packets fail to get a response from the receiving node, that node is declared "down." By decreasing the interval at which Hello packets are sent, reaction time to a failed node can be lessened. Increasing the interval reduces the amount of Hello packet traffic.

To configure the OSCP Hello timer interval, use the following global configuration command:


oscp timer hello interval milliseconds

Configures the Hello interval timer in milliseconds. The default value is 3000 milliseconds.


The following example shows how to set the Hello interval to 500 milliseconds:

Switch(config)# oscp timer hello interval 500

Configuring the Hello Hold-Down Timer

The Hello hold-down timer specifies the interval during which no more than one Hello packet can be sent. If more than one Hello packet is generated during the hold-down period, the extra packets are delayed. Increasing the hold-down timer limits the number of Hello packets triggered in response to Hello packets received from a neighboring node and reduces the likelihood of Hello packets flooding the OSC.

To configure the OSCP Hello hold-down timer, use the following global configuration command:


oscp timer hello holddown milliseconds

Configures the Hello hold-down timer in milliseconds. The default value is 100 milliseconds.


The following example shows how to set the Hello hold-down timer to 2000 milliseconds:

Switch(config)# oscp timer hello holddown 2000

Configuring the Inactivity Factor

The OSCP inactivity factor determines whether or not to declare a link down. The inactivity factor is multiplied by the advertised Hello timer interval of the other node to produce the inactivity time interval. If the system does not receive OSCP packets from the other node before the expiration of the inactivity time interval, the link is declared down.

To configure the OSCP inactivity factor, use the following global configuration command:


oscp timer inactivity-factor factor

Configures inactivity factor as a multiple of the Hello interval. The default multiplier is 5.


The following example shows how to configure the inactivity factor to 10 times the Hello interval value:

Switch(config)# oscp timer inactivity-factor 10

Displaying the OSCP Configuration

You can display the OSCP version, node ID, interfaces, and configured protocol parameters. To display the OSCP configuration, use the following EXEC command:


show oscp info

Displays the OSCP configuration.


The following example shows the OSCP configuration:

Switch(config)# show oscp info
OSCP protocol version 1, Node ID 0001.6447.a240
No. of interfaces 3, No. of neighbors 0
Hello interval 3000 msec, inactivity factor 5,
Hello hold-down 200 msec
Supported OSCP versions:newest 1, oldest 1

Displaying OSCP Neighbors

You can display the information for neighboring nodes monitored by the OSCP. To display the OSCP neighbor status for a node, use the following EXEC command:


show oscp neighbor

Displays the OSCP neighbor status.


The following example shows the OSCP neighbors for a node:

Switch(config)# show oscp neighbor
OSCP Neighbors
Neighbor Node Id:0009.7c1a.cb20 Port list:
Local Port Port ID Rem Port ID OSCP state
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Wave0      20E0000 20E0000 2way

Configuring IP on the OSC

Configuring IP on the OSC allows you to use one Cisco ONS 15540 ESP node in the network to monitor all the other Cisco ONS 15540 ESP nodes in the network. The OSC is a point-to-point signal so any IP configuration valid for point-to-point interfaces is usable.

IP addressing on the OSC can be configured two ways:

An IP address for each OSC wave interface with each address on a separate subnet.

An unnumbered address for the OSC wave interfaces which reference another numbered interface.

The IP address of the reference interface is used as the IP packet source address. Use a loopback interface as the reference interface since it is always up. Configure IP address for each node in a separate subnet.

Note You can alternatively use the IP address of the NME (network management Ethernet) interface (fastethernet 0) for the reference address instead of the loopback interface.

To configure IP on an OSC wave interface, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# interface loopback 1


Selects the loopback interface to configure and enters interface configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-mask

Configures IP address and subnet for the interface.

Step 3 

Switch(config-if)# exit


Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 4 

Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 0


Selects the NME interface to configuration and enters interface configuration mode.

Step 5 

Switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-mask

Configures IP address and subnet for the interface.

Step 6 

Switch(config-if)# exit


Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 7 

Switch(config)# interface wave 0


Selects the wave interface on slot 0.

Step 8 

Switch(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1

Configures an unnumbered interface referencing the loopback interface.

Step 9 

Switch(config-if)# exit


Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 10 

Switch(config)# interface wave 1


Selects the wave interface on slot 1.

Step 11 

Switch(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1

Configures an unnumber interface referencing the loopback interface.

