
Table of Contents

Configuring IP-Over-ATM and LAN Emulation
Configuration of IP Over ATM
Map a Protocol Address to a PVC
Configuration of LAN Emulation
Implementation Considerations
LANE Configuration Task List
Create a LANE Plan and Worksheet
Display LANE Default Addresses
Enter the Configuration Server's ATM Address(es) on the Cisco Switch
Set Up the Configuration Server's Database
Enable the Configuration Server
Set Up LANE Servers and Clients
Configure LAN Emulation Client Example
Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation
Monitor and Maintain the LANE Components
LANE Configuration Examples

Configuring IP-Over-ATM and LAN Emulation

This chapter describes how to configure Internet Protocol (IP) over asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and LAN Emulation (LANE) on the LightStream 1010 ATM switch. The LAN Emulation and IP-over-ATM connection can only be used to manage the LightStream 1010 switch.

Note      For definitions of all commands discussed in this chapter, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

This chapter is separated into the following two sections:

Note      All of the examples in this chapter describe configuration of the ASP in a LightStream 1010 chassis. If the ASP is installed in the Catalyst 5500 Fast Ethernet switch chassis, the CPU Ethernet interface will be 13/0/0 instead of 2/0/0.

Configuration of IP Over ATM

To configure the IP over ATM, complete the tasks in the following sections:

Configure IP-Over-ATM Example

This section describes configuring a port on a switch to allow a classical IP-over-ATM connection to the switch CPU.

The following sections describe configuring the LightStream 1010 ATM switch in either an SVC or PVC environment:

Note      If the ASP is installed in the Catalyst 5500 switch chassis, the CPU Ethernet interface will be 13/0/0.

Configure Classical IP over ATM in an SVC Environment

This section describes classical IP over ATM in an SVC environment. It requires a network administrator to configure only the device's own ATM address and that of a single ATM ARP server into each client device.

Figure 13-1 describes the steps needed to set up a classical IP over ATM connection between LightStream 1010 ATM switch client A and client B.

Figure 13-1   Example of Classical IP Over ATM Connection Setup

Step 1   The initial IP packet sent by client A triggers a request to the ARP server to look up the IP address and the corresponding ATM address of client B in the ARP server ARP table.

Step 2   The ARP server sends back a response to client A with the matching ATM address.

Step 3   Client A uses the ATM address it just obtained from the ARP server to setup an SVC directly to client B.

Step 4   When client B replies with an IP packet to client A, it also triggers a query to the ARP server.

Note      When client B receives the ATM address for client A, it usually discovers it already has a call set up to client A's ATM address and will not set up another call.

Step 5   Once the connection is known to both clients, they communicate directly over the SVC.

In Cisco's implementation, the ATM ARP client tries to maintain a connection to the ATM ARP server. The ATM ARP server can tear down the connection, but the client attempts once each minute to bring the connection back up. No error messages are generated for a failed connection, but the client will not route packets until the ATM ARP server is connected and translates IP network addresses.

For each packet with an unknown IP address, the client sends an ATM ARP request to the ARP server. Until that address is resolved, any IP packet routed to the ATM interface will cause the client to send another ATM ARP request.

The LightStream 1010 ATM switch may be configured as an ATM ARP client to work with any ATM ARP server conforming to RFC 1577. Alternatively, one of the LightStream 1010 ATM switches in a logical IP subnet (LIS) may be configured to act as the ATM ARP server itself. In that case, it automatically acts as a client as well. To configure classical IP and ARP in an SVC environment, perform one of the following tasks:

Configure as an ATM ARP Client

In an SVC environment, configure the ATM ARP mechanism on the interface by performing the following tasks starting in global configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm 2/0/0[.sub_inter #]

Step 3. Specify the NSAP ATM address of the interface.
Specify the end-system-identifier address of the interface.

atm nsap-address nsap-address

atm esi-address esi-address

Step 4. Specify the IP address of the interface.

ip address address mask

Step 5. Specify the ATM address of the ATM ARP server.

atm arp-server nsap nsap-address

Step 6. Exit interface configuration mode.


Step 7. Configure a static route through the switch to the CPU interface.
See the following note.

atm route {addr-prefix2} atm 2/0/0 internal

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

2First 19-bytes of NSAP address.

Note      You only need to specify a static route in Step 7 when configuring an ARP client using NSAP address.

Using NSAP Address Example

The following example configures CPU interface 2/0/0 of client A, in Figure 13-1, as the following:

Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#$dress 47.0091.8100.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00
Switch(config-if)#ip address
Switch(config-if)#$dress 47.0091.8100.0000.1111.1111.1111.2222.2222.2222.00
Switch(config)#$0.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111 atm 2/0/0 internal

Note      In the previous example some of the commands extended beyond the single line of the screen and the command line shifted ten spaces to the left. The dollar sign ($) indicates the command line has shifted.

Using ESI Example

The following example configures CPU interface 2/0/0 of client A, in Figure 13-1, as the following:

Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm esi-address 0041.0b0a.1081.40
Switch(config-if)#ip address

Note      In the previous example one command extended beyond the single line of the screen and the command line shifted ten spaces to the left. The dollar sign ($) indicates the command line has shifted.

Configure as an ATM ARP Server

Cisco's implementation of the ATM ARP server supports a single, nonredundant server per logical IP subnetwork (LIS) and supports one ATM ARP server per subinterface. Thus, a single LightStream 1010 ATM switch can support multiple ARP servers by using multiple interfaces.

To configure the ATM ARP server, complete the following tasks starting in global configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm 2/0/0[.sub_inter #]

Step 3. Specify the NSAP ATM address of the interface.
Specify the end-system-identifier address of the interface.

atm nsap-address nsap-address

atm esi-address esi-address

Step 4. Configure the switch as an ARP server.

atm arp-server self

Step 5. Specify the IP address of the interface.

ip address address mask

Step 6. Configure the ATM ARP server optional idle timer.

atm arp-server time-out minutes2

Step 7. Exit interface configuration mode.


