
Table Of Contents

Starting and Configuring the Cisco uMG9820

Checking Conditions Prior to System Startup

Starting the System

Configuration Tasks

Command Syntax

Configuring Passwords

Configuring SNMP

Configuring Logging

Configuring the Clock

Executing Enable Mode Commands from Configuration Mode or Submode

Configuring the ASI Port

Configuring GE Ports

Using GE Session Commands

Configuring FE Management Ports

Configuring the Transport Stream

Configuring and Monitoring QAM Service

Upgrading Software

Managing Configurations

Using the Terminal (Console) Port

Sample Configuration

Starting and Configuring the Cisco uMG9820

This chapter describes how to start the system and initially configure your Cisco uMG9820. The chapter presents the following major topics:

Checking Conditions Prior to System Startup

Starting the System

Configuration Tasks

In addition, for a sample running configuration file, see the following:

Sample Configuration

Note The initial configuration of the Cisco uMG9820 is done from a console. Connect a terminal to the Cisco uMG9820's console port using the adapter cable kit provided. See Connecting to the Console Port, page 3-10.

Checking Conditions Prior to System Startup

Ensure the following before you start your Cisco uMG9820:

The processor card is inserted securely in its slot.

The primary Video on Demand (VoD) network feed has been connected to the GIG1 port.

(Optional) A redundant VoD network feed (if redundancy is required) has been connected to the GIG2 port.

The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) modules used in the GIG1 and GIG2 ports are compatible with the physical interface to the VoD network.

The network management system (NMS) port is connected to the LAN that accesses the web-based control interface.

The conditional access system (CAS) port is connected to the LAN that supports conditional access.

A terminal is connected to the Cisco uMG9820's console port, using the adapter cable kit provided. The console port is accessed through a terminal emulation package such as HyperTerminal. Use the setting shown in Connecting to the Console Port, page 3-10.

Starting the System

After installing the Cisco uMG9820 and connecting required cables, start the Cisco uMG9820 as follows:

Step 1 At the back of the Cisco uMG9820, insert one end of the power cord into the AC-input receptacle, then insert the other end into the power outlet.

The green power (POWER) LED on the Cisco uMG9820 comes on.

Step 2 Listen for the fans. You should immediately hear them operating.

Step 3 During the boot process, observe the system LEDs.

The front panel LEDs (PS/FAN, PROC, and QAM 1 through 6) transition from off to yellow, then to green, and then to the functionality as described in Table 1-2. If the processor card is not installed on power-up, all LEDs (except the POWER LED) default to off.

Note If the processor card is removed after power-up, all LEDs maintain their current state, except that the PROC CARD LED goes off.

Step 4 Observe the initialization process. When the system boot is complete (after a few seconds), the processor card begins to initialize the interfaces. During this initialization, the LEDs on each port behave differently (most flash on and off).

The LNK LED on each processor card interface comes on when initialization is completed, and the console screen displays a system banner similar to the following:

Enter <CTRL D> to stop Operating System auto-boot: ..... 1

Uncompressing Operating System kernel image file... .................................done Starting kernel .......... RAMDISK: gzip compressed image found at block 0 Thu Apr 8 12:36:52 2004 Bootloader Image File Version : 0.0.12 Ramdisk Image File Version : 1.3.0 Ramdisk Build Date : Thu Apr 1 14:09:19 CST 2004 Kernel Image File Version : 0.2.10 Initializing system ..............................done Starting automatic software upgrade ...Available software upgrade does not differ from previous upgrade ...No action taken

% Shell v1.3.0 uMG9820>

Step 5 If the system completes all the above steps successfully, proceed to Configuration Tasks, for initial software configuration procedures.

Step 6 If the system does not complete each of the steps in the startup procedure, proceed to "Troubleshooting," for troubleshooting recommendations and procedures.

Configuration Tasks

This section presents the following:

Command Syntax

Configuring Passwords

Configuring SNMP

Configuring Logging

Configuring the Clock

Executing Enable Mode Commands from Configuration Mode or Submode

Configuring the ASI Port

Configuring GE Ports

Using GE Session Commands

Configuring FE Management Ports

Configuring the Transport Stream

Configuring and Monitoring QAM Service

Upgrading Software

Managing Configurations

Using the Terminal (Console) Port

Command Syntax

General syntax and the basic provisioning areas are discussed below:

Syntax Overview

Ethernet Interfaces

QAM Channels

ASI Interface

Syntax Overview

Commands use the following general syntax, where variables are in italics and command names and keywords are in bold:

Hostname(mode)# [no] keyword {keyword1 argument1 | keyword2 argument2 | ...} [keyword1 argument1 | keyword2 argument2 | ...], where Hostname and mode are variables, as follows:

Hostname—Is the User-settable name for the unit. In this document, uMG9820 is used in all examples.

(mode)#— Describes the current provisioning mode, such as the following:

uMG9820#—Indicates Enable mode

uMG9820(config)#—Indicates Configuration mode

uMG9820(config-if)#—Interface mode

uMG9820(config-subif)#—Subinterface mode

no—Some commands have an option to remove the previous configuration using the no prefix. In most cases this restores default settings.

keyword— Describes each command, as in the following examples:

gigabitethernet and fastethernet—Configures the Ethernet ports

qam—Configures the RF QAM channel

show—Retrieves configuration data and statistics

video—Defines video-related parameters

Ethernet Interfaces

Ethernet interfaces are addressed as follows:


where slot is always zero (0) for Ethernet interface ports. The keywords for Ethernet interface ports are as follows:

gigabitethernet—Gigabit Ethernet port (see Configuring GE Ports)

fastethernet—Fast Ethernet (see Configuring FE Management Ports)

QAM Channels

The QAM channels are addressed by means of subinterface notation, as follows (see Configuring and Monitoring QAM Service):


with the variables defined below:

slot addresses slots from 1 through 6

port addresses the output ports 1 or 2, counting from left to right (looking at the rear of the unit)

qam addresses the QAM channels 1 or 2, within each port

ASI Interface

The ASI output interface is configured by means of the keyword asi. See Configuring the ASI Port.

Configuring Passwords

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Enabling and Disabling Passwords for Configuration Mode

Configuring a Telnet Password

Enabling and Disabling Passwords for Configuration Mode

To specify and enable or disable the configuration mode password:

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# [no] enable password password


password = Text string for the password

ExampleSet password for entering terminal configuration mode to "cisco":

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# enable password cisco

Example—Disable password requirement for entering terminal configuration mode:

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# no enable password

Configuring a Telnet Password

To specify and enable or reset the system Telnet password:

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# [no] line vty password password


password = Text string for the password

Note The default Telnet password is cisco.

Example—Set the password for entering configuration mode when using Telnet to "cisco"

uMG9820# configure terminal

uMG9820(config)# line vty password cisco

Example—Set the password for entering configuration mode when using Telnet to the default value

uMG9820# configure terminal

uMG9820(config)# no line vty password

Note There are no other line vty commands for the Cisco uMG9820.

Configuring SNMP

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Setting SNMP Community Strings

Setting Up SNMP Hosts

Setting SNMP Community Strings

To set the SNMP server community strings:

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# snmp-server community community-string {RO | RW}


community-string RO = Read-only community string

community-string RW = Read-write community string

Example—Set the read-only community string to "public"

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# snmp-server comm public ro

Caution Avoid using the well-known defaults of "public," "private," "secret," or "cisco." These strings are easily guessed and make your device vulnerable to malicious or inadvertent access. In addition, SNMP community strings are sent across the network in clear text. The best way to protect the device from unauthorized SNMP management is to build a standard IP access list that includes the source address of the management station. Multiple access lists can be defined and tied to different community strings.

