
Table Of Contents

Basic SCE 2000 Platform Operations

Starting the SCE 2000 Platform

Checking Conditions Prior to System Startup

Performing Complex Configurations

Starting the System and Observing Initial Conditions

Final Tests

Managing SCE 2000 Configurations

Viewing Configuration

How to Save or Change the Configuration Settings

How to Recover a Previous Configuration

How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information

Example for Displaying the SCE Platform Version Information

How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory

Example for Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory

How to Display the System Uptime

Examples for Displaying the System Uptime

Rebooting and Shutting Down the SCE Platform

Rebooting the SCE Platform

How to Shut Down the SCE Platform

Basic SCE 2000 Platform Operations

This chapter describes how to start up the SCE 2000 platform, reboot, and shutdown. It also describes how to manage configurations.

Starting the SCE 2000 Platform 

Managing SCE 2000 Configurations 

How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information 

How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory 

How to Display the System Uptime 

Rebooting and Shutting Down the SCE Platform 

Starting the SCE 2000 Platform

The procedures for starting the SCE 2000 platform are explained in the following sections:

Checking Conditions Prior to System Startup 

Performing Complex Configurations 

Starting the System and Observing Initial Conditions 

Final Tests 

Checking Conditions Prior to System Startup

Check the following conditions before you start your SCE 2000 platform:

Both power supply units are installed and connected

First-time startup at installation:

SCE 2000 platform connected to local console (CON port)

The console terminal is turned on and properly configured

Subsequent startups

Line and Cascade interfaces are properly cabled (optional)

SCE 2000 platform is connected to at least one of the following types of management stations:

Direct connection to local console (CON port)

Remote management station via the LAN (Mng port)

Performing Complex Configurations

After you have installed your SCE 2000 platform hardware, checked all external connections, turned on the system power, allowed the system to boot up, and performed the initial system configuration, you might need to perform more complex configurations, which are beyond the scope of this publication.

For further information on system and interface configuration, refer to the following documents:

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference

Starting the System and Observing Initial Conditions

After installing your SCE 2000 platform and connecting cables, complete the following steps to start the SCE 2000 platform:


1. Make sure the power cables are connected to the SCE 2000 platform.

2. Plug the AC power supply cables into the AC power source, or make sure the circuit breakers at the DC panels are turned to the on position. Turn both power switches on.

3. Listen for the fans; you should immediately hear them operating.

4. During the boot process, observe the following LEDs:

5. Observe the initialization process. When the system boot is complete, the console screen displays a script and system banner similar to the following:

6. When you start up the SCE 2000 platform for the first time, the system automatically enters the setup wizard, which prompts you for configuration information for initial system configuration. On the console terminal, after the system displays the system banner and hardware configuration, you will see the System Configuration Dialog prompt. (Refer to Connecting the Management Interfaces and Performing Initial System Configuration for a complete description of the setup wizard.)


Step 1 Make sure the power cables are connected to the SCE 2000 platform.

Step 2 Plug the AC power supply cables into the AC power source, or make sure the circuit breakers at the DC panels are turned to the on position. Turn both power switches on.

Step 3 Listen for the fans; you should immediately hear them operating.

Step 4 During the boot process, observe the following LEDs:

Both Power LEDs should be green.

Bypass LED should be green while the SCE 2000 is on bypass and unlit when the bypass is turned off.

The Status LED should be a constant orange while booting. After a successful boot, the Status LED is flashing green.

Note It takes a several minutes for the SCE 2000 to boot and for the status LED to change from orange to flashing orange or flashing green.

Step 5 Observe the initialization process. When the system boot is complete, the console screen displays a script and system banner similar to the following:

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 7300 Software (C7300-JS-M), Version 12.1(9), CISCO RELEASED VERSION Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Tue 17-MAY-06 01:51 by biff Image text-base:0x40008970, data-base:0x40BF8000

Step 6 When you start up the SCE 2000 platform for the first time, the system automatically enters the setup wizard, which prompts you for configuration information for initial system configuration. On the console terminal, after the system displays the system banner and hardware configuration, you will see the System Configuration Dialog prompt. (Refer to Connecting the Management Interfaces and Performing Initial System Configuration for a complete description of the setup wizard.)