Step 8. Configure a static route through the switch to the CPU interface.
See the following note.

atm route {addr-prefix3} atm 2/0/0 internal

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

2When you use this form of the atm arp-server command, it indicates that this interface will perform the ATM ARP server functions. When you configure the ATM ARP client (as described earlier), the atm arp-server command is used—with a different keyword and argument—to identify a different ATM ARP server to the client.

3First 19-bytes of NSAP address.

You can designate the current LightStream 1010 ATM switch as the ATM ARP server in Step 5 by adding the keyword self.

Note      You only need to specify a static route in Step 7 when configuring an ARP client using NSAP address.

The idle timer interval is the number of minutes a destination entry listed in the ATM ARP server's ARP table can be idle before the server takes any action to time out the entry.


The following example configures CPU interface 2/0/0 of the ARP server, in Figure 13-1, as the following:

Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#atm esi-address 0041.0b0a.1081.40
Switch(config-if)#atm arp-server self
Switch(config-if)#ip address

show arp Command Example

To show the IP over ATM interface configuration, use the following command:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface ARP configuration.

show atm arp

Show the ATM map list configuration.

show atm map


In the following example the show atm arp command displays the configuration of the switch interface 2/0/0:

Switch#show atm arp
Note that a '*' next to an IP address indicates an active call
IP Address TTL ATM Address
* 19:21 4700918100567000000000112200410b0a108140

The following example displays the map-list configuration of the switch static map and IP over ATM interfaces:

Switch#show atm map
Map list ATM2/0/0_ATM_ARP : DYNAMIC
arp maps to NSAP 36.0091810000000003D5607900.0003D5607900.00
, connection up, VPI=0 VCI=73, ATM2/0/0
ip maps to NSAP 36.0091810000000003D5607900.0003D5607900.00
, broadcast, connection up, VPI=0 VCI=77, ATM2/0/0
Map list ip : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200

Configure Classical IP over ATM in a PVC Environment

This section describes classical IP over ATM in a PVC environment. The ATM Inverse ARP mechanism is applicable to networks that use PVCs, where connections are established but the network addresses of the remote ends are not known. A server function is not used in this mode of operation.

In a PVC environment, configure the ATM Inverse ARP mechanism by performing the following tasks, starting in global configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm 2/0/0

Step 3. Specify the IP address of the interface.

ip address address mask

Step 4. Create a PVC and enable Inverse ARP on it.

atm pvc vpi vci encap aal5snap [inarp minutes]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

Repeat Step 4 for each PVC you want to create.

The inarp minutes interval specifies how often Inverse ARP datagrams are sent on this virtual circuit. The default value is 15 minutes.

Note      The ATM ARP and Inverse ATM ARP mechanisms work with IP only. All other protocols require map-list command entries to operate.


The following example configures CPU interface 2/0/0 to use IP over ATM encapsulation as follows:

Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config)#ip address
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 0 100 encap aal5snap inarp 10 interface atm 0/0/0 50 100

show arp Command Example

To show the IP over ATM interface configuration use the following command:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface ARP configuration.

show atm map


The following example displays the map-list configuration of the switch static map and IP over ATM interfaces:

Switch#show atm map
Map list yyy : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
Map list zzz : PERMANENT
Map list a : PERMANENT
Map list 1 : PERMANENT
Map list ATM2/0/0_ATM_ARP : DYNAMIC
arp maps to NSAP 47.009181005670000000001122.00410B0A1081.40
, connection up, VPI=0 VCI=85, ATM2/0/0
ip maps to NSAP 47.009181005670000000001122.00410B0A1081.40
, broadcast, ATM2/0/0

Map a Protocol Address to a PVC

The ATM interface supports a static mapping scheme that identifies the ATM address of remote hosts or switches. This IP address is specified as a PVC or as an NSAP address for SVC operation. Configuration for both PVC and SVC map lists are described in the following sections:

PVC Based Map-List Configuration

This section describes how to map a PVC to an address, which is a required task if you are configuring a PVC.

You enter mapping commands as groups. You first create a map list and then associate it with an interface. Begin the following tasks in global configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Enable IP host based routing.

ip host-routing

Step 3. Specify an ATM interface and enter interface configuration mode.

interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #]

Step 4. Enter the IP address and subnet mask associated with this interface.

ip A.B.C.D mask

Step 5. Enter the map group name associated with this PVC.

map-group name

Step 6. Configure the PVC.

atm pvc vpi vci [encap aal5lane aal5mux aal5snap] [upc upc] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index] interface atm card/subcard/port[.sub_inter #] vpi vci [upc upc]

Step 7. Exit interface configuration mode.


Step 8. Configure an IP route to the router.

ip route A.B.C.D mask [A.B.C.D|atm|ethernet|null]

Step 9. Create a map list by naming it, and enter map-list configuration mode.

map-list name

Step 10. Associate a protocol and address to a specific virtual circuit.

ip A.B.C.D atm-nsap address | atm-vc vci { aal5mux encapsulation | broadcast pseudo-broadcast | class class_name }

Step 11. Exit map-list configuration mode.


1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

You can create multiple map lists, but only one map list can be associated with an interface. Different map lists can be associated with different interfaces.


Figure 13-2 describes configuring the following PVC map list:

Figure 13-2   PVC Map List Configuration Example

Following is an example of the commands used to configure the map list in Figure 13-2.

