Catalyst 8540 Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY3
Text Part Number: OL-1199-03 Rev. C0, C0
This document describes the features and caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY3 for the Catalyst 8540 multiservice ATM switch router (MSR), the Catalyst 8540 campus switch router (CSR). For relevant features, we've provided some information on Cisco IOS Releases 12.0.
Note All information pertains to both the Catalyst 8540 MSR and Catalyst 8540 CSR platforms, unless differences between the platforms are noted in the text. |
This document includes the following sections:
The Catalyst 8540 is a 13-slot, modular chassis with optional dual, fault-tolerant, load-sharing AC or DC power supplies.
The Catalyst 8540 MSR switch router provides a 20-Gbps full-duplex nonblocking switch fabric with switched ATM connections to individual workstations, servers, LAN segments, or other ATM switches and routers using fiber-optic, unshielded twisted-pair (UTP), and coaxial cable.
The Catalyst 8540 CSR switch router belongs to a class of high-performance Layer 3 switch routers and is optimized for the campus LAN or the intranet. The Catalyst 8540 CSR switch router provides both wirespeed Ethernet routing and switching services.
This section describes the system requirements for Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY3 and includes the following sections:
Table 1 lists the default Flash and DRAM memory for the Catalyst 8540, as well as memory upgrade options.
Table 1 Catalyst 8540 Default Memory and Upgrade Options
Memory Type | Catalyst 8540 Defaults | Upgrade Options |
To check that your system has a 16-MB boot Flash SIMM, enter the show hardware EXEC command. The part numbers for Catalyst 8540 switch router route processors with a default 16-MB boot Flash SIMM follow:
If you have an 8-MB boot Flash SIMM, and have no additional memory installed, we recommend that you order a spare Flash PC card programmed with the latest version of the system image.
Note We recommend that you use a San Disk 48-MB PC Card to download and store a copy of the switch router software image. This allows you to store two or more images at the same time. |
A Flash PC Card must be ordered as a spare part. See Table 1 for part numbers. For information on upgrading a Flash PC Card, see the "Upgrading a PC Card" section. For more detailed information on Flash PC Cards, refer to the "Configuring the Route Processor " chapter of the Layer 3 Switching Software Feature and Configuration Guide.
Alternatively, you can use one of the following options to accommodate the larger image:
Note If you have a Smart Modular, Sharp, or Intel 2+ Flash PC card that was formatted using a Cisco IOS software release prior to 12.0(4a)W5(11a), reformat it with Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY3 prior to downloading the image (you might need to boot the image from a TFTP server to format the PC Flash card). Do not erase the system image on the boot Flash SIMM. If the procedure fails, you will need it to recover. (See caveat CSCdm47012 later in these release notes for more information.) |
Note The boot ROM on the Catalyst 8540 MSR can be field-upgraded via the reprogram command. For more information about upgrading the boot ROM, refer to the ATM and Layer 3 Switch Router Command Reference. |
For more information about downloading system images and changing the default boot image, refer to the "File Management" chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide in the Cisco IOS software documentation set.
This section describes how to upgrade to a SanDisk 48-MB PC card. PC upgrade cards are available in 48-MB.
Note You need Cisco IOS Release version 12.1(5)EY or higher and rommon version 12.0(14)W5(20) or higher to upgrade to the SanDisk PC card. If you do not meet these minimum version requirements, the SanDisk PC card will not work. |
To upgrade the PC card, follow these steps:
Step 2 Once the switch is up and running, use the copy command to copy the rommon image to the boot Flash SIMM.
Step 3 Reprogram the rommon image using the reprogram command.
The following example shows the rommon being reprogrammed:
Step 4 Load the switch with the latest Cisco IOS release image again.
Step 5 Enter the format command to format the PC card. It is now ready for use.
The following example shows the format command being entered on slot 0:
Table 2 lists the hardware modules supported on the Catalyst 8540 MSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY3.
Note Although minimum software versions are listed, we strongly recommend that you use the latest available software release for all Catalyst 8540 hardware. |
Table 2 Catalyst 8540 MSR Supported Hardware Modules and
Minimum Software Requirements
1The T1/E1 IMA port adapters also require carrier module FPGA image version 1.8 or later, and IMA port adapter functional image version 3.2 or later.
1Hardware Supported for Catalyst 8540 CSR1Table 3 lists the hardware modules supported on the Catalyst 8540 CSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY3.
Table 3 Catalyst 8540 CSR Supported Hardware Modules and
Minimum Software Requirements
Note We strongly recommend that you use the latest available software release for all Catalyst 8540 hardware. |
To determine the version of Cisco IOS software currently running on a Catalyst 8540, log in to the switch router and enter the show version EXEC command. The following sample output is from the show version command. The version number is indicated on the second line as shown below:
Most of the interface modules supported on the Catalyst 8540 have upgradeable FPGA and functional images. The FPGA and functional images include caveat fixes, but in most cases, it is not necessary to upgrade. The release notes that describe the caveats from the FPGA and functional images are available on the World Wide Web at the following URL:
For more information describing the firmware update process, refer to the section "Maintaining Functional Images (Catalyst 8540 MSR)" in the chapter "Managing Configuration Files, System Images, and Functional Images" in the ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide .
The Cisco IOS software is packaged in feature sets (also called software images) depending on the platform. Each feature set contains a specific set of Cisco IOS features. Table 4 lists the software features available for the Catalyst 8540 MSR.
Table 4 Feature Sets Supported by the Catalyst 8540 MSR
1LES = LAN Emulation Server
2BUS = broadcast and unknown server 3LECS = LAN Emulation Configuration Server 4MCR = minimum cell rate 5ABR = available bit rate 6MIB = Management Information Base 7UBR = unspecified bit rate 7Feature Set Table for Catalyst 8540 CSR7The Cisco IOS software is packaged in feature sets (also called software images) depending on the platform. Each feature set contains a specific set of Cisco IOS features. Table 5 lists the software features available for the Catalyst 8540 CSR. |
Table 5 Feature Sets Supported by the Catalyst 8540 CSR
1integrated routing and bridging
2CPU redundancy for the Catalyst 8540 CSR 3Inter-Switch Link 4Constrained Multicast Flooding 5Border Gateway Protocol 6Routing Information Protocol 7Interior Gateway Routing Protocol 8Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol 9Open Shortest Path First 10Internet Packet Exchange 11Protocol Independent Multicast 12AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol 13Classless Interdomain Routing 14Bootstrap Protocol 15Cisco Group Management Protocol 16Cisco Discovery Protocol 17Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 18Hot Standby Routing Protocol 19Bridge-Group Virtual Interface 20Internet Control Message Protocol 21Network Time Protocol 22Internet Group Management Protocol 23Internet Packet Exchange Service Advertisement Protocol 24Simple Network Management Protocol 25User Datagram Protocol 26Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System |
Table 6 lists the release names, versions, and part numbers used with the Catalyst 8540 MSR and Catalyst 8540 CSR switch routers.
