
Table Of Contents


How to Manage Configurations

Managing Configurations

How to View Configurations

How to Remove a Configuration

How to Save the Configuration Settings

How to Restore a Previous Configuration

How to Backup Configuration Files

How to Upgrade the SCE Platform Firmware

Upgrading SCE Platform Firmware

Upgrading SCE Platform Firmware: Example

How to Manage Application Files

Configuring Applications

Managing Application Files

How to Display Information about an Application File

How to Install an Application

How to Uninstall an Application

How to Upgrade an Application

How to Undo an Upgrade of an Application

How to Display the Last pqi File that was Installed

How to Monitor the Operational Status of the SCE Platform

Monitoring the Operational Status of the SCE Platform

How to Display the Current Operational Status of the SCE Platform

Displaying the Current Operational Status of the SCE Platform: Example

How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information

Displaying the SCE Platform Version Information

Displaying the SCE Platform Version Information: Example

How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory

Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory

Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory: Example

How to Display the System Uptime

Displaying the System Uptime

Displaying the System Uptime: Example

How to Reboot and Shut Down the SCE Platform

How to Reboot the SCE Platform

How to Shut Down the SCE Platform


This module describes basic operations necessary for managing the SCE platform.

How to Manage Configurations 

How to Upgrade the SCE Platform Firmware 

How to Manage Application Files 

How to Monitor the Operational Status of the SCE Platform 

How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information 

How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory 

How to Display the System Uptime 

How to Reboot and Shut Down the SCE Platform 

How to Manage Configurations

This section explains how to view, save, and recover configuration files, as well as how to create a backup configuration file.

Managing Configurations 

How to View Configurations 

How to Remove a Configuration 

How to Save the Configuration Settings 

How to Restore a Previous Configuration 

How to Backup Configuration Files 

Managing Configurations

The SCE platform uses two configuration files:

Startup configuration — This file contains the non-default configuration as saved by the user. The startup-config file is loaded each time the SCE platform reboots.

Running configuration — This file contains results of configuration commands entered by the user. The running-config file is saved in the SCE platform volatile memory and is effective only as long as the SCE platform is up and running.

Use the following commands to view and save the configuration files.

You can also recover a previous configuration from a saved configuration file, as well as completely remove all current user configuration.

How to View Configurations

show running-config

Viewing Configurations 

Viewing Configurations: Example 

Viewing Configurations

When you enter configuration commands, it immediately effects the SCE platform operation and configuration. This configuration, referred to as the running-config , is saved in the SCE platform volatile memory and is effective while the SCE platform is up. After reboot, the SCE platform loads the startup-config , which includes the non-default configuration as saved by the user, into the running-config.

The SCE platform provides commands for:

Viewing the running configuration

Viewing the startup configuration

After configuring the SCE platform, you may query for the running configuration using the command show running-config. This command displays the non-default running configuration. To view all SCE platform running configuration, whether it is the default or not, you may use the option all-data in the show running-configcommand.


Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type show running-config and press Enter

The specified configuration file is displayed.

Viewing Configurations: Example

This example shows how to view the running configuration.

SCE#show running-config #This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 15:50:56 CET MON December 11 2006 #cli-type 1 #version 1 clock timezone CET 1 snmp-server community "public" ro snmp-server host traps version 1 "public" interface LineCard 0 connection-mode active no silent no shutdown flow-aging default-timeout UDP 60 interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address interface FastEthernet 0/1 interface FastEthernet 0/2 exit line vty 0 4 no timeout exit SCE#

How to Remove a Configuration

Removing the Configuration

You can completely remove all current configuration by removing all configuration files. The following data is deleted by this command::

General configuration files

Application configuration files

Static party DB files

Management agent installed MBeans

Note After using this command, the SCE platform should be reloaded immediately to ensure that it returns to the 'factory default' state.


Step 1 At the SCE(config)# prompt, type erase startup-config-all and press Enter

All configuration files are removed, including configuration files not explicitly managed by the user, as listed above.

How to Save the Configuration Settings

Saving the Configuration Settings 

Saving the Configuration Settings: Example 

Saving the Configuration Settings

When you make changes to the current running configuration and you want those changes to continue to be valid when the system restarts, you must save the changes before leaving the management session, that is, you must save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.