You have the option of proceeding with the setup wizard to configure the system, or exiting from setup and using configuration commands to configure global (system-wide) and interface-specific parameters. You do not have to configure the interfaces immediately.

Final Tests

The procedures for performing the final tests to verify that the SCE 2000 is functioning properly are explained in the following sections:

How to Verify Operational Status 

How to View the User Log Counters 

How to Verify Operational Status

After all the ports are connected, verify that the SCE 2000 is not in a Warning state.

Examples for Verifying Operational Status 


1. On the SCE 2000 Front panel, examine that the Status LED is flashing green.

2. To display the operation status of the system, at the SCE 2000# prompt, type show system operation-statusand press Enter.


Step 1 On the SCE 2000 Front panel, examine that the Status LED is flashing green.

Step 2 To display the operation status of the system, at the SCE 2000# prompt, type show system operation-statusand press Enter.

A message displaying the operation status of the system appears. If the system is operating in order, the following message appears:

System Operation status is Operational.

Examples for Verifying Operational Status

The following example displays a sample output where the LEDs appear red/orange:

SCE 2000#show system operation-status System Operation status is Operational

How to View the User Log Counters

View the user log for errors that occurred during the installation process.

Step 1 At the SCE 2000# prompt, type show logger device User-File-Log counters and press Enter.

Examples for Viewing the User Log Counters

The following example shows the current User-File-Log device counters.

SCE 2000#show logger device user-file-log counters Logger device User-File-Log counters: Total info messages: 1 Total warning messages: 0 Total error messages: 0 Total fatal messages: 0

If there are "Total error messages" or "Total fatal messages", use the show logger device User-File-Logcommand to display details about the errors.

Managing SCE 2000 Configurations

The procedures for managing SCE 2000 configurations are explained in the following sections:

Viewing Configuration 

How to Save or Change the Configuration Settings 

How to Recover a Previous Configuration 

Viewing Configuration

When you enter configuration commands, it immediately effects the SCE platform operation and configuration. This configuration, referred to as the running-config , is saved in the SCE platform volatile memory and is effective while the SCE platform is up. After reboot, the SCE platform loads the startup-config , which includes the non-default configuration as saved by the user, into the running-config .

The SCE platform provides commands for:

Viewing the running configuration

Viewing the startup configuration

After configuring the SCE platform, you may query for the running configuration using the command show running-config. This command displays the non-default running configuration. To view all SCE platform running configuration, whether it is the default or not, you may use the option all-datain the show running-configcommand.


1. At the SCE 2000# prompt, type show running-config.


Step 1 At the SCE 2000# prompt, type show running-config.

The system shows the running configuration.

SCE 2000#show running-config#This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 15:50:56 CET MON December 11 2005 #cli-type 1 #version 1 clock timezone CET 1 snmp-server community "public" ro snmp-server host traps version 1 "public" interface LineCard 0 connection-mode active no silent no shutdown flow-aging default-timeout UDP 60 interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address interface FastEthernet 0/1 interface FastEthernet 0/2 exit line vty 0 4 no timeout exit SCE 2000#

How to Save or Change the Configuration Settings

When you make changes to the current running configuration and you want those changes to continue to be valid when the system restarts, you must save the changes before leaving the management session, that is, you must save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.

The SCE platform provides multiple interfaces for the purpose of configuration and management. All interfaces supply an API to the same database of the SCE platform and any configuration made through one interface is reflected through all interfaces. Furthermore, when saving the running configuration to the startup configuration from any management interface, all configuration settings are saved regardless of the management interface used to set the configuration.

For backup purposes, the old startup-config file is saved under the directory: tffs0:system/prevconf. Refer to How to Recover a Previous Configuration for an explanation on how to recover a previous configuration.

To remove a configuration command from the running-config, use the no form of the command.


1. At the SCE 2000# prompt, type show running-configto view the running configuration.

2. Check the displayed configuration to make sure that it is set the way you want. If not, make the changes you want before saving.

