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C and D Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2

cap baud

cap bitrate

cap cpe-signature

cap interleaving-delay

cap margin

cap psdm

clear counters

clear ip dhcp binding

clear ip dhcp conflict

clear ip dhcp server statistics

clear ip route vrf

clear vpdn



clock source

cns config initial

cns config partial

cns event

debug cns config

debug cns event

debug ip dhcp server



dmt bitrate

dmt check-bytes

dmt codeword-size

dmt encoding trellis

dmt interleaving-delay

dmt margin

dmt minrate-blocking

dmt operating-mode

dmt overhead-framing

dmt power-management-additional-margin

dmt rate-adaptation enable

dmt rate-adaptation interval

dmt rate-adaptation margin

dmt training-mode



dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation

dsl circuit



dsl profile

dsl subscriber

dsl test atm self

C and D Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2

This chapter documents commands that you use to configure Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2. Commands in this chapter are listed alphabetically. For information on how to configure DSL features, refer to the Configuration Guide for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2.

Note Commands that are identical to those documented in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference and the ATM and Layer 3 Switch Router Command Reference have been removed from this chapter.

This chapter discusses the following commands:

cap baud

cap bitrate

cap cpe-signature

cap interleaving-delay

cap margin

cap psdm

clear counters

clear ip dhcp binding

clear ip dhcp conflict

clear ip dhcp server statistics

clear ip route vrf

clear vpdn



clock source

cns config initial

cns config partial

cns event

debug cns config

debug cns event

debug ip dhcp server



dmt bitrate

dmt check-bytes

dmt codeword-size

dmt encoding trellis

dmt interleaving-delay

dmt margin

dmt minrate-blocking

dmt operating-mode

dmt overhead-framing

dmt power-management-additional-margin

dmt rate-adaptation enable

dmt rate-adaptation interval

dmt rate-adaptation margin

dmt training-mode



dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation

dsl circuit



dsl profile

dsl subscriber

dsl test atm self

cap baud

To enable upstream or downstream baud (symbol) rates, use the cap baud command in profile configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to disable a previously set baud rate.

cap baud {downstream cap-baudrate | upstream cap-baudrate}

no cap baud {downstream cap-baudrate | upstream cap-baudrate}

Syntax Description

Syntax DescriptionSyntax Description

downstream cap-baudrate

Enable a downstream baud rate. The valid value is 136 K.

upstream cap-baudrate

Enable an upstream baud rate. The valid values are 17 K and 68 K.


Downstream: 136 Kbaud is enabled

Upstream: 68 Kbaud and 17 Kbaud are disabled

The following baud rates are always enabled and cannot be disabled:

Downstream: 340 Kbaud, 680 Kbaud, 952 Kbaud

Upstream: 136 Kbaud

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Baud rates affect bit rates. Enabling more baud rates causes more bit rates to become available on the affected lines (see the "cap bitrate" section). However, the baud rates legally available to you might be determined by tariffs. Consult your organization's legal department before setting the baud rate.

The baud rate settings are mutually independent; you can enable or disable any baud rate without passing data because there are unconfigurable baud rates that you cannot disable (see the "Defaults" section).


The commands in this example disable the 136 Kbaud rate downstream and enable the 68 Kbaud rate upstream for the profile named issis:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no cap baud downstream 136k DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap baud upstream 68k

Related Commands


cap bitrate

Sets the downstream and upstream minimum or maximum bit rates.


Creates a DSL profile or selects an existing profile for modification.

dsl profile

Attaches a profile to a specific port.

show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

cap bitrate

To set the downstream and upstream minimum or maximum bit rates, use the profile configuration command cap bitrate. Use the no form of the command to set bit rates to default values.

cap bitrate minimum downstream min-cap-bitrate upstream min-cap-bitrate

cap bitrate maximum downstream max-cap-bitrate upstream max-cap-bitrate

no cap bitrate {minimum | maximum}

Syntax Description


If the line trains below this rate, the system generates an alarm. See the Usage Guidelines section for available values and for more information on alarms.


The rate at which the line attempts to train. If the line cannot train at the configured maximum rate, the modems attempt to train at the closest rate possible without exceeding the configured maximum. See the Usage Guidelines section for available values.


Value Type

Minimum downstream

0 kbps

Minimum upstream

0 kbps

Maximum downstream

640 kbps

Maximum upstream

91 kbps

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Only the alarm subsystem uses the minimum bit rate settings. Cisco IOS asserts an alarm if the line card trains at a rate below the configured minimum bit rate. However, no alarm is generated when alarms are disabled for the profile. See the "alarms" section on page 2-11 for more information on enabling and disabling alarms.

Before you use the cap bitrate command, use the cap baud command to enable and disable baud rates. When you use the cap bitrate command, set the maximum bit rates, both downstream and upstream, before you set the minimum bit rates.

You must set baud and bit rate parameters in the order specified because the baud rates that you enable or disable affect the bit rates that are available to you. Also, the maximum bit rates you select affect the minimum bit rates that are available.

Table 3-1 shows bit rate values. In the Valid Values column, values that are always available are shown in bold. Values not shown in bold are unavailable under certain circumstances:

Some upstream maximum bit rate values are available only when a particular downstream maximum bit rate is configured.

Some downstream maximum values are available only when the 136 Kbaud downstream baud rate is enabled. (Use the cap baud command to disable and enable baud rates.)

Some upstream maximum values are available only when the 68 Kbaud or 17 Kbaud upstream baud rates are enabled.

Table 3-1 CAP Bit Rate Values

Valid Values (kbps)1
Default Value (kbps)



256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896, 960, 1024, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2240, 2560, 2688, 3200, 4480, 5120, 6272, 7168



12, 34, 46, 51, 68, 85, 91, 102, 119, 136, 204, 272, 340, 408, 476, 544, 680, 816, 9521088




Minimum: 0
Maximum: Equal to the currently configured downstream max-cap-bitrate



Minimum: 0
Maximum: Equal to the currently configured downstream max-cap-bitrate


1 Values printed in bold are always available.


The commands in this example set the maximum downstream and upstream bit rates to 7168 kbps and 1088 kbps respectively:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap bitrate maximum downstream 7168 upstream 1088

Related Commands



Enables alarms in profile command mode.

cap baud

Enables upstream or downstream baud (symbol) rates.


Creates a DSL profile or selects an existing profile for modification.

dsl profile

Attaches a profile to a specific port.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

cap cpe-signature

The CPE signature indicates the supported feature set for CPE equipment. To set the CPE signature value for each configuration profile, use the cap cpe-signature command in profile configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to set the CPE signature to the default value.

cap cpe-signature cpe-signature

no cap cpe-signature

Syntax Description


The range of CPE signature values is 0 to 127.


The CPE signature is disabled (zero) by default.

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the CPE signature value that the CPE returns is less than the value configured on the DSLAM, the two devices do not train. When the CPE signature is set to its default value of 0 on the DSLAM, the feature is disabled; the DSLAM attempts to train with the CPE regardless of the signature value that the CPE returns.


