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Upgrading the CM (Omit if Full Install)

Upgrading the CM

Upgrading the CM (Omit if Full Install)

This module describes the procedure to upgrade the Collection Manager.

If you have problems installing the CM, see the "Phase 2: Installing Collection Manager Software" section in the Cisco SCMS Collection Manager User Guide.

Upgrading the CM 

Upgrading the CM


1. Get the CM software as described in Getting the Collection Manager Software 

2. Change directory to install-scripts under the distribution kit root.

3. As the scmscm user, stop the CM server

4. As the root user, run the script

5. As the scmscm user, start the CM server


Step 1 Get the CM software as described in Getting the Collection Manager Software 

Step 2 Change directory to install-scripts under the distribution kit root.

Step 3 As the scmscm user, stop the CM server

Use the following command to stop the CM server:

$ ~scmscm/cm/bin/cm stop

Step 4 As the root user, run the script

# ./ -o

Step 5 As the scmscm user, start the CM server

Run the following command to start the CM server:

$ ~scmscm/cm/bin/cm start

Note If you upgrade from version 3.0.5 or 3.0.6, the PRPC users file is deleted. You must log in to the CM and redefine the PRPC users.


Posted: Thu Jul 5 15:55:07 PDT 2007
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