
Table of Contents

Recovering LocalDirector Software on a 417 Platform

Recovering LocalDirector Software on a 417 Platform

This appendix describes how to recover a LocalDirector image on a LocalDirector 417 platform from the network using the boot loader program. Topics include:


LocalDirector 417 has a resident boot loader function that lets you reload the LocalDirector image from a TFTP server on the network should the LocalDirector image become corrupted.

When you boot LocalDirector, the boot loader program runs first and is responsible for loading the LocalDirector image. If the boot loader detects that the LocalDirector image is corrupt, then the boot loader program is automatically invoked. At this point, you can run boot loader commands to reload the LocalDirector image from the network.

Note   To use the boot loader program to recover the LocalDirector image, you must connect the LocalDirector 417 port labeled Ethernet 0 to the same network segment or VLAN that has the TFTP server. The boot loader is only capable of using interface 0 on the LocalDirector 417 system. All other network interfaces are inoperable while the boot loader is in use.

Refer to Chapter 3, "Installing LocalDirector 417," in the Cisco LocalDirector 417 Hardware Installation Guide for additional hardware installation information.

Recovering the LocalDirector Software Image

To use the boot loader program to recover a corrupted LocalDirector software image, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Connect the LocalDirector 417 port labeled Ethernet 0 to the same network segment or VLAN that has the TFTP server. Note that all other network interfaces are inoperable while the boot loader is in use.

Step 2   Boot LocalDirector 417. When "Boot Loader Version 1.0.0.x ......" appears, press Esc Esc Ctrl-B while the ellipses (.....) are progressing to invoke the boot loader.

The following example shows the display that appears after you boot LocalDirector and invoke the boot loader program.

Initializing memory. Please wait. Cisco Local Director 417: Selected Console. BIOS Version: LD417 06.11 BIOS Build date: 09/20/00 Cisco Local Director Booting From Flash. LocalDirector 417 Flash loader loading from flash... 512MB RAM i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 9 dev 13 index 0 MAC: 0002.b9ff.dd02 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq10 dev 14 index 1 MAC: 0002.b9ff.dd03 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq11 dev 0 index 5 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f16 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 9 dev 1 index 4 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f17 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq10 dev 2 index 3 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f18 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 5 dev 3 index 2 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f19 Boot Loader Version ....... Copyright (c) 1998 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 boot>

To display a list of all the boot loader commands, enter the help or ? command. The following example shows the boot loader commands.

boot> ? arp ARP table manipulation clock Set/display real-time clock ? Help list interface Interface configuration pager Turn pager on/off and set the number of lines ping Source a ping request message quit Quit reload Halt and reload system ip Set IP configuration mtu Interface MTU configuration tftp-image Load image via TFTP

Step 3   Use the interface command to configure the network interface.

Step 4   Use the ip command to set the IP configuration.

Step 5   Use the ping command to verify the connection to the TFTP server.

Step 6   Use the tftp-image command to download the LocalDirector image.

Step 7   At the following prompt, press Y:

Confirm boot [N]:

The boot loader starts executing the LocalDirector image that was just downloaded through the tftp-image command. The LocalDirector prompt now appears.

The following example shows display reflecting Step 3 through Step 7.

boot> interface ethernet 0 auto boot> ip address boot> ping response received -- 0ms response received -- 0ms response received -- 0ms boot> tftp-image ld417.bin confirm boot [N]: image was successfully copied to RAM trying to write image to flash... saving config from flash Burning image into flash... Saving config...writing the config to flash confirm reboot on new image [N]: hit any key 512MB RAM i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 9 dev 13 index 0 MAC: 0002.b9ff.dd02 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq10 dev 14 index 1 MAC: 0002.b9ff.dd03 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq11 dev 0 index 5 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f16 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 9 dev 1 index 4 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f17 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq10 dev 2 index 3 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f18 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 5 dev 3 index 2 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f19 LocalDirector 417 Version Initialization.....loading config....done. Copyright (c) 1998 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 localdirector>

Boot Loader Configuration Commands

This section lists and describes all the boot loader program configuration commands.


To add an entry to the LocalDirector Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table, use the arp command. Use the no arp command to remove an ARP entry.

arp ip mac_address interface_number [alias]

no arp ip mac_address interface_number [alias]

Syntax Description


IP address for the ARP table entry.


