
Table of Contents

Configuring Virtual Connections
Configure Permanent Virtual Channel Connections
Configure Terminating PVC Connections
Configure Permanent Virtual Path Connections
Configure Point-To-Multipoint PVC Connection
Configure Point-To-Multipoint PVP Channel
Configure Soft Permanent Virtual Channel (Soft PVC) Connections
Configure Soft Permanent Virtual Path (Soft PVP) Connections
Configure Soft PVC Route Optimization Feature
Configuring Non-Default Well-known PVCs

Configuring Virtual Connections

This chapter describes how to configure a typical ATM network after autoconfiguration has established the default network connections. The network configuration modifications described in this chapter are used to optimize your ATM network operation.

This chapter uses the following virtual path (VP) and virtual channel (VC) terminology:

The characteristics of the VC are established when the VC is created and include the following:

These switching features can be turned off with interface configuration commands; autonomous switching must be explicitly enabled per interface.

Note      For a complete description of the commands mentioned in this chapter, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

When configuring virtual connections perform the following tasks:

Table 6-1 list the types of supported virtual connections.

Table 6-1   Supported LightStream 1010 Virtual Connection Types

Connection Point-to-
Transit Terminate

Permanent virtual channel link (PVCL)



Permanent virtual path link (PVPL)



Permanent virtual channel connection (PVCC)





Permanent virtual path connection (PVPC)




Soft permanent virtual channel connection (Soft PVCC)



Soft permanent virtual path connection (Soft PVPC)



Switched virtual channel connection (SVCC)





Switched virtual path connection (SVPC)




For an overview description of LightStream 1010 ATM switch configuration examples see the Light Stream 1010 ATM Switch User Guide publication. The LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication provides the complete syntax for every switch configuration command and describes the no form of each command.

Configure Permanent Virtual Channel Connections

This section describes configuring LightStream 1010 virtual channel connections (VCCs). A VCC is established as a bidirectional facility to transfer ATM traffic between two ATM layer users. Figure 6-1 shows a VCC between ATM user A and user D.

Figure 6-1   Virtual Channel Connection Example

Note      The value of the virtual path and virtual channel identifiers may change as the traffic is relayed through the ATM network.

Virtual Channel Connection Command Description

To configure a point-to-point VCC, use the following configuration command using the no form of this command to remove an entry:

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub-inter #]

Configure the PVC.

atm pvc vpi [vci|any-vci2] [upc upc] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface atm card/subcard/port[.vpt #] vpi [vci|any-vci2] [upc upc]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

2The any-vci parameter is only available for atm interface 2/0/0.

Note      The row index for rx-cttr and tx-cttr must be configured before using this optional parameter. See the section "Configure Connection Traffic Table" in the chapter "Configuring Resource Management."

Parameter pd is not applicable to a virtual path.

Note      When configuring PVC connections configure the lowest VPI and VCI numbers first.


The following example configures the internal cross-connect PVC on Switch B between interface 3/0/1, VPI=0, VCI =50 and interface 3/0/2, VPI=2, VCI=100 (see Figure 6-1):

Switch-B(config)#interface atm 3/0/1
Switch-B(config-if)#atm pvc 0 50 interface atm 3/0/2 2 100

The following example configures the internal cross-connect PVC on Switch-C between interface 4/1/0, VPI=2, VCI =100 and interface 0/0/1, VPI 50, VCI=255:

Switch-C(config)#interface atm 4/1/0
Switch-C(config-if)#atm pvc 2 100 interface atm 0/0/1 50 255

Each subsequent VC cross-connection and link must be configured until the VC is terminated to create the entire VCC.


The following example configures the CPU leg of any terminating PVC:

Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 0 ?
<32-16383> vci
any-vci Choose any available vci
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 0 any-vci

When configuring the CPU leg of a PVC that is not a tunnel, the VPI should be configured as 0. The preferred method of VCI configuration is to select the any-vci parameter, unless a specific VCI is needed as a parameter in another command, such as map-list.

