Table of Contents
- accelerated server load balancing (ASLB)
- configuring 3-30
- overview 1-9
- packet flow 3-31
- sample ASLB configuration 3-31
- used with Catalyst 6000 family switch 1-9
- access modes 5-3
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- arp command 5-11, C-4
- alias ip address command 5-10
- arp command 5-11, C-4
- assign command 5-13
- autounfail command 1-7, 5-15
- backup
- configurations 3-26
- backup command 5-16
- bind command 5-18
- bind-id
- definition 1-3
- boot config command 5-20
- boot diskette
- creating B-3
- boot image command 5-22
- boot loader configuration commands C-3
- bridge
- LocalDirector between Internet and servers (figure) 1-2, 2-1
- bridge command 5-24
- bridge loop 2-2
- buddy command 5-25
- buddy virtuals 1-9, 3-13
- casa service-manager multicast-ttl command 5-27
- casa service-manager port command 5-28
- Catalyst 6000 family switch
- and accelerated server load balancing 1-9
- channel command 5-30
- clear command 5-32
- clear configuration command 5-33
- clear counters command 5-39
- client-assigned load balancing 1-6, 3-17
- clock command C-5
- clock set command 5-41, C-5
- color command 5-42
- command-line
- completion 5-2
- editing 5-1
- commands
- access mode 5-3
- and corresponding features 5-4
- boot loader C-3
- default values that can be changed 5-46
- displaying values 5-107
- unrecognized 5-4
- configuration
- backup 3-26
- default settings 3-4
- Fast EtherChannel 2-6
- fault-tolerant 2-5
- UDP traffic 3-28
- with data command 3-27
- configuration and replication access mode
- definition 5-3
- configuration command 5-43
- configuration examples
- backup configurations 3-26
- buddy virtual setup 3-13
- client-assigned load balancing 3-17
- configuring accelerated server load balancing (ASLB) 3-30
- configuring the MNLB environment 3-29
- configuring UDP traffic 3-28
- cookie-sticky setup 3-16
- default configuration settings 3-4
- maximum connections and weighted configuration 3-24
- multiple virtual servers and multiple real servers 3-9
- multiple virtual servers and one real server 3-8
- one virtual server and multiple real servers 3-5
- port-bound servers 3-22
- requesting same server for multiple connections (sticky command) 3-13
- secure services 3-20
- configuration mode
- accessing and exiting 5-43
- conventions
- document viii
- cookie-sticky
- setup 3-16
- sticky command 5-122
- customer service and support ix to xi
- data command 1-7, 5-44
- configuring with 3-27
- default command 5-46
- default configuration settings 3-4
- delay command 5-48
- directed mode 1-2
- disable command 5-49
- dispatched mode 1-2
- document
- conventions viii
- downloading software
- from CCO B-1
- dynamic-feedback-agent command 5-52
- dynamic-feedback-agent-ip command 5-53
- dynamic-feedback command 5-50
- dynamic-feedback-pw command 5-54
- enable command 5-56
- enable password command 5-57
- examples of configurations 3-3 to 3-31
- failed server
- testing mode 1-7
- failover
- command summary 4-3
- definition 1-3
- frequently asked questions 4-8
- interface tests 4-5
- overview 4-1
- setup 4-2
- show failover command output 4-7
- stateful implementation 4-3
- syslog messages 4-6
- failover alias ip address command 5-60
- failover command 5-58
- failover hellotime command 5-61
- failover ip address command 5-62
- failover reset command 5-64
- fastest predictor 5-87
- Fast EtherChannel
- configuring 2-6
- fault-tolerant configuration (figure) 2-5
- Forwarding Agent
- definition 1-3
- full-duplex communications 5-69, C-7
- half-duplex communications 5-69, C-7
- help command 5-65, C-6
- hostname command 5-66
- in-service command 5-67
- interface command C-7
- interface ethernet command 5-69, C-7
- ip address command 5-71, C-9
- IP precedence 1-9
- ip route command C-9
- kill command 5-72
- leastconns predictor 5-88
- load balancing
- across server clusters 3-12
- client-assigned 1-6, 3-17
- fastest predictor 5-87
- leastconns predictor 5-88
- loaded predictor 5-88
- roundrobin predictor 5-88
- weighted 5-88
- LocalDirector
- 416 hardware components 1-10
- 417
- hardware components 1-10
