
Table of Contents

About This Book

About This Book

Audience · Organization · Related Documentation · Notation

This document provides an overview of the LightStream enterprise ATM switch. It introduces the LightStream switch and the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology on which the LightStream product is based. It also describes the traffic flow through a LightStream network. In addition, it describes key features, such as traffic and network management.


The LightStream 2020 System Overview is for anyone who installs, configures, operates, or maintains a LightStream network or anyone who wants a high-level overview of the LightStream switch.

Users of the LightStream document set are expected to have a general understanding of basic data communications concepts, some knowledge of UNIX, and a familiarity with the interfaces used by the devices connecting to their LightStream network.

If you are planning to use the bridging features of the LightStream product, working knowledge of bridging standards and conventions is recommended. It is also recommended that you have a working knowledge of TCP/IP networks.


The following table shows the organization of this book.

Related Documentation

The following is a list of Cisco Lightstream manuals and other material relevant to LS2020 users.

  This overview introduces the LightStream switch and the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology on which the LightStream product is based. It describes the traffic flow through a LightStream network. In addition, it describes key features, such as traffic and network management.
  This guide tells you how to prepare your site to receive LightStream hardware. It includes space, environmental and electrical requirements, rack selection guidelines, requirements for the management workstation, and information on cables and connectors.
  This guide tells you how to install and set up LightStream switches and how to install LightStream management software on your network management workstation as well as providing a detailed description of LightStream hardware and tells you how to diagnose hardware problems and how to replace faulty hardware components.
  This guide provides the information you need to configure LightStream switches. It provides a functional overview of the configuration programs. It describes the configuration database and gives detailed information on all configurable attributes and their settings. The guide also provides step-by-step configuration procedures.
  This guide is a task-oriented book that tells you how to operate a network of LightStream switches. The guide presents an overview of network operations tasks, describes the command line interface (CLI), and presents procedures for performing monitor and control tasks such as displaying the status of nodes, cards and ports, viewing statistics, and creating collections of traffic data.
  This administrative guide describes LightStream system management functions, the presents step-by-step procedures.
  This manual presents an overview of LightStream traps and how they are generated by the LightStream switch. It provides the procedures for managing trap reporting, such as setting trap levels, enabling/disabling individual traps, and determining where the traps are displayed. It also describes all SNMP and operational traps: the descriptions include trap name, text, cause and user response.
   This manual provides detailed descriptions of the syntax and functions of all CLI commands. It also describes the LightStream private MIB.
   The reference card compactly summarizes the syntax and arguments of CLI commands.
   The release notes provide a software upgrade procedure and describe new features and special considerations, including known software bugs.

Note The release notes contain important information that was not available when the other documents were printed.
   The LightStream command line interface (CLI) and configuration program both support online help facilities.

The graphic on the following page identifies tasks associated with a LightStream network and gives a reading path for each task. Use this graphic to determine which manuals you should read and the order in which you should read them.

Reading Path

Before attempting to install, configure, operate, or troubleshoot LightStream switches, read Chapters 1 and 3 in the latest version of the LightStream 2020 Release Notes for important, release-specific information that does not appear in any other document. After reading the Release Notes, refer to the following reading paths to determine which manuals to read next.

Table 1:
If you want to Read the Following

Install LightStream switches

LightStream 2020 Release Notes1

LightStream 2020 Site Planning and Cabling Guide

LightStream 2020 Installation and Troubleshooting Manual

Configure LightStream switches

LightStream 2020 Release Notes1

LightStream 2020 Configuration Guide1

LightStream 2020 Online Help Screens1

Set up or expand a LightStream network

LightStream 2020 Release Notes1

LightStream 2020 Administration Guide1

LightStream 2020 Online Help Screens1

Operate a LightStream network

LightStream 2020 Release Notes1

LightStream 2020 Operations Guide

LightStream 2020 Administration Guide

LightStream 2020 Command and Attribute Reference Guide

LightStream 2020 Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Card

LightStream 2020 Traps Reference Manual

LightStream 2020 Online Help Screens

Manage or troubleshoot a LightStream network

LightStream 2020 Release Notes 1

LightStream 2020 Operations Guide

LightStream 2020 Administration Guide

LightStream 2020 Command and Attribute Reference Guide

LightStream 2020 Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Card

LightStream 2020 Traps Reference Manual

LightStream 2020 Online Help Screens

Troubleshoot LightStream hardware

LightStream 2020 Release Notes1

LightStream 2020 Installation and Troubleshooting Manual

LightStream 2020 Site Planning and Cabling Guide

1We recommend that you review the release notes before attempting to install, configure, operate, or troubleshoot a LightStream Switch. The release notes contain important information that does not appear in other documentation.
LightStream Reading Path


In this document, several conventions distinguish different types of graphics and text.

Graphics Conventions

Figure 1: Icons

Text Conventions

Convention Purpose Example

Bold screen

literal type

Boldface type

Italic type

Angle brackets <>

Square brackets
[ ]

Caret symbol

Curly braces
{ }

Represents user input.

Represents system output

Denotes names of commands, command arguments, and switches. Command names are case sensitive; enter them exactly as they appear in the text.

Used for titles of documents and for emphasis.

Indicate user-specified parameters or classes of user responses. When you see this notation in a syntax statement, make the substitution but do not type the angle brackets.

Indicate keys on the keyboard, or optional arguments or parameters for commands. You can omit optional arguments and parameters in any command.

When the caret symbol precedes a character, it refers to the control key.

Indicate a choice of arguments or parameters for commands. Arguments or parameters are separated by a vertical line {|}, and you must select one.

$ date

Wed May 6 17:01:03 EDT 1994

Issue the clear command.

LightStream 2020 Configuration Guide
File names are case sensitive.

If you see:
set port <c.p> <state>

you might type:
set port 4.3 active

Press [Return].

cli> help [<topic>]

^X is the same as [Control] X

cli> set cli traplevel {off|info|oper|trace|debug}

Posted: Wed Oct 2 06:06:35 PDT 2002
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