Table 6 Release Name to Version and Part Number Matrix for Catalyst 8540 Switch Routers
Release Name | Release Version | Part Number for Catalyst 8540 MSR | Part Number for Catalyst 8540 CSR |
This section lists new features that appear in this and previous releases of Cisco IOS Release 12.1. The new features are sorted by release number.
There are no new features in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY1.
The following new features are available for the Catalyst 8540 MSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY:
The following new features are available for the Catalyst 8540 CSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY:
The following new features are available for the Catalyst 8540 MSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)EY:
The following new features are available for the Catalyst 8540 CSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)EY:
The following new features are available for the Catalyst 8540 MSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)EY:
See the "Related Documentation" section for a list of documents that describe these features.
The following new feature is available for the Catalyst 8540 CSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)EY:
See the "Related Documentation" section for a list of documents that describe this feature.
The following new features are available for the Catalyst 8540 MSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(13)W5(19c):
See the "Related Documentation" section for a list of documents that describe these features.
The following new features are available for the Catalyst 8540 CSR in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(13)W5(19c):
See the "Related Documentation" section for a list of documents that describe these features.
All the caveats listed in this section are resolved in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY3 but may be open in previous releases.
An error can occur with management protocol processing. Please use the following URL for further information:
This section lists caveats for the Catalyst 8540 MSR by tracking number (DDTS #) and release number, and indicates whether the caveat has been corrected. An "O" indicates that the caveat is open in that release; a "C" indicates that the caveat is closed in that release. To find caveats for the Catalyst 8540 CSR see the "Caveats for the Catalyst 8540 CSR" section.
Table 7 lists caveats for the Catalyst 8540 MSR:
This section lists caveats for the Catalyst 8540 CSR by tracking number (DDTS #) and release number, and indicates whether the caveat has been corrected. An "O" indicates that the caveat is open in that release; a "C" indicates that the caveat is closed in that release. For information on Catalyst 8540 MSR see "Caveats for the Catalyst 8540 MSR" section.
Table 8 lists caveats for the Catalyst 8540 CSR:
This section summarizes caveat symptoms and suggested workarounds for the Catalyst 8540.
Symptom: An error can occur with management protocol processing.
Symptom: When a circuit emulation service (CES) circuit that is carrying traffic is removed, no warning message is shown.
Symptom: Point-to-multipoint PVCs that are configured by using SNMP are not preserved across route processor switchovers.
Workaround: Disable the dynamic synchronization feature.
Symptom: When a Catalyst 8540 MSR has a large number of inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) port adapter modules, a message similar to the following is generated:
Symptom: When both the primary and secondary route processors are up and running, on the secondary the output of the show atm interface resource atmx/y/z command for an inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) interface shows all the available cell rates as zero. This results in loss of all VCs (that pass through the IMA interface) requiring guaranteed service (such as CBR, VBR, ABR with MCR, UBR).
Workaround: None. Upon switchover, the new primary route processor recovers from the problem.
Symptom: When using a Packet Over SONET card, the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routes do not come up after a route processor switchover, even though they were up before the switchover.
Symptom: Untagged packets are bridged between 8-port Gigabit Ethernet subinterfaces in the same card. This happens even when they are part of different bridge-groups.
Workaround: Configure a different native VLAN for each 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface with subinterfaces in the same card.
Symptom: The Soft-VC permanent virtual connection (PVC) status is indicated as ACTIVE only when the Soft VC is established, and its connection state is UP. If the Soft VC is not connected, the source end of the Soft VC indicates the PVC status as INACTIVE instead of ACTIVE, and the destination end of the Soft VC does not exist, and therefore indicates the PVC status as DELETED.
Symptom: On a Catalyst 8540 MSR, an SNMP query on the table ciscoLS1010PortTable, or on the object ciscoLS1010PortIfIndex, might result in a crash.
Symptom: After disabling the synchronization of both the running configuration and the startup configuration, a switchover results in connection installation failure, and the failure of all Layer 3 and ARM card downloads.
Symptom: In a primary/secondary redundant router configuration, virtual-circuit cross-connections and virtual channel link (VCLs) that are in the primary router and are deleted by using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) are still present in the secondary router. Minutes after the configuration change, the deleted elements are still present in the secondary router. If SNMP is used to write the running configuration to the startup configuration, a message is generated that indicates the configuration was received on the secondary router. When the primary router is reloaded, the secondary takes over, but does not reflect the change in its running configuration, even though the startup configuration correctly indicates the cross-connects/VCLs are deleted.
Symptom: After a reload of the primary router in a primary/secondary redundant Catalyst 8540 configuration, the secondary router cannot fetch as many of the elements of the atmVcCrossConnectTable as are known to exist. The following message appears when a get is attempted, and fails, on the table:
Symptom: When Frame Relay/ATM Network Interworking (FRF.5) is configured on a Catalyst 8540, traffic above the peak information rate is dropped, and the INPUT ERROR counter is incremented, rather than the INPUT DROPS counter.
Symptom: Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) does not work over Portchannel platforms.
Symptom: After switch processor switchover, interfaces that were up prior to the switchover become administratively down.
Workaround: After switch processor switchover, enter the no shutdown command to make the interface up.
Symptom: Use of the epc portstuck-manual-reload command on a port channel causes a Catalyst 8540 to crash.
Workaround: The epc portstuck-manual-reload command should be used only on physical ports; it should not be used on logical ports. If a port-channel member needs to be reloaded, individually reload each physical port in the port channel. Allow approximately 1 minute for the port to reload/recreate the VCs, before using this CLI on the next port.
Symptom: After the Tag Distribution Protocol (TDP) toggles from down to up ("flaps") on the Label Controlled ATM (LC-ATM) interface, it takes a long time for the interface to become TDP ready. Entering the show tag-switching tdp discovery command might indicate that TDP is not ready, and TVCs might still be allocated on the interface. This can occur under stressful conditions in which cross-connections fail to be de-allocated on the ATM switching fabric.