Note      If configuring a specific VCI value for the CPU leg, select a VCI value higher than 300. This will prevent a conflict with an automatically assigned VCI for well-known channels if the switch reboots.

Use the show vc Command to Display Virtual Channel Connections

To show the VC configuration use the following EXEC mode commands:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface configuration.

show atm interface [ atm interface atm card/sub_card/port ]

Show the PVC interface configuration.

show atm vc interface atm card/sub_card/port vpi vci


The following example displays Switch-B PVC configuration on interface 3/0/1:

Switch-B#show atm interface
Interface: ATM-P0/0/3 Port-type: CBR
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: enabled AutoCfgState: waiting for response from peer
IF-Side: Network IF-type: UNI
Uni-type: Private Uni-version: V3.0
Max-VPI-bits: 8 Max-VCI-bits: 14
Max-VP: 255 Max-VC: 16383
Svc Upc Intent: pass Signalling: Enabled
ATM Address for Soft VC: 47.0091.8100.0000.0040.0b0a.2b81.4000.0c80.0030.00
Configured virtual links:
PVCLs SoftVCLs SVCLs PVPLs SoftVPLs SVPLs Total-Cfgd Installed-Conns
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Logical ports(VP-tunnels): 0
Input cells: 0 Output cells: 0
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Input AAL5 pkts: 0, Output AAL5 pkts: 0, AAL5 crc errors: 0
<Information Deleted>

The following example displays Switch-B PVC configuration on interface 3/0/1:

Switch-B#show atm vc interface atm 3/0/1
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Status
ATM3/0/1     0 50      PVC    ATM3/0/2     2       100     UP

The following example displays Switch-B VC configuration on interface 3/0/1, VPI = 0, VCI = 50:

Switch-B#show atm vc interface atm 3/0/1 0 50
Interface: ATM3/0/1
VPI = 0 VCI = 50
Status: UP
Last-status-change-time: 15:44
Connection-type: PVC
Cast-type: point-to-point
Packet-discard-option: enabled
Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC): pass
Number of OAM-configured connections: 0
OAM-configuration: disabled
OAM-states: Not-applicable
Cross-connect-interface: ATM3/0/2
Cross-connect-VPI = 2
Cross-connect-VCI = 100
Cross-connect-UPC: pass
Cross-connect OAM-configuration: disabled
Cross-connect OAM-state: Not-applicable
Encapsulation: AAL5PNNI
Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0
Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 3
Rx service-category: VBR-RT (Realtime Variable Bit Rate)
Rx pcr-clp01: 424
Rx scr-clp01: 424
Rx tolerance: 50
Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 3
Tx service-category: VBR-RT (Realtime Variable Bit Rate)
Tx pcr-clp01: 424
Tx scr-clp01: 424
Tx tolerance: 50
Crc Errors:0, Sar Timeouts:0, OverSizedSDUs:0

Configure Terminating PVC Connections

This section describes configuring terminating permanent virtual channel (PVC) connections. Terminating connections provide the connection to the LightStream 1010 switch CPU for LANE, IP over ATM, and control channels for ILMI, signaling, and PNNI plus network management.

Figure 6-2 is an illustration of transit and terminating connections.

Figure 6-2   Virtual Connection Types Example

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint are two type of terminating connections. Both terminating connections are configured using the same commands as transit connections (discussed in the previous sections). However, all switch terminating connections use interface 2/0/0 to connect to the switch CPU.

The following sections describe both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configuration of PVC and PVP connections.

Terminate PVC Connection Command Description

To configure both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint terminating PVC connections, use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card-A/sub_card-A/port-A [.vpt #]

Configure the PVC between ATM switch connections.

atm pvc vpi-A [vci-A |any-vci2] [cast-type p2mp-leaf p2mp-root p2p] [upc upc-A] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface atm card-B/subcard-B/port-B[.vpt #] vpi-B [vci-A|any-vci2] [upc upc-B] [cast-type p2mp-leaf p2mp-root p2p]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

2The any-vci feature is only available for interface ATM 2/0/0.