Switch(config)#ip host-routing
Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#ip address
Switch(config-if)#map-group yyy
Switch(config-if)#atm pvc 0 200 encap aal5snap interface atm 3/0/0 100 300
Switch(config)#ip route
Switch(config)#map-list yyy
Switch(config-map-list)#ip atm-vc 200

show atm map Example

To show the map list interface configuration use the following command:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface map list configuration.

show atm map


The following example displays the map list configuration of the LightStream 1010 switch at interface 2/0/0:

Switch#show atm map
Map list yyy : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200

SVC Based Map-List Configuration

This section describes how to map an SVC to an NSAP address, which is a required task if you are configuring an SVC.

You enter mapping commands as groups. You first create a map list and then associate it with an interface. Begin the following tasks in global configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Enable IP host based routing.

ip host-routing

Step 3. Specify an ATM interface and enter interface configuration mode.

interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #]

Step 4. Enter the IP address and subnet mask associated with this interface.

ip A.B.C.D mask

Step 5. Configure interface NSAP address.

atm nsap-address 20-octet NSAP address

Step 6. Enter the map group name associated with this PVC.

map-group name

Step 7. Exit interface configuration mode.


Step 8. Create a map list by naming it, and enter map-list configuration mode.

map-list name

Step 9. Associate a protocol and address to a specific virtual circuit.

ip A.B.C.D atm-nsap address | atm-vc vci {aal5mux encapsulation | broadcast pseudo-broadcast | class class_name }

Step 10. Exit map-list configuration mode.


1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

You can create multiple map lists, but only one map list can be associated with an interface. Different map lists can be associated with different interfaces.


Figure 13-3 describes configuring the following SVC map list:

Figure 13-3   SVC Map List Configuration Example

Following is an example of the commands used to configure the map list in Figure 13-3.

Switch(config)#ip host-routing
Switch(config)#interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#ip address
Switch(config-if)#map-group zzz
Switch(config-if)#atm nsap-address 47.0091.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00
Switch(config)#ip route
Switch(config)#map-list zzz
Switch(config-map-list)#ip atm-nsap ac.1533.2222.2222.2222.2222.2222.2222.2222.2222.00

show atm map Example

To show the map list interface configuration use the following command:

Task Command

Show the ATM interface map list configuration.

show atm map


The following example displays the map list configuration of the LightStream 1010 switch at interface 2/0/0:

Switch#show atm map
Map list yyy : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
Map list zzz : PERMANENT

Configuration of LAN Emulation

This section describes how to configure LAN emulation (LANE) on the LightStream 1010 ATM switch.

What is LAN Emulation (LANE) on ATM?

The ATM Forum defined the LAN Emulation (LANE) specification to allow legacy LAN users to take advantage of ATM's benefits without requiring modifications to end-station hardware or software.

ATM is connection-oriented networking, not a broadcast medium. ATM uses connection-oriented service with point-to-point signaling or multicast signaling between source and destination devices. However, LAN-based protocol suites use connectionless service. LANs use broadcasts so source devices can find one or more destination devices.

LANE emulates a broadcast environment like IEEE 802.3 Ethernet on top of an ATM network that is a point-to-point environment. Client devices such as routers, ATM workstations, and LAN switches use LANE server functions to emulate a LAN across ATM.

LANE defines a service interface for network layer protocols that is identical to existing MAC layers. No changes are required to existing upper layer protocols and applications. Data sent across the ATM network is encapsulated in the appropriate LAN MAC packets. LANE essentially bridges LAN traffic across ATM. The LANE protocol defines the operation of an emulated LAN.

The ATM LANE system has three servers that are single points of failure. These are the LANE configuration server, the LANE server, and the broadcast-and-unknown server.

Cisco has developed a fault tolerance mechanism known as simple server redundancy that eliminates these single points of failure. Although this scheme is proprietary, no new protocol additions have been made to the LANE subsystems.

LANE supports DECnet, Banyan VINES, and XNS.

LANE Servers and Components

A single emulated LAN consists of the following entities: A LANE configuration server, a broadcast-and-unknown server, a LANE server, and LANE clients.

Emulated LAN entities coexist on one or more Cisco routers. On Cisco routers, each LANE server and broadcast-and-unknown server is always a single entity. Other LANE components include ATM switches—any ATM switch that supports the ILMI and signaling. Multiple emulated LANs can coexist on a single ATM network.

Implementation Considerations

The following sections contain information relevant to implementation:

Network Support

In this release, Cisco supports the following networking features:


On a LAN, packets are addressed by the MAC-layer address of the destination and source stations. To provide similar functionality for LANE, MAC-layer addressing must be supported. Every LANE client must have a MAC address. In addition, every LANE component (server, client, broadcast-and-unknown server, and configuration server) must have an ATM address that is different from that of all the other components.

All LANE clients on the same interface have the same, automatically assigned MAC address. That MAC address is also used as the end-system identifier (ESI) part of the ATM address, as explained in the following section. Although client MAC addresses are not unique, all ATM addresses are unique.

LANE ATM Addresses

LANE uses NSAP-format ATM end system addresses. These addresses consist of the following:

See the section "ATM Address Configuration" in the chapter "Initially Configuring the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch."

Cisco's Method of Automatically Assigning ATM Addresses for LANE

Cisco provides the following standard method of constructing and assigning ATM and MAC addresses for use in a LANE configuration server's database. A pool of MAC addresses is assigned to each ATM interface on the router or switch. For constructing ATM addresses, the following assignments are made to the LANE components:

Because the LANE components are defined on different subinterfaces of an ATM interface, the value of the selector field in an ATM address is different for each component. The result is a unique ATM address for each LANE component, even within the same router. For more information about assigning components to subinterfaces, see the "Rules for Assigning Components to Interfaces and Subinterfaces" section later in this chapter.