Step 12 

Switch(config-if)# exit


Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 13 

Switch(config)# ip route prefix prefix-mask interface


Switch(config)# router ospf process-id

Switch(config-router)# network network-address wildcard-mask area area-id


Switch(config)# router eigrp as-number

Switch(config-router)# network network-number [network-mask]


Switch(config)# router bgp as-number

Switch(config-router)# network network-number [mask network-mask]

Switch(config-router)# neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} remote-as number

Configures IP static routes for some or all destinations.


Configures OSPF as the routing protocol.


Configures EIGRP as the routing protocol.


Configures BGP as the routing protocol.

Note For detailed information about configuring routing protocols, refer to the
Cisco IOS IP and IP Routing Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to configure IP on the OSC on a three node system. Node 1 connects to the NMS (network management system).

Node1# configure terminal
Node1(config)# interface loopback 1
Node1(config-if)# ip address
Node1(config-if)# exit
Node1(config)# interface fastethernet 0
Node1(config-if)# ip address
Node1(config-if)# exit
Node1(config)# interface wave 0
Node1(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1
Node1(config-if)# exit
Node1(config)# interface wave 1
Node1(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1
Node1(config)# router ospf 1
Node1(config-router)# network area 0
Node1(config-router)# network area 0

Node2# configure terminal
Node2(config)# interface loopback 1
Node2(config-if)# ip address
Node2(config-if)# exit
Node2(config)# interface wave 0
Node2(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1
Node2(config-if)# exit
Node2(config)# interface wave 1
Node2(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1
Node2(config)# router ospf 1
Node2(config-router)# network area 0

Node3# configure terminal
Node3(config)# interface loopback 1
Node3(config-if)# ip address
Node3(config-if)# exit
Node3(config)# interface wave 0
Node3(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1
Node3(config-if)# exit
Node3(config)# interface wave 1
Node3(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 1
Node3(config)# router ospf 1
Node3(config-router)# network area 0

Verifying Connectivity Over the OSC

To verify connectivity over the OSC, use the following EXEC command:


telnet ip-address

Connects to another node using the reference IP address for the other node.


The following example shows how to Telnet from node 1 to node 2 in the ring to another through the OSC:

Node1# telnet
Trying ... Open
Node2> enable

Configuring SNMP

SNMP is an application-layer protocol that allows an SNMP manager, such an NMS (network management system), and an SNMP agent on the managed device to communicate. You can configure SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3 on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP.

The NME (network management Ethernet) ports on the active processor card, named fastethernet 0, provide multiple simultaneous SNMP network management sessions to the current active processor. The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP can be fully managed by sending SNMP messages to the active processor IP address. If a processor switchover occurs, you can access the other processor card after it reaches the active state. For more information on processor card redundancy, see the "About Processor Card Redundancy" section on page 3-15.

Note The standby processor card does not respond to SNMP messages.

For detailed instructions on configuring SNMP and enabling SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide and the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.

Enabling MIB Notifications

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP supports SMNP trap notifications through MIBs. This section describes the following MIBs:

Alarm threshold MIB


Optical monitor MIB


Patch MIB

Redundancy facility MIB

Physical topology MIB

You can find the complete list of MIBs supported on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP and the MIB module definition files on the Cisco MIB website on For more information on accessing the MIBs module definition files, refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP MIBs User Quick Reference.

Alarm Threshold MIB

The interface alarm threshold MIB (CISCO-IF-THRESHOLD-MIB) assists SNMP monitoring of the interface alarm threshold activity. To enable the SNMP trap notifications for alarm threshold activity, use the following global configuration command:


snmp-server enable traps threshold min-severity {degrade | failure}

Enables SNMP trap notifications for alarm threshold activity.

For information about other commands that enable SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.


The following example shows how to enable SNMP trap notifications for alarm thresholds and set the minimum notification severity to signal degrade.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps threshold min-severity degrade


The APS MIB (CISCO-APS-MIB) assists SNMP monitoring of SONET APS activity. To enable the SNMP trap notifications for APS activity between associated interfaces, use the following global configuration command:


snmp-server enable traps aps

Enables SNMP trap notifications for APS activity.

For information about other commands that enable SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.


The following example shows how to enable SNMP trap notifications for APS.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps aps

Optical Monitor MIB

The APS MIB (CISCO-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB) assists SNMP monitoring of optical monitor activity. To enable the SNMP trap notifications for optical monitor, use the following global configuration command:


snmp-server enable traps optical monitor {critical | major | minor | not-alarmed}

Enables SNMP trap notifications for optical monitor activity.

For information about other commands that enable SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.


