
Table Of Contents


How to Use the Setup Command

Setup Command Parameters

How to Enter the Setup Command

How to Define Lists in the Setup Utility

Working with SCE Platform Files

Working with Directories

Working with Files


This module describes the following utilities:

How to Use the Setup Command 

Working with SCE Platform Files 

How to Use the Setup Command

Setup Command Parameters 

How to Enter the Setup Command 

How to Define Lists in the Setup Utility 

Setup Command Parameters

The setup utility is an interactive wizard that guides the user through the basic configuration process. This utility runs automatically upon initial connection to the local terminal. It may also be invoked explicitly via Telnet or via the local terminal to make changes to the system configuration.

The following table lists all the command parameters for the setup utility.

Table 4-1 Setup Command Parameters


IP address

IP address of the SCE platform.

subnet mask

Subnet mask of the SCE platform.

default gateway

Default gateway.


Character string used to identify the SCE platform. Maximum length is 20 characters.

admin password

Admin level password

Character string from 4-100 characters beginning with an alpha character.

.root password

Root level password.

Character string from 4-100 characters beginning with an alpha character.

password encryption status

Enable or disable password encryption?

Time Settings

time zone name and offset

Standard time zone abbreviation and minutes offset from UTC.

local time and date

Current local time and date. Use the format:

00:00:00 1 January 2007

SNTP Configuration

broadcast client status

Sets the status of the SNTP broadcast client.

If enabled, the SCE will synchronize its local time with updates received from SNTP broadcast servers.

unicast query interval

Interval in seconds between unicast requests for update (64 - 1024)

unicast server IP address

IP address of the SNTP unicast server.

DNS Configuration

DNS lookup status

Enable or disable IP DNS-based hostname translation.

default domain name

Default domain name to be used for completing unqualified host names

IP address

IP address of domain name server. ( maximum of three servers)

RDR Formatter Destination Configuration

IP address

IP address of the RDR-formatter destination

TCP port number

TCP port number of the RDR-formatter destination

Access Control Lists

Access Control List number

How many ACLs will be necessary? What IP addresses will be permitted/denied access for each management interface? You may want ACLs for the following:

Any IP access

Telnet access

SNMP GET access

SNMP SET access

list entries (maximum 20 per list)

IP address, and whether permitted or denied access.

IP access ACL

ID number of the ACL controlling IP access.

telnet ACL

ID number of the ACL controlling telnet access.

SNMP Configuration

SNMP agent status

SNMP agent status Enable or disable SNMP management.

GET community names

Community strings to allow GET access and associated ACLs (maximum 20).

SET community names

Community strings to allow SET access and associated ACLs (maximum 20).

trap managers (maximum 20)

Trap manager IP address, community string, and SNMP version.

Authentication Failure trap status

Sets the status of the Authentication Failure traps.

enterprise traps status

Sets the status of the enterprise traps.

system administrator

Name of the system administrator.

Topology Configuration (All Platforms)

connection mode

Is the SCE platform installed in bump-in-the-wire topology (inline) or out of line using an optical splitter or external switch (receive-only)?

Admin status of the SCE platform after abnormal boot

After a reboot due to a failure, should the SCE platform remain in a Failure status or move to operational status provided no other problem was detected?

Topology Configuration (SCE 1000)

link bypass mode on operational status

When the SCE 1000 is operational, should it bypass traffic or not?

redundant SCE 1000 platform?

Is there a redundant SCE 1000 installed as a backup?

link bypass mode on non-operational status

When the SCE 1000 is not operational, should it bypass traffic or cut it off?

Topology Configuration (SCE 2000)

type of deployment

Is this a cascade topology, with two SCE platforms connected via the cascade ports? Or is this a single platform topology?

physically connected link (cascade topology only)

In a cascade deployment this parameter sets the index for the link that this SCE 2000 is deployed on. The options for the SCE 2000 are link-0 or link-1. In a single-SCE 2000 Platform deployment this parameter is not relevant since one SCE 2000 is deployed on both links. In this case the link connected to port1-port2 is by default link-0 and the link connected to port3-port4 is by default link-1.

priority (cascade topology only)

If this is a cascaded topology, is this SCE 2000 the primary or secondary SCE 2000?

on-failure behavior (inline connection mode only)

If this SCE 2000 is deployed inline, should the failure behavior be bypass or cutoff of the link?

Information regarding these parameters can be found in the appropriate sections throughout this guide.

For more information regarding SCE platform topology, and for a step-by-step description of the setup utility, see the Cisco SCE 2000/SCE 1000 Installation and Configuration Guides.

How to Enter the Setup Command


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type setup and press Enter.

The following dialog appears:

--- System Configuration Dialog --- At any point you may enter a question mark `?' followed by `Enter' for help. Use ctrl-C to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Use ctrl-Z to jump to the end of the configuration dialog at any prompt. Default settings are in square brackets `[]'. Would you like to continue with the System Configuration Dialog? [yes/no]: y system configuration dialog begins.