In this example, the command sets the CPE signature to 103 for the DSL profile named issis:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap cpe-signature 103 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Related Commands


show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

cap interleaving-delay

To set the interleaving delay for a profile, use the cap interleaving-delay command in profile configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to set interleaving delay to the default value.

cap interleaving-delay {short | long | none}

no cap interleaving-delay {short | long | none}

Syntax Description


Configures a small amount of delay and turns on Reed-Solomon error correction. See the Usage Guidelines below for details.


Configures a larger amount of delay and turns on Reed-Solomon error correction. See the Usage Guidelines below for details.


Configures no delay and turns off Reed-Solomon error correction. This value is valid only when the downstream baud 136 K is enabled, and for bit-rate settings that use 136 K. See the Usage Guidelines below for details.

Note If you set interleaving delay to none, the subscriber line might provide service at a higher bit rate than the one configured. Setting interleaving delay to none turns off Reed-Solomon error correction, and turning off error correction reduces the overhead on the line, which leaves more bandwidth available to the subscriber.



Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command changes the amount of delay by setting interleaving depth. It affects downstream traffic only.

Table 3-2 shows the amount of delay (in milliseconds) that results from various combinations of baud rate, constellation, and interleaving delay settings (short or long), in the downstream direction. Interleaving is not used on upstream traffic.

Table 3-2 Downstream Interleaving Delay 

Short or Long Delay
136 Kbaud
340 Kbaud
680 Kbaud
952 Kbaud



4.4 ms

4.4 ms


49 ms

49 ms



3.0 ms

3.0 ms

3.0 ms

2.7 ms


31 ms

31 ms

16 ms

11 ms



2.3 ms

2.3 ms


24 ms

24 ms



1.9 ms

1.9 ms

1.8 ms

1.7 ms


19 ms

19 ms

9.6 ms

6.8 ms



1.6 ms

1.6 ms


16 ms

16 ms



1.4 ms

1.4 ms

1.4 ms

1.2 ms


14 ms

14 ms

6.8 ms

5.0 ms

256 uncorrected


1.3 ms

1.3 ms

1.2 ms

1.0 ms


12 ms

12 ms

6.0 ms

4.3 ms

You can choose the interleaving-delay option none only when you enable the 136 K downstream baud rate.

If you configure the interleaving-delay to none but the line card trains at a downstream bit rate that uses a baud rate that is other than 136 K, the actual interleaving-delay value that the system uses is short.

The left column of Table 3-3 lists the downstream maximum bit rates for which the interleaving delay setting none is valid. Because the none setting turns off Reed-Solomon error correction, the actual bit rate on the line will be higher than the configured bit rate, as shown in the right column. The actual bit rate exceeds the configured bit rate because turning off Reed-Solomon error correction reduces the overhead on the line, leaving more bandwidth available to the subscriber.

Table 3-3 Configured and Actual Bit Rates with Interleaving Delay Set to none

Configured Downstream Maximum Bit Rate
Actual Downstream Maximum Bit Rate

256 kbps

272 kbps

384 kbps

408 kbps

512 kbps

544 kbps

640 kbps

680 kbps

768 kbps

816 kbps

896 kbps

952 kbps

1024 kbps

1088 kbps


In this example, the command sets the interleaving-delay value to none:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap interleaving-delay none DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Related Commands


show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

cap margin

To set the upstream and downstream signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margin values for a CAP profile, use the cap margin command. Use the no form of the command to set the margins to the default values.

cap margin downstream cap-margin upstream cap-margin

no cap margin downstream cap-margin upstream cap-margin

Syntax Description


Upstream and downstream SNR margins in decibels. The range of values is 0 to 12.


Downstream: 3 dB
Upstream: 6 dB

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

SNR margin values are in decibels.


In this example, the command sets the SNR margin at 8 dB downstream and 5 dB upstream for the DSL profile issis:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap margin downstream 8 upstream 5 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Related Commands


show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

cap psdm

To set the CAP power spectral density mask (PSDM) upstream and downstream values, use the cap psdm command in profile configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to set PSDM to default values.

cap psdm downstream psdm-value upstream psdm-value

no cap psdm downstream psdm-value upstream psdm-value

Syntax Description


Downstream values: -37, -40, -43, -46, -49, -52

Upstream values: -38, -41, -44, -47, -50, -53


Downstream: -40 dB m/Hz
Upstream: -38 dB m/Hz

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The downstream default was changed from -37 dB to -40 dB.

Usage Guidelines

PSDM values are in decibels relative to one milliwatt.


In this example, the command sets the CAP PSDM value to -37 dB downstream and -41 dB upstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap psdm downstream -37 upstream -41 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Related Commands


show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

clear counters

To clear the interface counters, use the clear counters privileged EXEC command.

clear counters [type slot/port]

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface type; one of the keywords listed in Table 3-4.


Number of the slot being configured. Refer to the appropriate hardware manual for slot and port information.


Number of the port being configured. Refer to the appropriate hardware manual for slot and port information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command clears all the current interface counters from the interface unless you specify the optional arguments type and number to clear only a specific interface type (serial, Ethernet, Token Ring, and so on). Table 3-4 lists the command keywords and their descriptions.

Note This command does not clear counters that were retrieved using SNMP, but only those seen with the show interface EXEC command.

Table 3-4 clear counters Interface Type Keywords 

Interface Type


ATM interface


Asynchronous interface


Bridge-Group Virtual Interface


IEEE 802.3


Async Group Interface


Lex interface


Terminal line


Loopback interface


Multilink-group interface


Null interface


Tunnel interface


PGM Multicast Host interface


Virtual Template interface


Virtual TokenRing


The following example clears all interface counters:

DSLAM# clear counters

The following example clears the atm 0/1 interface counters:

DSLAM# clear counters atm 0/1

Related Commands


show interfaces

Displays the statistical information that is specific to an interface.

clear ip dhcp binding

To delete an automatic address binding from the Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server database, use the clear ip dhcp binding privileged EXEC command.

clear ip dhcp binding address | *

Syntax Description


The address of the binding you want to clear.


Clears all automatic bindings.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Typically, the address denotes the client IP address. When you use the asterisk (*) character as the address parameter, DHCP clears all automatic bindings.

Use the no ip dhcp pool global configuration command to delete a manual binding.


The following example deletes the address binding from a DHCP server database:

DSLAM# clear ip dhcp binding

Related Commands


show ip dhcp binding

Displays address bindings on the Cisco IOS DHCP server.

clear ip dhcp conflict

To clear an address conflict from the Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server database, use the clear ip dhcp conflict privileged EXEC command.

clear ip dhcp conflict address | *

Syntax Description


The IP address of the host that contains the conflicting address you want to clear.


Clears all address conflicts.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The server detects conflicts using a ping session. The client detects conflicts using gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). If you use the asterisk (*) character as the address parameter, DHCP clears all conflicts.


