
Table Of Contents

Initial Configuration

About the Processor Card

Starting Up the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP

Using the Console Ports, NME Ports, and Auxiliary Ports

Modem Support

About Passwords

Enable Password

Enable Secret Password

Configuring IP Access on the NME Interface

Displaying the NME Interface Configuration

Displaying the Operating Configurations

Configuring the Host Name

About NTP

Configuring NTP

Displaying the NTP Configuration

Configuring Security Features

Configuring AAA

Configuring Kerberos

Configuring RADIUS

Configuring TACACS+

Configuring Secure Shell

Testing the System Management Functions

Displaying Active Processes

Displaying Protocols

Displaying Stacks

Displaying Environment

Checking Basic Connectivity

Configuring Traffic Filters and Firewalls

Configuring Passwords and Privileges

About Processor Card Redundancy

Configuring Processor Card Redundancy

Forcing a Switchover from Privileged EXEC Mode

Forcing a Switchover from ROM Monitor Mode

Configuring Autoboot

Synchronizing the Configurations

Configuring Maintenance Mode

Displaying the Processor Card Redundancy Configuration and Status

Reloading the Processor Cards

Configuring Privileged EXEC Mode Access on the Standby Processor Card

About Preserving Counters on a Processor Card Switchover

Configuring Counter Preservation

About the Software Configuration Register

Software Configuration Register Settings

Boot Field Values

Default System Boot Behavior

Boot Command

Changing the Software Configuration Register

Verify the Configuration Register Value

About Fan Failure Shutdown

Configuring Fan Failure Shutdown

Displaying the Fan Tray Failure Shutdown Configuration

About Critical Temperature Shutdown

Configuring Critical Temperature Shutdown

Displaying the Threshold Temperatures

Initial Configuration

This chapter describes how to configure the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP so it can be accessed by other devices. This chapter includes the following sections:

About the Processor Card

Starting Up the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP

Using the Console Ports, NME Ports, and Auxiliary Ports

About Passwords

Configuring IP Access on the NME Interface

Configuring the Host Name

About NTP

Configuring NTP

Configuring Security Features

Testing the System Management Functions

About Processor Card Redundancy

Configuring Processor Card Redundancy

About the Software Configuration Register

Changing the Software Configuration Register

About Fan Failure Shutdown

Configuring Fan Failure Shutdown

About Critical Temperature Shutdown

Configuring Critical Temperature Shutdown

About the Processor Card

The processor card provides intelligence to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP. The processor card supports SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and many MIBs (Management Information Bases).

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP uses 64-bit MIPS RM7000 processors running at 250 MHz. The processor has primary cache comprised of 16 KB for instructions and 16 KB for data. The secondary cache is 256 KB for both instructions and data. A third-level cache controller supports 512 KB, 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, and 8 MB block write-through cache. Both the primary cache and the secondary cache are integrated onto the processor. The optional third-level cache is controlled through an on-chip cache controller.

The processor card supports a dual-height Flash memory Type II slot that can accommodate two Flash PC Cards.

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP supports redundant operation with dual processor cards. The processor cards reside in slots 6 and 7, the seventh and eighth slots from the left as you face the chassis. For more information, see the "About Processor Card Redundancy" section.

For more information on the processor card, refer to the
Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Hardware Installation Guide.

Starting Up the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP

Before starting up the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, you should verify the following:

The system is set for the correct AC (or DC) power voltages.

Refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Hardware Installation Guide for correct power voltages.

The cables are connected to the system.

A console terminal is connected to the system.

Refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Hardware Installation Guide for instructions.

When you start up the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, the CLI (command-line interface) prompts you to enter the initial configuration dialog. Answer no to this prompt:

Would you like to enter the initial dialog? [yes]: no

You see the following user EXEC prompt:


You can now begin configuring the processor card.

Using the Console Ports, NME Ports, and Auxiliary Ports

You can configure the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP from a direct console connection to the console port or remotely through its NME (network management Ethernet) port.

If you are using a direct console connection, configure your terminal emulation program for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.

If you are using the NME port interface, you must assign an IP address to the interface (fastethernet 0).

For interface configuration instructions, see the "Configuring IP Access on the NME Interface" section.

For further details on configuring ports and lines for management access, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

Modem Support

The auxiliary port of the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP provides for modem connection support. However, the hardware flow control signals are not available on the auxiliary port. The following settings on the modem are required:

Enable auto answer mode

Suppress result codes

Disable hardware flow control

Ensure auxiliary port terminal characteristics (speed/stop bits/parity) matches that of modem

You can configure your modem by setting the DIP switches on the modem itself or by setting them via terminal equipment connected to the modem. Refer to the user manual provided with your modem for the correct configuration information.

Note Because there are no hardware flow control signals available on the auxiliary port, the auxiliary port terminal characteristics should match the modem settings.

For further details on configuring ports and modems for management access, refer to the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide and the
Cisco IOS Dial Services Configuration Guide: Terminal Services.

About Passwords

You can configure both an enable password and an enable secret password. For maximum security, the enable password should be different from the enable secret password.

Enable Password

The enable password is a nonencrypted password. It can contain any number of uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters. Give the enable password only to users permitted to make configuration changes to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP.

Enable Secret Password

The enable secret password is a secure, encrypted password. By setting an encrypted password, you can prevent unauthorized configuration changes. On systems running Cisco IOS, you must type in the enable secret password before you can access global configuration mode.You must type in the enable secret password to access boot ROM software.

An enable secret password contains from 1 to 25 uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters. The first character cannot be a number. Spaces are valid password characters. Leading spaces are ignored; trailing spaces are recognized.

You will configure passwords in the next section, Configuring IP Access on the NME Interface.

Configuring IP Access on the NME Interface

The Fast Ethernet interface, or NME, on the active processor card, named fastethernet 0, is the management interface that allows multiple, simultaneous Telnet or SNMP network management sessions.

You can remotely configure the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP through the Fast Ethernet interface, but first you must configure an IP address so that the active processor card is reachable. There are two ways to configure the NME interface: manually from the CLI or by copying the configuration from the BOOTP server into NVRAM.

For information on configuring the NME interface on the standby processor card, fastethernet-sby 0, refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Software Upgrade Guide.

Note Before you begin to manually configure an NME interface, obtain its IP address and IP subnet mask. Also make sure the console cable is connected to the console port.

To configure IP access on the NME port fastethernet 0 from the CLI, perform these steps from the console interface:


Step 1 

Switch> enable


Enters privileged EXEC mode.

Step 2 

Switch# show hardware

Verifies the installed hardware part numbers and serial numbers.

Step 3 

Switch# configure terminal


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 4 

Switch(config)# enable password password

Sets the enable password. See the "About Passwords" section.

Step 5 

Switch(config)# enable password [level level] password

Sets the enable password. You can specify one of 16 privilege levels, using numbers 0 through 15. Level 1 is normal EXEC-mode user privileges. The default level is 15 (traditional enable privileges).

Step 6 

Switch(config)# enable secret [level level] password

Specifies an enable secret password. You can specify one of 16 privilege levels, using numbers 0 through 15. Level 1 is normal EXEC-mode user privileges. The default level is 15 (traditional enable privileges).

