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Show Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2

show aps

show atm connection-traffic-table

show atm pvc

show atm vc

show atm vp

show cns config

show cns event

show controllers atm

show dsl interface

show dsl profile

show dsl status

show dsl status cap

show dsl status dmt

show dsl status idsl

show dsl status sdsl

show dsl status shdsl

show dsl test bert idsl

show environment

show facility-alarm status

show hardware

show hosts

show ima interface

show interfaces

show ip bgp vpnv4

show ip cef vrf

show ip dhcp binding

show ip dhcp conflict

show ip dhcp database

show ip dhcp server statistics

show ip protocols vrf

show ip route vrf

show ip vrf

show oir status

show redundancy states

show running-config

show smb

show snmp

show tag-switching forwarding vrf

Show Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2

This chapter documents commands you use to configure Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2. Commands in this chapter are listed alphabetically. For information on how to configure DSL features, refer to the Configuration Guide for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2.

Note Commands that are identical to those documented in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference and the ATM and Layer 3 Switch Router Command Reference have been removed from this chapter.

This chapter discusses the following commands:

show aps

show atm connection-traffic-table

show atm pvc

show atm vc

show atm vp

show cns config

show cns event

show controllers atm

show dsl interface

show dsl profile

show dsl status

show dsl status cap

show dsl status dmt

show dsl status idsl

show dsl status sdsl

show dsl status shdsl

show dsl test bert idsl

show environment

show facility-alarm status

show hardware

show hosts

show ima interface

show interfaces

show ip bgp vpnv4

show ip cef vrf

show ip dhcp binding

show ip dhcp conflict

show ip dhcp database

show ip dhcp server statistics

show ip protocols vrf

show ip route vrf

show ip vrf

show oir status

show redundancy states

show running-config

show smb

show snmp

show tag-switching forwarding vrf

show aps

To display the APS status of each SONET port on both NI-2 cards, use the show aps privileged EXEC command.

show aps [data]

Syntax Description


More detailed information on the APS status of each SONET port.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the APS status of each SONET port. The Channel stat field displays the status of APS priority requests and failures. The priority-request commands, shown from highest to lowest level include:

1. aps lockout

2. aps force

3. Signal Fail

4. aps manual

A higher priority command executes even after you issue a lower priority command. However, a command of equal or lesser priority does not execute until you issue an aps clear command.

Table 6-1 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-1 show aps Field Description 



This interface is operating in APS mode (default configuration).


This interface is operating in linear mode (default configuration).


This interface is operating in nonrevertive mode (default configuration).


This interface is operating in unidirectional mode (default configuration).

Failure channel:

The inactive channel is either the working or the protection channel.

Active channel:

The active channel is either the working or the protection channel.

Channel stat:

Signal Fail = failure on either of the fibers.

Forced Switch = aps force command issued.

Manual Switch = aps manual command issued.

Lockout = aps lockout command issued.

Good = aps clear command issued and both signals are good.

Port stat:

The signal/alarm status of the interface = Good, LOS, LOF, RDI, AIS, OOCD, LOP, APS mode mismatch, invalid (interface down).


The following example is sample output from the show aps privileged EXEC command:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# show aps ATM0/1: APS Lin NR Uni, Failure channel: Protection Active Channel: Working, Channel stat: Good Port stat (w,p): (Good Signal, Good Signal) ATM0/2: APS Lin NR Uni, Failure channel: Protection Active Channel: Working, Channel stat: Good Port stat (w,p): (Good Signal, Good Signal)

The following example is sample output from the show aps data privileged EXEC command:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# show aps data ApsState struct: apsEnabled = TRUE localLink = PROTECTION peerLink = WORKING peerPresent = FALSE peerCommUp = FALSE initialSwitchStateMsgReceived = FALSE PORT: P1 linkExists = TRUE auto-laser-control ON local laser OFF peer laser ON activeLink = WORKING lockout = FALSE apsCommand = 0 statsRecvd = FALSE ifIndex = 0 currentState for WORKING = DOWN currentApsPortEvent for WORKING = -1 currentState for PROTECTION = DOWN currentApsPortEvent for PROTECTION = 12 PORT: P2 linkExists = TRUE auto-laser-control OFF local laser ON peer laser ON activeLink = PROTECTION lockout = FALSE apsCommand = 0 statsRecvd = FALSE ifIndex = 0 currentState for WORKING = DOWN currentApsPortEvent for WORKING = -1 currentState for PROTECTION = AVAILABLE currentApsPortEvent for PROTECTION = 0

Related Commands


show controllers

Displays information on working and protection fibers.

show atm connection-traffic-table

To display a table of connection traffic parameters used by network and connection management, use the show atm connection-traffic-table EXEC command.

show atm connection-traffic-table [row row-index | from-row row-index]

Syntax Descriptionshow atm connection-traffic-table [row row-index | from-row row-i


Displays a single row by the row-index number.


Displays the entire connection traffic table starting with the row-index.


Index of the single or starting row, in the range of 1 through 2147483647.


Display the entire connection traffic table.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An asterisk (*) is appended to row indexes created by SNMP but not made active. Because these rows are not active, they cannot be used by connections.


The following example shows sample output from the show atm connection-traffic-table command.

DSLAM# show atm connection-traffic-table Row Service-category pcr scr/mcr mbs cdvt   name 1 ubr 7113539 none none 2 cbr 424 none 3 vbr-rt 424 424 50 none 4 vbr-nrt 424 424 50 none 5 abr 424 none none 6 ubr 424 none none 200          cbr 7743        none                     none   traffic-row1 64000        cbr             1741                                 none 2147483645* ubr 0 none none 2147483646* ubr 1 none none 2147483647* ubr 7113539 none none

Table 6-2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 6-2 show atm connection-traffic-table Field Descriptions 



Index to the connection traffic table.


One of the following:







The value of the peak cell rate. The peak cell rate is measured in kbps, and is used to transmit whole cells, including the header.


The value of the sustained cell rate/maximum cell rate. These values are measured in kbps, and are used to transmit whole cells, including the header.


The value of the mbs.


The name for the traffic table row.


The value of the cell delay variation tolerance.

Related Commands


atm connection-traffic-table-row

Displays information on working and protection fibers.

show atm pvc

To display all ATM PVCs and traffic information, use the show atm pvc privileged EXEC command.

show atm pvc [ppp]

Syntax Description


Displays each PVC configured for PPP over ATM.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify vpi/vci or name, the output of this command is the same as that of the show atm vc command, but only the configured PVCs display.


The following is sample output from the show atm pvc command:

DSLAM> show atm pvc

VCD / Peak Avg/Min Burst Interface Name VPI VCI Type Encaps SC Kbps Kbps Cells Sts 0/1 37 0 5 PVC SAAL UBR 155000000 IC 0/1 35 0 16 PVC ILMI UBR 155000000 IC 0/1 39 0 18 PVC UBR     ILMI 155000000 INAC 0/2 38 0 5 PVC SAAL UBR 155000000 IC 0/2 36 0 16 PVC ILMI UBR 155000000 IC

Table 6-3 describes the significant fields in the example.

Table 6-3 show atm pvc Field Descriptions 



Interface slot number and port number.


Virtual circuit descriptor (virtual circuit number). The connection name displays if you configure a name for the virtual channel with the pvc command.


Virtual path identifier.


Virtual channel identifier.


Type of PVC detected from PVC discovery, either PVC-D, PVC-L, or PVC-M.

PVC-D indicates a PVC created due to PVC discovery.

PVC-L indicates that the corresponding peer of this PVC was not found on the DSLAM.

PVC-M indicates that some or all of the QoS parameters of this PVC mismatch those of the corresponding peer on the DSLAM.


Type of ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation.




Kilobits per second transmitted at the peak rate.



Average Rate

Kilobits per second transmitted at the average rate.

Burst Cells

Value that equals the maximum number of ATM cells that the virtual circuit can transmit at peak rate.

Sts or Status

Status of the virtual channel connection.

UP indicates that the connection is enabled for data traffic.

DOWN indicates that the connection is not ready for data traffic. When the Status field is DOWN, a State field is shown. See a description of the different values for this field listed later in this table.

INACTIVE indicates that the interface is down.

Connection Name

The name of the PVC.


UBR—Unspecified Bit Rate QoS is specified for this PVC. See the ubr command for further information.

UBR+—Unspecified Bit Rate QoS is specified for this PVC. See the ubr+ command for further information.

VBR-NRT—Variable Bit Rate-Non Real Time QoS rates are specified for this PVC. See the vbr-nrt command for further information.


Encapsulation type.


Bit mask that describes virtual circuit information. The flag values are summed to result in the displayed value.














Virtual access interface identifier.


Virtual template identifier.


AIP-specific or NPM-specific register that describes the usage of the virtual circuit. This register contains values such as rate queue, peak rate, and AAL mode, which also display in other fields.

OAM frequency

Number of seconds between the sending of OAM loopback cells.

OAM retry frequency

The frequency (in seconds) that end-to-end F5 loopback cells transmit when the software verifies a change in UP/DOWN state. For example, if a PVC is up and the software does not receive a loopback cell response after the frequency (in seconds) that you specify using the oam-pvc command, then the software sends loopback cells at the retry-frequency to verify whether the PVC is down.

OAM up retry count

Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that the software must receive to change a PVC state to up. Does not apply to SVCs.

OAM down retry count

Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that the software does not receive to change a PVC state to down or tear down an SVC.

OAM Loopback status

Status of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation for this virtual channel. This field has one of the following values:

OAM Disabled—End-to-End F5 OAM loopback cell generation is disabled.

OAM Sent—OAM cell was sent.

OAM Received—OAM cell was received.

OAM Failed—OAM reply was not received within the frequency period or contained a bad correlation tag.

OAM VC state

This field has one of the following states for this virtual channel:

AIS/RDI—The virtual channel received AIS/RDI cells. The software does not send end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells in this state.

Down Retry—An OAM loopback failed. The software does not send end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells at retry frequency to verify whether the virtual channel is really down. After down-count unsuccessful retries, the virtual channel goes to the Not Verified state.

Not Managed—OAM is not managing the virtual channel.

Not Verified—End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells did not verify the virtual channel. AIS and RDI conditions clear.

Up Retry—An OAM loopback was successful. The software sends end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells at retry frequency to verify that the virtual channel is really up. After up-count successive and successful loopback retries, the virtual channel goes to the Verified state.

Verified—Loopbacks are successful. The software did not receive an AIS/RDI cell.

ILMI VC state

This field has one of the following states for this virtual channel:

Not Managed—ILMI did not manage the virtual channel.

Not Verified—ILMI did not verify the virtual channel.

Verified—ILMI verified the virtual channel.

VC is managed by OAM/ILMI

OAM and/or ILMI manage the virtual channel.

InARP frequency

Number of minutes for the Inverse ARP time period.


Total number of packets received on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets.


Total number of packets sent on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets.


Total number of bytes received on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched bytes.


Total number of bytes sent on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched bytes.


Number of process-switched input packets.


Number of process-switched output packets.


Number of process-switched broadcast packets.


Number of fast-switched input packets.


Number of fast-switched output packets.


Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched input packets.


Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched output packets.

OAM cells received

Total number of OAM cells received on this virtual circuit.

F5 InEndloop

Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells received.

F5 InSegloop

Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells received.


Number of F5 OAM AIS cells received.


Number of F5 OAM RDI cells received.

F4 InEndloop

Number of end-to-end F4 OAM loopback cells received.

F4 InSegloop

Number of segment F4 OAM loopback cells received.


Number of F4 OAM AIS cells received.


Number of F4 OAM RDI cells received.

OAM cells sent

Total number of OAM cells sent on this virtual circuit.

F5 OutEndloop

Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells sent.

F5 OutSegloop

Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells sent.


Number of F5 OAM RDI cells sent.

OAM cell drops

Number of OAM cells dropped (or flushed).

PVC Discovery

NOT_VERIFIED—This PVC is manually configured on the router and not yet verified with the attached adjacent switch.

WELL_KNOWN—This PVC has a VCI value of 0 through 31.

DISCOVERED—This PVC is learned from the attached adjacent switch via ILMI.

MIXED—Some of the traffic parameters for this PVC are learned from the switch through ILMI.

MATCHED—This PVC is manually configured on the router, and the local traffic shaping parameters match the parameters learned from the switch.

MISMATCHED—This PVC is manually configured on the router, and the local traffic shaping parameters do not match the parameters learned from the switch.

LOCAL_ONLY—This PVC is configured locally on the router and not on the remote switch.


When the Status field is UP, this field does not appear. When the Status field is DOWN or INACTIVE, the State field appears with one of the following values:

NOT_VERIFIED—The virtual channel has been established successfully; waiting for OAM (if enabled) and ILMI (if enabled) to verify that the virtual channel is up.

NOT_EXIST—Virtual channel has not been created.

HASHING_IN—Virtual channel has been hashed into a hash table.

ESTABLISHING—Ready to establish virtual channel connection.

MODIFYING—Virtual channel parameters have been modified.

DELETING—Virtual channel is being deleted.

DELETED—Virtual channel has been deleted.

NOT_IN_SERVICE—ATM interface is shut down.

show atm vc

To display the ATM layer connection information about the virtual connection, use the show atm vc EXEC command.

show atm vc
show atm vc interface {atm | atm-p} slot#/port#[.vpt#] [vpi vci] [detail]
show atm vc [cast-type cast-type] [conn-type conn-type] [interface {atm | atm-p} slot#/port#[.vpt#]]
show atm vc traffic [interface {atm | atm-p} slot#/port#[.vpt#] [vpi vci]]

Syntax Description


Slot number and port number for the interface.


Virtual path tunnel identifier to display.

vpi vci

Virtual path identifier and virtual channel identifier to display.


Displays the Rx cell drops and queued-cells for all virtual channels on a given interface.


Specifies the cast type as multipoint-to-point (mp2p), point-to-multipoint (p2mp), or point-to-point (p2p).


Specifies the connection type as pvc, soft-vc, svc, or tvc.


Displays the virtual channel cell traffic.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


A failure cause code was added for soft virtual channels that are not connected.


The following example shows a display for the vc interface:

DSLAM# show atm vc

Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Encap Status Name ATM0/1 0 5 PVC ATM0/0 0 37 QSAAL UP con1 ATM0/1 0 16 PVC ATM0/0 0 35 ILMI UP con2 ATM0/1 0 18 PVC ATM0/0 0 39 PNNI UP

Table 6-4 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 6-4 show atm vc Field Descriptions 



Displays the slot number and port number of the specified ATM interface.


Displays the number of the virtual path identifier.


Displays the number of the virtual channel identifier.


Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the slot number and port number of the cross-connected value for the ATM interface. Also displays a failure code for soft virtual channels that are not connected.


Displays the number of the cross-connected value of the virtual path identifier.


Displays the number of the cross-connected value of the virtual channel identifier.


