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A Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2

aaa authentication ppp

aaa authorization

aaa new-model




aps clear

aps force

aps lockout

aps manual

atm clp-drop

atm connection-traffic-table-row

atm input-queue

atm input-threshold

atm ni2-switch trunk

atm oam intercept segment

atm output-threshold

atm pvc

atm pvp

atm route-bridged

atm soft-vc

atm soft-vp


A Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2

This chapter documents commands that you use to configure Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2. Commands in this chapter are listed alphabetically. For information on how to configure DSL features, refer to the Configuration Guide for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2.

Note Commands that are identical to those documented in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference and the ATM and Layer 3 Switch Router Command Reference have been removed from this chapter.

This chapter discusses the following commands:

aaa authentication ppp

aaa authorization

aaa new-model




aps clear

aps force

aps lockout

aps manual

atm clp-drop

atm connection-traffic-table-row

atm input-queue

atm input-threshold

atm ni2-switch trunk

atm oam intercept segment

atm pvc

atm pvp

atm route-bridged

atm soft-vc

atm soft-vp


aaa authentication ppp

To specify one or more AAA authentication methods for use on ATM and DSL interfaces running PPP, use the aaa authentication ppp global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable authentication.

aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1 [...[method4]]

no aaa authentication ppp {default | list-name} method1 [...[method4]]

Syntax Description


Uses the listed authentication methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods when a user logs in.


Character string that you use to name the list of authentication methods tried when a user logs in.


At least one and up to four of the keywords described in Table 2-1.


If the default list is not set, only the local user database is checked. This version has the same effect as the following command:

aaa authentication ppp default local

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The system uses lists that you create by using the aaa authentication ppp command with the ppp authentication command. These lists contain up to three authentication methods that the system uses when a user tries to log in to the serial interface.

Create a list by entering the aaa authentication ppp list-name method command, where list-name is any character string used to name this list, such as MIS-access. The method argument identifies the list of methods the authentication algorithm tries in the given sequence. You can enter up to four methods. Method keywords are described in Table 2-1.

The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. Specify none as the final method in the command line to have authentication succeed even if all methods return an error.

If authentication is not specifically set for a function, the default is none and no authentication is performed. Use the show running-config command to view lists of authentication methods.

Table 2-1 AAA Authentication PPP Method Descriptions



Does not authenticate if user has already been authenticated on a TTY line


Uses the group-server for authentication


Uses the local username database for authentication


Uses case-sensitive local username authentication


Uses no authentication


The following example creates an AAA authentication list called MIS-access for serial lines that use PPP. The user is allowed access with no authentication.

DSLAM(config)# aaa new-model DSLAM(config)# aaa authentication ppp mis-access group radius

Related Commands


aaa new-model

Enables the AAA access control model.

ppp authentication

Enables Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) or Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and enables an AAA authentication method on an interface.

aaa authorization

To set parameters that restrict a user's network access, use the aaa authorization global configuration command. To disable authorization for a function, use the no form of this command.

aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access | auth-proxy} {default | list-name} [method1 [method2...]]

no aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access | auth-proxy}

Syntax Description


Runs authorization for all network-related service requests, including SLIP, PPP, PPP NCPs, and ARA.


Runs authorization to determine if the user is allowed to run an EXEC shell. This facility might return user profile information such as autocommand information.


Runs authorization for all commands at the specified privilege level.


Specifies command level that should be authorized. Valid entries are
0 through 15.


Runs authorization for reverse access connections, such as reverse Telnet.


Runs authorization for the authentication proxy.


Uses the listed authorization methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods for authorization.


Use this character string to name the list of authorization methods.

method1 [method2...]

One of the keywords listed in Table 2-2.


Authorization is disabled for all actions (equivalent to the method keyword none). If you issue the aaa authorization command for a particular authorization type without specifying a named method list , the system automatically applies the default method list to all interfaces or lines (where this authorization type applies) except those that have a named method list explicitly defined. (A defined method list overrides the default method list.) If you do not define a default method list, then no authorization takes place.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the aaa authorization command to enable authorization and to create named method lists that define authorization methods for user access to the specified function. Method lists for authorization define the ways that the system performs authorization and the sequence in which the system performs these methods. A method list is a named list that describes the authorization methods to be queried (such as RADIUS), in sequence. You can use method lists to designate one or more security protocols that are to be used for authorization, thus ensuring a backup system if the initial method fails. Cisco IOS software uses the first method listed to authorize users for specific network services; if that method fails to respond, the Cisco IOS software selects the next method listed in the method list. This process continues until communication with a listed authorization method succeeds, or all methods defined are exhausted.

Note The Cisco IOS software attempts authorization with the next listed method only when there is no response from the previous method. If authorization fails at any point in this cycle—meaning that the security server or local username database responds by denying the user services—the authorization process stops and no other authorization methods are attempted.

Use the aaa authorization command to create a list by entering the list-name and the method, where list-name is any character string that is used to name this list (excluding all method names) and method identifies the list of authorization method(s) tried in the given sequence.

Method keywords are described in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Authorization Methods

Method Keyword


Allows the user to access the requested function if the user is authenticated.


No authorization is performed.


Uses the local database for authorization.


Uses server-group for authorization information.

Cisco IOS software supports the following five methods for authorization:

If-Authenticated—The user can access the requested function if the user was authenticated successfully. Not supported with the auth-proxy authorization type.

None—The network access server does not request authorization information; authorization is not performed over this line/interface. Not supported with the auth-proxy authorization type.

Local—The router or access server consults its local database, as defined by the username command, to authorize specific rights for users. The local database can control only a limited set of functions. Not supported with the auth-proxy authorization type.

RADIUS—The network access server requests authorization information from the RADIUS security server. RADIUS authorization defines specific rights for users by associating attributes, which are stored in a database on the RADIUS server, with the appropriate user.

Kerberos Instance Map—The network access server uses the instance that the kerberos instance map command defines for authorization. Not supported with the auth-proxy authorization type.

Method lists are specific to the type of authorization being requested. AAA supports five different types of authorization:

Network—Applies to network connections which can include a PPP, SLIP, or ARA connection.

EXEC—Applies to the attributes that are associated with a user EXEC terminal session.

Commands—Applies to the EXEC mode commands a user issues. Command authorization attempts authorization for all EXEC mode commands, including global configuration commands, associated with a specific privilege level.

Reverse Access—Applies to reverse Telnet sessions.

Auth-proxy—Applies to HTTP sessions that trigger the authentication proxy feature.

When you create a named method list, you are defining a particular list of authorization methods for the indicated authorization type.

After you define them, you must apply method lists to specific lines or interfaces before any defined method is performed.

The authorization command causes a request packet that contains a series of AV pairs to be sent to the RADIUS server as part of the authorization process. The server can do one of the following:

Accept the request as is

Make changes to the request

Refuse the request and refuse authorization

For a list of supported RADIUS attributes, refer to the RADIUS attributes appendix in the Security Configuration Guide.

Note Five commands are associated with privilege level 0: disable, enable, exit, help, and logout. If you configure AAA authorization for a privilege level greater than 0, these five commands will be excluded from the privilege level command set.

When you enable the authentication proxy, the AAA server, you must configure the database used for authentication and the authentication proxy service for authorization.