For example, if the MAC addresses assigned to an interface are 0800.200C.1000 through 0800.200C.1007, the ESI part of the ATM addresses is assigned to LANE components as follows:

Using ATM Address Templates

ATM address templates can be used in many LANE commands that assign ATM addresses to LANE components (thus overriding automatically assigned ATM addresses) or that link client ATM addresses to emulated LANs. The use of templates can greatly simplify the use of these commands. The syntax of address templates, the use of address templates, and the use of wildcard characters within an address template for LANE are very similar to those for address templates of ISO CLNS.

Note      E.164-format ATM addresses do not support the use of LANE ATM address templates.

LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single character, and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters.

In LANE, a prefix template explicitly matches the prefix but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector fields. An ESI template explicitly matches the ESI field but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector. Table 13-1 indicates how the values of unspecified digits are determined when an ATM address template is used:

Table 13-1   Values of Unspecified Digits in ATM Address Templates

Unspecified Digits In Value Is

Prefix (first 13 bytes)

Obtained from ATM switch via Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI)

ESI (next 6 bytes)

Filled with the slot MAC address1 plus

  • 0—LANE client
  • 1—LANE server
  • 2—LANE broadcast-and-unknown server
  • 3—Configuration server

Selector field (last 1 byte)

Subinterface number, in the range 0 through 255.

1The lowest of the pool of MAC addresses assigned to the ATM interface plus a value that indicates the LANE component.

Rules for Assigning Components to Interfaces and Subinterfaces

The following rules apply to assigning LANE components to the major ATM interface and its subinterfaces:

The assignment of any other component to the major interface is identical to assigning that component to the 0 subinterface.

Note      On the LightStream 1010, LAN components may only be configured on the ASP interface or one of it's subinterfaces.

LANE Configuration Task List

Before you begin to configure LANE, you must decide whether you want to set up one or multiple emulated LANs. If you set up multiple emulated LANs, you must also decide where the servers and clients will be located, and whether to restrict the clients that can belong to each emulated LAN. Bridged emulated LANs are configured just like any other LAN, in terms of commands and outputs. Once you have made those basic decisions, you can proceed to configure LANE.

To configure LANE, complete the tasks in the following sections:

Note For fault tolerance, multiple servers can be assigned to the emulated LAN.

There can be multiple configuration servers in an ATM cloud.

There can be multiple servers on an emulated LAN and/or servers (LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown server) in an ATM cloud.

You can configure some emulated LANs with unrestricted membership and some emulated LANs with restricted membership. You can also configure a default emulated LAN, which must have unrestricted membership.

Once LANE is configured, you can monitor and maintain the components in the participating routers by completing the tasks in the following section:

See the "LANE Configuration Examples" section at the end of this chapter.

Create a LANE Plan and Worksheet

It might help you to begin by drawing up a plan and a worksheet for your own LANE scenario, showing the following information and leaving space for noting the ATM address of each of the LANE components on each subinterface of each participating router or switch:

The last three items in this list are very important; they determine how you set up each emulated LAN in the configuration server's database.

Display LANE Default Addresses

You can display the LANE default addresses to make configuration easier. Complete this task for each router or switch that participates in LANE. This command displays default addresses for all ATM interfaces present on the router. Write down the displayed addresses on your worksheet.

To display the default LANE addresses, complete the following step, beginning in global configuration mode:

Task Command

Display the LANE default addresses.

show lane default-atm-addresses


The following example displays the default LANE addresses:

Switch#show lane default-atm-addresses
interface ATM2/0/0:
LANE Client: 47.00918100000000400B0A2B81.0002F6900801.**
LANE Server: 47.00918100000000400B0A2B81.0002F6900802.**
LANE Bus: 47.00918100000000400B0A2B81.0002F6900803.**
LANE Config Server: 47.00918100000000400B0A2B81.0002F6900804.00
note: ** is the subinterface number byte in hex

Enter the Configuration Server's ATM Address(es) on the Cisco Switch

You must enter the configuration server's ATM address into the Cisco Lightstream 1010 ATM switch and save it permanently, so that the value is not lost when the switch is reset or powered off.

On the Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch, the configuration server address can be specified for the entire switch, or per port.

To enter the configuration server addresses on the Cisco LightStream 1010 for the entire switch:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Specify the LANE configuration server's ATM address for the entire switch.

atm lecs-address-default address

Step 3. Save the configuration value permanently.

copy running-config

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

To enter the configuration server addresses on the Cisco LightStream 1010 per port:

Task Command
Step 1. Make sure you are in interface configuration mode.

interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #]

Step 2. Specify the LANE configuration server's ATM address for a port.

atm lecs-address address

Step 3. Save the configuration value permanently.

copy running-config

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Set Up the Configuration Server's Database

After you have set up all servers, broadcast-and-unknown servers, and clients on all ATM subinterfaces on all routers and switches that will participate in LANE, and have displayed their ATM addresses, you can use the information to populate the configuration server's database.

You can set up a default emulated LAN, whether or not you set up any other emulated LANs. You can also set up some emulated LANs with restricted membership and others with unrestricted membership.

To set up the database, complete the tasks in the following sections as appropriate for your emulated LAN plan and scenario:

To set up fault-tolerant operation, see "Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation," later in this chapter.

Set Up the Database for the Default Emulated LAN Only

When you configure a router as the configuration server for one default emulated LAN, you provide a name for the database, the ATM address of the server for the emulated LAN, and a default name for the emulated LAN. In addition, you indicate that the configuration server's ATM address is to be computed automatically.

When you set up a database of only a default unrestricted emulated LAN, you do not have to specify where the LANE clients are located. That is, when you set up the configuration server's database for a single default emulated LAN, you do not have to provide any database entries that link the ATM addresses of any clients with the emulated LAN name.