Displays the type of connection on the interface.


Displays the current state of the specified ATM interface.


Displays the name of the PVC connection.

The following example shows the interface information for ATM 5/2, with VPI 1 and VCI 2:

DSLAM# show vc interface atm 5/2 1 2 Interface: ATM5/2, Type: dsl VPI = 1 VCI = 2 Status: NOT CONNECTED Connection-type: SoftVC  Connection-Name: con1 Cast-type: point-to-point Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC): pass Packet-discard-option: disabled Time-since-last-status-change: 00:17:33 Soft vc location: Source Remote ATM address: 47.0091.8100.0000.00d0.5881.0401.4000.0c82.0010.00 Remote VPI: 10 Remote VCI: 111 Soft vc call state: Inactive Number of soft vc re-try attempts: 21 First-retry-interval: 5000 milliseconds Maximum-retry-interval: 60000 milliseconds Next retry in: 41964 milliseconds Last release cause: 35,requested VPCI/VCI not available Aggregate admin weight: 0 TIME STAMPS: Current Slot:2 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:02:52.979 Incoming Release September 27 22:02:52.987 Outgoing Setup September 27 21:58:52.943 Incoming Release September 27 21:58:52.951 Outgoing Setup September 27 21:59:52.951 Incoming Release September 27 21:59:52.959 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:00:52.959 Incoming Release September 27 22:00:52.967 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:01:52.967 Incoming Release September 27 22:01:52.979 Number of OAM-configured connections: 0 OAM-configuration: disabled OAM-states: Not-applicable Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0 Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 1 Rx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) Rx pcr-clp01: 7113539 Rx scr-clp01: none Rx mcr-clp01: none Rx cdvt: 1024 (from default for interface) Rx mbs: none Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 1 Tx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) Tx pcr-clp01: 7113539 Tx scr-clp01: none Tx mcr-clp01: none Tx cdvt: none Tx mbs: none

Table 6-5 describes the fields shown in the displays.

Table 6-5 show atm vc interface ATM Field Descriptions 



Displays the slot number and port number of the ATM interface.


Displays the number of the virtual path identifier and the virtual channel identifier.


Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of connection for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the name of the PVC connection.


Displays the type of cast for the specified ATM interface.

Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC)

Displays the state of the UPC.


Displays the state of the packet-discard option; enabled or disabled.


Displays the time elapsed since the last status change.

Soft vc location

Displays the Soft VC/Soft VP location for the ATM connection. The location can be either Source or Destination.

Remote ATM address

Displays the ATM address of the destination port.

Remote VPI

Displays the destination VPI number.

Remote VCI

Displays the destination VCI number.

Soft vc call state

Displays the state of the Soft VC/Soft VP. The call state can be Inactive, Initiating, Active, Releasing, Deleting, or Invalid.

Number of soft vc re-try attempts

Displays the number of retry attempts that have been made to open a Soft VC/Soft VP connection.


Displays the interval for the first retry after the first failed attempt, specified in milliseconds. If the first retry after the first failed attempt also fails, subsequent attempts are made at intervals computed using the first retry-interval as follows:

(2 ** (k-1)) * first retry-interval

Where the value of k is 1 for the first retry after the first failed attempt and is incremented by 1 for every subsequent attempt. The range is from 100 to 3600000 milliseconds; the default is 5000 milliseconds.


Displays the maximum retry interval between any two attempts, specified in seconds. Once the retry interval is computed in the first retry interval and becomes equal to or greater than the maximum retry interval configured, the subsequent retries are done at regular intervals of maximum retry-interval seconds until the call is established. Range is from 1 to 65535 seconds; the default is 60.

Next retry in

Displays the time interval for the next retry attempt, specified in milliseconds.

Last release cause

Displays the number and description string for the cause of the failure.

Aggregate admin weight

Displays the aggregate admin weight for the Soft VC/Soft VP connection.


Displays the current slot and the time stamps of various states of the connection.

Number of OAM-configured connections

Displays the number of connections configured by OAM.


Displays the state of the OAM configuration, enabled or disabled.


Displays the status of the OAM state, applicable or not applicable.

Rx cells/Tx cells

Displays the number of cells transmitted and received.

Rx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the receive connection-traffic-table-index.

Rx service-category

Displays the receive service category.

Rx pcr-clp01

Displays the receive peak cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx scr-clp01

Displays the receive sustained cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx mcr-clp01

Displays the receive minimum cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx cdvt

Displays the receive cell delay variation tolerance.

Rx mbs

Displays the receive minimum burst size.

Tx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the transmit connection-traffic-table-index.

Tx service-category

Displays the transmit service category.

Tx pcr-clp01

Displays the transmit peak cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx scr-clp01

Displays the transmit sustained cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx mcr-clp01

Displays the transmit minimum cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx cdvt

Displays the transmit cell delay variation tolerance.

Tx mbs

Displays the transmit minimum burst size.


The following example shows how to enter the command for a display of the cast type, point-to-multipoint, and connection type soft-vc on ATM 0/1.

DSLAM# show atm vc cast-type p2mp conn-type soft-vc interface atm0/1

The following example shows how to enter the command for a display of the connection type SVC and cast-type point-to-point on ATM interface 0/1.

DSLAM# show atm vc conn-type svc cast-type p2p interface atm0/1

The following example shows the transmit and receive cell count on ATM 0/1, with VPI 1 and VPI 100.

DSLAM# show atm vc traffic interface atm 0/1 1 100 Interface VPI VCI Type rx-cell-cnts tx-cell-cnts ATM0/1 1 100 PVC 0 0

Related Commands


atm pvc

Creates a PVC.

show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about an ATM interface.

show atm status

Displays current information about ATM interfaces and specifies the number of installed connections.

show atm vp

To display the ATM layer connection information about the virtual path, use the show atm vp
EXEC command.

show atm vp

show atm vp interface atm slot#/port#[.vpt#] [vpi vci]

show atm vp traffic [interface {atm | atm-p}slot#/port#[.vpt#] [vpi vci]]

Syntax Description

interface atm

Shows ATM connection commands.


Slot and port number for the interface.


Virtual path tunnel identifier.

vpi vci

Virtual path identifier and virtual channel identifier to display.


Displays the virtual channel cell traffic.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


A failure cause code was added for soft PVPs that are not connected.


This example is sample output from the show atm vp command for ATM 0/1.

DSLAM> show atm vp Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status Name ATM0/1 23 SVP ATM5/3 1  UP       vpcon1 ATM5/3 1 SoftVP ATM0/1 23  UP       vpcon2 ATM5/3 2 SoftVP NOT CONNECTED (35)

This example is sample output from the show vp interface atm command for ATM5/3, with VPI 2.

DSLAM> show vp interface atm 5/3 2

Interface: ATM5/3, Type: dsl VPI = 2 Status: NOT CONNECTED Time-since-last-status-change: 00:10:22 Connection-type: SoftVP Cast-type: point-to-point Soft vp location: Source Remote ATM address: 47.0091.8100.0000.00d0.5881.0401.4000.0c82.0010.00 Remote VPI: 9 Soft vp call state: Inactive Number of soft vp re-try attempts: 14 First-retry-interval: 5000 milliseconds Maximum-retry-interval: 60000 milliseconds Next retry in: 52388 milliseconds Last release cause: 35,requested VPCI/VCI not available Aggregate admin weight: 0 TIME STAMPS: Current Slot:8 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:02:00.643 Incoming Release September 27 22:02:00.651 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:03:00.651 Incoming Release September 27 22:03:00.659 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:04:00.659 Incoming Release September 27 22:04:00.667 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:05:00.667 Incoming Release September 27 22:05:00.675 Outgoing Setup September 27 22:01:00.635 Incoming Release September 27 22:01:00.643 Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC): pass Number of OAM-configured connections: 0 OAM-configuration: disabled OAM-states: Not-applicable Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0 Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 1 Rx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) Rx pcr-clp01: 7113539 Rx scr-clp01: none Rx mcr-clp01: none Rx cdvt: 1024 (from default for interface) Rx mbs: none Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 1 Tx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) Tx pcr-clp01: 7113539 Tx scr-clp01: none Tx mcr-clp01: none Tx cdvt: none Tx mbs: none

Table 6-6 describes the fields shown in the displays.

Table 6-6 show atm vp interface atm Field Descriptions 



Displays the slot and port number of the ATM interface.


Displays the number of the virtual path identifier.


Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the time elapsed since the last status change.


Displays the type of connection for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of cast for the specified ATM interface.

Soft vc location

Displays the Soft VC/Soft VP location for the ATM connection. The location can be either Source or Destination.

Remote ATM address

Displays the ATM address of the destination port.

Remote VPI

Displays the destination VPI number.

Remote VCI

Displays the destination VCI number.

Soft vc call state

Displays the state of the Soft VC/Soft VP. The call state can be Inactive, Initiating, Active, Releasing, Deleting, or Invalid.

Number of soft vc re-try attempts

Displays the number of retry attempts made to open a Soft VC/Soft VP connection.


Displays the interval for the first retry after the first failed attempt, specified in milliseconds. If the first retry after the first failed attempt also fails, subsequent attempts are made at intervals computed using the first retry-interval as follows:

(2 ** (k-1)) * first retry-interval

Where the value of k is 1 for the first retry after the first failed attempt and is incremented by 1 for every subsequent attempt. The range is from 100 to 3600000 milliseconds; the default is 5000 milliseconds.


Displays the maximum retry interval between any two attempts, specified in seconds. Once the retry interval is computed in the first retry interval and becomes equal to or greater than the maximum retry interval configured, the subsequent retries are done at regular intervals of maximum retry-interval seconds until the call is established. Range is from 1 to 65535 seconds; the default is 60.

Next retry in

Displays the time interval for the next retry attempt, specified in milliseconds.

Last release cause

Displays the number and description string for the cause of the failure.

Aggregate admin weight

Displays the aggregate admin weight for the Soft VC/Soft VP connection.


Displays the current slot and the time stamps of various states of the connection.

Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC)

Displays the state of the UPC.

Number of OAM-configured connections

Displays the amount of connections configured by OAM.


Displays the state of the OAM configuration, enabled or disabled.


Displays the status of the OAM state, applicable or not applicable.

Rx cells/Tx cells

Displays the number of cells transmitted and received.

Rx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the receive connection-traffic-table-index.

Rx service-category

Displays the receive service category.

Rx pcr-clp01

Displays the receive peak cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx scr-clp01

Displays the receive sustained cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx mcr-clp01

Displays the receive minimum cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx cdvt

Displays the receive cell delay variation tolerance.

Rx mbs

Displays the receive maximum burst size.

Tx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the transmit connection-traffic-table-index.

Tx service-category

Displays the transmit service category.

Tx pcr-clp01

Displays the transmit peak cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx scr-clp01

Displays the transmit sustained cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx mcr-clp01

Displays the transmit minimum cell rate for clp01 cells (kbps)

Tx cdvt

Displays the transmit cell delay variation tolerance.

Tx mbs

Displays the transmit maximum burst size.

Related Commands


show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about an ATM interface.

show atm status

Displays current information about ATM interfaces and the number of installed connections.

show cns config

To display information about the Cisco Networking Services (CNS) Configuration Agent, use the show cns config command in EXEC mode.

show cns config {status | outstanding | stats}

Syntax Description


Displays the status of the Configuration Agent. Use this option to display the following information about the Configuration Agent:

Status of the partial Configuration Agent; for example, whether it has been configured properly.

IP address and port number of the trusted server that the partial Configuration Agent is using.

Configuration ID, the unique ID for the Configuration Agent.


Displays information about the outstanding configurations.

An outstanding configuration is a partial configuration that has been started but not completed. Use this keyword to display information about the following outstanding partial configurations:

Queue ID of the configuration—An identifier of the configuration in the configuration queue.

Identifier—Along with the configuration ID, the identifier is used to uniquely identify each partial configuration. Typically this value can be used to define a group of configurations.

Configuration ID—Along with the identifier, the configuration ID is used to uniquely identify each partial configuration. Typically this value uniquely identifies configuration data within the group specified by the identifier.


Displays the following statistics on the Configuration Agent:

The number of configurations completed

The number of configurations failed

The time stamp of the last configuration received


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display information about the Configuration Agent.

Related Commands


cns config initial

Starts the initial CNS Configuration Agent.

cns config partial

Starts the partial CNS Configuration Agent.

show cns event

To display information about the Cisco Networking Services (CNS) Event Agent, use the show cns event command in EXEC mode.

show cns event {status | subject [name] | gateway | stats}

Syntax Description


Displays the following status information:

Status of Event Agent:



Gateway used by the Event Agent:

IP address

Port number

Device ID


Displays a list of subjects that are subscribed to by applications.


(Optional) Displays a list of applications that are subscribing to this specific subject name.


Displays the following information for the gateways:

Primary gateway:

IP address

Port number

Backup gateways:

IP address

Port number

Currently connected gateway:

IP address

Port number


Displays the following statistics for the Event Agent:

Number of events received

Number of events sent

Number of events not processed successfully

Number of events in the queue

Time stamp of latest event received (time stamp is router time)

Time stamp of latest event sent

Number of applications using the Event Agent

Number of subjects subscribed


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display information about the Event Agent.

Related Commands


cns event

Configures the CNS Event Gateway.

show controllers atm

To display debugging information for a port, use the show controllers atm command.

show controllers atm slot#/port#

Syntax Description


The slot number and port number of the port for which you want to display debugging information. The slot range is 0 to 38. The port range is 1 to 8. (These are maximum ranges; your card might have fewer than 8 ports, and your chassis might have fewer than 39 slots.)


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is primarily for engineering use.

The output for this command varies with the interface type. It provides low-level diagnostic information that is specific to the physical layer chipset.

Command output for a DMT interface; for example, includes these items:

Absolute signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for each of the upstream bins.

Bit allocation for each of the upstream and downstream bins.

Note Output items for SDSL ports display one value for both upstream and downstream.

Downstream transmit power boost (power spectral density mask, config, and actual). Autoconfigured power boost displays as a whole number of decibels. Actual power boost displays in decibels to one decimal place (0.1 dB) accuracy.