Setting Up SNMP Hosts

To set up the SNMP hosts information:

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# [no] snmp-server host IP-address {informs [version 2c] | traps
[versions { 1 | 2c}] community-string}


IP-address = Valid host IP address

community-string = Valid community string

Example—Set up an SNMP host on to use traps version 2c

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# snmp-server host traps version 2c public

Configuring Logging

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Setting the Severity Level of Messages Displayed to the Console

Setting the Severity Level of syslog Messages

Note For an example of log output, see the show logging lines command in Retrieving Entries in the Local Log File.

Setting the Severity Level of Messages Displayed to the Console

To set the severity level of messages displayed to the console:

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# [no] logging console [emergencies | alerts | critical | error | warning | notifications | informational | debugging]

Example—Set the severity level for console logging to "emergencies"

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# log console emerg

Example—Set the severity level for console logging to the default

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# no logging console

Setting the Severity Level of syslog Messages

To set the severity level of local syslog messages:

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# [no] logging level [emergencies | alerts | critical | error | warning | notifications | informational | debugging]

Example—Set the severity level for syslog messages to "emergencies"

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# log level emerg

Example—Set the severity level for syslog messages to the default

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# no logging level

Configuring the Clock

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Setting the Real-Time Clock

Updating the System Clock

Setting the Real-Time Clock

To set the real-time system clock:

uMG9820# clock set time date month year


time = Current time in hh:mm:ss format (24-hour clock)

date = Current date of the month (1 through 31)

month = Current month of the year (January through December)

year = Current year (2003 to 2099)

Example—Set the real-time clock to 11:30:00 a.m. on January 1, 2004

UMG9820# clock set 11:30:00 1 January 2004

Updating the System Clock

To set the system clock to the real-time clock:

UMG9820# clock update

Example—Set the system clock to the real-time clock

UMG9820# clock update

Executing Enable Mode Commands from Configuration Mode or Submode

To execute enable mode commands while still in the configuration mode or submode prompt, enter the do command along with the required enable mode command. The entered command is executed at the enable mode level and the prompt resumes its current mode level.

Note Not every enable mode command can be executed in every submode. Table 4-1 shows which commands can be executed this way.

Table 4-1 Enable Mode Options



Clears all system counters.


Sets real-time clock.


Copies running configuration to startup configuration.


Sets hostname to default.


Resets the system.


Shows information.


Sets the upgrade filename.

To execute an enable mode command while still in the configuration mode or submode prompt:

uMG9820# do enable-mode-command

Example—Execute "show running-configuration" while still in subinterface configuration mode

uMG9820(config-subif)# do show running-config

Configuring the ASI Port

This section covers commands for the following operations on the ASI port:

Enabling and Disabling the ASI Port

Routing a Video Stream to the ASI Port

Retrieving ASI Statistics

Enabling and Disabling the ASI Port

The ASI port is always addressed as slot 0, port 1.

To enable and disable the ASI port:

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] shut

Example—Enable the ASI port

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface asi 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no shut

Example—Disable the ASI port

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface asi 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# shut

Routing a Video Stream to the ASI Port

To select a video stream to route to the ASI port:

uMG9820(config-if)# video route slot/port.qam


slot = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6

port = 1 or 2

qam = 1 or 2

Example—Route QAM channel 1/1.1 to the ASI port

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface asi 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# video route 1/1.1 uMG9820(config-subif)#

Note Routing the input of a QAM channel to the ASI port does not disrupt the RF output.

Retrieving ASI Statistics

To display interface statistics for the ASI port:

uMG9820# show interface asi 0/1

Example—Show ASI statistics

UMG9820# show interface asi 0/1

ASI 0/1 is down 174575007 packets input, 2057030232 bytes input

Configuring GE Ports

This section covers commands for the following operations on the ports labeled GIG1 and GIG2:

Enabling and Disabling a GE Port

Setting the IP Address and Subnet Mask for a GE Port

Setting the MAC Address for a GE Port

Providing Redundancy for Failover

Enabling and Disabling Autonegotiation

Retrieving GE Statistics

Retrieving IP Status

Enabling and Disabling a GE Port

To enable and disable a GE port:

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] shut

Example—Enable GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no shut

Example—Switch active GE port from 1 to 2

Note To enable GE port 2, first disable GE port 1 (GIG1), then enable GE port 2 (GIG2).

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# shut uMG9820(config-if)# exit uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/2 uMG9820(config-if)# no shut

Note Only one GE port can be active at a time. If no shut is applied to GE port 1 and GE 2 is active, shut is applied automatically to GE 2. See Providing Redundancy for Failover. However, both GE ports can be inactive at the same time.

Setting the IP Address and Subnet Mask for a GE Port

To set the IP address and subnet mask for a GE port:

uMG9820(config-if)# ip address IP-address subnet-mask


IP-address = Text string for standard IP address

subnet-mask = Text string for standard subnet mask

Example—Set IP address to and subnet mask to for GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# ip address

Note The IP address and subnet mask applied to one GE port is automatically applied to both GE ports. See Providing Redundancy for Failover.

Setting the MAC Address for a GE Port

To set the IP address for a GE port:

uMG9820(config-if)# mac-address MAC-address


MAC-address = Text string for standard MAC address in H.H.H format

Example—Set the MAC address to 0000.0123.5678 for GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# mac-address 0000.0123.5678

Note The MAC address applied to one GE port is automatically applied to both GE ports. See Providing Redundancy for Failover, below.

Providing Redundancy for Failover

Both GE ports share the same IP and MAC addresses. This facilitates failover in scenarios requiring 1+1 redundancy. To provide for failover between a VoD server and the Cisco uMG9820, you need to split the VoD content stream into two identical streams and feed each stream to a GE port.

Enabling and Disabling Autonegotiation

To enable or disable the autonegotiation feature of the specified GE port:

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] negotiation auto

Example—Enable autonegotiation on GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# negotiation auto

Example—Disable autonegotiation on GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no negotiation auto

Note For the above to take effect, you must either reboot or execute a shut/no shut on the port.

Retrieving GE Statistics

You can retrieve packet and buffer statistics, as well as IP status, as discussed in the following sections:

Retrieving Packet and Buffer Statistics

Retrieving IP Status

Note To retrieve video statistics on a GE port, see Retrieving Input Session Data, and Retrieving Input Session PSI Data.