Symptom: Catalyst 8540 MSRs connected in a ring configuration (via OC-48 modules) experience problems recovering from a power outage. Symptoms include OC-48 interfaces on one side of the connection being DOWN/DOWN while the directly connected interface is UP/UP.
Workaround: This problem occurs only as a result of a bad clock configuration on the entire network. Power cycle the router, then restart it from the command line; after this has been done, enter the shutdown/no shutdown command sequence.
Symptom: The unframed mode is not preserved when transiting across route processor switchovers.
Workaround: Delete the serial interface, and use the CLI to recreate it.
Symptom: When the shutdown/no shutdown command sequence is entered for a port in a CES card, a burst of bit errors can be observed on the circuit on some other port of the same port adapter.
Symptom: Under stressful conditions such as large topology changes, TVC cross-connections might fail to be removed from the ATM switching fabric, causing the TC-ATM function to repeat attempts to remove the TVCs. This might lead to the TC-ATM state process entering a bad state, and to an error message being displayed.
Symptom: Not all of the contents of the atmVcCrossConnectTable can be seen after the removal and re-insertion of a module. The message:
is seen on the console during some Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) get operations.
Symptom: During the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) batch synchronization process, only the last LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) address can be successfully synchronized from the active route processor to the standby route processor. This affects redundancy support for the service registry feature only when more than one LECS address has been configured on the active route processor.
Symptom: After a reload, a permanent virtual connection (PVC) is not set up.
Workaround: PVCs should be created either 1) using connection traffic table (CTT) rows created through use of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or through the command line interface (CLI), or 2) using the default CTT rows (1 - 6). One way to determine whether a CTT row has been created through the SNMP or CLI is to enter the show running-config command; only CTT rows that can be used to create PVCs are listed in the output.
Symptom: When RFC 1483 bridged frames are sent with PID 0x0001 to the controller of a Catalyst 8540 enhanced ATM router module, the frame is corrupted. This might show up as "dispose ip.formaterr" from "debug ip error output".
Workaround: If the equipment that sends the frames can be configured so that it sends RFC 1483 bridged frames with PID 0x0007 only, make that change. In all other cases, there is no workaround.
Symptom: The system crashes when changing a Bridge Group Virtual Interface (BVI) to a non-BVI using the same IP address.
Symptom: What is present in the Patricia trie in the Ethernet processor interface is out of synchronization with what is present in IP Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF). This might cause connectivity problems. This problem only exists on Ethernet processor interfaces; entries in the Switching Database Manager (SDM) on Gigabit processor interface cards are not affected.
Workaround: Find the route (for example, the route network_x) that is not consistent with IP CEF; enter (in the case of this example) the clear ip route network_x command.
Symptom: Some point-to-multipoint crossconnnect entries are missing from the atmVcCrossConnectTable when the point-to-multipoint root if-index is higher than the if-index of the leaves.
Symptom: Interfaces with Tag enabled get stuck in the TDP not ready state.
Workaround: None. The only way to bring up the Tag on such interfaces is via system reload.
Symptom: During TagVC installation, if the switch driver returns an error, the Connection Manager leaves the TagVC in the wrong FSM state. This can lead to TVCs existing on an interface when there are no tag bindings.
Workaround: None; reload the switch to clear such unused TVCs.
Symptom: When running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(13)W05(19), a bus error causes the system to restart. This occurs when an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet card with control traffic is at or near its traffic capacity.
Symptom: If a large frame or packet (more than 6096 Bytes) is received on the tag control virtual circuit (0/32 of an interface enabled for tag switching), the frame is not purged from the switch fabric. Subsequent packets received on this virtual circuit are dropped, causing the Tag Distribution Protocol (TDP) and the routing session (OSPF) to time out.
Workaround: Disable, then re-enable, tag switching on the affected interface; subsequent occurrences can be avoided by increasing the queue depth, using the following entry:
Symptom: The ATM router module portstuck recovery code does not always work.
Symptom: After reloading the core switch, all neighboring switches running 12.0(16)W6(21) or 12.0(16)W6(21a) crash, and a message similar to the following is generated:
Symptom: Channel stuck detection/recovery doesn't work sometimes for ARM port.
Workaround: Enter the sh epc portstuck arm command to determine whether "stat_sent" or "stat_rcvd" counters are incrementing up on only one channel of any ATM router module port. If the counters are incrementing up on only one channel, this might indicate the problem is a stuck channel; enter the epc portstuck-manual-reload interface command to manually reload the port.
Symptom: Over an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface, a ping to a Bridge Group Virtual Interface (BVI) fails over a dot1q subinterface which has a VLAN ID of 1 that is native VLAN.
Workaround: Configure the dot1q VLAN ID to a value other than 1 for a native VLAN (for example, configure dot1q vlan id 3 as native VLAN).
Symptom: When operating at 75 to 100% of wire speed with a packet-size range of 64 to 84 bytes, a simple marking-action in an IPQoS service policy causes a port-stuck condition in an Enhanced Gigabit Ethernet processor interface card.
Symptom: On performing an route processor switchover, there might be a CPU-HOG of about three seconds. This seems to occur within two seconds of switchover.
Workaround: Do not configure timers (e.g ILMI keepalive, SSCOP no-response etc.) under 6.2 secs. The same rule should be followed for any other protocols that have keepalives. some of the keepalives are interface level and could cause all the calls to be lost (e.g ILMI keepalive).
Do not perform back-to-back switchovers (if operator initiated). If such switchovers were to happen there would be call loss. Always enter the show atm sig statistics command on the interface of the neighboring switch that connects to the Catalyst 8540. Check the count of outgoing status inquiries and see whether all have been completed. Clear the counters by entering the clear atm sig stat command before initiating the switchover.
Symptom: When several SVCs are created through the switch router, and an route processor switch-over is done before the initial sync is completed, CPU-HOG and ILMIOPTIPOLLFAIL error messages might be seen on the new primary route processor.
Symptom: If a module sync starts or ends while a configured soft VC has not yet been installed or both legs of a PVC are not configured, the following error might display:
The module syncs start from booting the secondary route processor or enabling syncs, by entering the sync dynamic-info command. The module syncs can end by bringing down the redundant route processor or disabling syncs with the no sync dynamic-info command. This does not affect functionality.
Symptom: If the well known VC\Qs of a tunnel are deleted and configured manually and a route processor switchover occurs then these manually configured VC\Qs might not be recognized by the new primary route processor. Instead, they are replaced with the default well known VC.
Symptom: The switch might hang during a manual switch processor "switch over" that follows a route processor switchover.