The following example shows an address conflict of being deleted from the DHCP server database:

DSLAM# clear ip dhcp conflict

Related Commands


show ip dhcp conflict

Displays address conflicts found by a Cisco IOS DHCP server when addresses are offered to the client.

clear ip dhcp server statistics

To reset all Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server counters, use the clear ip dhcp server statistics privileged EXEC command.

clear ip dhcp server statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show ip dhcp server statistics command displays DHCP counters. All counters are cumulative. The counters are initialized, or set to zero, with this command.


The following example resets all DHCP counters to zero:

DSLAM# clear ip dhcp server statistics

Related Commands


show ip dhcp server statistics

Displays Cisco IOS DHCP server statistics.

clear ip route vrf

To remove routes from the VRF routing table, use the clear ip route vrf EXEC command.

clear ip route vrf vrf-name {* | network [mask]}

Syntax Description


Name of the VPN routing or forwarding instance (VRF) for the static route.


Delete all routes for a VRF.


Specify destination routes to be removed.


(Optional) Mask for the specified network destination, in dotted-decimal format.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear routes from the routing table. Use the asterisk (*) to delete all routes from the forwarding table for a specified VRF, or enter the address and mask of a particular network to delete the route to that network.


The following example shows how to remove the route to the network in the vpn1 routing table:

DSLAM# clear ip route vrf vpn1

Related Commands


show ip route vrf

Displays the IP routing table associated with a VRF.

clear vpdn

To shut down a specified tunnel and all sessions within the tunnel, use the clear vpdn tunnel EXEC command.

clear vpdn tunnel {l2f nas-name | l2tp [remote name] | pppoe | pptp}

Syntax Description


Specifies the l2f tunnel protocol.


Name of the network access server at the far end of the tunnel.


Specifies the l2tp tunnel protocol.

remote name

(Optional) Host name of the tunnel peer. At the LNS, this is the name of the L2TP access concentrator (LAC); at the LAC, this is the name of the L2TP network server (LNS).


Specifies the PPPoE tunnel protocol.


Specifies the PPTP tunnel protocol.

Note The l2f and pptp keywords are not supported by Release 12.2(1b).

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear a specific tunnel and all sessions within the tunnel.

Use this command to isolate problems by forcing a tunnel to come down without unconfiguring the tunnel (the tunnel can be restarted immediately by a user logging in).

If you are using the l2tp keyword, you can clear the tunnel by matching either the remote name or remote name and local name.


The following example clears a tunnel to a remote peer named sophia:

DSLAM> clear vpdn tunnel l2tp mugsy sophia


To specify a unique identifier (in dotted-hexadecimal notation) for a Microsoft Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the client-identifier DHCP pool configuration command. It is valid for manual bindings only. Use the no form of this command to delete the client identifier.

client-identifier unique-identifier

no client-identifier

Syntax Description


The distinct identification of the client in dotted-hexadecimal notation, for example, 01b7.0813.8811.66.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Microsoft DHCP clients require client identifiers instead of hardware addresses. The client identifier is formed by concatenating the media type and the MAC address. For example, the Microsoft client identifier for Ethernet address b708.1388.f166 is 01b7.0813.88f1.66, where 01 represents the Ethernet media type. For a list of media type codes, refer to the "Address Resolution Protocol Parameters" section of RFC 1700, Assigned Numbers.


The following example specifies the client identifier for Mac address b7.0813.8811.66 in dotted-hexadecimal notation:

DSLAM(config)# ip dhcp pool 1 DSLAM(dhcp-config)# client-identifier 01b7.0813.8811.66

Related Commands



Specifies the hardware address of a DHCP client.


Specifies the IP address and network mask for a manual binding to a DHCP client.

ip dhcp pool

Configures a DHCP address pool on a Cisco IOS DHCP server and enters DHCP pool configuration mode.


To specify the name of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the client-name DHCP pool configuration command. The client name should not include the domain name. Use the no form of this command to remove the client name.

client-name name

no client-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the client name, using standard ASCII characters. The client name should not include the domain name. For example, the name mars should not be specified as mars.cisco.com.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example specifies a string client1 to be the name of the client:

DSLAM(config)# ip dhcp pool 1 DSLAM(dhcp-config)# client-name client1

Related Commands



Specifies the IP address and network mask for a manual binding to a DHCP client.

ip dhcp pool

Configures a DHCP address pool on a Cisco IOS DHCP server and enters DHCP pool configuration mode.

clock source

To select a transmit clock source for an atm interface, use the clock source interface configuration command. When you assign a link to an IMA group interface, this command has no effect unless the link is the common clock source in the CTC IMA group. When you change the link back from an IMA group interface to g.804 mode, the system reflects the changes. To return the clock source to the default, use the no form of this command.

clock source {loop-timed | network-derived} [protection | working | <cr>]

Syntax Description


The transmit clock is derived from the local oscillator on the atm interface.


The transmit clock is derived from the network clock that you specify at highest priority when you use the network-clock-select global configuration command.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 11.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 10.


Both protection and working fibers.


The clock source is network derived by default (clock source network-derived).

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Command History



This command was introduced.


The keywords working and protection were added.

Usage Guidelines

The protection and working keywords apply only to SONET automatic protection switching.


The following example shows how to enable the loop-timed clocking mode on the protection fiber on atm 0/2:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 0/2 DSLAM(config-if)# clock source loop-timed protection

Related Commands


show controllers

Displays information on working and protection fibers.

show network-clocks

Displays the local clock and the peer clock source.

cns config initial

To start the Cisco Network Services (CNS) Configuration Agent and initiate an initial configuration, use the cns config initial command in global configuration mode. To remove the existing cns config initial command from the running configuration of the routing device, use the no version of this command.

cns config initial host

no cns config initial host

Syntax Description


Host name or IP address of the configuration server.


Default port number is 80. Default web page of the initial configuration is /Config/config.asp.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to start the CNS Configuration Agent and begin an initial configuration. The Configuration Agent gets the initial configuration for the routing device from the specified server. When this command is used with the cns event command, the event bus displays one of the following status messages:

cisco.cns.config.failure—CNS Configuration Agent detected a syntax error or unsupported hardware.

cisco.cns.config.success—CNS Configuration Agent successfully applied the initial configuration.

cisco.cns.config.warning—CNS Configuration Agent fully applied the initial configuration, but encountered possible semantic errors.

Related Commands


debug cns config

Turns on debug messages related to the CNS Configuration Agent.

show cns config

Displays information about the CNS Configuration Agent.

cns config partial

To start the CNS Configuration Agent and initiate a partial configuration, use the cns config partial command in global configuration mode. To shut down the partial configuration, use the no version of this command.

cns config partial host

no cns config partial host

Syntax Description


Host name or IP address of the configuration server.


Default port number is 80.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to start the CNS Configuration Agent and initiate a partial configuration. One of the following status messages displays:

cisco.cns.config.failure—CNS Configuration Agent detected a syntax error or unsupported hardware.

cisco.cns.config.success—CNS Configuration Agent successfully applied the partial configuration.

cisco.cns.config.warning—CNS Configuration Agent fully applied the partial configuration, but encountered possible semantic errors.