The contents of these configuration management variable (CMV) chipsets include:

UOPT[7: 0] (upstream training options)

DOPT[7: 0] (downstream training options)

















In this example, the command displays debugging information for ATM 0/1 and ATM 0/2:

DSLAM> show controllers atm 0/1 IF Name: ATM0/1 Chip Base Address: B3809000 Port type: OC3 Port rate: 155000 kbps Port medium: MM Fiber

Alarms: Source: ATM0/1 working Severity: CRITICAL Description: 10 Loss of Signal

local peer (working) (protection) ACTIVE INACTIVE --------------- --------------- Port status SECTION LOS Not available Loopback None Not available Flags 0x8300 Not available TX clock source network-derived Not available Framing mode sts-3c Not available Cell payload scrambling On Not available Sts-stream scrambling On Not available TX Led: On Not available RX Led: On Not available TST Led: Off Not available

OC3 counters: cells transmitted 41785 0 cells received 44150 0 cells sent to peer 41785 0 cells received from peer 0 0 section BIP-8 errors 0 0 line BIP-8 errors 0 0 path BIP-8 errors 0 0 OOCD errors (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE errors 0 0 path FEBE errors 0 0 correctable HEC errors 0 0 uncorrectable HEC errors 0 0

OC3 errored seconds: section BIP-8 0 0 line BIP-8 0 0 path BIP-8 0 0 OOCD (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE 0 0 path FEBE 0 0 correctable HEC 0 0 uncorrectable HEC 0 0

OC3 error-free secs: section BIP-8 88704 0 line BIP-8 88704 0 path BIP-8 88704 0 OOCD (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE 88704 0 path FEBE 88704 0 correctable HEC 88704 0 uncorrectable HEC 88704 0

local peer local peer ----- ---- ----- ---- Per chip registers mr 0x69 0x00 | mmc 0x6B 0x00 mcmr 0x6F 0x00 | cscsr 0x54 0x00 ictl 0x5F 0x00 | opc 0x00 0x00 pop0sr 0x3E 0x00 | pop1sr 0x06 0x00 pop2sr 0x3E 0x00 | pop3sr 0x06 0x00

Per port registers mcfgr 0x70 0x00 | misr 0x41 0x00 mctlr 0x50 0x00 | crcsr 0x48 0x00 transs 0x00 0x00 | rsop_cier 0x26 0x00 rsop_sisr 0x5F 0x00 | rsop_bip80r 0x80 0x00 rsop_bip81r 0xBB 0x00 | tsop_ctlr 0x00 0x00 tsop_diagr 0x00 0x00 | rlop_csr 0x02 0x00 rlop_ieisr 0x00 0x00 | rlop_bip8_240r 0x00 0x00 rlop_bip8_241r 0x00 0x00 | rlop_bip8_242r 0x00 0x00 rlop_febe0r 0x00 0x00 | rlop_febe1r 0x00 0x00 rlop_febe2r 0x00 0x00 | tlop_ctlr 0x20 0x00 tlop_diagr 0x20 0x00 | tx_k1 0x00 0x00 tx_k2 0x00 0x00 | rpop_scr 0x1C 0x00 rpop_isr 0x00 0x00 | rpop_ier 0x00 0x00 rpop_pslr 0xFF 0x00 | rpop_pbip80r 0x00 0x00 rpop_pbip81r 0x00 0x00 | rpop_pfebe0r 0x00 0x00 rpop_pfebe1r 0x00 0x00 | rpop_pbip8cr 0x00 0x00 tpop_cdr 0x00 0x00 | tpop_pcr 0x00 0x00 tpop_ap0r 0x00 0x00 | tpop_ap1r 0x90 0x00 tpop_pslr 0x13 0x00 | tpop_psr 0x00 0x00 racp_csr 0x84 0x00 | racp_iesr 0x00 0x00 racp_mhpr 0x00 0x00 | racp_mhmr 0x00 0x00 racp_checr 0x00 0x00 | racp_uhecr 0x00 0x00 racp_rcc0r 0x00 0x00 | racp_rcc1r 0x00 0x00 racp_rcc2r 0x00 0x00 | racp_cfgr 0xFC 0x00 tacp_csr 0x04 0x00 | tacp_iuchpr 0x00 0x00 tacp_iucpopr 0x6A 0x00 | tacp_fctlr 0x10 0x00 tacp_tcc0r 0xB2 0x00 | tacp_tcc1r 0x63 0x00 tacp_tcc2r 0x65 0x00 | tacp_cfgr 0x08 0x00 rase_ie 0x07 0x00 | rase_is 0x00 0x00 rase_cc 0x00 0x00 | rase_sfap1 0x08 0x00 rase_sfap2 0x00 0x00 | rase_sfap3 0x00 0x00 rase_sfst1 0xFF 0x00 | rase_sfst2 0xFF 0x00 rase_sfdt1 0x45 0x00 | rase_sfdt2 0x42 0x00 rase_sfct1 0x86 0x00 | rase_sfct2 0x82 0x00 rase_rK1 0xFF 0x00 | rase_rK2 0xFF 0x00 rase_rS1 0xFF 0x00

APS control register: 0x0051 | 0x0000

Local bus timeouts detected: 0 Remote bus timeouts detected: 0 UTOPIA bus parity errors detected: 0

DSLAM> show controllers atm 0/2 IF Name: ATM0/2 Chip Base Address: B3809080 Port type: OC3 Port rate: 155000 kbps Port medium: MM Fiber

Alarms: Source: ATM0/2 working Severity: CRITICAL Description: 10 Loss of Signal

local peer (working) (protection) ACTIVE INACTIVE --------------- --------------- Port status SECTION LOS Not available Loopback None Not available Flags 0x8300 Not available TX clock source network-derived Not available Framing mode sts-3c Not available Cell payload scrambling On Not available Sts-stream scrambling On Not available TX Led: Off Not available RX Led: On Not available TST Led: Off Not available

OC3 counters: cells transmitted 0 0 cells received 0 0 cells sent to peer 0 0 cells received from peer 0 0 section BIP-8 errors 0 0 line BIP-8 errors 0 0 path BIP-8 errors 0 0 OOCD errors (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE errors 0 0 path FEBE errors 0 0 correctable HEC errors 0 0 uncorrectable HEC errors 0 0

OC3 errored seconds: section BIP-8 0 0 line BIP-8 0 0 path BIP-8 0 0 OOCD (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE 0 0 path FEBE 0 0 correctable HEC 0 0 uncorrectable HEC 0 0

OC3 error-free secs: section BIP-8 0 0 line BIP-8 0 0 path BIP-8 0 0 OOCD (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE 0 0 path FEBE 0 0 correctable HEC 0 0 uncorrectable HEC 0 0

local peer local peer ----- ---- ----- ---- Per chip registers mr 0x61 0x00 | mmc 0x61 0x00 mcmr 0x67 0x00 | cscsr 0x67 0x00 ictl 0x5F 0x00 | opc 0x00 0x00 pop0sr 0x3E 0x00 | pop1sr 0x06 0x00 pop2sr 0x3E 0x00 | pop3sr 0x06 0x00

Per port registers mcfgr 0x70 0x00 | misr 0x00 0x00 mctlr 0x50 0x00 | crcsr 0x48 0x00 transs 0x00 0x00 | rsop_cier 0x26 0x00 rsop_sisr 0x77 0x00 | rsop_bip80r 0x80 0x00 rsop_bip81r 0xBB 0x00 | tsop_ctlr 0x00 0x00 tsop_diagr 0x00 0x00 | rlop_csr 0x02 0x00 rlop_ieisr 0x00 0x00 | rlop_bip8_240r 0x00 0x00 rlop_bip8_241r 0x00 0x00 | rlop_bip8_242r 0x00 0x00 rlop_febe0r 0x00 0x00 | rlop_febe1r 0x00 0x00 rlop_febe2r 0x00 0x00 | tlop_ctlr 0x20 0x00 tlop_diagr 0x20 0x00 | tx_k1 0x00 0x00 tx_k2 0x00 0x00 | rpop_scr 0x1C 0x00 rpop_isr 0x00 0x00 | rpop_ier 0x00 0x00 rpop_pslr 0xFF 0x00 | rpop_pbip80r 0x00 0x00 rpop_pbip81r 0x00 0x00 | rpop_pfebe0r 0x00 0x00 rpop_pfebe1r 0x00 0x00 | rpop_pbip8cr 0x00 0x00 tpop_cdr 0x00 0x00 | tpop_pcr 0x00 0x00 tpop_ap0r 0x00 0x00 | tpop_ap1r 0x90 0x00 tpop_pslr 0x13 0x00 | tpop_psr 0x00 0x00 racp_csr 0x84 0x00 | racp_iesr 0x00 0x00 racp_mhpr 0x00 0x00 | racp_mhmr 0x00 0x00 racp_checr 0x00 0x00 | racp_uhecr 0x00 0x00 racp_rcc0r 0x00 0x00 | racp_rcc1r 0x00 0x00 racp_rcc2r 0x00 0x00 | racp_cfgr 0xFC 0x00 tacp_csr 0x04 0x00 | tacp_iuchpr 0x00 0x00 tacp_iucpopr 0x6A 0x00 | tacp_fctlr 0x00 0x00 tacp_tcc0r 0x00 0x00 | tacp_tcc1r 0x00 0x00 tacp_tcc2r 0x00 0x00 | tacp_cfgr 0x08 0x00 rase_ie 0x07 0x00 | rase_is 0x00 0x00 rase_cc 0x00 0x00 | rase_sfap1 0x08 0x00 rase_sfap2 0x00 0x00 | rase_sfap3 0x00 0x00 rase_sfst1 0xFF 0x00 | rase_sfst2 0xFF 0x00 rase_sfdt1 0x45 0x00 | rase_sfdt2 0x42 0x00 rase_sfct1 0x86 0x00 | rase_sfct2 0x82 0x00 rase_rK1 0xFF 0x00 | rase_rK2 0xFF 0x00 rase_rS1 0xFF 0x00

APS control register: 0x0051 | 0x0000

Local bus timeouts detected: 0 Remote bus timeouts detected: 0 UTOPIA bus parity errors detected: 0

show dsl interface

To display DSL and ATM status for a port, use the show dsl interface command.

show dsl interface [atm | idsl] slot#/port#

Syntax Description


The slot number and port number for the port whose status you want to display. The slot range is 1 to 34. The port range is 1 to 8. (These are maximum ranges; your card might have fewer than 8 ports and your chassis might have fewer than 34 slots. The Cisco 6160 has 32 xDSL line card slots. The Cisco 6260 has 30 xDSL line cards slots. The Cisco 6015 has 6 xDSL line card slots.)


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


The Power Management Additional Margin parameter was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display line status, loopback status, DSL profile assignment, DSL profile parameters (configured and actual values), alarm status, DSL statistics, and ATM statistics for a port. Table 6-7 describes the fields shown in the show dsl interface atm slot#/port# for DMT output display.

Table 6-7 show dsl interface Field Descriptions for DMT 


Port status:

Heading for the section that displays the general port status.

Subscriber Name:

This output displays the user-defined name of the port or the subscriber (optional).

Circuit ID:

This output displays the user-defined identification field (optional).

IOS admin:

This output displays whether the administrative status of the port is UP or DOWN (shut, no shut).


This output displays whether the port is operationally UP or DOWN. The port has to be trained or in loopback for this field to read UP; otherwise it displays DOWN.

Card status:

This output displays the card in the slot if it is present, running, and matches the card type provisioned for the slot; otherwise it displays the status of the card (missing, loading, or specific line card type).

Last Change:

This output displays the last time the "oper" or "IOS admin" field changed.

No. of changes:

This output displays the number of operational changes made since card initialization. The only way to clear this field is to pull the card.

Line Status:

This output displays the current operational status of the port (for example, TRAINED, TRAINING, NO CPE DETECTED, LOADING, NOT IN SERVICE, WIDEBAND SIGNAL, DIGITAL LOOPBACK).

Test Mode:

This output displays any current test in progress.

Test Type:

If a test is running or has just completed, this output displays the type of test in progress or just completed (for example, DIGITAL BERT LOOPBACK). This display always appears in the show dsl interface atm command for the shdsl and sdsl.

Test Status:

If a test is running or has just completed, this output displays the status of the test. (TEST IN PROGRESS,TEST COMPLETED, TEST WAS ABORTED, NONE)

Test Result:

The first time you use the show dsl interface command after a test has been run on the port, the "Test Result" output is available (for example, Error during BERT, Upstream run time (secs), Upstream errors).

ADSL Chipset Self-Test:

This output displays the status of an ADSL chipset self-test. (RUNNING, PASSED, FAILED, NONE)

CO Modem Firmware Version:

This output displays the firmware version that is currently loaded on the DSL line card after the card initializes.


Heading for the section that displays information about the profile that is associated with the port specified.

DMT Profile Name:

This output displays the user defined profile name that is assigned to the specific port or subscriber.

Link Traps Enabled:

This output displays whether link traps are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable link traps (NO, YES).

Alarms Enabled:

This output displays whether alarms are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable the alarms set (NO,YES).

ATM Payload Scrambling:

This output displays whether ATM payload scrambling is enabled or disabled. The default profile enables ATM payload scrambling (Enabled, Disabled). The ATM payload scrambling setting must match the setting on the CPE. This output does not appear for the show dsl interface idsl command.

DMT profile parameters

The parameters that display here are identical to the output that displays for the show dsl profile command. They are explained in Table 6-12.


If interprocess communications (IPC) between the NI-2 and line card go down, the line card status fields do not display. If IPC remains down, the show dsl interface command becomes unavailable.

Bitrates: Interleave Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual bitrates of the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Bitrates: Fast Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the actual bitrates of the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual signal to noise margin at the time you entered the command. The margin should be equal to or higher than the margin configured for the line.


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual signal attenuation at the time you entered the command.

Interleave Delay:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output should be equal to or less than your configured interleave delay value. The default is 16 milliseconds.

Transmit Power:

downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual transmit power at the time you entered the command.

Check Bytes (FEC):

Interleave Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual number of check bytes that are configured for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields. Higher values increase noise immunity on the DSL link, but they also increase latency. The output might be less than the number configured, depending on the requested line rate and the errors detected.

Check Bytes (FEC):

Fast Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the actual number of check bytes that are configured for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields. Higher values increase noise immunity on the DSL link, but they also increase latency. The output might sbe less than the number configured, depending on the requested line rate and the errors detected.

R-S Codeword Size:

downstream: upstream:

This output displays the Reed-Solomon codeword size being used. Higher values increase noise immunity on the DSL link, but they also increase latency.

Trellis Coding:

This output displays whether trellis coding is in use on the port.

Overhead Framing:

This output displays the overhead framing mode that is negotiated between the DSLAM and CPE.

Line Fault:

If alarms are enabled and a line or CPE are disconnected, an alarm displays in this output.

Operating Mode:

This field shows either the negotiated operating mode if configured to "auto" or the mode configured (for example, modes G.992.1 or ANSI T1.413).

Line Type:

This output displays either interleave path or fast path, depending on how the port is configured



If the profile enables the alarms, this output displays any current alarms.

ATM Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for layer 2 (ATM).

Interleaved-Path Counter:


downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual number of cells sent and received; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Interleaved-Path Counter:

HEC errors:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual number of HEC errors detected; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Interleaved-Path Counter: LOCD events:

near end: far end:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual number of LOCD events detected; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Interleaved-Path Counter: LOCD events before

1st synch: near end:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual number of LOCD events that are detected before the line successfully trained; otherwise it displays zero in both fields. This field is valid only for the 4xflexi dsl line card.