Workaround: Allow two minutes between manual route processor switchovers and manual switch processor switchovers.
Symptom: In a network running cell-mode MPLS (tag switching) with a large number of IP routes (and consequently, with many TVCs being setup), a 16-port OC-3 interface module might fail to allocate a new TVC on a bind request and print out the below error message. This occurs even though the number of TVCs currently set up does not reach the limit of VCs supported on that interface or the cross-connect interface.
Workaround: Enter the shutdown command followed by the no shutdown command on the interface for which the error message appears.
Symptom: In Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)EY and earlier, only two equal cost IP paths were supported on Ethernet processor interface based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interface modules.
Workaround: Upgrade to Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY. In this release, four path load balancing for IP is available through the epc epif-4-path-lbal command.
Symptom: The system image might crash while configuring VC bundling. This might be related to a memory cleanup process and configuring or unconfiguring VC bundles quickly might increase its likelihood.
Symptom: Signaling packets are dropped between the Catalyst 8540 and its neighboring devices during a route processor switchover. This is caused by automatic status inquiries, from both sides, that occur after a switchover.
Workaround: Perform one of the following to workaround this problem:
Symptom: On the ATM router module, the HyBridge Input P might cause high route processor utilization.
Workaround: For every bridge group on the ATM router module, add a map-group with a corresponding map-list. Under the map-list configuration add a "bridge atm-vc XXX broadcast," where XXX is the VCI value created on the ATM router module sub-interface.
Symptom: The no negotiation auto configuration might not be preserved in the running configuration after an OIR of an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module.
Workaround: Reconfigure no negotiation auto.
Symptom: You might not be able to change the spanning tree protocol of a bridge-group.
Workaround: Remove the current bridge-group configuration and then reconfigure it with the new spanning tree protocol.
Symptom: A soft-vp created with VBR-NRT SC will be seen as a VBR-NRT Tx and Rx SC on the source; however, on the destination it might appear as a UBR on both Tx and Rx.
Symptom: When SVCs go down and OSPF recalculates IP routes and updates the routing/cef/epc tables, if the switch does not have an arp entry, it will switch by using the route processor. This occurs when the network behind that "empty" arp entry is put into the epc-table, it finds no adjacency, and switches via the route processor.
Workaround: Configure 'arp timeout 0' under the ATM interfaces that are configured with SVCs.
Symptom: The switch experiences high route processor utilization when IPX networks are added to BVI interfaces.
Workaround: This is load related; as more IPX networks are added, route processor utilization increases. If configuring bridging over ATM router module sub-interfaces, then configure a map-list for the bridged VC with the keyword bridge.
Symptom: Cell rejects and cell drops might occur because of the nature of UBR connections and inconsistent programming of scheduler on connections going out of OC48.
Symptom: A switch router with an eight-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module might forward duplicate broadcasts when bridging is configured on a trunk.
Symptom: When running cell-mode MPLS on a network of Catalyst 8500s with redundant paths, conversion for MPLS after a routing change might take up to 4 1/2 minutes. OSPF converges normally.
Ports on the Two-port Enhanced Gigabit Ethernet interface module might get stuck after an OIR.
Symptom: If a 256K Two-port Enhanced Gigabit Ethernet interface module is hot swapped with a 64K Enhanced Gigabit Ethernet interface module, the ports in 64K module might not come up.
Symptom: The no ip route-cache cef command might disappear from the running configuration on BVI interfaces after reloading the switch.
Symptom: ATM-SOFT-PVC-MIB atmSoftPVccRetryThreshold has an incorrect default value 0 instead of 1. This incorrect value turns on atmSoftPvcCallFailuresTrap by default and impacts the usability of the feature.
Symptom: Ping might fail through an 8-port Gigabit interface module with dot1q/vlan 1.
Workaround: Save the configuration and reload the switch.
Symptom: A ROMMON configuration might not work properly on a slot after performing an OIR on the interface module in that slot.
Workaround: Reload the switch router.
Symptom: The CMPM carrier module shows the same serial numbers for the carrier module and the interface modules in it; however, when the show hardware command is entered, different serial numbers from the carrier module are shown for both the carrier module and interface modules.
Symptom: When video traffic is sent through an eight-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module traffic might be bursty because of packets being delivered out of order occasionally.
Symptom: The Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) statistics sometimes fluctuate when no traffic is flowing through the interface. The only affected functionality is IPX statistics.
Symptom: After rebooting the switch router, Ethernet interfaces might have invalid MAC addresses, causing connectivity problems over that interface.
Workaround: Enter the shutdown command and then the no shutdown command on the affected Ethernet interfaces.
Symptom: Sending a crafted control NTP packet might cause a buffer overflow.
Workaround: Include the "ntp access-group serve-only" line in the configuration of the router.
Symptom: Under a heavy load, the switch router mis-orders cells going out of single-port OC-12 port-adapter modules placed in a carrier module.
Workaround: Whenever a heavy load is expected on single-port OC-12 modules placed in a carrier module, reprogram the carrier module with Carrier Module FPGA Image 1.9, and upgrade the IOS image to the latest version.
Symptom: On an OC-48 interface module, the show controllers command might show the following:
This does not affect functionality.
Workaround: Enter the shutdown command and then the no shutdown command on the interface.
Symptom: When the routing table exceeds 50 K routes and if 8-port gigabit ethernet interface modules are installed, a CAM full condition might occurs. This leads to a port-stuck situation.
Workaround: OIR the interface module. The 8-port gigabit ethernet interface module was not designed to handle more than 50 K routes.
Symptom: When a static route to a connected interface is added and deleted when another static route is present in the same network, the packets might be process-switched.
Symptom: The Online Diagnostic Snake test, which is enabled by default, might send ILMI traps when an interface changes state to UP. This can cause clients on other interfaces to reset ILMI.
Workaround: Disable the snake test by entering the no diag online snake command.
Symptom: The following error messages might occur on a reload:
Symptom: Spurious memory access might occur at lss_arm_atm_adjacency_mac(). This happens after the following warning message:
Symptom: This condition occurs when asymmetrical routing, bridge groups, and LANE clients are configured on ARM sub interfaces. The bridge groups allow bridging to ELANs on non ATM interfaces and sometimes packets destined to an outside ELAN or VLAN might be sent or received over the LANE broadcast bus for a particular LANE client. The packets should instead go over a data direct vc. This is caused by a sender's default gateway being the remote BVI instead of the local BVI.
