
Table of Contents

Configuring the
Cisco ONS 15104

Configuring the
Cisco ONS 15104

This chapter describes how to configure the Cisco ONS 15104 and includes the following sections:

The following sections provide minimum software configuration information. Detailed software configuration information is available in the Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide and command reference publications. You can use the same command line interface-based network management system for Cisco 12000 series GSRs and the Cisco ONS 15104 to track network statistics and resources. (See the section "If You Need More Information" in the preface "About This Guide" for information.)

Overview of the Configuration Process

When you power up the Cisco ONS 15104 for the first time, it goes through a system bootstrap startup sequence and power-on self test (POST). After the POST, the Cisco IOS software is installed from Flash memory. If there are no problems, the green system ready LED goes on, and the
Cisco ONS 15104 automatically starts the setup command facility.

If fatal errors are detected during the POST, and the red system fail LED goes on, proceed to section "Cisco ONS 15104 Alarms and Alerts" in "Troubleshooting the Cisco ONS 15104."

If the system bootstrap startup sequence completes successfully, proceed with the configuration method that fits your network configuration and Cisco IOS software experience level.

If you are not familiar with Cisco IOS commands, the Cisco ONS 15104 will automatically enter the preconfigured defaults through the AutoInstall System Configuration Dialog when you answer a prompt. (See "Using AutoInstall".)

If you are familiar with Cisco IOS commands, you can answer a prompt that invokes the Configuration Mode Dialog and use the Cisco IOS commands to manually configure the
Cisco ONS 15104. (See
"Using Set-Up Configuration Mode to Configure the Cisco ONS 15104".)

TimeSaver To verify network IP addresses before you begin to configure the Cisco ONS 15104, ask your system administrator or review the network plan.
TimeSaver To ensure that AutoInstall works properly, your system administrator must preconfigure the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) host on your network and put the required configuration files in the Cisco ONS 15104's nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM).

Booting the Cisco ONS 15104 for the First Time

This section describes how to boot the Cisco ONS 15104. When you boot the Cisco ONS 15104, the configuration files are loaded from NVRAM, and a valid Cisco IOS software image is usually loaded from Flash memory.

The preloaded system software consists of the following:

The configuration register settings determine the source of the Cisco IOS software image (either Flash memory or a Trivial File Transfer Protocol [TFTP] server). The factory-default setting for the configuration register is 0x102, which indicates that the Cisco ONS 15104 first tries to load a Cisco IOS software image from Flash memory.

Note AutoInstall works only when the Cisco ONS 15104 is connected through the Ethernet port.

The following boot sequence occurs each time you power on the Cisco ONS 15104:

    1. The Cisco ONS 15104 runs a POST to verify basic operation of the CPU, memory, and interfaces. When all of the configuration files finish loading, the system prompts you to start configuring the Cisco ONS 15104 using the AutoInstall configuration. (See the "Using AutoInstall" section.)

    2. If a valid Cisco IOS software image is not found in Flash memory after five attempts to load, the Cisco ONS 15104 reverts to ROM monitor mode, so that you can install or upgrade a Cisco IOS software image. The system ready LED flashes when the Cisco ONS 15104 is in ROM monitor mode.

  In ROM monitor mode, you can:
  After a valid Cisco IOS software image is loaded, exit ROM monitor mode. The
Cisco ONS 15104 runs the System Configuration Dialog, so that you can configure the
Cisco ONS 15104's interfaces manually. (See the
"Using Set-Up Configuration Mode to Configure the Cisco ONS 15104" section or the "Configuring Interfaces" section.)

    3. After configuring the Cisco ONS 15104's interfaces for the first time, save the configuration to a file in NVRAM. (For details, see the "Saving Configuration Changes" section.)

Note For normal operation, there must be a valid Cisco IOS software image in Flash memory and a configuration file in NVRAM.

Configuring the Cisco ONS 15104 for the First Time

This section describes configuration options that include:

Using AutoInstall

AutoInstall starts when the Cisco ONS 15104 is connected to the Ethernet port. You can use AutoInstall to automatically configure the Cisco ONS 15104 after the power-on self test completes.

Note Autoinstall only works over the Ethernet port.

To start AutoInstall on the Cisco ONS 15104 do the following:

Step 1   Power on the Cisco ONS 15104 to load the Cisco IOS software image from Flash memory.