Step 7 

Switch(config)# privilege mode {level level | reset} command-string

Configures or resets the privilege level to allow access to a specific command.

Note Configure the password for a privilege level defined using the privilege command with the enable secret command.

Step 8 

Switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-mask

Specifies the IP address and IP subnet mask for the management port interface.

Step 9 

Switch(config-if)# speed {10 | 100 | auto}

Specifies the transmission speed. The default is auto (autonegotiation).

Step 10 

Switch(config-if)# duplex {auto | full | half}

Specifies the duplex mode. The default is auto (autonegotiation).

Step 11 

Switch(config-if)# exit


Returns to global configuration mode.

Step 12 

Switch(config)# line vty line-number


Enters line configuration mode for virtual terminal connections. Commands entered in this mode control the operation of Telnet sessions.

Step 13 

Switch(config-line)# password password

Specifies a password for Telnet sessions.

Step 14 

Switch(config-line)# end


Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 15 

Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

Saves the configuration changes to NVRAM.

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP NME interface should now be operating correctly.

Note If a processor card switchover occurs, you can use the same IP address to access the other processor card after it becomes active.

Note In a dual shelf node configuration, perform these steps on the NME interfaces on both shelves in the node.

Displaying the NME Interface Configuration

To display the configuration of the NME interface, use the following EXEC command:


show interfaces fastethernet 0

Displays the NTP status.


Switch# show interfaces fastethernet 0
FastEthernet0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is AmdFE, address is 0000.1644.28ea (bia 0000.1644.28ea)
 Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
Keepalive set (10 sec)
   Half-duplex, 10Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue :0/40 (size/max)
5 minute input rate 3000 bits/sec, 6 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 1000 bits/sec, 3 packets/sec
36263 packets input, 3428728 bytes
Received 17979 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
0 watchdog
0 input packets with dribble condition detected
20363 packets output, 4279598 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 8 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 babbles, 0 late collision, 72 deferred
0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Displaying the Operating Configurations

You can display the configuration file when you are in privileged EXEC (enable) mode.

To see the current operating configuration, enter the following command at the enable prompt:

Switch# more system:running-config

To see the configuration saved in NVRAM, enter the following command:

Switch# more nvram:startup-config

If you made changes to the configuration, but did not yet write the changes to NVRAM, the contents of the running-config file will differ from the contents of the startup-config file.

Configuring the Host Name

In addition to passwords and an IP address, your initial configuration should include the host name to make it easier to configure and troubleshoot the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP. To configure the host name, perform the following steps:


Step 1 

Switch# configure terminal


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config)# hostname name

Specifies a system name.

Step 3 

name(config)# end


Returns to privileged EXEC mode. The prompt indicates that the host name has been set to the new name.

Step 4 

name# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

Saves your configuration changes to NVRAM.

Note The host name is also synchronized with the standby processor card. The host name prompt on the standby processor card appears with "sby-" as a prefix.


The following example shows how to configure a new host name, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# hostname ONS15540
ONS15540(config)# end
ONS15540# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

About NTP

The NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a utility for synchronizing system clocks over the network, providing a precise time base for networked workstations and servers. In the NTP model, a hierarchy of primary and secondary servers pass timekeeping information by way of the Internet to cross-check clocks and correct errors arising from equipment or propagation failures.

An NTP server must be accessible by the client switch. NTP runs over UDP (User Datagram Protocol), which in turn runs over IP. NTP is documented in RFC 1305. All NTP communication uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), which is the same as Greenwich Mean Time. An NTP network usually gets its time from an authoritative time source, such as a radio clock or an atomic clock attached to a time server. NTP distributes this time across the network. NTP is extremely efficient; no more than one packet per minute is necessary to synchronize two machines to within a millisecond of one another.

NTP uses a stratum to describe how many NTP hops away a machine is from an authoritative time source. A stratum 1 time server has a radio or atomic clock directly attached, a stratum 2 time server receives its time from a stratum 1 time server, and so on. A machine running NTP automatically chooses as its time source the machine with the lowest stratum number that it is configured to communicate with through NTP. This strategy effectively builds a self-organizing tree of NTP speakers.

NTP has two ways to avoid synchronizing to a machine whose time might be ambiguous:

NTP never synchronizes to a machine that is not synchronized itself.

NTP compares the time reported by several machines and does not synchronize to a machine whose time is significantly different from the others, even if its stratum is lower.

The communications between machines running NTP, known as associations, are usually statically configured; each machine is given the IP address of all machines with which it should form associations. Accurate timekeeping is possible by exchanging NTP messages between each pair of machines with an association.

The Cisco implementation of NTP does not support stratum 1 service; it is not possible to connect to a radio or atomic clock. We recommend that you obtain the time service for your network from the public NTP servers available in the IP Internet. If the network is isolated from the Internet, the Cisco NTP implementation allows a machine to be configured so that it acts as though it is synchronized using NTP, when in fact it has determined the time using other means. Other machines then synchronize to that machine using NTP.

A number of manufacturers include NTP software for their host systems, and a version for systems running UNIX and its various derivatives is also publicly available. This software allows host systems to be time-synchronized as well.

Configuring NTP

NTP services are enabled on all interfaces by default. You can configure your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP in either of the following NTP associations:

Peer association—This system either synchronizes to the other system or allows the other system to synchronize to it.

Server association—This system synchronizes to the other system, and not the other way around.

From global configuration mode, use the following procedure to configure NTP in a server association that transmits broadcast packets and periodically updates the calendar:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# ntp update-calendar

Updates hardware calendar with NTP time.

Step 2 

Switch(config)# ntp server ip-address

Forms a server association with another system. You can specify multiple associations.

Step 3 

Switch(config)# end


Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 4 

Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

Saves your configuration changes to NVRAM.

For information on other optional NTP configurations, see the
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

Displaying the NTP Configuration

To view the current NTP configuration and status, use the following EXEC command:


show ntp status

Displays the NTP status.


The following example shows the NTP configuration and status:

Switch# show ntp status
Clock is synchronized, stratum 4, reference is
nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 249.9999 Hz, precision is 2**24
reference time is B6C04F19.41018C62 (18:21:13.253 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
clock offset is 7.7674 msec, root delay is 113.39 msec
root dispersion is 386.72 msec, peer dispersion is 1.57 msec

Configuring Security Features

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP supports the following Cisco IOS software security features:

AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting)





Traffic filters and firewalls

Passwords and privileges

Configuring AAA

This section describes the AAA features supported by the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP.

Configuring Authentication

To configure AAA authentication, perform the following tasks:

Step 1 Enable AAA by using the aaa new-model global configuration command.

Step 2 Configure security protocol parameters, such as RADIUS, TACACS+, or Kerberos if you are using a security server. Refer to the "Configuring RADIUS" chapter, the "Configuring TACACS+" chapter, or the "Configuring Kerberos" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Step 3 Define the method lists for authentication by using an AAA authentication command.

Step 4 Apply the method lists to a particular interface or line, if required.