Retrieving Packet and Buffer Statistics

To display packet and buffer statistics for the specified GE port:

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet slot/port


slot = 0

port = 1 or 2

Example—Show the SFP module and hardware data for GE port 1

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet 0/1

GigabitEthernet 0/1 is up, line state is link up. Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet Port, address is 0050.c206.c0aa MTU 1518 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off ARP type: ARPA Input rate 925 Mbits/sec, 0 packets/sec Output rate 0 Mbits/sec, 0 packets/sec 528594523 packets input, 24118760666785 bytes Received 0 broadcasts (108436 multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants 2475 input errors, 1 CRC, 2473 overrun 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier

Retrieving IP Status

To display the IP status of the specified GE port:

Link status (up or down)

Packet and buffer counters

uMG9820# show ip interface [brief] gigabitethernet slot/port


brief = Optional keyword to display link status only

slot = 0

port = 1 or 2

Example—Show the status of GE port 1

uMG9820# show ip interface gigabitethernet 0/1

GigabitEthernet 0/1 is down, line state is no module installed. Inbound access list is not set

Example—Show only the link status of GE port 1

uMG9820# show ip interface brief gigabitethernet 0/1

Interface IP-address OK Method Status Protocol GigabitEthernet0/1 NO Manual Up Down

Example—Show the status of all Ethernet ports

uMG9820# show ip interface

FastEthernet 0/1 is Up Internet address is, subnet mask is Broadcast address of is valid MTU is 1500 bytes, Metric is 1 FastEthernet 0/2 is Up Internet address is, subnet mask is Broadcast address of is valid MTU is 1500 bytes, Metric is 1 GigabitEthernet 0/1 is up, line state is cable not installed. Inbound access list is not set GigabitEthernet 0/2 is down, line state is no module installed. Inbound access list is not set

Example—Show only the link status of all Ethernet ports

uMG9820# show ip interface brief

Interface IP-address OK Method Status Protocol FastEthernet0/1 YES DHCP Up Up FastEthernet0/2 YES DHCP Up Down GigabitEthernet0/1 NO Manual Up Down GigabitEthernet0/2 NO Manual Administratively Down Down

Note To clear counters, use the clear counters command in enable mode, as follows:

uMG9820# clear counters

Using GE Session Commands

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Setting the UDP Port Assignment

Setting Session Timeouts for All Sessions

Setting Maximum Network Jitter

Setting PID Remapping

Setting Bitwise Emulation Mode

Configuring Session Cloning and Multicast for Program Data Delivery

Setting MPTS Pass-through

Retrieving Input Session Data

Retrieving Input Session PSI Data

Setting the UDP Port Assignment

There are two ways to set the user datagram protocol (UDP) port assignment:

Default Method

User-Defined Method

Tip See also the provisioning information provided in Special Issues: UDP.

Default Method

The UDP port is a 16-bit number of the form QQQQQQQQ PPPPPPPP, with a valid range of 0x0100 through 0x18FF, where the bytes are defined as follows:

Program 0 (0x00) is always reserved for the Network Information Table (NIT), when one is to be used. The NIT is optional.

QQQQQQQQ = QAM channel (0x01 through 0x18).

PPPPPPPP = Assigned program number (0x01 through FF).

Note A maximum of 16 programs can be active on any single QAM channel at any time, provided the aggregate bit rate of all the programs does not exceed (1) 38.81070 Mbps for 256QAM, or (2) 26.97035 Mbps for 64QAM.

Table 4-2 shows the mappings between the QAM subinterfaces and channels and the UDP ports. All port ranges for each channel are from 1 through 255 (00000001-11111111). Program 0 is represented by numbers such as 256, 512, 768, ... 6144.

Table 4-2 Mapping QAM Subinterfaces and Channels to UDP Ports 

QAM Subinterface
UDP Port Range









































































User-Defined Method

You can override the default UDP port mapping for individual QAM channels by specifying the UDP port, the output program to which the sessions are mapped, and the number of sessions to be remapped.

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] video udp UDP-port-number {program program-number
[count number of sessions]


UDP-port-number = UDP port number of the desired incoming session to be mapped

If a range is being defined, this number acts as the initial value in the series. Subsequent values are incremented according to either an even or a sequential numbering scheme, as specified by the user.

program-number = Output program number to which the sessions are being mapped—the range is 1 to 255

number-of-sessions = Number of UDP ports to remap—the range is 1 to 16

Example—Map incoming session on UDP port 5201 to program 10 on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# video udp 5201 program 10

Example—Remove mapping of UDP ports 8201 to program number 2 on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# no video udp 8201 program 2

Example—Revert all mapping of UDP ports on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2 to default mapping behavior

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# no video udp

Special Issues: UDP

Note the following special issues related to UDP:

1. Each MPEG single program transport stream (SPTS) is encapsulated in UDP datagrams and is assigned a destination UDP port number by the VoD server.

2. Each UDP datagram can contain a maximum of seven 188-byte MPEG packets. Because only one destination UDP port can be defined for each UDP datagram, all of the MPEG packets contained in a UDP datagram must come from the same program.

3. A maximum of 256 SPTSs, programs, sessions, or UDP port sessions can be sent to the Cisco uMG9820 at a time. The 257th is dropped.

4. The terms "program" and "UDP port session" are used synonymously, because each program (movie) can be uniquely identified by its destination UDP port while it is active. The term "session" is also sometimes used. A UDP port can be mapped to only one QAM channel at any time. For example, if UDP port 5201 is currently mapped to QAM channel 1 and at some point the user maps UDP port 5201 to QAM channel 2, then the mapping between UDP port 5201 and QAM channel 1 is removed automatically.

5. Within the Cisco uMG9820, a user can map any number of UDP port numbers to a QAM channel. Each UDP port mapped to a QAM channel occupies a program space when active. A maximum of 16 programs (or program spaces) can be active on any single QAM channel at any time, provided the aggregate bit rate of all the programs does not exceed 38.81070 Mbps using 256QAM or 26.97035 Mbps using 64QAM (if available). These information rates are dictated by the ITU J.83 Annex B standard.

The implication of this is that QAM channel loading is entirely the responsibility of the end user to manage. Suppose the following:

A user maps more than 16 UDP ports to a QAM channel.

The SPTS for each UDP port is a 3.75-Mbps movie when active.

256QAM is being used.

If an 11th SPTS/UDP port session is requested on that QAM channel, and its addition exceeds the total bandwidth (38.81071 Mbps), then all programs in that channel are randomly corrupted (their packets dropped) until the bandwidth is reduced by (a) removing a session, or (b) reducing the bandwidth required by one or more sessions.

In summary, the user is responsible for bandwidth management. Although the user can request up to 16 sessions per QAM channel, the total bandwidth for the channel cannot be exceeded. Otherwise, MPEG packets are randomly dropped from all the sessions on that block. For example, a user can put 16 low-bandwidth (< 2.4 Mbps) sessions on one 256QAM channel, with no problem. However, if the user puts three HDTV (15 Mbps x 3 = 45 Mbps) sessions on that channel all three programs are randomly corrupted.

6. When default UDP port mapping is used, the range of valid program numbers is restricted to 1 to 255, because only the low-order byte is used to assign the program number. The implication of this is that the user will never see a program number outside the range of 1 to 255 when using default UDP port mapping.

Setting Session Timeouts for All Sessions

To set session timeouts for all sessions:

uMG9820(config)# [no] video timeout {signal-loss milliseconds | stop-psi milliseconds | session-close minutes}


signal-loss milliseconds = Configures the time after packet loss when a signal loss is assumed. If no packets come into a session after milliseconds milliseconds, the signal is assumed to be lost. Range is from 500 to 10000 milliseconds. Default is 5000 milliseconds.

stop-psi milliseconds = Removes system resources and outgoing program-specific information (PSI) program references for sessions that have gone to an inactive state after milliseconds milliseconds. Range is from 500 to 86400000 milliseconds. Default is 5000 milliseconds.

session-close minutes = Configures the time, in minutes minutes, after packet loss when the video session is closed. Range is from 1 to 1440 minutes. Default is 5 minutes.