Hardware MAC address for the ARP table entry.


Interface number.


(Optional) Alias entries do not time out.


No default behavior or values.

Usage Guidelines

The arp command adds an entry to the LocalDirector ARP table. ARP is a low-level protocol that maps the physical address of a node to its IP address.


boot> show arp boot> arp 00e0.b600.810f 0 boot> show arp ifc 0 00e0.b600.810f boot> ping response received -- 0ms response received -- 0ms response received -- 0ms boot>

Related Commands

clear arp

show arp


To set the date and time for LocalDirector, use the clock command. You must enter the time based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You cannot disable the clock.

clock set hh:mm:ss month day year

Syntax Description


UTC hour followed by a colon. Valid entries are 00 (for midnight) through 24 for the number of complete hours that have passed since midnight.


UTC minute followed by a colon. Valid entries are 00-59.


UTC second followed by a space. Valid entries are 00-59.


Month of the year between 01 (January) and 12 (December) followed by a space. Valid entries are three-character month names: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, or Dec.


Day of the month between 01 and 31.


Current year in the Gregorian calendar. Valid entries are 0000-9999.


All hour entries are based on Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC.

Usage Guidelines

The clock command is used to set the real-time clock of Local Director.


boot> show clock Mon 18:51:23 Nov 27 2000 GMT boot> clock set 20:05:00 Nov 27 2000 boot> show clock Mon 20:05:01 Nov 27 2000 GMT boot>

Related Commands

show clock set


To display help information, use the help command.



Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Usage Guidelines

The help or ? command displays help information about all commands. You can view help on an individual command by entering the command name followed by a question mark. The command-line prompt returns with the command syntax, and the command appears on the command line.

Use the pager command to control the display output.

Enter ? at the command prompt to see a list of all of the commands available for the current mode.


boot> ? arp ARP table manipulation clock Set/display real-time clock ? Help list interface Interface configuration pager Turn pager on/off and set the number of lines ping Source a PING request message quit Quit reload Halt and reload system ip Set IP configuration mtu Interface MTU configuration tftp-image Load image via TFTP boot> arp ? usage: [no] arp <ip> <mac_address> <interface_number> [alias]

Related Commands



To configure network interfaces for LocalDirector, use the interface command.

interface ethernet interface_number{10baset | 100basetx | 100full | 1000basesx | 1000full

Syntax Description


Interface number.


Sets 10-Mbps Ethernet and half-duplex communication.


Sets 100-Mbps Ethernet and half-duplex communication.


Sets 100-Mbps Ethernet and full-duplex communication.


Sets Gigabit Ethernet and half-duplex communication.


Sets Gigabit Ethernet and full-duplex communication.


Automatically determines networking speed and sets full-duplex communication, if available. This is the recommended full-duplex Ethernet keyword, but the network interface must support autodetection.


No default behavior or values.

Usage Guidelines

The interface ethernet command configures network interface boards and their speed and duplex settings for Ethernet. Use the show interface command to view information about the interface.


boot> show interface ethernet 0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is i82557 rev 8 ethernet, address is 0002.b9ff.dd0a MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit full duplex 81 packets input, 8306 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 60 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 23 packets output, 1542 bytes, 0 underruns ethernet 1 is down, line protocol is down Hardware is i82557 rev 8 ethernet, address is 0002.b9ff.dd0b MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit half duplex 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns ethernet 2 is down, line protocol is down boot> interface ethernet 1 10baset Only interface 0 is available from the boot loader boot> interface ethernet 0 100full boot> show interface ethernet 0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is i82557 rev 8 ethernet, address is 0002.b9ff.dd0a MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit full duplex 82 packets input, 8366 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 61 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 23 packets output, 1542 bytes, 0 underruns ethernet 1 is down, line protocol is down Hardware is i82557 rev 8 ethernet, address is 0002.b9ff.dd0b MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit half duplex 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns ethernet 2 is down, line protocol is down boot>

Related Commands

show interface

ip address

To assign the system IP address for LocalDirector, use the ip address command.

ip address ip [subnet_mask]

no ip route dest_net net_mask gateway [metric]

Syntax Description


System IP address of LocalDirector.


(Optional) Subnet mask of the LocalDirector network.


Destination network to be routed to.