How to Define Lists in the Setup Utility

Multiple entry parameters (Lists)

When explicitly invoked, the setup utility offers the option of multiple entries (lists) for certain parameters.

Several parameters, such as the Access Control Lists, are actually lists containing several entries. If these lists are empty (initial configuration) or contain only one entry, they act the same as any scalar parameter, except that you are given the option of adding additional entries to the list.

If these lists already contain more than one entry, the entire list is displayed, and you are then presented with several options. Following is an excerpt from the SNMP trap manager menu, illustrating how to configure list entries.

Step 1 The entries in the list are displayed.

There are 2 SNMP trap managers in the current configuration as follows: IP address: Community: private Version: 1 IP address: Community: pcube Version: 2c

Step 2 Three options are presented.

Note If only one entry exists in the table, it is displayed as the default [ ] to be either accepted or changed. The three list options are not displayed.

Please choose one of the following options: 1. Leave the running configuration unchanged. 2. Clear the existing lists and configure new ones. 3. Add new entries. Enter your choice:

Step 3 You are prompted to continue the setup, depending on the choice you entered:

Leave the running configuration unchanged:

The dialog proceeds to the next question. The list remains unchanged.

Clear the existing entries and configure new ones:

The dialog prompts you for a new entry in the list.

After completing the first entry, you are asked whether you would like to add another new entry.

Would you like to add another SNMP trap manager? [no]:y

Since the list was empty, you may enter the maximum number of entries.

Add new entries:

The dialog prompts you for a new entry in the list.

After the completing one entry, you are asked whether you would like add another new entry.

Would you like to add another SNMP trap manager? [no]:y

You may enter only enough additional entries to reach the maximum number

Working with SCE Platform Files

The CLI commands include a complete range of file management commands. These commands allow you to create, delete, copy, and display both files and directories

Note Regarding disk capacity: While performing disk operations, the user should take care that the addition of new files that are stored on the SCE disk do not cause the disk to exceed 70%.

Working with Directories 

Working with Files 

Working with Directories

How to Create a Directory 

How to Delete a Directory 

How to Change Directories 

How to Display your Working Directory 

How to List the Files in a Directory 

How to Create a Directory


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type mkdir directory-nameand press Enter.

How to Delete a Directory

There are two different commands for deleting a directory, depending on whether the directory is empty or not.

How to Delete a Directory and All its Files 

How to Delete an Empty Directory 

How to Delete a Directory and All its Files

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type delete directory-name/recursive and press Enter.

The recursive flag deletes all files and sub-directories contained in the specified directory.

How to Delete an Empty Directory

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type rmdir directory-nameand press Enter.

Use this command only for an empty directory.

How to Change Directories

Use this command to change the path of the current working directory. cd

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type cd new pathand press Enter.

How to Display your Working Directory


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type pwd and press Enter.

How to List the Files in a Directory

You can display a listing of all files in the current working directory. This list may be filtered to include only application files. The listing may also be expanded to include all files in any sub-directories.

How to List the Files in the Current Directory 

How to List the Applications in the Current Directory 

How to Include Files in Sub-Directories in the Directory Files List 

How to List the Files in the Current Directory


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type dir and press Enter.

How to List the Applications in the Current Directory

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type dir applications and press Enter.

How to Include Files in Sub-Directories in the Directory Files List

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type dir -r and press Enter.

Working with Files

How to Rename a File 

How to Delete a File 

Copying Files 

How to Display File Contents 

How to Unzip a File 

How to Rename a File


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type rename current-file-name new-file-nameand press Enter.

How to Delete a File


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type delete file-name and press Enter.

Copying Files

You can copy a file from the current directory to a different directory. You can also copy a file (upload/download) to or from an FTP site.

To copy a file using passive FTP, use the copy-passivecommand.

How to Copy a File 

How to Download a File from an FTP Site 

How to Upload a File to a Passive FTP Site 

How to Copy a File


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type copy source-file-name destination-file-name and press Enter.

Copying a File: Example

The following example copies the local analysis.sli file located in the root directory to the applications directory.

SCE#copy analysis.sli applications/analysis.sli SCE#

How to Download a File from an FTP Site

Use the copy command to upload and download commands from and FTP site. In this case, either the source or destination filename must begin with ftp:// .

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type copy ftp://source destination-file-name and press Enter.

To upload a file to an FTP site, specify the FTP site as the destination ( ftp://destination)

How to Upload a File to a Passive FTP Site


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type copy-passive source-file-name ftp://destination and press Enter.

To download a file from a passive FTP site, specify the FTP site as the source ( ftp://source)

Uploading a File to a Passive FTP Site: Example

The following example uploads the analysis.sli file located on the local flash file system to the host, specifying Passive FTP.

SCE#copy-passive /appli/analysis.sli ftp://myname:mypw@ SCE#

How to Display File Contents


Step 1 SFrom the SCE# prompt, type more file-name and press Enter.

How to Unzip a File


Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type unzip file-name and press Enter.


Posted: Wed May 30 08:53:47 PDT 2007
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