Note Use the ip auth-proxy name command in conjunction with the aaa authorization auth-proxy command. Together these commands set up the authorization policy that the firewall can download.


In this example, the first method of authorization using the authentication proxy is RADIUS.

DSLAM(config)# aaa new-model DSLAM(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group radius

The following example shows the aaa authorization auth-proxy command as part of an AAA new model configuration. Use these AAA configuration commands to secure the router when the authentication proxy is enabled. Failure to configure the router properly could result in security holes.

DSLAM(config)# aaa new-model DSLAM(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius DSLAM(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group radius

Related Commands


aaa authentication

Specifies one or more AAA authentication methods for use on serial interfaces that run PPP.

aaa new-model

Enables the AAA access control mode.

aaa new-model

To enable the AAA access control model, issue the aaa new-model global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this functionality.

aaa new-model

no aaa new-model

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


AAA is not enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the AAA access control system.


The following example initializes AAA:

DSLAM(config)# aaa new-model

Related Commands


aaa authentication ppp

Specifies one or more AAA authentication methods for use on serial interfaces running PPP.

aaa authorization

Sets parameters that restrict a user's network access.

ppp authentication

Enables Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) or Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and enables an AAA authentication method on an interface.


To create an accept-dialin VPDN subgroup, use the accept-dialin VPDN group command. To remove the accept-dialin subgroup from a VPDN group, use the no form of this command.


no accept-dialin

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

VPDN group mode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For a VPDN group to accept dial-in calls, you must also configure the:

terminate-from VPDN group command

protocol VPDN subgroup command

virtual-template accept-dialin command

You must configure the vpdn group command with the accept-dialin or request-dialin command for the dial-in to be functional. The requester initiates a dial-in tunnel. The acceptor accepts a request for a dial-in tunnel.


If you do not use the terminate-from command, you automatically enable a default VPDN group, which allows all tunnels to share the same tunnel attributes:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn enable DSLAM(config)# vpdn-group 1 ! Default L2TP VPDN group DSLAM(config-vpdn)# accept-dialin DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# protocol l2tp DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-in)# virtual-template 1

Related Commands



Specifies the tunneling protocol that is used for the dial-in connections.


Specifies the interface that an accept-dialout group will use to dial out calls.


To enter the address family submode that configures routing protocols, such as BGP, RIP, and static routing, use the address-family global configuration command. To disable the address-family submode that configures routing protocols, use the no form of this command.

VPN-IPv4 unicast

address-family vpnv4 [unicast]

no address-family vpnv4 [unicast]

IPv4 unicast

address-family ipv4 [unicast]

no address-family ipv4 [unicast]

IPv4 unicast with CE router

address-family ipv4 [unicast] vrf vrf-name

no address-family ipv4 [unicast] vrf vrf-name

Syntax Description



Sessions that carry standard IPv4 address prefixes.


Sessions that carry customer VPN-IPv4 prefixes, each of which is globally unique because of an 8-byte route distinguisher.


(Optional) Unicast prefixes.

vrf vrf-name

Name of a VPN routing or forwarding instance (VRF) to associate with submode commands.


Routing information for address family IPv4 is advertised by default when you configure a BGP session using the neighbor...remote-as command, unless you execute the no bgp default ipv4-activate command.

Command Modes

Address-family configuration submode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you use the address-family command, you enter address-family configuration submode (prompt: (config-router-af)#). Within this submode, you can configure address-family specific parameters for routing protocols, such as BGP, that can accommodate multiple Layer 3 address families.

To exit address-family configuration submode and return to router configuration mode, type exit-address-family, or exit.


The address-family command in the following example places the router into address-family configuration submode for the VPNv4 address family. Within the submode, you can configure advertisement of NLRI for the VPNv4 address family using the neighbor activate command and other related commands:

DSLAM(config)# router bgp 100 DSLAM(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 DSLAM(config-router-af)#

The command in the following example places the router into address-family configuration submode for the IPv4 address family. Use this form of the command, which specifies a VRF, only to configure routing exchanges between PE and CE devices. This address-family command causes subsequent commands that you enter in the submode to execute in the context of VRF vrf2. Within the submode, you can use the neighbor activate command and other related commands to accomplish the following:

Configure advertisement of IPv4 NLRI between the PE and CE routers.

Configure translation of the IPv4 NLRI (that is, translate IPv4 into VPNv4 for NLRI received from the CE, and translate VPNv4 into IPv4 for NLRI to be sent from the PE to the CE).

Enter the routing parameters that apply to this VRF.

Enter the address-family configuration submode as follows:

DSLAM(config)# router bgp 100 DSLAM(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast vrf vrf2 DSLAM(config-router-af)#

Related Commands



Exits address-family submode.

neighbor activate

Exchanges an address with a neighboring router.


To enable alarms in profile command mode, use the alarms command. To disable alarms, use the no form of the command.


no alarms

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.



Command Modes

Profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The command affects minor alarms for DSL subscriber ports only. The alarms that this command controls apply to these event classes:

Near End LOS

Near End LOCD

Near End LOF

Subscriber port failure

Upstream or downstream bit rate not above minimum bit rate

When you enable or disable alarms, only the specified profile is affected. For example, if you disable alarms on the default profile, other profiles are unaffected.

Use alarms and no alarms to enable and disable minor alarms related to DSL subscriber ports. When you disable these alarms, you receive no notification when alarm conditions exist. (Notification methods include console messages, LEDs, the output of the show facility-alarm status command, and relay alarm signals to external systems for audible or visible alarms.) However, you can track the condition of DSL ports on which alarms are disabled, including conditions that ordinarily trigger alarms, by using the command show dsl interface atm slot#/port#.

You can suppress minimum bit rate alarms without disabling other alarms for the profile. See the "cap bitrate" section on page 3-5, and the "dmt bitrate" section on page 3-32.

Note The alarms command has no effect on critical alarms, major alarms, or minor alarms that are related to subsystems other than the DSL subscriber ports.


In this example, the command enables alarms for the default profile:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# alarms

Related Commands


dsl profile

Attaches a port to a profile.

show dsl profile

Displays a specific profile and all ports to which the profile is currently attached.

show dsl interface atm slot#/port#

Displays DSL, DMT, CAP, and ATM status for a port.

show facility-alarm status

Displays the current major and minor alarm status.

aps clear

To clear outstanding APS priority requests, use the aps clear privileged EXEC command.

aps clear atm interface

Syntax Description

atm interface

ATM interface for which you want to clear all APS priority requests.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The aps clear EXEC command allows you to remove all of the APS priority requests on the named ATM interface.

Note This command works only on SONET interfaces in redundant configurations.


The following example clears outstanding APS priority requests on interface atm 0/1:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# aps clear atm 0/1

Related Commands


aps force

Force a switchover to the specified fiber regardless of the failure state.

aps lockout

Prevent the protection fiber from being the active fiber and from being switched to by manual, automatic, and forced switchovers.

aps manual

Force a switch to the specified fiber only if the fiber that is being switched to is not in a failed state.

show aps

Display the APS status of each SONET port on both NI-2 cards.

show controllers

Display information on working and protection fibers.

aps force

To force a switchover to the specified fiber regardless of the failure state, use the aps force privileged EXEC command. To disable the forced switchover, use the aps clear command.

aps force atm interface from [protection | working]

Syntax Description

atm interface

ATM interface for which you want to force the switchover.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 11.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 10.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Force is defined as the second highest APS request priority level. The aps force command does not persist over a system restart. The request succeeds if no higher priority request is posted. This command forces a switch to the specified fiber regardless of the failure state of the fiber. See Usage Guidelines in the "show aps" section on page 6-3 for information on request priority levels.

