
Table of Contents

Configuring System Management Functions
System Management Tasks
Configure Privilege Level
Configure Network Time Protocol
Configure the Clock and Calendar
Configure Terminal Access Control Access System
Test the System Management Functions

Configuring System Management Functions

This chapter describes the basic tasks that you will need to complete to configure general system features, such as access control and basic management of the switch.

Note      For a complete description of the commands mentioned in this chapter, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

The following sections describe the system management functions:

System Management Tasks

The role of the Administration Interface is to provide a simple command line interface to all internal management and debugging facilities of the LightStream 1010 ATM switch.

Configure Alias

To create a command alias, use the alias global configuration command. Use the no alias command to delete all aliases in a command mode or to delete a specific alias, and to revert to the original command syntax.

Task Command

Create a command alias.

alias mode alias-name alias-command-line

Command mode of the original and alias commands.

alias mode

Command alias.

alias name

Display all alias commands, or the alias commands in a specified mode.

show aliases [mode]

Configure buffers

Use the buffers global configuration command to make adjustments to initial buffer pool settings and to the limits at which temporary buffers are created and destroyed. Default buffer size of this public buffer pool is 18024 bytes. Use the no form of this command to return the buffers to their default size.

Task Command

Configure buffers.

buffers {small | middle | big | large | verylarge | huge | type number}

Display statistics for the buffer pools on the network server.

show buffers [all | alloc [dump]]

Configure Cisco Discovery Protocol

To specify how often your switch will send Cisco Discover Protocols (CDP) updates, use the cdp timer global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.

Task Command

Specify the holdtime in seconds, to be sent in packets.

cdp holdtime seconds

Specify how often your switch will send CDP updates.

cdp timer seconds

Enable CDP.

cdp run

To reset CDP traffic counters to zero (0) on your switch, use the clear cdp counters privileged EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.

Task Command

Clear CPD counters.

clear cdp counters

Clear CPD tables.

clear cdp table

To show the CDP configuration use the following show cdp privileged EXEC commands:

Task Command

Display global CDP information.

show cdp

Display information about a neighbor device listed in the CDP table.

show cdp entry-name [protocol | version]


Display interfaces on with CDP enabled.

show cdp interface [type number]

Display CDP neighbor information.

show cdp neighbors [interface-type interface-number] [detail]

Display CDP traffic information.

show cdp traffic

Configure Enable

To log onto the switch at a specified level, use the enable EXEC command.

Task Command

Login enable.

enable level

To configure the enable password for a given level, use the enable password global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the enable password for a given level.

Task Command

Configure the enable password.

enable password [level level] [encryption-type] password

Configure Load-interval

To change the length of time for which data is used to compute load statistics, use the load-interval interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.

Task Command

Configure load interval.

load-interval seconds

Configure Logging

To log messages to a syslog server host, use the logging global configuration command. The no logging command deletes the syslog server with the specified address from the list of syslogs.

Task Command

Configure logging name or IP address of the host to be used as a syslog server.

logging host

To log messages to an internal buffer, use the logging buffered global configuration command. The no logging buffered command cancels the use of the buffer and writes messages to the console terminal, which is the default.

logging buffered

To limit messages logged to the console based on severity, use the logging console global configuration command.

logging console level


To configure the syslog facility in which error messages are sent, use the logging facility global configuration command. To revert to the default of local7, use the no logging facility global configuration command.

logging facility facility-type

To limit messages logged to the terminal lines (monitors) based on severity, use the logging monitor global configuration command. This command limits the logging messages displayed on terminal lines other than the console line to messages with a level at or above level. The no logging monitor command disables logging to terminal lines other than the console line.

logging monitor level

To control logging of error messages, use the logging on global configuration command. This command enables or disables message logging to all destinations except the console terminal. The no logging on command enables logging to the console terminal only.

logging on

To synchronize unsolicited messages and debug output with solicited switch output and prompts for a specific console port line, auxiliary port line, or virtual terminal line, use the logging synchronous line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to disable synchronization of unsolicited messages and debug output.

logging synchronous [level severity-level | all] [limit number-of-buffers]

To limit messages logged to the syslog servers based on severity, use the logging trap global configuration command. The command limits the logging of error messages sent to syslog servers to only those messages at the specified level. The no logging trap command disables logging to syslog servers.

logging trap level

Configure Login Authentication

To enable TACACS+ authentication for logins, use the login authentication line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to return to the default.

