
Table of Contents

Configuration Utility

Configuration Utility

Once you have finished with the Network Wizard and the Administrative Wizard, the Micro Webserver 200 is up and running. Now you are ready to complete the expert task of fine-tuning your Micro Webserver 200 using the Configuration Utility.

Topics included in this chapter are:

Before You Start

Start the Configuration Utility after you have installed the hardware and software as described in the preceding chapters of this guide. Make sure you use a Java-enabled Web Browser running on a Windows 95 (or Windows NT) PC or a workstation and that your Micro Webserver 200 and your PC or workstation are on the same subnet as your LAN.

Step 1   Start your Java-enabled Web browser (either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) as you normally would for your operating system.

Step 2   To open the home page of the server, enter either the IP address (if you have not entered your Micro Webserver 200 in a host file or a directory service such as DNS) or the server name of your Micro Webserver 200 in the proper field of your Web browser, and press Return.

For example, if the URL of your server is and you are using Netscape Navigator, enter:

Step 3   The Micro Webserver 200 Home Page appears.

Step 4   Click the Configuration Utility link as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1: Configuration Utility Link from Micro Webserver 200 Home Page

Note If you change the document root and cannot reach the Configuration Utility, enter http:// yourmw200IPaddress/serverconfig in your Web browser's Address or Location field. Likewise, if you change your Micro Webserver 200's document root and cannot reach the Micro Webserver 200 Home Page, enter http:// yourmw200IPaddress/serverhome (where yourmw200IPaddress is your Micro Webserver 200's IP address).

Working with the Graphical User Interface

The main page of the Configuration Utility is divided into two panels: one is horizontal and one is vertical as shown in Figure 5-2. The vertical panel contains icons that represent major configuration categories for your Micro Webserver 200. The horizontal panel contains links to the minor settings for the currently selected major configuration categories that appear to the right of the vertical panel.

Figure 5-2: Configuration Utility Vertical and Horizontal Panels

The Configuration Utility's six icons are as follows:

Each icon appears on the vertical panel, and related tab pages appear to the right of the vertical panel. The page usually contains one or more tables. For example, the first tab page associated with the Access icon is the Users tab (Figure 5-3). Each table on a tab page consists of rows and columns. Each row and/or column contains fields that you may be able to edit. To edit a field, use the scroll bar to the right of the table. Scroll down until you reach the last row, an empty row. Double-click the row, and type in your text. To edit a filled field in a table:

Step 1   Double-click the field.

Step 2   Delete the old text.

Step 3   Insert the new text.

Note Some fields allow you to browse the Micro Webserver 200 directories for a directory path or location on the Micro Webserver 200.

Functions represented in the Configuration Utility's horizontal panel include:

Securing Your Micro Webserver 200

Clicking the Access icon enables you to add, change, or remove users, as well as set the user's password and set the user's home directory. All information related to an individual user is saved in the Micro Webserver 200's database. The Access icon's tabs include the following:

Users Tab

First you must define users with the Users tab as shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3: Users Tab

Adding a User

Step 1   With the scroll bar to the right of the table, scroll down until you reach the last row, an empty field.

Step 2   Double-click the field, and type in the user's name.

Note When choosing a user name, include characters from at least two of the following three classes: 1) uppercase letters [for example, A, B, C, Z]; 2) lowercase letters [for example, a, b, c, z]; 3) numerals [for example, 0, 1, 2, 9.]

Step 3   Double-click the field next to the user's name (the Home Directory column), and type in the home directory path.

Step 4   Click the Add button. The user and home directory path are added.

Step 5   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Note If you click the Advanced button, you do not need to save the configuration now; you may save the configuration when you are done adding users.

Advanced (or the User Profile)

You should now add more user information including the user's password:

Step 1   Click the Advanced button.

Step 2   Enter the user's real name and the user's password; the user's name and home directory will appear by default if you have already added the user.

Step 3   Re-enter the same password.

Step 4   Click the OK button.

Step 5   Click the Add button. The information is added to the user's profile.

Step 6   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Deleting a User

Step 1   With the scroll bar to the right of the table, scroll down until you reach the row containing the user's name.

Step 2   Double-click the field, and select the user's name from the Name column.

Step 3   Click the Remove button. The user is deleted from the configuration.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Changing the User Profile

To change user information:

Step 1   With the scroll bar to the right of the table, scroll down until you reach the row containing the user's name.

Step 2   Double-click the field, and select the user's name from the Name column.

Step 3   Click the Advanced button.

Step 4   Delete the old information.

Step 5   Enter the new information.

Step 6   Click the OK button.

Step 7   Click the Add button. The information is changed on the user's profile.

Step 8   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Groups Tab

Three tables comprise the Groups tab page: the Groups table, the Users table, and the Users-in-Groups table. You must define groups using the Groups table. Groups are generally a collection of users that share a common need for services from the Micro Webserver 200.

