This chapter describes the Cisco 6500/7600 Series Manager dialog boxes for the physical objects. The following physical object dialog boxes are available in the C65/76M:
Ethernet Interface Dialog OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog OSM POS Interface Dialog OSM ChSONET Interface Dialog OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog OSM POS Subinterface Dialog
This dialog box provides access to attributes for the physical chassis. This includes items such as the fan, temperature, and power supplies. This dialog box can be launched from a Network Element object or Chassis object within the Network, Physical, or Manager containment views.
Only one Chassis object can be selected at a time from the Chassis object list on the left-hand side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-1 shows the Status tab of the C6576M Chassis dialog box.
Figure 5-1 Status Tab of the C6576M Chassis Dialog Box
General Area
The General area of the C6576M Chassis dialog box provides the following information:
Core Temperature StatusStatus of the core of the chassis. This attribute can have the following values:
offThe current temperature is within normal operating parameters.
onThe current temperature has exceeded the normal operating range.
criticalThe current temperature is dangerously high. The system will shutdown imminently.
VTT 1 Outlet Temperature, VTT 2 Outlet Temperature, VTT 3 Outlet TemperatureOutlet Temperatures of VTT 1, VTT 2, and VTT 3. These attributes can have the following values:
<n>CTemperature in degrees Celsius.
N/OIndicates that the sensor is not operational.
N/AIndicates that the sensor value is not available.
Status Field
The Status display-only field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
discoveryCEMF is trying to determine the contents and configuration of the Chassis object.
normalPresence polling of the object.
performanceAttributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe predeployed chassis type does not match the discovered chassis type.
discoverylostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device during discovery.
Note To collect some of the statistics in the Performance tab, the running
configuration of the switch is modified to add the following command to each
interface: rmon collection stats <n> owner monitor
Inventory Tab
Figure 5-2 shows the Inventory tab of the C6576M Chassis dialog box.
Figure 5-2 Inventory Tab of the C6576M Chassis Dialog Box
Chassis Inventory Area
The Chassis Inventory area of the C6576M Chassis dialog box provides the following information:
TypeDisplays the type of the chassis. One of the following values is displayed:
WS-C60066-slot Catalyst 6000 series switch
WS-C60099-slot Catalyst 6000 series switch
WS-C65066-slot Catalyst 6500 series switch
WS-C65099-slot Catalyst 6500 series switch
WS-C6509NEB 9-slot vertical Catalyst 6500 series switch
WS-C651313-slot Catalyst 6500 series chassis
OSR-76033-slot Cisco 7600 series chassis
OSR-76066-slot Cisco 7600 series chassis
OSR-76099-slot Cisco 7600 series chassis
Number of SlotsDisplays the total number of slots in the chassis. The values are 6 or 9.
Serial NumberDisplays the serial number of the chassis.
Backplane TypeIndicates the chassis backplane type. For a Catalyst 6500 series switch or Cisco 7600 series Internet Router chassis, this attribute has the value "giga16 - 16 Gigabit switch."
Used SlotsDisplays a comma-separated list indicating the slots that are occupied.
The Power Supply Inventory area of the C6576M Chassis dialog box provides the following information:
Power Supply 1 TypeIndicates the type of the first power supply.
Power Supply 2 TypeIndicates the type of the second power supply.
The possible types of power supplies are:
wscac10001000W AC power supply
wscac13001300W AC power supply
wscac2500w2500W AC power supply
wscac4000w4000W AC power supply
wscdc13001300W DC power supply
wscdc25002500W DC power supply
pwr950ac950W AC power supply
pwr950dc950W DC power supply
pwr1900ac1900W AC power supply
pwr1900dc1900W DC power supply
Module Inventory Area
The Module Inventory area of the C6576M Chassis dialog box provides a list of occupied slots, including the following information:
Slot Number
Serial Number
Model number
Number of ports
Hardware version
Firmware version
Software version
Export Inventory Area
The Export Inventory area can be used to export the information on this tab to a CSV file on the CEMF server host.
Export to fileEnter the name of the file to which inventory is to be exported on the CEMF server host. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
Export ButtonExports the inventory list to a comma-separated file. The following data is exported from the Chassis object:
Backplane Type
Number of Slots
Used Slots
Serial Number
Power Supply 1 Type
Power Supply 2 Type
The following data is exported for each installed module in the chassis:
Slot Number
Number of Ports
Hardware Version
Firmware Version
Software Version
Serial Number
The inventory attributes are written in sections. Each section contains the attributes applicable to a particular class of object in the Cisco6500Manager containment hierarchy. Each section is preceded by the name of the object of that class in the Cisco6500Manager view hierarchy. If the object has not been deployed in the network model, a default name is used instead. The object name is delimited by the [ and ] characters.
The default section names are in this order:
[power supply 1]
[power supply 2]
[slot 1]
[slot 5]
[slot 6]
[slot 7]
[slot 8]
[slot 9]
[slot 10]
[slot 11]
[slot 12]
[slot 13]
The chassis and power supply sections are always printed. Each slot section is only printed if there is an installed module in that slot. The slot sections are always printed in order.
After each section name, the next line contains a comma-delimited list of attributes for that object class. The line of attributes is terminated by the end-of-line character. Each field is printed regardless of whether it is empty or not. If an attribute in the list has no value, a (nil) tab is written in its place.
Figure 5-3 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M Chassis dialog box.
Figure 5-3 Performance Tab of the C6576M Chassis Dialog Box
Back Plane Statistics Area
The Back Plane Statistics area of the C6576M Chassis dialog box provides the following information:
Current LoadDisplays the current traffic load on the backplane.
Peak LoadDisplays the peak traffic load encountered.
Peak TimeDisplays the time when the peak traffic load was encountered.
The Current Load and Peak Load attributes are polled at the specified interval when the Chassis object is in the Performance state.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M Chassis dialog box allows users to turn on performance logging for the chassis attributes as well as the attributes of all the chassis elements.
Start Performance Logging (Chassis Only) buttonTurns performance data logging on the chassis object.
Start Performance Logging (All Chassis Elements) buttonTurns performance data logging on all the chassis elements.
Stop Performance Logging (All Chassis Elements) buttonTurns performance data logging off for all the chassis elements.
Note The logged data is available to the user through the CEMF Performance
Manager. Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for
more information about the Performance Manager.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-4 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M Chassis dialog box.
Figure 5-4 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M Chassis Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area of the C6576M Chassis dialog box is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for this chassis object. This can be used for providing notes, such as contact information, specifics of the chassis and/or network configurations, warnings, etc.
C6576M Power Supply Dialog Box
This dialog box provides access to attributes relating to the power supplies. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or Power Supply objects within the Physical or Manager containment views.
You can select multiple Chassis and Power Supply objects at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Details Tab
Figure 5-5 shows the Details tab of the C6576M Power Supply dialog box.
Figure 5-5 Details Tab of the C6576M Power Supply Dialog Box
Details Area
The Details area of the C6576M Power Supply dialog box provides the following information:
TypeDisplays the type of power supply. This field has one of the following values:
wscac10001000W AC power supply
wscac13001300W AC power supply
wscac2500w2500W AC power supply
wscac4000w4000W AC power supply
wscdc13001300W DC power supply
wscdc25002500W DC power supply
pwr950ac950W AC power supply
pwr950dc950W DC power supply
pwr1900ac1900W AC power supply
pwr1900dc1900W DC power supply
Note The WS-C6509-NEB chassis does not support the Type attribute. This
attribute is displayed as `unknown' in the Power Supply Dialog.
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the power supply. This field has the following values:
okThe power supply status is normal.
otherThe power supply operational status is unknown.
Redundancy ModeDisplays the mode in which the power supply is operating. This is a drop-down list with the following values:
redundantPower supply 1 is used as the primary supply. If power supply 1 fails, power supply 2 becomes the primary power supply.
combinedBoth power supplies are used to supply power to the modules.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the power supply attributes.
normalData is being gathered periodically.
normallostcommsCEMF lost communication with the power supply from the normal state.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-6 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M Power Supply dialog box.
Figure 5-6 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M Power Supply Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the power supply configuration. For example, the note might include the reason why the power supply is in redundant mode.
C6576M Supervisor Module Dialog Box
This dialog box provides access to attributes of the supervisor engine modules. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or Supervisor Module object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select one chassis and more than one supervisor engine module at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-7 shows the Status tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box.
Figure 5-7 Status Tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module Dialog Box
Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides the following information:
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the supervisor engine module. The operation status can have one of the following values:
The Temperature area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides the temperature for the following sensors:
Module InletInlet temperature of the module in degrees Celsius.
Module OutletOutlet temperature of the module in degrees Celsius.
RP InletInlet temperature of the MSFC daughter card in degrees Celsius.
RP OutletOutlet temperature of the MSFC daughter card in degrees Celsius.
EARL InletInlet temperature of the Policy Feature Card (PFC) daughter card in degrees Celsius.
EARL OutletOutlet temperature of the PFC daughter card in degrees Celsius.
Each of these sensor attributes can have the following values:
<n>CTemperature in degrees Celsius.
N/OIndicates that the sensor is not operational.
N/AIndicates that the sensor value is not available.
Actions Area
The Actions area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides the following information:
CommissionThis button is used to commission the object manually. This can only be done if the object is in a decommissioned state. By clicking this button, the two interface subobjects are also commissioned.
DecommissionThis button is used to decommission the object manually. In the decommissioned state, the properties of the object are not monitored. As a result, data displayed in the configuration window is not guaranteed to be current. Decommissioning the Supervisor Module will also decommission its Ethernet Interface objects.
The decommission action is useful to allow a supervisor engine module to be removed and replaced without generating alarms.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe type of supervisor engine module discovered does not match the predeployed supervisor engine module.
Inventory Tab
Figure 5-8 shows the Inventory tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box.
Figure 5-8 Inventory Tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module Dialog Box
System Area
The System area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides the following information:
ModelDisplays the model description of supervisor engine module installed.
Serial NumberDisplays the serial number for the supervisor engine module.
PFC CardDisplays the type of PFC daughter card installed on the Supervisor module.
emptyNo card installed
wsf6kpfcPFC installed
wsf6kpfc2PFC2 installed
otherCard is not one of the above.
MSFC CardDisplays the type of MSFC daughter card installed on the Supervisor module
emptyNo card installed
wsf6kmsfcMSFC installed
wsf6kmsfc2MSFC installed
otherCard is not one of the above
ROM IDDisplays the bootflash version information.
Version Area
The Version area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides the following information:
HardwareDisplays the hardware version of the supervisor engine module.
SoftwareDisplays the software version of the supervisor engine module.
FirmwareDisplays the firmware version of the supervisor engine module.
System Flash Memory Inventory Area
The System Flash Memory Inventory area lists the Flash memory information for the entire switch (including redundant supervisor engines, if available).
NameName of the Flash device.
Size (Bytes)Total size of Flash memory.
Free Space (Bytes)Amount of free space available in the device.
File CountNumber of files on the device.
Performance Tab
Figure 5-9 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box.
Figure 5-9 Performance Tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module Dialog Box
CPU Usage Area
The CPU Usage area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides the following information:
CPU Busy (%)Displays the current CPU load.
Average (1 min.)Displays the 1-minute load average.
Average (5 min.)Displays the 5-minute load average.
Memory Usage Area
The Memory Usage area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides the following information:
Total (Bytes)Displays the total amount of processor memory.
Used (%)Displays the current amount of processor memory used.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box allows users to turn on performance logging for the supervisor module attributes as well as the attributes of the two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
StartTurns performance data logging on the Supervisor object and its interfaces.
StopTurns performance data logging off for the Supervisor object and its interfaces.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
The following Supervisor attributes are polled in the Performance state:
CPU Usage Average (5 sec)
CPU Usage Average (1 min)
CPU Usage Average (5 min)
Memory Used (%)
Total amount of memory available (bytes)
Total amount of memory used (bytes)
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-10 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box.
Figure 5-10 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M Supervisor Module Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the supervisor engine module.
C6576M Ethernet Module Dialog Box
This dialog box provides information on Ethernet modules, including standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet modules. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or Ethernet Module object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select one chassis and more than one Ethernet module from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Details Tab
Figure 5-11 shows the Details tab of the C6576M Ethernet Module dialog box.
Figure 5-11 Details Tab of the C6576M Ethernet Module Dialog Box
Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M Ethernet Module dialog box provides the following information:
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the Ethernet module. This attribute can have one of the following values:
The Temperature area of the C6576M Supervisor Module dialog box provides information for the following sensors:
Module InletInlet temperature of the module in degrees Celsius.
Module OutletOutlet temperature of the module in degrees Celsius.
Each sensor can have the following values:
<n>CTemperature in degrees Celsius.
N/OIndicates that the sensor is not operational.
N/AIndicates that the sensor value is not available.
Inventory Area
The Inventory area of the C6576M Ethernet Module dialog box provides the following information:
ModelType of Ethernet module. This attribute can have one of the following values:
Serial NumberThe serial number of the module.
Number of PortsThe total number of ports on the module.