Related Commands


debug cns config

Turns on debug messages related to the CNS Configuration Agent.

show cns config

Displays information about the CNS Configuration Agent.

cns event

To configure the Cisco Networking Services (CNS) event gateway, use the cns event command in global configuration mode. To remove the specified event gateway from the gateway list, use the no version of this command

cns event host

no cns event host

Syntax Description


Host name or IP address of the event gateway.


Default port number is 11011.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the CNS Event Gateway.

Related Commands


debug cns config

Turns on debug messages related to the CNS Configuration Agent.

show cns event

Displays information about the CNS Event Agent.

debug cns config

To turn on debug messages related to the CNS Configuration Agent, use the debug cns config command in EXEC mode. To turn off debug messages related to the Configuration Agent, use the no version of this command.

debug cns config {all | connection | agent}

no debug cns config {all | connection | agent}

Syntax Description


Displays all debug messages.


Displays connection handler messages.


Displays Configuration Agent messages.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to turn on or off debug messages related to the Configuration Agent.

Related Commands


cns config initial

Starts the initial CNS Configuration Agent.

cns config partial

Starts the partial CNS Configuration Agent.

show cns config

Displays information about the CNS Configuration Agent.

debug cns event

To turn on debug messages related to the Cisco Networking Services (CNS) event gateway, use the debug cns event command in EXEC mode. To turn off the debug messages related to the event gateway, use the no version of this command.

debug cns event {all | subscriber | agent | connection}

no debug cns event {all | subscriber | agent | connection}

Syntax Description


Logs all debug messages about the event gateway.


Logs messages about the event subscriber.


Logs messages about the event agent.


Logs messages about connections to the gateway.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to turn on or off debug messages related to the event gateway.

Related Commands


cns event

Configures the CNS event gateway.

show cns event

Displays information about the CNS event agent.

debug ip dhcp server

To enable Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server debugging, use the debug ip dhcp server privileged EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to disable DHCP server debugging.

debug ip dhcp server {events | packets | linkage}

no debug ip dhcp server {events | packets | linkage}

Syntax Description


Reports server events, such as address assignments and database updates.


Decodes DHCP receptions and transmissions.


Displays database linkage information (such as parent-child relationships in a radix tree).


DHCP server debugging is not enabled.

Command History



This command was introduced.


The first example below shows a combination of DHCP server events and decoded receptions and transmissions. The second example below shows database linkage information.

DSLAM# debug ip dhcp server events DSLAM# debug ip dhcp server packets DHCPD:DHCPDISCOVER received from client 0b07.1134.a029 through relay DHCPD:assigned IP address to client 0b07.1134.a029. DHCPD:Sending DHCPOFFER to client 0b07.1134.a029 ( DHCPD:unicasting BOOTREPLY for client 0b07.1134.a029 to relay DHCPD:DHCPREQUEST received from client 0b07.1134.a029. DHCPD:Sending DHCPACK to client 0b07.1134.a029 ( DHCPD:unicasting BOOTREPLY for client 0b07.1134.a029 to relay DHCPD:checking for expired leases.

DSLAM# debug ip dhcp server linkage DHCPD:child pool: / (subnet10.1) DHCPD:parent pool: / (net10) DHCPD:child pool: / (net10) DHCPD:pool (net10) has no parent. DHCPD:child pool: / (subnet10.1) DHCPD:parent pool: / (net10) DHCPD:child pool: / (net10) DHCPD:pool (net10) has no parent.

Related Commands


show ip dhcp bindings

Displays address bindings on the Cisco IOS DHCP server.

show ip dhcp database

Displays Cisco IOS DHCP server database agent information.



To reset a VPDN group command or a VPDN subgroup command to its default value, use the default command.

default {accept-dialin | accept-dialout | ip | request-dialin | request-dialout | source-ip}

Syntax Description


Removes the accept-dialin group from the VPDN group.


Removes the accept-dialout group from the VPDN group.


Description for this VPDN group

request-dialin—VPDN request-dialin group configuration

request-dialout—VPDN request-dialout group configuration

source-ip—Set source IP address for this vpdn-group


IP settings for the tunnel.


Removes the request-dialin group from the VPDN group.


Removes the request-dialout group from the VPDN group.


Removes the source-ip command from the VPDN group.



Command Modes

VPDN group mode

VPDN subgroup modes

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Caution Using the default command is similar to using the no form of a command.


The following example shows an LNS configured to accept L2F dial-in and L2TP dial-out:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn enable DSLAM(config)# vpdn-group 1 DSLAM(config-vpdn)# accept-dialin DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# protocol l2tp DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# virtual-template 1 DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# local name reuben DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# initiate-to ip DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# l2f ignore-mid-sequence DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# l2tp ip udp checksum

If you then issue the default protocol command in request-dialout mode, the configuration will look like this:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn-group 1 DSLAM(config-vpdn)# accept-dialin DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# protocol l2f DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# virtual-template 1 DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# local name reuben DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# initiate-to ip DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# l2f ignore-mid-sequence

If you issue the no accept-dialin command when the LNS is configured as in the first example, the configuration will change to this:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn-group 1 DSLAM(config-vpdn)# request-dialout DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# protocol l2tp DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# pool-member 1 DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# local name reuben DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# initiate-to ip DSLAM(config-vpdn-req-out)# l2tp ip udp checksum


To specify the default router list for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the default-router DHCP pool configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the default router list.

default-router address [address2 ... address8]

no default-router

Syntax Description


Specifies the IP address of a router. One IP address is required, although you can specify up to eight addresses in one command line.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The IP address of the router should be on the same subnet as the client subnet. You can specify up to eight routers in the list. Routers are listed in order of preference (address1 for the most preferred router, address2 for the next most preferred router, and so on).


The following example specifies as the IP address of the default router:

DSLAM(config)# ip dhcp pool 1 DSLAM(dhcp-config)# default-router

Related Commands


ip dhcp pool

Configures a DHCP address pool on a Cisco IOS DHCP server and enters DHCP pool configuration mode.

dmt bitrate

To set the maximum and minimum allowed bit rates for the fast or interleaved DMT profile parameters, use the dmt bitrate profile configuration command. To reset this command to the default value, use the no form of this command.

dmt bitrate maximum {fast | interleaved} downstream dmt-bitrate upstream dmt-bitrate

dmt bitrate minimum {fast | interleaved} downstream dmt-bitrate upstream dmt-bitrate

Syntax Description


The DMT bit rate is given as a multiple of 32 kbps. If you enter a nonmultiple of 32 kbps, the system rejects and ends the command. See the allowed ranges and default values in Table 3-5.


DMT fast latency path.


DMT interleaved latency path.


The default no dmt bitrate maximum interleaved sets the maximum downstream and upstream interleaved bit rate to 640 and 128 kbps respectively. This command causes the port to retrain.

The default no dmt bitrate maximum fast sets both the maximum downstream and upstream fastpath bit rates to zero. This command causes the port to attempt to retrain. We do not recommend this command because the line will not train.

The default no dmt bitrate minimum interleaved sets both the minimum downstream and upstream interleaved bit rates to zero. This command does not cause the port to retrain.

The default no dmt bitrate minimum fast sets both the minimum downstream and upstream fastpath bit rates to zero. This command does not cause the port to retrain.