Refer to the "Configuring Authentication" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring Authorization

The AAA authorization feature enables you to limit the services available to a user. When AAA authorization is enabled, the network access server uses information retrieved from the user's profile, which is located either in the local user database or on the security server, to configure the user's session. Once this is done, the user is granted access to a requested service only if the information in the user profile allows it.

Refer to the "Configuring Authorization" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring Accounting

The AAA accounting feature enables you to track the services that users are accessing and the amount of network resources that they are consuming. When AAA accounting is enabled, the network access server reports user activity to the TACACS+ or RADIUS security server (depending on which security method you have implemented) in the form of accounting records. Each accounting record contains accounting attribute-value (AV) pairs and is stored on the security server. This data can then be analyzed for network management, client billing, and auditing.

Refer to the "Configuring Accounting" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring Kerberos

For hosts and the KDC in your Kerberos realm to communicate and mutually authenticate, you must identify them to each other. To do this, you add entries for the hosts to the Kerberos database on the KDC and add SRVTAB files generated by the KDC to all hosts in the Kerberos realm. You also make entries for users in the KDC database.

Refer to the "Configuring Kerberos" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring RADIUS

RADIUS is a distributed client/server system that secures networks against unauthorized access. RADIUS clients run on Cisco ONS 15540 ESP systems and send authentication requests to a central RADIUS server that contains all user authentication and network service access information. RADIUS is a fully open protocol, distributed in source code format, that can be modified to work with any security system currently available.

To configure RADIUS on your system, perform the following tasks:

Step 1 Use the aaa new-model global configuration command to enable AAA. AAA must be configured if you plan to use RADIUS. Refer to the "AAA Overview" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Step 2 Use the aaa authentication global configuration command to define method lists for RADIUS authentication.Refer to the "Configuring Authentication" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Step 3 Use line and interface commands to enable the defined method lists to be used. Refer to the "Configuring Authentication" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

The following configuration tasks are optional:

You may use the aaa group server command to group selected RADIUS hosts for specific services.

You may use the aaa dnis map command to select RADIUS server groups based on DNIS number. To use this command, you must define RADIUS server groups using the aaa group server command.

You may use the aaa authorization global command to authorize specific user functions. Refer to the "Configuring Authorization" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

You may use the aaa accounting command to enable accounting for RADIUS connections. Refer to the "Configuring Accounting" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

You may use the dialer aaa interface configuration command to create remote site profiles that contain outgoing call attributes on the AAA server.

Refer to the "Configuring RADIUS" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring TACACS+

To configure your router to support TACACS+, perform the following tasks:

Step 1 Use the aaa new-model global configuration command to enable AAA. AAA must be configured if you plan to use TACACS+. Refer to the "AAA Overview" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Step 2 Use the tacacs-server host command to specify the IP address of one or more TACACS+ daemons. Use the tacacs-server key command to specify an encryption key that is used to encrypt all exchanges between the network access server and the TACACS+ daemon. This same key must also be configured on the TACACS+ daemon.

Step 3 Use the aaa authentication global configuration command to define method lists that use TACACS+ for authentication. Refer to the "Configuring Authentication" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Step 4 Use line and interface commands to apply the defined method lists to various interfaces. Refer to the "Configuring Authentication" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Step 5 If needed, use the aaa authorization global command to configure authorization for the network access server. Unlike authentication, which can be configured per line or per interface, authorization is configured globally for the entire network access server. Refer to the "Configuring Authorization" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Step 6 If needed, use the aaa accounting command to enable accounting for TACACS+ connections. Refer to the "Configuring Accounting" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Refer to the "Configuring TACACS+" chapter in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring Secure Shell

The preferred method of administering the system is through a Telnet session. However, using Telnet can cause security issues that include session hijacking, sniffing, and man-in-the-middle attacks. These attacks might be stopped using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol and application, which the system supports. SSH is an application and protocol that secures the sessions using standard cryptographic mechanisms. Two versions of SSH are currently available, SSHv1 and SSHv2.

SSH runs on top of a reliable transport layer, such as TCP/IP, and provides strong authentication and encryption capabilities. SSH allows you to log in to a host over a network, execute commands remotely, and move files from one host to another. The requirements are:

Any host that needs an incoming secure connection must have the SSH daemon (or server) running.

The SSH client is required to initiate a connection to the remote host.

The Cisco IOS implementation of the SSH server on the system provides the following:

Secure incoming connections

Remote EXEC session connections to the system

DES, 3DES, and AES (128, 192, and 256 bit) encryption

Username and password authentication using the existing Cisco IOS AAA authentication functions

SSHv1 and SSHv2

To configure SSH on the system, perform the following steps in global EXEC mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# hostname name

Sets the host name.

Step 2 

Switch(config)# ip domain-name name

Configures the system IP domain name.

Step 3 

Switch(config)# crypto key {generate [usage-keys [modulus modulus-value]] | zeroize} rsa

Generates an RSA key pair.

Step 4 

Switch(config)# ip ssh version {version-number}

Configures the SSH server version


The following example shows how to configure the SSH client and start the SSH server:

Switch(config)# hostname
Switch(config)# ip domain-name
Switch(config)# crypto key generate rsa

To start SSH client functionality on the system, perform the following step:


Switch# ssh [-l userid] [-c {des | 3des | aes128-cbc | aes192-cbc | aes256-cbc}] [-m {hmac-md5-128 | hmac-md5-96 | hmac-sha1-160 | hmac-sha1-96}] [-o numberofpasswdprompts number] [-p portnumber] [-v {1 | 2}] {ip_address | hostname} [command(command(command...))]

Starts the SSH client.

Command specifies the Cisco IOS command that you want to run on the remote networking device. If the remote host is not running Cisco IOS software, this may be any command recognized by the remote host. If the command includes spaces, you must enclose the command in quotation marks

Note You can run the SSH client configuration from any EXEC configuration level.

Displaying and Disconnecting SSH

To display the SSH utilization, use the following privileged EXEC commands:


show ssh

Displays SSH connection information.

disconnect ssh session-id

Disconnects an SSH session.

show ip ssh

Displays the SSH configuration.


The following example shows how to display the SSH connection information:

Switch# show ssh
Connection Version Encryption State Username
0 1.5 3DES Session started sriram
Connection Version Mode Encryption Hmac State Username
1 2.0 IN aes128-cbc hmac-md5 Session started aarun
1 2.0 OUT aes128-cbc hmac-md5 Session started aarun

The following example clears the outgoing SSH connection 0 using the disconnect ssh command:

Switch# disconnect ssh 0

[Connection to closed by foreign host]

The following example shows how to display the SSH configuration:

Switch# show ip ssh
SSH Enabled - version 1.5
Authentication timeout: 120 secs; Authentication retries: 3

Testing the System Management Functions

This section describes the commands used to monitor and display the system management functions.

Displaying Active Processes

To display information about the active processes, use the following privileged EXEC commands:


show processes

Displays active process statistics.

show processes cpu

Displays active process CPU utilization.

show processes memory

Displays active process memory utilization.