Symptom: In Front Panel View, if one member is removed from the Cluster, a particular device will be removed successfully, but others will show ports with cyan color, not reflecting the actual status of the ports.
Workaround: Let the Front Panel View refresh automatically or manual by pressing the refresh button or refresh menu item or close and reopen the Front Panel View window. Have to refresh the Cluster LED also along with the Cluster Data.
Symptom: The ifTable Indexes might not match the MIB-II table indexes.
Symptom: The physical status might show that it is down while the IMA shows that it is up. This happens when there is a loss of frame (LOF) on the link. IMA dictates the state of the Receive Fault or Tranceive Fault on the link looking at the alarms OOCD, OOF, LOS and AIS. However, it does not need to look at LOF as a persisting LOF results in OOCD.
The physical status blindly looks for all the alarms on links to be 0. This is a cosmetic problem which will not affect the traffic on the link.
Symptom: An ARM port configured for transparent bridging and in blocking state might forward certain frames.
Workaround: Depending on topology, a work-around might be to ensure that a non-ARM port is in blocking state. Where this is not feasible, power cycle the ARM port that is in blocking state.
Symptom: A subinterface might be stuck in the waiting state after a CPU reload. The CPU reload is displayed with the show atm statistics command. This will cause the P2MP VC count to be less than what it was before CPU reload.
Workaround: To bring the subinterface up, enter the shutdown command and then the no shutdown command on the subinterface.
Symptom: IP addresses on shutdown interfaces might be programmed as invalid host addresses after entering the epc portstuck-manual-reload command. This does not impact functionality.
Symptom: ILMI might stay in the "waitdevtype" state after a redundancy failover. This is because on an OC3 port adapter, each of the 4 ports are served by one processor interface.
Workaround: The first port needs to be set for the other three ports to be able to receive. Sometimes this does not occur on a redundancy failover. Bring up port 0, if problem is seen on ports 1-3, port 4, if problem is seen on ports 5-7, port 8, if problem is seen on ports 9-11, and port 12, if problem is seen on ports 14-15. The ports can be brought up by connecting a loopback cable, or by simply using that port.
Symptom: Under stressful conditions, tag virtual-circuit cross-connections fail to be set up, even though the input and output legs have been allocated. This can cause the input and/or output legs to remain allocated, but be in the NOT CONNECTED state.
Symptom: If SVC is configured on the ARM or the Enhanced ARM and an OIR is performed on the module, the adjacency available across the SVC will remain 'Valid' on the Ethernet port interface or Gigabit Processor interface cam. This will cause packets destined to that adjacency to go into a disappear.
Workaround: Before performing an OIR on the ARM or the Enhanced ARM module, remove any sub-interfaces that have SVC configurations on them.
Symptom: When an IOS configuration for the boot loader is set to an image on a SanDisk PC Card, the subsequent reboot with a configuration register setting of 0x2102 fails with the following message:
Symptom: When access is made to PNNI tables, a memory leak might occur. This only happens when an Network Management System (NMS) is running SNMP on the switch router.
Workaround: Turn off NMS polling of PNNI tables and use the commands instead for determining any PNNI information.
Symptom: An IP address might not be learned by peer switch when using ILMI-status.
Symptom: The ATM router module might get channel stuck. This stops traffic from passing through MSR. This is often initially described as a "hung" condition.
Workaround: OIR the ATM router module.
Symptom: After performing a route processor switchover several times, and then reloading only the secondary route processor and booting up again, the primary route processor might display the following error messages:
This does not impact functionality.
Symptom: NCDP uses default address of the switch for uniquely identifying the root. The default address might get corrupted on a route processor switchover. If more than one redundant Catalyst 8540 is running NCDP then NCDP might not work as expected after a route processor switchover.
Symptom: The IP routing flag is set to off in IF-entry for a POS interface when encapsulation is changed from ppp to hdlc or when hdlc is changed to ppp. Since the IP routing flag is set to off, IP packets coming into the POS interface will not be hardware switched
Workaround: Enter the shutdown command, followed by the no shutdown command on the POS interface.
Symptom: ARM might set the CLP of all cells to 1 when bridging is configured over a 1483 PVC. This happens for cells being transmitted over the 1483 PVC only.
Symptom: The ARM1 interface shuts down after entering the epc portstuck-manual-reload command with IP traffic.
Symptom: Spurious memory access at lss_arm_atm_adjacency_mac might occur after entering the epc portstuck-manual-reload command simultaneously on two ARM interfaces of two connected switch routers. There is spurious memory access to both switch routers. This has no functionality impact.
Symptom: If an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module is hot swapped after configuring PAgP port channel between two Catalyst 8540 CSRs, members on the hot swapped side of the port channel move out of it while the members on the side that was not hot swapped remain in the port channel. This happens only with the 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module.
Workaround: After some time, PAgP might add the hot swapped interface back to the port channel. If this does not happen, configure the ports manually.
Symptom: The port stuck message might not appear into system log.
Symptom: If a static ARP is configured for one interface and then the IP address for that interface is moved to a sub-interface, the static ARP entry remains associated with the original interface instead of with the sub-interface.
Workaround: When the IP address is reconfigured to a sub-interface off of the original interface, delete and reconfigure the ARP address also.
Symptom: After the switch has been running for over two hours it might start to lose traffic on its LANE/1483/1577 interfaces on the ATM router module. Frame interfaces (like Fast Ethernet) or non-LANE interfaces on the ATM router module (with configured pvc's) traffic passes without any problems. It doesn't matter if the traffic is going to the route processor not, part of the traffic is lost.
Workaround: OIR the module or reload the switch. Shutting down the ATM router module interfaces does not help.
Symptom: After performing an online insertion and removal of an OC48 port adapter, entering the show command and the no show commands on the OC-48 might generate the following error messages:
Workaround: Perform one more online insertion and removal and ensure that at least two minutes elapse between any two online insertions and removals.
Symptom: Telnet responses between two switch routers might be very slow.
Workaround: Replace one switch router with another that can accept ISL-frame less than 94B (for instance, the Catalyst 5000).
Symptom: After configuring an ipx network between a Catalyst 8540 MSR and a Router 7500, the Catalyst 8540 MSR displays old buffers detected messages. This does not impact functionality.
Symptom: A LightStream 1010 stops switching some VCs, and log error messages similar to the following example are generated:
Workaround: Reload the switch.
Symptom: An active Fast Ethernet interface might become administratively down after the route processor automatically switches over following entry of the test crash command.