Daughter CardThe type of daughter card installed on the module. The possible values of this attribute are:
noneNo card installed.
WS-F6KDFCDistributed Forwarding Card for WS-X6516-GBIC module.
WS-F6KVPWRInline Power Card.
unknownCard installed is not one of the above.
Hardware VersionThe hardware version on the module.
Software VersionThe software version on the module.
Firmware VersionThe firmware version on the module.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M Ethernet Module dialog box allows users to turn on performance data logging for all interfaces on the module:
StartTurn performance data logging on for all interfaces.
StopTurn performance data logging off for all interfaces.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Actions Area
The Actions area of the C6576M Ethernet Module dialog box provides the following information:
CommissionThis button is used to commission the object manually. This can only be done if the object is in a decommissioned state. Clicking this button commissions all interfaces.
DecommissionThis button is used to decommission the object manually. In the decommissioned state, the properties of the object are not monitored. As a result, data displayed in the configuration window is not guaranteed to be current. Clicking this button decommissions all interfaces.
The decommission action is useful to allow a Ethernet module to be removed and replaced without generating alarms.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe type of Ethernet module discovered does not match the predeployed Ethernet module.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-12 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M Ethernet Module dialog box.
Figure 5-12 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M Ethernet Module Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the Ethernet module.
C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
This dialog box provides information for all Ethernet interface attributes, including Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object, Supervisor module object, Ethernet module object, or Ethernet Interface object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select one chassis, more than one Ethernet module, and more than one interface at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-13 shows the Status tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-13 Status Tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Interface Status area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
DescriptionDescriptive name of the interface.
IndexString index of the interface. This is a read-only attribute.
TypeDisplays the type of physical layer medium dependent interface on the port. This attribute is read-only. These are possible types:
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the interface. This attribute is read-only and has one of the following values:
upInterface is ready to transmit and receive packets.
downNo packets are being passed. The interface is in this state if there is a fault preventing it from going to the up state.
testingNo operational packages can be passed.
dormantInterface is up but waiting for external actions.
notPresentThe interface is in this state if the interface has missing components (typically hardware).
Administrative StatusDisplays the administrative status of the interface. These are the values:
upThe interface is up and operational.
downThe interface is in a down administrative status; this value causes the operational status to be set to down as well.
testingIn this state, no operational packets can be transmitted or received.
Last ChangeThe timestamp indicating when the configuration for this interface was last changed. This is a read-only attribute.
Connector PresentDisplays if a cable is attached to the interface. These are the values:
unknownThis value is used when the Administrative Status is not set to "up". In this case, it cannot be determined if a connection is present or not.
Number of ResetsThe number of times this interface has been reset. This attribute is read-only.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates that current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Configuration Tab
Figure 5-14 shows the Configuration tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-14 Configuration Tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
SpeedThe desired speed of this port in bits per second. This attribute is only editable if it is a Fast Ethernet interface. In this case, you can choose one of the following values:
10 Mb/s
100 Mb/s
1 Gb/s
If set to autoDetect, the Duplex attribute is set to auto, which forces the interface to determine the speed and duplex mode for the interface automatically.
Note If an unsupported speed is selected, an error is reported.
DuplexDisplays the duplex mode for the port. This attribute is only editable if it is a Fast Ethernet interface. In this case, you can choose one of the following modes:
auto negotiation
If set to auto, the Speed attribute is set to autoDetect, which forces the interface to determine the speed and duplex mode for the interface automatically. For a standard Ethernet interface, this attribute is set to half. For a Gigabit Ethernet interface, this attribute is set to full.
Link Up/Down TrapIndicates if link up or link down traps are being generated. This list contains the following values:
Input Queue LengthDisplays the input queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthDisplays the output queue length in packets.
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP, EIGRP);
you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Trunking ModeIndicates the administrative status set on the trunk port, while the operational status is the one that indicates whether the port is actually trunking or not. This mode is one of the following values:
offThe port is permanently set to be a non-trunk.
onNoNegotiateThe port is permanently set to be a trunk and no negotiation takes place with the far end to try to ensure consistent operation.
onThe port initiates a request to become a trunk and will become a trunk regardless of the response from the far end.
desirableThe port initiates a request to become a trunk and will become a trunk if the far end agrees.
autoThe port does not initiate a request to become a trunk but will do so if it receives a request to become a trunk from the far end.
MTUDisplays the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes. The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets. For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the interface.
Note IOS 12.1(8a)E5 caveat: Jumbo frame support is incompatible with the
IS-IS routing protocol. Leave the MTU size at the default value on any
interface where IS-IS provides routing.
Default VLANDisplays the VLAN to which this interface belongs if it stops trunking. This is a read-only attribute.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the layer 3 interface.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU, the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent/received on the interface. This value cannot exceed the size of the largest layer 2 datagram on the interface.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the interface IP address. Enabled bits indicate the network addressing bits in the IP address.
Performance Tab
Figure 5-15 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-15 Performance Tab on the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
Packets/Octets Statistics Area
The Packets/Octets Statistics area C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization of the interface.
Note This value will be disabled if the Chassis object is not in the normal or
performance state.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
In Broadcast Pkts.The total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.
In Multicast Pkts.The total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.
In Unicast PacketsThe number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
Out Unicast PktsThe total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Error Statistics Area
The Error Statistics area C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
CollisionsNumber of collisions on this segment.
GiantsTotal number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
CRC Error Pkts.Packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegral number of octets (Alignment Error).
In Discarded Pkts.Number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher layer protocol. One reason to discard such a packet is to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.Number of events in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack of resources. This number is not necessarily the number of packets dropped, but is the number of times this condition has been detected.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of packets ignored.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of packets aborted.
In Error Pkts.Number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
RuntsTotal number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
Misaligned Pkts.Alignment errors.
Out Discarded Pkts.Number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded.
Out Dropped Pkts.Number of events in which outbound packets were dropped.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box allows users to turn on performance data logging for a single interface.
StartTurns performance data logging on for this specific interface's attributes.
StopTurns performance data logging off for this specific interface's attributes.
All attributes in the Performance tab are logged when the object is placed into the Performance state.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-16 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-16 Routing Protocol Tab on the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
The OSPF area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
Network TypeThe OSPF interface type. For Ethernet interfaces, the type is always broadcast. This is a read-only attribute.
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. This is a read-only attribute.
Authentication KeyThe OSPF authentication key. This is a read-only attribute.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets. This is a read-only attribute.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. If more than one router has the same value for this field, the routers use their router ID as a tie breaker. This is a read-only attribute.
Trans. Dead (sec)The number of seconds that a router's hello packets have not been seen before its neighbors declare the router down. This value should be a multiple of the hello interval. This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. This is a read-only attribute.
Trans. Delay (sec)The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface. This is a read-only attribute.
The EIGRP Area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableA list of the EIGRP processes. The following attributes can be configured for an EIGRP process:
Bandwidth Utilization (%) The percentage of the interface bandwidth that the EIGRP protocol can use.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during which the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
The ISIS area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface:
trueIS-IS routing is enabled.
falseIS-IS routing is disabled.
Area TagThe IS-IS routing area in which the interface participates. If mutliarea IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (inter-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityThe priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or Designated Intermediate System (DIS).
Level 2 PriorityThe priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or Designated Intermediate System (DIS).
Enable buttonEnables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Figure 5-17 shows the STP tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-17 STP Tab on the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
The area at the top of the STP tab provides the following information:
Guard ModeIndicates whether or not STP guard mode is enabled on an interface. These are possible values:
PortFast EnabledIndicates whether or not an interface is enabled to move directly to the forwarding state on link up. This is a read-only attribute. Portfast can be configured on a trunking interface, but it only has an effect when the interface is in access mode. These are possible values:
Access Mode Area
The Access Mode area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
Port PriorityDescribes the STP port priority of this interface. This is a metric used to represent the location of an interface in a network topology. It is used to determine which port will be placed in a blocking state when two or more ports are part of a loop.
Port CostDescribes the STP port cost for this interface. The port cost is a metric used to represent the speed of the interface. STP will use this value in determining the preferred path when a loop is detected in the network.
Per VLAN STP Setting Area
The Per VLAN STP Setting area in the STP tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
STP VLAN TableDescribes the STP per-VLAN configurations of a trunking interface. There is one entry for each explicit per-VLAN spanning-tree configuration on the interface.
Note The VLAN STP instance does not have to be currently carried on the trunk in
order to configure the per-VLAN STP settings. The settings will take effect
when the interface actually begins trunking the VLAN traffic.
PriorityDescribes the STP VLAN port priority of this interface. The VLAN port priority is used on trunking interfaces. On any switchport that is not in trunking mode, the STP port priority is used instead.
CostDescribes the STP VLAN path cost of this interface. The VLAN path cost is only used on trunking interfaces. On any switchport that is not in trunking mode, the STP port path cost is used instead.
Note Default values for priority and cost will be used if one of these arguments is
not provided by the user. The user must provide a nondefault value for at least
one of these arguments; otherwise, the action will fail.
Add/Remove Per VLAN STP Setting buttonLaunches a subdialog box to add and remove an explicit STP VLAN configuration to the interface. The configuration will only have an effect if the interface is in trunking mode and the VLAN has an associated STP instance. The interface does not currently need to be configured as a trunking port, nor does the VLAN or the VLAN STP instance need to exist. Figure 5-18 shows the subdialog box that is displayed when the Add/Remove Per VLAN STP Setting button is selected. The subdialog box contain the following:
VLANIdentifies the VLAN STP instance. This is the numeric identifier of the access mode VLAN or a VLAN that is carried on the trunk.
PriorityDescribes the STP VLAN port priority of this interface.
CostDescribes the STP VLAN path cost of this interface.
Add buttonAdds an explicit STP VLAN configuration to the interface.
Remove buttonRemoves an explicit STP VLAN configuration to the interface.
Figure 5-18 Add/Remove Per VLAN STP Setting Subdialog Box
STP Status Area
The STP Status area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
STP VLAN Status TableDescribes the status of the active STP VLAN port configurations of the interface. Data is displayed in the following columns:
VLANIdentifies the VLAN STP instance that this status applies to. This is the numeric identifier of the access mode VLAN or a VLAN that is carried on the trunk.
PortUnique port identifier for the interface in the STP instance. This identifier is unique for that port across all devices in the STP management domain.
StateDescribes the interface state in the STP instance.
Port CostIndicates the current calculated port path cost of the interface in the STP instance.
Figure 5-19 shows the HSRP tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-19 HSRP Tab on the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
The HSRP area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
HSRP Group TableDescribes HSRP groups deployed on an interface.
Note There may be multiple groups deployed on an interface. Using a group number
on one logical or physical interface does not preclude using it on another.
Virtual IPPrimary virtual IP address of the HSRP group. If this address is not configured, the agent attempts to discover the virtual address through a discovery process which scans the hello messages.
PreemptIf enabled, the current router attempts to overthrow a lower priority active router and attempt to become the active router. If disabled, this router becomes the active router only if there is no such router or the active router fails.
truepreempt enabled.
falsepreempt disabled.
Delay MinimumTime difference (in seconds) between a router power up and the time it can start preempting the currently active router. This value is only applicable when preemption is enabled.
PriorityPriority value that prioritizes a potential hot standby router. The range is 1 to 255, where 1 indicates the lowest priority and 255 indicates the highest priority. The default priority value is 100. The router in the HSRP group with the highest priority value becomes the active router.
Hello IntervalHello interval in milliseconds. If this value is not configured, it can be learned from the active router.
Hold IntervalHold interval in milliseconds. If this value is not configured, it can be learned from the active router.
Configure buttonEnable HSRP for IP on an interface. This action deploys an HSRP group on the interface. The HSRP group may optionally be assigned a primary IP address. If no address is explicitly assigned, the device attempts to discover the virtual IP address from the active server using Hello messages. Figure 5-20 shows the subdialog box displayed when the Add/Remove button is pressed.
Figure 5-20 HSRP Group Configure Subdialog Box
Secondary IP Area
The Secondary IP area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
HSRP Secondary Address TableDescribes secondary IP addresses of HSRP groups deployed on the interface. Data is displayed in the following columns:
Group NumberUnique identifier along of an HSRP group.
Secondary IPSecondary IP address of HSRP group.
Modify buttonFigure 5-21 shows the subdialog box that is displayed when the Modify button is pressed. This subdialog box is used to modify the following C6576M Ethernet Interface attributes of a given HSRP group:
Secondary IP
Virtual IP
Delay Minimum
Hello Interval
Hold Interval
Figure 5-21 HSRP Secondary IP Modify Subdialog Box
QoS Tab
Figure 5-22 shows the QoS tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-22 QoS Tab on the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
QoS Area
The QoS area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
QoS EnabledEnables or disables QoS on the interface.
trueQoS enabled.
falseQoS disabled.
Note By default, if global QoS is enabled on the device, then the port QoS is also
enabled unless explicitly disabled.
VLAN QoS EnabledEnables/disables VLAN-based QoS on the interface.
trueVLAN-based QoS enabled.
falseVLAN-based QoS disabled.