Displaying Protocols

To display the configured protocols, use the following privileged EXEC command:


show protocols type card/subcard/port

Displays the global and interface-specific status of any configured Level 3 protocol.

Displaying Stacks

To monitor the stack utilization of processes and interrupt routines, use the following privileged EXEC command:


show stacks number

Displays system stack trace information.

The show stacks command output includes the reason for the last system reboot. If the system was reloaded because of a system failure, a saved system stack trace is displayed. This information is useful only to Cisco engineers analyzing crashes in the field. It is included here in case you need to read the displayed statistics to an engineer over the phone.

Displaying Environment

To display temperature and voltage information on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP console, use the following EXEC command:


show environment

Displays temperature and voltage information.

Checking Basic Connectivity

To diagnose basic network connectivity on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, use the following privileged EXEC commands:


show interface [transparent/wave/wavepatch] card/subcard/port

Displays the interface as up and in the correct state and proper counters are incrementing. There are no error counters incrementing.

show facility-alarm status

Displays alarms in the system.

show interface [osc/etherdcc] card/subcard/port

Displays management and message channel status.

Configuring Traffic Filters and Firewalls

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP supports the traffic filter and firewall features provided by Cisco IOS software.

Traffic filters provide basic traffic filtering capabilities with access control lists (also referred to as access lists). Access lists can be configured for all routed network protocols (IP, AppleTalk, and so on) to filter the packets of those protocols as the packets pass through a system. You can configure access lists on your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP to control access to a network, preventing certain traffic from entering or exiting a network.

Firewalls are networking devices that control access to your organization's network assets. You can position firewalls to control access at the entrance points into your network. or to control access to a specific part of your network

For more information on traffic filtering and firewalls, refer to the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring Passwords and Privileges

Using passwords and assigning privilege levels is a simple way of providing terminal access control in your network. You can configure up to 16 different privilege levels and assign each level to a password. For each privilege level you define a subset of Cisco IOS commands that can be executed. You can use these different levels to allow some users the ability to execute all Cisco IOS commands, and to restrict other users to a defined subset of commands.

Refer to the "Configuring Passwords and Privileges" part in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

About Processor Card Redundancy

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP supports fault tolerance by allowing the standby processor card to take over if the active processor card fails. This standby, or redundant, processor card runs in hot-standby state. In hot-standby state, the standby processor card is partially booted with Cisco IOS software, but no configuration is loaded.

At the time of a switchover from the active processor card, the standby processor card becomes active and loads the configuration as follows:

If the running configuration file on the active and standby processor cards match, the new active processor card uses the running configuration file.

If the running configuration file on the new active processor card is missing or invalid, the new active processor card uses the startup configuration file in its NVRAM (not the NVRAM of the former active processor card).

The former active processor card then reloads and becomes the standby processor card.

Note If the standby processor card is unavailable, the system reports a minor alarm. Use the show facility-alarm status command to display the redundancy alarm status.

When the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP is powered on, the two processor cards arbitrate to determine which is the active processor card and which is the standby processor card. The following rules apply during arbitration:

A newly inserted processor card always comes up as the standby processor card, except in cases where the newly inserted card is the only one present.

If one of the processor cards cannot boot its software image, the other processor card boots as the active processor card, allowing you to correct the situation manually.

If none of the above conditions is true, the processor card in slot 6 becomes the active processor card.

During normal operation, the active processor card boots completely. The standby processor card partially boots, stopping short of parsing the configuration. From this point, the active and standby processor cards communicate periodically to synchronize any system configuration changes.

Table 3-1 describes the five processor card hardware states.

Table 3-1 Processor Card Hardware States 



Processor card is currently providing clock signals and control for all system modules. The active processor card responds to the configured management IP address.


Processor card is partially booted in hot-standby state waiting to switch over when the active processor card fails, when it is rebooted or removed, or when a manual switchover is requested.


Processor card is in ROMMON mode, or is in the process of booting, or has not yet reached the hot-standby state. Manual switchovers are rejected unless the force option is used.

Not plugged in

Processor card slot is empty.


Processor card is present but either the interprocess arbitration interface is not functioning or the processor card is not fully seated in the chassis slot.

Figure 3-1 shows the valid hardware transition states for a system with redundant processor cards.

Figure 3-1 Processor card State Transition Diagram

In response to redundancy events, such as switchovers and reboots of the active processor card, the software transitions through a series of software redundancy states. Table 3-2 lists some of the significant software states.

Table 3-2 Processor Card Software States 



The standby processor card is not yet running the system image or is in maintenance mode.

Standby cold

The standby processor card is running the system image but has not begun to synchronize data from the active processor card.

Standby hot

The standby processor card has fully synchronized the configuration and other data from the active processor card. It will remain in the hot-standby state until a switchover occurs.


The processor card is in the active hardware state and has completed all switchover or initial bootup processing. It is fully ready to control the system.

Redundant Operation Requirements

For fully redundant operation, the following requirements must be met:

Two processor cards are required.

The processor cards must have identical hardware configurations. This includes variables such as DRAM size, and so on.

Both processor cards must have the same functional image.

Both processor cards must be running compatible system images. System images are compatible across one major release.

Both the running and startup configurations are automatically synchronized between the processor cards.

Both processor cards must be set to autoboot (a default setting).

If these requirements are met, the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP runs in redundant mode by default. If they are not met, the system is conditionally redundant.

Note For detailed information on updating system images, refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Software Upgrade Guide.

Conditions Causing a Switchover from the Active Processor Card

The following conditions can cause a switchover from the active processor card to the standby processor card:

The active processor card is removed or swapped. When the processor card functioning as the active processor card is removed, the standby processor card takes over. The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP is nonredundant until a second processor card is inserted.

The active processor card is rebooted. When a processor card functioning as the active processor card is rebooted, it relinquishes its active role if the standby processor card has reached the hot-standby state.

The active processor card fails. The standby processor card takes over as the active processor card, using the last synchronized running configuration file (or the last saved startup configuration file if the running configuration file synchronization was disabled or failed).

A switchover is manually forced with the redundancy switch-activity command.

Configuring Processor Card Redundancy

This section describes how to configure processor card redundancy for your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP.

Note The initial default configuration will support processor card redundancy and database synchronization with no manual configuration required.

Forcing a Switchover from Privileged EXEC Mode

You can manually force the standby processor card to take over as the active processor card from privileged EXEC mode. To force a switchover from privileged EXEC mode, enter the following command on the active processor card CLI:


redundancy switch-activity [force]

Causes a processor card switchover. If the standby processor card has not reached the hot-standby software state, use the force option.

As long as you have not changed the default configuration register setting from autoboot, the standby processor card (formerly the active processor card) automatically boots until it reaches the hot-standby state.

Note Data transmission through the system is not affected by a processor card switchover.


The following example shows how to manually cause a processor card switchover from privileged EXEC mode:

Switch# redundancy switch-activity
This will reload the active unit and force a switch of activity [confirm] y
Preparing to switch activity

00:12:05: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
<Information deleted>

Forcing a Switchover from ROM Monitor Mode

You can manually force the standby processor card to take over as the active processor card ROM monitor mode. To force a switchover from ROM monitor mode, enter the following commands on the active processor card CLI:



Causes a processor card reset and switchover. The processor card stays in ROM monitor mode.