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The fast keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Only the alarm subsystem uses the minimum bit rate settings. Cisco IOS asserts an alarm if the line card trains at a rate below the configured minimum bit rate. However, no alarm is generated when alarms are disabled. See the "alarms" section on page 2-11 for more information on enabling and disabling alarms.

If alarms are enabled for the profile, setting the DMT minimum bit rate to 0 disables the associated DMT minimum bit rate alarm.

Table 3-5 lists the allowable DMT bit rate ranges and default values.

Table 3-5 Allowable Ranges and Default Values for DMT Bit Rates


DMT bit rate max


8064 to 32

8064 to 32


864 to 32

864 to 0


DMT bit rate min


8064 to 32

8064 to 0


864 to 32

864 to 0


DMT bit rate max


8064 to 32

8064 to 32


864 to 32

864 to 0


DMT bit rate min


8064 to 32

8064 to 0


864 to 0

864 to 0


Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the value of the bit rate parameter.

Setting a parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change the parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter.


In this example, the command sets the maximum interleaved bit rate of the default profile to 3200 kbps downstream and 640 kbps upstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt bitrate maximum interleaved downstream 3200 upstream 640

Related Commands


show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

dmt check-bytes

To set upstream and downstream forward error correction (FEC) check (redundancy) bytes, use the dmt-checkbytes profile configuration command. To reset this command to the default value, use the no form of this command.

dmt check-bytes {fast | interleaved} downstream bytes upstream bytes

Syntax Description


Upstream and downstream FEC check bytes. The allowed values are 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16.


DMT fast latency path.


DMT interleaved latency path.


Latency Path







Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The fast keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the check-bytes parameter.

Increasing the number of check bytes improves error correction but slows performance. Set FEC check bytes for a specific profile.

Setting a parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change the parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter.

Conditions on the line, the configured bit rate, and the capabilities of the ATU-R CPE affect the achievable value for this parameter. As a result, the check-bytes value to which the line trains might be smaller than the value you configure. If you want to use more check bytes than the system is allowing you, use the dmt bitrate command to reduce the bit rate.

Use the command show dsl interface atm slot#/port# to display the configured and actual check-byte values for the connection.


In this example, the command sets the interleaved FEC check-bytes for the default profile to 12 downstream and 6 upstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt check-bytes interleaved downstream 12 upstream 6

Related Commands


dmt codeword-size

To set codeword size for upstream and downstream FEC check (redundancy) bytes, use the dmt codeword-size command.

dmt codeword-size downstream {symbols | auto} upstream {symbols | auto}

Syntax Description


The allowable values for codeword size (in symbols for each Reed-Solomon codeword) are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.


If you select a codeword size of auto, the system calculates the number of symbols for each codeword according to the achievable DMT bit rate.


Downstream: auto

Upstream: auto

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the parameter.

Setting a parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter.

Note Conditions on the line and the capabilities of the ATU-R CPE affect the achievable value for this parameter. As a result, the codeword-size value to which the line trains might not be the same as the value you configure.


In this example, the command sets the codeword size for the default profile to 8 upstream and to auto downstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt codeword-size downstream auto upstream 8

Related Commands


dmt encoding trellis

Trellis coding is a method of performing forward error correction. Improved error correction involves a decrease in speed. You enable or disable trellis coding for a specific profile.

To enable trellis coding for a profile, use the dmt encoding trellis command. To disable trellis coding for a profile, use the no form of the command.

dmt encoding trellis

no dmt encoding trellis

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.



Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the parameter.

Setting a parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter.


In this example, the command turns off dmt encoding trellis for the default profile:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no dmt encoding trellis

Related Commands


dmt interleaving-delay

To set the interleaving delay parameter, use the dmt interleaving-delay command.

dmt interleaving-delay downstream delay-in-usecs upstream delay-in-usecs

Syntax Description


Enter the interleaving delay in microseconds. Allowable values are 0, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, and 16000 microseconds.


Downstream: 16000 microseconds

Upstream: 16000 microseconds

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the parameter.

Setting this parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change the value, the port untrains and retrains to the new value.

Note Conditions on the line and the capabilities of the ATU-R CPE affect the achievable value for this parameter. As a result, the interleaving-delay value to which the line trains might not be the same as the value you configure.


In this example, the command sets the interleaving delay of the default profile to 2000 microseconds downstream and 4000 microseconds upstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt interleaving-delay downstream 2000 upstream 4000

Related Commands


dmt margin

To set upstream and downstream signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins for a DMT profile, use the dmt margin command. To reset this command to the default value, use the no form of this command.

dmt margin downstream dmt-margin upstream dmt-margin

Syntax Description


Enter the upstream and downstream SNR margins in decibels. The range is 0 to 15.


Downstream: 6 dB

Upstream: 6 dB

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the parameter.

Setting a parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this value, the port untrains and retrains to the new value.

Note Conditions on the line and the capabilities of the ATU-R CPE affect the achievable value for this parameter. As a result, the DMT margin value to which the line trains might be higher than the value you configure.


In this example, the command sets the SNR DMT margins of the default profile to 12 dB downstream and 6 dB upstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt margin downstream 12 upstream 6

Related Commands


dmt minrate-blocking

To force a port not to retrain when actual bit rates fall below the values configured in the dmt bitrate minimum command, use the dmt minrate-blocking command. To disable dmt minrate-blocking, use the no form of the command.

dmt minrate-blocking

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default configuration, no dmt minrate-blocking, generates a minor alarm when the bit rates on a DMT port violate the minimum allowed bit rates that are specified in the dmt bitrate minimum command (if alarms are enabled in the DSL profile).

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To specify the bit rate below which a DMT port will not retrain, use the dmt bitrate minimum command.


The following example describes how to enable dmt minrate-blocking:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile 8xDMT DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt minrate-blocking

dmt operating-mode

To modify the operating mode of a line in the DSL profile, use the dmt operating-mode command. To set the operating mode to the default value, use the no form of the command.

dmt operating-mode {auto | g992-1 | g992-2 | t1-413}

no dmt operating-mode

Syntax Description


In this mode, the ATU-C automatically detects the capabilities of the ATU-R CPE and uses a startup sequence specified by G.992.1, G.992.2, or T1.413-1998. The default for an ADSL line is auto mode.


In this mode, the ATU-C requests the G994.1 startup sequence. After startup, the line complies to G992.1 operation.


In this mode, the ATU-C requests the G994.1 startup sequence. After startup, the line complies to G992.2 operation. (G992.2 is also known as G.lite.)


In this mode, the ATU-C requests the T1.413-1998 startup sequence. After startup, the line complies to T1.41-1998 operation.



Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The g992-1, g992-2 , and t1-413 keywords were added; the splitterless keyword was removed.

Usage Guidelines

Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the parameter.

If a port is training when you change the current value, the port untrains and retrains to the new value.

Note Not every CPE type is compatible with all operating modes. If you misconfigure the operating mode, the port might not train.


