
Table of Contents

Creating a New Domain

Creating a New Domain

This chapter presents an exercise that demonstrates how to configure the most common CDDM services. The exercise consists of the following steps:

Step 1 Creating the test domain using the DNM Browser (see "Create the Test Domain")

Step 2 Configuring the DNS server as a secondary name server for the test domain (see "Configure the DNS Server as a Secondary Name Server for the Test Domain")

Step 3 Configuring the Syslog service for troubleshooting DHCP and BootP service (see "Configure the Syslog Service")

Step 4 Configuring the DHCP service (see "Configure the DHCP Service")

Step 5 Managing the DNM server via the DHCP server (see "Configure the DHCP Server to Update DNS")

Step 6 Configuring the BootP service (see "Configure the BootP Service")

Note The values shown in the procedures in this chapter are the values given in the worksheet in "About This Guide" for the test environment. If you are using values from your own environment, substitute your own values wherever test values are shown.

Create the Test Domain

Use the DNM Browser to create and propagate the domain:

Step 1 Start the DNM Browser from the command line.


Step 2 In the Authentication for localhost dialog box, enter admin in both the Username and in the Password fields.

Note Although this guide uses the password "admin" in all exercises, to avoid potential security problems, Cisco recommends using a password other than admin.

Step 3 When the DNM Browser main window appears, choose Add from the Edit menu.

Step 4 In the Add dialog box, type

Step 5 Verify that the Edit records box is enabled, and Click on OK.

Step 6 When the Edit Resource Records window appears, select the Authority tab.

Step 7 Add an SOA record by entering the values in Table 2-1.

Table  2-1: Example SOA Values
Field Value Description
Primary Name Server Server name
Responsible Person Mailbox E-mail address
Serial Number 1 Zone file serial number
Refresh Interval

(BIND requires the refresh value to be 15 minutes
[900 seconds] or above.)

10800 3 hours in seconds
Retry Interval 3600 1 hour in seconds
Expire Time 604800 1 week in seconds
Minimum Time to Live 86400 1 day in seconds

Note For detailed information on DNS, please refer to the book DNS and BIND by Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu, published by O'Reilly and Associates.

Step 8 Click on the Name servers "+" button in the Name Server Records group.

Step 9 Type to add the name server, and click on OK.

The domain appears in the DNM Browser.

Step 10 Choose Add from the Browser's Edit menu.

Step 11 In the Fully Qualified Name field of the Add dialog box, type

Step 12 Make sure that the Edit records box is enabled and click on OK.

Step 13 In the Edit Resource Records window, click on Address Records.

Step 14 In the Add IP Address dialog box, type in the Starting IP Address field, and click on OK.

Step 15 When the Edit Resource Records dialog box is active again, click on OK.

Step 16 Using the procedure described in Steps 10 through 15 above, add another host called with the address

Note The IP address appears automatically in the Add IP Address dialog box.

Step 17 Select the top-level (".") domain in the DNM Browser.

Step 18 To refresh the DNM Browser's display, choose Reload Domain from the Edit menu.

Step 19 In the DNM Browser window, double-click on ARPA to expand it. Under IN-ADDR, expand 10, 1, and 1.

Note Although the DNM server automatically created the "reverse" pointer records, it did not create a start of authority (SOA) record.

Step 20 Add the SOA records for the domain:

The Edit Resource Records dialog box appears.

The icon for in the DNM Browser now indicates the new SOA record with a red triangle.

Step 21 Choose Exit from the File menu to close the DNM Browser, and click on Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Configure the DNS Server as a Secondary Name Server for the Test Domain

To configure the DNS server to request zone transfers for the domain from the DNM server on port 705:

Step 1 Choose DomainName from the Available Services list.

Step 2 Select the Config tab.

Step 3 Add an entry for in the Secondary area:

Step 4 Add an entry for in the Secondary area:

Step 5 Choose Save Configuration from the File menu to save your configuration.

Step 6 Restart the DNS server by stopping and restarting NetControl:

Configure the Syslog Service

The CDDM Syslog service is designed specifically for troubleshooting CDDM services. It does not implement all the features of your operating system's native Syslog service. For details, see the Cisco Server Suite Release Notes.

To configure the Syslog service for troubleshooting the DHCP and BootP services:

Step 1 Choose Syslog from the SCM's Available Service list.

