
Table Of Contents

Service Creation Integration - Turbo Button with "Free Usage"

Business Use Case


Policy Configuration

Defining the Quota Based Package

Defining the "Turbo Button" Package

The Real Time Provisioning Process

Quota Provisioning

Turbo Button Activation

Turbo Button Deactivation

Service Creation Integration - Turbo Button with "Free Usage"

This module describes the service integration use case example for a turbo button with "free usage".

Business Use Case 


Policy Configuration 

The Real Time Provisioning Process 

Business Use Case

The business use case is a simplified quota based scenario. A subscriber is assigned a policy that allows for a certain access speed. Usage on all services is consumed from a single quota bucket.

Subscribers can use a web interface to boost their access speed for a limited period of time using a "Turbo Button".

During this period, subscribers are granted an increased-speed, with quota-free access. When the time period is over, subscribers are reassigned their regular access plan, and reassigned their remaining quota.


The following figure shows an overview of how this business use case is implemented. It is recommended that you return to this section after reading the step-by-step description.

Figure 4-1 Turbo Button - Scenario Overview

The preceding diagram shows the sequence of events when direct integration is used. The policy provisioning can also be provisioned through the SM API in SM deployments.

Policy Configuration

Defining the Quota Based Package 

Defining the "Turbo Button" Package 

Defining the Quota Based Package

The quota based package is built and managed in a similar manner to the previous example - see Building the Real Time Quota Provisioning Process for details on how to build the quota related portion of this policy.

Defining the "Turbo Button" Package

This package will be provisioned to a subscriber once they select a "Turbo button" (and de-provisioned when the "turbo" period is over). This package will boost the subscriber's total access speed and be free of quota charging. All the services of this package must be defined with "unlimited quota".

Step 1 Define the package BW controllers using the Package Settings dialog box.

Figure 4-2 Package Settings Dialog

The overview of the "Turbo" package is shown in the following figure.

Figure 4-3 Turbo Package Overview

The Real Time Provisioning Process

This section refers to the logic that must be implemented by the Policy Server - using the SCA BB Subscriber APIs, interfaces, and tools - to support the required business logic.

Quota Provisioning 

Turbo Button Activation 

Turbo Button Deactivation 

Quota Provisioning

Quota provisioning in this example is identical to that described in Building the Real Time Quota Provisioning Process. However, upon a package change, a remaining-quota-notification is generated by the SCE, reflecting the subscriber's remaining quota.

Note Upon package change, the subscriber's balance is not changed. This means that when the "Turbo time" is over, the quota buckets are in the same state as they were before the "Turbo time".

Turbo Button Activation

The vendor must first build the front end for the activation of the turbo button. For this example, this will be a web page where subscribers can authenticate themselves and select to temporarily upgrade their access package using a turbo button.

Step 1 Build the front end for subscriber activation

Figure 4-4 Turbo Button Activation Web Page

After the turbo button is selected, the Policy Server should provision the "Turbo Button" package for the subscriber to the SCA BB solution (this is done through the SCE Subscriber API in the case of direct integration, or using the SM-API otherwise).

Turbo Button Deactivation

The Policy Server is responsible for restoring the original package once the accelerated-speed, free usage period allowed by the turbo button is over.


Step 1 The Policy Server restores the original package

This is done using the SCE Subscriber API in the case of direct integration or using the SM-API otherwise.

Step 2 The Policy Server re-provisions quota/s when it is needed

Note During the Turbo Button active period, the quota is not changed; the subscriber has the same amount of quota when the Turbo Button period ends. When the subscriber accesses the service after the Turbo Button period, the quota starts to be consumed as usual and may need to be replenished in the normal way. This is done using the SCE Subscriber API (set primitive) triggered by the Quota Below Threshold or Quota Depleted notification.

Further details can be found in the Cisco SCSM SCE Subscriber API Programmer Guide .


Posted: Thu Jun 7 07:28:30 PDT 2007
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