Symptom: The display might show that oversized packets are on an enhanced ARM interface when the interface is a member of a BVI. This happens even when there is no traffic except BPDU and OSPF routing updates. These "large packets" are not the real traffic transiting through the ARM. They are CPU-bound traffic (i.e. routing updates). The following is the message that might occur on the console:
The system recovers from this.
Symptom: After switching over the route processor several times, the following message might display:
This happens when an IMA port adapter is present in the chassis. Once the switch router boots up no functionality impact is seen.
Symptom: The ARM interface might indicate outgoing packets when the interface is administratively down. This does not impact the functionality.
Symptom: When there is a lot of signaling svc setup and teardown on an nni tunnel interface, calls will fail with a vpi/vci collision.
Workaround: Use a non-tunnel interface.
Symptom: The switch router might lose traffic on its LANE or 1483 or 1577 interfaces on ARM. Frame interfaces or non-lane interfaces on ARM with configured pvc's should pass traffic without any problems. It doesn't matter if the traffic is going to RP or not, part of the traffic is lost.
Workaround: The switch router will recover from this state only after an OIR of the module or a reload.
Symptom: After loading the secondary route processor running a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY (with the primary route processor running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY), bringing down the secondary route processor and then reloading it with Cisco IOS Release 12.1(7a)EY might cause the secondary route processor to crash.
The following error messages might appear at the time of the crash:
Workaround: Reload the secondary route processor.
Symptom: IP routing and IPX routing over BVI on an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module might fail when the interface module is removed from the bridge group.
Symptom: After entering the shutdown command and the no shutdown command on an ARM interface with more than 32 CLIP clients the following error message might display on the console:
This does not impact functionality.
Workaround: After waiting a few minutes, enter the shutdown command and the no shutdown command.
Symptom: On a Catalyst 8500 MSR performing an ATM Frame Relay internetworking function, when the Local Management Interface (LMI) indicates a permanent virtual connection (PVC) is inactive, this information is not propagated by the ATM Frame Relay code.
Symptom: When entering the shut down command on the OC-48 interface, the following traceback might be displayed with spurious memory access at snmp_trap:
This does not affect functionality.
Symptom: Entering the shutdown command on the ARM interface might cause CPU hogs if a large number of PVCs are configured on that interface.
Symptom: A system running PNNI with Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)W5(15c) will reject an ATM call SETUP if the setup includes the 5a information element coded with associated signaling, explicit VPCI, and any VCI.
If another ATM switch sends a setup that includes the 5a information element coded with associated signaling, explicit VPCI, and any VCI, the system will release the call with cause code 35: requested VPCI/VCI not available.
Call setups that include the 5a information element coded with the associated signaling, explicit VPCI, and explicit VCI signaling, including those made by Cisco ATM switches, are not affected by this problem. This interoperability issue exists between Cisco ATM switches and other vendor switches that do not explicitly request the VCI value in the call setup.
Symptom: Spurious memory access at pim_igmp_new_dr_querier might be seen when running PIM-SM with multicast traffic on ARM interfaces. This happens when DR changes are seen. This does not impact functionality.
Symptom: When the show ip cef ip address command is entered, the output might report an invalid cached adjacency for ip addresses that are reachable through the LANE interface.
Symptom: When using the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), the output of the traceroute command skips the middle hop when the middle router is a Catalyst 85xx MSR, Catalyst 85xx CSR, or LightStream 1010.
Symptom: ROMMON does not work on the Gigabit Ethernet interface module.
Symptom: When OAM management is configured on a PVC of an ARM Module in order to check the end-to-end connectivity, the sub-interface might stay up/up even if the remote end is down.
Symptom: The switch router might not send ICMP unreachable messages when an inbound access list is configured and being accessed on an interface module that has an ACL daughter card.
Symptom: When global switch ATM address prefixes are added or deleted via the atm address command, addresses registered for existing CES circuits are not changed. Therefore, the goal of changing the switch address might not be achieved (in that CES does not change its addressing, and therefore will not accept calls using the new prefix).
Workaround: This workaround is for the primary switch address only. When the address is changed, the existing circuits can be deleted and created again, and the circuits will register addresses using the new primary switch address.
Symptom: The ARM might not function correctly over 20 M. When this occurs, the ARM loses packets or port gets stuck. This occurs even when multicast is not configured.
Symptom: The show hardware detail command does not show the actual version of the FPGA for any of the daughter cards. This shows the version of the FPGA motherboard which is misleading.
Symptom: The atm arp-server nsap command is removed from the running configuration upon reloading the switch.
Workaround: The copy startup-config running-config command will restore the original configuration.
Symptom: If you save the running configuration, you may see the following error:
This happens when you enter a write mem command or a copy running-config startup-config command. Enter a show file command to show the 127 entries of private configuration.
Workaround: Save the running configuration in a file, reload the router, and then enter a write mem command or copy running-config startup-config command.
Symptom: Although packets are being sent out from an ATM OC-12 interface module, the 5-minute output rate shown using the show interface atm command indicates 0 bits per second output. This is not consistent with the output rate shown when the show atm traffic command is entered.
Symptom: When entering the show atm interface traffic command on an ATM subinterface, the total number of cells that has passed might show as zero. This rate is incorrect.
Symptom: The Xconnect setup fails for unidirectional TVC if there is another one with a different direction and the same vpi/vci on a particular interface of the Catalyst 8540 MSR. This can be seen only if VC merge is disabled.
Symptom: If you set the ARP timers on an interface and replace the module, the startup-configuration is not loaded into the card. All ARP timers are reset to default.
Symptom: When the MRP reset button is pushed, the switch router might not boot the main image. If this happens, the switch router will eventually go into ROMMON mode.
Symptom: Under certain conditions, the BVI output queue might get stuck when queuing outgoing packets but not dispatching them to hardware. This causes the output queue on the BVI interface to grow constantly.
Workaround: Create another BVI interface and move all the traffic over to the new BVI interface.
Symptom: The output errors counter is incorrect on Gigabit Ethernet show interface command. They have a high value 4xxxxxxxxx and a clear counter command does not change it back to 0. This value can increase or decrease over time.
Symptom: IP traffic is not sent over a PVC if aal5mux encapsulation is used on a point-to-point subinterface on the Catalyst 8540 MSR. If the deb atm errors command is enabled, the following error messages will appear:
Symptom: The route processor redundancy might fail if you have both PVC and bridging configured on the sub-interface of the ARM.