When configuring point-to-multipoint PVC connections using the atm pvc command, the root point is port A and the leaf points are port B.

Note      The row index for rx-cttr and tx-cttr must be configured before using this optional parameter. See the section "Configure Connection Traffic Table" in the chapter "Configuring Resource Management."


The following example configures the CPU leg of any terminating PVC:

Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 0 ?
<32-16383> vci
any-vci Choose any available vci
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 0 any-vci

When configuring the CPU leg of a PVC that is not a tunnel, the VPI should be configured as 0. The preferred method of VCI configuration is to select the any-vci parameter, unless a specific VCI is needed as a paramter in another command, such as map-list.

Note      If configuring a specific VCI value for the CPU leg, select a VCI value higher than 300. This will prevent a conflict with an automatically assigned VCI for well-known channels if the switch reboots.

The following example configures the internal cross-connect PVC between interface 3/0/1, VPI=1, VCI =50 and the terminating connection at the CPU interface 2/0/0, VPI=0, and VCI unspecified:

Switch-B(config)#interface atm 3/0/1
Switch-B(config-if)#atm pvc 1 50 interface atm 2/0/0 0 any-vci encap aal5snap

The following example configures a point-to-multipoint connection from the root point PVC on switch interface 0/0/0, VPI=50, VCI =100 and the terminating connection at the leaf point switch CPU interface 2/0/0, VPI=0, VCI=300:

Switch(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 50 100 interface atm 2/0/0 0 300 enacap aal5snap

Displaying the Terminating PVC Connections

To show the terminating PVC configuration, use the following EXEC mode commands:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface configuration.

show atm vc card/sub_card/port

Show the PVC interface configuration.

show atm vc interface atm card/sub_card/port vpi vci

See the section "Use the show vc Command to Display Virtual Channel Connections" for examples of the show atm vc commands.

Configure Permanent Virtual Path Connections

This section describes configuring a permanent virtual path (PVP) connection. Figure 6-3 is an example of an LightStream 1010 switch with PVPs configured through the switch.

Figure 6-3   Virtual Path Connection Example

To configure a permanent virtual path connection, use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable:

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the physical interface to be configured.

interface atm card/sub_card/port

Configure interface PVP.

atm pvp vpi [cast-type type] [upc upc] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface card/sub_card/port

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

Note      The row index for rx-cttr and tx-cttr must be configured before using this optional parameter. See the section "Configure Connection Traffic Table" in the chapter "Configuring Resource Management."

Note      When configuring PVP connections configure the lowest VPI numbers first.


The following example configures the internal cross-connect PVP within Switch-B between interfaces 3/0/1, VPI=0 and interface 3/0/2, VPI=2:

Switch-B(config)#interface atm 3/0/1
Switch-B(config-if)#atm pvp 1 interface atm 3/0/2 2

The following example configures the internal cross-connect PVP within Switch-C between interfaces 4/1/0, VPI=2 and interface 0/0/1, VPI=50:

Switch-C(config)#interface atm 4/1/0
Switch-C(config-if)#atm pvp 2 interface atm 0/0/1 50

Each subsequent PVP cross-connection and link must be configured until the VP is terminated to create the entire PVP.

Use show atm vp Command to Display Virtual Path Connection

To show the ATM interface configuration, use the following command:

Task Command

Show the ATM VP configuration.

show atm vp


The following example displays the PVP configuration of Switch-B:

Switch-B#show atm vp
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
ATM3/0/1     0      PVP   ATM3/0/2        2         UP

Configure Point-To-Multipoint PVC Connection

This section describes configuring point-to-multipoint PVC connections.

In Figure 6-4, cells entering the switch at the root point (on the left side at interface 0/0/0, VPI=50, VCI=100), are duplicated and switched to the leaf points (output interfaces), on the right side of the example.

Figure 6-4   Point-to-Multipoint PVC Example

Note      If desired, one of the leaf points can terminate in the LightStream 1010 at the CPU interface ATM 2/0/0.