For backup purposes, the old startup-config file is saved under the directory: tffs0:system/prevconf. Refer to How to Restore a Previous Configuration for an explanation of how to recover a previous configuration.

The SCE platform provides multiple interfaces for the purpose of configuration and management. All interfaces supply an API to the same database of the SCE platform, so that any configuration change made through one interface is reflected through all interfaces. Furthermore, when saving the running configuration to the startup configuration from any management interface, all configuration settings are saved regardless of the management interface used to set the configuration.


Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type show running-config and press Enter

Displays the running configuration.

Step 2 Check the displayed configuration to make sure that all parameters are set to the desired values. If not, make the changes you want before saving.

Refer to the relevant sections of this guide for more information regarding specific configuration parameters.

Step 3 At the SCE# prompt, type copy running-config startup-config and press Enter

The system saves all running configuration information to the configuration file, which is used when the system reboots.

The configuration file holds all information that is different from the system default in a file called config.txt located in the directory: tffs0:system.

Saving the Configuration Settings: Example

The following example shows how to review and then save the running configuration file.

SCE#show running-config #This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 15:50:56 CET MON February 11 2006 #cli-type 1 #version 1 clock timezone CET 1 snmp-server community "public" ro snmp-server host traps version 1 "public" interface LineCard 0 connection-mode active no silent no shutdown flow-aging default-timeout UDP 60 interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address interface FastEthernet 0/1 interface FastEthernet 0/2 exit line vty 0 4 no timeout exit SCE# SCE#copy running-config startup-config Writing general configuration file to temporary location... Backing-up general configuration file... Copy temporary file to final location... SCE#

To remove a configuration command from the running-config, use the no form of the command.

The following example illustrates how to remove all DNS settings from the running configuration.

SCE(config)#no ip name-server

How to Restore a Previous Configuration

Restoring a Previous Configuration 

Restoring a Previous Configuration: Example 

Restoring a Previous Configuration

When you save a new configuration, the system automatically backs up the old configuration in the directory tffs0:system/prevconf/. Up to nine versions of the startup configuration file are saved, namely config.tx1-config.tx9 , where config.tx1 is the most recently saved file.

Use the CLI command more to view the old startup configuration files.

Restoring a previous startup configuration means renaming the file so it overwrites the startup configuration ( config.txt ) file.

Since the restore operation overwrites the current configuration file, you cannot undo the configuration restore operation. It is recommended to always backup the current configuration file first.


Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type more tffs0:system/prevconf/ filenameand press Enter

Displays the contents of the specified backup configuration file. Backup configuration filenames are config.tx1-config.tx9.

Step 2 Read the configuration information to make sure it is the configuration you want to restore.

Be sure that you are restoring the proper configuration file, since the restore operation is not reversible. It is recommended to always backup the current configuration file first.

Step 3 At the SCE# prompt, type copy tffs0:system/prevconf/ filenametffs0:system/ filenameand press Enter

Overwrites the current startup configuration file with the contents of the specified backup configuration file.

Backup configuration filenames are config.tx1-config.tx9.

Restoring a Previous Configuration: Example

The following example displays a saved configuration file and then restores the file to overwrite the current configuration.

SCE#more tffs0:system/prevconf/config.tx1 #This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 19:36:07 UTC THU February 14 2006 #cli-type 1 #version 1 interface LineCard 0 no silent no shutdown interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address interface FastEthernet 0/1 interface FastEthernet 0/2 exit line vty 0 4 exit SCE#copy tffs0:system/prevconf/config.tx1 tffs0:system/config.txt SCE#

How to Backup Configuration Files

Backing Up Configuration Files 


How to Create a Backup Configuration File 

How to Upload a Backup Configuration File 

Backing Up Configuration Files

Although a backup of the configuration file is created automatically under certain circumstances, it is useful to be able to explicitly create a backup configuration file.