Symptom: A Catalyst 8540, which correctly boots as a fully redundant system, does not complete a route processor failover. The secondary route processor, as it resumes function as the primary after a failover, displays the following error:
Symptom: The ATM router module does not strip the Ethernet pad when switching data from Ethernet to ATM. This might occasionally lead to connectivity issues since some end systems do not expect to see the pad.
Symptom: When an enhanced Gigabit Ethernet interface module sends out ISL packets with packet sizes 1531 to 1548, the output error counter on the egress port increases.
Symptom: When the packets come into the Gigabit Ethernet interface modules and then sent out the POS interface, certain packet sizes on the POS are not handled by the uCode on the interface module. This is seen on packet sizes set to 1000 on POS.
Symptom: The hierarchical VP tunnel configuration fails on a WAI-OC3-1S3M mixed mode port adapter module when it is in slot 0 subslot 1 of the C85MS-SCAM-2P carrier module. Slot 0 subslot 0 of the carrier module can either be empty or have another card in it, and hierarchical VP tunnel configuration will still fail. However, if the mixed mode pam is inserted in slot 0 subslot 0 of the carrier module, then the hierarchical VP tunnel can be configured.
Symptom: The ifSpeed is reported as 100MB even when the auto-negotiation results in 10MBit.
Symptom: An 8-port Gigabit interface module port that is shut down might come up after an OIR.
Workaround: Enter the shutdown command on the affected port.
Symptom: When using SNMP to monitor the status of each interface module and submodule in the chassis, the output does not give all interface modules. However, when entering the show hardware command, all interface modules appear.
Symptom: When a Catalyst 5500 connected to a Catalyst 8540 CSR is powered down, the BVI interface does not receive EIGRP and ospf multicast hello packets.
Symptom: When the network clock module quality is not accurate the NCDP will automatically disable. It is normal behavior of ncdp.
You can check the ncdp status with the following:
Symptom: The ATM router module microcode for RFC1483 did not have the ability to understand CLNS topology updates, forcing the card to drop packets. This also affected the IS-IS routing updates.
Workaround: Upgrade to the Cisco IOS release 12.0(11)W5(19).
Symptom: There is no support for SONET MIB objects in ATM uplink module.
Symptom: The router reloads when handling internetworking packet exchange (IPX) access-logging-messages. This situation may still occur if access-logging is not enabled.
You may exceed the 200 IPX network limit when the hardware is activated after being removed. When the hardware is reactivated, the interfaces that were not counted while the hardware was removed cause the limit to be exceeded.
Symptom: When auto negotiation is disabled on an enhanced two-port Gigabit Ethernet port, it is up even if the GBIC is not present.
Symptom: The static bridging command disappears from the running configuration.
Symptom: When the module is removed from the switch, the interfaces continue to show as inserted and also the IDB's are not deleted. This is not seen when time is given between the act of insertion and removal of the modules.
Workaround: Wait two minutes after OIR before inserting a new interface module into the switch.
Symptom: On the ATM uplink any packet routed on a point-to-point interface will be routed by the route processor.
Workaround: Do not configure point-to-point subinterfaces on the ATM uplink.
Symptom: When reloading a new image into the enhanced two-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module the ATM uplink enhanced Gigabit interface appears to have been reset. The enhanced two-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module download shows no effect on the ATM uplink.
Symptom: There is no instance of ACL card in the MIB table.
Symptom: With an encapsulation change on a two-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module, the interface no longer sends packets. It seems that it is receiving packets and sending packets to the route processor when necessary, but the packets are not sent.
Symptom: When the 8540 is powered-up or power cycled, the shutdown/no shutdown command has to be entered on the CBR ports to activate the CBR ports.
Symptom: When two 8540 CSR switch routers are directly connected by a two-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module, a reset of one switch router does not cause the remote switch router's interfaces to go down too. The problem is caused by the reset switch router's interfaces not going down, so remote interfaces do not go down.
Workaround: Physically remove the cable from the ports or enter the shutdown command.
Symptom: In some instances, an ATM interface on a Catalyst 8540 MSR might get stuck in a going down state.
Symptom: When entering the shutdown/no shutdown command on an ATM interface with a large number of VCs, the route processor utilization stays high for a long period of time. For example, for an 8K VC, the route processor stays high for approximately 720 seconds, and for 4K VCs, approximately 300 seconds.
Symptom: The prompt on the secondary route processor does not reflect the hostname of the switch router after a sync.
Symptom: When configuring region sizes you are not considering the ACL region size when checking for the total size. Configuration allows regions sizes exceeding total Tcam size. No error message is printed at the time of configuration but upon next boot you get the following error messages:
Symptom: The ip cef command does not re-enable the CEF switching on the Catalyst 8540 when it was previously disabled due to lack of memory. The Catalyst 8540 requires CEF switching but this can become disabled if insufficient memory is available. When insufficient memory is available, the following message appears:
Symptom: An ima_failure_trap might not be generated when an IMA group gets deleted and the group state change might not be sensed by the switch processor.
Symptom: After reloading the switch, the route processor that was the primary route processor might become the secondary route processor and the route processor that was the secondary route processor might become the primary route processor.
Symptom: When you change the port speed from 10 to 100 on a Catalyst 8540 CSR running 12.0(5)W5(13), enter the shutdown and no shutdown commands for the new setting to take effect.
Symptom: Fast Ethernet interfaces that are in shutdown mode have packet output and bytes incrementing in the show interface command.
Workaround: Enter the clear counters command.
Symptom: The root cause of this is that the HSRP specific structures are not properly updated when an interface goes down or when a card is removed.
Workaround: Remove HSRP from the configuration before removing the card.
Symptom: The above message is sometimes received. This message is can be ignored.
Symptom: When you reload a Catalyst 8540 MSR with a redundant route processor, the secondary route processor will become the primary route processor after the reload.
The uptime shown when you enter the show version command is the uptime of the boot image. This should be the uptime of the running IOS software.
Symptom: The above messages may appear on the console. They are not reproducible. The message appears on subinterface ATM11/0/0.14 on the ATM router module port.
Symptom: Under extreme low-memory conditions, if a switch is configured with lots of hierarchical tunnels and LANE components are configured on the cpu port of the switch (or ATM interface of a router), removing a few subinterfaces or many several times can result in a crash. This removal without first cleaning up LANE configuration results in the loss of 6400 bytes of memory.
Workaround: Delete LANE configuration on a subinterface before deleting the subinterface itself.