The following example shows how to enable critical SNMP trap notifications for optical monitor activity.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps optical monitor critical


The OSCP MIB (CISCO-OSCP-MIB) assists SNMP monitoring of OSCP activity. To enable the SNMP trap notifications for OSCP activity, use the following global configuration command:


snmp-server enable traps oscp

Enables SNMP trap notifications for OSCP activity.

For information about other commands that enable SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.


The following example shows how to enable SNMP trap notifications for OSCP.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps oscp

Patch MIB

The patch MIB (CISCO-OPTICAL-PATCH-MIB) assists SNMP monitoring of patch connections. To enable the SNMP trap notifications for patch connection creation, modification, and deletion, use the following global configuration command.


snmp-server enable traps patch

Enables SNMP trap notifications for patch connection activity.

For information about other commands that enable SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.


The following example shows how to enable SNMP trap notifications for patch connections:

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps patch

Physical Topology MIB

The network physical topology MIB (PTOPO-MIB) assists SNMP monitoring of network topology activity. To enable the SNMP trap notifications for network topology activity, use the following global configuration command.


snmp-server enable traps topology [throttle-interval seconds]

Enables SNMP trap notifications for network topology activity.

For information about other commands that enable SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.


The following example shows how to enable SNMP trap notifications for network topology activity:

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps topology

Redundancy Facility MIB

The redundancy facility MIB (CISCO-RF-MIB) assists SNMP monitoring of processor redundancy activity. To enable the SNMP trap notifications for processor redundancy activity, use the following global configuration command.


snmp-server enable traps rf

Enables SNMP trap notifications for the redundancy facility activity.

For information about other commands that enable SNMP trap notifications, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication.


The following example shows how to enable SNMP trap notifications for processor redundancy activity.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps rf

Monitoring Without the OSC

To take advantage of the OSC, the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP system must be equipped with one mux/demux module with OSC (for unprotected configurations) or two mux/demux modules with OSC (for protected configurations). If your system is not equipped to support the OSC, the following conditions apply:

You cannot reach other nodes on the network using Telnet or SNMP. Separate connections to each system must exist on the network for management purposes.

CDP does not function on the network. The physical topology must be configured manually for fault isolation and system management.

Keepalive information is not available for other nodes on the network.

Setting Up Connections to Individual Nodes

To access individual nodes in a Cisco ONS 15540 ESP network without the OSC, you must establish separate connections to a management port on each system. This can be done using a Telnet session over an Ethernet connection, a console connection, or a modem connection to the auxiliary port. For instructions on how to do this, see Chapter 3, "Initial Configuration."

For NMS without the OSC, each node reports individually to the NMS. Thus you must connect the NMS to each node using SNMP over an Ethernet connection.

Manually Configuring the Network Topology

If the OSC is absent from the system or CDP is disabled, you must manually add the wdm interfaces connected to the trunk fiber to the network topology using the CLI. To manually add the wdm interfaces to the network topology, perform the following steps on all the nodes in the network, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# interface wdm slot/subcard


Selects the interface to configure and enters interface configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor {name node-name | ip-address node-ip-address | mac-address node-mac-address} {port {name port-name | ip-address port-ip-address | mac-address port-mac-address}}

Configures the network topology information for a neighboring node.

Step 3 

Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address ip-address

Specifies the address of the network topology agent on a neighboring node.

Figure 9-2 shows an example ring topology with three shelves.

Figure 9-2 Ring Topology Example

The following example shows how to configure the network topology for node 1 in Figure 9-2:

Node1(config)# interface wdm 1/1
Node1(config-if)# topology neighbor name Node2 port name wdm0/0
Node1(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address
Node1(config)# exit
Node1(config)# interface wdm 0/0
Node1(config-if)# topology neighbor name Node3 port name wdm1/2
Node1(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address

The following example shows how to configure the network topology for node 2 in Figure 9-2:

Node2(config)# interface wdm 0/0
Node2(config-if)# topology neighbor name Node1 port name wdm1/1
Node2(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address
Node2(config)# exit
Node2(config)# interface wdm 1/0
Node2(config-if)# topology neighbor name Node3 port name wdm0/2
Node2(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address

The following example shows how to configure the network topology for node 3 in Figure 9-2:

Node3(config)# interface wdm 0/2
Node3(config-if)# topology neighbor name Node2 port name wdm1/0
Node3(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address
Node3(config)# exit
Node3(config)# interface wdm 1/2
Node3(config-if)# topology neighbor name Node1 port name wdm0/0
Node3(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address

Displaying the Network Topology

To display the network topology, use the following EXEC command:


show topology neighbor

Displays the network topology.