Point-To-Multipoint PVC Connection Command Description

This section describes the commands needed to configure the example in Figure 6-4.

To configure point-to-multipoint PVC connections use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable:

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card/sub_card/port [.vpt #]

Configure the PVC between ATM switch connections.

atm pvc vpi-A vci-A [cast-type p2mp-leaf p2mp-root p2p] [upc upc-A] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface atm card-B/subcard-B/port-B[.vpt #] vpi-B vci-B [cast-type type] [upc upc-B]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

To configure the point-to-multipoint PVC connections using the atm pvc command the root point is port-A and the leaf points are port-B.

Note      The row index for rx-cttr and tx-cttr must be configured before using this optional parameter. See the section "Configure Connection Traffic Table" in the chapter "Configuring Resource Management."


The following example configures the root point PVC on switch interface 0/0/0, VPI=50, VCI =100 to the leaf point interface 0/1/0, VPI=60, VCI=200 (see Figure 6-4):

Switch(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 50 100 cast-type p2mp-root interface atm 0/1/0 60 200 cast-type p2mp-leaf

The following example configures the same root point PVC to the leaf point interface 0/1/1, VPI=70, VCI=210:

Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 50 100 cast-type p2mp-root interface atm 0/1/1 70 210 cast-type p2mp-leaf

The following example configures the same root point PVC to the leaf point interface 0/1/2, VPI=80, VCI=220:

Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 50 100 cast-type p2mp-root interface atm 0/1/2 80 220 cast-type p2mp-leaf

show atm vc Example to Display Point-To-Multipoint PVC Configuration

To show the point-to-multipoint PVC configuration use the following EXEC mode commands:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface configuration.

show atm vc card/sub_card/port

Show the PVC interface configuration.

show atm vc interface atm card/sub_card/port vpi vci


The following example displays the point-to-multipoint PVC configuration on interface 3/0/1:

Switch#show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Status
ATM0/0/0     50      100     PVC    ATM1/1/0     60      200     UP
ATM0/0/0     50      100     PVC    ATM1/1/1     70      210     UP
ATM0/0/0     50      100     PVC    ATM1/1/2     80      220     UP

The following example displays the VC configuration on interface 3/0/1, VPI = 50, VCI = 100:

Switch#show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0 50 100
Interface: ATM3/0/1
VPI = 50 VCI = 100
Status: UP
Last-status-change-time: 15:44
Connection-type: PVC
Cast-type: point-to-multipoint
Packet-discard-option: enabled
Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC): pass
Number of OAM-configured connections: 0
OAM-configuration: disabled
OAM-states: Not-applicable
Cross-connect-interface: ATM0/1/0
Cross-connect-VPI = 60
Cross-connect-VCI = 200
Cross-connect-UPC: pass
Cross-connect-interface: ATM0/1/1
Cross-connect-VPI = 70
Cross-connect-VCI = 210
Cross-connect-UPC: pass
Cross-connect-interface: ATM0/1/2
Cross-connect-VPI = 80
Cross-connect-VCI = 220
Cross-connect-UPC: pass
Encapsulation: AAL5PNNI
Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0
Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 3
Rx service-category: VBR-RT (Realtime Variable Bit Rate)
Rx pcr-clp01: 424
Rx scr-clp01: 424
Rx tolerance: 50
Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 3
Tx service-category: VBR-RT (Realtime Variable Bit Rate)
Tx pcr-clp01: 424
Tx scr-clp01: 424
Tx tolerance: 50

Configure Point-To-Multipoint PVP Channel

This section describes configuring point-to-multipoint PVP connections.

Figure 6-5 provides an example of point-to-multipoint PVP connections.

Figure 6-5   Point-to-Multipoint Permanent Virtual Path Example

In Figure 6-5, cells entering the switch at the root point (the left side at interface 0/0/0), VPI=50, are duplicated and switched to the leaf points (output interfaces), on the right side of the example.