Fast-Path Counters:


downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the actual number of cells sent and received; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Fast-Path Counters:

HEC errors:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the actual number of HEC errors detected; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Fast-Path Counters:

LOCD events:

near end: far end:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the actual number of LOCD events detected; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

DSL Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for layer 1.

Init Events:

This output displays the number of initialization attempts for this port.

Far End LPR Events:

This output displays the number of failures caused by a CPE power loss.

Transmitted Superframes:

near end: far end:

This output displays the number of superframes sent; near end is the number sent by the DSLAM port, and far end is the number sent and reported by the CPE. With some CPEs, far end sent and received displays zero or not available due to interoperability issues. A superframe is a synchronization boundary that represents 68 x 4 kHz DMT data frames.

Received Superframes:

near end: far end:

This output displays the number of superframes received; near end is the number received by the port, and far end is the number received and reported by the CPE. With some CPEs, far end sent and received displays zero or not available due to interoperability issues. A superframe is a synchronization boundary that represents 68 x 4 kHz DMT data frames.

Corrected Superframes:

near end: far end:

This output displays the number of superframes corrected; near end is the number corrected by the DSLAM, and far end is the number corrected by the CPE. With some CPEs, far end sent and received displays zero or not available due to interoperability issues. A superframe is a synchronization boundary that represents 68 x 4 kHz DMT data frames.

Uncorrected Superframes:

near end: far end:

This output displays the number of superframes unable to be corrected; near end is the number unable to be corrected by the DSLAM, and far end is the number unable to be corrected by the CPE. With some CPEs, far end sent and received displays zero or not available due to interoperability issues. A superframe is a synchronization boundary that represents 68 x 4 kHz DMT data frames.

LOS Events:

near end: far end:

This output displays the number of LOS events; near end is the number of times this has been detected by the port, and far end is the number of times this has been detected by the CPE.

LOF/RFI Events:

near end: far end:

This output displays the number of LOF/RFI events; near end is the number of times this has been detected by the port, and far end is the number of times this has been detected by the CPE.

ES Events:

near end: far end:

This output displays the number of ES events; near end is the number of times this has been detected by the port, and far end is the number of times this has been detected by the CPE.

CPE Info:

Heading of the section that displays CPE information.

Version Number:

This output displays a unique number defined per CPE vendor and model.

Vendor ID:

This output displays a unique number defined per CPE vendor and model.

Table 6-8 describes the fields shown in the show dsl interface atm slot#/port# for SHDSL output display.

Table 6-8 show dsl interface Field Descriptions for SHDSL 


Port status:

Heading for the section that displays the general port status.

Subscriber Name:

This output displays the user defined name of the port or the subscriber (optional).

Circuit ID:

This output displays the user defined identification field (optional).

IOS admin:

This output displays whether the administrative status of the port is UP or DOWN (shut, no shut).


This output displays whether the port is operationally UP or DOWN. The port must be trained or in loopback for this field to read UP; otherwise it displays DOWN.

Card status:

This output displays the card in the slot if it is present, running, and matches the card type provisioned for the slot; otherwise it displays the status of the card (missing, loading, or specific line card type).

Last Change:

This output displays the last time the "oper" or "IOS admin" field changed.

No. of changes:

This output displays the number of operational changes made since card initialization, the only way to clear this field is to pull the card.

Line Status:

This output displays the current operational status of the port (for example, TRAINED, TRAINING, NO CPE DETECTED, LOADING, NOT IN SERVICE, WIDEBAND SIGNAL, DIGITAL LOOPBACK).

Test Mode:

This output displays any current test in progress.

Test Type:

If a test is running or has just been completed, this output displays the type of test in progress or just completed (for example, DIGITAL BERT LOOPBACK). This display always appears in the show dsl interface atm command for shdsl and sdsl.

Test Status:

If a test is running or has just been completed, this output displays the status of the test. (TEST IN PROGRESS,TEST COMPLETED, TEST WAS ABORTED, NONE)

Test Result:

The first time you use the show dsl interface command after a test is run on the port, the "Test Result" output is available (for example, Error during BERT, Upstream run time (secs), Upstream errors).


Heading for the section that displays information about the profile that is associated with the port specified.

SHDSL Profile Name:

This output displays the user defined profile name that is assigned to the specific port or subscriber.

Link Traps Enabled:

This output displays whether link traps are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable link traps (NO, YES).

Alarms Enabled:

This output displays whether alarms are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable the alarms set (NO, YES).

ATM Payload Scrambling:

This output displays whether ATM payload scrambling is enabled or disabled. The default profile enables ATM payload scrambling (Enabled, Disabled). The ATM payload scrambling setting must match the setting on the CPE. This output does not appear for the show dsl interface idsl command.

[CAP, DMT, IDSL, SDSL, SHDSL] profile parameters

The parameters that display here are identical to the output that displays for the show dsl profile command. These parameters are explained in Table 6-12.

DSP/Framer Version:

Hardware Ver:

This output displays the hardware version that is currently loaded on the DSL line card after the card initializes.

DSP/Framer Version:

Firmware Ver:

This output displays the firmware version that is currently loaded on the DSL line card after the card initializes.


(This status output is valid for SHDSL)

If interprocess communications (IPC) between the NI-2 and line card goes down, the line card status fields do not display. If IPC remains down, the show dsl interface command becomes unavailable.

Actual bitrates:

This output displays the actual data rate on the port.

Receiver gain:

near end:

This output displays the reporting by the DSLAM of the amount of gain required to receive the signal. This number varies depending on signal attenuation and the transmit power of the CPE.

Transmit power:

near end:

This output displays the amount of power that the DSLAM is transmitting out the specific port.

Run-time receiver SNR

near end:

This output displays the real-time signal to noise ratio for the signal that the port receives.

SNR Margin:

near end:

This output displays the actual signal to noise margin at the time you enter the command. The margin should be equal to or higher than the margin configured for the line.


near end:

This output displays the actual signal attenuation at the time you enter the command.



If the profile enables the alarms, this output displays any current alarms.



If the profile enables the alarms, this output displays any alarm defects.



If the profile enables the alarms, this output displays any current alarms.

ATM Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for Layer 2 (ATM).

ATM Statistics:


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual number of cells sent and received.

ATM Statistics:

HEC errors: upstream:

This output displays the actual number of header error control (HEC) errors detected.

DSL Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for layer 1.

Init Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of initialization attempts for this port.

LOS Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of loss of signal (LOS) events that the port detects.

LOSQ Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of loss of signal quality (LOSQ) events that the port detects.

SES Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of severely errored seconds (SES) that the port detects.

CV Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of coding violations (CV) that the port detects.

ES Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of errored seconds (ES) that the port detects.

UAS Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of unavailable seconds (UAS) that the port detects.

Unavailable Resources:

near end:

This output displays the counter for upstream cell loss between the line card and the NI-2.

Table 6-9 describes the fields shown in the show dsl interface atm slot#/port# for SDSL output display.

Table 6-9 show dsl interface Field Descriptions for SDSL 


Port status:

Heading for the section that displays the general port status.

Subscriber Name:

This output displays the user-defined name of the port or the subscriber (optional).

Circuit ID:

This output displays the user-defined identification field (optional).

IOS admin:

This output displays whether the administrative status of the port is UP or DOWN (shut, no shut).


This output displays whether the port is operationally UP or DOWN. The port has to be trained or in loopback for this field to read UP; otherwise it displays DOWN.

Card status:

This output displays the card in the slot if it is present, running, and matches the card type provisioned for the slot; otherwise it displays the status of the card (missing, loading, or specific line card type).

Last Change:

This output displays the last time the "oper" or "IOS admin" field changed.

No. of changes:

This output displays the number of operational changes made since card initialization; the only way to clear this field is to pull the card.

Line Status:

This output displays the current operational status of the port (for example, TRAINED, TRAINING, NO CPE DETECTED, LOADING, NOT IN SERVICE, WIDEBAND SIGNAL, DIGITAL LOOPBACK).

Test Mode:

This output displays any current test in progress.

Test Type:

If a test is running or has just completed, this output displays the type of test in progress or just completed (for example, DIGITAL BERT LOOPBACK). This display always appears in the show dsl interface atm command for shdsl and sdsl.

Test Status:

If a test is running or has just completed, this output displays the status of the test. (TEST IN PROGRESS, TEST COMPLETED, TEST WAS ABORTED, NONE).

Test Result:

The first time you use the show dsl interface command after a test has run on the port, the "Test Result" output is available (for example, Error during BERT, Upstream run time (secs), Upstream errors).


Heading for the section that displays information about the profile that is associated with the port specified.

SDSL Profile Name:

This output displays the user defined profile name that is assigned to the specific port or subscriber.

Link Traps Enabled:

This output displays whether link traps are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable link traps (NO, YES).

Alarms Enabled:

This output displays whether alarms are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable the alarms set (NO, YES).

ATM Payload Scrambling:

This output displays whether ATM payload scrambling is enabled or disabled. The default profile enables ATM payload scrambling (Enabled, Disabled). The ATM payload scrambling setting must match the setting on the CPE. This output does not appear for the show dsl interface idsl command.

[CAP, DMT, IDSL, SDSL, SHDSL] profile parameters

The parameters that display here are identical to the output that displays for the show dsl profile command and are explained in Table 6-12.

Default configurations:

Transmit Power: 0 dB

This output displays that the default configuration for transmit power is 0 dB.

Default configurations:

Retrain level: 20 dB

This output indicates that when the signal to noise ratio reaches 20 dB, the line is dropped and then retrains.

Default configurations:

Retrain Timeout: 180 secs

This output displays that the default configuration for the retrain timeout is 180 seconds. If the training process takes 180 seconds, the process stops and starts over.

DSP/Framer Version:

Hardware Ver:

This output specifies the hardware version that is currently loaded on the DSL line card after the card initializes.

DSP/Framer Version:

Firmware Ver:

This output specifies the firmware version that is currently loaded on the DSL line card after the card initializes.


(This status output is valid for SDSL)

If interprocess communications (IPC) between the NI-2 and line card goes down, the line card status fields does not display. If IPC remains down, the show dsl interface command becomes unavailable.

Actual bitrates:

This output displays the actual data rate on the port.

Receiver gain:

near end:

This output displays the reporting by the DSLAM of the amount of gain required to receive the signal. This number varies depending on signal attenuation and the transmit power of the CPE.

Transmit power:

near end:

This output displays the amount of power that the DSLAM is transmitting out of the specific port.

Run-time receiver SNR:

near end:

This output displays the real-time signal to noise margin for the signal that the port receives.



If the profile enables the alarms, this output displays any current alarms.

ATM Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for Layer 2 (ATM).

ATM Statistics:


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual number of cells sent and received.

ATM Statistics:

HEC errors: upstream:

This output displays the actual number of header error control (HEC) errors detected.

DSL Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for layer 1.

Init Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of initialization attempts for this port.

LOS Events:

near end:

This output displays the number of loss of signal (LOS) events that the port detects.

Table 6-10 describes the fields shown in the show dsl interface atm slot#/port# for CAP output display.

Table 6-10 show dsl interface Field Descriptions for CAP 


Port status:

Heading for the section that displays the general port status.

Subscriber Name:

This output displays the user defined name of the port or the subscriber (optional).

Circuit ID:

This output displays the user defined identification field (optional).

IOS admin:

This output displays whether the administrative status of the port is UP or DOWN (shut, no shut).


This output displays whether the port is operationally UP or DOWN. The port has to be trained or in loopback for this field to read UP; otherwise it displays DOWN.

Card status:

This output displays the card in the slot if it is present, running, and matches the card type provisioned for the slot; otherwise it displays the status of the card (missing, loading, or specific line card type).

Last Change:

This output displays the last time the "oper" or "IOS admin" field changed.

No. of changes:

This output displays the number of operational changes made since card initialization; the only way to clear this field is to pull the card.

Line Status:

This output displays the current operational status of the port (for example, TRAINED, TRAINING, NO CPE DETECTED, LOADING, NOT IN SERVICE, WIDEBAND SIGNAL, DIGITAL LOOPBACK).

Test Mode:

This output displays any current test in progress.

Test Type:

If a test is running or has just completed, this output displays the type of test in progress or just completed (for example, DIGITAL BERT LOOPBACK). This display always appears in the show dsl interface atm command for shdsl.

Test Status:

If a test is running or has just been completed, this output displays the status of the test. (TEST IN PROGRESS,TEST COMPLETED, TEST WAS ABORTED, NONE.)

Test Result:

The first time you use the show dsl interface command after a test has run on the port, the "Test Result" output is available (for example, Error during BERT, Upstream run time (secs), Upstream errors).

ADSL Chipset Self-Test:

This output displays the status of an ADSL chipset self-test (RUNNING, PASSED, FAILED, NONE).

CO Modem Firmware Version:

Heading for the section that displays the CO modem firmware version.

CO Modem Firmware Version:

DSP Version:

This output displays the DSP version that is currently loaded on the dsl line card after the card initializes.

CO Modem Firmware Version:

DSP Firmware Release:

This output displays the DSP firmware version that is currently loaded on the dsl line card after the card initializes.

CO Modem Firmware Version:

CO Protocol Version:

This output displays the CO protocol version that is currently loaded on the DSL line card after the card initializes.


Heading for the section that displays information about the profile that is associated with the port specified.

CAP Profile Name:

This output displays the user defined profile name that is assigned to the specific port or subscriber.

Link Traps Enabled:

This output displays whether link traps are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable link traps (NO, YES).

Alarms Enabled:

This output displays whether alarms are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable the alarms set (NO, YES).

ATM Payload Scrambling:

This output displays whether ATM payload scrambling is enabled or disabled. The default profile enables ATM payload scrambling (Enabled, Disabled). The ATM payload scrambling setting must match the setting on the CPE. This output does not appear for the show dsl interface idsl command.

[CAP, DMT, IDSL, SDSL, SHDSL] profile parameters

The parameters that display here are identical to the output that displays for the show dsl profile command and are explained in Table 6-12.


(This status output is valid for CAP)

If interprocess communications (IPC) between the NI-2 and line card goes down, the line card status fields do not display. If IPC remains down, the show dsl interface command becomes unavailable.


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual downstream and upstream data rate on the port.


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual constellation downstream and upstream on the port.

Baud Rate:

downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual downstream and upstream baud rate on the port.

Signal Quality

co: cpe:

This output displays the signal quality for the signal that the port sends and receives.

Receiver Gain:

co: cpe:

This output displays the reporting by the DSLAM of the amount of gain required to receive the signal, and the number varies depending on attenuation and CPE transmit power.

Transmit Power:

co: cpe:

This output displays the amount of power the DSLAM is transmitting and receiving out the specific port.



This output displays the signal to noise ratio for the signal that the port receives.



This output displays the signal to noise margin for the signal that the port receives.



If the profile enables the alarms, this output displays any current alarms.

ATM Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for layer 2(ATM).

ATM Statistics:


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual number of cells sent and received.