For example, it can be used in a cascaded solution to copy the configuration from one SCE platform to the other, as follows:

1. To create a backup configuration file, execute this command on the first SCE platform, specifying an FTP backup file:

copy startup-config backup-file

2. To upload the backup configuration file to the cascaded SCE platform, execute this command on that SCE platform, specifying the previously created backup file:

copy backup-file startup-config


The following option is available:

backup-file— The name of the backup configuration file to be created. The file name should be in 8.3 format, that is, there are a maximum of 8 characters before the period and three characters following it.

The backup file may be created via FTP or it may be a local file, as shown in the following examples:

via FTP: ftp://user:pass@host/drive:/dir/bckupcfg.txt

local: /tffs0/bckupcfg.txt

How to Create a Backup Configuration File

Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type copy startup-config backup-fileand press Enter

Backs up the startup-config file to the specified file.

How to Upload a Backup Configuration File

Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type copy backup-filestartup-configand press Enter

Copying a Backup Configuration File to a Different SCE Platform: Example

This example shows how to copy the configuration from one SCE platform to another.

On the first SCE platform, enter the following command:

SCE1#copy startup-config ftp://adminuser:mypassword@ SCE1number

On the second SCE platform, enter the following command:

SCE2#copy ftp://adminuser:mypassword@ startup-config SCE2number

How to Upgrade the SCE Platform Firmware

Upgrading SCE Platform Firmware 

Upgrading SCE Platform Firmware: Example 

Upgrading SCE Platform Firmware

Cisco distributes upgrades to the software and firmware on the SCE platform. Cisco distributes upgrade software as a file with the extension .pkg that is installed directly from the ftp site without being copied to the disk. This procedure walks you through installation and rebooting of the SCE platform with the new firmware.


Step 1 At the command prompt, type configureand press Enter

Enters Global Configuration mode.

Step 2 bootType boot system ftp://user:password@host/drive:dir/seNum.pkg, where seNum.pkgis the file name on the ftp site.

The boot command verifies that the package is a legal, appropriate update for the SCE platform and that the file was not corrupted. It does not perform an upgrade, but does keep in the system memory that a pkg file is available.

Step 3 Type exit.

Exits Global Configuration mode.

Step 4 Type copy running-config startup-config.

This command re-verifies that the package is valid, and extracts the upgrade to the Flash file system.

The system notifies you that it is performing the extraction as follows:

Backing-up configuration file... Writing configuration file... Extracting new system image... Extracted OK.

Step 5 reloadType reload.

Reboots the system.

The system first prompts you for confirmation:

Are you sure?

Step 6 Type

Step 7 Y

Step 8 and press Enter

The system sends the following message and reboots.

The system is about to reboot, this will end your CLI session

Upgrading SCE Platform Firmware: Example

The following example shows the full procedure for performing a firmware update.

SCE#configure SCE(config)# boot system ftp://vk:vk@ SCE(config)#exit SCE#copy running-config startup-config Backing-up configuration file... Writing configuration file... Extracting new system image... Extracted OK. SCE#>reload Are you sure? y the system is about to reboot, this will end your CLI session

How to Manage Application Files

This module explains how to install and upgrade application files.

Configuring Applications 

Managing Application Files 

How to Display Information about an Application File 

How to Install an Application 

How to Uninstall an Application 

How to Upgrade an Application 

How to Undo an Upgrade of an Application 

How to Display the Last pqi File that was Installed 

Configuring Applications

The SCE platform can be configured to run with different Service Control applications by installing the appropriate file. All SCE platform application files are pqi files, that is, the filename must end with the pqi extension.

Once a specific Service Control application is installed it can be configured by applying a configuration file. The configuration file is application-specific, and is produced by application-specific means, not covered in this documentation. Configuration files have no specific extension.

Note These configuration changes are automatically saved to the start-up configuration after execution, and therefore do not appear when the running configuration is displayed ( more running-configcommand).

Note These configurations cannot be manipulated by changing the system/config.txt file

Managing Application Files

Use the following commands to install, uninstall, and upgrade an application. You can use the show pqi file info command before installing or upgrading an application to display the options that are available when installing the pqi file. These options can then be specified in the install or upgrade command as needed.

The documentation of the application will tell the user whether the application is stand-alone (in which case install should be used), or an upgrade to an existing application that is assumed to be installed already (in this case upgrade should be used).

You should always run the pqi uninstallcommand before installing a new pqi file. This prevents old files from accumulating on the disk.