To set up the configuration server for the default emulated LAN, complete the following steps beginning in global configuration mode:

Task Commands
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Create a named database for the LANE configuration server

lane database database-name

Step 3. In the configuration database, bind the name of the emulated LAN to the ATM address of the LANE server. Repeat this step for each server.

name elan-name server-atm-address atm-address index n 

Step 4. In the configuration database, provide a default name for the emulated LAN.

default-name elan-name

Step 5. Exit from database configuration mode and return to global configuration mode.


1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

In Step 2, enter the ATM address of the server for the specified emulated LAN, as noted in your worksheet and obtained in the "Display LANE Default Addresses" section. You can have any number of servers per emulated LAN for fault tolerance. Priority is determined by entry order. The first entry has the highest priority unless you override it with the index option.

If you are setting up only a default emulated LAN, the elan-name value in Step 2 is the same as the default emulated LAN name you provide in Step 3.

To set up fault-tolerant operation, see "Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation," later in this chapter.

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Set Up the Database for Unrestricted-Membership Emulated LANs

When you set up a database for unrestricted emulated LANs, you create database entries that link the name of each emulated LAN to the ATM address of its server.

However, you may choose not to specify where the LANE clients are located. That is, when you set up the configuration server's database, you do not have provide any database entries that link the ATM addresses or MAC addresses of any clients with the emulated LAN name.

To configure a router or switch as the configuration server for multiple emulated LANs with unrestricted membership, complete the following steps beginning in global configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Create a named database for the LANE configuration server.

lane database database-name

Step 3. In the configuration database, bind the name of the first emulated LAN to the ATM address of the LANE server for that emulated LAN.

Repeat this step with the same emulated LAN name but different server ATM addresses to define secondary or backup servers for this emulated LAN.

name elan-name1 server-atm-address atm-address index n 

Step 4. In the configuration database, bind the name of the second emulated LAN to the ATM address of the LANE server.

Repeat this step, providing a different emulated LAN name and an ATM address, for each additional emulated LAN in this switch cloud.

name elan-name2 server-atm-address atm-address index n 

Step 5. (Optional) Specify a default emulated LAN for LANE clients not explicitly bound to an emulated LAN.

default name elan-name1

Step 6. Exit from database configuration mode and return to global configuration mode.


1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

In Steps 2 and 3, enter the ATM address of the server for the specified emulated LAN, as noted in your worksheet and obtained in the "Display LANE Default Addresses" section.

To set up fault-tolerant operation, see "Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation," later in this chapter.

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Set Up the Database for Restricted-Membership LANs

When you set up the database for restricted-membership emulated LANs, you create database entries that link the name of each emulated LAN to the ATM address of its server.

However, you also must specify where the LANE clients are located. That is, for each restricted-membership emulated LAN, you provide a database entry that explicitly links the ATM address or MAC address of each client of that emulated LAN with the name of that emulated LAN.

Those client database entries specify the clients that are allowed to join the emulated LAN. When a client requests that the configuration server indicate which emulated LAN it is to join, the configuration server consults its database and then responds as configured.

When clients for the same restricted-membership emulated LAN are located in multiple routers, each client's ATM address or MAC address must be linked explicitly with the name of the emulated LAN. As a result, you must configure as many client entries (at Step 5, in the following procedure) as you have clients for emulated LANs in all the routers. Each client will have a different ATM address in the database entries.

To set up the configuration server for emulated LANs with restricted membership, perform the following steps beginning in global configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Create a named database for the LANE configuration server.

lane database database-name

Step 3. In the configuration database, bind the name of the first emulated LAN to the ATM address of the LANE server for that emulated LAN.

name elan-name1 server-atm-address atm-address index n 

Step 4. In the configuration database, bind the name of the second emulated LAN to the ATM address of the LANE server.

Repeat this step, providing a different name and a different ATM address, for each additional emulated LAN.

name elan-name2 server-atm-address atm-address index n 

Step 5. (Optional) Specify a default emulated LAN for LANE clients not explicitly bound to an emulated LAN.

default name elan-name1

Step 6. Add a database entry associating a specific client's ATM address with a specific restricted-membership emulated LAN.

Repeat this step for each of the clients of each of the restricted-membership emulated LANs on this switch cloud, in each case specifying that client's ATM address and the name of the emulated LAN with which it is linked.

client-atm-address atm-address-template name elan-name

Step 7. Exit from database configuration mode and return to global configuration mode.


1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

To set up fault-tolerant operation, see "Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation," later in this chapter.

Enable the Configuration Server

Once you have created the database entries as appropriate to the type and the membership conditions of the emulated LANs, you can enable the configuration server on the selected ATM interface and router or switch by completing the following steps:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. If you are not currently configuring the interface, specify the major ATM interface where the configuration server is located.

interface atm 2/0/0[.sub_inter #]

Step 3. Link the configuration server's database name to the specified major interface, and enable the configuration server.

lane config database database-name

Step 4. Specify that the configuration server's ATM address will be computed by our automatic method.

lane config auto-config-atm-address

Step 5. Exit interface configuration mode.


Step 6. Return to EXEC mode.


1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Set Up LANE Servers and Clients

For each router that will participate in LANE, set up the necessary servers and clients for each emulated LAN; then display and record the server and client ATM addresses. Be sure to keep track of the router or switch interface where the LANE configuration server will eventually be located.

For only one default emulated LAN, you will have one set of servers to set up: one as a primary server and the rest as backup servers for the same emulated LAN. For multiple emulated LANs, you can set up servers for another emulated LAN on a different subinterface or on the same interface of this router or switch—or you can place the servers on a different router.

When you set up a server and broadcast-and-unknown server on a router, you can combine them with a client on the same subinterface, a client on a different subinterface, or no client at all on the router.