Interface Trust StateThe trust state of an interface determines how it marks, schedules, and classifies received L2 frames, and whether or not congestion avoidance is implemented. This attribute can have the following values:
untrustedThe interface is marked as untrusted.
DSCPThe DSCP value of the frame is trusted.
CoSThe CoS value of the frame is trusted.
IP-precedenceThe IP-precedence value of the frame is trusted.
Default CoS ValueInterface class of service value. QoS assigns the CoS value to untagged frames from a trusted interface and to all frames of an untrusted interface.
Input Service PolicyThe QoS policy map applied to the interface. This policy map is only applied if QoS is enabled on the interface and VLAN-based QoS is disabled on the interface.
Select Policy buttonLaunches a subdialog box to attach an input QoS policy map to the interface. This action may fail if the specified policy map is not suitable for use with an Ethernet interface. Figure 5-23 shows subdialog box that is displayed when the Select Policy button is pressed. The subdialog box contains the following:
Input Policy Map TableLists the QoS policy maps to apply to the interface.
Modify buttonAttaches an input QoS policy map to the interface.
Figure 5-23 Select Policy Subdialog Box
Remove Policy buttonDetaches an input QoS policy map from the interface. When you click the Remove Policy button, a subdialog box is displayed prompting you to confirm the removal action.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-24 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-24 Additional Notes Tab on the C6576M Ethernet Interface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes tab is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the interface.
C6576M Switch Fabric Module Dialog Box
This dialog box provides information for the Switch Fabric Modules. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or Switch Fabric Module object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select one chassis and more than one Switch Fabric Module at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Details Tab
Figure 5-25 shows the Details tab of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module dialog box. All the attributes displayed in this tab are read-only.
Figure 5-25 Details Tab of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module Dialog Box
Details Area
The Details area of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module dialog box provides the following information:
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the Switch Fabric Module. This attribute has one of the following values:
ModelModel of the Switch Fabric Module. This attribute has the following value:
Serial NumberThe serial number of the module.
Hardware VersionThe hardware version on the module.
Software VersionThe software version on the module.
Firmware VersionThe firmware version on the module.
Actions Area
The Actions area of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module dialog box provides the following actions:
CommissionThis button is used to commission the object manually. This can only be done if the object is in a decommissioned state.
DecommissionThis button is used to decommission the object manually. In the decommissioned state, the properties of the object are not monitored. As a result, data displayed in the configuration window is not guaranteed to be current.
The decommission action allows a Switch Fabric Module to be removed and replaced without generating alarms.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe type of Switch Fabric Module discovered does not match the predeployed Switch Fabric Module.
Performance Tab
Figure 5-26 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module dialog box.
Figure 5-26 Performance Tab of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module Dialog Box
Statistics Area
The Statistics Table of the Statistics area dialog box provides the fabric channel counters and utilization for the device. There is an entry in this table for each fabric-enabled module installed in the chassis.
SlotSlot number of the fabric-enabled module.
ChannelFabric channel number.
InErrorsTotal number of error packets received on the module through the fabric channel since the entry was last initialized.
Out ErrorsTotal number of error packets transmitted on the module through the fabric channel since the entry was last initialized.
Out DroppedTotal number of dropped packets transmitted on the module through the fabric channel since the entry was last initialized.
In UtilInput utilization of the fabric channel for the module.
Out UtilOutput utilization of the fabric channel for the module.
Note This table is only supported in IOS versions 12.1(8a)EX and later; in earlier
IOS versions, the table will be empty.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-27 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module dialog box.
Figure 5-27 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M Switch Fabric Module Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the Switch Fabric Module.
C6576M FlexWAN Module Dialog Box
This dialog box provides information for the FlexWAN modules. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or FlexWAN module object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select one chassis and more than one FlexWAN module at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Details Tab
Figure 5-28 shows the Details tab of the C6576M FlexWAN module dialog box.
Figure 5-28 Details Tab of the C6576M FlexWAN Module Dialog Box
Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M FlexWAN Module dialog box provides the following information:
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the FlexWAN module. This attribute is read-only and has one of the following values:
The Inventory area of the C6576M FlexWAN Module dialog box provides the following information. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
ModelModel of the FlexWAN module. This attribute has the following value:
Serial NumberThe serial number of the module.
Hardware VersionThe hardware version on the module.
Software VersionThe software version on the module.
Firmware VersionThe firmware version on the module.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M FlexWAN Module dialog box contains these buttons to enable and disable performance logging of the interface attributes of the port adapters (if installed) on the FlexWAN module:
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to the user through the CEMF Performance
Manager. Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for
more information about the Performance Manager.
Actions Area
The Actions area of the C6576M FlexWAN Module dialog box provides the following actions:
CommissionThis button is used to commission the object manually. This can only be done if the object is in a decommissioned state.
DecommissionThis button is used to decommission the object manually. In the decommissioned state, the properties of the object are not monitored. As a result, data displayed in the configuration window is not guaranteed to be current.
The decommission action allows a FlexWAN module to be removed and replaced without generating alarms.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe type of FlexWAN module discovered does not match the predeployed FlexWAN module.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-29 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M FlexWAN Module dialog box.
Figure 5-29 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M FlexWAN Module Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the FlexWAN module.
C6576M Port Adapter Dialog Box
This dialog box provides information for the port adapters. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or FlexWAN object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple chassis and port adapters at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Details Tab
Figure 5-30 shows the Details tab of the C6576M Port Adapter dialog box.
Figure 5-30 Details Tab of the C6576M Port Adapter Dialog Box
Inventory Area
The Inventory area of the C6576M Port Adapter dialog box provides the following information. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
ModelModel of the port adapter. This attribute may have one of the following values:
PA-2E32-port serial E3 port adapter
PA-2H2-port HSSI port adapter
PA-2T32-port serial T3 port adapter
PA-2T3+Enhanced 2-port serial T3 port adapter
PA-4T+Enhanced 4-port serial port adapter
PA-8T-2328-port EIA/TIA-232 serial port adapter
PA-8T-V358-port V.35 serial port adapter
PA-8T-X218-port X.21 serial port adapter
PA-A3-E3Enhanced ATM E3 port adapter
PA-A3-OC3MMEnhanced ATM, OC-3 multimode port adapter
PA-A3-OC3SMIEnhanced ATM, OC-3 single-mode intermediate reach port adapter
PA-A3-OC3SMLEnhanced ATM, OC-3 single-mode long reach port adapter
PA-A3-T3Enhanced ATM T3 port adapter
PA-SAN-FC11-port fiber channel port adapter for use with Brocade storage area networks
PA-E31-port serial E3 port adapter
PA-H1-port HSSI port adapter
PA-MC-2T3+Dual interface multichannel T3 port adapter
PA-MC-8E18-port multichannel E1 port adapter
PA-MC-8T18-port multichannel T1 port adapter
PA-MC-E31-port multichannel E3 port adapter
PA-MC-T31-port multichannel T3 port adapter
PA-POS-OC3MMMultimode PoS, OC3 port adapter
PA-POS-OC3SMISingle-mode intermediate reach PoS, OC3 port adapter
PA-POS-OC3SMLSingle-mode long reach PoS, OC3 port adapter
PA-T31-port T3 serial port adapter
PA-T3+Enhanced 1-port T3 serial port adapter
Serial NumberThe serial number of the port adapter.
Note This attribute is unsupported for PA-ATMDX-E3 port adapter.
Number of PortsThe number of ports on the port adapter.
Hardware VersionThe hardware version of the port adapter.
Software VersionThe software version of the port adapter.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M ATM Interface dialog box contains the buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the port adapter.
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Actions Area
The Actions area of the C6576M Port Adapter dialog box provides the following actions:
CommissionThis button is used to commission the object manually. This can only be done if the object is in a decommissioned state.
DecommissionThis button is used to decommission the object manually. In the decommissioned state, the properties of the object are not monitored. As a result, data displayed in the configuration window is not guaranteed to be current.
The decommission action allows a port adapter to be removed and replaced without generating alarms.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe type of port adapter discovered does not match the predeployed port adapter.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-31 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M Port Adapter dialog box.
Figure 5-31 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M Port Adapter Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the port adapter.
C6576M Optical Services Modules Dialog Box
This dialog box describes the physical Gigabit Ethernet WAN OSM (OSM GE-WAN), Packet over Sonet OSM (OSM PoS), and channelized SONET OSM on a Cisco 7600 series Internet Router. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or an OSM object within the Physical or Cisco7600Manager containers.
You can select multiple chassis and OSMs at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Details Tab
Figure 5-32 shows the Details tab of the C6576M OSM dialog box.
Figure 5-32 Details Tab of the C6576M OSM Dialog Box
Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M OSM dialog box provides the following information.
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the OSM. This attribute has one of the following values. This is a read-only attribute.
OSM-4OC12-POS-MM4-port OC-12/STM-4 SONET/SDH OSM, MM, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-4OC12-POS-SI4-port OC-12/STM-4 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-IR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-4OC12-POS-SL4-port OC-12/STM-4 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-LR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-1OC48-POS-SS1-port OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-SR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-1OC48-POS-SI1-port OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-IR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-1OC48-POS-SL1-port OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-LR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-16OC3-POS-MM16-port OC-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH OSM, MM, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-16OC3-POS-SI16-port OC-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-IR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-16OC3-POS-SL16-port OC-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-LR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-2OC12-POS-MM2-port OC-12/STM-4 SONET/SDH OSM, MM, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-2OC12-POS-SI2-port OC-12/STM-4 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-IR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-2OC12-POS-SL2-port OC-12/STM-4 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-LR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-8OC3-POS-MM8-port OC-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH OSM, MM, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-8OC3-POS-SI8-port OC-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-IR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-8OC3-POS-SL8-port OC-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH OSM, SM-LR, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-1CHOC48/T3-SS1-port Channelized OC48 to T3, Short Reach, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-1CHOC48/T3-SI1-port Channelized OC48 to T3, Single-mode Intermediate Reach, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-2CHOC48/T3-SS2-port Channelized OC48 to T3, Short Reach, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-2CHOC48/T3-SI2-port Channelized OC48 to T3, Single-mode Intermediate Reach, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-4CHOC12/T3-MM4-port Channelized OC12 to T3, Multi-mode, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-4CHOC12/T3-SI4-port Channelized OC12 to T3, Single-mode Intermediate Reach, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-8CHOC12/T3-MM8-port Channelized OC12 to T3, Multi-mode, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
OSM-8CHOC12/T3-SI8-port Channelized OC12 to T3, Single-mode Intermediate Reach, with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports
Serial NumberThe serial number of the module.
Hardware VersionThe hardware version on the module.
Software VersionThe software version on the module.
Firmware VersionThe firmware version on the module.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M Port Adapter dialog box contains the buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the OSM.
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Actions Area
The Actions area of the C6576M OSM dialog box provides the following actions:
CommissionThis button is used to commission the object manually. This can only be done if the object is in a decommissioned state.
DecommissionThis button is used to decommission the object manually. In the decommissioned state, the properties of the object are not monitored. As a result, data displayed in the configuration window is not guaranteed to be current.
The decommission action allows a OSM to be removed and replaced without generating alarms.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe type of OSM discovered does not match the predeployed OSM.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-33 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M OSM dialog box.
Figure 5-33 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M OSM Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the OSM.
C6576M SLB Dialog Box
The Content Switching Module is a line card that provides server load balancing (SLB) of client traffic to server farms, firewalls, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) devices, or VPN termination devices. This dialog box provides information for SLB. This dialog box can be launched from a Chassis object or SLB object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select one chassis and one SLB object at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Details Tab
Figure 5-34 shows the Details tab of the C6576M SLB dialog box.
Figure 5-34 Details Tab of the C6576M SLB Dialog Box
Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides the following information:
Operational StatusDisplays the operational status of the CSM. This attribute has one of the following values. This is a read-only attribute.
The Temperature area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides information for the following sensors. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
Module InletInlet temperature of the module in degrees Celsius.
Module OutletOutlet temperature of the module in degrees Celsius.
Each sensor can have the following values:
<n>CTemperature in degrees Celsius.
N/OIndicates that the sensor is not operational.
N/AIndicates that the sensor value is not available.
Inventory Area
The Inventory area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides the following information. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
ModelModel of the Content Switching Module. This attribute has the following value:
Serial NumberThe serial number of the module.
Hardware VersionThe hardware version on the module.
Software VersionThe software version on the module.
Firmware VersionThe firmware version on the module.
SLB Setting Area
The Inventory area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides the following information:
Forwarding ModeThe current SLB operating mode. This attribute has one of the following values. This is a read-only attribute.
Configured ModeThe current configured SLB mode. This attribute has one of the following values:
Note The configured SLB mode does not take effect until the Content Switching
Module is reloaded. The reload is performed manually by executing the IOS
config mode command power cycle module slot_number.
Note When changing the configured SLB mode from CSM to RP, the SLB
configurations for CSM will be erased.