Task Command

Configure login authentication.

login authentication {default | list-name}

Configure Scheduler

To control the maximum amount of time that can elapse without running the lowest-priority system processes, use the scheduler global configuration command. The no scheduler-interval command restores the default.

Task Command

Configure the scheduler allocate integer that specifies the interval, in milliseconds. The minimum interval that you can specify is 500 milliseconds; there is no maximum value.

scheduler allocate milliseconds


Configure scheduler process-watchdog.

scheduler process-watchdog {hang| normal|reload|terminate}

Configure Service

Use the service command to configure and enable the following global configuration features using the no service command to disable the various features.

Task Command

Configure alignment correction and logging.

service alignment

Compress the configuration file.

service compress-config

Load config TFTP files.

service config

Interpret TTY line numbers in decimal.

service decimal-tty

Enable EXEC callback.

service exec-callback

Configure delay of the startup of the EXEC on noisy lines.

service exec-wait

Allow Finger protocol requests (defined in RFC 742) from the network server.

service finger

Hide destination addresses in Telnet command.

service hide-telnet-addresses

Enable line number banner for each EXEC.

service linenumber

Enable the Nagle congestion control algorithm.

service nagle

Allow old scripts to operate with SLIP/PPP.

service old-slip-prompts

Enable Packet Assembler Dissembler commands.

service pad

Enable encrypt passwords.

service password-encryption

Enable mode specific prompt.

service prompt

Enable coredump capability of slave IPs.

service slave-coredump

Enable log capability of slave IPs.

service slave-log

Configure keepalive packets on idle network connections.

service tcp-keepalives {in | out}

Enable small TCP servers (e.g., ECHO).

service tcp-small-servers

Set the TCP window to zero (0) when the Telnet connection is idle.

service telnet-zero-idle

Displays timestamp debug/log messages.

service timestamps

Enable small UDP servers (e.g., ECHO).

service udp-small-servers

Configure SNMP

To create or update an access policy, use the snmp global configuration command. To remove the specified access policy, use the no form of this command.

Task Command

Configure global access policy.

snmp-server access-policy destination-party source-party context privileges

Provide a message line identifying the SNMP server serial number.

snmp-server chassis-id text

Configure the SNMP community access string.

snmp-server community string [RO | RW] [number]

Configure the system contact (syscontact) string.

snmp-server contact text

Configure a context record.

snmp-server context context-name context-oid view-name

Configure recipient of an SNMP trap operation.

snmp-server host host community-string [envmon] [framerelay] [sdlc] [snmp] [tty] [x25]

Configure system location string.

snmp-server location text

Configure the largest SNMP packet size permitted when the SNMP server is receiving a request or generating a reply.

snmp-server packetsize byte-count

Configure a party record.

snmp-server party party-name party-oid [protocol-address] [packetsize size] [local | remote] [authentication {md5 key [clock clock] [lifetime lifetime] | snmpv1 string}]

Configure message queue length for each trap host.

snmp-server queue-length length

Configure SNMP message reload.

snmp-server system-shutdown

Configure trap message authentication.

snmp-server trap-authentication [snmpv1 | snmpv2]

Configure how often to resend trap messages on the retransmission queue.

snmp-server trap-timeout seconds


Configure SNMP v.2 security context using the simplified security conventions method.

snmp-server userid user-id [view view-name] [RO | RW] [password password]

Configure view entry.

snmp-server view view-name oid-tree {included | excluded}

Check status of communications between the SNMP agent and SNMP manager.

show snmp

Username Commands

To establish a username-based authentication system at login, use the following username global configuration command:

Task Command

Configure username-based authentication system at login.

username name [nopassword | password encryption-type password password]

Configure username-based CHAP authentication system at login.

username name password secret

Configure username-based authentication system at login with an additional command to be added.

username name [autocommand command]

Configure username-based authentication system at login without escape but with another login prompt.

username name [noescape] [nohangup]

Configure Privilege Level

This section describes configuring and displaying the privilege level access to the LightStream 1010. The access privileges can be configured at the global level, for the entire switch, or at the line level, for a specific line.

Configure Privilege Level (Global)

To set the privilege level for a command, use the privilege level global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to default privileges for a given command.

Task Command

Set the privilege level.

privilege mode level level command

To display your current level of privilege, use the show privilege EXEC command.