ATM Statistics:

HEC errors: upstream:

This output displays the actual number of header error control (HEC) errors detected.

DSL Statistics:

Heading for the section that displays all current counter information for layer 1.

Init Events:

This output displays the number of initialization attempts for this port.

CPE Info:

Heading of the section that displays CPE information.

Vendor ID:

This output displays a unique number defined per CPE vendor and model.

Product ID:

This output displays a unique number defined per CPE vendor and model.


This output displays the protocol being used by the CPE.


This output displays a unique signature defined per CPE vendor and model.

Table 6-11 describes the fields shown in the show dsl interface atm slot#/port# for IDSL output display.

Table 6-11 show dsl interface Field Descriptions for IDSL 


Port status:

Heading for the section that displays the general port status.

Subscriber Name:

This output displays the user-defined name of the port or the subscriber (optional).

Circuit ID:

This output displays the user-defined identification field (optional).

IOS admin:

This output displays whether the administrative status of the port is UP or DOWN (shut, no shut).


This output displays whether the port is operationally UP or DOWN. The port has to be trained or in loopback for this field to read UP; otherwise it displays DOWN.

Card status:

This output displays the card in the slot if it is present, running, and matches the card type provisioned for the slot; otherwise it displays the status of the card (missing, loading, or specific line card type).

Last Change:

This output displays the last time the "oper" or "IOS admin" field changed.

No. of changes:

This output displays the number of operational changes made since card initialization; the only way to clear field this field is to pull the card.


This output displays whether loopback is enabled or disabled on the port.

Firmware version:

This output displays the firmware version on the idsl line card.

BERT has not been executed on this interface

This outputs displays whether a BERT test has been executed on the interface.


Heading for the section that displays information about the profile associated with the port specified.

Profile Name:

This output displays the user-defined profile name that is assigned to the specific port or subscriber.

Alarms Enabled:

This output displays whether alarms are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable the alarms set (NO, YES).

[CAP, DMT, IDSL, SDSL, SHDSL] profile parameters

The parameters that display here are identical to the output that displays for the show dsl profile command and are explained in Table 6-12.

Performance Statistics:

(This status output is valid for IDSL)

Heading for the section that displays idsl port status.

Physical Layer

Coding violations:

This output displays coding violations that the DSLAM detects at the physical layer.

Physical Layer

Errored seconds:

This output displays errored seconds that the DSLAM detects at the physical layer.

Physical Layer

Severely errored seconds:

This output displays severely errored seconds that the DSLAM detects at the physical layer.

Physical Layer (far end)

Coding violations:

This output displays coding violations detected by the CPE at the physical layer.

Physical Layer (far end)

Errored seconds:

This output displays errored seconds detected by the CPE at the physical layer.

Physical Layer (far end)

Severely errored seconds:

This output displays severely errored seconds detected by the CPE at the physical layer.

HDLC Layer

Coding violations:

This output displays coding violations that the DSLAM detects at the HDLC layer.

HDLC Layer


This output displays the number of HDLC aborts detected by the DSLAM.

HDLC Layer


This output displays the number of "aligns" or frames received with a number a bits not divisible by 8.

HDLC Layer


This output displays the number of "shorts" or frames received that are less than 5 bytes in length.

HDLC Layer


This output displays the number of "longs" or frames received that are larger than the maximum transmission unit (MTU).

HDLC Layer


This output displays the number of frames dropped due to an error condition. Error conditions include shorts, longs, and line congestion.

Alarm Status:

If the profile enables the alarms, this output displays any current alarms.


In this example, the command displays the DSL/DMT and ATM status for slot 1, port 1.

Note The outputs for profile parameters vary (cap, dmt, idsl, sdsl, shdsl), depending on which form of DSL technology your system is using in a particular slot.

DSLAM> show dsl interface atm 1/1 Port Status: Subscriber Name: Circuit ID: IOS admin: UP oper: UP Card status: ATUC-8-DMT-1-H Last Change: 00 days, 00 hrs, 13 min, 05 sec No. of changes: 5 Line Status: TRAINED Test Mode: NONE ADSL Chipset Self-Test: NONE CO Modem Firmware Version: P.70 Configured: DMT Profile Name: default Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 R-S Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled Power Management Additional Margin:                  downstream: 2 dB, upstream: 3 dB

Status: Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Attainable Aggregate Bitrates: downstream: 8064 kb/s, upstream: 800 kb/s Margin: downstream: 36 dB, upstream: 35 dB Attenuation: downstream: 1 dB, upstream: 1 dB Interleave Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Transmit Power: downstream: 9.0 dB, upstream: 11.3 dB Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 R-S Codeword Size: downstream: 1, upstream: 16 Trellis Coding: In Use Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Line Fault: NONE Operating Mode: ANSI T1 413 Issue 2 Line Type: Interleaved Only Alarms: status: NONE ATM Statistics: Interleaved-Path Counters: Cells: downstream: 0 upstream: 172 HEC errors: downstream: 0 upstream: 0 LOCD events: near end: 0 far end: 0 Fast-Path Counters: Cells: downstream: 0 upstream: 0 HEC errors: downstream: 0 upstream: 0 LOCD events: near end: 0 far end: 0 DSL Statistics: Init Events: 1 Far End LPR Events: 0 Transmitted Superframes: near end: 46476 far end: 0 Received Superframes: near end: 46311 far end: 0 Corrected Superframes: near end: 0 far end: 0 Uncorrected Superframes: near end: 5 far end: 0 LOS Events: near end: 0 far end: 0 LOF/RFI Events: near end: 0 far end: 0 ES Events: near end: 1 far end: 0 CPE Info: Version Number: 1 Vendor ID: 34

Related Commands


show dsl status

To display the current status of the DSL subscriber ports on a chassis


Copies a DSL profile.


Creates a DSL profile or selects an existing profile for modification.

dsl profile

Attaches a port to a profile.

show dsl profile

To display a specific profile or all existing profiles, use the show dsl profile command.

show dsl profile [profile-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) The name of the profile you want to display.


If you omit the profile-name argument, this command displays profile information for all existing profiles.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays port configuration settings for selected profiles. Table 6-12 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-12 show dsl profile default Field Descriptions 


dsl profile default:

Heading for the section that displays the dsl profile parameters. The "default" in this field name of the profile can be given as a command line option. All profiles will be shown by the show dsl profile command; to display profiles individually, add the specific profile name to the command.

Link Traps Enabled:

This output displays whether link traps are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable link traps (NO, YES).

Alarms Enabled:

This output displays whether alarms are enabled or disabled. The default profile does not enable the alarms set (NO, YES).

ATM payload Scrambling:

This output displays whether ATM payload scrambling is enabled or disabled. The default profile enables ATM payload scrambling (Enabled, Disabled). The ATM payload scrambling setting must match the setting on the CPE.

DMT profile parameters

Heading for the section that displays the DMT profile parameters.

Maximum Bitrates:

Interleave Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the configured maximum bitrates both downstream and upstream for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Maximum Bitrates:

Fast Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the configured maximum bitrates both downstream and upstream for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Minimum Bitrates:

Interleave Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the configured minimum bitrates both downstream and upstream for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields. If the data rate drops below this threshold, an alarm will be sent.

Minimum Bitrates:

Fast Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the configured minimum bitrates both downstream and upstream for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields. If the data rate drops below this threshold, an alarm will be sent.


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the user determined minimum allowed signal to noise margin for the port.

Interleaving Delay:

downstream: upstream:

This output displays the configured interleave delay value. The default is 16 milliseconds. If no errors are being reported, you can reduce this number for less latency.

Check Bytes (FEC):

Interleave Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the configured number of check bytes for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

Check Bytes (FEC):

Fast Path:

downstream: upstream:

If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the configured number of check bytes for the line; otherwise it displays zero in both fields.

R-S Codeword Size:

downstream: upstream:

This output displays the Reed-Solomon codeword size that is configured on the port. The default is auto which allows the algorithm to optimize performance.

Trellis Coding:

This output displays whether trellis coding is enabled on the port (Enabled, Disabled).

Overhead Framing:

This output displays the overhead framing mode that is configured for the port. The default is Mode 3, which optimizes performance (Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3).

Operating Mode:

This output displays the configured operating mode on the port (for example G.992.1 or ANSI T1.413).

Training Mode:

This output displays the training mode that is configured on the port. The default is quick.

Minrate blocking:

Displays minimum rate allowed to train. If the line cannot meet this rate, it does not train.

SNR Monitoring:

If SNR monitoring is enabled, this output displays the minimum margin and interval value for both upstream and downstream. The default is Disabled (Enabled, Disabled).

Power Management Additional Margin:

Displays the configured values in decibels for both downstream and upstream.

SDSL profile parameters

Heading for the section that displays the SDSL profile parameters.

Maximum Bitrates:

This output displays the configured maximum bitrates, both downstream and upstream, for the line.

SHDSL profile parameters

Heading for the section that displays the SHDSL profile parameters.

Maximum Bitrates:

This output displays the configured maximum bitrates, both downstream and upstream, for the line.

SNR margin threshold:

This output displays the configured threshold. If the noise margin cannot be maintained at the threshold value, an alarm is sent. The default is 3 dB.

SNR margin target:

This output displays the configured margin the modem must maintain relative to a BER of 10-7. The default is 0 dB

SNR margin min:

This output displays the configured minimum noise margin the modem must achieve to trainup. The default is 0 dB.


This output displays the masktype: Symmetric (only).


This output displays the configured setting; the default is A (North America). Annex B (Europe) is the other option.

Rate Mode:

This output displays the rate mode (fixed).

CAP profile parameters

Heading for the section that displays the CAP profile parameters.

Maximum Bitrates:

downstream: upstream:

This output displays the configured maximum bitrates, both downstream and upstream, for the line.

Minimum Bitrates:

downstream: upstream:

This output displays the configured minimum bitrates, both downstream and upstream, for the line. If the data rate drops below this threshold, an alarm is sent.


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the user-determined minimum allowed signal to noise margin for the port.


downstream: upstream:

This output displays the actual power spectral density mask on the port.

Interleaving Delay:

This output displays the configured interleave delay setting (long, short, none). The default setting is long. Setting the interleave delay to none disables the Reed-Solomon algorithm.

136K Baud DS Rates:

This output displays whether the line is allowed to train at this low rate (Enabled, Disabled). You can set this rate for both downstream and upstream rates.

68K BAUD US Rates:

This output displays whether the line is allowed to train at this low rate (Enabled, Disabled). You can set this rate for both downstream and upstream rates.

17K Baud US Rates:

This output displays whether the line is allowed to train at this low rate (Enabled, Disabled). You can set this rate for both downstream and upstream rates.

CPE Signature:

This output displays a number uniquely defined per CPE vendor and model.

IDSL profile parameters

Heading for the section that displays the IDSL profile parameters.


This output displays the bit rate that is configured for the port; options include 144, 128, 64, and 56. The default is 128.


This output displays the type of encapsulation that the specific port uses. The default is llc-ppp; other options include cisco-ppp, frame-relay, and mux-ppp.

Frame Relay Parameters:

UPC intent:

If the port was configured for frame relay encapsulation, this output displays the usage parameter control (UPC) setting (PASS, TAG, DROP). This setting is used for traffic policing.

Frame Relay Parameters:

Bc default:

If the port was configured for frame relay encapsulation, this output displays the committed burst size to be used for ABR/UBR soft virtual channels that terminate on an interface. The range is 0 through 32768. The default is set at the maximum, 32768.

Frame Relay Parameters:

LMI type:

If the port was configured for frame relay encapsulation, this output displays the local management interface (LMI) type (ansi, cisco, q933a, none). The default is cisco.

Frame Relay Parameters:


If the port was configured for frame relay encapsulation, this output displays the frame relay data communications equipment (DCE) error threshold for the port. The range is 1 through 10. The default is set at 2.

Frame Relay Parameters:


If the port was configured for frame relay encapsulation, this output displays the frame relay DCE monitored events count. The range is 1 through 10. The default is set at 2.

Frame Relay Parameters:


If the port was configured for frame relay encapsulations, this output displays the frame relay DCE polling verification timer. The range is 5 through 30 seconds. The default is set at 15 seconds.


In this example, the command displays the profile default:

DSLAM> show dsl profile default dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled
DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 8064 kb/s, upstream: 1024 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 R-S Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled Power Management Additional Margin: downstream: 0 dB, upstream: 0 dB SDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 784 kbps SHDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 776 kbps SNR margin threshold: 3 dB SNR margin target: 0 dB SNR margin min: 0 dB Masktype: symmetric Annex: A Rate mode: fixed CAP profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 91 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 3 dB, upstream: 6 dB PSDM: downstream: -40 dBm/Hz, upstream: -38 dBm/Hz Interleaving Delay: Long (Reed-Solomon enabled) 136K Baud DS Rates: Enabled 68K Baud US Rates: Disabled 17K Baud US Rates: Disabled CPE Signature: 0 IDSL profile parameters Bitrate: 128 kbit/sec Encapsulation: llc-ppp Frame Relay parameters: UPC intent: pass Bc default: 32768 bytes LMI type: cisco lmi-n392dce: 2 events lmi-n393dce: 2 events lmi-t392dce: 15 seconds

Related Commands



Copies a DSL profile.


Creates a DSL profile or selects an existing profile for modification.

dsl profile

Attaches a port to a profile.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration for every currently defined profile, including the default.

show dsl status

To display the current status of the DSL subscriber ports on a chassis, use the show dsl status exec command.

show dsl status

Syntax Description

The command has no arguments or keywords.


If you omit optional arguments, this command displays the status of the DSL subscriber ports for all interface types on a chassis.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the following information for each DSL port on a chassis:

Subtend node ID for the chassis, if any

Administrative state of the port (up/down)

Note Output items for SDSL ports display one value for both upstream and downstream.

Operational state of the port (up/down)

Actual, trained upstream and downstream bit rates for the connection (not configured values)

Subscriber name associated with the port (truncated at 10 characters)

Circuit ID associated with the port (truncated at 10 characters)


In this example, the command displays the status for all of the DSL subscriber ports on a Cisco 6015 chassis:

DSLAM> show dsl status

Subtend Node ID: 0

DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM SUBSCRIBER CIRCUIT ID NAME ADMIN/OPER (Kb) (Kb) (truncated) (truncated) ---- ---------- -------- -------- ----------- ----------- ATM1/1 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM1/2 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM1/3 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM1/4 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM1/5 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM1/6 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM1/7 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM1/8 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/1 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/2 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/3 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/4 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/5 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/6 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/7 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM2/8 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM3/1 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM3/2 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM3/3 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM3/4 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM4/1 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM4/2 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM4/3 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM4/4 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM5/1 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM5/2 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM5/3 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM5/4 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/1 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/2 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/3 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/4 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/5 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/6 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/7 UP/DOWN 0 0 ATM6/8 UP/DOWN 0 0

Related Commands


show dsl interface atm

Displays the line coding status for a port.

show dsl status cap

To troubleshoot CAP ports, use the show dsl status cap command.

show dsl status cap

Syntax Description

The command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was modified to provide CAP specific feedback.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine the administrative and operational status of each port. Nothing displays for slots that are empty and unprovisioned. This command also provides information on SNRs, HEC errors, line rates, receiver gain, and detected CAP cards.