Actions Area
The Actions area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides the following actions:
CommissionThis button is used to commission the object manually. This can only be done if the object is in a decommissioned state.
DecommissionThis button is used to decommission the object manually. In the decommissioned state, the properties of the object are not monitored. As a result, data displayed in the configuration window is not guaranteed to be current.
The decommission action allows a Content Switching Module to be removed and replaced without generating alarms.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field has the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
mismatchedThe type of Content Switching Module discovered does not match the predeployed Content Switching Module.
Client Side VLAN Tab
Figure 5-35 shows the Client Side VLAN tab of the C6576M SLB module dialog box.
Figure 5-35 Client Side VLAN Tab of the C6576M SLB Module Dialog Box
Client Side VLAN Area
The Client Side VLAN area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides the following information:
Client VLAN TableIdentifies the client VLANs used by the CSM. These are the VLANs on the device to which clients will connect. The following attributes are displayed for the selected client VLANs in the table:
IP AddressIP address of the client VLAN.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the client VLAN IP address. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Client VLAN Gateway TableDescribes the default gateways associated with the client VLANs. There may be multiple gateways associated with each client VLAN. The following columns are displayed in this table:
Client Side VLANUnique identifier of a client VLAN on the device.
GatewayDefault gateway of a client VLAN. A router to the client VLAN must have this gateway address configured and real servers must point their gateways to this address.
Client VLAN Config Area
The Client VLAN Config area of the C6576M SLB dialog box allows the user to add client side VLANs. The following attributes are configured:
Client Side VLAN fieldUnique identifier of a client VLAN on the device.
Note VLAN 1 is the default VLAN. VLAN identifiers greater than 1001 are
reserved as the default VLANs for various media and for hidden
VLANs generated by the device.
Client VLAN Add buttonAdds the client VLAN specified in the client side VLAN field. If you do not specify a VLAN in the Client Side VLAN field, no action will take effect.
Client VLAN Remove buttonRemoves the client VLAN that is selected in the Client VLAN Table. A subdialog box is displayed asking the user to confirm the action.
Gateway Config Subarea
The Gateway Config subarea allows the user to add a default gateways associated with the client VLAN specified in the Client Side VLAN field. This VLAN must already be configured as a client side VLAN.
Gateway fieldDefault gateway associated with the client VLAN.
Gateway Remove buttonRemoves the default gateway specified by the Gateway field and the Client Side VLAN field. You need to specify a VLAN in the Client Side VLAN field and an IP address in the Gateway field for the action to take effect.
Gateway Add buttonAdds the default gateway specified by the Gateway field and the Client Side VLAN field. You need to specify a VLAN in the Client Side VLAN field and an IP address in the Gateway field for the action to take effect.
Server Side VLAN Tab
Figure 5-36 shows the Server Side VLAN tab of the C6576M SLB dialog.
Figure 5-36 Server Side VLAN Tab of the C6576M SLB Dialog Box
Server Side VLAN Area
The Server Side VLAN area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides the following information:
Server VLAN TableIdentifies the server VLANs used by the CSM. These are the VLANs on the device to which servers will connect. The following attributes are displayed for the selected server VLANs in the table:
IP AddressIP address of the server VLAN.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the server VLAN IP address. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Server VLAN Alias TableDescribes the aliases of a server VLAN. If the CSM is in a different subnet from the real servers, aliases may be used to eliminate the need for a router. Only used in server mode. There may be multiple aliases associated with each server VLAN. The following attributes are displayed in the table:
Server Side VLANUnique identifier of a server VLAN on the device.
IP AddressIP address of the server VLAN.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the server VLAN alias IP address. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Server VLAN Static Route TableDescribes the static routes of a server VLAN. A static route is configured to reach a real server if it is more than one network hop away from the CSM. There may be multiple static routes configured for a server VLAN. The following attributes are displayed in the table:
Server Side VLANUnique identifier of a server VLAN on the device.
Destination NetworkIP address of network on the server VLAN.
Destination NetmaskSubnet mask of the network on the server VLAN. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
GatewayDefault gateway of a server VLAN. A router to the client VLAN must have this gateway address configured and real servers must point their gateways to this address.
Server VLAN Config Area
The Server VLAN Config area of the C6576M SLB dialog box allows you to add server side VLANs. The following attributes are configured:
Server Side VLAN fieldUnique identifier of a server VLAN on the device.
Server VLAN Add buttonAdds the server VLAN specified in the Server Side VLAN field. You need to specify a VLAN in the Server Side VLAN field for the action to take effect.
Server VLAN Remove buttonRemoves the server VLAN that is selected in the Server VLAN Table. A subdialog box is displayed asking the user to confirm the action.
Alias Config Subarea
This subarea allows you to add aliases associated with the server VLAN specified in the Server Side VLAN field. This VLAN must already be configured as a Server Side VLAN.
IP Address fieldIP address of the server VLAN.
Netmask fieldSubnet mask of the server VLAN alias IP address. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Alias Remove buttonRemoves the alias specified by the IP Address, Netmask, and Server Side VLAN fields. You need to specify a VLAN in the Server Side VLAN field, an IP address in the Alias IP Address field, and a subnet mask in the Alias Netmask field for the action to take effect.
Alias Add buttonAdds the alias specified by the IP Address, Netmask, and Server Side VLAN fields. You need to specify a VLAN in the Server Side VLAN field, an IP address in the Alias IP Address field, and a subnet mask in the Alias Netmask field for the action to take effect.
Static Route Config Subarea
This subarea allows the user to add static routes of a server VLAN specified in the Server Side VLAN field. This VLAN must already be configured as a server side VLAN.
Destination Network fieldIP address of network on the server VLAN.
Destination Netmask fieldSubnet mask of the network on the server VLAN. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Gateway fieldDefault gateway of a server VLAN. A router to the client VLAN must have this gateway address configured and real servers must point their gateways to this address.
Static Route Remove buttonRemoves the static route specified by the Destination Network, Destination Netmask, Gateway, and Server Side VLAN fields.
Static Route Add buttonAdds the static route specified by the Destination Network, Destination Netmask, Gateway, and Server Side VLAN fields.
For the Static Route Remove and Static Route Add button actions to take effect, you need to specify the static route using one of the following sets of attributes:
Option (A)
A VLAN in the Server Side VLAN field
An IP address in the Destination Network field
A Subnet Mask in the Destination Netmask field
Option (B)
A VLAN in the Server Side VLAN field
An IP address in the Gateway field
Option (C)
A VLAN in the Server Side VLAN field
An IP address in the Destination Network field
A Subnet Mask in the Destination Netmask field
An IP address in the Gateway field
Server Farms Tab
Figure 5-37 shows the Server Farms tab of the C6576M SLB dialog box.
Figure 5-37 Server Farms Tab of the C6576M SLB Dialog Box
Server Farm Area
The Server Farm area of the C6576M SLB dialog box provides the following information:
Server Farm TableDescribes the configured server farms. The following attributes are displayed for the selected server farm in the table:
Server Farm IndexUnique identifier of a server farm on the device.
PredictorLoad-balancing predictor algorithm. This attribute can have one of the following values:
roundrobin (1)
leastconns (2)
other (3)
Note A value of other (3) indicates the predictor algorithm is of a type unsupported
by the C65/76M EMS. A value of other (3) is not supported for write
Real Server TableDescribes the real servers in a server farm. The following columns are displayed in the table:
Server Farm NameUnique identifier of a server farm on the device.
Real IP AddressIP address of the real server.
TCP PortOptional TCP Port translation for the real server.
Current ConnectionsNumber of current connections to the real server.
Operation StatusThe operational status of the real server. This attribute can have the following values:
outOfService (1)
operational (2)
failed (3)
Admin StatusThe administrative status of the real server. When the administrative status is changed to inService (2), it enables the real server for use by SLB. This attribute can have the following values:
outOfService (1)
inService (2)
Admin WeightConfigured weighting value to use for virtual server predictor algorithm.
Current WeightActual real server weighting factor.
Minimum ConnectionsWhen the maximum connections is exceeded, no more connections will be established to the real server until the number of connections falls below this value. The valid values range from 0 to 4294967295. This value must be less than the currently configured maximum connections.
Maximum ConnectionsMaximum number of active connections on the real server at any one point. If the value is set to the maximum of 4294967295, it indicates that the maximum is infinite (not monitored). This value must be greater than the currently configured minimum connections.
Server Farm Config Area
The Server Farm Config area of the C6576M SLB dialog box allows you to add and configure server farms. The following attributes are configured:
Server Farm Name fieldUnique identifier of a server farm on the device.
Server Farm Add buttonAdds the server farm specified in the Server Farm Name field. You need to specify a name in the Server Farm Name field for the action to take effect.
Server Farm Remove buttonRemoves the server farm that is selected in the Server Farm Table. A subdialog box is displayed asking the user to confirm the action.
Real Server Config Subarea
This subarea allows the user to add and remove real servers to the server farm specified in the Server Farm Name field.
Real IP Address fieldIP address of the real server.
TCP PortOptional TCP Port translation for the real server.
Real Server Add buttonAdds the real server specified by the Real IP Address, TCP Port, and Server Farm Name fields. You need to specify a name in the Server Farm Name field, an IP address in the Real IP Address field, and a port number in the TCP Port field for the action to take effect.
Real Server Remove buttonRemoves the real server specified by the Real IP Address, TCP Port, and Server Farm Name fields. You need to specify a name in the Server Farm Name field, an IP address in the Real IP Address field, and a port number in the TCP Port field for the action to take effect.
Virtual Servers Tab
Figure 5-38 shows the Virtual Servers tab of the C6576M SLB dialog box.
Figure 5-38 Virtual Servers Tab of the C6576M SLB Dialog Box
Virtual Server Area
The Virtual Server area of the C6576M SLB dialog box allows the user to configure a virtual server to bring it into service.
Note To modify attribute values, enter the desired value into the fields and press the
Save icon in order for changes to take effect. Click Refresh to display the new
The following information is provided:
Virtual Server TableDescribes the virtual servers. The following attributes are displayed for the selected virtual server in the table:
Virtual Server IndexUnique identifier of a virtual server on the device.
IP AddressIP address of the virtual server. A value of indicates that no IP address is configured.
TCP PortTCP port of the virtual server. A value of 0 indicates all ports are supported. Well known port numbers include:
dns (53),
ftp (21),
https (443),
matip-a (350),
nntp (119),
pop2 (109),
pop3 (110),
smtp (25),
telnet (23),
www (80),
xot (1998)
Note This attribute cannot be nil if the virtual server IP address is set to a value other
than If virtual server IP address is set to, it indicates that no IP
address has been configured and the value of the TCP port number is not
applicable. On read, a value of 0 will always be returned.
Server Farm NameIdentifies the server farm associated with the virtual server. This referenced server farm must be unique on the device.
Idle TimerThe duration that connection information is maintained in the absence of packet activity for a connection.
Current ConnectionsNumber of current connections to the virtual server.
Operation StatusThe operational status of the virtual server. This attribute can have the following values:
outOfService (1)
operational (2)
failed (3)
Admin StatusThe administrative status of the virtual server. This attribute can have the following values:
outOfService (1)
inService (2)
Virtual Server Client TableDescribes the restricted clients of a virtual server. Client ranges are configured to permit or deny clients using the virtual server. The following columns are displayed in the table:
Virtual Server Name fieldUnique identifier of a virtual server on the device.
IP Address fieldIP address of a virtual server restricted client range.
Netmask fieldSubnet mask of a virtual server restricted client range. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
ModeIndicates whether or not the restricted client range defines clients that may not use the virtual server.
Virtual Server Config Area
The Virtual Server Config area of the C6576M SLB dialog box allows the user to add and configure virtual servers. The following attributes are configured:
Virtual Server Name fieldUnique identifier of a virtual server on the device.
Virtual Server Add buttonAdds the virtual server specified in the Virtual Server Name field. You need to specify a name in the Virtual Server Name field for the action to take effect.
Virtual Server Remove buttonRemoves the virtual server that is selected in the Virtual Server Table. A subdialog box is displayed asking the user to confirm the action.
Client Config Subarea
This subarea allows the user to add a client range to a virtual server definition. This action is used to restrict which clients are allowed to connect to the virtual server. The following attributes can be configured:
IP Address fieldIP address of a virtual server restricted client range.
Netmask fieldSubnet mask of a virtual server restricted client range. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Note The IP address and netmask must specify a unique client range on the virtual
server. The netmask must agree with the class of network address specified by
the IP address.
Mode buttonIndicates that the restricted client range defines clients that may not use the virtual server. The client is excluded.
Client Add buttonAdds the client range to a virtual server definition. You need to specify a name in the Server Farm Name field, an IP address in the IP Address field, and a subnet mask in the Netmask field, and select a mode for the action to take effect.
Client Remove buttonRemoves the client range to a virtual server definition.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-39 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M SLB dialog box.
Figure 5-39 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M SLB Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the SLB.