Where you put the clients is important, because any router with clients for multiple emulated LANs can route frames between those emulated LANs.

Set Up the Server, Broadcast-and-Unknown Server, and a Client on a Subinterface

To set up the server, broadcast-and-unknown server, and (optionally) clients for an emulated LAN, perform the following steps beginning in interface configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Specify the subinterface for the first emulated LAN on this router.

interface atm 2/0/0[.sub_inter #]

Step 3. Enable a LANE server and a LANE broadcast-and-unknown server for the first emulated LAN.

lane server-bus ethernet elan-name1

Step 4. (Optional) Enable a LANE client for the first emulated LAN.

lane client ethernet [elan-name1]

Step 5. Provide a protocol address for the client.

protocol address mask2

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

2The command or commands depend on the routing protocol used.

If the emulated LAN in Step 3 is intended to have restricted membership, consider carefully whether you want to specify its name here. You will specify the name in the LANE configuration server's database when it is set up. However, if you link the client to an emulated LAN in this step, and through some mistake it does not match the database entry linking the client to an emulated LAN, this client will not be allowed to join this emulated LAN or any other.

If you do decide to include the name of the emulated LAN linked to the client in Step 3 and later want to associate that client with a different emulated LAN, make the change in the configuration server's database before you make the change for the client on this subinterface.

Each emulated LAN is a separate subnetwork. In Step 4 make sure that the clients of the same emulated LAN are assigned protocol addresses on the same subnetwork and that clients of different emulated LANs are assigned protocol addresses on different subnetworks.

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Set Up Only a Client on a Subinterface

On any given router or switch, you can set up one client for one emulated LAN or multiple clients for multiple emulated LANs. You can set up a client for a given emulated LAN on any routers you choose to participate in that emulated LAN. Any router with clients for multiple emulated LANs can route packets between those emulated LANs.

To set up only a client for an emulated LANs, perform the following steps beginning in interface configuration mode:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Specify the subinterface for an emulated LAN on this router.

interface atm 2/0/0[.sub_inter #]

Step 3. Provide a protocol address for the client on this subinterface.

protocol address2

Step 4. Enable a LANE client for the first emulated LAN.

lane client ethernet elan-name1

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.

2The command or commands depend on the routing protocol used.

Each emulated LAN is a separate subnetwork. In Step 2, make sure that the clients of the same emulated LAN are assigned protocol addresses on the same subnetwork and that clients of different emulated LANs are assigned protocol addresses on different subnetworks.

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Configure LAN Emulation Client Example

This section describes configuring a LAN Emulation (LANE) client connection from the LightStream 1010 switch in the headquarters building to the CPU port 2/0/0 of the switch.

Note      This connection may be used for switch management only.

Interface 2/0/0 configured as a LANE client will allow configuration of the switch from a remote host.

To configure interface 2/0/0 as a LANE client on the LightStream 1010 switch requires configuring the LANE client as described in the following section.

Using the atm lane client ethernet Command Description

To configure the interface 2/0/0 as a LANE client on LightStream 1010 switch, use the following EXEC commands using the no form of these commands to disable:

Task Command
Step 1. At the privileged EXEC prompt, enter configuration mode from the terminal.


Step 2. Specify the address to the LECS.

atm lecs-address lecs-address

Step 3. Select the interface to be configured.

interface atm 2/0/0[.sub_inter #]

Step 4. Specify an ATM address, and override the automatic ATM address assignment for the LANE client.

lane client-atm-address atm-address-template

Step 5. Configure a LANE client on the specified subinterface.

lane client ethernet [elan-name]

1This command is documented in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference publication.


The following example configures the LAN emulation configuration server ATM address = 47.0091.0000..., switches to interface configuration mode to configure ATM CPU interface 2/0/0, ATM address = .0800.200C.1001.**, Ethernet LANE client at interface 2/0/0 as an Ethernet connection, with the name = mis,:

Switch(config)# atm lecs-address 47.0091.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.00
Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane client-atm-address...0800.200C.1001.**
Switch(config-if)# lane client ethernet mis

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

show lane client Example

To show the LANE client configuration use the following command:

Task Command

Show the LAN emulation client configuration.

show lane client


The following example displays the LAN emulation client of the LightStream 1010 switch:

Switch#show lane client
LE Client ATM2/0/0 ELAN name: alpha Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 2
HW Address: 0061.3e5b.bb02 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 47.00918100000000613E5BBB01.000011112222.00
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.333300000000000000000000.000111222333.00
104 1 11 direct 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.00
105 15 0 distribute 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.00
106 0 10 send 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.00
107 19 0 forward 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.00
108 5 6 data 47.00918100000000613E5BBB01.00000C523BC8.00

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation

The LANE simple server redundancy feature creates fault tolerance using standard LANE protocols and mechanisms. If a failure occurs on the LANE configuration server or on the LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown server, the emulated LAN can continue to operate using the services of a backup LANE server. This protocol is called the Simple Server Redundancy Protocol (SSRP).

This section describes how to configure simple server redundancy for fault tolerance on an emulated LAN.

Understand Simple Server Redundancy

You can define redundant LANE configuration servers by configuring one or more server addresses—obtained through the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI)—on the ATM switch. The LANE configuration server turns on server redundancy by adjusting its database to accommodate multiple server ATM addresses for a particular emulated LAN. The additional servers serve as backup servers for that emulated LAN.

For simple LANE service replication or fault tolerance to work, the ATM switch must support multiple LANE server addresses. This mechanism is specified in the LANE standard. The LANE servers establish and maintain a standard control circuit that enables the server redundancy to operate.

