
Table of Contents

Troubleshooting for LocalDirector

Troubleshooting for LocalDirector

This appendix contains troubleshooting tips that may help you resolve a configuration problem. Topics include:

If you contact TAC regarding your LocalDirector configuration, we recommend that you have a diagram of your network with IP addresses and subnet masks available, and a copy of output from the following commands:

Console Is Blank

Problems Booting

If you have a nonsystem diskette in the diskette drive, LocalDirector will not boot and will display messages similar to the following:

Finesse Bios V3.3 Booting Floppy  ..................................Execing flop Finesse Bios V3.3 Booting Floppy  ..................................Execing flop Finesse Bios V3.3 Booting Floppy

Replace the diskette with one that contains LocalDirector software, or remove the diskette so LocalDirector can boot from Flash memory.

We recommend that you remove the LocalDirector software floppy diskette after the initial boot of LocalDirector and store it in a safe place.

Note   When copying files from CCO, do not copy the LocalDirector .exe file to diskette and use it as a system diskette. See "Upgrading LocalDirector Software," for more information on downloading files from CCO.

Cannot Access Real Servers

Real Servers Can Be Accessed but Virtual Server Is Not Working

It is possible that you can access the real servers and can ping the virtual servers, but you cannot access the real servers through a virtual server. This situation is usually caused by either a bad cable (most unlikely) or a bridge loop (most likely).

Sometimes two interfaces of LocalDirector are connected to the same switch or hub, thereby creating a loop. Syslog messages are generated to indicate a bridge loop. Ensure that you have properly deployed LocalDirector, with all the servers on one side and the incoming network on the other.

Load Balancing

Note   Depending on your environment, minor fluctuations may occur in load balancing.


If LocalDirector is truly crashing (not just rebooting), it will core dump. Copy the core dump, paste it into a file, and send it to Cisco TAC for analysis.

Changing Routers or Servers Causes Access Problems

Changing routers or servers may cause access problems if LocalDirector is using an old MAC address. Use the no arp or clear arp command to clear the ARP cache.

Forgot Password

If you use the configure floppy command, the password that was in use when the diskette was saved will overwrite the current password. Try a previously used password, or contact the TAC.

Syslog Messages

This section contains tables that alphabetically list the syslog messages generated by LocalDirector. Syslog messages are categorized into the following severities and are shown in the following tables: Syslog Notice Messages in Table A-1, Syslog Error Messages in Table A-2, Syslog Critical Messages in Table A-3, and Syslog Emergency Messages in Table A-4. The tables also include the functional component of LocalDirector where the message originates (such as the command interface, failover, and so forth).

Table A-1: Syslog Notice Messages
Message Functional Component

Begin Configuration: reading from floppy

Command interface

Begin Configuration: reading from memory

Command interface

Begin Configuration: reading from net

Command interface

Begin Configuration: reading from terminal

Command interface

Begin Configuration: writing to floppy

Command interface

Begin Configuration: writing to memory

Command interface

Begin Configuration: writing to net

Command interface

Begin Configuration: writing to standby

Command interface

Begin Stateful Connection Replication: Sending to mate

Load balancer

dfp: can't ioctl tcp error call back

DFP Service

dfp: Connected to dfp host host:port

DFP Service

dfp: Connection to dfp host host closing because: message

DFP Service

dfp: Connection to host terminated

DFP Service

dfp error: io problem in security check

DFP Service

dfp error: not a pref_info_msg

DFP Service

dfp error: malformed packet

DFP Service

dfp error: reserved field expected to be 0

DFP Service

dfp error: security error

DFP Service

dfp error: unsupported proto type proto

DFP Service

dfp error: wrong proto ver, got ver expected ver

DFP Service

dfp error: wrong security type, received:type expected:type

DFP Service

dfp error: wrong vector type, received:type expected:type

DFP Service

dfp:trying to connect to dfp host host

DFP Service

Edited from At Capacity to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from At Capacity to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from At Capacity to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from At Capacity to Sticky

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed (External) to In Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed (External) to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed (External) to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed (External) to Sticky

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed to In Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Failed to Sticky

Real machine state change

Edited from In Service to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from In Service to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from In Service to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from In Service to Sticky

Real machine state change

Edited from Maintenance to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from Maintenance to In Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Maintenance to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Maintenance to Sticky

Real machine state change

Edited from Newly Created to In Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Newly Created to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Out of Service to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from Out of Service to In Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Out of Service to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from Out of Service to Sticky

Real machine state change

Edited from Sticky to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from Sticky to In Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Sticky to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from Sticky to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Testing to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from Testing to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from Testing to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Testing to Sticky

Real machine state change

End Configuration: FAILED

Command interface

End Configuration: OK

Command interface

End Configuration: [OK]

Command interface

End Stateful Connection Replication

Load balancer

Erase Configuration.