Task Command

Display privilege level.

show privilege

Configure Privilege Level (Line)

To set the default privilege level for a line, use the privilege level line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default user privilege level to the line.

Task Command

Configure the default privilege level.

privilege level level

To display your current level of privilege, use the show privilege EXEC command.

Task Command

Display privilege level.

show privilege

Configure Network Time Protocol

This section describes configuring the Network Time protocol (NTP) on the LightStream 1010.

To control access to the system NTP services, use the following global NTP configuration commands. To remove access control to the system's NTP services, use the no ntp command. See the example configuration at the end of this section and the section "Use the show ntp Commands to Display NTP Configuration" to confirm the NTP configuration.

To control access to the system NTP services, use the ntp access-group global configuration command. To remove access control to the system NTP services, use the no ntp access-group command.

Task Command

Configure NTP access group.

ntp access-group {query-only | serve-only | serve | peer} access-list-number

To enable NTP authentication, use the ntp authenticate global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable the feature.

Task Command

Enable NTP authentication.

ntp authenticate

Define an authentication key.

ntp authentication-key number md5 value

To specify that a specific interface should send NTP broadcast packets, use the ntp broadcast interface configuration command. Use the no form of the command to disable this capability.

Task Command

Allows the system to receive NTP broadcast packets.

ntp broadcastdelay microseconds

As NTP compensates for the error in the system clock, it keeps track of the correction factor for this error. The system automatically saves this value into the system configuration using the ntp clock-period global configuration command. The system uses the no form of this command to revert to the default.

Task Command

Do not enter this command.

ntp clock-period value

Caution Do not enter this command; it is documented for informational purposes only. The system automatically generates this command as NTP determines the clock error and compensates.

To prevent an interface from receiving NTP packets, use the ntp disable interface configuration command. To enable receipt of NTP packets on an interface, use the no ntp disable command.

Task Command

Disable the NTP receive interface.

ntp disable

To configure the switch as a NTP master clock to which peers synchronize themselves when an external NTP source is not available, use the ntp master global configuration command. To disable the master clock function, use the no ntp master command

Task Command

Configure the switch as an NTP master clock.

ntp master [stratum]


To configure the switch as a NTP peer that receives its clock synchronization from an external NTP source, use the ntp peer global configuration command. To disable the peer clock function, use the no ntp peer command

Task Command

Configure the switch system clock to synchronize a peer or to be synchronized by a peer.

ntp peer ip-address [version number] [key keyid] [source interface] [prefer]


To allow the switch system clock to be synchronized by a time server, use the ntp server global configuration command. To disable this capability, use the no ntp server command.

Task Command

Configure the switch system clock to allow it to be synchronized by a time server.

ntp server ip-address [version number] [key keyid] [source interface] [prefer]

To use a particular source address in NTP packets, use the ntp source global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified source address.

Task Command

Configure a particular source address in NTP packets.

ntp source interface

If you want to authenticate the identity of a system to which NTP will synchronize, use the ntp trusted-key global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable authentication of the identity of the system.

Task Command

Configure NTP synchronize number.

ntp trusted-key key-number

To periodically update the switch calendar from NTP, use the ntp update-calendar global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

Task Command

Update NTP calendar.

ntp update-calendar


The following example configures the switch to synchronize its clock and calendar to an NTP server, using Ethernet port 2/0/0, and other features:

Switch#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#ntp server
Switch(config)#ntp source Ethernet 2/0/0
Switch(config)#ntp authenticate
Switch(config)#ntp max-associations 2000
Switch(config)#ntp trusted-key 22507
Switch(config)#ntp update-calendar

Use the show ntp Commands to Display NTP Configuration

To show the status of NTP associations, use the show ntp EXEC commands.

