
Table of Contents

Understanding BootP

Understanding BootP

The Bootstrap Protocol (BootP) function allows the Catalyst 2600 to participate in RFC 951-compliant environments. BootP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to formulate a network request to allow a device to obtain and configure its own IP information, such as IP address and subnet mask. This appendix provides information on the following:

The BootP Procedure

To use the BootP function of the Catalyst 2600, a BootP server must be configured on the network. This BootP server must reside on the same subnet as the Catalyst 2600. At startup, the BootP server (typically BOOTPD or IN.BOOTPD) reads a configuration file called the BOOTPTAB file. This file contains information that defines the configuration parameters to be supplied to BootP clients. An entry is made in the BOOTPTAB file for each BootP client (in this case, the Catalyst 2600) on the network.

To use BootP with your Catalyst 2600:

Step 1 Edit the BOOTPTAB file on the BootP server (refer to the section "Editing the BOOTPTAB File").

Step 2 Initiate the BootP daemon (BOOTPD) on the BootP server.

Step 3 Make sure that the IP State in the IP Configuration Menu is set to BootP When Needed or BootP Always (refer to the chapter "Configuring the Catalyst 2600").

Step 4 Initiate the BootP transfer by resetting the Catalyst 2600. A BootP request is automatically initiated after diagnostics are completed.

Note Do not configure multiple BootP servers to a single Catalyst 2600.

Editing the BOOTPTAB File

Figure B-1 shows an example of a BOOTPTAB file. In this example, parameters for a BootP client (a Catalyst 2600) have been configured.

Figure B-1: Example of a BOOTPTAB File #Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored. #Legend: # first fieldhostname (may be full domain name) # bfbootfile # bsbootfile size # cscookie servers # dsdomain name servers # gwgateway address list # hahost hardware address # hdbootfile home directory # hnsend hostname # hthardware type # imimpress servers # iphost IP address # lglog servers # lpLPR servers # nsIEN-116 name servers # rlresource location protocol servers # smsubnet mask # tctemplate host (points to similar host entry) # totime offset (seconds) # tstime servers # vmvendor magic cookie selector #Be certain to include backslashes where they are needed. Define Different Master Entries for Each Catalyst 2600 (or Domain). Catalyst 2600 Domain 0:\ hn:\ ht=token-ring:\ vm=rfc1048:\ ha=0004AC29AEE0:\ ip=\ sm=\ gw=\ bf=/etc/"cis_xxyy.gz:"

Modify or create a BOOTPTAB file to include information for each Catalyst 2600 served by this BootP server. Specify the following:

If the Catalyst 2600 has been configured for multiple domains (virtual LANs), a BootP server must be attached to each configured domain and the BOOTPTAB file on the server should include the information specific to that domain.

BootP Considerations

The following limitations apply to BootP:


During the BootP download procedure, the Catalyst 2600 might encounter certain error conditions. When this occurs, the Catalyst 2600 sends error messages to the console.

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