The following section describes the commands needed to configure this example.

Point-To-Multipoint PVP Command Description

To configure point-to-multipoint PVP connections, use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable:

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card-A/sub_card-A/port-A

Configure interface PVP.

atm pvp vpi-A [cast-type p2mp-leaf p2mp-root p2p] [upc upc-A] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface card-B/sub_card-B/port-B vpi-B [cast-type type]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

To configure the point-to-multipoint PVP connections using the atm pvp command the root point is Port A and the leaf points are Port B.

Note      The row index for rx-cttr and tx-cttr must be configured before using this optional parameter. See the section "Configure Connection Traffic Table" in the chapter "Configuring Resource Management."


The following example configures the root point PVP on switch interface 0/0/0, VPI=50 to the leaf point interface 0/1/0, VPI=60 (see Figure 6-5):

Switch(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 50 cast-type p2mp-root interface atm 0/1/0 60 cast-type p2mp-leaf

The following example configures the same root point PVP to the leaf point interface 0/1/0, VPI=70:

Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 50 cast-type p2mp-root 0/1/0 70 cast-type p2mp-leaf

The following example configures the same root point PVP to the leaf point interface 0/1/2, VPI=80:

Switch(config-if)#atm pvc cast-type p2mp-root 50 0/1/2 80 p2mp-leaf

Use show atm vp Command to Display Point-To-Multipoint PVP Configuration

To show the ATM interface configuration use the following command:

Task Command

Show the ATM VP configuration.

show atm vp


The following example displays the PVP configuration of the point-to-multipoint PVP connections:

Switch#show atm vp
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
ATM0/0/0     50      PVP   ATM0/1/0       60         UP
                           ATM0/1/1       70         UP
                           ATM0/1/2       80         UP

Configure Soft Permanent Virtual Channel (Soft PVC) Connections

This section describes configuring soft PVC connections. Soft PVC connections provide the following features:

Figure 6-6 is an illustration of the soft PVC connections used in the following examples:

Figure 6-6   Soft Permanent Virtual Channel Connection Example

Soft Permanent Virtual Channel Command Description

To configure a soft PVC connection, use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable:

Task Command

Determine dstination ATM address.

show atm addresses

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card/sub_card/port [.vpt #]

Configure soft PVC connection.

atm soft-vc src-vpi src-vci dest-address dest-vpi dest-vci [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [slow-retry-interval seconds] [tx-cttr index] [upc drop pass tag]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

Note      The row index for rx-cttr and tx-cttr must be configured before using this optional parameter. See the section "Configure Connection Traffic Table" in the chapter "Configuring Resource Management."


The following example allows User A to determine the destination ATM address of the interface connected to User D:

Switch-C#show atm addresses
Switch Address(es):
47.00918100000000603E5ADB01.00603E5ADB01.00 active
Soft VC Address(es):
  47.0091.8100.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00 ATM4/0/0
ILMI Switch Prefix(es):
ILMI Configured Interface Prefix(es):
LECS Address(es):

The following example configures a soft PVC on Switch-B between interface 0/0/0, source VPI = 0, source, VCI = 200, and Switch-C, destination ATM address = 47.0091.8100.00.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00, VPI = 0, VCI = 100 (see Figure 6-6):

Switch-B(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch-B(config-if)#atm soft-vc 0 200 dest-address 47.0091.8100.00.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00
00 100

show vc Example

To display the soft VC configuration at either end switch use the following EXEC mode commands:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface configuration.

show atm vc card/sub_card/port

Show the soft VC interface configuration.

show atm vc interface atm card/sub_card/port vpi vci


The following example displays the soft VC configuration of Switch-B, on interface 0/0/0 out to the ATM network:

Switch-B#show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Status
ATM0/0/0     0       200     softvc ATM2/0/0     50      135     UP

The following example displays the soft VC configuration of Switch-C, on interface 4/0/0 out to the ATM network:

Switch-C#show atm vc interface atm 4/0/0
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Status
ATM4/0/0     0       100     softvc ATM0/1/0     75      250     UP

Configure Soft Permanent Virtual Path (Soft PVP) Connections

This section describes configuring soft permanent virtual path (soft PVP) connections. Soft PVP connections provide the following features:

Figure 6-7 is an illustration of the soft PVP connections used in the section.