Note Using the reset command in ROM monitor mode on the active processor CLI under normal conditions does not cause a switchover.


The following example shows how to manually cause a processor card switchover from ROM monitor mode:

<Information deleted>

This CPU is ACTIVE (sev=0), peer CPU is NON-PARTICIPANT (sev=2)
MANHATTAN_OPTICAL platform with 131072 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 > switchover
System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(20010726:234219) [ffrazer-lh4 102], DEVELOPMENT S
Copyright (c) 1994-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Flash size is 16777216

Reset Reason Register = RESET_REASON_SW_NMI (0x4)

Reset type 0x2

Reading monitor variables from NVRAM
Running reset I/O devices
Enabling interrupts

Initializing TLB

Initializing cache

Initializing required TLB entries
Initializing main memory

SDRAM DIMM size 67108864

Sizing NVRAM

Initializing PCMCIA controller

Initializing SRC FPGA
CPU arbitration

This CPU is NON-PARTICIPANT (sev=2), peer CPU is ACTIVE (sev=0)
MANHATTAN_OPTICAL platform with 131072 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 >

Configuring Autoboot

If you have changed the default configuration register value from autoboot, you can change it back by performing the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# config-register 0x2102

Sets the configuration register for autoboot.1

Step 2 

Switch(config)# boot system bootflash:filename

Sets the BOOT environment variable. This variable specifies the location and name of the system image file to use when automatically booting the system.

Step 3 

Switch(config)# end


Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 4 

Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

Saves the configuration to NVRAM. The new configuration register value takes effect after the next system reload.

1 This is the default configuration register setting. For details on using the configuration register to set boot parameters, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

Note If the standby processor card remains in ROM monitor mode, you can manually boot the processor card using a system image either on the bootflash or on a Flash PC Card.


The following example shows how to configure the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP to autoboot using the first valid file on the Flash PC Card in slot 0:

Switch(config)# config-register 0x2102
Switch(config)# boot system flash slot0:
Switch(config)# end
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

Displaying the Autoboot Configuration

To display the configuration register value, use the following EXEC command:


show version

Displays the configuration register value.

show bootvar

Displays the configuration register value.


The following example shows the contents of the configuration register:

Switch# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) ONS-15540 Software (manopt-M0-M), Experimental Version 12.1(20010221:0]
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 20-Feb-01 18:40 by lthanvan
Image text-base: 0x60010968, data-base: 0x604D8000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(20010204:232442) [vsankar-alarm_fix 106], DE
BOOTFLASH: M1540-ODS Software (manopt-M0-M), Experimental Version 12.1(20001229]

M1 uptime is 1 minute
System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is "tftp://"

cisco (QUEENS-CPU) processor with 98304K/32768K bytes of memory.
R7000 CPU at 234Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache

Last reset from unexpected value
2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
509K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

16384K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 64K).
Configuration register is 0x2102

The following example shows the contents of the boot variable:

Switch# show bootvar
BOOT variable = bootflash:ons15540-i-mz.1;
CONFIG_FILE variable =
BOOTLDR variable =
Configuration register is 0x2

Standby auto-sync startup config mode is on

Standby auto-sync running config mode is on

Synchronizing the Configurations

During normal operation, the startup and running configurations are synchronized by default between the two processor cards. In the event of a switchover, the new active processor card uses the current running configuration. Configurations are synchronized either manually from the CLI using the redundancy manual-sync command or automatically following configuration changes input from the CLI or from SNMP if automatic synchronization is enabled.

Synchronizing Configurations Manually

To immediately synchronize the configurations used by the two processor cards, use the following privileged EXEC command on the active processor card:


redundancy manual-sync {startup-config | running-config | both}

Immediately synchronizes the configuration.


The following example shows how to manually synchronize the running configuration:

Switch# redundancy manual-sync running-config

Enabling and Disabling Automatic Synchronization

You can enable and disable automatic synchronization of the running configuration and the startup configuration between the two processor cards. Automatic synchronization ensures that, when a switchover occurs, the standby processor card has the most recent configuration information.

Note By default, the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP automatically synchronizes the running configuration and the startup configuration between the two processor cards.

Table 3-3 lists the events that cause the automatic synchronization of the configuration files.

Table 3-3 Synchronization Events for Configuration Files

When Synchronized


Upon exiting from global configuration mode in the CLI, or within 5 seconds after an SNMP message that changes the configuration


When a new configuration is copied to NVRAM on the active processor card

To enable or disable the system to automatically synchronize the configurations on both processor cards, perform the following steps on the active processor card, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# redundancy


Enters redundancy configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config-red)# [no] auto-sync running-config

Enables or disables synchronization of the running configuration when it is updated. The default state is enabled.

Step 3 

Switch(config-red)# [no] auto-sync startup-config

Enables or disables synchronization of the startup configuration when it is updated. The default state is enabled.


The following example shows how to disable automatic synchronization of the running configuration:

Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# no auto-sync running-config
Switch(config-red)# end
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

Configuring Maintenance Mode

You can configure the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP to enter the redundancy maintenance mode. Configuration synchronizations and standby processor card fault reporting are suppressed in maintenance mode. Upon exiting maintenance mode and reverting to redundant mode, the standby processor card is rebooted to bring it back to the hot-standby state.

Note When the system is in maintenance mode, switchovers only occur by entering the redundancy switch-activity force command, or physically removing the active processor card.

To configure maintenance mode, perform the following commands, beginning in global configuration mode:


Switch(config)# redundancy


Enters redundancy configuration mode.

Switch(config-red)# maintenance-mode

Configures the system in maintenance mode.


The following example shows how to configure redundancy maintenance mode:

Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# maintenance-mode
This command will place the system in SIMPLEX mode [comfirm] y

Displaying the Processor Card Redundancy Configuration and Status

To display the processor card redundancy configuration and status, use the following privileged EXEC commands:


show redundancy summary

Displays the redundancy configuration and status.

show redundancy capability

Displays capabilities of the active and standby processor cards and the software version that is running.

show redundancy running-config-file

Displays the running configuration file on the standby processor card.

Note This command is only available on a terminal connected to the standby processor card.