3. Type copy running-config startup-config.


Step 1 At the SCE 2000# prompt, type show running-configto view the running configuration.

The running configuration is displayed.

Step 2 Check the displayed configuration to make sure that it is set the way you want. If not, make the changes you want before saving.

Step 3 Type copy running-config startup-config.

The system saves all running configuration information to the configuration file, which is used when the system reboots.

The configuration file holds all information that is different from the system default in a file called config.txt located in the directory: tffs0:system.

Example for Saving or Changing the Configuration Settings


The following example shows the running configuration file.

SCE 2000#show running-config#This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 15:50:56 CET MON February 11 2006 #cli-type 1 #version 1 clock timezone CET 1 snmp-server community "public" ro snmp-server host traps version 1 "public" interface LineCard 0 connection-mode active no silent no shutdown flow-aging default-timeout UDP 60 interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address interface FastEthernet 0/1 interface FastEthernet 0/2 exit line vty 0 4 no timeout exit SCE 2000# SCE 2000#copy running-config startup-configWriting general configuration file to temporary location... Backing-up general configuration file... Copy temporary file to final location... SCE 2000#


The following example illustrates how to remove all DNS settings from the running configuration.

SCE 2000(config)#no ip name-serverSCE 2000(config)#

How to Recover a Previous Configuration

When you save a new configuration, the system automatically backs up the old configuration in the directory tffs0:system/prevconf/. Up to nine versions of the startup configuration file are saved, namely config.tx1-config.tx9 , where config.tx1 is the most recently saved file.

You can view the old startup configuration files using the CLI command more.

Restoring a previous startup configuration means renaming the file so it overwrites the startup configuration ( config.txt ) file.


1. At the SCE 2000# prompt, type more tffs0:system/prevconf/config.txtto view the configuration file.

2. Read the configuration information to make sure it is the configuration you want to restore.

3. Type copy tffs0:system/prevconf/config.tx1 tffs0:system/config.txt.


Step 1 At the SCE 2000# prompt, type more tffs0:system/prevconf/config.txtto view the configuration file.

The system displays the configuration information stored in the file.

Step 2 Read the configuration information to make sure it is the configuration you want to restore.

Note that you cannot undo the configuration restore command.

Step 3 Type copy tffs0:system/prevconf/config.tx1 tffs0:system/config.txt.

The system sets the startup configuration to the configuration from config.tx1.

Example for Recovering a Previous Configuration

The following example displays a saved configuration file and then restores the file to overwrite the current configuration.

SCE 2000#more tffs0:system/prevconf/config.tx1#This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 19:36:07 UTC THU February 14 2006 #cli-type 1 #version 1 interface LineCard 0 no silent no shutdown interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address interface FastEthernet 0/1 interface FastEthernet 0/2 exit line vty 0 4 exit SCE 2000#copy tffs0:system/prevconf/config.tx1 tffs0:system/config.txtSCE 2000#

How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information

Use this command to display global static information on the SCE platform, such as software and hardware version, image build time, system uptime, last open packages names and information on the SLI application assigned.

Step 1 At the SCE 2000# prompt, type show versionand press Enter.

Example for Displaying the SCE Platform Version Information

The following example shows how to display the SCE platform version information.

SCE 2000#show versionSystem version: Version 3.0.0 Build 240 Build time: Jan 11 2006, 07:34:47 Software version is: Version 2.5.2 Build 240 Hardware information is: rx : 0x0075 dp : 0x1808 tx : 0x1708 ff : 0x0077 cls : 0x1721 cpld : 0x0025 Lic : 0x0176 rev : G001 Bootrom : 2.1.0 L2 cache : Samsung 0.5 lic type : MFE optic mode : MM Product S/N : CAT093604K3 Product ID : SCE2020-4XGBE-MM Version ID : V01 Deviation : Part number : 800-26601-01 Revision : B0 Software revision : G001 LineCard S/N : CAT09370L1Q Power Supply type : AC SML Application information is: Application file: /tffs0/temp.sli Application name: Application help: Original source file: H:\work\Emb\jrt\V2.5\sml\actions\drop\drop_basic_anyflow.san Compilation date: Wed, November 12 2006 at 21:25:21 Compiler version: SANc v2.50 Build 32 gcc_codelets=true built on: Tue September 23 2006 09:51:57 AM.;SME plugin v1.1 Default capacity option used. Logger status: Enabled Platform: SCE 2000 - 4xGBE Management agent interface version: SCE Agent 3.0.5 Build 18 Software package file: ftp://vk:vk@ SCE 2000 uptime is 21 minutes, 37 seconds SCE 2000#