Note The working fiber is local to the NI-2 card in slot 10, and the protection fiber is local to the NI-2 card in slot 11.


The following example forces a switch on interface ATM 0/2 from the working fiber to the protection fiber:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# aps force atm 0/2 from working

Related Commands


aps clear

Clear outstanding APS priority requests.

aps lockout

Prevent the protection fiber from being the active fiber and from being switched to by manual, automatic, and forced switchovers.

aps manual

Force a switch to the specified fiber only if the fiber to which the system is switching is not in a failed state.

show aps

Display the APS status of each SONET port on both NI-2 cards.

show controllers

Display information on working and protection fibers.

aps lockout

The aps lockout privileged EXEC command prevents automatic, manual, and forced APS switchovers from occurring on the specified SONET interface. To disable aps lockout, use the aps clear command.

aps lockout atm interface

Syntax Description

atm interface

ATM interface for which you want to lockout the switchover.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Lockout is defined as the highest APS request priority level. The aps lockout command does not persist over a system restart. If the working fiber is active, then the aps lockout command prevents a switchover to the protection fiber. If the protection fiber is active, then the aps lockout command prevents a switchover to the working fiber. See Usage Guidelines in the "show aps" section on page 6-3 for information on request priority levels.

Note If the active fiber goes down while the system is under lockout, no switchover occurs to the protection fiber, and data traffic is interrupted until the active fiber connection is restored.

The following example stops the protection fiber from becoming the active fiber by preventing manual, automatic, or forced APS switchovers on interface ATM 0/1:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# aps lockout atm 0/1

Related Commands


aps clear

Clear outstanding APS priority requests.

aps force

Force a switchover to the specified fiber regardless of the failure state.

aps manual

Force a switch to the specified fiber only if the fiber that is being switched to is not in a failed state.

show aps

Display the APS status of each SONET port on both NI-2 cards.

show controllers

Display information on working and protection fibers.

aps manual

To cause a switchover from the specified fiber to a fiber that is not in a failed state, use the aps manual privileged EXEC command. To clear the switchover request, use the aps clear atm command.

aps manual atm interface from [protection | working]

Syntax Description

atm interface

ATM interface from which you want to switch.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 11.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 10.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Manual is the third highest APS request priority level. The request succeeds if no higher priority request is posted. The aps manual command does not persist over a system restart. The atm interface named in the command is the one from which you want to switch. See Usage Guidelines in the "show aps" section on page 6-3 for information on request priority levels.


The following example forces a switch from the ATM 0/1 working fiber to the ATM 0/1 protection fiber:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# aps manual atm 0/1 from working

Related Commands


aps clear

Clear outstanding APS priority requests.

aps force

Force a switchover to the specified fiber regardless of the failure state.

aps lockout

Prevent the protection fiber from being the active fiber and from being switched to by manual, automatic, and forced switchovers.

show aps

Display the APS status of each SONET port on both NI-2 cards.

show controllers

Display information on working and protection fibers.

atm clp-drop

To enable the clp-drop flag for all ports, and for selected traffic types, use the atm clp-drop command.

atm clp-drop [force] {vbr-nrt | ubr} {off | on}

Syntax Description


Change the clp-drop setting on an active interface, even if the change results in loss of data.

{vbr-nrt | ubr}

The appropriate traffic parameters.

{off | on}

Select off to disable the clp-drop flag or on to enable it.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the clp-drop flag is enabled, the software drops cells when the specified service-category queues reach 50 percent of the discard threshold limit. This reduces congestion in busy flows.


In this example, the command enables the clp-drop flag for UBR traffic:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# atm clp-drop ubr on

Related Commands


atm connection-traffic-table-row

To create an entry in the traffic characteristics table, use the atm connection-traffic-table-row global configuration command. To delete an entry, use the no form of this command.

atm connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index] [name string] cbr pcr rate [cdvt cdvt-value]

atm connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index] [name string] {vbr-rt | vbr-nrt} pcr rate {scr0 | scr10} scr-value [mbs mbs-value] [cdvt cdvt-value]

atm connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index] [name string] abr pcr rate [cdvt cdvt-value]
[mcr mcr-value]

atm connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index] [name string] ubr pcr rate [cdvt cdvt-value]
[mcr mcr-value]

no atm connection-traffic-table-row index row-index

Syntax Description

cdvt cdvt-value

The value of the cell delay variation tolerance, in the range of 0 to 2147483647, expressed in cell-times (2.72 microseconds at 155.2 Mbps).

mbs mbs-value

The value of the maximum burst size, in the range of 0 to 2147483647, expressed in the number of cells.

mcr mcr-value

The minimum cell rate is a positive integer, measured in kilobits per second, in the range of 0 to 910533065.

name string

A unique identifier, up to 16 characters, for the traffic table row. The name is nvgened to retain the binding across reloads.

pcr rate

The peak cell rate is a positive integer, measured in kilobits per second, in the range of 0 to 910533065.


An integer in the range of 1 to 1073741823.


Sustained cell rate for the CLP 0 flow.


Sustained cell rate for the CLP 0+1 flow.


The sustained cell rate is a positive integer, measured in kilobits per second in the range of 0 to 910533065.


Rows 1 through 6 in the table are predefined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The name keyword was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets up the traffic characteristics used in PVC, PVP, soft-vc, and soft-vp definition. The characteristics are stored as rows of a table. To reference a row index when you create a PVC, use the atm pvc command in interface configuration mode. To reference a row index when you create a PVP, use the atm pvp command. To reference row indexes when you create a soft-vc or soft-vp, use the atm soft-vc command and atm soft-vp command, respectively.

When you use the atm connection-traffic-table-row command without the index clause, the software uses a free-row index, which is displayed if the command is successful.

When the CDVT or MBS parameter is not specified in the creation of a row, the software chooses a configurable interface default value to use in UPC.

Six connection traffic table rows are defined by default and are numbered 1 through 6. Row 1 is the default row used by the atm pvc command if no rows are explicitly specified. Use the show atm connection-traffic-table command to display the default configurations for rows 2 through 6.

You cannot delete default rows.

Row 1 PCR represents the maximum cell rate that fits in 24 bits.

When you configure an ABR row and do not specify MCR, the software configures MCR as 0 in the CTT row.

The default rows do not have any names.


In the following example, a CBR CTT row is defined with an index of 200 and a peak cell rate of 7743 kbps.

DSLAM(config)# atm connection-traffic-table-row index 200 name traffic-row1 cbr pcr 7743

Related Commands


atm pvc

Creates a PVC.

atm pvp

Creates a PVP.

atm soft-vc

Creates a soft PVC on a DSLAM.

atm soft-vp

Creates a soft PVP on a DSLAM.

show atm connection-traffic-table

Displays entries in the traffic characteristics table.

atm input-queue

To change the maximum size of the input queue for each subscriber port, use the atm input-queue interface configuration command. To reset the maximum queue size to the default value, use the no form of the command.

atm input-queue [force] {cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr} max-size size-num

no atm input-queue [force] {cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr} max-size

Syntax Description


Change the input queue size on an active interface, even if the change results in the loss of data from the queue.

{cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr}

Select the appropriate traffic parameter.

max-size size-num

Maximum input queue size per service category. Enter queue size in cells, from 8 to 262144. If you enter a value that is not a power of 2, the system rounds up or down to the nearest power of 2 and uses that value. For example, if you enter 14, the system rounds up to 16.


The defaults vary by queue (traffic type) as shown here:


1024 cells

1024 cells

8192 cells

8192 cells

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced in a previous release. The range of queue sizes and the type of port affected by the command were changed for Release 12.0(5)DA.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on subscriber ports.

The force argument indicates that the change will be made even if it results in the loss of data on the interface queue (the queue must be momentarily disabled for the threshold to be changed). This command without the force argument changes the threshold only if the interface is down. An error message appears and the command does not take effect if the interface is up and the force argument is not present.

To display both the configured and installed values of size-num, use the show atm interface resource command.


In the following example, the maximum size of the vbr-nrt input queue is set to 512 cells. You can set this even if the interface is up.

DSLAM(config-if)# atm input-queue force vbr-nrt max-size 512

Related Commands


atm input-threshold

Sets input queue discard threshold values.

show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about all ATM interfaces.

show atm interface resource

Displays resource management interface configuration status and statistics.

atm input-threshold

To set input-queue discard-threshold values for this node and for any subtended nodes subordinate to this node, use the atm input-threshold global configuration command. To reset a threshold to its default value, use the no form of the command.

atm input-threshold {cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr} {epd threshold-value | drop threshold-value}

no atm input-threshold {cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr} {epd | drop}

Syntax Description

{cbr | vbr-nrt |vbr-rt | ubr}

Select the traffic priority. Threshold settings apply to all queues of a given priority.


Early packet discard threshold. The epd value plus the drop value equals the total size of the input queue. For details, see the Usage GuidelinesUsage Guidelines.


Drop threshold. The drop value plus the epd value equals the total size of the input queue. For details, see Usage Guidelines.


Enter the allowed maximum input discard threshold, in cells, for subscriber and subtending ports for the selected traffic parameter. The range is 8 to 262144.

If you enter a value that is not a power of 2, the system rounds up or down to the nearest power of 2 and uses that value. For example, if you enter 18, the system rounds down to 16. If you enter a value that falls halfway between two powers of 2, the system rounds up. For example, if you enter 12, the system rounds up to 16.


The defaults vary by interface type and by traffic priority, as shown here:

Number of Cells
Queue Segment












Total queue
















Total queue
















Total queue





Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend that you leave the input queue discard thresholds set to their default values, which are adequate for most configurations.

This command controls the discard threshold settings for up to 52 input queues—one queue for each of four traffic types on each of up to 13 nodes in a subtending group. The behavior of the input queues is affected not only by the input queue discard threshold settings, but also by the setting of the intelligent packet discard feature, which is controlled with the atm pvc command and the atm soft-vc command. The packet discharge setting determines whether the system performs packet-based discards or cell-based discards:

When packet discharge is enabled, the system performs packet-based discards—that is, when discarding is triggered, the system drops data from the first cell dropped, up to the end of the current AAL5 packet.

This discard method includes policer and partial packet discard (PPD) drops, or entire AAL5 packets (for early packet discard (EPD) drops). The system accepts or rejects subsequent data on a packet-by-packet basis.

When packet discharge is disabled, the system performs cell-based discards—that is, when discarding, the system drops a cell at a time, and accepts or rejects subsequent data on a cell-by-cell basis. Cell-based discarding is the default behavior.

The packet discharge setting applies to all discards, whether for reasons of queue exhaustion or policing. Packet discharge is disabled by default; use the commands atm pvc vpi vci pd {on | off} or atm soft-vc vpi vci pd { on | off } to enable or disable it.

The input queue discard thresholds work as follows:

If packet-based discard is in force (the packet discharge feature is enabled), the input queue absorbs packets until the queue reaches the epd threshold. At that point, the queue absorbs the remainder of the current packet, as long as doing so does not cause the queue to fill completely. (The total queue size equals epd value plus drop value.)

After it reaches the epd threshold, the queue drops all subsequent packets until the queue contents drop below the epd threshold. If the queue fills completely before the current packet finishes, then PPD occurs.

If cell-based discard is in force (the packet discharge feature is disabled), add the epd and drop threshold values to determine the input queue size. When the queue is full, it drops all subsequent cells until its contents fall below the combined threshold value.

If packet-based discard is in force, you can implicitly configure the input queue discard thresholds for either EPD or PPD. For EPD, configure a drop threshold value that is large enough to allow most packets to enter the queue. Appropriate values for this purpose vary by traffic type, but see the thresholds in the Defaults section for examples of EPD settings. For PPD, configure a small drop threshold value. This forces the system to discard the remainder of the packet that fills up the queue.

To set input queue sizes, use the atm input-queue command.


In this example, the command sets the epd threshold for CBR traffic on subscriber and subtending ports at 32,000 cells:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# atm input-threshold cbr epd 32000

Related Commands


atm input-queue

Changes the maximum size of the input queue for each subscriber port.

atm output-threshold

Changes the output queue discard thresholds for the subscriber ports.

atm pvc vpi vci pd {on | off}

Creates a PVC on a subscriber port.

atm ni2-switch trunk

To select the interface to use as the trunk on a DS3/8xT1 card, use the atm ni2-switch trunk command. To reset this command to the default value, use the no form of this command.

atm ni2-switch trunk {atm0/1 | atm0/2 | atm0/3 | atm0/4 | atm0/5 | atm0/6 | atm0/7 | atm0/8 | atm0/9 | atm0/ima0 | atm0/ima1 | atm0/ima2 | atm0/ima3}

Syntax Description

{atm0/1 | atm0/2 | atm0/3 | atm0/4 | atm0/5 | atm0/6 | atm0/7 | atm0/8 | atm0/9 | atm0/ima0 | atm0/ima1 | atm0/ima2 | atm0/ima3}

The interface to use as the trunk.


The DS3 link is the default trunk interface on the DS3+T1 I/O module (atm ni2-switch trunk atm0/1).

The first E1 link (atm0/2) is the default trunk interface on the E1 I/O module (atm ni2-switch trunk atm0/2).

Note Before you reassign trunk status from an active link or IMA group to a different link or IMA group, you must administratively shut down both the current trunk and the interface to be assigned trunk status.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Table 2-3 provides the trunk interface and the name to use for it in this command.

Table 2-3 Interface Name for Trunk 

Interface Name

DS3 link

atm 0/1

T1/E1 link 0

atm 0/2

T1/E1 link 1

atm 0/3

T1/E1 link 2

atm 0/4

T1/E1 link 3

atm 0/5

T1/E1 link 4

atm 0/6

T1/E1 link 5

atm 0/7

T1/E1 link 6

atm 0/8

T1/E1 link 7

atm 0/9

IMA group 0

atm 0/ima0

IMA group 1

atm 0/ima1

IMA group 2

atm 0/ima2

IMA group 3

atm 0/ima3


In the following example, the trunk interface is set to T1/E1 link 2.