Example—Set signal loss to 500 milliseconds

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# video timeout signal-loss 500

Example—Set system resources and outgoing PSI resources to be removed

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# video timeout stop-psi 10000

Example—Set session close timeout to 4 minutes

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# video timeout session-close 4

Setting Maximum Network Jitter

To set the maximum allowable network jitter (packet latency) for the specified UDP port session:

Note This setting is not supported in initial releases. It affects the session's overall latency within the unit.

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] video udp UDP-port-number jitter jitter-value


UDP-port-number = UDP port number of the desired incoming session for which the maximum network jitter is to be set.

jitter-value = Maximum network jitter value in milliseconds. The jitter value may be set in the range of 0 to 250 milliseconds.

The default jitter-value is 100 milliseconds.

Example—Set maximum network jitter value for UDP port 5201 to 250 milliseconds for GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# video udp 5201 jitter 250

Example—Set maximum network jitter value for UDP port 5201 to default value for GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no video udp 5201 jitter

Setting PID Remapping

To remap or drop PIDs within an incoming UDP port session:

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] video UDP UDP-port-number in PID-number {out PID-number | drop}


UDP-port-number = UDP port number of the desired incoming session that contains the PID to be remapped

in PID-number = PID number to be remapped or dropped

out PID-number = New PID number (in decimal) in the outgoing program

Example—Remap incoming PID 1000 on UDP port 5201 to PID 1001 for GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# video udp 5201 in 1000 out 1001

Example—Drop incoming PID 1000 on UDP port 5201 for GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if])# video udp 5201 in 1000 drop

Example—Handle PIDs on UDP port 5201 in default manner for GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no video udp 5201

Setting Bitwise Emulation Mode

The Cisco uMG9820 is able to emulate the UDP port mapping of third-party QAM gateways that accommodate fixed QAM-channel groups of eight channels each. Up to three eight-channel gateways can be emulated. The user's mappings are converted to the scheme used by the Cisco uMG9820, and then are reconverted to the user's mapping scheme. IP addresses are assigned automatically, based upon the IP address established for the port.

Table 4-3 presents a sample bitwise mapping scheme for a third-party QAM gateway.

Table 4-3 Third-Party Mapping Scheme for UDP Port Numbers

QAM channel
Session number

















For bits 15 to 8, one bit represents one QAM channel. QAM channels range from 1 to 8.

Session (program) numbers range from 1 to 25.

Example: UDP port number 0x1007 represents the following:

QAM channel 5, program number 7

Note If fewer than three IP addresses are chosen, the QAM channels that would be associated with those addresses are unused.

Table 4-4 shows the default mappings, standard-bitwise mappings, and paired-bitwise mappings between the QAM subinterfaces and channels and the UDP ports. Also, the IP address scheme is shown for bitwise mode. All port ranges for each channel are from 1 through 255 (00000001-11111111). Program 0 is represented by numbers such as 256, 512, 768, ... 6144.

Table 4-4 Mapping QAM Subinterfaces and Channels to UDP Ports in Standard-Bitwise and Paired-Bitwise Modes 

QAM Subinterface
UDP Port Range
IP Addresses
Default Mappings
Standard Bitwise
Paired Bitwise




























































































































To change the Cisco uMG9820 port mappings to bitwise or paired-bitwise mode:

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] video emulation-mode {bitwise | paired-bitwise} [number-ip-address {1 | 2 | 3}]

Caution This command removes all custom port mappings.

Example—Setting standard bitwise emulation mode on GE port 1

Note This example sets three IP addresses automatically.

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# video emulation-mode bitwise

Example—Setting paired-bitwise emulation mode on GE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# video emulation-mode paired-bitwise

Example—Setting bitwise emulation mode on GE port 1, but using next two IP addresses instead of three

Note If fewer than three IP addresses are chosen, the QAM channels that would be associated with those addresses are unused.

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# video emulation-mode bitwise number-ip-address 2

Configuring Session Cloning and Multicast for Program Data Delivery

Program Data Delivery

The VoD Program Data Delivery (PDD) support provided by the Cisco uMG9820 makes possible the delivery of electronic program guide (EPG) data, other client data, and navigation data to a VoD client application running on the set-top box, enabling the VoD subscriber to browse and select content for viewing. Most cable systems deliver such data through one or more in-band carousels to which the VoD client tunes at startup, as well as during program navigation, as needed.

Program-related information is streamed from a server, and can be delivered to subscribers inband through the Cisco uMG9820. The data are encapsulated as SPTS MPEG-2 streams delivered by means of IP/UDP, as regular VoD sessions are. However, program data, unlike a normal VoD SPTS, can be delivered by means of multicast as well as unicast.

Because of limitations of program data servers, a single copy of a program data stream is sent to a Cisco uMG9820 QAM channel, where the stream can be cloned to one, several, or all QAM channels. Also, the program data stream may contain program clock references (PCRs), or may be a pure data stream without timing information. To support PDD and similar functionality, the Cisco uMG9820 remaps the PID, either by using the default map or a user-specified configuration.

PDD functionality on the Cisco uMG9820 supports the following:



Programs having up to 16 elementary streams

The following restrictions apply to session cloning and multicast:

A UDP port can be either clonable or not. A nonclonable UDP should be configured in QAM subinterface configuration mode. A clonable UDP should be configured in global configuration mode.

Multicast sessions are by default clonable and can be configured only in global configuration mode.

An input session can be mapped to a QAM channel at most once.

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Joining or Leaving an IGMP Multicast Group

Mapping a Single Input UDP Session to a Single QAM

Mapping a Single Input UDP Session to All 24 QAMs

Mapping an Input Multicast Session to a Single QAM

Mapping an Input Multicast Session to All 24 QAMs

Joining or Leaving an IGMP Multicast Group

To join or leave an internet Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) multicast group:

uMG9820(config)# [no] ip igmp static-group group-IP-address [source source-IP-address]

Example—Join an IGMP multicast group with a single source

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# ip igmp static-group source

Example—Leave an IGMP multicast group with a single source

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no ip igmp static-group source

Mapping a Single Input UDP Session to a Single QAM

To map an input UDP session to a particular QAM channel with a specified output program number:

uMG9820(config)# [no] video udp UDP-port-number qam slot/port.qam program program-number

Example—Map UDP session 512 to QAM channel 4/1/1, specifying program 4

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# video udp 512 qam 4/1.1 program 4

Mapping a Single Input UDP Session to All 24 QAMs

To map an input UDP session to all the 24 QAM channels on the device (all output programs have the same specified output program number):

uMG9820(config)# [no] video udp UDP-port-number all program program-number

Example—MAP UDP session 512 to all 24 QAM channels, specifying program 11

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# video udp 512 all program 11

Mapping an Input Multicast Session to a Single QAM

To map an input multicast session to a particular QAM with a specified output program number:

uMG9820# configure terminal UMG9820(config)# [no] video multicast source-address source-IP-address dest-address destination-IP-address qam slot/port.qam program program-number

Example—Map an input multicast session with source address and destination address to QAM channel 1/1.1, specifying program 2

uMG9820# configure terminal UMG9820(config)# video multicast source-address dest-address qam 1/1.1 program 2

Mapping an Input Multicast Session to All 24 QAMs

To map an input multicast session to all the 24 QAMs on the device (all output programs have the same specified output program number):

uMG9820(config)# [no] video multicast source-address source-IP-address dest-address destination-IP-address all program program-number

Example—Map an input multicast session with source address and destination address to all QAM channels, specifying program 14

uMG9820# configure terminal UMG9820(config)# video multicast source-address dest-address all program 14

Setting MPTS Pass-through

Digital broadcast programs are typically delivered in a multiprogram transport stream (MPTS) from a statistical multiplexer (or other video source) to the Cisco uMG9820. The Cisco uMG9820 can pass the MPTS through to the set-top boxes without remultiplexing the video streams, and may update the peak cell rate (PCR) or PSI information in the MPTS as necessary to output a valid transport stream. The Cisco uMG9820 outputs the MPTS on one or more QAM channels based on the UDP port map of the incoming stream.