The following example shows the network topology:

Switch# show topology neighbor

Physical Topology:

Local Port Neighbor Node Neighbor Port
---------- ------------- -------------
Wd0/0 Node1 wdm1/1
Wd0/1 Node2 wdm0/2

Configuring Transparent Interfaces in the Network Topology

The client-side transparent interfaces on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP do not support CDP. Therefore, you can explicitly add the transparent interfaces and client equipment to the network topology.

To add a transparent interface to the network topology, perform the following steps on the transparent interfaces on all the nodes in the network, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# interface transparent slot/subcard/0


Selects the interface to configure and enters interface configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor {name node-name | ip-address node-ip-address | mac-address node-mac-address} {port {name port-name | ip-address port-ip-address | mac-address port-mac-address}}

Configures the network topology information for a neighboring node.

Step 3 

Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address ip-address

Specifies the address of the network topology agent on a neighboring node.


The following example shows how to add a transparent interface to the network topology:

Switch(config)# interface transparent 8/1/0
Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor name router1 port name gigabitethernet1/1
Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor agent ip-address

Displaying Topology Information for Transparent Interfaces

To display the topology information for a transparent interface, use the following EXEC command:


show topology neighbor

Displays network topology information.


The following example shows how to display the client equipment topology:

Switch# show topology neighbor

Physical Topology:

Local Port Neighbor Node Neighbor Port
---------- ------------- -------------
Trans8/1/0 Router1 gigabitethernet1/1

About Embedded CiscoView

The Embedded CiscoView network management system provides a web-based interface for the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP. Embedded CiscoView uses HTTP and SNMP to provide graphical representations of the system and to provide GUI-based management and configuration facilities. After you install and configure Embedded CiscoView, you can access your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP from a web browser utility.

You can download the Embedded CiscoView files from the following URL:

Installing and Configuring Embedded CiscoView

To install and configure Embedded CiscoView on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, perform the following steps:


Step 1 

Switch# dir {bootflash: | slotn: | diskn:}

Displays the contents of the specified Flash memory device, including the amount of free space that is available.

If enough free space is available, skip to Step 4

Step 2 

Switch# delete {bootflash:filename | slotn:filename | diskn:filename}

Deletes an old file to make remove for the new file.

Step 3 

Switch# squeeze {bootflash: | slotn:}

Recovers the space on the Flash memory device.

Step 4 

Switch# copy tftp: {bootflash: | slotn: | diskn:}

Copies the CiscoView tar file (ONS15540-1.tar) from the TFTP server.

If you are installing Embedded CiscoView for the first time, skip to Step 7.

Step 5 

Switch# delete {bootflash:cv/* | slotn:cv/* | diskn:cv/*}

Removes existing files from the CiscoView directory.

Step 6 

Switch# squeeze {bootflash: | slotn: | diskn:}

Recovers the space in the file system.

Step 7 

Switch# archive tar /xtract bootflash:ONS15540-1.tar bootflash:cv


Switch# archive tar /xtract slotn:ONS15540-1.tar slotn:cv


Switch# archive tar /xtract diskn:ONS15540-1.tar diskn:cv

Extracts the CiscoView files from the tar file on the TFTP server to the CiscoView directory.

Step 8 

Switch# dir {bootflash: | slotn: | diskn:}

Displays the file in Flash memory.

Repeat Step 1 and Step 8 for the file system on the standby processor (sby-bootflash:, sby-diskn: or sby-slotn:).

Step 9 

Switch# configure terminal


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 10 

Switch(config)# ip http server

Enables the HTTP web server.

Step 11 

Switch(config)# end


Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 12 

Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

Saves the configuration in NVRAM.


The following example shows how to initially install Embedded CiscoView on both processors in your system:

Switch# copy tftp slot0:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? ONS15540.tar
Destination filename [ONS15540.tar]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading ONS15540.tar from (via Port-channel1.1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 1251840/2503680 bytes]

1251840 bytes copied in 109.848 secs (11484 bytes/sec)

Switch# archive tar /xtract slot0:ONS15540.tar slot0:/cv

8510CSR# dir slot0:
Directory of slot0:/

    1  -rw- 2276396 Apr 30 2001 17:48:07 ONS15540-i-mz.121
    2  -rw- 1251840 May 23 2001 14:03:35 ONS15540.tar
3  -rw- 8861 May 23 2001 14:26:05 cv/ONS15540-1.0.html
4  -rw- 1183238 May 23 2001 14:26:06 cv/ONS15540-1.0.sgz
5  -rw- 3704 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/ONS15540-1.0_ace.html
6  -rw- 401 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/ONS15540-1.0_error.html
7  -rw- 17003 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/ONS15540-1.0_jks.jar
 8  -rw- 17497 May 23 2001 14:27:57 cv/ONS15540-1.0_nos.jar
 9  -rw- 8861 May 23 2001 14:27:59 cv/applet.html
10  -rw- 529 May 23 2001 14:28:00 cv/cisco.x509
11  -rw- 2523 May 23 2001 14:28:00 cv/identitydb.obj