Create a Users Group and Add Users

Step 1   Scroll down the Groups table using the scroll bar to the left of the table.

Step 2   Double-click an empty field, and type in the new group's name.

Step 3   Click the Add button. The new group is added to the Groups table.

Note The Save icon is flashing. You may continue adding users and/or groups, or stop and click the Save icon and then continue adding users and/or groups.

Step 4   To add users to this group (or an existing group), go to the Users table.

Step 5   Scroll down the Users table until you reach the name of the user you want to add.

Step 6   Click the name of the user you want to add to the newly created group (or an existing group).

Step 7   Click the Add button. The new user is added to the new group (or the existing group).

Step 8   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Add User(s) to a Group

Step 1   Select a Group from the Groups table. All current Group members in the Users table will appear in the Users in Group table. This is the same list of users that is contained in the Access icon's Users tab page.

Step 2   Select a user(s) name(s) from the Users table.

Step 3   Click the Add button. The selected user(s) is (are) added to the selected Users in Group table.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove User(s) from Group

If you remove a group from the system, all users belonging to that group must belong to at least one other group, so that after you remove a group all users still belong to at least one group.

Note The Configuration Utility currently requires a group and a user to be selected for the Remove setting to function properly.

Step 1   Select a Group from the Groups table. All current Group members in the Users table will appear in the Users in Groups table. This is the same list of users contained in the Names column of the Access icon's Users tab page.

Step 2   Decide which user you want to remove from the Users in Groups table.

Note You may select more than one user.

Step 3   Click the Remove button to remove the user(s).

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove Group

Step 1   Select the group you want to remove from the Groups table.

Step 2   Click the Remove button to remove the group.

Step 3   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Group Access Tab

Group access privileges for a particular directory path or file may be allowed or denied using the Group Access tab as shown in Figure 5-4. Groups and users must have been defined using the preceding tab, Groups.

Set Permissions

The Directory/File field must contain the path to the particular directory path or file for which you want to set permissions. Type in the directory path, or select the path using the Browse button. The latter method forces you to select an existing path. After you enter a directory/file name, the corresponding access controls, or permissions, will appear. The ownership and access control components from the user interface are filled in regardless of whether the ownership and access control are inherited from the path's nearest ancestor or has already been specifically assigned to the path. Knowing the user and the group that currently owns the directory path and/or the files will enable you to further add, remove, or change the existing permissions.

Note If you wish to check the permissions on a parent directory, simply enter the path or filename in the Directory/File field.

Figure 5-4: Group Access Tab

Table 5-1 explains the different levels of access necessary for three different types of Web sites: private, departmental, and public. Each publisher/reader scheme must have its permissions (or access controls) set properly for the proper set of publishers and readers.

Permissions are set at three different levels in your Micro Webserver 200:

    1. Root level is slash (/).

    2. Volume level is /local.

    3. Document root level is /local/cisco/mw200.

The Micro Webserver 200 provides two permission parameters:

If you would like to create a Web site other than the three listed in Table 5-1, you must add new access controls (or permissions) for root, volume, and document root.

Table 5-1: Setting Permissions for Your Web Site

Private Web Site Departmental Web Site Public Web Site



Group of users



Group of users



root-level Permissions

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=710

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=751

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=751

volume-level Permissions

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=710

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=751

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=751

docroot-level Permissions

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=750

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=775

User=admin Group=LocalUsers Permissions=755

Where "admin" is the system administrator for your Micro Webserver 200.

Where "LocalUsers" is the list of all users on your Micro Webserver 200. The LocalUser group is a default group that contains a list of all users on your Micro Webserver 200. Every new user is automatically added to the LocalUser group.

Where "Everyone" is all users.

Change Ownership

Ownership of a file or directory allows the user to change permissions for the file or directory.

Step 1   Enter the directory path of the directory or file for which you are setting ownership in the Directory/File field, or click the Browse button to locate it. (The current settings display.)

Step 2   Select the group or user from the pull-down Groups or Users tables.

Step 3   Check the Read and Read/Write checkboxes.

Step 4   Click the Apply button.

Step 5   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Change Access

Step 1   Enter the directory path of the directory or file for which you are changing access in the Directory/File field, or click the Browse button to locate it. (The current settings display.)

Step 2   Check the Read and Read/Write checkboxes.

Step 3   Click the Apply button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Allow or Deny Group or User Access to a Directory or a File

Step 1   Enter the directory path of the directory for which you are setting the access in the Directory/File field, or click the Browse button to locate the directory.

Step 2   Select the group or user that you want to access this directory path from the Groups or Users tables.

Step 3   Select the appropriate Group or User.

Step 4   Check the Read and Read/Write checkboxes.

Step 5   Click the Apply button.