To set the output QAM for pass-through:

uMG9820(config)# video udp UDP-port-number qam slot/port.qam pass-through

Example—Map incoming session on UDP port number 257 to slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# video udp 257 qam 1/1.2 pass-through

Retrieving Input Session Data

To list all the session information, input errors, session state, and continuity count errors:

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet slot/port video [session UDP-port-number]


slot = 0

port = 1 or 2

UDP-port-number = Number of specific UDP port (optional)

If a specific session UDP port number is provided, then only information on that session is provided. The following information is provided in the response:

User-defined session parameters

Session status (inactive, active, invalid program-specific information)

Jitter buffer status (underflow and overflow count) and average fullness

Continuity count errors

Example—Display all active video sessions on GE port 1

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video

Emulation mode: None Number of active sessions 240 Source continuity error counter 0 Overflow 1 Continuity 0 Alignment 0 Miss 0

Example—Display video session information for UDP port 514 on GE port 1

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video session 514

Emulation mode: None Current State:       Active UDP port number: 514 Output QAM number: 2 Max Jitter Value:   0              Jitter Overflow:       0 Jitter Underflow:     0              Average Fullness:

Note To clear counters, use the clear counters command in enable mode, as follows:

uMG9820# clear counters

Retrieving Input Session PSI Data

To list all the program-specific information (PSI), such as program number, elementary stream ID and PIDs, for a video session:

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet slot/port video psi [session UDP-port-number]


slot = 0

port = 1 or 2

UDP-port-number = Number of specific UDP port (optional)

If a specific session UDP port number is provided, then only information on that session is provided.

Example—Display PSI information for all active video sessions on GE port 1

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video psi

Emulation mode: None Inactive PSI timeout is 0 milliseconds. Active PSI timeout is 5 seconds. Queued PSI timeout is 300 seconds.

Example—Display PSI information for UDP port 514 on GE port 1

uMG9820# show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video psi session 514

Emulation mode: None Number of PIDs:                        3 Program Number: 0x0002 Input PMT PID: 0x01f4   Output PMT PID: 0x0030 Input PID (Type 0x0081): 0x01e2 Output PID: 0x0031 Input PID (Type 0x0081): 0x01e3 Output PID: 0x0032 Input PID (Type 0x0002): 0x01e1 Output PID: 0x0033

Retrieving Video PSI Data

To list PSI data for all UDP port sessions or for one specific session:

uMG9820>show video psi [session UDP-port-number]


UDP-port-number = Number of specific UDP port (optional)

If a specific session UDP port number is provided, then only information on that session is provided.

Example—Display video PSI information for all UDP port sessions

uMG9820> show video psi

UDP port#: 257 Session Status: ACTIVE TSID: 1 PAT VERSION: 1 NIT PID: 0 Source Program #: 1 PMT PID: 32 PCR PID: 33 CA_SYS ID: 0 ECM PID 0 Elementary Streams:    (1) PID: 33 Stream Type: 2

   (2) PID: 36 Stream Type: 129

   (3) PID: 35 Stream Type: 192

UDP port#: 258 Session Status: ACTIVE TSID: 1 PAT VERSION: 1 NIT PID: 0 Source Program #: 2 PMT PID: 48 PCR PID: 49 CA_SYS ID: 0 ECM PID 0 Elementary Streams:    (1) PID: 49 Stream Type: 2

   (2) PID: 52 Stream Type: 129

   (3) PID: 51 Stream Type: 192

UDP port#: 259 Session Status: ACTIVE TSID: 1 PAT VERSION: 1 NIT PID: 0 Source Program #: 3 PMT PID: 48 PCR PID: 65 CA_SYS ID: 0 ECM PID 0 Elementary Streams:    (1) PID: 65 Stream Type: 2

   (2) PID: 68 Stream Type: 129

   (3) PID: 67 Stream Type: 192

Example—Display video PSI information for a specific UDP port session

uMG9820> show video psi session 257

UDP port#: 257 Session Status: ACTIVE TSID: 1 PAT VERSION: 1 NIT PID: 0 Source Program #: 1 PMT PID: 32 PCR PID: 33 CA_SYS ID: 0 ECM PID 0 Elementary Streams:    (1) PID: 33 Stream Type: 2

   (2) PID: 36 Stream Type: 129

   (3) PID: 35 Stream Type: 192

Retrieving Video Session Information

To list video session information for only active sessions, for all sessions, or for a specific session:

uMG9820>show video session {active | all | UDP-port-number}


UDP-port-number = Number of specific UDP port (optional)

If a specific session UDP port number is provided, then only information on that session is provided.

Example—Display video session information for all active UDP port sessions

uMG9820> show video session active

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 257 (SPTS 240) to qam 1/1.1

Continuity error counter      1893464

Overflow error counter              0

Underflow error counter       1327759

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 258 (SPTS 81) to qam 1/1.1

Continuity error counter      1902549

Overflow error counter              0

Underflow error counter       1364450

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 259 (SPTS 97) to qam 1/1.1

Continuity error counter      1893779

Overflow error counter              0

Underflow error counter       1303794

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 769 (SPTS 0) to qam 1/2.1

Continuity error counter      1896098

Overflow error counter              0

Underflow error counter       1330853

Example—Display video session information for all UDP port sessions

uMG9820> show video session all

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 257 to qam 1/1.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 258 to qam 1/1.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 259 to qam 1/1.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 769 to qam 1/2.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 770 to qam 1/2.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 771 to qam 1/2.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 1281 to qam 2/1.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 1282 to qam 2/1.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 1283 to qam 2/1.1

State: ACTIVE     Source IP     DEST UDP 1793 to qam 1/2.1

Example—Display video session information for a specific UDP port session

uMG9820> show video session 258

SPTS number 81


Source IP

Destination IP

Maps to QAM 1/1.1, program 2

Start time 30357:41:34

Continuity error counter      1902549

Overflow error counter              0

Alignment error counter             0

Underflow error counter       1366915

Jitter buffer size 0 ms

Jitter buffer average fullness   0.8%

Retrieving Interface Statistics

To display all video statistics, specific video statistics, all video program-specific information (PSI) statistics, or specific session video PSI statistics for a GE interface:

Note For additional information, see Configuring the Transport Stream.

uMG9820> show interface slot/port [video | video session UDP-port-number | video psi | video psi session UDP-port-number]


slot = 0

port = 1 or 2

UDP-port-number = Number of specific UDP port

Example—Display hardware data for GE interface 1

uMG9820> show interface gigabitethernet 0/1

GigabitEthernet 0/1 is up, line state is no module installed. Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet Port, address is 0005.9a3d.d649 MTU 1518 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off ARP type: ARPA Input rate 0 Mbits/sec, 0 packets/sec Output rate 0 Mbits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 overrun 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier

Example—Display GE video interface statistics for port 1

uMG9820-3> show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video

Emulation mode : None Number of active sessions 0 Source continuity error counter 0 Overflow 2 Alignment 0 Miss 360

Example—Display GE video session interface statistics for port 1, UDP port 50000

uMG9820-3> show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video session 50000

Emulation mode : None Current State : Active UDP port number : 50000 Output QAM number : 1 Max Jitter Value : 0 Jitter Overflow : 0 Jitter Underflow : 0 Average Fullness : 0 Continuity Errors : 0

Example—Display GE video PSI session interface statistics for port 1

uMG9820-3> show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video psi

Emulation mode : None Signal-loss timeout is 500 milliseconds. Stop-psi timeout is 500 milliseconds. Session-close timeout is 1 minutes.