The following commands are relevant for installing and uninstalling an application:

pqi install file (interface linecard configuration mode)

pqi uninstall file(interface linecard configuration mode)

pqi upgrade file(interface linecard configuration mode)

pqi rollback file(interface linecard configuration mode)

show pqi file info(viewer mode)

show pqi last-installed(viewer mode)

How to Display Information about an Application File

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show pqi file filename info and press Enter

Displays installation options available for this application file, if any.

How to Install an Application

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type pqi install file filename[options] and press Enter

Installs the specified pqi file, using the installation options specified (if any). Use the show pqi file filename info command to display installation options available for the application file. (See How to Display Information about an Application File.)

Note that this may take up to five minutes.

Note Always run the pqi uninstall command before installing a new pqi file. (See How to Uninstall an Application.)

How to Uninstall an Application

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type pqi uninstall file filenameand press Enter

Uninstalls the specified pqi file.

You must specify the last pqi file that was installed.

Note that this may take up to five minutes.

How to Upgrade an Application

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type pqi upgrade file filename[options]and press Enter

Upgrades the current application with the specified pqi file using the installation options specified (if any). Use the show pqi file filename infocommand to display installation options available for the application file. (See How to Display Information about an Application File.)

Note that this may take up to five minutes.

How to Undo an Upgrade of an Application

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type pqi rollback file filenameand press Enter

Undoes the upgrade of the specified pqi file.

Note that this may take up to five minutes.

How to Display the Last pqi File that was Installed

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type pqi last-installed and press Enter.

How to Monitor the Operational Status of the SCE Platform

Monitoring the Operational Status of the SCE Platform 

How to Display the Current Operational Status of the SCE Platform 

Displaying the Current Operational Status of the SCE Platform: Example 

Monitoring the Operational Status of the SCE Platform

The following table lists the operational states of the SCE platform. You can monitor the operational status of the SCE platform via:

The Status LED on the SCE platform front panel

The show system operation-statusCLI command

Table 3-1 SCE Platform Operational States

SCE platform Operational Status
Status LED State


Initial state after reset



SCE platform becomes operational after completing the following process:

Boot is completed

Power self-tests are completed without failure

Platform configuration is applied

Flashing green


SCE platform is fully operational (as above) but one of the following occurred:

Link on one of the line ports is down

Management port link is down

Temperature raised above threshold

Voltage not in required range

Fans problem

Power supply problem

Insufficient space on the disk

Note: If the condition that caused the SCE platform to be in Warning state is resolved (for example, link is up) the SCE platform reverts to Operational state.

Flashing orange


System is in Failure state after Boot due to one of the following conditions:

Power on test failure

Three abnormal reboots in less than 20 minutes

Platform configured to enter Failure mode consequent to failure-induced reboot (this is configurable using CLI command)

Note: Depending on the cause of failure, the management interface and the platform configuration may or may not be active/available.


How to Display the Current Operational Status of the SCE Platform

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show system operation-status and press Enter

Displaying the Current Operational Status of the SCE Platform: Example

This example shows how to display the current operational status of the SCE platform.

SCE>show system operation-status System Operation status is Operational Port status is: Link on port #1 is down Link on port #2 is down

How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information

Displaying the SCE Platform Version Information

Use this command to display global static information on the SCE platform, such as software and hardware version, image build time, system uptime, last open packages names and information on the SLI application assigned.

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show version and press Enter.

Displaying the SCE Platform Version Information: Example

This example shows how to display the SCE platform version information.