DSLAM(config)# interface atm0/3 DSLAM(config-if)# shutdown DSLAM(config)# atm ni2-switch trunk atm0/4

Related Commands


show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about all ATM interfaces.

atm oam intercept segment

The atm oam intercept segment command is a global configuration command that enables the NI-2 to accept ATM OAM segment cells on "up" atm connections. If a connection is down, ATM OAM segment cells are not received. The command is enabled by default. Use the no form to disable the NI-2 from receiving ATM OAM segment cells

atm oam intercept segment

no oam intercept segment

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The command is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can determine the state of this setting by using the show running-config command to check for no atm oam intercept segment. The default setting, atm oam intercept segment, is not displayed by show running-config.


In this example, the reception of ATM OAM segment cells by NI-2 is disabled.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# no atm oam intercept segment

Related Commands


atm oam intercept end-to-end

Enable/disable accepting ATM end-to-end OAM cells. For more information, see http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/atm/c8540/12_1/12_c_e/command/atm.htm#xtocid71.

atm output-threshold

To change the output queue discard thresholds for the subscriber ports, use the atm output-threshold interface configuration command. To reset a threshold to its default value, use the no form of the command.

atm output-threshold {cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr} {epd threshold-value | drop threshold-value}

no atm output-threshold {cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr} {epd | drop}

Syntax Description

{cbr | vbr-rt  | vbr-nrt | ubr}

Traffic priority. Threshold settings apply to all queues of a given priority.


Early packet discard threshold. The epd value plus the drop value equals the total size of the output queue. For details, see the Usage Guidelines section.


Drop threshold. The drop value plus the epd value equals the total size of the output queue. For details, see the Usage Guidelines section.


Enter the allowed maximum output discard threshold, in number of cells, for subscriber ports for the selected traffic parameter. The range is 8 to 262144.

If you enter a value that is not a power of 2, the system rounds up or down to the nearest power of 2 and uses that value. For example, if you enter 18, the system rounds down to 16. If you enter a value that falls halfway between two powers of 2, the system rounds up. For example, if you enter 12, the system rounds up to 16.

The defaults vary by traffic priority, as shown here:

Number of Cells
Queue Segment











Total queue





Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend that you leave the output queue discard thresholds set to their default values, which are adequate for most configurations.

The atm output-threshold command controls the discard threshold settings for up to 1040 output queues. The behavior of the output queue is controlled not only by the output queue discard threshold settings, but also by the setting of the intelligent packet discard feature, which is controlled with the atm pvc command.

The packet discharge setting determines whether the system performs packet-based discards or cell-based discards:

When packet discharge is enabled, the system performs packet-based discards—that is, when discarding is triggered, the system drops data from the first cell dropped, up to the end of the current AAL5 packet.

This discard method includes policer and PPD drops, or entire AAL5 packets (for EPD drops). The system accepts or rejects subsequent data on a packet-by-packet basis.

When packet discharge is disabled, the system performs cell-based discards—that is, when discarding, the system drops a cell at a time, and accepts or rejects subsequent data on a cell-by-cell basis. Cell-based discarding is the default behavior.

The packet discharge setting applies to all discards, whether the discards occur for reasons of queue exhaustion or policing. Packet discharge is disabled by default; use the command atm pvc vpi vci pd {on | off} to enable or disable it.

The output queue discard thresholds work as follows:

If packet-based discard is in force (the packet discharge feature is enabled), the output queue absorbs packets until the queue reaches the epd threshold. At that point, the queue absorbs the remainder of the current packet, as long as doing so does not cause the queue to fill completely. (The total queue size equals epd value plus drop value.)

After it reaches the epd threshold, the queue drops all subsequent packets until the queue contents drop below the epd threshold. If the queue fills completely before the current packet finishes, then PPD occurs.

If cell-based discard is in force (the packet discharge feature is disabled), add the epd and drop threshold values to determine the output queue size. When the queue is full, it drops all subsequent cells until its contents fall below the combined threshold value.

If packet-based discard is in force, you can implicitly configure the output queue discard thresholds for either EPD or PPD. For EPD, configure a drop threshold value that is large enough to allow most packets to enter the queue. Appropriate values for this purpose vary by traffic type; see the thresholds in the Defaults section for examples of EPD settings. For PPD, configure a very small drop threshold value to force the system to discard the remainder of the packet that fills up the queue.


In this example, the command sets the drop threshold for VBR-NRT traffic on subscriber ports at 16,000 cells:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm0/1 DSLAM(config-if)# atm output-threshold vbr-nrt drop 16000

Related Commands


atm input-threshold

Sets input queue discard threshold values.

show atm interface resource

Displays resource management interface configuration status and statistics.

atm pvc vpi vci pd {on off}

Creates a PVC on a subscriber port.

atm pvc

To create a PVC, use the atm pvc interface configuration command. To create a permanent virtual channel connection (PVCC), use the long form of the atm pvc command. To create a permanent virtual channel link (PVCL), use the short form of the atm pvc command. To remove the specified PVC, use the no form of this command.

atm pvc vpi-A [vci-A | any-vci] [upc upc-A] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface atm slot-B/port-B vpi-B [vci-B | any-vci] [upc upc-B] [name string] [conn-type conntype-B]

atm pvc vpi vci [upc upc] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index]

no atm pvc vpi vci

Note The A and B suffixes of the command arguments refer to the ends of the connection. A is the local end; B is the remote end.

Syntax Description


Virtual path identifier of this PVC. On the route processor port (ASP) interface, ATM0/0, the VPI is always 0. On DSL interfaces, the VPI range is 0 to 255. The VPI is an 8-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VPI value is unique only on an interface, not throughout the ATM network (the VPI has local significance only).

For information on assigning VPIs to shaped VP tunnels, see the Usage Guidelines section.


VCI of this PVC. The range of values varies by interface type, mode, and VPI, as shown below.

The VCI is a 16-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VCI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network (it has local significance only).

ASP Interface (ATM0/0)
VCI Range

32 to 4095

DSL Interfaces
VCI Range

In manual-well-known-vc mode
VPI = 0
VPI other than 0

Not in manual-well-known-vc mode

1 to 255
0 to 255

32 to 255

Other Interfaces
VCI Range

In manual-well-known-vc mode
In other modes

5 to 16383
32 to 16383


Selects any available VCI. This feature applies only to the ASP interface (ATM0/0).


Usage parameter control, specified as pass, tag, or drop; the default is pass. You can set the upc parameter to tag or drop only on an ATM interface that is not the ASP port (ATM0/0) or a logical port (VP tunnel).


Turns the intelligent packet discard option on or off. The default is off.

rx-cttr index

Connection traffic table row index in the received direction. Configure the connection traffic table row before you use the atm pvc command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the rx-cttr parameter. The default is 1.

tx-cttr index

Connection traffic table row index in the transmitted direction. Configure the connection traffic table row before you use the atm pvc command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the tx-cttr parameter. The default is 1.


Slot and port number for the ATM interface.

name string

A unique identifier, up to 16 characters, for the PVC connection. The name is unique per DSLAM for all connections. The name is nvgened to retain the binding across reloads.


