
Table Of Contents

Getting the CM Working

Configuring the Database (External DB Only)

Configuring the Adapter to Use the Database

Configuring the Connection Parameters

Starting the Database

Configuring the Adapters to Use

Configuring the Categorizer

Starting the Collection Manager

Setting the Time Zone

Activating Periodic Delete

Activating Health Monitoring (Bundled Sybase Database Only)

Defining PRPS Users

Getting the CM Working

This module describes how to get the CM software working.

Configuring the Database (External DB Only) 

Starting the Database 

Configuring the Adapters to Use 

Configuring the Categorizer 

Starting the Collection Manager 

Setting the Time Zone 

Activating Periodic Delete 

Activating Health Monitoring (Bundled Sybase Database Only) 

Defining PRPS Users 

Configuring the Database (External DB Only)

The following is a list of supported external databases:

Sybase—Version 12.5.1 and higher

Oracle—Versions 9.2 and 10g

MySQL—Version 4.1 and higher

It is necessary to configure the JDBC and the Topper/Aggregator (TA) adapters, and the RAG adapter if it is used. The JDBC adapter is configured with the JDBCadapter.conf configuration file. The TA adapter is configured with the TAadapter.conf configuration file. The configuration files are located in the ~scmscm/cm/config/ directory.

All the adapters use the Sybase database on localhost by default. If you are not using the bundled Sybase database, edit the configuration files to configure the correct database and connection properties.

Configuring the Adapter to Use the Database 

Configuring the Connection Parameters 

Configuring the Adapter to Use the Database


1. Open the configuration file in a text editor

2. In the [db] section, comment out the databases that are not required

3. Save your changes


Step 1 Open the configuration file in a text editor

Step 2 In the [db] section, comment out the databases that are not required

To comment out a database, type '#' at the start of the line:

db_template_dir = dbpacks/sybase/ase12.5.1 #db_template_dir = dbpacks/oracle/9204e #db_template_dir = dbpacks/mysql/4.0.20

Step 3 Save your changes

Configuring the Connection Parameters

It is also necessary to set the connection properties to the database in the dbinfo.vm file. The dbinfo.vm file is located in the " ~scmscm/cm/config/dbpacks/<db type>/<db version>/ " directory.


1. Open the dbinfo.vm file in a text editor

2. Set the parameters according to your setup

3. Save your changes


Step 1 Open the dbinfo.vm file in a text editor

Step 2 Set the parameters according to your setup

#set ($ = "<hostname>") #set ($dbinfo.options.port = "<port number>") #set ($dbinfo.options.user = "<user name>") #set ($dbinfo.options.password = "<user password>") #set ($dbinfo.options.sid = "<sid>")

Note The dbinfo.vm file is not a shell script; each pound sign (#) is part of the declaration and not a comment sign.

Step 3 Save your changes

Starting the Database

If you are using an external database, start it according to the instructions supplied by the database vendor.

For further information about starting teh bundled Sybase database, see the "Monitoring the CM" section in the Cisco SCMS Collection Manager User Guide.


1. As the root user, run the sybase startcommand

2. Wait several minutes and run the script


Step 1 As the root user, run the sybase startcommand

# ~scmscm/setup/sybase start

Step 2 Wait several minutes and run the script

# ~scmscm/setup/

Make sure the output does not contain the phrase "Sybase not functioning".

Configuring the Adapters to Use

An adapter can be defined to turn on when the CM starts by removing the comment character at the start of the appropriate line in the cm.conf file. This configuration file is located in ~scmscm/cm/config/.

For further information, see the "Configuring the CM" section in the Cisco SCMS Collection Manager User Guide.


1. Open the cm.conf configuration file

2. Locate the [adapter] section of the configuration file

3. Set which adapters to use

4. Save your changes


Step 1 Open the cm.conf configuration file

Step 2 Locate the [adapter] section of the configuration file

Step 3 Set which adapters to use

adapter.1 = adapter.2 = #adapter.3 = #adapter.4 = #adapter.5 =

Note The value of the adapter.<number>must match the adapter_id parameter value defined in the queue.conf file for the corresponding adapter. See Configuring the Categorizer.

Step 4 Save your changes

Configuring the Categorizer

A Raw Data Record (RDR) can be routed to a specific adapter by adding its RDR tag to the tags parameter (a comma-separated list of RDR tags) of the adapter. This configuration is contained in the queue.conf file, which is located in ~scmscm/cm/config/.


1. Open the queue.conf file

2. Configure the RDR tags to be sent to the adapter

3. Save your changes


Step 1 Open the queue.conf file

Step 2 Configure the RDR tags to be sent to the adapter

The following example configures the RDR tags 4042321920 and 4042321922 to be sent to the Topper/Aggregator Adapter.

# Topper/Aggregator Adapter [topper-hi] adapter_id=3 priority=3 warning_size=40000 maximum_size=50000 tags=4042321920,4042321922

Note The value of the adapter_id parameter must match the adapter.<number>defined in the cm.conf file for the corresponding adapter. See Configuring the Adapters to Use.

Step 3 Save your changes

Starting the Collection Manager


1. As the scmscm user run the cm startcommand

2. Wait 1-2 minutes to ensure that all the database tables have been created


Step 1 As the scmscm user run the cm startcommand

$ ~scmscm/cm/bin/cm start

Step 2 Wait 1-2 minutes to ensure that all the database tables have been created

You can check they have all been created by running the following command:

$ ~scmscm/scripts/

For further information, see the "Listing the Database Tables" section in the Cisco SCMS Collection Manager User Guide.

Setting the Time Zone

It is necessary to set the time zone for the CM to be the same as the time zone in which the SCE is located.


1. Use the script to set the CM time zone


Step 1 Use the script to set the CM time zone

For example, if the SCE device is located in GMT+2, run the following command as the scmscm user:

$ ~scmscm/cm/bin/ --offset=120

Activating Periodic Delete

Periodic delete is a data reduction mechanism that is used to prevent the database becoming full. It is supported for both the bundled Sybase database and external databases.

For further information, see the "Phase 2: Installing the Collection Manager Software" section in the Cisco SCMS Collection Manager User Guide.


1. After starting the CM (see Starting the Collection Manager ), as the scmscm user run the script:

2. Activate the automatic invocation of the periodic delete procedures


Step 1 After starting the CM (see Starting the Collection Manager ), as the scmscm user run the script:


Step 2 Activate the automatic invocation of the periodic delete procedures

Run the following command:

$~scmscm/scripts/ --load

This will load the default data retention settings defined in ~scmscm/db_maint/dbperiodic.conf.

For advanced information, see the "Managing the Periodic Deletion of Old Records" section in the Cisco SCMS Collection Manager User Guide.

Activating Health Monitoring (Bundled Sybase Database Only)

The CM contains a script to monitor the system and to issue alerts for predefined, potentially problematic conditions ( ~scmscm/setup/monitor/ ).


1. As the scmscm user, run the script


Step 1 As the scmscm user, run the script

The following example will run all available tests every 12 hours and send the test results to the syslog subsystem:

$ ~scmscm/setup/monitor/ -a install -i 12h

For further information, see the "Monitoring System Health" section in the Cisco SCMS Collection Manager User Guide.

Defining PRPS Users

PRPC users are used to perform the actions on the CM from the SCA BB Console; for example, checking the online status of the CM.


1. Use the p3rpcCLU to add a PRPC user:


Step 1 Use the p3rpcCLU to add a PRPC user:

$ p3rpc --set-user --username=cisco --password=password


Posted: Tue Oct 9 09:42:33 PDT 2007
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