In this example, the command sets the operating mode of the default profile to g992-1:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt operating-mode g992-1

Related Commands


dmt training-mode

Modifies the training mode in a DMT profile.

dmt overhead-framing

To set the overhead framing mode, use the dmt overhead-framing command.To reset this command to the default value, use the no form of this command.

dmt overhead-framing {mode0 | mode1 | mode2 | mode3}

Syntax Description


Full overhead framing with asynchronous bit-to-modem timing.


Full overhead framing with synchronous bit-to-modem timing.


Reduced overhead framing with separate fast and sync bytes in the fast and interleaved latency buffers respectively.


Reduced overhead framing with merged fast and sync bytes, using either the fast or interleaved latency buffer.



Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


Mode 0 was added.

Usage Guidelines

Note Conditions on the line and the capabilities of the ATU-R CPE affect the achievable value for this parameter. As a result, the overhead framing value to which the line trains might not be the same as the value you configure.

There are two types of ADSL framing:

Full overhead

Reduced overhead

There are also two versions of full overhead:



You select the type of ASDL framing by choosing one of four modes:

Mode 0—Full overhead framing with asynchronous bit-to-modem timing (an enabled synchronization control mechanism).

Mode 1—Full overhead framing with synchronous bit-to-modem timing (a disabled synchronization control mechanism).

Mode 2—Reduced overhead framing with separate fast and sync bytes in the fast and interleaved latency buffers respectively.

Mode 3—Reduced overhead framing with merged fast and sync bytes using either the fast or interleaved latency buffer.

Note Mode 3 is recommended for use on DMT interfaces that adhere to the ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 standard. Mode 3 is required for 4xflexi card DMT interfaces.

The number of overhead bytes per frame varies according to the overhead framing mode and the operating mode, as shown in Table 3-6.

Table 3-6 Overhead Bytes per Frame

Framing Mode
Overhead Bytes
T1.413 and G992.1

Mode 0



Mode 1



Mode 2



Mode 3





If, during the training sequence, the ATU-R indicates a lower framing structure than that specified by the ATU-C, the ATU-C falls back to the framing structure number indicated by the ATU-R.

Management requirements drive the determination of overhead, full, or reduced. Full overhead provides more bandwidth to the embedded operations channel (EOC), enabling higher polling rates. However, reduced overhead provides enough bandwidth to satisfy typical applications.

If an ADSL line supports an ATM link, you must choose a structure that disables synchronization control. If an ADSL line is supporting an STM link and the ADSL line interface has a clock tightly coupled to the stratum clock, synchronization control is not necessary.

The dmt overhead-framing command does not cause port retrain when you change the parameter.


In this example, the command sets the overhead framing mode in the profile named 8xDMT.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile 8xDMT DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt overhead-framing mode2

Related Commands


show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

dmt power-management-additional-margin

To set power management mode for a DMT profile, use the dmt power-management-additional-margin command. To reset this command to the default value, use the no form of this command.

dmt power-management-additional-margin downstream dmt margin upstream dmt margin

Syntax Description


Enter the upstream and downstream SNR margins in decibels. The range is 0 to 15.


The default no dmt power-management-additional-margin sets both the downstream and upstream values to 0 dB. The following warning message appears when the power management feature is disabled by either the no dmt power-management-additional-margin command or by setting the values explicitly to 0dB: "warning: A `power-management-additional-margin' value of 0dB disables the respective power management feature."

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The 8xDMT line card can run in power-management mode in the G.dmt or the T1.413 mode. The resulting power cutback produces a reduction in power dissipation and crosstalk. Only 8xDMT line cards support power management. All CPE may not support the DSL functionality for power management to function correctly. Check with a Cisco customer representative to verify CPE compatibility with the 8xDMT power management feature.

You control the Power Management feature by issuing a dmt power-management-additional-margin command inside a profile and assigning that profile to a line card interface. This IOS command allows you to set the additional margin for each channel from 0 dB (off) to 15 dB. This sets the additional margin that will be added to the target margin. If the sum of the target margin and additional margin exceeds 15dB, it is capped at 15dB. If the actual margin of the line is higher than the sum of the configured target and additional margin, and all the above conditions are met, then power management attempts to reduce the actual margin, and as a consequence the power level as well.

Not all CPE support power management. If you connect an unsupported CPE to a port on which power management is turned on, you will not see a reduction in the actual margin or power level. The operating modes supported by power management are T1.413and g-992-1 (g.dmt). A reduction in the power level occurs if there is excess margin on the line. For the downstream direction, if there is excess margin, then IOS displays a reduction in margin for the modes listed above, and a reduction in transmit power for T1.413 mode. For the upstream direction, if there is excess margin, then IOS displays a reduction in the margin for g-992-1 mode only. IOS will not display a reduction in transmit power for the upstream direction.

The following warning message appears when you enable the power management feature:

"warning: If sum of `power-management-additional-margin' and the configured `margin' exceeds 15dB, the resulting value will be capped at 15dB."


In the following example, power management would begin at 9dB because the orginal margin is 6dB and the additional margin is 3dB:

DSLAM# config terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt margin downstream 6 upstream 6 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt power-management-additional-margin downstream 3 upstream 3

Related Commands


dmt margin

Sets upstream and downstream signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins for a DMT profile.

dmt rate-adaptation enable

DMT rate adaptation monitors upstream and downstream DMT ports for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins during specified time intervals. If the system detects an unacceptable SNR margin and that margin persists for the specified time interval, the port retrains at a lower bit rate to improve the SNR margins. To enable rate adaptation on a DMT port, use the dmt rate-adaptation enable command at the DSL profile configuration prompt. To disable dmt rate adaptation, use the no form of the command.

dmt rate-adaptation enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Enabling dmt rate-adaptation configures the dmt rate-adaptation interval and dmt rate-adaptation margin commands with their default values. For information on the default values of dmt rate-adaptation interval and dmt rate-adaptation margin, see the "dmt rate-adaptation interval" section and the "dmt rate-adaptation margin" section.

Command Modes

DSL profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you want to modify the default configuration of the dmt rate-adaptation interval and dmt rate-adaptation margin commands, see the "dmt rate-adaptation interval" section and the "dmt rate-adaptation margin" section.


The following example enables dmt rate-adaptation with default interval and margin values:

DSLAM# config terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt rate-adaptation enable

Related Commands


dmt rate-adaptation interval

Sets the upstream and downstream time intervals during which a DMT port is monitored for SNR margins.

dmt rate-adaptation margin

Sets the SNR values below which the DMT port retrains to a lower bit rate.

dmt rate-adaptation interval

To change the intervals during which a DMT port is monitored for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins, use the dmt rate adaptation interval command in DSL profile configuration mode. To disable dmt rate adaptation interval, use the no form of this command.

dmt rate-adaptation interval {downshift [downstream number-of eoc-updates upstream seconds]}

Syntax Description


Indicates that a line with excessive SNR margins retrains to a lower bit rate.


Tells Cisco IOS to monitor downstream ports for SNR margins that exceed those specified in the dmt rate-adaptation margin command.

number-of eoc-updates

Specifies the monitoring interval on a downstream DMT port.