Step 2   When AutoInstall completes successfully, enter the copy running-config startup-config command in privileged EXEC mode to save the configuration settings to the
Cisco ONS 15104's NVRAM:

Regen# copy running-config startup-config Regen#

Step 3   At the end of AutoInstall, press Return or enter no to accept the default answers and begin the System Configuration Dialog.

First, would you like to see the current interface summary? [yes]: no Any interface listed with OK? value "NO" does not have a valid configuration 00:00:03:%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from memory by console 00:00:03:%SYS-5-RESTART:System restarted -- Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) REGEN48 Software (REGEN48-I4-M) 12.0(19991208:213216) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 17-Dec-98 12:19 00:00:03:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface Ethernet0, changed state to up 00:00:03:%LINK-5-CHANGED:Interface SDCC0, changed state to administratively down 00:00:03:%LINK-5-CHANGED:In Regen> Return

Verifying the Default System Configuration

During AutoInstall, the Ethernet interface and the SDCC0 and SDCC1 interfaces were assigned default IP addresses. If necessary, you can change the IP addresses on the interfaces to match the IP addresses on the your network. (See the "Configuring Cisco ONS 15104 Interfaces to Match the Network" section.)

To check the current configuration status, enter the show running configuration command in privileged EXEC mode:

Regen# show running configuration Regen#

The following show running configuration command output example shows the default IP addresses that were assigned during AutoInstall:

Regen# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 12.0 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname Regen ! logging buffered 4096 debugging ! ip subnet-zero ! ! controller REGEN 0 ! controller REGEN 1 ! ! interface Ethernet0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast no keepalive ! interface SDCC0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast bandwidth 192 crc 32 ! interface SDCC1 ip address no ip directed-broadcast bandwidth 192 Regen#

(Remainder of displayed text is omitted from example.)

Configuring Cisco ONS 15104 Interfaces to Match the Network

You can isolate the Cisco ONS 15104's default interface configuration settings by entering the show ip interface brief command, in privileged EXEC mode:

Regen# show ip interface brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Ethernet0 YES NVRAM up up SDCC0 YES NVRAM up up SDCC1 YES NVRAM up up Regen#

To change the Cisco ONS 15104's default interface configuration settings to match the IP addresses on the existing network, enter the global configuration mode to specify each interface. In interface configuration mode, change each interface IP address, as shown in the following example:

Regen# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Regen(config)# interface ethernet0 Regen(config-if)# ip address Regen(config-if)# interface sdcc0 Regen(config-if)# ip address Regen(config-if)# interface sdcc1 Regen(config-if)# ip address Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# exit Regen#

To verify that the interface configuration settings match the IP addresses on the existing network, enter the show ip interface brief command in privileged EXEC mode. Note that the output shows that the interface configuration settings were modified manually.

Regen# show ip interface brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Ethernet0 YES manual up up SDCC0 YES manual up up SDCC1 YES manual up up Regen#

Using Set-Up Configuration Mode to Configure the Cisco ONS 15104

You can manually configure the Cisco ONS 15104 by using Set-Up Configuration mode. The
Cisco ONS 15104 will invoke Set-Up Configuration mode when it is connected to the network through either the Ethernet port or the OC-48 regenerator ports.

To enter set-up configuration mode, you must boot the Cisco ONS 15104 without any default configuration settings, by following these procedures:

Step 1   Power on the Cisco ONS 15104.
The Cisco ONS 15104 runs the same system bootstrap startup sequence as shown in the section
"Booting the Cisco ONS 15104 for the First Time."

Step 2   At the prompt to enter the initial System Configuration Dialog, enter yes to go into Configuration mode:

Would you like to enter the initial dialog? [yes]: yes 00:00:03:%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from memory by console 00:00:03:%SYS-5-RESTART:System restarted -- Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) REGEN48 Software (REGEN48-I4-M) 12.0(19991208:213216) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 17-Dec-98 12:19 00:00:03:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface Ethernet0, changed state to up 00:00:03:%LINK-5-CHANGED:Interface SDCC0, changed state to administratively down 00:00:03:%LINK-5-CHANGED:Interface SDCC1, changed state to administratively down Regen> Return

After about 30 seconds, information similar to the System Configuration Dialog displays on the console screen with user-interactive prompts that allow you to manually:

First, would you like to see the current interface summary? [yes]: no Any interface listed with OK? value "NO" does not have a valid configuration --- System Configuration Dialog --- Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help. Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Default settings are in square brackets '[]'. Basic management setup configures only enough connectivity for management of the system, extended setup will ask you to configure each interface on the system Would you like to enter basic management setup? [yes/no]: yes Configuring global parameters: Enter host name [Router]: Regen The enable secret is a password used to protect access to privileged EXEC and configuration modes. This password, after entered, becomes encrypted in the configuration. Enter enable secret: coins The enable password is used when you do not specify an enable secret password, with some older software versions, and some boot images. Enter enable password: coins % Please choose a password that is different from the enable secret Enter enable password: q The virtual terminal password is used to protect access to the router through a network interface. Enter virtual terminal password: % No defaulting allowed Enter virtual terminal password: % No defaulting allowed Enter virtual terminal password: coins Configure SNMP Network Management? [yes]: Community string [public]: Current interface summary Any interface listed with OK? value "NO" does not have a valid configuration Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Ethernet0 unassigned NO unset up up SDCC0 unassigned NO unset up down SDCC1 unassigned NO unset up down Enter interface name used to connect to the management network from the above interface summary: ethernet0 Configuring interface Ethernet0: Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: y IP address for this interface: Subnet mask for this interface [] : Class A network is, 24 subnet bits; mask is /24 Enter interface name used to connect to the management network from the above interface summary:SDCC0 Configuring interface SDCC0: Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: y IP address for this interface: Subnet mask for this interface [] : Class B network is, 16 subnet bits; mask is /16 The following configuration command script was created: hostname Regen enable secret 5 $1$2L5i$uvs2s6LBlE/Rvp2blzklg0 enable password p line vty 0 4 password coins snmp-server community public ! no ip routing ! interface Ethernet0 no shutdown ip address ! interface SDCC0 shutdown no ip address ! interface SDCC1 shutdown no ip address ! end [0] Go to the IOS command prompt without saving this config. [1] Return back to the setup without saving this config. [2] Save this configuration to nvram and exit. Enter your selection [2]: Building configuration... Use the enabled mode 'configure' command to modify this configuration. Regen> Password:

Step 3   When you finish configuring the Cisco ONS 15104, enter the exit command repeatedly until you return to the privileged EXEC prompt:

Regen(config)# exit Regen#

Step 4   To save the configuration changes to NVRAM, enter the copy running-config startup-config command in privileged EXEC mode:

Regen# copy running-config startup-config Regen#

Verifying Configuration Status

Following the Set-Up Configuration, check the configuration status by entering the show running configuration command in privileged EXEC configuration mode:

Regen# show running configuration Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 12.0 service config no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname Regen ! logging buffered 4096 debugging enable secret 5 $1$2L5i$uvs2s6LBlE/Rvp2blzklg0 enable password p ! ip subnet-zero no ip routing ! ! controller REGEN 0 regen loopback ! controller REGEN 1 regen loopback ! ! interface Ethernet0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache ! interface SDCC0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache bandwidth 192 shutdown crc 32 ! interface SDCC1 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache bandwidth 192 shutdown crc 32 ! Regen#

(Remainder of displayed text is omitted from example.)

The previous show running configuration command output verifies that an IP address is assigned to the Ethernet interface, but no IP addresses are assigned to the SDCC0 and SDCC1 interfaces.

The following examples show how to assign an IP address to the SDCC0 and SDCC1 interfaces that will match the IP addresses on your network:

Regen# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Regen(config)# interface sdcc0 Regen(config-if)# ip address Regen(config-if)# no keepalive Regen(config-if)# no shutdown 00:17:18: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface SDCC0, changed state to up 00:17:19: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface SDCC0, changed state to up Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# Regen(config)# interface sdcc1 Regen(config-if)# ip add Regen(config-if)# no keepalive Regen(config-if)# no shutdown Regen(config-if)# 00:17:44: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface SDCC1, changed state to up 00:17:45: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface SDCC1, changed state to up Regen(config-if)# Regen(config-if)# controller regen 0 Regen(config-controller)# no regen loopback Regen(config-controller)# exit Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# exit Regen#

For details on configuring each type of interface, see the following section, "Configuring Interfaces."