LANE simple server redundancy comes ready to operate with Cisco IOS Release 11.2 software. To activate the feature, you add an entry for the hierarchical list of servers that will support the given emulated LAN. All database modifications for the emulated LAN must be identical on all LANE configuration servers.

Older LANE configuration files continue to work with this new software. LANE configurations that network with non-Cisco ATM equipment continue to work, but the non-Cisco ATM equipment cannot participate in the LANE simple server redundancy.

The LANE protocol does not specify where any of the emulated LAN server entities should be located, but for the purpose of reliability and performance, Cisco implements these server components on its routers.

With the earlier implementation of LANE, only one LANE configuration server, capable of serving multiple emulated LANS, and only one LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown server per emulated LAN could exist for an ATM switch cloud. The earlier LANE protocol did not allow for multiple LANE servers within an emulated LAN. Therefore, these components represented both single points of failure and potential bottlenecks for LANE service.

LANE simple server redundancy corrects these limitations by allowing backup LANE configuration servers and LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown servers for an emulated LAN. Offered in Cisco IOS Release 11.2 or later, LANE simple server redundancy is enabled when you configure multiple servers for the same emulated LAN.

Note      This server redundancy does not overcome other points of failure beyond the router ports: Additional redundancy on the LAN side or in the ATM switch cloud are not a part of the LANE simple server redundancy feature.

This redundancy feature works only with Cisco LANE configuration servers and LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown server combinations. Third-party LANE components continue to interoperate with the LANE configuration server and LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown server function of Cisco routers but cannot take advantage of the redundancy features.

Enable Redundant LANE Configuration Servers

To enable redundant LANE configuration servers, enter the multiple LANE configuration server addresses into the end ATM switches, which are used as central locations where the list of LANE configuration server addresses can be obtained. This allows LANE components connected to the switches to obtain the global list of LANE configuration server addresses.

To enable fault tolerance, you enable multiple, redundant, and standby LANE configuration servers and multiple, redundant, and standby LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown servers.Cisco LANE continues to operate seamlessly with other vendors' LANE components, but fault tolerance is not effective in this situation.

To configure multiple LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown servers for emulated LANs on the routers or switches, perform the following steps:

Task Command
Step 1. Specify redundant LANE server/broadcast-and-unknown servers, or simple server replication. Enter the command for each LANE server address for the same emulated LAN. The index determines the priority. 0 is the highest priority.

name elan-name server-atm-address address index n

Step 2. Enable a LANE client for the first emulated LAN.

lane client ethernet elan-name1

Server redundancy guards against the failure of the hardware on which LANE server components are running. This includes all the ATM interface cards in Cisco routers and Catalyst switches. Fault tolerance is not effective for ATM network or switch failures.

For server redundancy to work correctly:

For examples of these commands, see the section "LANE Configuration Examples" at the end of this chapter.

Implementation Considerations

Caution When an override like this is performed, fault-tolerant operation cannot be guaranteed. To avoid affecting the fault-tolerant operation, do not override any LANE configuration server, LANE server or broadcast-and-unknown server addresses.

Monitor and Maintain the LANE Components

After configuring LANE components on an interface or any of its subinterfaces, on a specified subinterface, or on an emulated LAN, you can display their status. To show LANE information, perform the following tasks in EXEC mode:

Task Command

Display the global and per-virtual channel connection LANE information for all the LANE components and emulated LANs configured on an interface or any of its subinterfaces.

show lane card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #] | name elan-name] [brief]

Display the global and per-VCC LANE information for the broadcast-and-unknown server configured on any subinterface or emulated LAN.

show lane bus [interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #] | name elan-name] [brief]

Display the global and per-VCC LANE information for all LANE clients configured on any subinterface or emulated LAN.

show lane client [interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #] | name elan-name] [brief]

Display the global and per-VCC LANE information for the configuration server configured on any interface.

show lane config [interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #]]

Display the LANE configuration server's database.

show lane database [database-name]

Display the LANE ARP table of the LANE client configured on the specified subinterface or emulated LAN.

show lane le-arp [interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter # | name elan-name]

Display the global and per-VCC LANE information for the LANE server configured on a specified subinterface or emulated LAN.

show lane server [interface atm card/sub_card/port [.sub_inter #] | name elan-name] [brief]

LANE Configuration Examples

The examples in the following sections illustrate how to configure LANE for the following cases:

All examples use the automatic ATM address assignment method described in the "Cisco's Method of Automatically Assigning ATM Addresses for LANE" section earlier in this chapter.

These examples show the LANE configurations, not the process of determining the ATM addresses and entering them.

Default Configuration for a Single Emulated LAN Example

The following example configures two Cisco 4500 routers and one Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch for one emulated LAN. Router 1 contains the configuration server, the server, the broadcast-and-unknown server, and a client. The remaining router and ATM switch each contain a client for the emulated LAN. This example accepts all default settings that are provided. For example, it does not explicitly set ATM addresses for the different LANE components that are colocated on the router. Membership in this LAN is not restricted.