This section describes the following Catalyst 8540 restrictions:
The following restrictions apply to the ACL daughter card supported on the Catalyst 8540:
We recommend that you evaluate the level of CPU utilization and performance in your switch router before turning on AppleTalk. Unlike IP and IPX, AppleTalk routing and processing in the Catalyst 8540 is accomplished by the switch processor, not the interface module. This means that routing AppleTalk packets consumes more processing time than routing other protocol packets. In a switch with a sustained high CPU utilization, turning on AppleTalk could result in longer convergence times for routing protocols like EIGRP. AppleTalk packet throughput is dependent on the amount of available CPU processing power.
The four adjacent ports (such as 0-3 or 4-7) on a 10/100 Fast Ethernet interface must all use the same VLAN encapsulation, that is, either 802.1Q and native, or ISL and native.
The Catalyst 8540 MSR ATM router module does not support the following features:
Note This section is applicable to the Catalyst 8540 MSR switch router only. |
When assigning Ethernet interfaces to an EtherChannel, all interfaces must be either Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet. You cannot mix Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces within a single EtherChannel.
Catalyst 8500 interface modules support a maximum of two paths. To improve EIGRP or OSPF convergence, set the maximum-paths for the router to two, using the following command:
The following restrictions apply to policy-based routing (PBR) on the Catalyst 8540 MSR and the Catalyst 8540 CSR:
Note The IP packet length range supported in a route map is 0-1535. A maximum of three non-overlapping length ranges are allowed per interface, including sub-interfaces. |
Note Due to platform limitations, the set interface null0 command does not generate an "unreachable" message. |
The 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module is supported on the Catalyst 8540 CSR only. This section describes limitations of the 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module.
The 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module installed in a Catalyst 8540 CSR can support a maximum of 128 ports per bridge group.
If your Catalyst 8540 CSR has an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module, you cannot create a port channel that has some members on that module and some on other modules. All port channel members must reside on the same Gigabit Ethernet interface module.
Also, if your switch router has an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module, port channel IDs 57 to 64 are reserved, and cannot be assigned to other external interfaces. If you assign a port channel ID number greater than 56, the system will respond with the following message:
If you have already assigned port channel IDs 57 to 64, you must reassign them before installing an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module.
If your switch router does not have an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet interface module, you can assign port channel ID numbers up to 64.
The following restrictions apply to the online insertion and removal (OIR), also known as hot swapping, of interface modules on the Catalyst 8540:
On an 8540, the reprogram command for upgrading the FPGA on the switch processor requires power cycling the box after completing the FPGA download.
The Catalyst 8540 switch routers support extra long haul (1000BASE-ZX) GBICs. It supports a maximum of 12 1000BASE-ZX GBICs per system to comply with FCC Class A emissions (CFR 47 Part 15), or 8 1000BASE-ZX GBICs per system to comply with EN55022 Class B emissions (CISPR22 Class B).
The Catalyst 8540 supports the use of redundant route processors and switch modules. The second route processor would be installed in slot 8, and an additional switch module would be installed in slot 6.
There are some precautions that need to be taken before removing a route processor module from a chassis that is powered-up. If a route processor module that is currently running IOS is removed from the chassis in a skewed manner such that the left side of the processor comes out before the right side does, the traffic flowing through the device might stop flowing.
To avoid this, make sure the route processor module that is being removed is currently at the ROM monitor prompt; it is then safe to remove it from the chassis. One way to get the system into ROM monitor from IOS is to enter the reload command. This will work if the system is not configured to auto-boot. If the system is configured to auto-boot, it starts booting IOS again.
Since you need to ensure that a route processor is in ROM monitor before removing it, the redundancy prepare-for-cpu-removal command has been added to take the system to the ROM monitor prompt. Execute this command on the route processor being removed before removing it. Once this command is issued, the route processor will go to the ROM monitor prompt and stay there even if the system is configured to auto-boot. At this point it is safe to remove the route processor from the system.
If a Catalyst 8540 has three switch modules, then by default the switch modules in slots 5 and 7 come up as active, and the one in slot 6 comes up as the standby. If you wish to change this default, there is a command that lets you select the "preferred" switch module slots. This command is a privileged exec level command with the following format:
redundancy preferred-switch-card-slot slot#1 slot#2
Two unique preferred slots must be specified. The range of the slot value is 5 to 7. If one of the preferred slots is not a currently active switch module, you are informed of this and asked if the system should change the active switch modules to the preferred switch modules. If such a switch-over occurs, all the active connections in the system will be reinitialized. If you wish to continue, then the preferred switch modules become active, and the other switch module becomes the standby. This configuration will remain in effect until either one of the active switch modules is removed.
The preferred switch module configuration is preserved across route processor switch-overs. However, the preferred switch modules setting will be lost if the system is power-cycled or if both route processors are reloaded to the ROM monitor.
The autonegotiation feature for speed and duplex on 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports defaults to "on." This means that for each port, the Catalyst 8500 CSR automatically detects the port speed (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps) and duplex of the peer port, if that port also autonegotiates.
To override autonegotiation and set a port to 10 Mbps operation, enter the following command:
To set a port to 100 Mbps operation, issue the following command:
To set the duplex value for a port to full-duplex, issue the following command:
To set the duplex value for a port to half-duplex, issue the following command:
Caution If you connect a Catalyst 8540 CSR switch router running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)W5(13) software to a router or switch running in forced full-duplex mode, you might encounter symptoms such as high collision rate or reduced throughput, as the Catalyst 8540 CSR unsuccessfully tries to autonegotiate with the other device. When autonegotiation fails, the Catalyst 8540 defaults to half-duplex operation, which causes a mismatch between it and the other device. Possible workarounds include forcing the Catalyst 8540 CSR to operate in full-duplex mode or removing the full-duplex command from the other device. |
You can use Catalyst 8540 CSR interface modules in a Catalyst 8540 MSR chassis with an MSR route processor and switch modules. Use only CSR (Ethernet) interface modules, and load the CSR software image on the MSR.
When you connect a Catalyst 8540 CSR to a Catalyst 5000 100BASE-FX MM Ethernet interface module using ISL, ensure that the hardware version on the Catalyst 5000 interface module is 1.3 or higher. You might experience connectivity problems between the Catalyst 8540 CSR and the Catalyst 5000 if the hardware version on the Catalyst 5000 Ethernet interface module is lower than 1.3.
The Catalyst 8540 MSR and 8540 CSR systems have been certified as Y2K Compliant. For more information, see the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/752/2000/.
The following documents provide information related to Catalyst 8540 switch routers.
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Posted: Mon Mar 10 19:38:37 PST 2003
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