Configuring Interfaces

If you want to change the IP address of the Cisco ONS 15104's interface to match other IP addresses and the subnet mask that is used on the network, see the following sections to configure each interface:

Verifying Cisco ONS 15104 Interface Status

You can use the show controller ? command in privileged EXEC mode to list commands that will show the status of the Cisco ONS 15104's interfaces:

Regen# show controller ? SDCC Show SDCC parameters ethernet Show ethernet controllers regen show regen controller state | Output modifiers Regen#

Configuring the Ethernet Interface

You can configure the Ethernet interface to connect to a local-area network (LAN). The
Cisco ONS 15104 supports only one LAN interface connection. To configure the Ethernet interface parameters, you need to know the IP address and subnet mask.

In the following configuration output example, the Ethernet0 interface was configured with a default IP address and subnet mask during AutoInstall, as follows:

interface Ethernet0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast no keepalive !

Follow these steps if you want to change the default IP address that was configured during AutoInstall, and assign a new IP address to the Ethernet interface:

Step 1   Enter the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode:

Regen# configure terminal Regen(config)#

Step 2   Enter the interface name:

Regen(config)# interface ethernet0 Regen(config-if)#

Step 3   Enter the ip address and subnet mask

Regen(config-if)# ip address Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# exit Regen#

Step 4   Verify the new Ethernet IP address by entering either of the following commands:

Regen# show running-config Regen#


Regen# show interface Ethernet0 Regen#

Step 5   To save the configuration changes to NVRAM, enter the copy running-config startup-config command.

Regen# copy running-config startup-config Regen#

Configuring the Section Data Communication Channel (SDCC) Interfaces

The Cisco ONS 15104 supports LAN interface connections through two OC-48 regeneration ports that contain two SDCC interfaces, SDCC0 and SDCC1. Figure 5-1 shows the Cisco ONS 15104 connected to OC-48 line card ports. The SDCC interfaces must be configured with sequential IP addresses, which means that the router IP addresses must follow in sequential numbers, for example, 10, 11, 12, and so on. You may have to reconfigure the SDCC interfaces to achieve this. Follow the steps in this section to verify the prerequisites and configure both the SDCC interfaces.

Figure 5-1: Connecting Cisco ONS 15104 to OC-48 Line Cards

SDCC Interface Prerequisites

One of the following must be true for SDCC interfaces to work properly:

    1. All SDCC interfaces that are on the same subnet, for example, 11.11.11.x and IP routing must be enabled.


    2. All SDCC interfaces can be on different subnets. IP routing and Routing Information Protocol (RIP) must be enabled on each Cisco ONS 15104.

  For example, when two routers that are on two different subnets are connected to the
Cisco ONS 15104, you must enable RIP on each subnet.

Enabling RIP and Configuring the SDCC0 Interface

The configuration tasks in this section explain how to enable RIP on two subnets through the
Cisco ONS 15104 and configure the SDCC0 interface. The IP address for SDCC must overlap the networks configured for the RIP protocol.

To enable RIP on the Cisco ONS 15104 on two subnets, enter the following commands:

    Regen# configure terminal Regen(config)# router rip Regen(config)# network (subnet 1) Regen(config)# network (subnet 2) Regen(config)# exit Regen#

Note The labels (subnet 1) and (subnet 2) are for reference clarification and not part of the command that you enter.

Configuring the SDCC0 Interface

Follow these steps to configure the SDCC0 interface:

Step 1   Enter the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode:

Regen# configure terminal Regen(config)#

Step 2   Enter the interface name:

Regen(config)# interface SDCC0 Regen(config-if)#

Step 3   To configure the SDCC0 interface, enter the IP address and subnet mask:

Regen(config-if)# ip address 10.a.b.c

Step 4   Enter exit to return to global configuration mode, then privileged EXEC mode:

Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# exit Regen#

Step 5   After you assign an IP address, add the following commands to the SDCC0 interface to keep the interfaces up and prevent data traffic shutdowns:

Regen# configure terminal Regen(config)# interface SDCC0 Regen(config-if)# ip address 10.a.b.c Regen(config-if)# keepalive Regen(config-if)# no shut Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# exit Regen#

Step 6   Verify the new IP address for the SDCC0 interface by entering the show interface command:

Regen# show interface SDCC0 interface SDCC0 bandwidth 192 ip address 10.a.b.c ip directed-broadcast keepalive crc 32 !