The following example shows the processor card redundancy configuration and status:

Switch# show redundancy summary

Redundant system information
Available Uptime: 3 days, 4 hours, 35 minutes
Time since last switchover: 10 hours, 30 minutes
Switchover Count: 1

Inter-CPU Communication State:UP
Last Restart Reason: Switch over
Software state at switchover: ACTIVE

Last Running Config sync: 2 hours, 18 minutes
Running Config sync status: In Sync
Last Startup Config sync: 6 hours, 4 minutes
Startup Config sync status: In Sync

This CPU is the Active CPU.
Slot: 7
Time since CPU Initialized: 22 hours, 33 minutes
Image Version: ONS-15540 Software(ONS15540-I-M),...
Image File: bootflash:ons15540-i-mz.010727
Software Redundancy State: ACTIVE
Hardware State: ACTIVE
Hardware Severity: 0

Peer CPU is the Standby CPU.
Slot: 6
Time since CPU Initialized: 10 hours, 29 minutes
Image Version: ONS-15540 Software(ONS15540-I-M),...
Image File (on sby-CPU): bootflash:ons15540-i-mz.010727
Software Redundancy State: STANDBY HOT
Hardware State: STANDBY
Hardware Severity: 0

The following example shows the processor card capabilities:

Switch# show redundancy capability
CPU capability support
Active CPU Sby CPU Sby Compat CPU capability description
---------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------------------------
96 MB 96 MB OK CPU DRAM size
32 MB 32 MB OK CPU PMEM size
512 KB 512 KB OK CPU NVRAM size
16 MB 16 MB OK CPU Bootflash size
2.1 2.1 OK CPU hardware major.minor version
1.11 1.11 OK CPU functional major.minor version
Linecard driver major.minor versions, (counts:Active=18, Standby=18)
Active CPU Sby CPU Sby Compat Drv ID Driver description
---------- ---------- ----------- ------ -----------------------------------
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1000 CPU w/o Switch Fabric
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1001 Fixed Transponder, w/monitor
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1002 Fixed Transponder, no monitor
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1003 Pluggable Transponder, w/monitor
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1004 Pluggable Transponder, no monitor
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1005 Line Card Motherboard
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1006 Backplane
Active CPU Sby CPU Sby Compat Drv ID Driver description
---------- ---------- ----------- ------ -----------------------------------
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1007 32-ch Mux/Demux
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1008 Fixed 4-ch Mux/Demux, no OSC
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1009 Fixed 8-ch Mux/Demux, no OSC
1.1 1.1 OK 0x100A Modular 4-ch Mux/Demux, no OSC
1.1 1.1 OK 0x100B Modular 8-ch Mux/Demux, no OSC
1.1 1.1 OK 0x100C 32-ch Array Wave Guide
1.1 1.1 OK 0x100D Mux/Demux Motherboard
1.1 1.1 OK 0x100E Modular 4-ch Mux/Demux plus OSC
1.1 1.1 OK 0x100F Modular 8-ch Mux/Demux plus OSC
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1010 Mux-Demux Motherboard, no OSC
1.1 1.1 OK 0x1011 Line Card Motherboard, no splitter
Software sync client versions, listed as version range X-Y.
X indicates the oldest peer version it can communicate with.
Y indicates the current sync client version.
Sync client counts:Active=2, Standby=2
Active CPU Sby CPU Sby Compat Cl ID Redundancy Client description
---------- ---------- ----------- ----- ------------------------------------
ver 1-1 ver 1-1 OK 17 CPU Redundancy
ver 1-1 ver 1-1 OK 6 OIR Client

The following example shows how to display the running configuration file on the standby processor card:

sby-Switch# show redundancy running-config-file
version 12.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
no service dhcp
hostname Switch

<Information deleted>

Reloading the Processor Cards

To reload one or both of the processor cards, use the following privileged EXEC commands on the active processor card CLI:


redundancy reload peer

Reloads the standby processor card.

redundancy reload shelf

Reloads both processor cards in the shelf.


The following example shows how to reload the standby processor card:

Switch# redundancy reload peer
Reload peer [confirm] y
Preparing to reload peer

Configuring Privileged EXEC Mode Access on the Standby Processor Card

Access to privileged EXEC mode from the standby CPU switch module CLI can be enabled from the active processor card CLI. This feature provides extra security for the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP system.

To configure access to privileged EXEC mode on the standby processor card, perform the following steps on the active processor card CLI, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# redundancy


Enters redundancy configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config-red)# standby privilege-mode enable

Enables access to privileged EXEC mode from the standby processor card CLI. The default state is disabled.


The following example shows how to configure redundancy maintenance mode:

Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# standby privilege-mode enable

Displaying the Standby Processor Card Privileged EXEC Mode Status

To display the privileged EXEC mode access status on the standby processor card, use the following privileged EXEC command:


show redundancy summary

Displays the redundancy configuration and status.


The following example shows the privileged EXEC mode access status on the standby processor card:

Switch# show redundancy summary

Redundant system information
Available Uptime: 15 hours, 27 minutes
sysUpTime (switchover clears): 15 hours, 27 minutes
Switchover Count: 0

Inter-CPU Communication State: DOWN
Last Restart Reason: Normal boot

Last Running Config sync: never
Running Config sync status: Disabled
Last Startup Config sync: never
Startup Config sync status: Disabled

This CPU is the Active CPU.
Slot: 5
Time since CPU Initialized: 15 hours, 27 minutes
Image Version: ONS-15540 Software (ONS15540-I-M), Release 12.1(10)EV
Image File:                    ons15540-i-mz.evt
Software Redundancy State: ACTIVE
Hardware State: ACTIVE
Hardware Severity: 0

Peer CPU is the Standby CPU.
Slot: 6
Time since CPU Initialized: Unknown, peer CPU not responding
Image Version: Unknown, peer CPU not responding
Image File (on sby-CPU): Unknown, peer CPU not responding
Software Redundancy State: DISABLED
Hardware State: NOT PLUGGED IN
Hardware Severity: 0
Privilege Mode: Enabled

About Preserving Counters on a Processor Card Switchover

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP supports line card traffic statistics and performance monitoring counters. The counters synchronize periodically from the primary processor card to the standby processor card enabling the system to preserve the statistics information across a processor card switchover. Traffic statistics and performance monitoring counters are preserved on the 2.5-Gbps transponder module.

Table 3-4 lists the counters preserved over a processor card switchover.

Table 3-4 Counters Preserved Over a Processor Card Switchover

Counters Supported

2.5-Gbps transponder module

Transparent (1-Gbps FC, 1-Gbps FICON, Gigabit Ethernet, and ISC links compatibility mode traffic)

CVRD1 error count(8b10b)


Section code violation error count (bip1)

Number of errored seconds (es)

Number of severely errored seconds (ses)

Number of severely errored framing seconds (sefs)

1 CVRD = code violation and running disparity

Configuring Counter Preservation

To configure counter preservation on the processor card, perform the following steps on the active processor card CLI, beginning in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Switch(config)# redundancy


Enters redundancy configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config-red)#auto-sync counters interface

Enables sync of interface counters..


The following example shows how to enable or disable the preserving counters feature:

Switch (config)# redundancy

Switch (config-red)#auto-sync counters interface

Displaying the Counter Preservation on the Processor Card Switchover

To display the counter preservation configuration on the processor card, use the following command:


show redundancy capability

Displays the processor card capabilities.