Task Command

Display NTP associations.

show ntp associations [detail]

Display NTP status.

show ntp status


The following example displays the switch detail NTP configuration:

Switch#show ntp associations detail configured, our_master, sane, valid, stratum 3
ref ID, time B6C04E67.6E779000 (18:18:15.431 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
our mode client, peer mode server, our poll intvl 128, peer poll intvl 128
root delay 109.51 msec, root disp 377.38, reach 377, sync dist 435.638
delay -3.88 msec, offset 7.7674 msec, dispersion 1.57
precision 2**17, version 3
org time B6C04F19.437D8000 (18:21:13.263 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
rcv time B6C04F19.41018C62 (18:21:13.253 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
xmt time B6C04F19.41E3EB4B (18:21:13.257 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
filtdelay = -3.88 -3.39 -3.49 -3.39 -3.36 -3.46 -3.37 -3.16
filtoffset = 7.77 6.62 6.60 5.38 4.13 4.43 6.28 12.37
filterror = 0.02 0.99 1.48 2.46 3.43 4.41 5.39 6.36

The following example displays the switch NTP status:

Switch#show ntp status
Clock is synchronized, stratum 4, reference is
nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 249.9999 Hz, precision is 2**24
reference time is B6C04F19.41018C62 (18:21:13.253 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
clock offset is 7.7674 msec, root delay is 113.39 msec
root dispersion is 386.72 msec, peer dispersion is 1.57 msec

Configure the Clock and Calendar

If no other source of time is available, you can manually configure the current time and date after the system is restarted. The time will remain accurate until the next system restart. We recommend that you use manual configuration only as a last resort.

To set up time services, complete the following tasks as needed. If you have an outside source to which the LightStream 1010 can synchronize, you do not need to manually set the system clock.

Configure the Clock

To configure, read, and set the LightStream 1010 ATM switch as a time source for a network based on its calendar, use the clock global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to set the switch so that the calendar is not an authoritative time source. Use the no form of this command to configure the switch not to automatically switch to summer time.

Task Command

Set the LightStream 1010 as the default clock.

clock calendar-valid

Configure the system to automatically switch to summer time (daylight savings time), use one of the formats of the clock summer-time configuration command. Use the no form of this command to configure the switch to not automatically switch to summer time.

clock summer-time zone recurring [week day month hh:mm week day month hh:mm [offset]]

To manually read and set the calendar into the LightStream 1010 system clock, use the clock read-calendar EXEC command.

Task Command

Manually read the calendar into the switch.

clock read-calendar

Manually set the system clock.

clock set hh:mm:ss day month year

Manually set the system clock.

clock set hh:mm:ss month day year

Set the calendar.

clock update-calendar

To display the system clock, use the show clock EXEC command

Task Command

Display the system clock.

show clock [detail]


Configure Calendar

To set the system calendar, use the calendar set EXEC command.

Task Command

Configure the calendar.

calendar set hh:mm:ss day month year

Display the calendar setting.

show calendar

Configure Terminal Access Control Access System

You can configure the LightStream 1010 to use one of three special TCP/IP protocols related to Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS): regular TACACS, extended TACACS, or AAA/TACACS+. TACACS services are provided by and maintained in a database on a TACACS server running on a workstation. You must have access to and configure a TACACS server before configuring the TACACS features described in this publication on your Cisco device. Our basic TACACS support is modeled after the original Defense Data Network (DDN) application.

A comparative description of the supported versions follows. Table 5-1 compares the versions by commands.

You can establish TACACS-style password protection on both user and privileged levels of the system EXEC.

Table 5-1   TACACS Command Comparison


aaa accounting


aaa authentication arap


aaa authentication enable default


aaa authentication login


aaa authentication local override


aaa authentication ppp


aaa authorization


aaa new-model


arap authentication


arap use-tacacs



enable last-resort



enable use-tacacs



login authentication


login tacacs



ppp authentication




ppp use-tacacs




tacacs-server attempts




tacacs-server authenticate



tacacs-server extended


tacacs-server host




tacacs-server key


tacacs-server last-resort



tacacs-server notify



tacacs-server optional-passwords



tacacs-server retransmit




tacacs-server timeout




Enable TACACS and Extended TACACS

The following sections describe the features available with TACACS and Extended TACACS. The Extended TACACS software is available using FTP (see the README file in the directory).

Note      Many original TACACS and extended TACACS commands cannot be used once you have initialized AAA/TACACS+. To identify which commands can be used with the three versions, refer to Table 5-1.

The following sections describe TACACS configuration:

Configure AAA Accounting

To enable the AAA accounting of requested services for billing or security purposes when using TACACS+, use the aaa accounting global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable accounting.