Table 6-13 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-13 show dsl status cap Field Descriptions 



This output displays the ATM slot(s) and ports.


This output displays whether the port is administratively up or down and whether the port is operationally (physically) up or down.


This output displays the actual downstream data rate on the port.


This output displays the actual upstream data rate on the port.


This output displays the reporting bye the DSLAM of the amount of gain required to receive the signal. The number varies depending on attenuation and CPE transmit power.


This output displays the amount of power the DSLAM is transmitting out the specific port.


This output displays the signal to noise ratio of the signal that the port receives.


This output displays the signal to noise margin of the signal that the port receives.


This output displays the number of HEC errors reported on the port.


This output displays the number of changes to the port since initialization.


This output displays the number of new cards detected since the NI card became active.


The following example shows output from the show dsl status cap command:

DSLAM> show dsl status cap

Subtend Node ID: 0

DWNSTRM UPSTRM RCVR TX RCVR UPSTRM HEC NUM of CARD NAME ADMIN/OPER (Kb) (Kb) GAIN POWER SNR MARGIN ERRORS CHANGES DETECT ---- ---------- ------- ------- ---- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ATM4/1 UP/UP 7168 1088 6 20 45 11 0 5 2 ATM4/2 UP/UP 7168 1088 6 20 45 11 0 11 2 ATM4/3 UP/UP 7168 1088 6 20 45 11 0 13 2 ATM4/4 UP/UP 7168 1088 6 20 45 11 0 7 2

Related Commands


show dsl status

Displays generic DSL interface information.

show dsl status dmt

To troubleshoot dmt ports, use the show dsl status dmt command.

show dsl status dmt

Syntax Description

The command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was modified to provide DMT specific feedback.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine the administrative and operational status of each port. Nothing displays for slots that are empty and unprovisioned. This command also provides information on SNRs, HEC errors, line rates, receiver gain, and DMT cards detected.

Table 6-14 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-14 show dsl status dmt Field Descriptions 



This output displays the ATM slot(s) and ports.


This output displays whether the port is administratively up or down and whether the port is operationally (physically) up or down.


If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual downstream data rate on the port.


If the port is configured for interleave path, this output displays the actual upstream data rate on the port.


If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the actual downstream data rate on the port.


If the port is configured for fast path, this output displays the actual upstream data rate on the port.


This output displays the signal to noise margin of the signal that the port sends.


This output displays the signal to noise margin of the signal that the port receives.


This output displays the number of errored seconds that the CPE reports.


This output displays the number of errored seconds that the port reports.


This output displays the number of changes to the port since initialization.


This output displays the number of new cards detected since the NI card became active.


The following example shows output from the show dsl status dmt command:

DSLAM> show dsl status dmt

Subtend Node ID: 0

DWNSTRM UPSTRM DWNSTRM UPSTRM DWNSTRM UPSTRM FAR NEAR NUM of CARD NAME ADMIN/OPER INT(Kb) INT(Kb)FST(Kb) FST(Kb)MARGIN MARGIN END ES END ES CHANGE DETECT ---- ---------- ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ATM1/1 UP/UP 0 0 8064 992 13.5 7.5 5 8 1 1 ATM1/2 UP/UP 8000 1024 0 0 11.0 13.5 1 136 1 1

Related Commands


show dsl status

Displays generic DSL interface information.

show dsl status idsl

To troubleshoot IDSL ports, use the show dsl status idsl command.

show dsl status idsl

Syntax Description

The command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was modified to provide IDSL specific feedback.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine the administrative and operational status of each port. Nothing displays for slots that are empty and unprovisioned. This command also provides information on SNRs, HEC errors, line rates, receiver gain, and IDSL cards detected.

Table 6-15 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-15 show dsl status idsl Field Descriptions 



This output displays the ATM slot(s) and ports.


This output displays whether the port is administratively up or down and whether the port is operationally (physically) up or down.


This output displays the actual data rate on the port.


This output displays the number of severely errored seconds that the CPE reports.


This output displays the number of errored seconds that the CPE reports.


This output displays the number of severely errored seconds that the port reports.


This output displays the number of errored seconds that the port reports.


Displays the number of changes to the port since initialization.


Displays the number of new cards detected since the NI card became active.


The following example shows output from the show dsl status idsl command:

DSLAM> show dsl status idsl

Subtend Node ID: 0

RATE FAR FAR NEAR NEAR NUM of CARD NAME ADMIN/OPER (Kb) END SES END ES END SES END ES CHANGE DETECT ---- ---------- ---- ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ IDSL2/1 UP/UP 144 2 6 1 8 2 1 IDSL2/2 UP/UP 144 2 6 1 8 2 1 IDSL2/3 UP/UP 144 2 6 1 8 2 1 IDSL2/4 UP/UP 144 2 6 1 8 2 1

Related Commands


show dsl status

Displays generic DSL interface information.

show dsl status sdsl

To troubleshoot SDSL ports, use the show dsl status sdsl command.

show dsl status sdsl

Syntax Description

The command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was modified to provide SDSL specific feedback.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine the administrative and operational status of each port. Nothing displays for slots that are empty and unprovisioned. This command also provides information on SNRs, HEC errors, line rates, receiver gain, and SDSL cards detected.

Table 6-16 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-16 show dsl status sdsl Field Descriptions 



This output displays the ATM slot(s) and ports.


This output displays whether the port is administratively up or down and whether the port is operationally (physically) up or down.


This output displays the actual data rate on the port.


This output displays the DSLAM reporting of the amount of gain required to receive the signal. This number varies depending on signal attenuation and the transmit power of the CPE.


This output displays the amount of power that the DSLAM transmits out of the specific port.


This output displays the signal to noise margin of the signal that the port receives.


This output displays the number of HEC errors on the port.


This output displays the number of changes to the port since initialization.


This output displays the number of new cards detected since the NI card became active.


The following example shows output from the show dsl status sdsl command:

DSLAM> show dsl status sdsl

Subtend Node ID: 0 RATE RCVR TX RCVR HEC NUM of CARD NAME ADMIN/OPER (Kb) GAIN POWER SNR ERROR CHANGES DETECT ---- ---------- ------- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ATM3/1 UP/UP 1168 1 14 41 0 1 2 ATM3/2 UP/UP 1168 1 14 41 0 2 2

Related Commands


show dsl status

Displays generic DSL interface information.

show dsl status shdsl

To troubleshoot shdsl ports, use the show dsl status shdsl command.

show dsl status shdsl

Syntax Description

The command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was modified to provide G.SHDSL-specific feedback.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine the administrative and operational status of each port. Nothing displays for slots that are empty and unprovisioned. This command also provides information on SNRs, HEC errors, line rates, receiver gain, and shdsl line cards detected.


The following example shows sample output from the show dsl status shdsl command:

DSLAM> show DSL status shdsl Subtend Node ID: 0

RATE RCVR TX RCVR HEC NUM of CARD NAME ADMIN/OPER (Kb) GAIN POWER SNR ERROR CHANGES DETECT ---- ---------- ------- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ATM12/1 UP/ UP 1032 37 14 37 0 1 1 ATM12/2 UP/ UP 1032 37 14 37 0 1 1 ATM12/3 UP/ UP 1032 37 14 37 0 1 1 ATM12/4 UP/ UP 1032 37 14 38 0 1 1 ATM12/5 UP/ UP 1032 38 14 38 0 1 1 ATM12/6 UP/ UP 1032 37 14 38 0 1 1


show dsl status

Displays generic DSL interface information.

show dsl test bert idsl

To view a bert test, use the show dsl test bert idsl command in EXEC configuration mode. The bert test command applies only to idsl ports and is activated by the dsl test idsl bert slot#/port# command in enabled mode.

show dsl test bert idsl slot#/port#

Syntax Description

The command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was modified to provide bert test feedback.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show the output for the BERT that is running on your system.

Table 6-17 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-17 show dsl test bert Field Descriptions 


Time remaining:

This output displays the time that remains on the current BERT.

Test duration:

This output displays the duration for a BERT. The default is 1 minute.

Total bits received:

This output displays the total number of bits received during testing.

Bit errors:

This output displays the number of bit errors as they occur during testing.

Sync count:

This output displays the actual number of sync losses thus far during the BERT.

Total sync time:

This output displays the amount of time that the line has been in sync during the test.

Current sync state:

This output displays whether the line is currently in sync.


The following example shows output from the show dsl test bert idsl 28/1 command:

DSLAM> show dsl test bert idsl 28/1 BERT is currently active on this interface Time remaining : 00:00:27 Test duration : 1 minute(s) Total bits received : 4753343 Bit errors : 49 Sync count : 7 Total sync time : 00:00:33 Current sync state : synced

After completion of the BERT:

DSLAM> show dsl test bert idsl 28/1 BERT is NOT currently active on this interface Last BERT executed : 00:01:16 Test duration : 1 minute(s) Total bits received : 8656695 Bit errors : 90 Sync count : 13 Total sync time : 00:01:00

Related Commands


dsl test idsl slot#/port# bert

Starts the BERT.

show environment

Use the show environment command in EXEC mode to display information about system temperature settings, as well as temperature details for installed cards or recently provisioned card slots.

show environment

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show environment command displays information about system temperature settings on an installed card or the temperature details for a recently provisioned slot. The details display only if there is a temperature mismatch between the system and the slot components.

You can specify a temperature setting with the command:

set temperature-rating < commercial | osp >


In this example, the command displays temperature information for the system:

DSLAM#sh environment

Warning: Slot 2 Power Module is not present

Hardware temperature rating mismatches System is provisioned as commercial: Use SET command to change the provision of the system. Hardware components NOT hardened(non-ITEMP): ATUC-4FLEXIDMT C6160 fan tray NI-2-155MM-155MM STUC-8-TCPAM Hardware components hardened(ITEMP): ATUC-8-DMT-1-H

Related Commands


set temperature-rating

Provisions the system temperature ratings. Systems are set as "commercial" by default.

show facility-alarm status

Displays current alarm information for your system.

show facility-alarm status

To display any current alarms on the system, use the show facility-alarm status command. Alarms matching selected severity or higher are displayed.

show facility-alarm status { critical | info | major | minor }

Syntax Description


Shows critical facility alarms.


Shows all facility alarms.


Shows major and higher facility alarms.


Shows minor and higher facility alarms.


The default setting for this command is info.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show facility-alarm status command displays information about current alarms on your system.


In this example, the command displays current alarm information for the system:

DSLAM#sh facility-alarm status

System Totals Critical: 2 Major: 0 Minor: 0 Source: Slot 1 Severity: INFO Description: 4 Module was detected Source: Slot 2 Severity: INFO Description: 4 Module was detected Source: Slot 3 Severity: INFO Description: 4 Module was detected Source: Slot 4 Severity: INFO Description: 4 Module was detected Source: Slot 5 Severity: INFO Description: 4 Module was detected Source: Slot 6 Severity: INFO Description: 4 Module was detected Source: ATM0/2 Severity: CRITICAL Description: 0 Loss of Signal Source: ATM0/3 Severity: CRITICAL Description: 0 Loss of Signal

Related Commands


set temperature-rating

Provisions the system temperature ratings. Systems are set as "commercial" by default.

show interfaces

Displays interface configuration, status, and statistics.

show controllers atm

Displays debugging information for a port.

show environment

Displays information about system temperature settings, as well as temperature details for installed cards or recently provisioned card slots

show dsl interface

Displays DSL and ATM status for a port.

show hardware

Use the show hardware command to display information about the physical cards in the chassis and the chassis type and to determine whether the power supply and fan modules are present.

show hardware

show hardware slot slot#

show hardware chassis

Syntax Description


The slot number for which you want to show card information. The range is 1 to 38. (This is the maximum range; your chassis might have fewer than 38 slots.)


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show hardware command displays information about the cards in the chassis and the chassis type and indicates whether the power supply and fan modules are present.

In the event that the show hardware command detects a module mismatch, this command displays the mismatched card type, followed by the word "MISMATCH." See the "slot" section on page 7-4 for more information on card mismatches.

The show hardware slot command displays the name of the card in the specified slot, along with IDPROM contents (serial number, CLEI code, and so forth). For example: Slot 21: ATUC-1-4DMT, SERIAL #, H/W rev, S/W rev, CLEI code.

The show hardware chassis command displays the manufacturing information for the NI-2 motherboard, NI-2 daughter card, I/O controller, power module, backplane, chassis type and name, manufacturer name, H/W revision, Serial #, Asset ID, Alias, and CLEI code.

Note If a flexi line card displays as ATU-C Flex, that slot is unprovisioned and is nonoperational. You must use the slot command to provision the slot for either DMT or CAP line coding before the flexi line card becomes operational.


In this example, the command displays hardware information for the card in slot 4:

DSLAM> show hardware slot 4

Related Commands


show oir status

Displays the online insertion and removal (OIR) status of line card slots.


Provisions a slot for a specific card type, or changes the line coding for a flexi line card. The slot command must be run in.

show hosts

To display the default domain name, the style of name lookup service, a list of name server hosts, and the cached list of host names and addresses, use the show hosts EXEC command.

show hosts

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example displays a sample output from the show hosts command:

DSLAM> show hosts

Default domain is CISCO.COM Name/address lookup uses domain service Name servers are Host               Flag        Age    Type        Address(es) SLAG.CISCO.COM    (temp, OK)  1     IP CHAR.CISCO.COM    (temp, OK)  8     IP CHAOS.CISCO.COM   (temp, OK)  8     IP DIRT.CISCO.COM    (temp, EX)  8     IP DUSTBIN.CISCO.COM (temp, EX)  0     IP DREGS.CISCO.COM   (temp, EX)  24    IP

Table 6-18 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 6-18 show hosts Field Descriptions 



A temporary entry is made by a name server; the Cisco IOS software removes the entry after 72 hours of inactivity.

A permanent entry is made by a configuration command and is not timed out. Entries marked OK are believed to be valid. Entries marked ?? are considered suspect and subject to revalidation. Entries marked EX are expired.


Indicates the number of hours since the software last referred to the cache entry.


Identifies the type of address, for example, IP, CLNS, or X.121. If you used the ip hp-host global configuration command, the show hosts command displays these host names as type HP-IP.


Displays the address of the host. One host can have up to eight addresses.

Related Commands


clear host

Deletes entries from the host-name-and-address cache.

show ima interface

To display the information about IMA groups and the links in those groups, use the show ima interface EXEC command.

show ima interface {atm0/imaima-group-number | atm0/atm-interface-number | atm}

Syntax Description

show ima interface

Displays information about all IMA groups and the links in those groups.