The following example shows the counter preservation configuration on the processor card:

Switch# show redundancy capability

Standby CPU capability support (not all fields shown)

Sby CPU CPU capability descriptio
--------------------------------- --------------------------------
48 MB CPU DRAM size
16 MB CPU PMEM size
512 KB CPU NVRAM size
16 MB CPU Bootflash size

Standby linecard driver major.minor versions, (driver count=14)

Sby CPU Drv/Ch/F ID Driver description
--------------------------- ----------- --------------------------
1.3 0x1100/0/0 CPU with Switch Fabric
2.3 0x1101/0/0 10 Port ESCON line card
2.1 0x110A/0/0 8 Port GE-FC line card
1.1 0x1111/0/0 4 Port 2x FC line card
3.1 0x1105/0/0 2.5G Transparent line car
1.9 0x1105/1/0 2.5G Transparent line car
3.1 0x1109/0/0 2.5G Transparent line car
1.9 0x1109/1/0 2.5G Transparent line car
1.3 0x1103/0/0 OSC line card
Sby CPU Drv/Ch/F ID Driver description
--------------------------- ----------- --------------------------
0.1 0x1107/1/0 OSC daughter card
2.1 0x1102/0/0 10G trunk card
1.0 0x110B/0/0 2.5G trunk card
2.1 0x1110/0/0 PSM wdm splitter
1.1 0x1100/0/1 ONS15530 Rommon

Software sync client versions, listed as version range X-Y.
X indicates the oldest peer version it can communicate with.
Y indicates the current sync client version.
Sby sync client count=9)

Sby CPU Cl ID Redundancy Client descrip
--------------------------------- ----- --------------------------
ver 1-2 17 CPU Redundancy
ver 1-1 19 Interface Sync
ver 1-1 36 MetOpt Password Sync
ver 1-1 109 MetOpt Counter Sync
ver 1-1 108 MetOpt Optical Cfg
ver 1-1 110 Metopt Crypto Sync
ver 1-2 18 Online Diagnostics
ver 1-2 6 OIR Client
ver 1-1 27 metopt cm db sync

Local backplane IDPROM
Backplane IDPROM field Local CPU
--------------------------------- --------------------------------
idversion 1
magic 153
card_type 4358
order_part_num_str PROTO-HAMPTON-CHASSIS
description_str Prototype Hampton Backplane
board_part_num_str 73-6573-03
board_revision_str 02
serial_number_str TBC055089
date_of_manufacture_str 10/21/2001
deviation_numbers_str N/A
manufacturing_use 0
oem_str Cisco
clei_str TBD
snmp_oid_substr TBD
schematic_num_str 92-4568-03
hardware_major_version 3
Backplane IDPROM field Local CPU
--------------------------------- --------------------------------
hardware_minor_version 1
engineering_use_str LAB Prototype
crc16 52960
user_track_string hello PhyAlias test AssetTag123
diagst ^A
board_specific_revision 1
board_specific_magic_number 153
board_specific_length 56
mac_address_block_size 16
mac_address_base_str 00016447a240
cpu_number 0
optical_backplane_type 255

List of Configurable features and their current status:

Redundancy Client Feature Enabled/Disabled
----------------- ------- -----------------
MetOpt Counter Sync Counter Sync Enabled


About the Software Configuration Register

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP uses a 16-bit software configuration register to set specific system parameters. Settings for the software configuration register are written into NVRAM (nonvolatile random access memory).

You can change the software configuration register settings for the following reasons:

Force the system into the ROM monitor or boot ROM

Select a boot source and default boot filename

Enable or disable the break function

Control broadcast addresses

Set the console terminal baud rate

Load operating software from Flash memory

Enable booting from a TFTP server

Recover a lost password

Boot the system manually using the boot command at the bootstrap program prompt.

Force the system to boot automatically from the system bootstrap software (boot image) or from its default system image in onboard Flash memory, using any boot system commands stored in the startup configuration file in NVRAM.

Software Configuration Register Settings

Table 3-5 describes each of the software configuration register bits.

Caution To avoid confusion and possibly halting the system, remember that valid configuration register settings might be combinations of settings and not just the individual settings listed in Table 3-5. For example, the value of 0x0101 is a combination of settings (bit 8 is 0x0100 and bits 00 through 03 are 0x0001).

Table 3-5 Software Configuration Register Bits 

Bit Number

00 to 03

0x0000 to 0x000F

Controls the system boot behavior (also known as the boot field)



Causes system software to ignore NVRAM contents



Enables the OEM bit



Disables the break function



Uses secondary bootstrap during system boot



Uses an IP broadcast with all zeros

11 to 12

0x0800 to 0x1000

Sets the console line speed (default is 9600 baud)



Boots the default Flash software if network boot fails



Uses IP broadcasts without network numbers



Enables diagnostic messages and ignores the NVRAM contents

Bit 8 controls the console break function. Setting bit 8 (the factory default) causes the system to ignore the console break key. Clearing bit 8 cause the system to use the break key or break signal as a command to force the system into the bootstrap monitor (ROMMON), thereby halting normal operation. Regardless of the setting of the break enable bit, a break causes a return to the ROMMON during the first few seconds (approximately five seconds) of booting.

Bit 9 controls the secondary bootstrap program function. Setting bit 9 causes the system to use the secondary bootstrap. Clearing bit 9 (the factory default) causes the system to ignore the secondary bootstrap. The secondary bootstrap program is used for system debugging and diagnostics.

Bit 10 controls the host portion of the IP broadcast address. Setting bit 10 causes the system to use all zeros. Clearing bit 10 (the factory default) causes the system to use all ones. Bit 10 interacts with bit 14, which controls the network and subnet portions of the IP broadcast address.

Table 3-6 shows the combined effect of bits 14 and 10.

Table 3-6 Register Settings for Broadcast Address 

Bit 14
Bit 10
Address (<net><host>)













Bit 12 and bit 11 in the configuration register determine the data transmission rate of the console terminal. Table 3-7 shows the bit settings for the four available rates. The factory-set default data transmission rate is 9600.

Table 3-7 Settings for Console Terminal Transmission Rate 

Bit 12
Bit 11
Baud Rate













Bit 13 determines the system response to a bootload failure. Setting bit 13 (the factory default) causes the system to load operating software from bootflash memory after five unsuccessful attempts to load a boot file from the Flash memory device in slot 0. Clearing bit 13 causes the server to continue attempting to load a boot file from bootflash indefinitely.

Boot Field Values

The lowest four bits of the configuration register (bits 3, 2, 1, and 0) form the boot field. The order in which the system looks for system bootstrap information depends on the boot field setting in the configuration register.

Table 3-8 describes the values for the boot field.

Table 3-8 Configuration Register Boot Field Values 

Boot Field Value

0x0 (0-0-0-0)

Stays at the system bootstrap prompt. You must boot the operating system manually by giving a boot command to the ROMMON system bootstrap environment.

0x1 (0-0-0-1)

Boots the first system image in onboard Flash SIMM. If the boot fails, the system stops booting and remains in ROMMON mode.

0x2 (0-0-1-0) to 0xF (1-1-1-1)

Loads the system image specified by boot system commands in the startup configuration file. When the startup configuration file does not contain boot system commands, the system tries to load the first system image stored on the Flash memory device in slot 0. If that attempt fails, the system tries to boot with the first system image in bootflash. If that also fails, the system stops booting and remains in ROMMON mode.

The factory default is 0x2.

Default System Boot Behavior

The factory default value for the configuration register on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP is 0x2102. When the system boots, the following occurs:

The system attempts to load the system images specified in the boot system commands in the startup configuration file. If no boot system commands are configured, the system attempts to load the first system image stored on the Flash memory device in slot 0.