Configuring the SDCC1 Interface

To configure the SDCC1 interface:

Step 1   Enter the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode:

Regen# configure terminal Regen(config)#

Step 2   Enter the interface name:

Regen(config)# interface SDCC1 Regen(config-if)#

Step 3   To configure the SDCC1 interface, enter the IP address and subnet mask:

Regen(config-if)# ip address 11.x.y.z Regen(config-if)#

Step 4   Enter the exit command to return to privileged EXEC mode.

Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# exit Regen#

Step 5   After you assign an IP address, add the following commands to the SDCC1 interface to keep the interfaces up and prevent data traffic shutdowns:

Regen# configure terminal Regen(config)# interface SDCC1 Regen(config-if)# ip address 11.x.y.z Regen(config-if)# keepalive Regen(config-if)# no shut Regen(config-if)# exit Regen(config)# exit Regen#

Step 6   Verify the new IP address for the SDCC1 interface by entering the show interface command:

Regen# show interface SDCC1 interface SDCC1 bandwidth 192 ip address 11.x.y.z ip directed-broadcast keepalive crc 32 ! Regen#

Configuring the Regen Controller Module Interfaces

This section explains how to configure the two Cisco ONS 15104 controller module interfaces, Regen 0 and Regen 1, that monitor the SONET section overhead on incoming data.

Note The configuration of the Cisco ONS 15104 controllers in their default state is usually adequate. The special configurations shown below are only for advanced users in special networks (Add Drop Multiplexer (ADM) connections and/or Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) networks).

The OC-48 regeneration ports provide access to the Cisco ONS 15104 controller module interfaces, Regen 0 and Regen 1. When you connect the Cisco ONS 15104 to an OC-48 controller through the OC-48 fiber connectors, the Regen controller module interfaces are automatically up. After you configure the two Cisco ONS 15104 controller module interfaces, you can send configuration commands that will monitor and operate the SONET section overhead on incoming data.

Step 1   To verify the status of the Regen 0 controller, enter the show controller regen 0 command in privileged EXEC mode.

Regen> enable Regen# show controller regen 0 Regen0 is up Error Count: RxClockFail = 0 SLOS = 1 SLOF = 1 BIP(B1) = 0 Active Defects: LOS LOF Active Alarms: SLOS Alarm reporting enabled for: RxClockFail SLOS SLOF B1-TCA B1 TCA threshold: B1 = 10e-6 Framer 0, addr=0x68004000: general_cntrl=0x0, active_led=0x1 ,gpio_port_mode=0x0, gpio_port_data=0x0, gpio_port_cntrl=0xF ,mask_3=0x0, mask_2=0xFF, mask_1=0xFF ,diag=0x0 , rsp_cntrl_1=0x10, ttog_cntrl=0x0 ,ttog_ovrhd_src_1=0x8C , Link Status=0xE0, LED control=0x80 ,regen_cntrl=0xA0 , Regen#

Step 2   To verify the status of the Regen 1 controller enter the show controller regen 1 command:

Regen> enable Regen# show controller regen 1 Regen1 is up Error Count: RxClockFail = 0 SLOS = 1 SLOF = 1 BIP(B1) = 0 Active Defects: LOS LOF Active Alarms: SLOS Alarm reporting enabled for: RxClockFail SLOS SLOF B1-TCA B1 TCA threshold: B1 = 10e-6 Framer 1, addr=0x68001000: general_cntrl=0x0, active_led=0x1 ,gpio_port_mode=0x0 , gpio_port_data=0x0, gpio_port_cntrl=0xF ,mask_3=0x0 , mask_2=0xFF, mask_1=0xFF ,diag=0x0 , rsp_cntrl_1=0x10, ttog_cntrl=0x0 ,ttog_ovrhd_src_1=0x8C , Link Status=0xE0, LED control=0x80 ,regen_cntrl=0xA0 , Regen#

Table 5-1 explains the output from the show controller regen command.

Table 5-1: Description of show controller command Output
Output Field Description

Regen0 is up

Regenerator 0 interface is administratively up.

Error Count

Error Count on regenerator 0 interface.


Receive clock failed error.


Loss of signal. There must be a clear, unobstructed path between the transmitters and receivers.

Loss of sync. Indicates that an optical module has lost clock synchronization.


Loss of frame. Indicates a SONET or SDH framing error.


Bit Interleaved Parity. Bit errors in the payload can then be detected and reported as maintenance information.