16384000 bytes total (1287752 bytes free)

Switch# copy tftp: sby-slot0:ONS15540.tar
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? ONS15540.tar
Destination filename [ONS15540.tar]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading ONS15540.tar from (via Port-channel1.1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 1251840/2503680 bytes]

1251840 bytes copied in 109.848 secs (11484 bytes/sec)

Switch# archive tar /xtract slot0:ONS15540.tar sby-slot0:cv
Switch# dir sby-slot0:
Directory of sby-slot0:/

    1  -rw- 2276396 May 20 2001 17:48:07 ONS15540-i-mz.121
    2  -rw- 1251840 May 23 2001 14:03:35 ONS15540.tar
3  -rw- 8861 May 23 2001 14:26:05 cv/ONS15540-1.0.html
4  -rw- 1183238 May 23 2001 14:26:06 cv/ONS15540-1.0.sgz
5  -rw- 3704 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/ONS15540-1.0_ace.html
6  -rw- 401 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/ONS15540-1.0_error.html
7  -rw- 17003 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/ONS15540-1.0_jks.jar
 8  -rw- 17497 May 23 2001 14:27:57 cv/ONS15540-1.0_nos.jar
 9  -rw- 8861 May 23 2001 14:27:59 cv/applet.html
10  -rw- 529 May 23 2001 14:28:00 cv/cisco.x509
11  -rw- 2523 May 23 2001 14:28:00 cv/identitydb.obj
16384000 bytes total (1287752 bytes free)
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# ip http server
Switch(config)# end
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

The following example shows how to update the CiscoView files on your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP:

Switch# delete slot0:cv/*
Delete filename [cv/*]?
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0.sgz? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_ace.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_error.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_jks.jar? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_nos.jar? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/applet.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/cisco.x509? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/identitydb.obj? [confirm]

Switch# squeeze slot0:
All deleted files will be removed. Continue? [confirm]
Squeeze operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]
Squeeze of slot0 complete

Switch# copy tftp slot0:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? ONS15540.tar
Destination filename [ONS15540.tar]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading ONS15540.tar from (via Port-channel1.1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 1251840/2503680 bytes]

1251840 bytes copied in 109.848 secs (11484 bytes/sec)

Switch# archive tar /xtract slot0:ONS15540.tar slot0:cv

Switch# delete sby-slot0:cv/*
Delete filename [cv/*]?
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0.sgz? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_ace.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_error.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_jks.jar? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/ONS15540-1.0_nos.jar? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/applet.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/cisco.x509? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/identitydb.obj? [confirm]
Switch# squeeze sby-lot0:
All deleted files will be removed. Continue? [confirm]
Squeeze operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]
Squeeze of sby-slot0 complete
Switch# copy tftp sby-lot0:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename [ONS15540.tar]?
Destination filename [ONS15540.tar]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading ONS15540.tar from (via Port-channel1.1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 1251840/2503680 bytes]

1251840 bytes copied in 109.848 secs (11484 bytes/sec)
Switch# archive tar /xtract slot0:ONS15540.tar slot0:cv
Switch# archive tar /xtract tftp:// sby-slot0:cv

Accessing Embedded CiscoView

Access Embedded CiscoView using the NME IP address as the URL for your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP from a web browser using the following format:


Displaying Embedded CiscoView Information

To display the Embedded CiscoView information, use the following EXEC commands:


show ciscoview package

Displays information about the Embedded CiscoView files in the Flash PC Card.

show ciscoview version

Displays the Embedded CiscoView version.


The following example shows how to display the Embedded CiscoView file and version information:

Switch# show ciscoview package
File source:flash:
CVFILE SIZE(in bytes)
ONS15540-1.0.html 8861
ONS15540-1.0.sgz 1183238
ONS15540-1.0_ace.html 3704
ONS15540-1.0_error.html 401
ONS15540-1.0_jks.jar 17003
ONS15540-1.0_nos.jar 17497
applet.html 8861
cisco.x509 529
identitydb.obj 2523

Switch# show ciscoview version
Engine Version: 5.3 ADP Device: ONS15540 ADP Version: 1.0 ADK: 39


Posted: Wed Mar 22 04:37:04 PST 2006
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