Example—Display GE PSI session interface statistics for port 1, UDP port 50000

uMG9820-3> show interface gigabitethernet 0/1 video psi session 50000

Emulation mode : None Number of PIDs        : 4 Program Number : 0x0002 Input PMT PID         : 0x0020 Output PMT PID : 0x0040 Input PID (Type 0x02) : 0x0021 Output PID : 0x0041 Input PID (Type 0x04) : 0x0024 Output PID : 0x0042 Input PID (Type 0x81) : 0x002c Output PID : 0x0043 Input PID (Type 0x81) : 0x002e Output PID : 0x0044

Configuring FE Management Ports

The management and CAS ports are addressed using the command-line interface (CLI) as Fast Ethernet (FE) ports 1 and 2, respectively. This section covers commands for the following operations:

Enabling and Disabling an FE Port

Setting an FE Port IP Address

Setting an FE Port MAC Address

Setting an FE Port in DHCP Mode

Setting the Default Gateway

Retrieving FE Port Statistics

Retrieving FE Port Status

Setting Boot Mode

Enabling and Disabling an FE Port

To enable and disable an FE port:

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] shut

Changes to an FE port's state take effect immediately.

Note In the initial release of this product, only FE port 1 is implemented.

Example—Enable FE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-fastethernet[0/1])# no shut

Example—Disable FE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# shut

Setting an FE Port IP Address

To set the IP address and subnet mask of an FE port:

uMG9820(config-if)# ip address IP-address subnet-mask


IP-address = Text string for standard IP address

subnet-mask = Text string for standard subnet mask

Changes to an FE port's IP address take effect immediately.

Example—Set the IP address to and subnet mask to for FE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# ip address

Setting an FE Port MAC Address

To set the MAC address for an FE port:

uMG9820(config-if)# mac-address MAC-address


MAC-address = Text string for a standard MAC address in H.H.H form

Changes to an FE port's MAC address take effect following a reload only if the change is first written to the startup configuration. See Managing Configurations.

Example—Set the MAC address to 0000.0123.5678 for FE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# mac-address 0000.0123.5678

Setting an FE Port in DHCP Mode

To instruct the FE port to obtain its IP address information from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server:

uMG9820(config-if)# [no] dhcp

Changes to DHCP mode are immediate. When DHCP is disabled, the IP address reverts to the manually specified value.

Example—Enable DHCP mode for FE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# dhcp

Example—Disable DHCP mode for FE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no dhcp

Setting the Default Gateway

To set the IP address of the default gateway for FE ports:

uMG9820(config-fastethernet (slot/port])# ip default-gateway IP-address


IP-address = Text string for a standard IP address

Example—Set the default gateway address to for FE port 1

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# ip default-gateway

Retrieving FE Port Statistics

To retrieve packet and buffer statistics for an FE port:

uMG9820# show interface fastethernet slot/port


slot = 0

port = 1 or 2

Example—Show packet and buffer statistics for FE port 1

uMG9820# show interface fastethernet 0/1

FastEthernet0/1 Link Encapsulation:Ethernet HW Address 0050.c206.c299 IP Address: Broadcast: Netmask: RX Packets:88 Errors:0 Dropped:0 Overruns:0 Frame:0 TX Packets:6 Errors:0 Dropped:0 Overruns:0 Carrier:0 Collisions:0 TX Queue Length:100 RX bytes:11406 (11.1 kb) TX bytes:913 (913.0 b) Interrupt:14 Gateway: DHCP:Enabled BootP:Disabled

Retrieving FE Port Status

To retrieve the status of an FE port:

uMG9820# show ip interface [brief] fastethernet slot/port


brief = Optional keyword to display link status only

slot = 0

port = 1 or 2

You can retrieve the following IP statistics for the specified FE port:

Link status (up or down)

Packet and buffer counters

Example—Show the status of FE port 1

uMG9820# show ip interface fastethernet 0/1

FastEthernet 0/1 is Up Internet address is, subnet mask is Broadcast address of is valid MTU is 1500 bytes, Metric is 1

Example—Show only the link status of FE port 1

uMG9820# show ip interface brief fastethernet 0/1

Interface IP-address OK Method Status Protocol FastEthernet0/1 YES DHCP Up Up

Tip You can also use show ip interface and show ip interface brief to see the status of all Ethernet ports, as in Retrieving IP Status.

Note To clear counters, use the clear counters command in enable mode as follows:

uMG9820# clear counters

Setting Boot Mode

By default, the system boots from internally stored images. However, it is possible to specify the location of the system and kernel images on a remote file system and enable/disable BootP (bootstrap protocol) mode. These files are obtained over an FE management port.

To enable BootP mode, images, and paths:

uMG9820(config-fastethernet[0/1])# [no] boot {system path | kernel path}


system path = Remote-system file path for the system image

kernel path = Remote-system file path for the kernel image

Example—Enable BootP mode

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# boot

Example—Set BootP system path to "ramdisk_img.gz"

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# boot system ramdisk_img.gz

Example—Set BootP kernel path to "zImage"

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# boot kernel zImage

Example—Disable BootP mode

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1 uMG9820(config-if)# no boot

Configuring the Transport Stream

MPEG-2 program-specific information (PSI) uses a variety of messages to inform the MPEG receiver about the content of the program stream, and about the streams that are available within the network.

These commands are applied in subinterface mode to an individual QAM channel addressed as slot/port.qam, where

slot = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6

port = 1 or 2

qam = 1 or 2

Table 4-5 lists the MPEG messages and message components that are addressed by the CLI.

Table 4-5 MPEG Messages and Message Components Addressed by the CLI


Program Association Table (PAT)

The first message the receiver attempts to acquire from an MPEG stream. The PAT contains a list of the programs in the stream, as well as a pointer to the PMT for each (see below). It also includes the transport stream ID, or TSID. (See Table 4-6.)

Program Map Table (PMT)

A message that describes the elements of a program. Each program has its own PMT. Once a receiver has acquired a PMT message, it has the information needed to find different elements (for example, video and audio) for that program within the stream.

Network Information Table (NIT)

A list of all of the transport streams within the network, along with their associated RF frequencies. The NIT is identified by means of a network-shared NIT ID (NIT PID). This allows the receiver to know what streams are available. (NIT messages are not always present.)

Table 4-6 shows the default TSID assignment for each QAM channel (subinterface).

Table 4-6 Default TSID Assignment for each QAM Subinterfaces 

QAM Subinterface
Default TSID
Default TSID









































































This section covers commands for the following operations:

Setting PAT Message Parameters

Setting PMT Message Interval

Setting PAT Message Parameters

To set the message field parameters for the outgoing PAT message:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] video pat {interval time | tsid tsid | nit-pid pid}


time = Maximum interval, in milliseconds, between PAT messages

The default value for time is 100 milliseconds.

tsid = Transport stream ID for the output going PAT message. The default value must be unique for each transport stream.

pid = Reference to the NIT PID value in program zero of the PAT message.