Active Defects:

Indicates which types of errors have active defects.

Active Alarms:

Indicates which types of alarms are active.

Alarm reporting enabled for:

Indicates which type of alarm reports you selected.

B1 TCA threshold:

B1 BER threshold crossing alarm. Reports B1 bit error rate (BER) threshold crossing alarm errors

Framer 0, addr=0x68004000:

Describes the framer setting and the contents of the packet overhead.

Step 3   Enter the configure controller command to access the controller configuration commands:

Regen# configure controller Regen(config-controller)#

Step 4   In controller configuration mode, enter the query command ? to determine which Regen controller configuration commands are active:

Regen(config-controller)# ? Controller configuration commands: default Set a command to its defaults description Controller specific description exit Exit from controller configuration mode help Description of the interactive help system no Negate a command or set its defaults regen Modify regen controller parameters

Step 5   Enter the regen ? command to determine which Regen controller configuration subcommands are active:

Regen(config-controller)# regen ? ais-shut Send LAIS when shutdown b1-threshold Set BER threshold for B1 TCA alarm framing Specify framing format j0 Specify Section Trace byte value loopback Set 4402 as facility-loopback report Enable reporting of selected alarms sdcc-passthru Set section dcc channel passthru shutdown Shut down the REGEN controller

Step 6   Enter the regen overhead ? query command to determine which options are active.

Regen(config-controller)# regen overhead ? j0 0x01 for compatibility, 0xCC is default

Step 7   Enter the regen overhead j0? command to determine the range of the values for j0.

Regen(config-controller)# regen overhead j0 ? <0-255> byte value

Step 8   Enter the regen flag j0 ? command to find valid values to configure the section trace:

Regen(config-controller)# regen flag j0 ? <0-255> 0x1 for compatibility, 0xCC is default

Step 9   Enter the regen framing command to provision the framer format. The default is sonet.

Regen(config-controller)# regen framing sonet Regen(config-controller)#

Step 10   Enter the regen report ? query command to enable the Cisco ONS 15104's alarms:

Regen(config-controller)# regen report ? b1-tca B1 BER threshold crossing alarm j0-mismatch Section Trace Mismatch rxclk-fail Receive Clock failed slof Section Loss of Frame slos Section Loss of Signal

Enter the [no] regen report command to disable the Cisco ONS 15104's alarms

Step 11   Enter the regen threshold b1-tca ? query command to determine the values of the
Cisco ONS 15104's B1-threshold (for B1 TCA):

Regen(config-controller)# regen threshold b1-tca ? <3-9> Bit error rate (10 to the minus n) Regen(config-controller)#

Enter the [no] regen threshold command to disable the Cisco ONS 15104's alarms

Saving Configuration Changes

Any time you change the Cisco ONS 15104 configuration, you must save the changes to NVRAM or to a disk, or they will be lost if there is a system reload or power outage. This section describes how to save configuration changes.

There are two types of configuration files:

To display the current running configuration:

Step 1   Enter enable to enter privileged EXEC mode,

Step 2   Enter the show running-config command.

Step 3   Enter the copy running-config startup-config command to save the current running configuration to the startup configuration file in NVRAM.

Regen> enable Regen# show running-config Regen# copy running-config startup-config Regen#

To display the startup configuration:

Step 1   The Cisco ONS 15104 always starts in user EXEC mode, so you must enter enable to enter privileged EXEC mode.

Step 2   Enter the show startup-config command.

Step 3   Enter the copy startup-config running-config command to write the startup configuration to the running configuration:

Regen> enable Regen# show startup-config Regen# copy startup-config running-config Regen#

To erase both configuration files and start over:

Step 1   Enter enable to enter privileged EXEC mode.

Step 2   Enter the write erase and reload commands:

Regen> enable Regen# write e
rase Regen# reload Regen#
Caution This command sequence will erase the entire configuration in NVRAM.

The following is an example of the system response to the write erase commands:

Regen# write erase Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm] [OK] Erase of nvram: complete

Getting More Information

For more information about Cisco ONS 15104 software configuration, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Guide and Command Reference publications. These are available on the documentation CD-ROM that accompanied your Cisco ONS 15104, or you can order printed copies. See "If You Need More Information" in the "About This Guide" preface for ordering information.

Posted: Fri Jan 5 07:47:16 PST 2001
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