Router 1
router1#show lane default-atm-addresses
interface ATM0:
LANE Client: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407572.**
LANE Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.**
LANE Bus: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407574.**
LANE Config Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
note: ** is the subinterface number byte in hex
ATM Switch
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#atm lecs-address-default 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
Router 1
router1#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router1(config)#lane database example1
router1(lane-config-database)#name eng server-atm-address 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.01
router1(lane-config-database)#default-name eng
router1(config)#interface atm0
router1(config-if)#atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
router1(config-if)#atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
router1(config-if)#lane config auto-config-atm-address
router1(config-if)#lane config database example1
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0 database example1: LE Config Server (LECS) changed state to up
router1(config-if)#interface atm0.1
router1(config-subif)#ip address
router1(config-subif)#lane server-bus ethernet eng
router1(config-subif)#lane client ethernet
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0.1 elan eng: LE Client changed state to up
Router 2
router2#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router2(config)#interface atm0
router2(config-if)#atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
router2(config-if)#atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
router2(config-if)#interface atm0.2
router2(config-subif)#ip address
router2(config-subif)#lane client ethernet
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0.2 elan : LE Client changed state to up
ATM Switch
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#atm lecs-address-default 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#interface atm2/0/0.1
Switch(config-subif)#ip address
Switch(config-subif)#lane client ethernet
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM2/0/0.1 elan : LE Client changed state to up

Display LAN Emulation Client Configuration on the LightStream 1010

The following example use the ping command to confirm the connection between the ATM switch and Router 1:

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/202/1000 ms
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/202/1000 ms
Switch#show lane client
LE Client ATM2/0/0.1 ELAN name: eng Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 3 LEC up for 4 minutes 58 seconds
Join Attempt: 1
HW Address: 0060.3e7b.2002 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2002.01
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
52 1 4 direct 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.01
53 9 0 distribute 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.01
54 0 13 send 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407574.01
55 19 0 forward 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407574.01
56 11 10 data 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407572.01
57 6 5 data 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407C02.02

Default Configuration for a Single Emulated LAN with a Backup LANE Configuration Server and LANE Server on the ATM switch

The following example configures two Cisco 4500 routers and one Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch for one emulated LAN with fault tolerance.

Router 1 contains the configuration server, the server, the broadcast-and-unknown server, and a client. Router 2 contains only a client. The ATM switch contains the backup LANE configuration server and the backup LANE server for this emulated LAN and another client.

This example accepts all default settings that are provided. For example, it does not explicitly set ATM addresses for the different LANE components that are colocated on the router. Membership in this LAN is not restricted.

Router 1
router1#show lane default-atm-addresses
interface ATM0:
LANE Client: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407572.**
LANE Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.**
LANE Bus: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407574.**
LANE Config Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
note: ** is the subinterface number byte in hex
ATM Switch
Switch#show lane default-atm-address
interface ATM2/0/0:
LANE Client: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2002.**
LANE Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2003.**
LANE Bus: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2004.**
LANE Config Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2005.00
note: ** is the subinterface number byte in hex
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#atm lecs-address-default 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575
Switch(config)#atm lecs-address-default 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2005.00
Router 1
router1#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router1(config)#lane database example1
router1(lane-config-database)#name eng server-atm-address 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.01
router1(lane-config-database)#name eng server-atm-address 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2003.01
router1(lane-config-database)#default-name eng
router1(config)#interface atm0
router1(config-if)#atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
router1(config-if)#atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
router1(config-if)#lane config auto-config-atm-address
router1(config-if)#lane config database example1
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0 database example1: LE Config Server (LECS) changed state to up
router1(config-if)#interface atm0.1
router1(config-subif)#ip address
router1(config-subif)#lane server-bus ethernet eng
router1(config-subif)#lane client ethernet
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0.1 elan eng: LE Client changed state to up
ATM Switch
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#lane database example1_backup
Switch(lane-config-database)#name eng server-atm-address 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.01
Switch(lane-config-database)#name eng server-atm-address 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2003.01
Switch(lane-config-database)#default-name eng
Switch(config)#interface atm2/0/0
Switch(config-if)#lane config auto-config-atm-address
Switch(config-if)#lane config database example1_backup
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM2/0/0 database example1_backup: LE Config Server (LECS) changed state to up
%LANE-6-LECS_INFO: ATM2/0/0: started listening on the well known LECS address
%LANE-6-LECS_INFO: LECS on interface ATM2/0/0 became a BACKUP
%LANE-6-LECS_INFO: ATM2/0/0: stopped listening on the well known LECS address
Switch(config-if)#interface atm2/0/0.1
Switch(config-subif)#ip address
Switch(config-subif)#lane server-bus ethernet eng
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM2/0/0.1 elan eng: LE Server/BUS changed state to up
Switch(config-subif)#lane client ethernet
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM2/0/0.1 elan eng: LE Client changed state to up
Router 2
router2#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router2(config)#interface atm0
router2(config-if)#atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
router2(config-if)#atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
router2(config-if)#interface atm0.2
router2(config-subif)#ip address
router2(config-subif)#lane client ethernet
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0.2 elan : LE Client changed state to up

Display LAN Emulation Configuration on LightStream 1010

The following example use the ping command to confirm the connection between the ATM switch and Router 1:

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms
Switch#show lane config
LE Config Server ATM2/0/0 config table: example1_backup
Admin: up State: operational
LECS Mastership State: backup
list of global LECS addresses (45 seconds to update):
47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00 incoming call (vcd 88)
47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2005.00 <-------- me
ATM Address of this LECS: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2005.00 (auto)
vcd rxCnt txCnt callingParty
88 0 0 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00 LECS
cumulative total number of unrecognized packets received so far: 0
cumulative total number of config requests received so far: 0
cumulative total number of config failures so far: 0

The following example uses the show lane server command to display the global and per-VCC LANE information for the LANE server:

Switch#show lane server
LE Server ATM2/0/0.1 ELAN name: eng Admin: up State: operational
type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM address: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2003.01
LECS used: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00 connected, vcd 95
Switch#show lane client
LE Client ATM2/0/0.1 ELAN name: eng Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 3 LEC up for 1 hour 4 minutes 1 second
Join Attempt: 1
HW Address: 0060.3e7b.2002 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00603E7B2002.01
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
97 1 18 direct 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.01
98 53 0 distribute 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.01
99 0 83 send 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407574.01
100 142 0 forward 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407574.01
106 12 11 data 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407572.01
107 5 0 data 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407C02.02

Posted: Thu Jan 23 21:03:22 PST 2003
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