Step 6   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Configuring World Wide Web Services

Selecting the HTTP icon enables you to add and remove individual file extensions in the Search Order for Index Files table. The search will occur in the order in which you list your files, from top to bottom.

Index Files Tab

When you browse a particular URL, the Web browser searches for particular files to automatically load as shown in Figure 5-5. These files are called index files. Typical index files are: home.html, home.htm, index.html, index.htm, default.html, or default.htm. Using the Index Files tab, you can change the existing order of the files if you want to re-order the search engine's search order.

Note If you do not list any index files, your Web browser will display files in the current directory.

Figure 5-5: Index Files Tab

Add Index File(s)

Step 1   If you want to specify index files other than those listed by default, double-click an empty row in the table.

Step 2   Type in the new filename.

Step 3   Click the Add button. The filename is added to the Index table.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove Index File(s)

If you want to delete an index file:

Step 1   Double-click the row that contains the index file you want to remove.

Step 2   Click the Remove button. The filename is deleted from the path.

Step 3   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Insert Option

Click the Insert button to change the order of the filenames, and therefore, the search order. You may insert a new row in between two rows, or add a row to the end of the row of filenames.

Mime Types Tab

When the Micro Webserver 200 transmits a document to the Web browser, it sends a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type that tells the browser how to process the document according to its data type and form. See Figure 5-6. A filename without an extension cannot locate its extension, so you must first assign an extension to the file. Then you must assign a MIME type to the filename extension, and finally, map the extension to an icon.

Figure 5-6: Mime Types Tab

Add Filename Extension

You can specify a filename extension to associate with specific files.

Step 1   Scroll down the File Extensions column using the scroll bar to the right of the table.

Step 2   Double-click an empty field.

Step 3   Type in the complete filename extension you want to add.

Step 4   Click the Add button to add the extension.

Step 5   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Add MIME Type

You can specify a MIME type to associate with a specific filename extension.

Step 1   Scroll down the MIME Type column using the scroll bar to the right of the table.

Step 2   Double-click an empty field.

Step 3   Type in the complete MIME type you want to map to a filename extension.

Step 4   Click the Add button to add the mapping.

Step 5   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Add Icon File

You can specify an icon file to associate with a MIME type.

Step 1   Scroll down the Icon File column using the scroll bar to the right of the table.

Step 2   Double-click an empty field.

Step 3   Type in the complete icon filename of the file you want to add.

Step 4   Click the Add button to add the mapping.

Step 5   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove MIME Type

You can remove an existing MIME type.

Step 1   Select an existing Mime Type map from the Mime Type column.

Step 2   Select the Mime Type map.

Step 3   Click the Remove button to delete the mapping.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon at the bottom of the column.

Remove Filename Extension

You can remove an existing filename extension associated with specific files.

Step 1   Select the existing complete filename extension you want to remove from the File Extensions column.

Step 2   Click the Remove button to delete the filename extension.

Step 3   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove Icon File

You can remove an existing icon file.

Step 1   Select an existing icon file from the Icon File column.

Step 2   Click the Remove button to delete the icon file.

Step 3   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Aliases Tab

An alias is an alternative label for a URL, directory path, or file. To create an alias for an often-used directory, use the table under the Aliases tab. The table contains two columns: URL and Directory/File as shown in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7: Alias Tab

Add an Alias

Step 1   Double-click a blank field in the URL column.

Step 2   Type in your alias.

Step 3   Double-click the corresponding blank field in the Directory/File column.

Step 4   Enter the complete directory path of the path for which you want to create an alias.

Step 5   Click the Add button to add the mapping to the Alias table.

Step 6   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove an Alias

Step 1   Double-click the URL you want to remove in the URL column.

Step 2   Delete the alias.

Step 3   Double-click the corresponding blank field in the Directory/File column.

Step 4   Delete the complete directory path of the path for which you want to create an alias.

Step 5   Click the Remove button to delete the mapping from the Alias table.

Step 6   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Directories Tab

The directory structure on the Micro Webserver 200 is separated into two parts as shown in Figure 5-8.

    1. Management URL Root. The Management URL Root contains mostly system and support files. Its default location is /local/cisco/mw200.

Note If you change the Management URL Root without moving the Configuration Utility and the Network Wizard, these programs will not be accessible.

    2. Document Root. The Document Root (doc root) directory contains all document files, including the default home pages for the administrator and the user. Its default location is /local/cisco/mw200. The Micro Webserver 200 prepends the doc root to all requested URLs.

Figure 5-8: Directories Tab

Set the Document Root

Step 1   Double-click the edit field and delete the old Document Root.

Step 2   Type in the new Document Root, or click the Browse button to select the new Document Root.

Step 3   Click the Apply button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Set the Management URL Root

Step 1   Double-click the edit field and delete the old Management URL Root.

Step 2   Type in the new Management URL Root, or click the Browse button to select the new Management URL Root.

