
Table Of Contents

Service Creation Integration - Periodic-Quota Based Services

Business Use-Case


Policy Configuration

Building the Real Time Quota Provisioning Process

Acting upon Depletion Events

Handling Cases of Subscriber Logout

Defining the Premium Content Service

Assigning Services to Quotas

Defining a Grace Period

Defining Quota-RDR Settings

Defining the Control Scheme

Service Creation Integration - Periodic-Quota Based Services

This module describes the service integration use case example for periodic-quota based services.

Business Use-Case 


Policy Configuration 

Business Use-Case

Traffic is divided into two services:

General Internet Access—General broadband Internet access.

Premium Content—Access to specific content sites that the broadband operator is marketing as 'premium content'.

Users have a monthly quota (not accumulated across months) for general internet access. When the quota is depleted, the traffic rate is reduced to a dial-up rate of 64 kbps. Access to the Premium Content is not counted as part of the monthly quota and is not reduced to dial-up rates.

When the quota is depleted, the subscriber is notified using the subscriber-notification event.


The following figure shows an overview of the implementation of this business use case. It is recommended that you return to this section after reading the step-by-step description.

Figure 3-1 Periodic Quota - Scenario Overview

Policy Configuration

Building the Real Time Quota Provisioning Process 

Acting upon Depletion Events 

Handling Cases of Subscriber Logout 

Defining the Premium Content Service 

Assigning Services to Quotas 

Defining a Grace Period 

Defining Quota-RDR Settings 

Defining the Control Scheme 

Building the Real Time Quota Provisioning Process

The real-time quota provisioning process for this business use case is based on a subscriber balance manager that allocates subscriber quota upon request (through Quota Below Threshold and Quota Depleted notifications), based on quota availability.

To implement this business logic, the Policy Server uses the SCMS SCE Subscriber API in order to receive quota requests and to provision the quota accordingly through the Quota Update method.

There are two main use cases:

A subscriber logs in with no quota—The Policy Server provisions the quota based on the subscriber's balance in response to a Quota Depleted event that is generated by the SCE. If the Policy Server handles both subscriber mapping and quota provisioning, the quota may be provisioned along with the login operation. The SCE Subscriber API events such as LOGIN-REQUEST event and LOGINPULL-RESPONSE event are optimized to allow sending all the subscriber information to the SCE. It is recommended to use these events for Policy Profile and Quota updates when all parts of the subscriber provisioning including quota provisioning are performed by a single Policy Server.

Quota chunk allocated to a subscriber is about to run out—The Policy Server provisions quota based on the subscriber's balance and in response to a Quota Below Threshold event generated by the SCE.

Further details on using these operations can be found in the Cisco SCMS SCE Subscriber API Programmer Guide .

Acting upon Depletion Events

Depletion events are signaled to the Policy Server through the Quota Depleted notification event. The Policy Server is required to receive such notifications to run some predefined logic. In this specific example, where the breach behavior is implemented inside SCA BB, the Policy Server is only required to log the event details.

Handling Cases of Subscriber Logout

When subscribers log out of the network, either intentionally or implicitly (e.g. due to session expiration), their records are removed from the SCE until they log back in.

In such a case, a notification is triggered. The notification includes the amount of quota left in the subscriber's buckets. This notification allows the Policy Server to add the remaining quota back to the subscriber's balance so that no quota is lost and to process the amount of used quota to prevent revenue leakage.

This sequence of events is shown in the following diagram.

Figure 3-2 Logout Handling Behavior Definition

Defining the Premium Content Service

Step 1 Define the list of servers for the Premium Content service using the Flavors Settings dialog.

For simplicity, this assumes that the Premium Content service is defined based on a list of servers.

Figure 3-3 Flavor Settings Dialog

Step 2 Modify the services of the Premium Browsing service

The services of the Premium Browsing service should be modified such that it is based on the HTTP protocol together with the PremiumContent flavor that contains the list of designated servers defined in Step 1.

Figure 3-4 Modifying the Premium Browsing Service

Assigning Services to Quotas

The business logic used in this example specifies that a subscriber's traffic will be partitioned between General Internet Access and Premium Content. General Internet Access is quota controlled from one bucket (both upstream and downstream consuming from the same bucket). Premium Content traffic will not be quota controlled (but rather post paid charged).