C6576M ATM T3 Interface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a physical and logical enhanced ATM T3 interface of the PA-A3-T3 port adapter on the Catalyst 6000 family switches or Cisco 7600 series Internet Routers. This dialog box is launched from the ATM port adapter object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple ATM T3 interfaces, port adapters, FlexWAN modules, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-40 shows the Status tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-40 Status Tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface.
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is only put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
IndexString index of the interface. This is a read-only attribute.
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This is a read-only attribute. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
dormantInterface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)
notPresentInterface has missing (typically, hardware) components.
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This is a read-only attribute.
Connector PresentIndication if a cable is connected to the interface. If the ifAdminStatus is down, then this value cannot be determined and an "unknown" message is displayed. This is a read-only attribute. This attribute can have the following values:
yesCable is connected to the interface.
noCable is not connected to the interface.
unknownCannot determine if a cable is connected to the interface.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This is a read-only attribute.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box contains the buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface.
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field has the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Configuration Tab
Figure 5-41 shows the Configuration tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-41 Configuration Tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area contains the following information:
Link Up/Down TrapEnables or disables linkUp and linkDown trap generation for the interface.
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP and
EIGRP); you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
Input Queue LengthInput queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthOutput queue length in packets.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area contains the following information:
MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address of the interface.
MTUThe size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area contains the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the layer 3 interface.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the interface IP address. Enabled bits indicate the network addressing bits in the IP address.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU. The size of the largest network datagram that can be sent/received on the interface. Cannot exceed the size of the largest layer 2 datagram on the interface. If the layer 2 MTU is updated, the layer 3 MTU must be adjusted so that it does not exceed the new layer 2 MTU.
ATM/T3 Tab
Figure 5-42 shows the ATM/T3 tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-42 ATM/T3 Tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface Dialog Box
ATM Area
The ATM area contains the following information:
NSAP AddressUnique identifier of node in ATM network. This address is required if not implemented by ATM CM.
End-Station IDEnd-station ID of node in ATM network. The NSAP address prefix is provided by the switch to the router through ILMI. There must be a PVC configured for ILMI communication with the switch. This address is required if not implemented by ATM CM.
T3 Area
The T3 area contains the following information:
Clock SourceSource of the transmit clock.
loopTimingIndicates that the recovered receive clock is used as the transmit clock.
localTimingIndicates that a local clock source is used or that an external clock is attached to the box containing the interface.
Line TypeIndicates DS-3 framing. The following values are possible:
ScramblingIndicates that DS-3 scrambling is enabled on the interface. Scrambling assists recovery of the clock by the receiver.
Line Build-Out LengthLine build-out length.
short0 to 50 feet
longGreater than 50 feet
Performance Tab
Figure 5-43 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-43 Performance Tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface Dialog Box
Interface Packets/Octets Statistics Area
The Interface Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Interface Error Statistics Area
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them from being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the output queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets that were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors that prevented them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
ATM/T3 Area
The ATM/T3 area contains the following information:
The ATM/T3 Far End area contains the following information:
C-bit Errored SecsFar end C-bit errored seconds.
C-bit Severely Err SecsFar end C-bit severely errored seconds.
C-bit Coding ViolationsFar end C-bit coding violations.
Elapsed SecsNumber of seconds which have elapsed since the beginning of the far end current error-measurement period.
Unavail SecsFar end unavailable seconds.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-44 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-44 Routing Protocol Tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface Dialog Box
The OSPF area contains the following information:
OSPF Network TypeOSPF network type. ATM is a point-to-point service; by default it is considered to be nonbroadcast by the OSPF routing process. An ATM interface can be configured as a broadcast interface. The OSPF network type also can be dependent on the ATM network configuration, whether or not the network is partially meshed or fully meshed.
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. Value is if interface is a layer 2 (no IP address assigned) interface. This attribute is read-only.
Authentication KeyPassword to be used by neighboring OSPF routers on a network segment that is using OSPF simple password authentication. It is ignored if OSPF Authentication Type is not "simple". This attribute is read-only.
Hello IntervalLength of time between the hello packets sent on an OSPF interface. Must be consistent between all routers on an attached network. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. In the event of a tie in this value, routers will use their router ID as a tie breaker. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. Dead (sec)Number of seconds that a device's hello packets must not have been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. Delay (sec)Estimated number of seconds it takes to send a link-state update packet this interface. This attribute is read-only.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value also is used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets. This attribute is read-only.
The EIGRP area describes the EIGRP configuration of the interface on each active autonomous system. This area contains the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableLists the active EIGRP routing processes on the router. Each routing process handles routing updates for a single autonomous system. The routing process only is active if it is deployed on at least one network.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during which the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
Bandwidth Utilization (%)Percentage of bandwidth that may be used by EIGRP on the interface. Values greater than 100 percent may be configured; this can be useful if the bandwidth is set artificially low for other reasons.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
IS-IS Area
The IS-IS area contains the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Area TagIdentifies the IS-IS routing area that the interface participates in. If multiarea IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag. This attribute is read-only.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing. With smaller hello intervals, topological changes are detected faster, but there is more routing traffic.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityLevel 1 priority. The priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or Designated Intermediate System (DIS). The router with the highest priority will become the DIS. In the case of equal priorities, the highest MAC address breaks the tie.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (inter-area) route calculation.
Level 2 PriorityLevel 2 priority.
Enable buttonEnables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Note By default, all interfaces are configured as IS-IS Circuit-type Level 1-2.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-45 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-45 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the ATM T3 Interface.
C6576M ATM E3 Interface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a physical and logical enhanced ATM E3 interface of the PA-A3-E3 FlexWAN port adapter on the Catalyst 6000 family switches or Cisco 7600 series Internet Routers. This dialog box can be launched from the ATM port adapter object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple ATM E3 Interfaces, port adapters, FlexWAN modules, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-46 shows the Status tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-46 Status Tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface:
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is only put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
IndexString index of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
dormantInterface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)
notPresentInterface has missing (typically, hardware) components.
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This attribute is read-only.
Connector PresentIndication if a cable is connected to the interface. If the ifAdminStatus is down, then this value cannot be determined and an "unknown" message is given. This attribute is read-only. This attribute can have the following values:
yesCable is connected to the interface.
noCable is not connected to the interface.
unknownCannot determine if a cable is connected to the interface.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This attribute is read-only.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box contains the buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface.
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to the user through the CEMF Performance
Manager. Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for
more information about the Performance Manager.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Configuration Tab
Figure 5-47 shows the Configuration tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-47 Configuration Tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area contains the following information:
Link Up/Down TrapEnables or disables linkUp and linkDown trap generation for the interface.
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP and
EIGRP); you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
Input Queue LengthInput queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthOutput queue length in packets.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area contains the following information:
MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address of the interface.
MTUThe size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area contains the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the layer 3 interface.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU, which is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent and received on the interface. This value cannot exceed the size of the largest layer 2 datagram on the interface.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the interface IP address. Enabled bits indicate the network addressing bits in the IP address.
ATM/E3 Tab
Figure 5-48 shows the ATM/E3 tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-48 ATM/E3 Tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface Dialog Box
ATM Area
The ATM area contains the following information:
NSAP AddressUnique identifier of node in ATM network. This address is required if not implemented by ATM CM.
End-Station IDEnd-station ID of node in ATM network. The NSAP address prefix is provided by the switch to the router through ILMI. There must be a PVC configured for ILMI communication with the switch. This address is required if not implemented by ATM CM.
E3 Area
The E3 area contains the following information:
Clock SourceSource of the transmit clock.
loopTimingIndicates that the recovered receive clock is used as the transmit clock.
localTimingIndicates that a local clock source is used or that an external clock is attached to the box containing the interface.
E3 FramingDescribes E3 framing. The following values are possible:
E3 ScramblingIndicates whether or not E3 scrambling is enabled on the interface. Scrambling assists recovery of the clock by the receiver.
Performance Tab
Figure 5-49 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box. All attributes shown in this tab are read-only.
Figure 5-49 Performance Tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface Dialog Box
Interface Packets / Octets Statistics Area
The Interface Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Interface Error Statistics Area
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets which had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the output queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets that were simply ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
DX3 Current Area
The DX3 Current area contains the following information:
The DX3 Far End Current area contains the following information:
C-bit Errored SecsFar end C-bit errored seconds.
C-bit Severely Err SecsFar end C-bit severely errored seconds.
C-bit Coding ViolationsFar end C-bit coding violations.
Elapsed SecsNumber of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the far end current error-measurement period.
Unavail SecsFar end unavailable seconds.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-50 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-50 Routing Protocol Tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface Dialog Box
The OSPF area contains the following information:
OSPF Network TypeOSPF network type. ATM is a point-to-point service; by default it is considered to be nonbroadcast by the OSPF routing process. An ATM interface can, however, be configured as a broadcast interface. The OSPF network type can also be dependent on the ATM network configuration, whether the network is partially meshed or fully meshed.
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. Value is if interface is a layer 2 (no IP address assigned) interface. This attribute is read-only.
Authentication KeyPassword to be used by neighboring OSPF routers on a network segment that is using OSPF simple password authentication. This password is ignored if OSPF Authentication Type is not "simple". This attribute is read-only.
Hello IntervalLength of time between the hello packets sent on an OSPF interface. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. In the event of a tie in this value, routers will use their Router ID as a tie breaker. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. Dead (sec)Number of seconds that a device's hello packets must not have been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. Delay (sec)Estimated number of seconds it takes to send a link-state update packet this interface. This attribute is read-only.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets. This attribute is read-only.
The EIGRP area describes the EIGRP configuration of the interface on each active autonomous system. This area contains the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableLists the active EIGRP routing processes on the router. Each routing process handles routing updates for a single autonomous system. The routing process is only active if it is deployed on at least one network.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during which the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
Bandwidth Utilization (%)Percentage of bandwidth that may be used by EIGRP on the interface. Values greater than 100 percent may be configured; this can be useful if the bandwidth is set artificially low for other reasons.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
IS-IS Area
The IS-IS area contains the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Area TagIdentifies the IS-IS routing area that the interface participates in. If multiarea IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag. This attribute is read-only.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing. With smaller hello intervals, topological changes are detected faster, but there is more routing traffic.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityLevel 1 priority. The priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or designated intermediate system (DIS). The router with the highest priority will become the DIS. In the case of equal priorities, the highest MAC address breaks the tie.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (inter-area) route calculation.
Level 2 PriorityLevel 2 priority.
Enable buttonEnable IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisable IS-IS routing on the interface.
Note By default, all interfaces are configured as IS-IS Circuit-type Level 1-2.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-51 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-51 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M ATM E3 Interface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the ATM E3 Interface.
C6576M ATM SONET Interface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a physical and logical enhanced ATM OC-3 interface of a FlexWAN port adapter on the Catalyst 6000 family switches or Cisco 7600 series Internet Routers. This dialog box can be launched from the ATM Port Adapter object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple ATM SONET interfaces, port adapters, FlexWAN modules, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-52 shows the Status tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-52 Status Tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface:
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is only put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
IndexString index of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
dormantInterface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)
notPresentInterface has missing (typically, hardware) components.
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered before the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This attribute is read-only.
Connector PresentIndication if a cable is connected to the interface. If the ifAdminStatus is down, then this value cannot be determined and an "unknown" message is given. This attribute is read-only. This attribute can have the following values:
yesCable is connected to the interface.
noCable is not connected to the interface.
unknownCannot determine if a cable is connected to the interface.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This attribute is read-only.
The ATM/SONET area of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface dialog box provides the following information:
SONET Section StatusStatus of the SONET Section. This status may indicate multiple simultaneous defects. This has one of the following values:
sonetSectionNoDefectNo defect.
sonetSectionLOSError condition, Loss Of Signal.
sonetSectionLOFError condition, Loss Of Frame.
SONET Line StatusStatus of the SONET Line. This status may indicate multiple simultaneous defects. This can have one of the following values:
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M ATM T3 Interface dialog box contains buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface:
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field has the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Configuration Tab
Figure 5-53 shows the Configuration tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-53 Configuration Tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area contains the following information:
Link Up/Down TrapEnables or disables linkUp and linkDown trap generation for the interface.
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP and
EIGRP); you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
Input Queue LengthInput queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthOutput queue length in packets.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area contains the following information:
MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address of the interface.
MTUThe size of the largest packet which can be sent or received on the interface, specified in octets.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area contains the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the Layer 3 interface.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU, which is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent and received on the interface. This value cannot exceed the size of the largest Layer 2 datagram on the interface.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the interface IP address. Enabled bits indicate the network addressing bits in the IP address.
ATM/Sonet Tab
Figure 5-54 shows the ATM/Sonet tab of the C6576M ATM/Sonet Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-54 ATM/Sonet Tab of the C6576M ATM /Sonet Interface Dialog Box
ATM/SONET Configuration Area
The ATM/SONET Configuration area contains the following information:
Clock SourceSource of the transmit clock.
loopTimingIndicates that the recovered receive clock is used as the transmit clock.
localTimingIndicates that a local clock source is used or that an external clock is attached to the box containing the interface.