Task Command

Perform accounting for all system-level events not associated with users, such as reloads.

aaa accounting system

Run accounting for all network-related service requests, including SLIP, PPP, PPP NCPs, and ARAP.

aaa accounting network

Run accounting for outbound Telnet and rlogin.

aaa accounting connection

Run accounting for Execs (user shells). This keyword might return user profile information such as autocommand information.

aaa accounting exec

Run accounting for all commands at the specified privilege level.

aaa accounting command

Send a start record accounting notice at the beginning of a process and a stop record at the end of a process. The start accounting record is sent in the background. The requested user process begins regardless of whether or not the start accounting record was received by the accounting server.

{start-stop tacacs+

As in start-stop, sends both a start and a stop accounting record to the accounting server. However, if you use the wait-start keyword, the requested user service does not begin until the start accounting record is acknowledged. A stop accounting record is also sent.

wait-start tacacs+

Sends a stop record accounting notice at the end of the requested user process.

stop-only tacacs+

Configure aaa new-model

To enable the AAA access control model that includes TACACS+, issue the aaa new-model global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to disable this functionality.

Task Command

Enable the AAA access control model.

aaa new-model

Configure Tacacs-server

To configure a Terminal Access Control Access System (TACACS) use the tacacs global commands. Use the no tacacs command with the appropriate arguments to remove an entry.

Task Command

Configure the number of login attempts allowed.

tacacs-server attempts count

Configure if user may perform an action.

tacacs-server authenticate {connection [always] | enable | slip [always] [access-lists]}

Configure extended TACACS mode.

tacacs-server extended

Configure a TACACS host.

tacacs-server host name

Configure network server to request privileged password as verification.

tacacs-server last-resort {password | succeed}

Configure transmission to the TACACS server.

tacacs-server notify {connection [always] | enable | logout [always] | slip [always]}

Configure first TACACS request to a TACACS server be made without password verification.

tacacs-server optional-passwords

Configure the initial TACACS request to a TACACS server be made without password verification.

tacacs-server optional-passwords

Configure number of times the system software will search the list of TACACS server hosts.

tacacs-server retransmit retries

Configure interval that the server waits for a server host to reply.

tacacs-server timeout seconds

Configure PPP Authentication

Use the ppp authentication interface configuration command to enable Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) or Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and to enable an AAA authentication method on an interface. Use the no form of the command to disable this authentication.

Task Command

Configure ppp authentication.

ppp authentication {chap | pap} [if-needed] [list-name]

Enable the PPP authentication for TACACS.

ppp use-tacacs [single-line]

To enable TACACS to determine whether a user can access the privileged command level, use the enable use-tacacs global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable TACACS verification.

Task Command

Enable TACACS.

enable use-tacacs

Test the System Management Functions

This section describes the commands used to monitor and display the system management functions.

Show Active Processes

Use the show processes EXEC command to display information about the active processes.

Task Command

Display active processes.

show processes [cpu]

Display memory utilization.

show processes memory

Show Protocols

Use the show protocols EXEC command to display the configured protocols.

This command shows the global and interface-specific status of any configured Level 3 protocol; for example, IP, DECnet, Internet Packet Exchange (IPX), and AppleTalk.

Task Command

Display protocols.

show protocols

Show Stacks

Use the show stacks EXEC command to monitor the stack utilization of processes and interrupt routines. Its display includes the reason for the last system reboot. If the system was reloaded because of a system failure, a saved system stack trace is displayed. This information is of use only to Cisco engineers analyzing crashes in the field. It is included here in case you need to read the displayed statistics to an engineer over the phone.

Task Command

Displays system stack trace information.

show stacks

Use Trace

Use the trace EXEC command to discover the IP routes the switch packets will actually take when traveling to their destination.

Task Command

Display switch packets through the network.

trace [protocol] [destination]

Show Environment

Use the show environment EXEC command to display temperature and voltage information on the switch console.

Task Command

Display temperature and voltage information.

show environment

Display all temperature and voltage information.

show environment all

Display last logs of the last measured value from each of the six test points to internal nonvolatile memory.

show environment last

Display environmental measurements and a table that lists the ranges of environment measurement.

show environment table

Use Packet Internet Groper

Use the packet internet groper (ping) privileged EXEC command to diagnose basic ATM and IP network connectivity.

Task Command

Use PING to check the ATM network connection.

ping atm interface atm card/sub_card/port[.vpt] vpi vci

Use PING to check the IP network connection.

ping [ip] [protocol] {host | address}

Posted: Thu Jan 23 21:04:24 PST 2003
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