- recovering LocalDirector 417 image C-1
- 430 hardware components 1-10
- bridge between Internet and servers (figure) 2-1
- Fast EtherChannel implementation (figure) 2-7
- features 1-3
- security 1-4, 3-20
- terminology 1-3
- upgrading software B-1 to B-6
- with a router (figure) 2-3
- with hubs and switches (figure) 2-2
- with multiple server farms (figure) 2-3
- with router and two server clusters (figure) 2-4
- maxconns command 3-24, 5-73
- maximum connections
- and weighted configuration 3-24
- mtu command 5-75, C-10
- Multi-Node Load Balancing (MNLB) 1-9, 3-29
- multiring command 5-76
- name command 5-77
- names command 5-79
- network implementations
- fault-tolerant configuration (figure) 2-5
- Illegal LocalDirector bridge loop (figure) 2-6
- LocalDirector bridge between Internet and servers (figure) 2-1
- LocalDirector Fast EtherChannel (figure) 2-7
- LocalDirector with a router (figure) 2-3
- LocalDirector with a router and two server clusters (figure) 2-4
- LocalDirector with hubs or switches (figure) 2-2
- LocalDirector with multiple server farms (figure) 2-3
- no arp command C-4
- no autounfail command 5-15
- no backup command 5-16
- no bind command 5-18
- no boot config command 5-20
- no ip route command C-9
- no pager command C-11, C-12
- out-of-service command 5-80
- pager command 5-82, C-11
- pager lines command 5-83, C-12
- password command 5-84
- ping-allow command 5-86
- ping command 5-85, C-13
- port-bound servers 1-5, 3-22
- predictor
- command 5-87
- definition 1-3
- slowstart algorithm 1-8
- privileged access mode
- definition 5-3
- real command 5-90
- show real command output field descriptions 5-91
- real server
- and multiple virtual servers 3-8
- definition 1-3, 1-5
- multiple and multiple virtual servers 3-9
- multiple and one virtual server 3-5
- out of service 5-80
- reassign command 1-6, 5-92
- recovering software image C-2
- redirection command 5-94
- remove a redirection configuration 5-95
- reload command 5-97, C-14
- replicate command 5-98
- reset (RST) packet 1-6
- restart command 5-99
- retry command 1-7, 5-100
- rip passive command 5-102
- rip version command 5-103
- roundrobin predictor 5-88
- route command 5-104
- Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 5-102, 5-103
- SecureBind 1-5
- secure command 5-105
- secure services 3-20
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- configuration example 3-14
- sticky command option 5-122
- servers
- failure adjustments 1-6
- failure recovery 1-7
- port-bound 1-5, 3-22
- same one for multiple connections 3-13
- service and support ix to xi
- service command 5-106
- Service Manager
- configuring LocalDirector 3-29
- definition 1-3
- show blocks command 5-110
- show command 5-107
- show connections command 5-111
- show failover command 5-112
- output 4-7
- show hardware command 5-114
- show syn command 5-115
- shutdown command 5-116
- slowstart
- disabled 5-87
- overview 1-8
- roundrobin 5-87
- snmp-server command 5-117
- software
- recovering C-2
- upgrading B-1 to B-6
- static command 5-120
- sticky command 3-13, 5-122
- synguard command 5-126
- syslog command 5-127
- syslog messages
- configuring LocalDirector 5-128
- Critical Messages A-6
- Emergency Messages A-8
- Error Messages A-6
- Notice Messages A-4
- TCP RST 1-6
- technical support x to xi
- telnet command 5-130
- tftp-image command C-15
- tftp-server command 5-131
- threshold command 1-6, 5-133
- timeout command 1-7, 5-135
- troubleshooting A-1 to A-8
- unprivileged access mode
- definition 5-3
- unrecognized commands 5-4
- upgrading software
- from TFTP server B-6
- user datagram protocol (UDP)
- traffic configuration 3-28
- traffic support 1-8
- virtual command 5-137
- virtual server
- and multiple real servers 3-5
- definition 1-3, 1-5
- multiple and multiple real servers 3-9
- multiple and one real server 3-8
- out of service 5-80
- weight command 5-140
- weighted predictor 5-88
- who command 5-142
- wildcard command 5-143
- wildcard searches 5-3
- write command 5-145
- write net command 5-146
Posted: Wed Jan 3 13:24:41 PST 2001
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