The default is to have no reference program zero (program0, which is the NIT PID) in the PAT message.

Example—Set maximum PAT interval to 500 milliseconds on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# video pat interval 500

Example—Set the TSID field of the PAT message to 2250 on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# video pat tsid 2250

Example—Include program 0 with a reference to PID 4090 in the PAT on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# video pat nit-pid 4090

Example—Remove program 0 from the PAT message on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# no video pat nit-pid

Setting PMT Message Interval

To set the maximum PMT message interval:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] video pmt interval time


time = Maximum interval, in milliseconds, between PMT messages

The default value for time is 100 milliseconds.

Example—Set maximum PMT interval to 500 milliseconds on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# video pmt interval 500

Configuring and Monitoring QAM Service

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Enabling and Disabling a QAM Channel

Setting QAM Modulation

Setting QAM Frequency

Setting QAM Output Power

Enabling ALC

Enabling RF Output

Retrieving QAM Statistics

Retrieving QAM Output Video Data

These commands are applied in subinterface mode to an individual QAM channel,


slot = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6

port = 1 or 2

qam = 1 or 2

Enabling and Disabling a QAM Channel

To enable or disable a QAM channel:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] shut

Note The default state for all QAM channels is shut. This prevents interference with existing cable-channel configurations. To mute the RF output of a channel, see the video mute command in Enabling RF Output.

Example—Enable QAM output on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# no shut

Example—Disable QAM output on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# shut

Setting QAM Modulation

To set the modulation rate for all QAM outputs on the selected QAM card:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] video format type


type = Modulation scheme. Values are either 64QAM or 256QAM.

The default value for type is 256QAM.

Note The modulation for both channels for a port is set when either channel 1 or channel 2 is addressed.

Example—Set the modulation rate for all QAM outputs on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2 to 64QAM

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# video format 64QAM

Example—Set the modulation rate for all QAM outputs on slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 2 to the default (256QAM)

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.2 uMG9820(config-subif)# no video format

Setting QAM Frequency

Figure 4-1 illustrates the QAM channel 1 and channel 2 frequencies in relation to the center frequency.

Figure 4-1 QAM Channel Frequencies

The default frequency is 500 MHz (center of band).

The range is 225 to 900 MHz (center of band).

To set the center frequency of the selected QAM channel:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] video frequency frequency


frequency = QAM channel center frequency in Hz, from 225000000 to 900000000.

Note The frequency for both channels for a port is set when either channel 1 or channel 2 is addressed, and is determined by the center frequency.

Caution Do not set the two 6-MHz QAM channels within a 12-MHz-wide RF channel to the same center frequency. See Special Issues: Selecting QAM Frequencies to Avoid Overlap.

Example—Set the center frequency of slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 1 to 850 MHz

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.1 uMG9820(config-subif)# video frequency 850000000

Note In this example, the center frequency of QAM channel 1/1.2 is automatically adjusted to 856000000 Hz.

Example—Set the center frequency of slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 1 to 500 MHz

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.1 uMG9820(config-subif)# no video frequency

Special Issues: Selecting QAM Frequencies to Avoid Overlap

The frequencies on an RF chain (or block: the circuitry providing the maximum bandwidth of a QAM port—from 3 MHz below the bottom center frequency to 3 MHz above the top center frequency) must not overlap those of the other port on the same QAM card. (For this discussion, the two ports on the same card are referred to as adjacent ports.) The settings of the QAM frequencies (center frequencies) on each channel determine the upper and lower bounds of the RF chain.

Note To maximize reliability and isolation, each RF chain on a given QAM card is a separate circuit, with its own local oscillator (LO). However, if frequencies on both RF chains on a card are set too closely to each other, they can be amplified by the LOs on the adjacent chain—resulting in spurious products. The rules presented in this section ensure the necessary signal isolation.

Note the following rules for selecting QAM frequencies (center frequencies):

1. The two 6-MHz QAM channels within a 12-MHz-wide RF chain cannot be set to the same center frequency. The center frequency of the QAM channel on slot/port.1 is always 6 MHz lower than the center frequency of the QAM channel on slot/port.2.

2. The two 12-MHz-wide RF chains on any QAM card (one chain from port 1 and the other from port 2) must not overlap. The center frequencies for the 6-MHz QAM channels on slot/1.1 and slot/1.2 must be different from the center frequencies for the 6-MHz QAM channels on slot/2.1 and slot/2.2.

Caution The center frequencies of each of the two 12-MHz RF chains must be at least 12 MHz apart.

3. As long as rule 2 is strictly adhered to on each QAM card, it is valid to set up more than one QAM card in a Cisco uMG9820 chassis with the same frequency assignments.

Table 4-7 lists both invalid (examples 1 and 2) and valid (examples 3 and 4) QAM center frequency schemes. For an explanation of each example, see the Notes following the table.

Note These frequency assignments are for illustration only.

Where the assignments are invalid, it is because the RF chains on the ports on the same card overlap completely or partially.

Where the assignments are valid, the same frequencies can be assigned to more than one QAM card in a chassis—as long as the above rules are not violated on those cards.

Table 4-7 Sample Invalid and Valid QAM Center Frequency Schemes 

Chain Range, MHz
Center Frequency
Chain Range, MHz
Center Frequency













































































Example 1 (Invalid): RF chains on adjacent ports overlap completely.

Example 2 (Invalid): RF chains on adjacent ports overlap partially.

Example 3 (Invalid): RF chains on adjacent ports overlap (the top frequency of one chain is the same as that on the bottom of the chain on the adjacent port).

Example 4 (Valid): RF chains overlap, but are on the same port.

Example 5 (Valid): RF chains do not overlap, and are on the same port.

Example 6 (Valid): RF chains do not overlap, and are on different adjacent ports.

Setting QAM Output Power

To set the combined output power level for a QAM port:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] video power power


power = QAM power assignment in dBmV.

The default power level is 50 dBmV.

The range is 44.0 to 60.0 dBmV, in increments of 0.1 dB.

Example—Set the output power level of slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 1 to 60.3 dBmV

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.1 uMG9820(config-subif)# video power 60.3

Note The output power for both channels for a port is set when either channel 1 or channel 2 is addressed.

Example—Set the output power level of slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 1 to the default (50 dBmV)

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/1.1 uMG9820(config-subif)# no video power

Enabling ALC

This command enables or disables the automatic level control (ALC) of a specified QAM port. When enabled, the ALC keeps the output level to within +/- 0.2 dB of the power setting, to account for level variations due to changes in levels of, for example, temperature and frequency.

Note This command automatically enables ALC on both QAM channels of the port.

To enable or disable automatic level control (ALC) of a specified QAM port:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] alc

Example—Disable ALC on slot 1, port 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/2.1 uMG9820(config-subif)# no alc

Enabling RF Output

This command enables or disables (mutes) RF output on both QAM channels of a specified QAM port.

Note Unlike the shut command, the mute command disables both QAM channels on a port.