The console Break key sequence, or break signal, is disabled and the system ignores it while rebooting.

Note Regardless of the setting of the break enable bit, a break causes a return to the ROMMON during the first few seconds (approximately five seconds) of booting.

After five failed attempts to load a system image on the Flash memory device in slot 0, the system loads the first system image from Flash memory. If that attempt fails, the system stays in ROMMON mode.

Boot Command

You can enter only the boot command, or you can include additional boot instructions, such as the name of a file stored in Flash memory or a file that you specify for booting from a network server.

If you use the boot command without specifying a file or any other boot instructions, the system boots using the default system image (the first system image in onboard Flash memory). Otherwise, you can instruct the system to boot from a specific system image in Flash memory (using the boot filename command) or by sending a direct TFTP request to a specific server (using the boot filename ip-address command).

For more information on system booting, refer to the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP Software Upgrade Guide.

Changing the Software Configuration Register

To change the configuration register, perform the following steps:


Step 1 

Switch# configure terminal


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

Switch(config)# config-register value

Sets the contents of the configuration register. The value is a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x. See Table 3-5 for the list of values.

Note The new configuration register value takes effect at the next system reload.

Step 3 

Switch(config)# end


Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 4 

Switch# reload

(Optional) Reloads the system using the new configuration register value.

Note The factory default value for the register is 0x2102.


The following example shows how to configure the system to manually boot from the ROMMON prompt:

Switch# configuration terminal
Switch(config)# config-register 0x100
Switch(config)# end
Switch# reload

Verify the Configuration Register Value

To verify the configuration register value, use the following EXEC command:


Switch# show version

Displays the current configuration register value. This value is used at the next system reload.


The following example shows how to configure the system to examine the startup configuration file for boot system options:

Switch# show version

<Information deleted>

Configuration register is 0x2102 (will be 0x100 at next reload)

About Fan Failure Shutdown

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP fan assembly is located at the bottom of the chassis and contains eight individual fans and a fan controller board. The controller board monitors the status of each fan and reports the status to the processor cards.

If a single fan fails, a minor alarm is reported to the processor card. However, the chassis will never reach a critical high temperature when only one fan fails.

If two or more fans fail, a major alarm is reported to the processor card.

If all eight fans in the fan tray fail, the chassis will reach critical temperature after 14 minutes.

To prevent damage to the cards and modules in the shelf when two or more fans fail, you can configure the system to automatically reset or power off the transponder modules. The transponder modules power off if the hardware version of the line card motherboard is 5.1 or later; otherwise, the transponder modules reset. Use the show hardware command to determine the hardware version of the 2.5-Gbps line card motherboards.

To recover from fan failure shutdown, you must power-cycle the shelf.

Caution Do not save the startup configuration file after the line modules shutdown. This action would result in losing the previous startup configuration.

Caution The fan failure shutdown feature disrupts traffic on the shelf when two or more fans fail.

Configuring Fan Failure Shutdown

To configure the system to automatically shut down when two or more fans fail, use the following global configuration command:


environment-monitor shutdown fan

Enables fan tray failure shutdown.

Note The system will start powering off or resetting the transponder modules about 2 minutes after detecting that two or more fans have failed.


The following example shows how to enable fan tray failure shutdown:

Switch(config)# environment-monitor shutdown fan

Displaying the Fan Tray Failure Shutdown Configuration

To display the fan tray failure shutdown configuration, use the following EXEC command:


show environment

Displays the fan tray failure shutdown configuration.


The following example shows how to display the fan tray failure shutdown feature configuration:

Switch# show environment
Status: Total Failure

Line card shutdown on fan failure:enabled

Sensor Temperature Thresholds
(degree C) Minor Major Critcal Low
-------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------
Inlet Sensor 28 65 75 80 -15
Outlet Sensor 28 75 85 90 -15

Sensor Alarms
-------------------- ------------------------
Inlet Sensor 0 0 0
Outlet Sensor 0 0 0

Power Entry Module 0 type DC status: OK

About Critical Temperature Shutdown

Cisco ONS 15540 ESP utilizes the temperature sensors on its CPU switch module to detect abnormal temperature conditions during system operation. Thermal monitoring of chassis components provides early warning indications of possible component failure to ensure safe and reliable system operation and avoid network interruptions. A temperature sensor might trip in response to elevated ambient air temperature, a clogged air filter or other airflow blockage, or a combination of these causes.

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP system generates four types of alarms: critical, major, minor, and low. The following table provides the default threshold temperatures for these alarms:

Air Inlet Sensor Threshold Temperature in degree Celsius (o C)
Air Outlet Sensor Threshold Temperature in degree Celsius (o C)













Note You can override the default threshold temperatures by issuing the environment-monitor temperature-threshold command in the global configuration mode.

The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP system automatically shuts down the 2.5-Gbps transponder cards if the operating temperature exceeds the critical threshold. Though possible, Cisco does not recommend that you disable this feature.

To recover from a shutdown, you must power-cycle the shelf.

Caution Do not save the startup configuration file after the line cards shut down. This action would result in losing the previous startup configuration.

Caution The shutdown feature disrupts traffic on the shelf when the operating temperature exceeds the critical temperature.

Configuring Critical Temperature Shutdown

To configure the system to automatically shut down when a critical alarm is generated, use the following global configuration command:


environment-monitor shutdown temperature slot/subslot/module

Enables system shutdown if the operating temperature exceeds the critical threshold temperature.

To change the default threshold temperatures, use the following global configuration command:


environment-monitor temperature-threshold {critical | major | minor | low} slot/subslot/module <threshold value>

Sets new1 threshold temperatures for the specified temperature sensor module.

1 If you do not specify the threshold temperature for an alarm (critical, major, minor, or low), the threshold will be reset to the default value. If you do not specify the module as well, the threshold temperature will be reset for all the modules.

To reset all thresholds for all temperature sensor modules, use the following global configuration command:


no environment-monitor temperature-threshold

Resets all thresholds to the default temperatures for all temperature sensor modules.


The following example shows how to configure the critical threshold temperature:

Switch(config)# environment-monitor temperature-threshold critical 6/0/0 65

Displaying the Threshold Temperatures

To display the configured threshold temperatures, use the following EXEC command:


show environment

Displays the configured threshold temperatures.


The following example shows how to display the configured threshold temperatures:

Switch# show environment
Status: Total Failure

Line card shutdown on fan failure: disabled

Sensor Module Temperature Thresholds
(degree C) Minor Major Critcal Low
-------------------- ------ ----------- ------------------------------------
Inlet Sensor 6/0/0 29 35 45 65 -5
Outlet Sensor 6/0/1 30 40 50 65 -15

Sensor Module Version Alarms Shutdown
Minor Major Critical Mode
-------------------- ------ ------- ------------------------ --------
Inlet Sensor 6/0/0 A 0 0 0 Chassis
Outlet Sensor 6/0/1 A 0 0 0 Chassis

Power Entry Module 1 type DC status: OK


Posted: Wed Mar 22 04:48:10 PST 2006
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