Note The downstream margin (see the "dmt rate-adaptation margin" section) is obtained from the CPE via the embedded operations channel (EOC). The downstream number-of eoc-updates parameter specifies a number of consecutive EOC read events. Depending on the type of CPE, EOC messages are sent once every 6 to 15 seconds (not counting EOC timeouts). Therefore, a downstream downshift interval value of 10 on CPE reporting margins every 6 seconds results in a 1-minute monitoring interval (10 x 6 seconds). Specifying a downstream downshift interval value of 10 on a CPE that reports margins every 15 seconds (10 x 15 seconds) yields a 2.5-minute monitoring interva1.


Tells Cisco IOS to monitor upstream ports for SNR margins that exceed those specified in the dmt rate-adaptation margin command.


Specifies the monitoring interval in seconds on an upstream DMT port.


The following default settings are for the dmt rate-adaptation interval:


Note Remember that a downstream value of 10 can yield a monitoring interval between 1 minute and 2.5 minutes in length.


Command Modes

DSL profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the dmt rate-adaptation interval command to specify the duration over which line margins are checked on a DMT port. The dmt rate-adaptation interval command works in conjunction with the dmt rate-adaptation margin command. If the actual SNR margins on a port remain lower than the margins configured in the dmt rate-adaptation margin command, for the duration of time specified in the dmt rate-adaptation interval command, the line drops and retrains to a lower bit rate, to improve SNR margin quality on the line.

Note If line conditions improve, the line does not automatically drop and retrain to a higher bit rate. If the line conditions improve, the administrator must execute a shutdown and then a no shutdown on the port to retrain to a higher bit rate.


The following example configures a downstream monitoring interval of roughly 60 to 150 seconds. The upstream monitoring interval is 20 seconds.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt rate-adaptation interval downshift downstream 10 upstream 20

Related Commands


dmt rate-adaptation enable

Turns on rate adaptation.

dmt rate-adaptation margin

Sets the SNR margins below which a DMT port retrains to a lower bit rate.

dmt rate-adaptation margin

To configure the minimum acceptable SNR margins on a DMT port, which forces the port to retrain when unacceptable margins exist for the duration of the dmt rate-adaptation interval, use the dmt rate-adaptation margin command in DSL profile configuration mode. To disable the dmt rate adaptation margin, use the no form of this command.

dmt rate-adaptation margin {min [downstream dB upstream dB]}

Syntax Description


Use the min keyword to configure the minimum acceptable SNR margins on a port. If the port SNR exceeds the configured value, the port retrains to a lower bit rate.


The minimum acceptable SNR margin for downstream traffic on a port.


SNR margins measured in decibels. The valid range is -15 to 15.


The minimum acceptable SNR margin for upstream traffic on a port.


SNR margins measured in decibels. The valid range is -15 to 15.


The default configuration is derived from the no dmt rate-adaptation enable command. This command specifies minimum upstream and downstream SNR margins of 0 dB.

Command Modes

DSL profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the dmt rate-adaptation margin command to configure the acceptable SNR margin thresholds on a specified port. The dmt rate-adaptation margin command works in conjunction with the dmt rate-adaptation interval command. If the actual SNR margins on a port remain lower than the margins configured in the dmt rate-adaptation margin command, for the duration of time specified in the dmt rate-adaptation interval command, the line drops and retrains to a lower bit rate, to improve SNR margin quality on the line.

Note If line conditions improve, the line does not automatically drop and retrain to a higher bit rate. If the line conditions improve, the administrator must execute a shutdown and then a no shutdown on the affected port to retrain to a higher bit rate.


The following example describes how to configure dmt rate-adaptation margin:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt rate-adaptation margin min downstream 10 dB upstream -10

Related Commands


dmt rate-adaptation enable

Turns on rate adaptation.

dmt rate-adaptation interval

Configures the intervals at which DMT ports are monitored for substandard SNR margins.

dmt training-mode

To modify the training mode in a DMT profile, use the dmt training-mode command in profile configuration mode. To set the training mode in a DMT profile to the default setting (quick), use the no form of the command.

dmt training-mode {standard | quick}

no dmt training-mode

Syntax Description


Depending on the configuration, standard training uses either the T1.413-1998 or the G.994.1 initialization method. In standard training mode, the ATU-C line card trains the modem once. If the configured rates and settings are not obtainable, the line card reads the line quality and retrains, selecting the best available rates and settings. The line card software determines the best available rates. This mode allows more control over the DMT parameters.


This training mode uses either the extended exchange sequence for T1.413-1998 initialization or the G.994.1 initialization, depending on the configuration. In quick training mode the modem DSP automatically chooses the best available rate based on the parameters provided. The DSP might be forced to change some of the configuration settings based on line characteristics. This training mode is faster than the standard training mode.

Note This command applies to the 4xDMT card only. A 4xflexi line card configured for DMT uses quick training all the time.



Note We recommend that you use quick-training mode on all interfaces. Standard training mode is not supported on 4xflexi line cards.

Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Quick-training mode is recommended for all interfaces.

Caution This command causes the port to retrain when you change the training mode parameter.


In this example, the command sets the training mode of the default profile to standard:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt training-mode standard

Related Commands


dmt operating-mode

Modifies the operating mode of a line in the DSL profile.


To specify the Domain Name System (DNS) IP servers that are available to a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the dns-server DHCP pool configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the DNS server list.

dns-server address [address2 ... address8]

no dns-server

Syntax Description


Specifies the IP address of a DNS server. One IP address is required, although you can specify up to eight addresses in one command line.


If DNS IP servers are not configured for a DHCP client, the client cannot correlate host names to IP addresses.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Servers are listed in order of preference (address1 for the most preferred server, address2 for the next most preferred server, and so on).


The following example specifies as the IP address of the domain name server of the client:

DSLAM(config)# ip dhcp pool 1 DSLAM(dhcp-config)# dns-server

Related Commands



Specifies the domain name for a DHCP client.

ip dhcp pool

Configures a DHCP address pool on a Cisco IOS DHCP server and enters DHCP pool configuration mode.


To specify the domain name for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the domain-name DHCP pool configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the domain name.

domain-name domain

no domain-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the client domain name string.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example specifies cisco.com as the domain name of the client:

DSLAM(config)# ip dhcp pool 1 DSLAM(dhcp-config)# domain-name cisco.com

Related Commands



Specifies the Domain Name System (DNS) IP servers available to a DHCP client.

ip dhcp pool

Configures a DHCP address pool on a Cisco IOS DHCP server and enters DHCP pool configuration mode.

dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation

The dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation global configuration command turns on a received power attenuator in all of the 4xDMT line cards in a chassis. This command also automatically retrains all the ports on all of the 4xDMT line cards.

dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can determine the state of this setting by using the show running-config command to check for no dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation. The default setting, dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation, is not displayed by show running-config.