Figure 6-7   Soft Permanent Virtual Path Connection Example

Soft Permanent Virtual Path Command Description

To configure a soft PVP connection, use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable:

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card/sub_card/port

Configure soft PVP connection.

atm soft-vp src-vpi dest-address dest-vpi [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [slow-retry-interval seconds] [tx-cttr index] [upc drop pass tag]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

Note      The row index for rx-cttr and tx-cttr must be configured before using this optional parameter. See the section "Configure Connection Traffic Table" in the chapter "Configuring Resource Management."


The following example configures a soft PVP on Switch-B between interface 0/0/0, source VPI=75, and Switch-C, destination ATM address=47.0091.8100.00.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00, VPI=50 (Figure 6-7):

Switch-B(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch-B(config-if)#atm soft-vp 75 47.0091.8100.00.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00 50

Use show atm vp Command to Display Virtual Path Connection

To show the ATM virtual path configuration use the following command:

Task Command

Show the ATM VP configuration.

show atm vp


The following example displays the soft VP configuration at switch B, on interface 0/0/0 out to the ATM network:

Switch-B#show atm vp
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
ATM0/0/0     75     SoftvpATM1/1/0        45        UP

The following example displays the soft VP configuration at switch C, on interface 4/0/0 out to the ATM network:

Switch-C#show atm vp
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
ATM4/0/0     50     SoftvpATM3/1/3        60        UP

Configure Soft PVC Route Optimization Feature

This section describes the soft PVC route optimization feature. Most soft PVCs have a much longer lifetime than SVCs. The route chosen during PVC setup remains the same even though the network topology may change.

Soft PVC connections, with the route optimization percentage threshold set, provide the following features:

Note      Soft PVC route optimization should not be configured with CBR connections.

Route optimization is directly related to administrative weight. Administrations weight is similar to hop count. For a description of administrative weight see the section "Configure Administrative Weight Mode" in the chapter "Configuring ATM Routing and PNNI."

Configuring soft PVC route optimization is described in the following sections:

Enable Soft PVC Route Optimization

Soft PVC route optimization must be enabled, and a threshold level configured, to determine the point when a better route is identified and the old route is reconfigured.

To enable and configure soft PVC route optimization, use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable:

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Configure soft PVP route optimization.

atm route-optimization {percentage-threshold 5-500}

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.


The following example enables soft PVC route optimization and sets the threshold percentage to 250 percent:

Switch(config)#atm route-optimization percentage-threshold 250

Configuring a Soft PVC Interface with Route Optimization

Soft PVC route optimization must be enabled and configured to determine the point when a better route is found the old route is reconfigured.

To enable and configure asoft PVC interface with route optimization, use the following interface configuration commands. Use the no form of this command to disable:

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card/sub_card/port

Configure the interface soft PVP route optimization.

atm route-optimization soft-connection
{interval minute|time-of-day {anytime
|start time_hh:mm|end time_hh:mm}

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.


The following example configures a soft PVC with route optimization interval configured as every 30 minutes between the hours of 6:00 PM and 5:00 AM:

Switch(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm route-optimization soft-connection interval 30
Switch(config-if)#$ptimization soft-connection interval 30 time-of-day 18:00 5:00

show Interface Route Optimization Configuration Example

To display the soft PVC route optimization configuration, use the following EXEC mode commands:

Task Command

Show the soft VC interface configuration.

show atm interface atm card/sub_card/port


The following example displays the soft PVC configuration on interface 0/0/0:

Switch#show atm interface atm 0/0/0
Interface: ATM0/0/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: enabled AutoCfgState: completed
IF-Side: Network IF-type: NNI
Uni-type: not applicable Uni-version: not applicable
Max-VPI-bits: 8 Max-VCI-bits: 14
Max-VP: 255 Max-VC: 16383
Svc Upc Intent: pass Signalling: Enabled
Soft vc route optimization is enabled
Soft vc route optimization interval = 30 minutes
Soft vc route optimization time-of-day range = (18:0 - 5:0)
ATM Address for Soft VC: 47.0091.8100.0000.0041.0b0a.1081.4000.0c80.0000.00
Configured virtual links:
PVCLs SoftVCLs SVCLs PVPLs SoftVPLs SVPLs Total-Cfgd Installed-Conns
3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
Logical ports(VP-tunnels): 0
Input cells: 335654 Output cells: 335588
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Input AAL5 pkts: 219142, Output AAL5 pkts: 219123, AAL5 crc errors: 0

Configuring Non-Default Well-known PVCs

Normally the default well-known VCs will be automatically created with default VCIs. But for the unusual instances where the LightStream 1010 switch will interface to non-standard equipment, the steps described in this scetion will allow configuring nondefault well-known VCI values on a per-interface basis.

Table 6-2 list the default well-known VCs and their default configuration.

Table 6-2   Well-Known Virtual Channels

Channel Type Virtual Path Identifier Virtual Channel Identifier










Caution Do not change the well-known channels to use a VC where the remote end is sending AAL-5 messages not intended for this well-known VC. For example, do not swap VC values between two types of Well-Known VCs.

Following is an overview of the steps needed to configure nondefault well-known VCs:

Step 1   Enable manual well-known VC configuration

Step 2   Delete the existing automatically created well-known VCs.

Step 3   Configure the individual encapsulation type as follows:

Step 4   Copy running-config to startup-config

To configure the nondefault VCs for signaling, ILMI, and PNNI, use the following EXEC commands. Use the no form of this command to disable

Task Command

At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm card/sub_card/port

Delete existed well-known VCs from the selected interface and enter manual-well-known-vc mode.

atm manual-well-known-vc {keep|delete}

Configure the nondefault PVC for each of the signaling, ILMI, and, if needed, the PNNI channels.

atm pvc vpi vci [upc upc] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface atm 2/0/0 any-vci [encap {ilmi|pnni|qsaal}]

Disable the PVC.

no atm pvc vpi vci

Shutdown the interface.


Disable signaling on the interface.

no atm signalling-enable

Enable signaling on the interface.

atm signalling-enable

Return to EXEC configuration mode.


Copy the running configuration file to the startup configuration file.

copy running-config startup-config

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.



The following example performs the nondefault VC configuration steps:

Step 1   Uses show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0 to display the configuration of the exiting default well-known VCs for ATM interface 0/0/0.

Step 2   Change to interface configuration mode for ATM interface 0/0/0.

Step 3   Enter manual-well-known-vc mode and delete the existing default well-known VCs using the atm manual-well-known-vc delete command.

Step 4   Confirm deletion by entering y.

Step 5   Configure the nondefault VC for signaling from the default 5 to 35 using the atm pvc 0 35 interface atm 2/0/0 0 any-vci encap qsaal command.

Step 6   Cofigure the ILMI VC then, configure the PNNI VC if needed using the same procedure.

Step 7   Save the new running configuration to the startup configuration using the copy running-config startup-config command.

Following is an example of this procedure:

Switch#show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Encap Status
ATM0/0/0     0 5 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 49 QSAAL UP
ATM0/0/0     0 16 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 33 ILMI UP
ATM0/0/0     0 18 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 65 PNNI UP
Switch#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm manual-well-known-vc delete
Okay to delete well-known VCs for this interface? [no]: y
Switch(config)#interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 0 35 interface atm 2/0/0 0 any-vci encap qsaal
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Switch#show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Encap Status
ATM0/0/0 0 35 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 150 QSAAL UP
Switch#copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...

Posted: Thu Jan 23 21:06:40 PST 2003
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