Represents the PVC type for this connection with values local or end-to-end. The default value is local. Used by the management stations to distinguish the connections on a subtend path.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The name keyword was introduced.


The conn-type keyword was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the atm pvc commands to create or delete the following types of ATM connections:

Transit point-to-point PVCC

Point-to-point PVCL

Point-to-point permanent virtual channel connection terminated at ASP (terminating VC)

When you set UBR connections, the tx-cttr and rx-cttr fields are not needed. However, these fields are required when you set up a CBR, VBR, or ABR connection. See the "atm connection-traffic-table-row" section for information on creating an entry in the traffic characteristics table.

Assigning VPI Values to Shaped VP Tunnels

If you configure VP tunnels with traffic shaping, you can use only 32 VPIs, even though the full range of VPI values is 0 to 255. If you have not yet assigned any VPIs, all values from 0 to 255 are available. Once you begin to assign VPIs, however, the assigned VPIs limit the VPIs that remain. (You assign VPIs by using the atm pvp or atm pvc commands.)

After a particular VPI value is assigned to a shaped VP tunnel, every 32nd VPI value above and below the first one is eliminated—that is, the original value modulo 32. For example, if you assign VPI 94 to a shaped VP tunnel, the following VPI values become unavailable for any purpose: 30, 62, 126, 158, 190, and 222.

To avoid problems, choose a block of 32 consecutive VPI values (for example, 0 to 31 or 101 to 132). The software rejects invalid VPI values.


The following example shows how to configure a terminating PVC between interface ATM 3/1 and the ASP port (ATM 0/0).

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 0/0 DSLAM(config-if)# atm pvc 0 any-vci interface atm 3/1 0 100

The following example shows how to set up a UBR PVC connection between interface ATM 4/1 and ATM 4/,2 with VPI 0 and VCI 40.

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 4/1 DSLAM(config-if)# atm pvc 0 40 interface atm 4/2 0 40

The following example shows a display using the encap variable.

DSLAM(config-if)# atm pvc 100 200 interface atm 0/0 0 344 encap ? aal5mux AAL5+MUX Encapsulation aal5snap AAL5+LLC/SNAP Encapsulation

The following example shows the commands that you use to establish a PVC between a logical interface (VP tunnel) on ATM 4/1.99 and ATM 3/1.

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 4/1.99 DSLAM(config-subif)# atm pvc 99 100 interface atm 3/1 0 89 DSLAM(config-subif)# end

The following example shows how to use the show atm vc command to display all VCs on an interface.

DSLAM# show atm vc interface atm 0/1.51 Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Status   Name ATM0/1.51 51 3 PVC ATM0/0 0 75 DOWN ATM0/1.51 51 4 PVC ATM0/0 0 76 DOWN ATM0/1.51 51 5 PVC ATM0/0 0 74 DOWN ATM0/1.51 51 16 PVC ATM0/0 0 73 DOWN

The following example deletes a previously configured ATM transit point-to-point PVC.

DSLAM(config-if)# interface atm 1/1 DSLAM(config-if)# no atm pvc 50 100

Related Commands


atm connection-traffic-table-row

Creates an entry in the traffic characteristics table.

atm pvp

Creates a PVP on a subscriber port.

show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about all ATM interfaces.

show atm vc

Displays the ATM layer connection information about the virtual connection.

atm pvp

To create a permanent virtual path (PVP), use the atm pvp interface configuration command. To create a permanent virtual path connection (PVPC), use the long form of the atm pvp command. To create a permanent virtual path link (PVPL), use the short form of the atm pvp command. To remove the specified PVP, use the no form of this command.

atm pvp vpi-A [cast-type type-A] [upc upc-A] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index]
interface atm slot#/port# [cast-type type-B] [upc upc-B] [name string][conn-type conntype-B]

atm pvp vpi [cast-type type] [hierarchical | shaped] [upc upc] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index]

no atm pvp vpi

Syntax Description


The VPI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network (it has local significance only).


Specified as p2p, p2mp-root, or p2mp-leaf. The default is p2p.


Usage parameter control, specified as pass, tag, or drop. The default is pass.

The upc variable can be set to tag or drop only under the following conditions:

The ATM interface is not the route processor port (ATM 0) or a logical port (VP tunnel).

The connection is not the leaf of a point-to-multipoint connection.


Connection traffic table row index in the received direction. Configure the connection traffic table row before you use the atm pvc command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the rx-cttr parameter. The default is 1.


The PVP is a VP tunnel that should use hardware shaping of the aggregate transmit flow of cells. Only CBR PVPs can be shaped VP tunnels.

Note Hierarchical tunnels are not supported on DSLAM platform hardware.


Connection traffic table row index in the transmitted direction. The connection traffic table row should be configured before using atm pvc command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the tx-cttr parameter. The default is 1.


Slot and port number for the ATM interface.

name string

A unique identifier, up to 16 characters, for the PVP connection. The name is unique per DSLAM for all connections. The name is nvgened to retain the binding across reloads.


Represents the PVP type for this connection with values local or end-to-end. The default value is local. Used by the management stations to distinguish the connections on a subtend path.


See Syntax Description.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The name keyword was introduced.


The conn-type keyword was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you specify the PVP as shaped, you must subsequently use it as a VP tunnel (by the interface command). You can use only CBR VPs for shaped tunnels. A shaped PVP cannot be cross-connected.

Note Hierarchical tunnels are not supported on DSLAM platform hardware.

The commands are used to create or delete the following types of ATM connections on a switch:

Transit point-to-point PVPC

Transit point-to-multipoint PVPC

Point-to-point PVPL

Point-to-multipoint PVPL


The following example shows a typical configuration for PPP over ATM, using a RADIUS authentication server:

DSLAM(config)# interface virtual-template 1 DSLAM(config-if)# ip unnumbered ethernet 0/0 DSLAM(config-if)# peer default ip address pool telecommuters DSLAM(config-if)# ppp authentication chap DSLAM(config-if)# exit DSLAM(config)# ip local pool telecommuters

DSLAM(config)# aaa new-model DSLAM(config)# aaa authentication ppp default radius DSLAM(config)# radius-server host DSLAM(config)# radius-server key foo DSLAM(config)# radius-server attribute nas-port format e

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 1/1 DSLAM(config-if)# atm pvp 1 DSLAM(config-if)# interface atm 1/1.40 multipoint DSLAM(config-subif)# pvc 0/50 DSLAM(config-if-atm-vc)# encapsulation aal5mux ppp virtual-template 1 DSLAM(config-if-atm-vc)# exit DSLAM(config-subif)# pvc 0/51 DSLAM(config-if-atm-vc)# encapsulation aal5mux ppp virtual-template 1 DSLAM(config-if-atm-vc)# exit

Related Commands


atm connection-traffic-table-row

Creates an entry in the traffic characteristics table.

atm pvc

Creates a PVC on a subscriber port.

show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about all ATM interfaces.

show atm vp

Displays the ATM layer connection information about the virtual path.

atm route-bridged

To configure an interface to use ATM route-bridged encapsulation, use the atm route-bridged interface configuration command.

atm route-bridged ip

Syntax Description


Route IP over RFC 1483 Ethernet.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example configures ATM route-bridge encapsulation on an interface:

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 1/1 DSLAM(config-if)# ip address DSLAM(config-if)# atm route-bridged ip DSLAM(config-if)# pvc 0/32

atm soft-vc

To create a soft PVC on the DSLAM, use the atm soft-vc interface configuration command.

atm soft-vc source-vpi source-vci dest-address atm-address dest-vpi dest-vci [enable | disable]
upc upc] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index]
retry-interval [first retry-interval] [maximum retry-interval]]
explicit-path precedence {name path-name | identifier path-id}
upto partial-entry-index] [only-explicit]] [name string]

For existing soft PVCs, use the no form of the command to delete the soft PVC.

no atm soft-vc source-vpi source-vci

To respecify the explicit paths, use the redo-explicit form.

atm soft-vc source-vpi source-vci [enable | disable] [redo-explicit [explicit-path precedence
{name path-name | identifier path-id} [upto partial-entry index] [only-explicit]]]

To signal connections with nonstandard user-defined traffic management options, use the alternate-signalling tagging form. This form may be beneficial in networks where switches use these options to manage UPC options in a manner other than that currently defined by PNNI.

atm soft-vc alternate-signalling tagging {fwd | bwd | bidir}

Syntax Description


Source VPI number.


Source VCI number.

dest-address atm-address

ATM address for the destination port.


Destination VPI number.


Destination VCI number.


Allows the soft connection to be set up; enable is the default for the initial soft connection configuration.

Note If you enter the soft-connection command for an existing connection, the default is the current enabled or disabled state.


Prevents an initial soft connection from being set up, or tears down an existing connection.

upc upc

Usage parameter control, specified as pass | tag | drop; the default is pass. You can set the upc option to tag or drop only when the connection is not the leaf of a point-to-multipoint connection.

pd pd

Intelligent packet discard option, specified as on | off. The default is off.

rx-cttr index

Connection traffic table row index in the received direction. You should configure the cttr before you use the atm pvc command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the rx-cttr. The default is 1.

tx-cttr index

Connection traffic table row index in the transmitted direction. You should configure the cttr before you use the atm pvc command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the tx-cttr. The default is 1.


Configures the retry interval timers for a soft PVC.

first retry-interval

Retry interval for the first retry after the first failed attempt, specified in milliseconds.

If the first retry after the first failed attempt also fails, the subsequent attempts are made at intervals computed using the first retry-interval as follows:

(2 ** (k-1)) * first retry-interval

Where the value of k is 1 for the first retry after the first failed attempt and is incremented by 1 for every subsequent attempt.

Range is from 100 to 3600000 milliseconds; the default is 5000 milliseconds.

maximum retry-interval

The maximum retry interval between any two attempts, specified in seconds.

Once the retry interval is computed in the first retry-interval and becomes equal to or greater than the maximum retry-interval configured, the subsequent retries will be done at regular intervals of maximum retry-interval seconds until the call is established.

Range is from 1 to 65535 seconds; the default is 60.


Applies only to existing soft connections and allows you to respecify explicit paths without tearing down connections.

Existing connections are unaffected unless a reroute takes place, and then they use the newer explicit-path configuration.


The PNNI explicit path that is manually configured for routing a soft PVC, using the atm pnni explicit-path command.


The precedence number by which ATM PNNI explicit paths are assigned, from 1 to 3.

You can assign up to three explicit paths to a soft PVC.

name path-name

The name of the ATM PNNI explicit path for routing soft PVCs.

identifier path-id

Specifies the path ID for the explicit path being configured to route soft PVCs.

upto partial-entry-index

Allows the use of a subset of a longer explicit path, so that all included nodes after the specified entry index are disregarded.

If the destination is reachable at any next node or segment target, the remaining included nodes in the explicit path are disregarded automatically.


If you specified one or more explicit paths and if the explicit path fails, the soft connection remains down until it is retried at its next retry interval.

If you do not specify this option, the system uses the standard on-demand routing instead of waiting for the next retry interval.

name string

A unique identifier, up to 16 characters, for the soft PVC connection. The name is unique per DSLAM for all connections. The name is nvgened to retain the binding across reloads.

alternate-signalling tagging

Allows signal connections with nonstandard user-defined traffic management options. You must set the upc option tag.


Signals both the forward and backward tagging options if UPC tagging is configured for a soft PVC on this interface.


Signals only the backward tagging option if UPC tagging is configured for a soft PVC on this interface.


Signals only the forward tagging option if UPC tagging is configured for a soft PVC on this interface.


See Syntax Description.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The name and alternate-signalling tagging keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

Obtain the destination port address before configuring a soft PVC by using the show atm interface or show atm addresses command on the destination DSLAM.

The creation of a soft PVC might be unsuccessful because of the following scenarios:

A VPI or VCI collision at the source or destination DSLAM.

The source or destination interface is not up (or autoconfiguration is not complete).

The specified destination address is incorrect.

You can assign up to three explicit paths to a soft VC, by using precedence numbers 1 through 3. The system considers the precedence 1 explicit path as the primary path and tries it first. If it fails, the next precedence path is tried. You can specify explicit paths either by name or by identifier.

You can change the explicit path options without tearing down an existing soft PVC. Use the redo-explicit form of the command to respecify all of the explicit path options.

After configuring a soft PVC, use the show atm vc interface command on the source node (specify the source VPI and source VCI) to verify that the soft PVC is working and to see the explicit path that the software is using.

Note The configuration that displays for soft connections with explicit paths is always shown as two separate lines. The redo-explicit keyword is on the second line, even if it was originally configured through the use of a single command line.

Note To use the atm soft-vc alternate-signalling tagging command, you must shut down the interface and set the upc to tag.


The following example shows how a user at the destination DSLAM displays the address of the destination port.

DSLAM> show atm address

Switch Address(es): 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.0005.312a.2c01.00 active NOTE: Switch addresses with selector bytes 01 through 7F are reserved for use by PNNI routing

PNNI Local Node Address(es): 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.0005.312a.2c01.01 Node 1

Soft VC Address(es): 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0010.00 ATM0/1 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0020.00 ATM0/2 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0030.00 ATM0/3 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0040.00 ATM0/4 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0050.00 ATM0/5 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0060.00 ATM0/6 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0070.00 ATM0/7 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0080.00 ATM0/8 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0090.00 ATM0/9 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00a0.00 ATM0/IMA0 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00b0.00 ATM0/IMA1 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00c0.00 ATM0/IMA2 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00d0.00 ATM0/IMA3

The following example shows how to configure a soft-vc with the alternative tagging option set to forward.

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 0/1 DSLAM(config-if)# atm soft-vc alternate-signalling tagging fwd

Related Commands


atm pnni explicit-path

Creates or modifies PNNI explicit paths.

show atm addresses

Displays the active ATM addresses on a switch.

show atm vc

Displays all ATM virtual circuits (PVCs and SVCs) and traffic information.

atm soft-vp

To create a soft PVP on the DSLAM, use the atm soft-vp interface configuration command.

atm soft-vp vpi-s dest-address address vpi-d [upc upc] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index]
[retry-interval [first retry-interval] [maximum retry-interval][name string]

For existing soft PVPs, use the no form of the command to delete the soft PVP.

no atm soft-vp vpi-s

Use the redo-explicit form of the command to respecify explicit paths.

atm soft-vp vpi-s [enable | disable]
redo-explicit [explicit-path precedence {name path-name | identifier path-id}
[upto partial-entry-index] [only-explicit]]

Syntax Description[upto partial-entry-index] [only-explicit]]][upto partial-entry-index] [only-explicit]]]


Source VPI number.

dest-address address

ATM address for the destination port.