Subnet mask for destination network.


Default gateway (router) for specified destination network.


(Optional) Distance metric (defaults to 1).


No default behavior or values.

Usage Guidelines

The ip address command assigns an IP address to LocalDirector. Use the show ip address command to view the address. The ip route command is used to map a remote destination network to the LocalDirector network through a default gateway (router).


boot> show ip route ip address boot> ip route boot> show ip route ip address ip route 1 OTHER static boot>

Related Commands

show ip address


To specify the maximum transmission unit (MTU) value for the specified network interface, use the mtu command.

mtu unit bytes [64-65535]

Syntax Description


Unit number.


MTU for the interface. Specify a number from 64 to 65535.


For Ethernet interfaces, the default MTU should be 1500 bytes in a block.

Usage Guidelines

The value for the mtu command depends on the type of network interface specified in the interface command. The minimum value for bytes is 64 and the maximum is 65535 bytes.


boot> show mtu mtu 0 1500 mtu 1 1500 mtu 2 1500 mtu 3 1500 boot> mtu 1 1000 Invalid interface number [1] boot> mtu 0 1000 boot> show mtu mtu 0 1000 mtu 1 1500 mtu 2 1500 mtu 3 1500 boot> mtu 0 1500 boot>

Related Commands

interface ethernet

show mtu


To control display output, use the pager command. Use the no pager command to remove paging control.


no pager

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


The pager command is on by default.

Usage Guidelines

If the pager feature is on, by default, one screen of output is displayed at a time. Press the Spacebar to display the next page of information, and press Enter to display the next line. Press the Q key to stop the output and return to the system prompt.

Use the show pager command to see if the pager option is on or off.

Note   Changes for the default pager output are valid during the current login session. When you log out, the pager output resets to the default.


boot> show pager pager is on pager lines 15 boot> pager lines 22 boot> show pager pager is on pager lines 22 boot>

Related Commands

pager lines

show pager

pager lines

To set the number of lines in the pager display output, use the pager lines command.

pager lines number

no pager

Syntax Description


Number of lines to display.


No default behavior or values.

Usage Guidelines

If the pager option is on, by default, one screen of output is displayed at a time. Use the pager lines command to change the number of lines that appear per screen.


boot> show pager pager is on pager lines 15 boot> pager lines 22 boot> show pager pager is on pager lines 22 boot>

Related Commands


show pager

show pager lines


To send a ping request message, use the ping command.

ping ip_address

Syntax Description


IP address of a host on the network.


No default behavior or values.

Usage Guidelines

The ping command determines whether LocalDirector has connectivity or whether a host is available on the network. The command output shows whether the response was received; that is, that the host exists on the network. If the host is not responding, the ping command results in this message:

no response received

Use the show interface command to ensure that LocalDirector is connected to the network and has connectivity.


In the following example, three attempts reached the specified address:

boot> ping response received -- 0ms response received -- 0ms response received -- 0ms

Related Commands

show interface


To reboot LocalDirector 417, use the reload command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Usage Guidelines

The reload command reboots LocalDirector and reloads the configuration from Flash memory.


boot> reload Proceed with reload? [confirm] Rebooting.. Initializing memory. Please wait.


To load a LocalDirector image from a TFTP server to Flash memory, use the tftp-image command.

tftp-image image_filename tftp_server_ip [port]

Syntax Description


Name of the LocalDirector image filename you want to reload.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Port number used to connect to the TFTP server. (The default is 69.)


No default behavior or values.


boot> tftp-image ld417.bin confirm boot [N]: image was successfully copied to RAM trying to write image to flash... saving config from flash Burning image into flash... Saving config...writing the config to flash confirm reboot on new image [N]: hit any key 512MB RAM i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 9 dev 13 index 0 MAC: 0002.b9ff.dd02 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq10 dev 14 index 1 MAC: 0002.b9ff.dd03 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq11 dev 0 index 5 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f16 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 9 dev 1 index 4 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f17 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq10 dev 2 index 3 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f18 i82557 rev 8 Ethernet @ irq 5 dev 3 index 2 MAC: 00e0.b602.8f19 LocalDirector 417 Version Initialization.....loading config....done. Copyright (c) 1998 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 localdirector>

Posted: Wed Jan 3 13:29:09 PST 2001
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