Displays information about a single IMA group and the links in that group.


Displays IMA information for an individual link in an IMA group.


Specifies an ATM interface.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter an ATM keyword, the show ima interface command displays all IMA interfaces that are present in the system.


This example shows sample output from the show ima interface command for ATM 0/IMA0.

DSLAM> show ima interface atm0/ima0 ATM0/IMA0 is up NeImaID = 0 FeImaId = 0 State: Ne = operational Fe = operational Failure Status: Ne = noFailure Configuration: NumCfgLinks = 2 MinNumLinks = 2 NeFrameLength = m128 FeFrameLength = m128 NeTxClkMode = ctc FeTxClockMode = ctc NeTimingRefLink = ATM0/2 FeTimingRefLink = ATM0/2 NeOamLabel = 1 FeOamLabel = 1 NeCTCLink = ATM0/2 Test: TestLink = ATM0/2 TestPattern = 255 TestStatus = disabled Performance: NumTxActLinks = 2 NumRxActLinks = 2 DiffDelayMax = 25 DiffDelayMaxObs = 0 LeastDelayLink = ATM0/2 IMA Group Counters: NeNumFailures = 2 FeNumFailures = 9

Table 6-19 describes some key fields in the show ima interface command displays.

Table 6-19 show ima interface Field Descriptions  



Displays the minimum number of transmit links configured for the IMA group to function.


Displays the minimum number of receive links configured for the IMA group to function.


Displays the maximum differential delay configured for the IMA group.


Displays the frame length configured for the IMA group.


Displays the near-end transmit clock mode configured for the IMA group.


Displays the test procedure status configured for the IMA group.

Related Commands


show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about an ATM interface.

show interfaces

Displays the interface configuration, status, and statistics.

show interfaces

To display interface configuration, status, and statistics, use the show interfaces command.

show interfaces {type [slot#/port#[:cgn] | imagroup]}

Syntax Description


Specifies one of the interface types listed in Table 6-20.


Specifies the slot and port number of the ATM, CBR, or Ethernet interface.


Specifies the channel-group number (identifier).


Specifies the slot, port, and IMA group number of the ATM interface.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Table 6-20 shows the interface types for the show interfaces EXEC command.

Table 6-20 Interface Types for the show interfaces Command



Specifies the ATM interface.


Specifies the CBR interface.


Specifies the main Ethernet interface (0).


Specifies a serial interface, such as a channelized Frame Relay interface.


The following is sample output from the show interfaces atm command for an IMA group interface:

DSLAM> show interfaces atm 0/ima0 ATM0/IMA0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is t1_ima_group MTU 4470 bytes, sub MTU 4470, BW 3046 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 4 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

The following is sample output for the show interfaces atm command for ATM 0/1:

DSLAM> show interfaces atm 0/1 ATM0/1 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is ds3suni MTU 4470 bytes, sub MTU 4470, BW 45000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 3236315 packets input, 171524695 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 3301762 packets output, 174047789 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Table 6-21 lists the serial field descriptions for the show interfaces command.

Table 6-21 show interfaces serial Field Descriptions 



Number of maximum transmission units.


Number of bandwidth (kbps).


Number of the station delay parameter (used by IGRP).


Number of the reliability coefficient.


Number of load (IGRP).

last input

Amount of time since last input in the following format: hh:mm:ss.

last output

Amount of time since last output in the following format: hh:mm:ss.

output hang

Time of last reset for output failure.

output queue

Size of output queue or default size of queue.


Number of all output drops.

packets input

Number of all packets received since last reset.


Number of all bytes received since last reset.

no buffers

Number of all drops because of no buffers.

broadcasts, runts, giants

Not applicable if this is an ATM interface.

input errors

Number of damaged packets received.


Number of packets received with correctable and uncorrectable input HCS errors.


Number of packets with framing and alignment errors.

overrun, ignored, abort

Not applicable if this is an ATM interface.

Related Commands


show atm interface

Displays ATM-specific information about an ATM interface.

show ip bgp vpnv4

To display VPN address information from the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) table, use the show ip bgp vpnv4 EXEC command.

show ip bgp vpnv4 {all | rd route-distinguisher | vrf vrf-name}
[ip-prefix/length [longer-prefixes] [output-modifiers]]
[network-address [mask] [longer-prefixes] [output-modifiers]] [cidr-only] [community]
[community-list] [dampened-paths] [filter-list] [flap-statistics] [inconsistent-as]
[neighbors] [paths [line]] [peer-group] [quote-regexp] [regexp] [summary] [tags]

Syntax Description


Complete VPNv4 database.

rd route-distinguisher

Network Layer Reliability Information (NLRI) that has a matching route distinguisher.

vrf vrf-name

NLRI that is associated with the named VRF.


(Optional) IP prefix address (in dotted-decimal format) and length of mask (0 to 32).


(Optional) The entry, if any, that exactly matches the specified prefix parameter, as well as all entries that match the prefix in a "longest-match" sense. That is, prefixes for which the specified prefix is an initial substring.


(Optional) For a list of associated keywords and arguments, use context-sensitive help.


(Optional) IP address of a network in the BGP routing table.


(Optional) Mask of the network address, in dotted-decimal format.


(Optional) Only routes that have nonnatural net masks.


(Optional) Routes that matches this community.


(Optional) Routes that matches this community list.


(Optional) Paths suppressed due to dampening (BGP route from peer is up and down).


(Optional) Routes that conforms to the filter list.


(Optional) Flap statistics of routes.


(Optional) Only routes that have inconsistent autonomous systems of origin.


(Optional) Details about TCP and BGP neighbor connections.


(Optional) Path information.


(Optional) A regular expression to match the BGP AS paths.


(Optional) Information about peer groups.


(Optional) Routes matching the AS path "regular expression."


(Optional) Routes matching the AS path regular expression.


(Optional) BGP neighbor status.


(Optional) Incoming and outgoing BGP labels for each NLRI.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display VPNv4 information from the BGP database. The command show ip bgp vpnv4 all displays all available VPNv4 information. The command show ip bgp vpnv4 summary displays BGP neighbor status.


The following example shows output for all available VPNv4 information in a BGP routing table:

DSLAM> show ip bgp vpnv4 all BGP table version is 18, local router ID is Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP,? - incomplete

Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (vrf1) *> 0 0 101 i *>i12.0.0.0 0 100 0 102 i *> 0 0 101 i *>i51.0.0.0 0 100 0 102 i

Table 6-22 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-22 show ip bgp vpnv4 Field Descriptions



Network address from the BGP table

Next Hop

Address of the BGP next hop


BGP metric


Local preference


BGP weight


BGP path per route

The following example shows how to display a table of labels for NLRIs that have a route-distinguisher value of 100:1.

DSLAM> show ip bgp vpnv4 rd 100:1 tags Network Next Hop In tag/Out tag Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (vrf1) 34/notag 35/notag 26/notag 26/notag notag/26

Table 6-23 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-23 show ip bgp vpnv4 rd Tags Field Descriptions 



Network address from the BGP table

Next Hop

BGP next hop address

In Tag

Label (if any) assigned by this router

Out Tag

Label assigned by the BGP next hop router

The following example shows VPNv4 routing entries for the VRF called vrf1.

DSLAM> show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vrf1 BGP table version is 18, local router ID is Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP,? - incomplete Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (vrf1) *> 0 0 101 i *>i12.0.0.0 0 100 0 102 i *> 0 0 101 i *>i51.0.0.0 0 100 0 102 i

Table 6-24 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-24 show ip bgp vpnv4 Field Descriptions



Network address from the BGP table

Next Hop

Address of the BGP next hop


BGP metric


Local preference


BGP weight


BGP path per route

Related Commands


show ip vrf

Displays VRFs and associated interfaces.

show ip cef vrf

To display the Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) forwarding table that is associated with a VRF, use the show ip cef vrf EXEC command.

show ip cef vrf vrf-name [ip-prefix [mask [longer-prefixes]] [detail] [output-modifiers]]
[interface interface-number] [adjacency [interface interface-number] [detail] [discard]
[drop] [glean] [null] [punt] [output-modifiers]] [detail [output-modifiers]]
[non-recursive [detail] [output-modifiers]] [summary [output-modifiers]]
[traffic [prefix-length] [output-modifiers]] [unresolved [detail] [output-modifiers]]

Syntax Description


Name assigned to the VRF.


(Optional) IP prefix of entries to show, in dotted-decimal format (A.B.C.D).


(Optional) Mask of the IP prefix, in dotted-decimal format.


(Optional) Table entries for all of the more specific routes.


(Optional) Detailed information for each CEF table entry.


(Optional) For a list of associated keywords and arguments, use context-sensitive help.


(Optional) Type of network interface to use: ATM, Ethernet, Loopback, POS (packet over SONET), or Null.


Number identifying the network interface to use.


(Optional) All prefixes resolving through adjacency.


Discard adjacency.


Drop adjacency.


Glean adjacency.


Null adjacency.


Punt adjacency.


(Optional) Only nonrecursive routes.


(Optional) CEF table summary.


(Optional) Traffic statistics.


(Optional) Traffic statistics by prefix size.


(Optional) Only unresolved routes.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you use this command with only the vrf-name argument, the show ip cef vrf command shows a shortened display of the CEF table.

If you use this command with the detail argument, the show ip cef vrf command shows detailed information for all CEF table entries.


This example shows the forwarding table associated with the VRF called vrf1.

DSLAM> show ip cef vrf vrf1 Prefix Next Hop Interface receive Ethernet1/3 POS6/0 attached Ethernet1/3 receive Ethernet1/3 receive receive POS6/0 receive receive

Table 6-25 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-25 show ip cef vrf Field Descriptions



Network prefix

Next Hop

BGP next hop address


VRF interface

Related Commands


show ip route vrf

Displays the IP routing table that is associated with a VRF.

show ip vrf

Displays VRF interfaces.

show ip dhcp binding

To display address bindings on the Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, use the show ip dhcp binding EXEC command.

show ip dhcp binding [address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the DHCP client for which bindings display.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify the address, all address bindings display. Otherwise, only the binding for the specified client displays.


The following examples show the DHCP binding address parameters, including an IP address, an associated MAC address, a lease expiration date, and the type of address assignments that have occurred. Table 6-26 describes the fields in each example.

DSLAM> show ip dhcp binding

IP address     Hardware address    Lease expiration      Type    00a0.9802.32de      Feb 01 1998 12:00 AM  Automatic

DSLAM> show ip dhcp binding

IP address     Hardware address    Lease expiration      Type   02c7.f800.0422      Infinite              Manual

Table 6-26 show ip dhcp Field Descriptions 


IP address

The IP address of the host as recorded on the DHCP server.

Hardware address

The MAC address or client identifier of the host as recorded on the DHCP server.

Lease expiration

The lease expiration date of the IP address of the host.


The manner in which the IP address was assigned to the host.

Related Commands


clear ip dhcp binding

Deletes an automatic address binding from the Cisco IOS DHCP server database.

show ip dhcp conflict

To display address conflicts found by a Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server when addresses are offered to the client, use the show ip dhcp conflict EXEC command.

show ip dhcp conflict [address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the conflict found.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The server detects conflicts using ping. The client detects conflicts using gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). If either the server or the client detects an address conflict, the address is removed from the pool and the address is not assigned until an administrator resolves the conflict.


The following example displays the detection method and detection time for all IP addresses that the DHCP server has offered that have conflicts with other devices. Table 6-27 describes the fields in the example.

DSLAM> show ip dhcp conflict

IP address     Detection Method    Detection time    Ping                Feb 16 1998 12:28 PM    Gratuitous ARP      Feb 23 1998 08:12 AM

Table 6-27 show ip dhcp conflict Field Descriptions


IP address

The IP address of the host as recorded on the DHCP server.

Detection Method

The manner in which the IP addresses of the hosts were found on the DHCP server; this can be a ping or a gratuitous ARP.

Detection time

The time when the conflict was found.

Related Commands


clear ip dhcp conflict

Clears an address conflict from the Cisco IOS DHCP server database.

ip dhcp ping packets

Specifies the number of packets that a Cisco IOS DHCP server sends to a pool address as part of a ping operation.

ip dhcp ping timeout

Specifies how long a Cisco IOS DHCP server waits for a ping reply from an address pool.

show ip dhcp database

To display Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server database agent information, use the show ip dhcp database privileged EXEC command.

show ip dhcp database [url]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the remote file used to store automatic DHCP bindings. Following are the acceptable URL file formats:





If you do not specify a URL, all database agent records display. Otherwise, only information about the specified agent displays.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows all DHCP server database agent information. Table 6-28 describes each field in the example.

DSLAM> show ip dhcp database

URL        :   ftp://user:password@ Read       :   Dec 01 1997 12:01 AM Written    :   Never Status     :   Last read succeeded. Bindings have been loaded in RAM. Delay      :   300 seconds Timeout    :   300 seconds Failures   :   0 Successes  :   1

Table 6-28 show ip dhcp database Field Descriptions



Specifies the remote file used to store automatic DHCP bindings. The acceptable URL file formats include:





The last time bindings were read from the file server.


The last time bindings were written to the file server.


Indication of whether the last read or write of host bindings was successful.


The amount of time to wait before updating the database.


The amount of time before the file transfer is aborted.


The number of failed file transfers.


The number of successful file transfers.

Related Commands


ip dhcp database

Configures a DHCP server database agent and database agent parameters.

show ip dhcp server statistics

To display Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server statistics, use the show ip dhcp server statistics EXEC command.

show ip dhcp server statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example displays DHCP server statistics. Table 6-29 describes each field in the example.

DSLAM> show ip dhcp server statistics

Memory usage           40392 Address pools          3 Database agents        1 Automatic bindings     190 Manual bindings        1 Expired bindings       3 Malformed messages     0

Message                Received BOOTREQUEST            12 DHCPDISCOVER           200 DHCPREQUEST            178 DHCPDECLINE            0 DHCPRELEASE            0 DHCPINFORM             0

Message                Sent BOOTREPLY              12 DHCPOFFER              190 DHCPACK                172 DHCPNAK                6

Table 6-29 show ip dhcp server statistics Field Descriptions


Memory usage

The number of bytes of RAM allocated by the DHCP server.

Address pools

The number of configured address pools in the DHCP database.

Database agents

The number of database agents configured in the DHCP database.

Automatic bindings

The number of IP addresses that have been automatically mapped to the MAC addresses of hosts that are found in the DHCP database.

Manual bindings

The number of IP addresses that have been manually mapped to the MAC addresses of hosts that are found in the DHCP database.

Expired bindings

The number of expired leases.

Malformed messages

The number of truncated or corrupted messages that were received by the DHCP server.


The DHCP message type that was received by the DHCP server.


The number of DHCP messages that were received by the DHCP server.


The number of DHCP messages that were sent by the DHCP server.