In this example, the received power attenuator in all of the 4xDMT line cards in a chassis is turned off.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# no dsl atuc-1-4dmt rx-attenuation

Related Commands


show running-config

Displays the running configuration for every currently defined profile, including the default.

dsl circuit

To assign an identifier to a DSL circuit, use the dsl circuit interface configuration command. To remove an identifier from a DSL circuit (that is, to leave the field blank), use the no form of the command.

dsl circuit circuit-id

no dsl circuit

Syntax Description


The identifier that you assign to the circuit. The circuit ID can contain up to 32 printable characters. Alphanumerics and most special characters (underscores, hyphens, and ampersands, for example) are allowed. Spaces and quotes are not allowed.


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


DSL circuit identifier capability was added.

Usage Guidelines

If different circuit identifiers are assigned to the same interface, the latest assigned circuit ID takes precedence. You can modify an identifier to a DSL circuit by assigning a different circuit ID to the same interface.


In this example, the circuit ID 341 is assigned to slot 7, port 3.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 7/3 DSLAM(config-if)# dsl circuit 341

Related Commands


dsl subscriber

Assigns a name to a DSL port.

show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show dsl status

Displays the status of the DSL subscriber ports on a chassis.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration for every currently defined profile.


To copy a DSL profile, use the dsl-copy-profile command.

dsl-copy-profile [force] source source-profile destination new-profile

Syntax Description


Overwrite the destination file, if it exists.


The profile whose information you want to copy to another profile.


The destination profile.


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The capability to create a copy of an SDSL profile was added.

Usage Guidelines

If the destination profile indicated in this command does not exist, dsl-copy-profile creates it. The command then copies all configuration values in the source profile to the destination profile.

Note If you modify the source profile after you issue this command, the changes you make do not propagate to the destination profile.


This command copies the default profile to a profile named my_default. If my_default does not exist, the command creates it.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-copy-profile force source default destination my_default

Related Commands



Creates a DSL profile or selects an existing profile for modification.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration for every currently defined profile, including the default.


To create a DSL profile, or to select an existing profile for modification, use the dsl-profile command in global configuration mode. To delete a DSL profile, use the no form of the command.

dsl-profile profile-name

no dsl-profile profile-name

Note Cisco IOS includes two very similar commands, dsl-profile (in global configuration mode) and dsl profile (in interface configuration mode). The dsl-profile command creates a DSL profile, and the dsl profile command attaches a port to an existing DSL profile. Be sure you use the correct command for your purpose.

Syntax Description


The name of the profile you want to create, or an existing profile you want to delete or modify.


Initially, every newly created profile has the system defined default values.

Note You cannot delete the default profile or any profile that is attached to a port. However, you can modify the default profile.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A profile is a named list of configured items. To configure a subscriber, you must attach a profile to that subscriber port. You can change the configured items for a subscriber by changing that subscriber profile.

You configure a port by using a configuration profile, rather than by direct configuration.

If you modify an existing profile, the change that you make takes effect on every ADSL port linked to that profile.

When you use the dsl-profile command, you might create a new profile with system-defined default values. The system automatically names this new profile "default."

If you change the default profile, the change does not propagate to the children of that default profile.

This configuration profile approach is in keeping with ADSL MIB standards.


This command implicitly creates a DSL profile named example, if it does not already exist. After you execute the steps shown here, you can modify the parameters for this profile:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile example DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)#

In this example, the command modifies the default profile:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)#

Related Commands



Copies a DSL profile.

dsl profile

Attaches a profile to a specific port.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration for every currently defined profile, including the default.

dsl profile

To attach a port to a profile, use the dsl profile command in interface configuration mode. To detach the port from its profile and attach the default profile, use the no form of the command.

dsl profile [profile-name]

no dsl profile

Note Cisco IOS includes two very similar commands, dsl-profile (in global configuration mode) and dsl profile (in interface configuration mode). Be sure you are using the correct command for your purpose.

Syntax Description


The profile you want to attach to the selected port.


By default, every port is attached to a special profile named "default."

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A profile is a named list of configured items. To configure a subscriber, you must attach a profile to that subscriber port. You can change the configured items for a subscriber by changing that subscriber profile.

Except for a few dynamic operational modes, port configuration takes place through a configuration profile, rather than by direct configuration.

If you modify an existing profile, the change that you make takes effect on every ADSL port linked to that profile.

This configuration profile approach is in keeping with ADSL MIB standards.

The DSLAM implementation uses the dynamic profile approach, as opposed to the static profile approach. The dynamic profile approach supports a many-to-one correspondence between ports and profiles; that is, there can be one profile for many ports, but one port cannot have more than one profile. Also, with the dynamic approach, profiles are created and deleted dynamically (with the exception of a special profile named default). Direct configuration of port parameters is not allowed.

All ports have attached profiles. If you do not assign a profile to a port, the system, by default, assigns the profile named "default."


In this example, the command attaches the profile test1 to slot 20, port 1:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 20/1 DSLAM(config-if)# dsl profile test1

Related Commands



Copies a DSL profile.


Creates a DSL profile or selects an existing profile for modification.

show dsl profile [profile name]

Displays a specific profile or all profiles.

show dsl interface atm

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration for every currently defined profile, including the default.

dsl subscriber

To assign a name to a DSL port, use the dsl subscriber command in interface configuration mode. To remove a name from a port (that is, to leave the field blank), use the no form of the command.

dsl subscriber name

no dsl subscriber

Syntax Description


The string that you define as the name of the port. The string can contain up to 64 printable characters. Alphanumerics and most special characters (underscores, hyphens, and ampersands, for example) are allowed. Spaces and quotes are not allowed.


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the port name to identify the subscriber the port serves. You can modify the port name by assigning a different name to the same port; the latest assigned name takes precedence.


In this example, the name paul is assigned to slot 7, port 3.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 7/3 DSLAM(config-if)# dsl subscriber paul

Related Commands


dsl circuit

Assigns an identifier to a DSL circuit.

show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show dsl status

Displays the status of the DSL subscriber ports on a chassis.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration for every currently defined profile.

dsl test atm self

To run the line card port self-test, use the command

dsl test atm slot#/port# self

Syntax Description


The slot and port numbers for which you want to run the line card chipset self-test. The slot range is 1 to 38. The port range is 1 to 8. (These are maximum ranges; your card might have fewer than 8 ports and your chassis might have fewer than 38 slots.)


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command runs a digital bit error-rate loopback test on the specified port. The run time for the self-test ranges from 3 seconds for the ATUC-1-4DMT card to 1 minute for the 4xflexi card.

To view the result of the self-test, use the command show dsl interface atm slot#/port#.

The output display for this command includes the result of the last self-test, such as

Last Self-Test Result: NONE

The possible self-test results are PASSED, FAILED, RUNNING, and NONE.

The NONE result means that a chipset self-test has not run since the port became operational.

RUNNING means the test is in progress.

Caution The line card port self-test disrupts port operation. If a port has been trained or is training when this test begins, the port becomes untrained, the test executes, and the port retrains.


In this example, the command runs the self-test for port 1 in slot 20:

DSLAM# dsl test atm 20/1 self

Related Commands


show dsl interface atm

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.


Posted: Thu May 27 13:37:13 PDT 2004
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