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Checking System Prerequisites (Clean Install Only)

Checking System Prerquisites

Checking System Prerequisites (Clean Install Only)

This module describes the system prerequisites for installing the Collection Manager.

Checking System Prerquisites

The CM distribution contains a script, , to determine whether a system meets the requirements for installing a CM and the bundled Sybase database.

The main prerequisites checked are:

CPU speed—Minimum 500 MHz CPU (Solaris), minimum 800 MHz CPU (Linux)

Amount of RAM—Minimum 1 GB RAM per CPU

Operating System version—Solaris 9 or 10, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 or 4.0

Free space for CM and Sybase home directories—One hard disk, at least 18 GB, for the CM. A second hard disk, at least 18 GB, for the bundled Sybase database.

#[ --sybhome=SYBHOME] [ --cmhome=CMHOME] [ --datadir=DATADIR]

If you have problems running this script, see the "System Requirements" section in the Cisco SCSM Collection Manager User Guide.


Posted: Thu Jul 5 15:52:43 PDT 2007
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