Command interface

init_snmpd: out of memory


In Service

Real machine state change

LocalDirector Booted

Load balancer

Newly created edited to In Service

Real machine state change

Newly created edited to Out of Service

Real machine state change

Passed security


snmp: cannot open UDP channel on interface interface


snmp: could not create snmp thread


snmp: could not create snmp trap thread


snmpd: out of memory


snmp:init_snmp_trap: could not malloc


SNMP not available.


snmp: snmp_write: invalid or null data


snmp: unknown gtrap gtrap


snmp: unknown strap strap



Real machine state change

The syslog Error Messages are listed in Table A-2.

Table A-2: Syslog Error Messages
Message Functional Component

Bridge Loop, %E ifc %d->%d


Route table full. %I %I %I not added.


See Table A-3 for the syslog Critical Messages.

Table A-3: Syslog Critical Messages
Message Functional Component

Application Remains Failed

Real machine state change

At Capacity

Real machine state change

Brought into service

Real machine state change

Configuration replication to Standby unit FAILED for command command

Command interface

Edited from Failed (External) to Failed

Real machine state change

Edited from In Service to Failed (External)

Real machine state change

Edited from In Service to Maintenance

Real machine state change

Edited from In Service to Sticky

Real machine state change

Edited from Maintenance to In Service

Real machine state change

Edited from Sticky to Failed

Real machine state change


Real machine state change

Failed Application

Real machine state change

Failed (No answer)

Real machine state change

Failed (TCP RST)

Real machine state change

LocalDirector LocalDirector out of connections!

Load balancer

No longer At Capacity

Real machine state change

Remains Failed

Real machine state change

Switching `%V' from `slowstart' to `%P'

Load balancer

Switching `%V' from `%s' to `slowstart'

Load balancer

Virtual machine `%V' no longer under SYN attack, going to normal mode.

Load balancer

Virtual machine `%s' under SYN attack, going to SynGuard mode!

Load balancer

Unit1: Bad cable: myside - pin1 or pin4-11 external loopback


Unit: Bad cable: myside - pin4


Unit: Bad cable :myside - pin4-11 external loopback


Unit: Bad cable: otherside - pin6-14 internal loopback


Unit: Begin configuration replication: Receiving from mate


Unit: Begin Configuration Replication: Sending to mate


Unit: Cable not connected my side.


Unit: Cable not connected other side.


Unit: Cable OK.


Unit: Disabling Failover.


Unit: Enabling Failover.


Unit: End Configuration Replication


Unit: Error reading cable status.


Unit: Failover communications failure.


Unit: Link status `Down' on interface interface


Unit: Link status `Up' on interface interface


Unit: Lost Failover communications with mate


Unit: Mate interface interface failed.


Unit: Mate interface interface OK.


Unit: Mate reporting failure.


Unit: Mate says I'm failed.


Unit: Mate's interface interface failed


Unit: Monitoring on interface interface normal


Unit: Monitoring on interface interface waiting


Unit: No response from mate.


Unit: Power failure other side.


Unit: Switching to ACTIVE.


Unit: Switching to FAILED.


Unit: Switching to OK.


Unit: Switching to STNDBY.


Unit: Testing Interface interface


Unit: Testing on interface interface Failed


Unit: Testing on interface interface Passed


1Unit can be "Primary" or "Secondary," depending on whether it is the primary or secondary unit as determined by the failover cable.

The syslog Emergency Messages are defined in Table A-4.

Table A-4: Syslog Emergency Messages
Message Functional Component

Net Configuration: Access TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: Badport TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: Baduser TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: Diskfull TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: Exists TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: failed

Command interface

Net Configuration: Illegalop TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: NotFound TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: Resource TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: Server Errmesg TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: Timedout TFTP error

Command interface

Net Configuration: unknown TFTP state

Command interface

Posted: Wed Jan 3 13:27:39 PST 2001
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