1. Add a new package to the Premium Browsing service called Free Premium Content

2. Set quota management to external control using the Quota Management tab

3. Add a new rule to the Premium Browsing service

4. Use the Edit Rule for Service dialog box and the Usage Limits tab to define all other services


Step 1 Add a new package to the Premium Browsing service called Free Premium Content

Figure 3-5 Adding Free Premium Content Service

Step 2 Set quota management to external control using the Quota Management tab

Figure 3-6 Setting Quota Management to External

The package is created:

Figure 3-7 Free Premium Content Package

Step 3 Add a new rule to the Premium Browsing service

Figure 3-8 Adding Rule to Premium Browsing Service

The Free Premium Content package now contains two service rules.

Figure 3-9 Free Premium Content Package Service Rules

Step 4 Use the Edit Rule for Service dialog box and the Usage Limits tab to define all other services

Define all other services, except for PremiumBrowsing, as consuming quota frmo bucket number 1 for both upstream and downstream traffic.

Buckets can normally be used to manage upstream volume, downstream volume, and sessions. This example deals only with volume based quota:

Figure 3-10 Edit Rule for Service Dialog

The PremiumBrowsing service is not associated with a quota bucket, and therefore will not be quota limited. Use of this service will still be reflected in the quota usage notifications using the SCE Subscriber API.

An overview of the monthly quota package is shown in the following figure.

Figure 3-11 Monthly Quota Package Overview

Defining a Grace Period

A grace period can be configured in SCA BB to improve the user-experience for a subscriber accessing a service for the first time. The grace period allows the subscriber to access a service until the initial quota provisioning stage is complete. The grace period should be configured to be relatively short because it allows subscribers to get services regardless of the allocated quota amount even when the subscriber does not have available balance. The grace period reflects the willingness of the provider to credit the subscriber with service assuming that the balance is positive. This behavior is fully configurable and depends on the provider business logic.

Step 1 Use the Advanced Service Configuration Dialog box to define the grace period

Figure 3-12 Advanced Service Configuration Options Dialog

Defining Quota-RDR Settings

Quota RDRs are the internal triggers for quota notifications that are part of the SCE subscriber API. When using the quota functionality, make sure that all RDRs are enabled.

The period of remaining quota RDRs should be set based on the operator's preferences.

The threshold value for RDR generation should be determined by the operator based on the size of the quota chunks provisioned and the expected bandwidth consumed by the service. Quota threshold notifications are intended to allow the policy server to provision a new quota chunk before an existing quota is depleted, thus enabling service continuity while the subscriber has a positive account balance.

The system must be configured to enable the RPC server and to send RDRs - that will be converted into notifications by the SCE Subscriber API - to the internal RDR listener.

Step 1 Configure the RPC server to send RDRs to the internal RDR listener

#>RDR-formatter destination port 33001 category number 4 priority 100

Defining the Control Scheme

Defining the Package Bandwidth Controllers 

Defining the Depletion Actions 

Defining the Package Bandwidth Controllers

The package BW controllers have to be defined. The total bandwidth allocated to a subscriber will be limited to 1 Mbps.

"Depletion BWC", designed for limiting the breached service traffic must also be defined (upstream and downstream).

Step 1 Define the package BW controllers and the Depletion BWC using the Package Settings dialog box.

Figure 3-13 Defining BW Controllers and Depletion BWC

All services will be placed by default under the total BW controller.

Defining the Depletion Actions

After the General-Internet-Access quota is depleted, this service will be mapped to a subscriber BW controller allowing it to consume up to 64 kbps. The subscriber should be notified that their bandwidth has been reduced due to quota depletion (through subscriber-notification).

Using the subscriber notification capability, subscribers can be put automatically into a state where their browsing session is redirected to a predefined web portal. The web portal page informs subscribers that their quota has depleted and therefore their Internet-Access-Speed is reduced.

Note The implementation brought here (using SCA BB breach-handling behavior) is useful for implementing a simplified quota breach behavior. For implementing more complex control logic, the Policy Server can use the quota-depletion-notification as a trigger for changing the subscriber package. This allows the Policy Server a higher flexibility in the nature of control that is enforced over a subscriber upon quota depletion.

Step 1 Design an appropriate web page

Figure 3-14 Quota Depletion Notification Web Page

Step 2 Define a subscriber notification using the Subscriber Notifications Settings dialog box.

Figure 3-15 Subscriber Notification Settings Dialog

The destination URL directs the subscriber to the web portal page created in Step 1.

Step 3 Select the action to be taken upon breach

This action maps all the services that consume from the General-Internet-Traffic Quota (bucket 1) to the Depletion Bandwidth Controller. The subscriber notification also needs to be selected for activation.

Figure 3-16 Setting Breach Handling Rules


Posted: Thu Jun 7 07:27:27 PDT 2007
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