SONET FramingSONET framing for ATM cell transmission. The following values are possible:
sts-3cSynchronous Transport Signal level 3 concatenated is the SONET (N. American) format that specifies the frame structure for a 155.52-Mbps line.
stm-1Synchronous Transport Module level 1 is the SDH (European) format that specifies the frame structure for a 155.52-Mbps line.
NSAP AddressUnique identifier of node in ATM network. Required if not implemented by ATM CM.
End-Station IDEnd-station ID of node in ATM network. The NSAP address prefix is provided by the switch to the router through ILMI. There must be a PVC configured for ILMI communication with the switch. Required if not implemented by ATM CM.
SONET Path WidthWidth of the SONET path. This attribute is read-only. This is described by the STS-Nc SPE.
STS-3c/STM-1For OC-3 signal (155.52 Mbps).
STS-12c/STM-4For OC-12 signal (622.08 Mbps).
SONET Medium Configuration Area
The SONET Medium Configuration area contains the following information. All attributes in this area are read-only.
TypeIndicates whether or not a SONET or SDH signal is used on the interface.
Line TypeLine type of the interface. The following values are possible:
Line CodingLine coding for the interface:
sonetMediumB3ZSFor electrical SONET/SDH signals (STS-1 and STS-3).
sonetMediumCMIFor electrical SONET/SDH signals (STS-1 and STS-3).
sonetMediumNRZNon-return to Zero, which is used for optical SONET/SDH signals.
sonetMediumRZReturn to Zero, which is used for optical SONET/SDH signals.
Performance Tab
Figure 5-55 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface dialog box. All attributes in this area are read-only.
Figure 5-55 Performance Tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface Dialog Box
Interface Packets/Octets Statistics Area
The Interface Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Interface Error Statistics Area
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them from being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the output queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets which were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
SONET Section Error Statistics Area
The SONET Section Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of errored seconds encountered by the SONET Section in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Section in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of coding violations encountered by the SONET Section in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err Frm SecsNumber of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the SONET Section in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Line Error Statistics Area
The SONET Line Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of errored seconds encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of coding violations encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Far End Line Error Statistics Area
The SONET Far End Line Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of far end errored seconds encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely far end errored seconds encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of far end coding violations encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of far end unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET Line in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Path Error Statistics Area
The SONET Path Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of coding violations encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Far End Path Error Statistics Area
The SONET Far End Path Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of far end errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of far end severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of far end coding violations encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of far end unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-56 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-56 Routing Protocol Tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface Dialog Box
The OSPF area contains the following information:
OSPF Network TypeOSPF network type. ATM is a point-to-point service; by default it is considered to be nonbroadcast by the OSPF routing process. An ATM interface can be configured as a broadcast interface. The OSPF network type also can be dependent on the ATM network configuration, whether the network is partially meshed or fully meshed.
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. Value is if interface is a layer 2 (no IP address assigned) interface. This attribute is read-only.
Authentication KeyPassword to be used by neighboring OSPF routers on a network segment that is using OSPF simple password authentication. It is ignored if OSPF Authentication Type is not "simple". This attribute is read-only.
Hello IntervalLength of time between the hello packets sent on an OSPF interface. Must be consistent between all routers on an attached network. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. In the event of a tie in this value, routers will use their router ID as a tie breaker. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. Dead (sec)Number of seconds that a device's hello packets must not have been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network. This attribute is read-only.
Trans. Delay (sec)Estimated number of seconds it takes to send a link-state update packet this interface. This attribute is read-only.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value also is used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets. This attribute is read-only.
The EIGRP area describes the EIGRP configuration of the interface on each active autonomous system. This area contains the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableLists the active EIGRP routing processes on the router. Each routing process handles routing updates for a single autonomous system. The routing process only is active if it is deployed on at least one network.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during which the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
Bandwidth Utilization (%)Percentage of bandwidth that may be used by EIGRP on the interface. Values greater than 100 percent may be configured; this can be useful if the bandwidth is set artificially low for other reasons
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
IS-IS Area
The IS-IS area contains the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Area TagIdentifies the IS-IS routing area that the interface participates in. If multiyear IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag. This attribute is read-only.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing. With smaller hello intervals, topological changes are detected faster, but there is more routing traffic.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityLevel 1 priority. The priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or designated intermediate system (DIS). The router with the highest priority will become the DIS. In the case of equal priorities, the highest MAC address breaks the tie.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (interarea) route calculation.
Level 2 PriorityLevel 2 priority.
Enable buttonEnables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Note By default, all interfaces are configured as IS-IS Circuit-type Level 1-2.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-57 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-57 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M ATM SONET Interface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the ATM SONET Interface.
C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a physical and logical Gigabit Ethernet WAN (GE-WAN) interface on the OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC module. This dialog box can be launched from the OSM object or OSM GE-WAN Interface object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple OSM GE-WAN Interfaces, OSMs, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-58 shows the Status tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-58 Status Tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog Box
Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface:
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is only put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
IndexString index of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
TypeDescribes the physical interface type. This attribute is read-only.
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has one of the following values:
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered before the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This attribute is read-only.
Connector PresentIndication if a cable is connected to the interface. If the ifAdminStatus is down, then this value cannot be determined and an "unknown" message is given. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has the following values:
yesCable is connected to the interface.
noCable is not connected to the interface.
unknownCannot determine if a cable is connected to the interface.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This attribute is read-only.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field has the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Configuration Tab
Figure 5-59 shows the Configuration tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-59 Configuration Tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box provides the following information:
SpeedThe desired speed of this port in bits per second. This attribute has one of the following values:
10 Mb/s
100 Mb/s
1 Gb/s
If set to autoDetect, the Duplex attribute is set to auto, which forces the interface to determine the speed and duplex mode for the interface automatically.
Note If an unsupported speed is selected, an error is reported.
DuplexDisplays the duplex mode for the port. This attribute can have one of the following values:
auto negotiation
If set to auto negotiation, the Speed attribute is set to autoDetect, which forces the interface to determine the speed and duplex mode for the interface automatically. For a standard Ethernet interface, this attribute is set to half. For a Gigabit Ethernet interface, this attribute is set to full.
Input Queue LengthDisplays the input queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthDisplays the output queue length in packets.
Link Up/Down TrapIndicates if link up or link down traps are being generated. This list contains the following values:
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP and
EIGRP); you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN interface dialog box provides the following information:
MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address of the interface.
MTUThe size, specified in octets, of the largest datagram (frame) that can be sent on the interface.
Note A GE interface that is using a nondefault MTU cannot be added to an
EtherChannel with GE interfaces using the default MTU. If the interface MTU
is changed for one interface, the change is applied to all interfaces (GE and GE
EtherChannel) using a nondefault MTU.
Note IOS 12.1(8a)E5 caveat: Jumbo frame support is incompatible with the IS-IS
routing protocol. Leave the MTU size at the default value on any interface
where IS-IS provides routing.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the layer 3 interface.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU, which is the size of the largest datagram (packet) that can be sent and received on the interface. This value cannot exceed the size of the largest layer 2 datagram on the interface.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the interface IP address. Enabled bits indicate the network addressing bits in the IP address.
Performance Tab
Figure 5-60 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box. All attributes in this area are read-only.
Figure 5-60 Performance Tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog Box
Packets/Octets Statistics Area
The Interface Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Error Statistics Area
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the output queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets that were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box contains buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface:
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-61 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M OSM GEWAN Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-61 Routing Protocol Tab on the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog Box
The OSPF area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box provides the following information. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
Network TypeOSPF interface type. OSPF network type can be nonbroadcast multiaddress (NBMA) even on a broadcast media such as Ethernet. This attribute can have one of the following values:
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. Value is if interface is a layer 2 (no IP address assigned) interface. This attribute is read-only.
Authentication KeyPassword to be used by neighboring OSPF routers on a network segment that is using OSPF simple password authentication. It is ignored if Authentication Type is not "simple".
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. If more than one router has the same value for this field, the routers use their router ID as a tie breaker.
Trans. Dead (sec)Number of seconds that a device's hello packets must not have been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network.
Trans. Delay (sec)The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link-state update packet over this interface.
The EIGRP Area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box provides the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableDescribes the EIGRP configuration of the interface on each active autonomous system. The EIGRP parameters of the interface on an autonomous system may be explicitly configured even if EIGRP routing updates in the autonomous system are not currently carried on the interface.
Bandwidth Utilization (%) The percentage of the interface bandwidth that the EIGRP protocol can use.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during which the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
The ISIS area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface. This attribute is read-only.
trueISIS routing is enabled.
falseISIS routing is disabled.
Area TagThe IS-IS routing area in which the interface participates. If multiarea IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag. This attribute is read-only.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (inter-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityThe priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or designated intermediate system (DIS).
Level 2 PriorityThe priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or DIS.
Enable buttonEnable IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisable IS-IS routing on the interface.
Figure 5-62 shows the HSRP tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box. The attributes in this tab are read-only. To modify the attributes, click the Modify button.
Figure 5-62 HSRP Tab on the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog Box
Modify buttonFigure 5-63 shows the subdialog box that is displayed when you click the Modify button. This subdialog box is used to modify the following C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface attributes of a given HSRP group:
Secondary IP
Virtual IP
Delay Minimum
Hello Interval
Hold Interval
Figure 5-63 HSRP Secondary IP Modify Subdialog Box
The HSRP area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box provides the following information:
HSRP Group TableDescribes HSRP groups deployed on an interface.
Note There may be multiple groups deployed on an interface. Using a group number
on one logical or physical interface does not preclude using it on another.
Virtual IPPrimary virtual IP address of the HSRP group. If this address is not configured, the agent attempts to discover the virtual address through a discovery process which scans the hello messages.
PreemptIf enabled, the current router attempts to overthrow a lower priority active router and attempts to become the active router. If disabled, this router becomes the active router only if there is no such router or the active router fails.
truePreempt enabled.
falsePreempt disabled.
Delay MinimumTime difference (in seconds) between a router power up and the time it can start preempting the currently active router. This value is only applicable when preemption is enabled.
PriorityMetric used to select the active and standby routers. 0 is lowest priority, 255 is highest. Router with highest priority is selected to be the active router.
Hello IntervalHello interval in milliseconds. If this value is not configured, it can be learned from the active router.
Hold IntervalHold interval in milliseconds. If this value is not configured, it can be learned from the active router.
Configure buttonEnables HSRP for IP on an interface. Figure 5-64 shows the subdialog box displayed when you click the Configure button. The following is displayed in the subdialog box:
Group NumberUnique identifier of an HSRP group.
IP AddressThe HSRP group may optionally be assigned a primary IP address. If no address is explicitly assigned, the device attempts to discover the virtual IP address from the active server using hello messages.
Add buttonAdds an HSRP group on the interface.
Remove buttonRemoves an HSRP group on the interface.
Figure 5-64 HSRP Group Configure Subdialog Box
Secondary IP Area
The Secondary IP area of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box provides the following information:
HSRP Secondary Address TableDescribes secondary IP addresses of HSRP groups deployed on the interface. Data is displayed in the following columns:
Group NumberUnique identifier of an HSRP group.
Secondary IPSecondary IP address of HSRP group.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-65 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-65 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M OSM GE-WAN Interface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the OSM GE-WAN Interface.
C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a physical and logical channelized OC-12 (Ch-OC12) or OC-48 (Ch-OC48) SONET interface on an OSM. This dialog box can be launched from the OSM Channelized SONET Interface object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple OSM Channelized SONET Interfaces, OSMs, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-66 shows the Status tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-66 Status Tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface.
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is only put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
TypeDescribes the type of allocated channel. This attribute is read-only.
t3A DS3 channel is provisioned as a serial subinterface with T3 (DS3) content formatting.
e3A DS3 channel is provisioned as a serial subinterface with E3 (DS3) content formatting.
posAn OC-3 channel is provisioned as a POS subinterface.
IndexString index of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
dormantInterface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)
notPresentInterface has missing (typically, hardware) components.
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered before the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This attribute is read-only.
Connector PresentIndicates whether or not a cable is connected to the interface. If the ifAdminStatus is down, then this value cannot be determined and an "unknown" message is given. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has the following values:
yesCable is connected to the interface.
noCable is not connected to the interface.
unknownCannot determine if a cable is connected to the interface.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This attribute is read-only.
SONET Status Area
The ATM/SONET area of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box provides the following information:
SONET Section StatusStatus of the SONET Section. This status may indicate multiple simultaneous defects. This attribute is read-only. This can have one of the following values:
sonetSectionNoDefectNo defect.
sonetSectionLOSError condition, Loss Of Signal.
sonetSectionLOFError condition, Loss Of Frame.
SONET Line StatusStatus of the SONET Line. This status may indicate multiple simultaneous defects. This attribute is read-only. This can have one of the following values:
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box contains buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface:
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Configuration Tab
Figure 5-67 shows the Configuration tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-67 Configuration Tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area contains the following information:
MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address of the interface.
SpeedThe desired speed of the port in bits per second.
DuplexSONET interfaces are by definition full duplex.
Link Up/Down TrapEnables or disables linkUp and linkDown trap generation for the interface.