Destination VPI number.

upc upc

Usage parameter control, specified as pass | tag | drop; the default is pass. The upc option can be set to tag or drop only under the following conditions:

The ATM interface is not the route processor port (ATM 0) or a logical port (VP tunnel).

The connection is not the leaf of a point-to-multipoint connection.

rx-cttr index

Connection traffic table row index in the received direction. The cttr should be configured before you use the atm soft-vp command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the rx-cttr. The default is 1.

tx-cttr index

Connection traffic table row index in the transmitted direction. The ctt should be configured before you use the atm soft-vp command. See the atm connection-traffic-table-row command for information on configuring the tx-cttr. The default is 1.


Configures the retry interval timers for a soft VP.

first retry-interval

Retry interval for the first retry after the first failed attempt, specified in milliseconds.

If the first retry after the first failed attempt also fails, the subsequent attempts are made at intervals computed through the use of the first retry-interval as follows:

(2 ** (k-1)) * first retry-interval

Where the value of k is 1 for the first retry after the first failed attempt and is incremented by 1 for every subsequent attempt.

Range is from 100 to 3600000 milliseconds; the default is 5000 milliseconds.

maximum retry-interval

The maximum retry interval between any two attempts, specified in seconds.

Once the retry interval is computed in the first retry-interval and becomes equal to or greater than the maximum retry-interval configured, the subsequent retries are done at regular intervals of maximum retry-interval seconds until the call is established.

Range is from 1 to 65535 seconds; the default is 60.


Allows the soft connection to be set up. Enable is the default for the initial soft connection configuration.

If the soft connection command is reentered for an existing connection, the default is the current enabled or disabled state.


Prevents an initial soft connection from being set up, or tears down an existing connection.


Applies only to existing soft connections and allows explicit paths to be respecified without tearing down connections.

Existing connections are unaffected unless a reroute takes place, and then they will use the newer explicit path configuration.


The PNNI explicit path that is manually configured for routing a soft PVP, using the atm pnni explicit-path command.


The precedence number by which ATM PNNI explicit paths are assigned, from 1 to 3.

You can assign up to three explicit paths to a soft PVP.

name path-name

The name of the ATM PNNI explicit path for routing soft PVPs.

identifier path-id

Specifies the path ID for the explicit path being configured to route soft PVPs.

upto partial-entry-index

Allows a subset of a longer explicit path to be used, so that all included nodes after the specified entry index will be disregarded.

If the destination is reachable at any next-node or segment-target, the remaining included nodes in the explicit path are disregarded automatically.

For more information, see the atm pnni explicit-path next-node and atm pnni explicit-path segment-target PNNI explicit path configuration commands.


If one or more explicit paths have been specified and if the explicit path fails, the soft connection remains down until it is retried at its next retry-interval.

If this option is not specified, the system uses the standard on-demand routing instead of waiting for the next retry interval.

name string

A unique identifier, up to 16 characters, for the soft PVP connection. The name is unique per DSLAM for all connections. The name is nvgened to retain the binding across reloads.


See Syntax Description.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The name and alternate-signalling tagging keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

Obtain the destination port address before configuring a soft PVC by using the show atm interface or show atm addresses command on the destination DSLAM.

The creation of a soft PVC might be unsuccessful because of the following scenarios:

A VPI or VCI collision at the source or destination DSLAM.

The source or destination interface is not up (or autoconfiguration is not complete).

The specified destination address is incorrect.

You can assign up to three explicit paths to a soft VC, by using precedence numbers 1 through 3. The system considers the precedence 1 explicit path as the primary path and tries it first. If it fails, the next precedence path is tried. You can specify explicit paths either by name or by identifier.

You can change the explicit path options without tearing down an existing soft PVC. Use the redo-explicit form of the command to respecify all of the explicit path options.

After configuring a soft PVC, use the show atm vc interface command on the source node (specify the source VPI and source VCI) to verify that the soft PVC is working and to see the explicit path that the software is using.

Note The configuration that displays for soft connections with explicit paths is always shown as two separate lines. The redo-explicit keyword is on the second line, even if it was originally configured through the use of a single command line.

Note To use the atm soft-vc alternate-signalling tagging command, you must shut down the interface and set the upc to tag.


The following example shows how a user at the destination DSLAM displays the address of the destination port.

DSLAM> show atm address

Switch Address(es): 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.0005.312a.2c01.00 active NOTE: Switch addresses with selector bytes 01 through 7F are reserved for use by PNNI routing

PNNI Local Node Address(es): 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.0005.312a.2c01.01 Node 1

Soft VC Address(es): 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0010.00 ATM0/1 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0020.00 ATM0/2 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0030.00 ATM0/3 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0040.00 ATM0/4 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0050.00 ATM0/5 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0060.00 ATM0/6 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0070.00 ATM0/7 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0080.00 ATM0/8 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c98.0090.00 ATM0/9 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00a0.00 ATM0/IMA0 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00b0.00 ATM0/IMA1 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00c0.00 ATM0/IMA2 47.0091.8100.0000.0005.312a.2c01.4000.0c90.00d0.00 ATM0/IMA3

The following example shows how to configure a soft-vc with the alternative tagging option set to forward.

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 0/1 DSLAM(config-if)# atm soft-vc alternate-signalling tagging fwd

Related Commands


atm pnni explicit-path

Creates or modifies PNNI explicit paths.

show atm addresses

Displays the active ATM addresses on a switch.

show atm vc

Displays all ATM virtual circuits (PVCs and SVCs) and traffic information.


To enter the auto-sync submode for automatically synchronizing the configuration/flash between the Cisco primary and secondary redundant NI-2s, use the auto-sync global configuration command.

auto-sync bootflash

auto-sync config

auto-sync exit

auto-sync flash

auto-sync running-config

Syntax Description


Automatically synchronize the bootflash.


Automatically synchronizes the startup configuration and ifIndex-Table file.


Exit the auto-sync configuration submode.


Automatically synchronize the flash.


Automatically synchronize the running configuration file.


auto-sync config

auto-sync running-config

Command Modes

Auto-sync configuration submode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The auto-sync config and auto-sync running-config global configuration commands are enabled by default. You need to use these commands only if you previously disabled the commands.

You must also manually synchronize the flash files and bootflash files before you can enable autosynchronization. Otherwise, when operation changes from the primary to the secondary device, the operation of the DSLAM might change if the software versions differ from one NI-2 to the other.


The following example enables autosynchronization of the bootflash files:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# auto-sync DSLAM(config-auto-sync)# bootflash

The following example disables autosynchronization of the bootflash files:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# auto-sync DSLAM(config-auto-sync)# bootflash

Related Commands


dir bootflash

Display the bootflash files for the primary NI-2 card.

dir flash

Display the flash files for the primary NI-2 card.

dir secondary-bootflash

Display the bootflash files for the secondary NI-2 card.

dir secondary-flash

Display the flash files for the secondary NI-2 card.

show running config

Display running configuration.


Posted: Tue May 11 08:54:41 PDT 2004
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