How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory

Unique Device Identification (UDI) is a Cisco baseline feature that is supported by all Cisco platforms. This feature allows network administrators to remotely manage the assets in their network by tracing specific devices through either CLI or SNMP. The user can display inventory information for a remote device via either:

Entity MIB (see Final Tests in the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide )

CLI show inventorycommand

The show inventoryCLI command displays the following information:

Device name


Product identifier

Version identifier

Serial number

Step 1 From the SCE 2000>prompt, type show inventoryand press Enter.

Example for Displaying the SCE Platform Inventory

The following example shows how to display the inventory (UDI) of the SCE platform.

SCE 2000>show inventoryNAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Cisco SCE 2020 Service Control Engine, Multi Mode, 4-port GE" PID: SCE2020-4XGBE-MM , VID: V01, SN: CAT093604K3 SCE 2000>

How to Display the System Uptime

Use this command to see how long the system has been running since the last reboot.

Step 1 At the SCE 2000# prompt, type show system-uptimeand press Enter.

Examples for Displaying the System Uptime

The following example shows how to display the system uptime of the SCE platform.

SCE 2000#show system-uptimeSCE 2000 uptime is 21 minutes, 37 seconds SCE 2000#

Rebooting and Shutting Down the SCE Platform

Rebooting the SCE Platform 

How to Shut Down the SCE Platform 

Rebooting the SCE Platform

Rebooting the SCE platform is required after installing a new firmware, in order for that firmware to take effect. There might be other occasions where rebooting the SCE platform is necessary.

Note When the SCE restarts, it loads the startup configuration, so all changes made in the running configuration will be lost. You are advised to save the running configuration before performing reload, as described in How to Save or Change the Configuration Settings.


1. At the SCE 2000# prompt, type reloadand press Enter.

2. Type y to confirm the reboot request and press Enter.


Step 1 At the SCE 2000# prompt, type reloadand press Enter.

A confirmation message appears.

Step 2 Type y to confirm the reboot request and press Enter.

Examples for Rebooting the SCE Platform

The following example shows the commands for system reboot.

SCE 2000# reloadAre you sure? ythe system is about to reboot, this will end your CLI session

How to Shut Down the SCE Platform

Shutting down the SCE platform is required before turning the power off. This helps to ensure that non-volatile memory devices in the SCE platform are properly flushed in an orderly manner.

Note When the SCE platform restarts, it loads the startup configuration, so all changes made in the running configuration will be lost. You are advised to save the running configuration before performing reload, as described in How to Save or Change the Configuration Settings.


1. Connect to the serial console port (The CON connector on the SCE platform front panel, 9600 baud).

2. Type reload shutdown.

3. Type y to confirm the shutdown request and press Enter.


Step 1 Connect to the serial console port (The CON connector on the SCE platform front panel, 9600 baud).

The SCE 2000# prompt appears.

Step 2 Type reload shutdown.

A confirmation message appears.

Step 3 Type y to confirm the shutdown request and press Enter.

Examples for Shutting Down the SCE Platform

The following example shows the commands for system shutdown.

SCE 2000#reload shutdownYou are about to shut down the system. The only way to resume system operation after this is to cycle the power off, and then back on. Continue? y IT IS NOW SAFE TO TURN THE POWER OFF.

Note Since the SCE platform can recover from the power-down state only by being physically turned off (or cycling the power), this command can only be executed from the serial CLI console. This limitation helps prevent situations in which a user issues this command from a Telnet session, and then realizes he/she has no physical access to the SCE platform.


Posted: Fri Aug 24 07:15:51 PDT 2007
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