The SONET area contains the following information:
DescriptionDescription of the SONET interface.
Clock SourceSource of the transmit clock.
loopTimingIndicates that the recovered receive clock is used as the transmit clock.
loopTimingPrimaryIndicates that loop timing is used and the SONET controller provides the first priority clock for internal circuitry.
loopTimingSecondaryIndicates that loop timing is used and the SONET controller provides the clock if the primary clock source fails.
PrimaryIndicates that the SONET controller provides the first priority clock for internal circuitry. Secondary indicates that the SONET controller provides the clock if the primary clock source fails.
localTimingIndicates that the transmit clock source is generated internally.
localTimingPrimaryIndicates that local timing is used and the SONET controller provides the first priority clock for internal circuitry.
localTimingSecondaryIndicates that local timing is used and the SONET controller provides the clock if the primary clock source fails.
Loopback ModeIndicates whether or not SONET loopback mode is enabled. The possible values are:
InternalIndicates data is looped from the transmit path to the receive path allowing diagnostics to send data to itself without relying on any external connections. To enable internal loopback, you must first set the clock source to internal.
Line(external) Indicates data is looped from the external port to the transmit port and back out the external port.
FramingFraming for optical digital transmission.
Note SDH framing is currently unsupported on the channelized SONET modules
even though IOS CLI allows the interface to be configured for SDH framing.
SONET Medium Area
The SONET Medium area contains the following information. All attributes in this area are read-only.
TypeIndicates whether a SONET or SDH signal is used on the interface.
Line TypeLine type of the interface. The following values are possible:
Line CodingLine coding for the interface.
sonetMediumB3ZSFor electrical SONET/SDH signals (STS-1 and STS-3).
sonetMediumCMIFor electrical SONET/SDH signals (STS-1 and STS-3).
sonetMediumNRZNon-return to zero, which is used for optical SONET/SDH signals.
sonetMediumRZReturn to zero, which is used for optical SONET/SDH signals.
DS-3/OC-3 Channel Table Area
DS-3/OC-3 Channel TableLists the DS3 and OC-3 channels that have been provisioned on the SONET interface. The following items are listed in the table:
IDUnique identifier of a channel on the SONET interface. This coincides with the number of the first sts-1 service payload envelope (SPE) allocated in the channel. It is also the subinterface number of the serial or POS interface representing the DS3 or OC-3 channel. Numbering is 1-based.
RangeRange of allocated channels. Numbering is 1-based. A DS3 subinterface has a width of sts-1 and it occupies a single channel. An OC-3 subinterface has a width of sts-3c and it occupies three consecutive channels.
TypeDescribes the type of allocated channel. A DS3 channel is provisioned as a serial subinterface with E3 or T3 (DS3) content formatting. An OC-3 channel is provisioned as a POS subinterface.
Provision Channels for Serial/PoS Interface buttonLaunches a subdialog box to provision a DS3 or OC-3 channel from the SONET interface's constituent sts-1 service payload envelopes (SPEs). Figure 5-68 shows the Channel Provision subdialog box of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box. The following items are displayed:
Channel ID fieldUnique identifier of a channel on the SONET interface.
Channel Type fieldDescribes the type of allocated channel.
Free Channel buttonFrees a provisioned DS3 or OC-3 channel from the SONET interface.
Provision Channel buttonProvisions the interface.
Note The provisioned sts-1 SPEs cannot be in use by any other channel on the
Figure 5-68 Channel Provision Subdialog Box of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface Dialog Box
Performance Tab
Figure 5-69 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-69 Performance Tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface Dialog Box
Interface Packets/ Octets Statistics Area
The Interface Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Interface Error Statistics Area
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because osteopath queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets that were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
SONET Section Error Statistics Area
The SONET Section Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of errored seconds encountered by the SONET section in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET section in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of coding violations encountered by the SONET section in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err Frm SecsNumber of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the SONET section in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Line Error Statistics Area
The SONET Line Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of errored seconds encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of coding violations encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Far End Line Error Statistics Area
The SONET Far End Line Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of far end errored seconds encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely far end errored seconds encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of far end coding violations encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of far end unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET line in the current 15-minute interval.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-70 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-70 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M OSM Channelized SONET Interface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the OSM Channelized SONET Interface.
C6576M OSM POS Interface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a physical and logical PoS interface on an OSM. This dialog box can be launched from the OSM POS Interface object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple OSM POS Interfaces, OSMs, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-71 shows the Status tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-71 Status Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface:
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is only put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
IndexString index of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
TypeDescribes the physical interface type. This attribute is read-only. The possible values of this attribute are:
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has one of the following values:
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered before the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This attribute is read-only.
Connector PresentIndicates whether or not a cable is connected to the interface. If the ifAdminStatus is down, then this value cannot be determined and an "unknown" message is given. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has the following values:
yesCable is connected to the interface.
noCable is not connected to the interface.
unknownCannot determine if a cable is connected to the interface.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This attribute is read-only.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Configuration Tab
Figure 5-72 shows the Configuration tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-72 Configuration Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area contains the following information:
SpeedThe desired speed of the port in bits per second.
DuplexSONET interfaces are by definition full duplex.
Link Up / Down TrapEnables or disables linkUp and linkDown trap generation for the interface.
Input Queue LengthDisplays the input queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthDisplays the output queue length in packets.
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP and
EIGRP); you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area contains the following information:
MTUThe size of the largest datagram (frame) which can be sent or received on the interface, specified in octets.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area contains the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the layer 3 interface.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU. The size of the largest datagram (packet) that can be sent or received on the interface. Cannot exceed the size of the largest layer 2 datagram on the interface. If the layer 2 MTU is updated, the layer 3 MTU must be adjusted so that it does not exceed the new layer 2 MTU.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the IP address. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Figure 5-73 shows the ATM/SONET tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-73 ATM/SONET Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface Dialog Box
ATM Area
The ATM area contains the following information:
CRCCyclical redundancy check (CRC) word size. The CRC is an error-checking technique that uses a calculated numeric value to detect errors in transmitted data.
EncapsulationIndicates whether HDLC or PPP encapsulation is used on the interface.
FramingFraming for optical digital transmission. SONET is the North American standard, SDH is the European standard.
Payload ScramblingIndicates whether or not SONET payload scrambling is enabled on the interface. Payload scrambling ensures that there is sufficient bit-transition density to maintain the transmit clock for synchronous signalling. Both ends of the connection must use the same scrambling algorithm.
Transmit Clock SourceSource of the transmit clock.
loopTimingIndicates that the recovered receive clock is used as the transmit clock.
localTimingIndicates that the transmit clock source is generated internally.
The SONET area contains the following information:
SONET Overhead J0 ByteValue of the SONET overhead section trace byte. A value of 0x10 is for interoperability with some Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) devices in Japan. This attribute is read-only.
SONET Overhead C2 ByteValue of the SONET overhead path signal identifier. This attribute is read-only. These are possible values:
0xCF = PPP or HDL
C0x13 = ATM
SONET Overhead S1 S0 BitsValue of the SONET overhead S1 & S0 bits. These bits are part of the payload pointer byte. This attribute is read-only. These are possible values:
0 = OC-3c
2 = AU-4
Performance Tab
Figure 5-74 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box. All the attributes in this tab are read-only.
Figure 5-74 Performance Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface Dialog Box
Packets/Octets Statistics Area
The Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Error Statistics Area
The Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the output queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets that were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box contains buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface:
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-75 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-75 Routing Protocol Tab on the C6576M OSM POS Interface Dialog Box
The OSPF area of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box provides the following information. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
Network TypeOSPF interface type. By default, a POS interface is point-to-point, however, the OSPF network type may be modified to accommodate different types of network configurations. This attribute can have one of the following values:
Admin StatusThe desired state of the interface.
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. Value is if interface is a layer 2 (no IP address assigned) interface. This attribute is read-only.
Authentication KeyPassword to be used by neighboring OSPF routers on a network segment that is using OSPF simple password authentication. It is ignored if Authentication Type is not "simple".
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Polling IntervalPolling interval in seconds.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. If more than one router has the same value for this field, the routers use their router ID as a tie breaker.
Trans. Dead (sec)Number of seconds that a device's hello packets must not have been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network.
Trans. Delay (sec)The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets.
The EIGRP Area of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box provides the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableDescribes the EIGRP configuration of the interface on each active autonomous system. The EIGRP parameters of the interface on an autonomous system may be explicitly configured even if EIGRP routing updates in the autonomous system are not currently carried on the interface.
Bandwidth Utilization (%) The percentage of the interface bandwidth that the EIGRP protocol can use.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during which the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
The ISIS area of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box provides the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface:
trueISIS routing is enabled.
falseISIS routing is disabled.
Area TagThe IS-IS routing area in which the interface participates. If multiarea IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (inter-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityDetermines which router on a LAN will be the designated router or Designated Intermediate System (DIS).
Level 2 PriorityDetermines which router on a LAN will be the designated router or Designated Intermediate System (DIS).
Enable buttonEnables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Note By default, all interfaces are configured as IS-IS Circuit-type Level 1-2.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-76 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box.
Figure 5-76 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Interface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the OSM POS Interface.
C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a logical DS3 channel on a channelized OC-12 (ChOC-12) or OC-48 (ChOC-48) SONET interface of an Optical Service Module (OSM). A DS3 channel of a SONET interface is provisioned as a logical Serial interface. This dialog box can be launched from the OSM Channelized SONET Interface object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple OSM serial subinterfaces, OSM Channelized SONET interfaces, OSMs, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-77 shows the Status tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-77 Status Tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface:
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
IndexString index of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
dormantInterface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)
notPresentInterface has missing components (typically hardware).
lowerLayerDownIndicates that the primary channelized SONET interface has failed.
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This attribute is read-only.
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered before the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This attribute is read-only.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field has the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Interface Configuration Tab
Figure 5-78 shows the Interface Configuration tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-78 Interface Configuration Tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area contains the following information:
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP and
EIGRP); you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
Input Queue LengthDisplays the input queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthDisplays the output queue length in packets.
Link Up / Down TrapEnables or disables linkUp and linkDown trap generation for the interface.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area contains the following information:
MTUThe size of the largest datagram (frame) which can be sent or received on the interface, specified in octets.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area contains the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the Layer 3 interface.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU. The size of the largest datagram (packet) that can be sent or received on the interface. Cannot exceed the size of the largest Layer 2 datagram on the interface. If the Layer 2 MTU is updated, the Layer 3 MTU must be adjusted so that it does not exceed the new Layer 2 MTU.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the IP address. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
DS-3 Configuration Tab
Figure 5-79 shows the DS-3 Configuration tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-79 DS-3 Configuration Tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
DS-3 Serial Interface Area
The DS-3 Serial Interface area contains the following information:
FramingFraming for optical digital transmission. SONET is the North American standard; SDH is the European standard.
CRCCyclical redundancy check (CRC) word size. The CRC is an error-checking technique that uses a calculated numeric value to detect errors in transmitted data.
DSU ModeData Service Unit (DSU) mode. This enables interoperability with other DSUs. The local interface configuration must match the remote configuration. This attribute can have the following values:
kentrox (6)
Note The Kentrox DSU/CSU mode is configurable in the CLI but is currently not
supported. The C6576M EMS will allow a user to configure this value, but it
will log a warning message indicating that the value is unsupported by IOS.
Near End Loopback ModeNear end channel loopback mode. This mode can have the following values:
localSets the loopback after going through the framer toward the terminal.
networkPuts the near end in network loopback.
Far End Loopback ModeFar end channel loopback mode. If enabled, this mode puts the far end in loopback by sending far-end alarm control (FEAC). This mode has the following values:
Payload ScramblingIndicates whether or not SONET payload scrambling is enabled on the interface. Payload scrambling ensures that there is sufficient bit-transition density to maintain the transmit clock for synchronous signalling. Both ends of the connection must use the same scrambling algorithm.
EncapsulationIndicates whether HDLC or PPP encapsulation is used on the interface.
DSU BandwidthDSU subrate bandwidth in kilobits per second. This attribute reduces the DS3 bandwidth by padding the T3 frame.
SONET Path Header (C2) Area
The SONET Path Header (C2) area contains the following information:
SONET Overhead C2 ByteValue of the SONET overhead Path Signal Label (C2), which indicates the contents of the SONET STS-SPE Higher Order VC. This attribute is read-only. These are possible values:
207 (0xCF) = PPP or HDLC with no payload scrambling
22 (0x16) = PPP or HDLC with payload scrambling
SONET Path Header (J1) Area
The SONET Path Header (J1) area contains the following information:
Expected SizeMaximum length of the expected receive SONET Path overhead message in bytes.
Transmit SizeMaximum length of the transmitting SONET Path overhead message in bytes.
Expected LabelThe expected receive SONET Path overhead message. If the expected label is longer than the expected size, it will be truncated.
Transmit LabelTransmitting SONET Path overhead message. If the transmitting label is longer than the transmitting size, it will be truncated.