Step 2 Configure Syslog to log DHCP messages to a DHCP log file:

Step 3 Log all messages to a user-defined file:

Step 4 Set the $Discard-If-LoggeD$ flag. This flag should already be set by default, so you should only need to confirm its state. If the flag is set, its Class field is *.*, and its Log File field is $DISCARD-IF-LOGGED$. If the flag is not set, do the following:

Step 5 Choose Save Configuration from the File menu.

Step 6 Select the Startup tab.

Step 7 Select the Basic tab.

Step 8 Make sure that Syslog is set to start automatically. If not, do the following:

Step 9 When you see that NetControl has stopped, click on Start to restart NetControl.

Step 10 Verify that the log files you have just created are now active by entering the following command:

ls -l install_dir/MultiNet/log

If the all.log file is listed, the Syslog service is running properly.

Configure the DHCP Service

Note You must configure the DHCP and BootP services before you enable them.

To configure DHCP:

Step 1 In the SCM, Choose DHCP/BootP from the Available Services list.

Step 2 Select the DHCP Config tab.

Step 3 Set up a pool of IP addresses as a DHCP configuration:

Option Tag Value Description
ds DNS server
gw Default gateway
ip IP address pool
sm Subnet mask

Note Consult the Quick Start Worksheet from "About This Guide" for this exercise.

Step 4 Configure a static DHCP entry (optional procedure):

Option Tag Value Description
ds DNS server
gw Default gateway
ha 018002010203 Hardware address
ht 1 Hardware type
ip IP address
sm Subnet mask

Step 5 Configure an entry from which other entries can inherit option tags:

Option Tag Value Description
ds DNS server
gw Default gateway
sm Subnet mask

Option Tag Value Description
ip IP address
tc common Inherit values from subnet entry
ha 018002010203 Hardware address
ht 1 Hardware type

Configure the DHCP Server to Update DNS

To configure the DHCP server to update the DNS server:

Step 1 Choose DHCP/BootP from the SCM's Available Services list.

Step 2 Select the Startup tab.

Step 3 Select the Basic tab.

Step 4 Verify that the Start field is set to AUTOMATIC. If not, set the Start field to AUTOMATIC.

Step 5 Select the Parameters tab.

Click on the following parameters and set as follows. Leave all the other parameters set to their default values.

Parameter Value Description
Authoritative-nameserver name of DNS authoritative for the dynamic domain
Dnm-server-address IP address of DNM server
Dnm-server-username admin user name for accessing DNM server
Dnm-server-password admin password for accessing DNM server
Dynamic-domainname name of domain dedicated to DHCP clients
Responsible-person valid email address

Note Although this guide uses the password "admin" in all exercises, to avoid potential security problems, Cisco recommends using a DNM password other than admin.

Step 7 Choose the DHCP Config tab.

Step 8 Select "host" in the Entries list.

Step 9 In the Option Tags group, enable the ub tag under DHCP Specific Tags.

Step 10 Choose Save Configuration from the File menu.

Step 11 Choose NetControl from the Available Services list.

Step 12 Click on Stop to stop NetControl, and click on Yes in the message box when it is displayed.

Step 13 Click on Start to restart NetControl.

Step 14 Start the DNM Browser from the command line:


Step 15 In the DNM Browser main window, double-click on "com," then "yoyodyne," then "dynamic." The "dynamic" domain now includes domain names for the DHCP clients.

Configure the BootP Service

Do not confuse BootP configuration with DHCP. DHCP and BootP are configured in a similar manner and they run on the same server, but they use different protocols. All BootP addresses are static. In addition, IP address pools are not defined in the BootP protocol.

Step 1 Choose DHCP/BootP from the Available Services list.

Step 2 Select the BootP Config tag.

Step 3 Configure a static BootP entry:

Option Tag Value Description
ds DNS server
gw Default gateway
ha 018002010203 Hardware address
ht 1 Hardware address type
ip IP address
sm Subnet mask

Step 4 Create an entry from which other entries can inherit option tags:

Option Tag Value Description
ds DNS server
gw Default gateway
sm Subnet mask

Option Tag Value Description
ip IP address
ha 018002010203 Hardware address
ht 1 Hardware address type
tc subnet Inherit values from subnet entry

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