Related Commands


clear ip dhcp server statistics

Resets all Cisco IOS DHCP server counters.

show ip protocols vrf

To display the routing protocol information associated with a VRF, use the show ip protocols vrf EXEC command.

show ip protocols vrf vrf-name

Syntax Description


Name assigned to a VRF.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display routing information associated with a VRF.


The following example shows information about a VRF called vpn1.

DSLAM> show ip protocols vrf vpn2 Routing Protocol is "bgp 100" Sending updates every 60 seconds, next due in 0 sec Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is IGP synchronization is disabled Automatic route summarization is disabled Redistributing:connected, static Routing for Networks: Routing Information Sources: Gateway Distance Last Update 200 02:20:54 200 03:26:15 Distance:external 20 internal 200 local 200

Table 6-30 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-30 show ip protocols vrf Field Descriptions



IP address of the router identifier for all routers in the network.


Metric used to access the destination route.

Last update

The last time the routing table was updated from the source.

Related Commands


show ip vrf

Displays VRF interfaces.

show ip route vrf

To display the IP routing table that is associated with a VRF (VPN routing or forwarding instance), use the show ip route vrf EXEC command.

show ip route vrf vrf-name [connected] [protocol [as-number] [tag] [output-modifiers]]
[list number [output-modifiers]] [profile] [static [output-modifiers]]
[summary [output-modifiers]] [supernets-only [output-modifiers]]
[traffic-engineering [output-modifiers]]

Syntax Description


Name assigned to the VRF.


All connected routes in a VRF.


To specify a routing protocol, use one of the following keywords: bgp, egp, eigrp, igrp, isis, ospf, or rip.


Autonomous system number.


IOS routing area label.


(Optional) For a list of associated keywords and arguments, use context-sensitive help.

list number

IP access list to display.


IP routing table profile.


Static routes.


Summary of routes.


Supernet entries only.


Only traffic-engineered routes.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays specified information from the IP routing table of a VRF.


This example shows the IP routing table associated with the VRF called vrf1.

DSLAM> show ip route vrf vrf1 Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, * - candidate default U - per-user static route, o - ODR T - traffic engineered route Gateway of last resort is not set B [200/0] via, 00:24:19 C is directly connected, Ethernet1/3 B [20/0] via, 02:10:22 B [200/0] via, 00:24:20

This example shows BGP entries in the IP routing table associated with the VRF called vrf1.

DSLAM> show ip route vrf vrf1 bgp B [200/0] via, 03:44:14 B [20/0] via, 03:44:12 B [200/0] via, 03:43:14

Related Commands


show ip cef vrf

Displays the CEF forwarding table associated with a VRF.

show ip vrf

Displays VRFs and associated interfaces.

show ip vrf

To display the set of defined VRFs (VPN routing or forwarding instances) and associated interfaces, use the show ip vrf EXEC command.

show ip vrf [{brief | detail | interfaces}] [vrf-name] [output-modifiers]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Concise information on the VRFs and associated interfaces.


(Optional) Detailed information on the VRFs and associated interfaces.


(Optional) Detailed information about all interfaces bound to a particular VRF, or any VRF.


Name assigned to a VRF.


(Optional) For a list of associated keywords and arguments, use context-sensitive help.


When you do not specify any optional parameters, the command displays concise information about all configured VRFs.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display information about VRFs. Two levels of detail are available—use the brief keyword or no keyword to display concise information, or use the detail keyword to display all information. To display information about all interfaces bound to a particular VRF, or to any VRF, use the interfaces keyword.


This example shows brief information for the VRFs currently configured.

DSLAM> show ip vrf Name Default RD Interfaces vrf1 100:1 Ethernet1/3 vrf2 100:2 Ethernet0/3

Table 6-31 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-31 show vrf Field Descriptions 



VRF name

Default RD

Default route distinguisher


Network interfaces

This example shows detailed information for the VRF called vrf1.

DSLAM> show ip vrf detail vrf1 VRF vrf1; default RD 100:1 Interfaces: Ethernet1/3 Connected addresses are in global routing table Export VPN route-target communities RT:100:1 Import VPN route-target communities RT:100:1 No import route-map

Table 6-32 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-32 show ip vrf detail Field Descriptions



Network interfaces


VPN route-target export communities


VPN route-target import communities

This example shows the interfaces bound to a particular VRF.

DSLAM> show ip vrf interfaces Interface IP-Address VRF Protocol Ethernet2 blue_vrf up Ethernet4 hub up

Table 6-33 describes the fields shown in this example.

Table 6-33 show ip vrf Interfaces Field Descriptions



Network interfaces for a VRF


IP address of a VRF interface


VRF name


State of the protocol (up/down) for each VRF interface

Related Commands


ip vrf

Enters VRF configuration mode.


Configures a default route distinguisher for a VRF.


Configures import and export extended community attributes for the VRF.


Configures an import route map for a VRF.

ip vrf forwarding

Associates a VRF with an interface or subinterface.

show oir status

To display the online insertion and removal (OIR) status of line card slots, use the show oir status exec command.

show oir status [slot#]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The slot number for which you want to show card information. The range is 1 to 38. (This is the maximum range; your chassis might have fewer than 38 slots.)


If you omit slot#, the system displays the status of all the slots in the chassis.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show oir status command reports the status of line card slots in the DSLAM chassis. The reported status is one of the following:

Loading—The line card in this slot is loading a new image, which typically takes about 2 minutes.

Running—The line card in this slot is operating normally.

Keepalive—The NI-2 is unable to communicate with the line card in this slot. The NI-2 keeps the line card in keepalive state for several seconds. If communication does not resume, the system assumes that the card was removed.

When the NI-2 cannot communicate with a line card, the NI-2 provides no entry for the slot where the card is located. The show oir status command displays a history of attempts to communicate with the line card.

After a 4xDMT line card has loaded a new image and show oir status indicates that it is running, the card might still be operationally down if the microcode is being updated. Use the show dsl interface command to examine the running card status.


The command in this example displays status information for all slots:

DSLAM> show oir status

Related Commands


show hardware

Displays information about the physical modules in the chassis.

show dsl interface atm

Displays DSL, DMT, CAP, and ATM status for a port.

show redundancy states

To display the state of the primary and secondary NI-2s, use the show redundancy states privileged EXEC command.

show redundancy states

Syntax Description

This command has no argument or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC.

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the state of the primary and secondary NI-2s and identifies which NI-2 is active.

Table 6-34 describes the fields shown in the example.

Table 6-34 show redundancy states Field Descriptions 


my state

The redundancy state of the active unit.

peer state

The redundancy state of the standby unit.


Simplex means that the standby unit is not installed or not yet detected.

Duplex means that the standby unit is installed and functional.


The active unit. Primary is slot 10. Secondary is slot 11.

Split Mode

Enabled means that the secondary unit is logically disconnected from the active unit.

Manual Swact

Enabled means that you can manually switch from one unit to another.


The state of the communication link between the cards.

client count

The number of IOS features that have registered for redundancy services. This field is not user-configurable.


The amount of time that IOS features registered for redundancy services have to respond to redundancy state changes. This field is not user-configurable.

keep_alive TMR

The amount of time that the active card waits between sending consecutive keepalive messages. This field is not user-configurable.

keep_alive count

The number of keepalive messages that have been sent but have not yet received replies. This number should be 1 or 0. The count clears when a reply is received, so it increments only when consecutive keepalives do not receive replies. This field is not user-configurable.

keep_alive threshold

The number of keepalive messages that can be dropped before the active card decides that the standby card has failed and tries to reset it. This field is not user-configurable.


The following example shows sample output from the show redundancy states command:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# show redundancy states my state =11 -ACTIVE peer state = 8 -STANDBY READY Mode = Duplex Unit = Preferred Secondary Split Mode = Disabled Manual Swact = Enabled Communications = Up client count = 7 client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds keep_alive TMR = 2000 milliseconds keep_alive count = 1 keep_alive threshold = 7

Related Commands


show aps

Displays the APS states of each SONET port on both NI-2 cards.

show controllers

Displays information on working and protection fibers.

show running-config

To display the running configuration for every currently defined profile, including the default profile, use the show running-config command.

show running-config

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command tells you which ports are attached to each profile. Use show dsl profile to display configuration settings for selected profiles.


In this example, the command shows the running configuration:

DSLAM> show running-config

Related Commands



Copies a DSL profile.


Attaches a port to a profile.

show dsl profile

Displays a specific profile, all ports to which the profile is currently attached, and those port settings.

show startup-config

Displays the configuration file pointed to by the config_file environment variable.

show smb

To display the system management bus (SMB) error counters or the SMB utilization, use the show smb EXEC command. SMB errors are not relevant to subscriber traffic and have no effect on data path integrity.

show smb [errors | statistics]

Syntax Description


Displays the SMB error counters.


Displays SMB statistics.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Note SMB errors are not relevant to subscriber traffic and have no effect on data path integrity.


The following is sample output from the show smb errors command:

DSLAM#show smb errors SMB 0: 0 rxonly sent, 0 txonly sent, 17394199 txrx sent 17394199 no response rcv'd from linecard, 0 short frames received 0 length mismatches, 0 crc errors 0 input fragments dropped SMB 1: 0 rxonly sent, 10008 txonly sent, 50538626 txrx sent 66441 no response raved from linecard, 1783 short frames received 19 length mismatches, 1 crc errors SMB 2: 0 rxonly sent, 10008 txonly sent, 61537964 txrx sent 74816 no response rcv'd from linecard, 1111 short frames received 11 length mismatches, 0 crc errors

The following is sample output from the show smb statistics command:

DSLAM#show smb statistics SMB bus 0: utilization 63 percent. SMB bus 1: utilization 12 percent. SMB bus 2: utilization 19 percent.

Related Commands


show snmp

To check the status of SNMP communications, use the show snmp EXEC command.

show snmp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



The command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides counter information for SNMP operations.


The following example shows sample output from the show snmp command:

DSLAM> show snmp

Chassis: 01506199 37 SNMP packets input 0 Bad SNMP version errors 4 Unknown community name 0 Illegal operation for community name supplied 0 Encoding errors 24 Number of requested variables 0 Number of altered variables 0 Get-request PDUs 28 Get-next PDUs 0 Set-request PDUs 78 SNMP packets output 0 Too big errors (Maximum packet size 1500) 0 No such name errors 0 Bad values errors 0 General errors 24 Response PDUs     13 Trap PDUs

SNMP logging: enabled Logging to, 0/10, 13 sent, 0 dropped.

SNMP Manager-role output packets 4 Get-request PDUs 4 Get-next PDUs 6 Get-bulk PDUs 4 Set-request PDUs 23 Inform-request PDUs 30 Timeouts 0 Drops SNMP Manager-role input packets 0 Inform response PDUs     2 Trap PDUs     7 Response PDUs     1 Responses with errors

SNMP informs: enabled Informs in flight 0/25 (current/max) Logging to 4 sent, 0 in-flight, 1 retries, 0 failed, 0 dropped Logging to 0 sent, 0 in-flight, 0 retries, 0 failed, 0 dropped

Table 6-35 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6-35 show snmp Field Descriptions 



Chassis ID string.

SNMP packets input

Total number of SNMP packets input.

  Bad SNMP version errors

Number of packets with an invalid SNMP version.

  Unknown community name

Number of SNMP packets with an unknown community name.

  Illegal operation for community   name supplied

Number of packets that request an operation not allowed for that community.

  Encoding errors

Number of SNMP packets that were improperly encoded.

  Number of requested variables

Number of variables requested by SNMP managers.

  Number of altered variables

Number of variables altered by SNMP managers.

  Get-request PDUs

Number of get requests received.

  Get-next PDUs

Number of get-next requests received.

  Set-request PDUs

Number of set requests received.

SNMP packets output

Total number of SNMP packets sent by the router.

  Too big errors

Number of SNMP packets which were larger than the maximum packet size.

  Maximum packet size

Maximum size of SNMP packets.

  No such name errors

Number of SNMP requests that specified an MIB object which does not exist.

  Bad values errors

Number of SNMP set requests that specified an invalid value for an MIB object.

  General errors

Number of SNMP set requests that failed due to some other error. (It was not a noSuchName error, badValue error, or any of the other specific errors.)

  Response PDUs

Number of responses sent in reply to requests.

  Trap PDUs

Number of SNMP traps sent.

SNMP logging

Indicates whether logging is enabled or disabled.


Number of traps sent.


Number of traps dropped. Traps are dropped when the trap queue for a destination exceeds the maximum length of the queue, as set by the snmp-server queue-length command.

SNMP Manager-role output packets

Information related to packets sent by the router as an SNMP manager.

  Get-request PDUs

Number of get requests sent.

  Get-next PDUs

Number of get-next requests sent.

  Get-bulk PDUs

Number of get-bulk requests sent.

  Set-request PDUs

Number of set requests sent.

  Inform-request PDUs

Number of inform requests sent.


Number of request timeouts.


Number of requests dropped. Reasons for drops include no memory, a bad destination address, or an unreasonable destination address.

SNMP Manager-role input packets

Information related to packets received by the router as an SNMP manager.

  Inform response PDUs

Number of inform request responses received.

  Trap PDUs

Number of SNMP traps received.

  Response PDUs

Number of responses received.

  Responses with errors

Number of responses containing errors.

SNMP informs

Indicates whether SNMP informs are enabled.

  Informs in flight

Current and maximum possible number of informs waiting to be acknowledged.

  Logging to

Destination of the following informs.


Number of informs sent to this host.


Number of informs currently waiting to be acknowledged.


Number of inform retries sent.


Number of informs that were never acknowledged.


Number of unacknowledged informs that were discarded to make room for new informs.

Related Commands


snmp-server chassis-id

Provides a message line identifying the SNMP server serial number.


Sets the amount of time before a nonactive session is destroyed.

snmp-server queue-length

Establishes the message queue length for each trap host.

show tag-switching forwarding vrf

To display label forwarding information for advertised VRF routes, use the show tag-switching forwarding vrf EXEC command. To disable the display of label forwarding information, use the no form of this command.

show tag-switching forwarding vrf vrf-name [ip-prefix/length [mask]] [detail]

no show tag-switching forwarding vrf vrf-name [ip-prefix/length [mask]] [detail]

Syntax Description


NLRIs associated with the named VRF.


(Optional) IP prefix address (in dotted-decimal format) and length of mask (0 to 32).


(Optional) Destination network mask, in dotted-decimal format.


(Optional) Detailed information on the VRF routes.


(Optional) For a list of associated keywords and arguments, use context-sensitive help.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display label forwarding entries associated with a particular VRF or IP prefix.


The following example shows label forwarding entries that correspond to the VRF called vpn1.

DSLAM> show tag-switching forwarding vrf vrf1 detail

Related Commands


show tag-switching forwarding

Displays label forwarding information.

show ip cef vrf

Displays VRFs and associated interfaces.


Posted: Thu May 27 13:39:24 PDT 2004
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