To enable or disable RF output on a QAM port:

uMG9820(config-subif)# [no] video mute

Example—Disable RF output on slot 1, port 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/2.1 uMG9820(config-subif)# video mute

Example—Enable RF output on slot 1, port 2

uMG9820# configure terminal uMG9820(config)# interface qam 1/2.1 uMG9820(config-subif)# no video mute

Retrieving QAM Statistics

To display QAM statistics for a specified QAM channel:

uMG9820# show interface qam slot/port.qam

Example—Show QAM statistics for slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 1

uMG9820# show interface qam 1/1.1

Output Frequency : 249000000 Hz Output RF Power Level : 46.0 dBmV Output RF Attenuation : 19.6 dB Port Enable : Enabled Channel Enable : Enabled QAM Mode : 256 Encode State : Annex B Interleaver Depth : 128,1 Bytes per packet : 188 Gain Compensation : Active RF block ALC setting : Enabled RF block ALC power : 46.0 dBmV Temperature : 46.0C +/- 3C Alarm Codes :

Retrieving QAM Output Video Data

To display video program data for a specified QAM channel:

uMG9820# show interface qam slot/port.qam video

The following information is retrieved:

Transport stream ID (TSID) and NIT PID

PAT and PMT interval

Bitrate through this QAM

PSI data for each program

Example—Show video program data for slot 1, port 1, QAM channel 1

uMG9820# show interface qam 1/1.1 video

TSID: 111 NIT-PID: 0 PAT Interval: 100 PMT Interval: 100 Average Bitrate: 0 bps Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0 Program (INACTIVE): 0

Upgrading Software

This section covers commands for the following operation:

Initiating a Software Upgrade from a File Server

Initiating a Software Upgrade from a File Server

To configure and perform an upgrade from a remote server:

uMG9820# upgrade {server IP-address | filename remote-filename | now [force] | [gigabitethernet [force]]}


server IP-address = IP address of the server where the upgrade files are stored

remote-filename = Name of the upgrade file stored on the remote system

now = Perform the software upgrade or processor card upgrade if the specified file has a higher version number than that of software currently installed

gigabitethernet = Perform only an automated processor card update

force = Perform the software upgrade to the specified file, regardless of software version, or force an automated processor card update

Example—Specify as the IP address of the server where the upgrade software resides:

uMG9820# upgrade server

Example—Specify "newsoftware.tar" as the upgrade filename:

uMG9820# upgrade filename newsoftware.tar

Example—Upgrade to the new software immediately:

uMG9820# upgrade now

Example—Upgrade to the new software immediately, even if it is older than the currently installed version:

uMG9820# upgrade now force

Managing Configurations

This section covers commands for the following operations:

Saving a Running Configuration to the Startup Configuration

Restoring the Startup Configuration to the Running Configuration

Saving a Configuration to a TFTP Server

Retrieving a Configuration from a TFTP Server

Displaying Configuration Files

Saving a Running Configuration to the Startup Configuration

To save the current running-configuration settings to a storage location for the startup-configuration settings (except for the case where a BootP configuration is used):

uMG9820# copy running-config startup-config


running-config = Current running configuration settings (in RAM)

startup-config = Stored configuration settings that are loaded at startup

Example—Copy the running configuration settings to the startup configuration file

uMG9820# copy running-config startup-config

Restoring the Startup Configuration to the Running Configuration

To load the stored startup-configuration settings to the running configuration settings (overwriting current running-configuration settings, and appending changes to the file):

uMG9820# copy startup-config running-config


running-config = current running-configuration settings

startup-config = stored configuration settings that are loaded at startup

Example—Copy the stored startup configuration settings to the running configuration

uMG9820# copy startup-config running-config

Saving a Configuration to a TFTP Server

To save either the current running-configuration settings or the startup-configuration settings to a user-specified TFTP location—either a to a specific IP address or a TFTP server name:

uMG9820# copy { running-config | startup-config | tftp URL


running-config = Current running-configuration settings

startup-config = Stored configuration settings that are loaded at startup

URL = Location of a specific filename on a TFTP server: (tftp://ip-address/filename or tftp://tftp-server-name/filename)

Note Use TFTP, not FTP, to send and retrieve files between the Cisco uMG9820 and a server.

Example—Save the current running configuration settings to a file called "runcfgdate" on a TFTP server with IP address

uMG9820# copy running-config tftp://

Retrieving a Configuration from a TFTP Server

To restore either the current running-configuration settings or the startup-configuration settings from a user-specified TFTP server:

uMG9820# copy tftp URL { running-config | startup-config }


running-config = Current running-configuration settings

startup-config = Stored configuration settings that are loaded at startup

URL = Location of a specific filename on a TFTP server: (tftp://ip-address/filename or tftp://tftp-server-name/filename)

Example—Restore the current running-configuration settings from a file called "runcfgdate" on a TFTP server with IP address

uMG9820# copy tftp:// running-config

Displaying Configuration Files

To display either the current running-configuration settings or the startup-configuration settings:

uMG9820# show {running-config | startup-config}


running-config = Current running-configuration settings

startup-config = Stored configuration settings that are loaded at startup

Example—Show the current running-configuration settings

uMG9820# show running-config

Note For an example of output, see Sample Configuration.

Example—Show the startup-configuration settings

uMG9820# show startup-config

Using the Terminal (Console) Port

The terminal or console port allows the CLI to be accessed through the RS-232 interface.

Note The RS-232 port parameters are fixed and cannot be edited. The parameters are as follows:

9600 bits per second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit

Sample Configuration

The following example illustrates the results of the show running-config command on a Cisco uMG9820.

uMG9820# show run

upgrade server upgrade filename umg9820-1_3_0-1.tar.gz hostname uMG9820 configure terminal no logging server snmp-server community private RW snmp-server host traps version 1 private snmp-server host private snmp-server community public RO snmp-server host traps version 1 public snmp-server host public interface fastethernet 0/1 no shut no boot debug no boot ip address ip default-gateway mac-address 0050.c206.c31d dhcp interface fastethernet 0/2 shut mac-address 0050.c206.c2a2 dhcp interface gigabitethernet 0/1 ip address mac-address 0050.c206.c0aa no shut no negotiation auto no video timeout inactive no video timeout release no video timeout queue interface gigabitethernet 0/2 shut configure terminal no logging console no logging level terminal speed 9600 terminal parity none terminal databits 8 terminal stopbits 1 interface qam 6/1.1 video udp 5377 program 11 interface qam 1/1.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video pmt interval 100 video pat interval 100 video format 256QAM video interleaver 128,4 video frequency 531000000 video power 60.4 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 1/1.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 1/2.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video frequency 255000000 video power 59.4 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 1/2.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 2/1.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video format 256QAM video interleaver 128,4 video frequency 531000000 video power 61.7 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 2/1.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 2/2.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video frequency 255000000 video power 61.2 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 2/2.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 3/1.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video format 256QAM video interleaver 128,4 video frequency 531000000 video power 58.0 no video mute video alc no shut interface qam 3/1.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 3/2.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video frequency 255000000 video power 57.0 no video mute video alc no shut interface qam 3/2.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 4/1.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video format 256QAM video interleaver 128,4 video frequency 531000000 video power 63.2 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 4/1.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 4/2.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video frequency 255000000 video power 61.9 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 4/2.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 5/1.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video format 256QAM video interleaver 128,4 video frequency 531000000 video power 61.1 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 5/1.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 5/2.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video frequency 255000000 video power 61.1 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 5/2.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 6/1.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video format 256QAM video interleaver 128,4 video frequency 531000000 video power 62.4 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 6/1.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut interface qam 6/2.1 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid video frequency 255000000 video power 62.0 no video mute no video alc no shut interface qam 6/2.2 no video pat tsid no video pat nit-pid no shut uMG9820#


Posted: Fri Oct 8 10:26:00 PDT 2004
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