Step 3   Click the Apply button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Managing Disks

The Volumes icon allows you to format a disk volume and name a disk volume.

The Micro Webserver 200 supports 1 internal hard drive and up to 6 SCSI devices such as ZIP drives, external CD-ROM drives, and external hard disk drives. The unit supports one volume per device, and you may add or change labels for externally writable media, such as a ZIP drive, external CD-ROM drive, or external hard disk drive.

Note Do not format external drives on the Micro Webserver 200; they will not function. We suggest you format external drives using a Win95 format on another system.

Format Hard Disk Volume

Click the Format button to format your Micro Webserver 200's hard drive.

Note All information on the Micro Webserver 200 will be lost when you format the Micro Webserver 200's hard drive. Do not click the Format button without care. Make sure you have a backup copy of all information you want to save.

Name a Disk Volume

Step 1   Enter a name in the Label edit field.

Step 2   Click the Label button.

Step 3   Click the Save icon.

Configuring TCP/IP

Selecting the Network icon displays information configured by the Network Wizard.

General Tab

The General tab contains system-specific information for your Micro Webserver 200.

Step 1   To change any information, click the Reset button.

Step 2   Fill in the new information in the text fields next to the field's name.

Step 3   Click the Apply button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Step 5   If you change the IP address or the DNS, the Reboot icon will flash indicating you must reboot your Micro Webserver 200.

Time Tab

The Time tab allows you to set the proper date and time for the Micro Webserver 200. See Figure 5-9. The time appears in directory listings and is used to record the time a file has been created or modified. Your Micro Webserver 200 will aim to set its time according to your site's network using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). This method is preferred by most users because NTP servers are very accurate.

If you cannot set the Micro Webserver 200's time from your site's network, you will need to set the time as follows:

Step 1   To change any information, click the Reset button.

Step 2   Fill in the new information.

Step 3   Click the Apply button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Figure 5-9: Time Tab

E-mail Tab

The E-mail tab allows the administrator to connect the Micro Webserver 200 to an e-mail server. See Figure 5-10.

Step 1   To change existing information, click the Reset button.

Step 2   Type in the Micro Webserver 200 administrator's e-mail name.

Step 3   Type in the Micro Webserver 200 administrator's e-mail server name.

Step 4   Type in the Micro Webserver 200 administrator's domain name.

Step 5   Click the Apply button.

Step 6   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Figure 5-10: E-mail Tab

Configuring the Search Engine

The search engine will regenerate the source index files on the time and day you specify in the Indices icon's Administrative and Scheduling tab pages.

Administrative Tab

For a search engine to search your Web site, you must indicate the type of files you want the engine to search for and indicate the directories you want to include in the search. See Figure 5-11.

Note Be selective in deciding which files you want to index as the Micro Webserver 200 resources are heavily taxed by the indexing processes.

Add Filename Extensions

Step 1   Double-click an empty field in the File Extensions table.

Step 2   Type in the new filename extension.

Step 3   Click the Add button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Add Directory

Step 1   Double-click an empty field in the Directory table.

Step 2   Type in the directory path.

Step 3   Click the Add button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove Filename Extensions

Step 1   Click the field containing the filename extension you want to remove in the File Extensions table.

Step 2   Click the Remove button.

Step 3   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Remove Directory

Step 1   Click the field containing the directory path you want to remove in the Directory table.

Step 2   Click the Remove button.

Step 3   Click the Apply button.

Step 4   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Figure 5-11: Administrative Tab

Scheduling Tab

After you decide upon a schedule for regenerating the search engine index source files, you can use the Scheduling tab as shown in Figure 5-12 to automatically update the files.

Step 1   To change existing information, click the Reset button.

Step 2   Regenerate the index by selecting:

If you choose Regenerate now or Never, skip Step 3.

Step 3   Select the starting day, time, and date.

Step 4   Click the Apply button.

Step 5   To save this configuration, click the Save icon.

Figure 5-12: Scheduling Tab

Installing New Software

You can click the Firmware icon as shown in Figure 5-13 to update the firmware version.

Step 1   Download the latest software to the server you are upgrading using an FTP client.

Step 2   Log in to the Micro Webserver 200 using the Configuration Utility.

Step 3   Click the Firmware icon.

Step 4   Enter the filename with the complete path of the .bin file containing the latest firmware in the Firmware Location field.

You can also browse this field by clicking Browse.

Step 5   Click the Upgrade button.

The firmware in the source file loads to the NVRAM in the Micro Webserver 200.

Step 6   The Reboot icon will flash. Click the Reboot icon to reboot your Micro Webserver 200.

Warning If you lose power during the upgrade or if the upgrade fails, contact Cisco Systems, Inc. for technical support.

Figure 5-13: Firmware Icon

Posted: Tue Dec 17 19:19:40 PST 2002
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