SCE>show version System version: Version 3.0.0 Build 240 Build time: Jan 11 2006, 07:34:47 Software version is: Version 2.5.2 Build 240 Hardware information is: rx : 0x0075 dp : 0x1808 tx : 0x1708 ff : 0x0077 cls : 0x1721 cpld : 0x0025 Lic : 0x0176 rev : G001 Bootrom : 2.1.0 L2 cache : Samsung 0.5 lic type : MFE optic mode : MM Product S/N : CAT093604K3 Product ID : SCE2020-4XGBE-MM Version ID : V01 Deviation : Part number : 800-26601-01 Revision : B0 Software revision : G001 LineCard S/N : CAT09370L1Q Power Supply type : AC SML Application information is: Application file: /tffs0/temp.sli Application name: Application help: Original source file: H:\work\Emb\jrt\V2.5\sml\actions\drop\drop_basic_anyflow.san Compilation date: Wed, November 12 2006 at 21:25:21 Compiler version: SANc v2.50 Build 32 gcc_codelets=true built on: Tue September 23 2006 09:51:57 AM.;SME plugin v1.1 Default capacity option used. Logger status: Enabled Platform: SCE 2000 - 4xGBE Management agent interface version: SCE Agent 3.0.5 Build 18 Software package file: ftp://vk:vk@ SCE 2000 uptime is 21 minutes, 37 seconds SCE>

How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory

show inventory

Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory 

Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory: Example 

Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory

Unique Device Identification (UDI) is a Cisco baseline feature that is supported by all Cisco platforms. This feature allows network administrators to remotely manage the assets in their network by tracing specific devices through either CLI or SNMP. The user can display inventory information for a remote device via either:

Entity MIB (see ENTITY-MIB )

CLI show inventorycommand

The show inventory CLI command displays the following information:

Device name


Product identifier

Version identifier

Serial number

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show inventory and press Enter.

Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory: Example

This example shows how to display the inventory (UDI) of the SCE platform.

SCE>show inventory NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Cisco SCE 2020 Service Control Engine, Multi Mode, 4-port GE" PID: SCE2020-4XGBE-MM , VID: V01, SN: CAT093604K3 SCE>

How to Display the System Uptime

show system-uptime

Displaying the System Uptime 

Displaying the System Uptime: Example 

Displaying the System Uptime

Use this command to see how long the system has been running since the last reboot.

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show system-uptime and press Enter.

Displaying the System Uptime: Example

SCE>show system-uptime SCE uptime is 21 minutes, 37 seconds SCE>

How to Reboot and Shut Down the SCE Platform

How to Reboot the SCE Platform 

How to Shut Down the SCE Platform 

How to Reboot the SCE Platform


Rebooting the SCE Platform 

Rebooting the SCE Platform: Example 

Rebooting the SCE Platform

Rebooting the SCE platform is required after installing a new firmware, in order for that firmware to take effect. There might be other occasions where rebooting the SCE platform is necessary.

Note When the SCE restarts, it loads the startup configuration, so all changes made in the running configuration will be lost. You are advised to save the running configuration before performing reload, as described in How to Save the Configuration Settings.

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type reload and press Enter.

A confirmation message appears.

Step 2 Type Y to confirm the reboot request and press Enter..

Rebooting the SCE Platform: Example

SCE# reload Are you sure? y the system is about to reboot, this will end your CLI session

How to Shut Down the SCE Platform

reload shutdown

Shutting Down the SCE Platform 

Shutting Down the SCE Platform: Examples 

Shutting Down the SCE Platform

Shutting down the SCE platform is required before turning the power off. This helps to ensure that non-volatile memory devices in the SCE platform are properly flushed in an orderly manner.

Note When the SCE platform restarts, it loads the startup configuration, so all changes made in the running configuration will be lost. You are advised to save the running configuration before performing reload, as described in . How to Save the Configuration Settings 

Step 1 Connect to the serial console port (The CON connector on the SCE platform front panel, 9600 baud).

Provides connection to a local terminal for restarting the SCE platform.

Step 2 From the SCE# prompt, type reload shutdown and press Enter

A confirmation message appears.

Step 3 Type Y to confirm the shutdown request and press Enter

Performs the shutdown operation.

Shutting Down the SCE Platform: Examples

The following example shows the commands for system shutdown.

SCE#reload shutdown You are about to shut down the system. The only way to resume system operation after this is to cycle the power off, and then back on. Continue? y IT IS NOW SAFE TO TURN THE POWER OFF.

Note Since the SCE platform can recover from the power-down state only by being physically turned off (or cycling the power), this command can only be executed from the serial CLI console. This limitation helps prevent situations in which a user issues this command from a Telnet session, and then realizes that he or she has no physical access to the SCE platform.


Posted: Wed May 30 08:52:20 PDT 2007
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