Modify SONET Path Header (J1) buttonLaunches a subdialog box to modify the expected receive and transmit SONET Path overhead message. Figure 5-80 shows the subdialog box launched by this button. The following items are displayed in the subdialog box:
Expected Size
Transmit Size
Expected Label
Transmit Label
Modify buttonSets the specified values of the attributes given in the subdialog box.
Figure 5-80 SONET J1 Modify Subdialog Box of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
Performance Tab
Figure 5-81 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box. All the attributes shown in this tab are read-only.
Figure 5-81 Interface Performance Tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
Interface Packets/Octets Statistics Area
The Interface Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Interface Error Statistics Area
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the output queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets that were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box contains these buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface:
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
DS-3 Statistics Tab
Figure 5-82 shows the DS-3 Statistics tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-82 DS-3 Statistics Tab on the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
DS-3 Error Area
The DS-3 Error area contains the following information:
The DS-3 Far End Error area contains the following information:
C-bit Errored SecsFar end C-bit errored seconds.
C-bit Severely Err SecsFar end C-bit severely errored seconds.
C-bit Coding ViolationsFar end C-bit coding violations.
Elapsed SecsNumber of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the far end current error-measurement period.
Unavail SecsFar end unavailable seconds.
SONET Path Error Area
The SONET Path Error area contains the following information:
SONET Path StatusStatus of the SONET Path. This status may indicate multiple simultaneous defects. There are possible Path defects:
STS-Path Loss of Pointer
STS-Path Alarm Indication Signal
STS-Path Remote Defect Indication
Signal Label Mismatch
SONET Path WidthWidth of the SONET path. This is described by the STS-Nc SPE. A DS3 channel has a width of STS-1 (55.84 Mbps).
Errored SecsNumber of errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of coding violations encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Far End Path Error Area
The SONET Far End Path Error area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of far end errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of far end severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of far end coding violations encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of far end unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-83 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-83 Routing Protocol Tab on the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
The OSPF area of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box provides the following information. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
Network TypeOSPF interface type. By default, a POS interface is point-to-point, however, the OSPF network type may be modified to accommodate different types of network configurations. This attribute has one of the following values:
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. Value is if the interface is a Layer 2 (no IP address assigned) interface. This attribute is read-only.
Authentication KeyPassword to be used by neighboring OSPF routers on a network segment that is using OSPF simple password authentication. Ignored if Authentication Type is not "simple".
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. If more than one router has the same value for this field, the routers use their router ID as a tie breaker.
Trans. Dead (sec)Number of seconds that a device's hello packets must not have been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network.
Trans. Delay (sec)The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets.
The EIGRP Area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableDescribes the EIGRP configuration of the interface on each active autonomous system. The EIGRP parameters of the interface on an autonomous system may be explicitly configured even if EIGRP routing updates in the autonomous system are not currently carried on the interface.
Bandwidth Utilization (%) The percentage of the interface bandwidth that the EIGRP protocol can use.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during which the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
The ISIS area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface:
trueIS-IS routing is enabled.
falseIS-IS routing is disabled.
Area TagThe IS-IS routing area in which the interface participates. If multiarea IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (inter-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityThe priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or designated intermediate system (DIS).
Level 2 PriorityThe priority is used to determine which router on a LAN will be the designated router or DIS.
Enable buttonEnables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Note By default, all interfaces are configured as IS-IS Circuit-type Level 1-2.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-84 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-84 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M OSM Serial Subinterface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the OSM Serial Subinterface.
C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
This dialog box describes a logical OC-3 channel on a channelized OC-12 (ChOC-12) or OC-48 (ChOC-48) SONET interface of an Optical Service Module (OSM). An OC-3 channel of a SONET interface is provisioned as a logical packet over SONET (POS) interface. This dialog box can be launched from the OSM Channelized SONET Interface object within the Physical or Manager containers.
You can select multiple OSM POS subinterfaces, OSM Channelized SONET interfaces, OSMs, and chassis at a time from the object list on the left side of the dialog box.
Status Tab
Figure 5-85 shows the Status tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-85 Status Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
Interface Status Area
The Status area of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box provides the following information to describe the general characteristics of the interface.
DescriptionComment or a description to help you remember what is attached to this interface. The description is only put in the configuration to help you remember what specific interfaces are used for.
IndexString index of the interface. This attribute is read-only.
TypeIndicates the type of interface distinguished by the physical and link layer protocols on the interface.
Operational StatusThe current operational state of the interface. This attribute is read-only. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
dormantInterface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)
notPresentInterface has missing (typically, hardware) components.
lowerLayerDownIndicates that the primary channelized SONET interface has failed.
Administrative StatusThe desired state of the interface. This attribute has one of the following values:
testingIndicates that no operational packets can be passed.
Number of ResetsNumber of times the interface internally reset. This attribute is read-only.
Last ChangeThe value (in seconds) of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered before the last reinitialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This attribute is read-only.
Status Field
The display-only Status field located at the bottom of the window indicates the current state of the object. This field can have the following values:
decommissionedCEMF is not actively monitoring the object attributes.
normalPresence polling is performed periodically.
performanceSome attributes are collected periodically for trending purposes.
normallostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the normal state.
perflostcommsCEMF has lost communication with the device from the performance state.
Interface Configuration Tab
Figure 5-86 shows the Interface Configuration tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-86 Interface Configuration Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
General Area
The General area contains the following information:
BandwidthOverwrites default bandwidth in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth attribute is an informational parameter used only to
communicate the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as
IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF); you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an
interface with this command.
DelaySpecifies the delay in tens of microseconds for an interface or network segment.
Note The Delay attribute is an informational parameter used only to communicate
the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols (such as IGRP and
EIGRP); you cannot adjust the actual delay of an interface with this command.
Input Queue LengthDisplays the input queue length in packets.
Output Queue LengthDisplays the output queue length in packets.
Link Up/Down TrapEnables or disables linkUp and linkDown trap generation for the interface.
Layer 2 Area
The Layer 2 area contains the following information:
MTUThe size of the largest datagram (frame) which can be sent or received on the interface, specified in octets.
Layer 3 Area
The Layer 3 area contains the following information:
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the Layer 3 interface.
IP MTULayer 3 MTU. The size of the largest datagram (packet) that can be sent/received on the interface. Cannot exceed the size of the largest layer 2 datagram on the interface. If the Layer 2 MTU is updated, the Layer 3 MTU must be adjusted so that it does not exceed the new Layer 2 MTU.
NetmaskSubnet mask of the IP address. Enabled bits indicate network addressing bits in the IP address.
Figure 5-87 shows the POS tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-87 POS Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
POS Interface Area
The POS Serial Interface area contains the following information:
CRCCyclical redundancy check (CRC) word size. The CRC is an error-checking technique that uses a calculated numeric value to detect errors in transmitted data.
Payload ScramblingIndicates whether or not SONET payload scrambling is enabled on the interface. Payload scrambling ensures that there is sufficient bit-transition density to maintain the transmit clock for synchronous signalling. Both ends of the connection must use the same scrambling algorithm.
EncapsulationIndicates whether HDLC or PPP encapsulation is used on the interface.
Path Message (C2) Area
The Path Message (C2) area contains the following information:
SONET Overhead C2 ByteValue of the SONET overhead Path Signal Label (C2), which indicates the contents of the SONET STS-SPE Higher Order VC. This attribute is read-only. These are possible values:
207 (0xCF) = PPP or HDLC with no payload scrambling
22 (0x16) = PPP or HDLC with payload scrambling
Path Message (J1) Area
The SONET Path Header (J1) area contains the following information:
Expected SizeMaximum length of the expected receive SONET Path overhead message in bytes.
Transmit SizeMaximum length of the transmitting SONET Path overhead message in bytes.
Expected LabelThe expected receive SONET Path overhead message. If the expected label is longer than the expected size, it will be truncated.
Transmit LabelTransmitting SONET Path overhead message. If the transmitting label is longer than the transmitting size, it will be truncated.
Modify Path Message (J1) buttonLaunches a subdialog box to modify the expected receive and transmit SONET Path overhead message. Figure 5-88 shows the subdialog box launched by this button. The following items are displayed in the subdialog box:
Expected Size
Transmit Size
Expected Label
Transmit Label
Modify buttonSets the specified values of the attributes given in the subdialog box.
Figure 5-88 SONET J1 Modify Subdialog Box of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
Performance Tab
Figure 5-89 shows the Performance tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box. All the attributes shown in this tab are read-only.
Figure 5-89 Performance Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
Interface Packets/Octets Statistics Area
The Interface Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following information:
Bandwidth Util (%)Percentage of bandwidth utilization.
In OctetsTotal number of received octets including framing characters.
Out OctetsTotal number of transmitted octets including framing characters.
In Unicast Pkts.The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
Out Unicast Pkts.The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
In Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input packets per second.
Out Packets/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/SecFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Interface Error Statistics Area
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.The number of packets dropped because the output queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.Number of input packets that were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
Performance Logging Area
The Performance Logging area of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box contains buttons to enable data logging of all the interface attributes of the interface.
StartTurns on performance data logging.
StopTurns off performance data logging.
Note The logged data is available to you through the CEMF Performance Manager.
Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide for more
information about the Performance Manager.
POS Statistics Tab
Figure 5-90 shows the POS Statistics tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-90 POS Statistics Tab on the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
SONET Path Error Area
The SONET Path Error area contains the following information:
SONET Path StatusStatus of the SONET Path. This status may indicate multiple simultaneous defects. These are possible path defects:
STS-Path Loss of Pointer
STS-Path Alarm Indication Signal
STS-Path Remote Defect Indication
Signal Label Mismatch
SONET Path WidthWidth of the SONET path. This is described by the STS-Nc SPE. A DS3 channel has a width of STS-1 (55.84 Mbps).
Errored SecsNumber of errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of coding violations encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of Unavailable Seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
SONET Far End Path Error Area
The SONET Far End Path Error area contains the following information:
Errored SecsNumber of far end errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Severely Err SecsNumber of far end severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Coding ViolationsNumber of far end coding violations encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Unavailable SecsNumber of far end unavailable seconds encountered by the SONET Path in the current 15-minute interval.
Routing Protocol Tab
Figure 5-91 shows the Routing Protocol tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-91 Routing Protocol Tab on the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
The OSPF area of the C6576M OSM POS Interface dialog box provides the following information. All the attributes in this area are read-only.
Network TypeOSPF interface type. By default, a POS interface is point-to-point, however, the OSPF network type may be modified to accommodate different types of network configurations. This attribute has one of the following values:
Area IDThe predefined ID uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. It can be specified as either a decimal value or as an IP address. Value is if interface is a Layer 2 (no IP address assigned) interface. This attribute is read-only.
Authentication KeyPassword to be used by neighboring OSPF routers on a network segment that is using OSPF simple password authentication. It is ignored if Authentication Type is not "simple".
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at which the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Trans. PriorityThe priority of this interface. Used in multiaccess networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. If more than one router has the same value for this field, the routers use their router ID as a tie breaker.
Trans. Dead (sec)Number of seconds that a device's hello packets must not have been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down. Must be consistent among all routers on an attached network.
Trans. Delay (sec)The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface.
Retrans. Interval (sec)The number of seconds between link-state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets.
The EIGRP Area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
EIGRP Interface TableDescribes the EIGRP configuration of the interface on each active autonomous system. The EIGRP parameters of the interface on an autonomous system may be explicitly configured even if EIGRP routing updates in the autonomous system are not currently carried on the interface.
Bandwidth Utilization (%) The percentage of the interface bandwidth that the EIGRP protocol can use.
Hello Interval (sec)Frequency at that the device will send hello packets on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number.
Hold Time (sec)Hold time during that the device will wait for a hello packet to be received on the specified interface and EIGRP autonomous system number. The hold time should be at least three times the hello interval.
The ISIS area of the C6576M Ethernet Interface dialog box provides the following information:
ISIS EnabledIndicates whether or not IS-IS routing is enabled on the interface:
trueIS-IS routing is enabled.
falseIS-IS routing is disabled.
Area TagThe IS-IS routing area in which the interface participates. If multiarea IS-IS is configured on the device, the IS-IS area must be named; otherwise, this value may be an implicit null tag.
Level 1 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 1 routing.
Level 2 Hello IntervalLength of time between hello packets generated on the interface for level 2 routing.
Level 1 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 1 (intra-area) route calculation.
Level 2 MetricCost of the interface for IS-IS level 2 (inter-area) route calculation.
Level 1 PriorityDetermines which router on a LAN will be the designated router or designated intermediate system (DIS).
Level 2 PriorityDetermines which router on a LAN will be the designated router or DIS.
Enable buttonEnables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Disable buttonDisables IS-IS routing on the interface.
Note By default, all interfaces are configured as IS-IS Circuit-type Level 1-2.
Additional Notes Tab
Figure 5-92 shows the Additional Notes tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface dialog box.
Figure 5-92 Additional Notes Tab of the C6576M OSM POS Subinterface Dialog Box
Notes Area
The Notes area is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes for the OSM POS Subinterface.