
Table of Contents

Troubleshooting the Cisco RPMS
Archive Extraction Error
Database Initialization Failure
Database Connectivity Failure
Web Server Fails to Start
Unable to Start/Stop Oracle
Unable to Start/Stop TNS Listener
Images on the Cisco RPMS GUI Are Not Displayed Correctly
Unable to Add/Change/Delete Administrators in the GUI
RPMS Server Process Is Not Running
RPMS Database Server Process Is Not Running
RPMS Watchdog Process Is Not Running
Incorrect Access Server and Cisco RPMS Keys
Cisco RPMS Cannot Identify Access Server
TACACS+ Single Connection Is Configured
Port Counts Are Out of Synchronization
Oracle Configuration Updates Are Not Reflected on Snapshot Site Cisco RPMS Server(s)
Enabling a Cisco RPMS Debugging Session
Disabling a Cisco RPMS Debugging Session
Using show Commands
Using debug Commands

Troubleshooting the Cisco RPMS


This chapter presents operations and maintenance tasks related to the Cisco ASAP Solution that are provided from Cisco RPMS Release 1.1 only. Cisco RPMS Release 2.0 is discussed in "Managing Resources and Dial Services: Using Cisco RPMS."

Note   This chapter does not apply to the PSTN gateway solutions and the Cisco PSTN Gateway Solution only supports RPMS using dial calls.

Note   Procedures for troubleshooting Cisco RPMS Release 2.0 will be provided as they become available.

The main focus of this troubleshooting chapter is on the GUI form of the application. However, where CLI commands are applicable, the reader is referredto related commands. CLI commands can be run only on the host machine.

Note   The features of Cisco RPMS as they relate to the Cisco ASAP Solution are introduced in the Cisco ASAP Solution Overview and Planning Guide.

With this application you can configure call discrimination, configure resource management, configure dial services, view server reports, and administer the server. The tasks in this chapter are listed below.

System Installation and Startup

GUI Access

Operational Problems

Related IOS Commands


For the following procedures, refer to Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1.1 at the following URL:

The following documents there are referenced:

Make sure you are familiar with the above documents.

Archive Extraction Error



An archive extraction error happens because the program ./installcrpms is not able to run because it is unable to open a window to show the install instructions and accept install parameters from the user. This is because the X Server running in the Solaris host is not accepting the request (possibly fopr security reasons) from the ./installcrpms to open an X Window.

Note The user may see a very similar error while running the ./uninstallcrpms command. This is because the uninstall program also needs to open up a window. The solution is the same.

Note This problem may also be encountered during un-installation

The following is an example of system output indicating an archive extraction error:

0) I want to specify a path to an interpreter.
1) Use /router/bin/java
2) Use /router/bin/jre
3) Use /usr/bin/java
4) Use /usr/bin/jre
5) Terminate this installation.
Select a choice [0-5]: 2
Extracting installation class
InstallShield Java (TM) Edition
Extracting installation code......................................done
Unable to extract this archive.
at installcrpms.bail(
at installcrpms.execute(
at installcrpms.<init>(
at installcrpms.main(
**ERROR failed to install
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To resolve an archive extraction error, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Ensure that the DISPLAY variable is set properly, by using the following command:

setenv DISPLAY <IP address> | <hostname>:0.0


Step 2   Verify that X Windows access control is enabled, by using the following command:

/usr/openwin/bin/xhost +

Step 3   Reattempt an installation of the Cisco RPMS software. Refer to the Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide for details.

If the database initialization error occurs again, proceed to Step 4.

Step 4   Contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.

Database Initialization Failure



A database can fail to be initialized when you downgrade Cisco RPMS from a higher release.

Warning Downgrading from Cisco RPMS 1.1 is NOT recommended.

The following is an example of system output indicating a database initialization error:

"Failed to initialize the database, please review the log file
/tmp/rpmsinstall.log and follow the recommendations at the bottom of the
log file to correct the problem. After the problem has been corrected,
uninstall by executing a file called /export/home/crpms/uninstallcrpms, and then reinstall the product".
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To resolve a database initialization failure, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Enter the following command to see the installation log:

tail /tmp/rpmsinstall.log

The system returns a response similar to the following:

Loading properties from /export/home/crpms/sbin/../config/dbserver.conf
Finished loading properties.
Data Source = ORACLE
Driver Type = JDBC-Weblogic-Oracle URL = jdbc:weblogic:oracle:rpms_db username = rpms password = ********
Connected to jdbc:weblogic:oracle:rpms_db
Driver Weblogic, Inc. Java-OCI JDBC Driver (weblogicoci26)
Version 2.5.4
Current schema version: 7
Current RPMS schema version: 10
Current RPMS schema (10) is not up to date for upgrade
Upgrading schema failed.
Upgrading schema failed.

Step 2   If you are not downgrading Cisco RPMS from a higher release, proceed to Step 4. Otherwise, manually remove the Cisco RPMS database tables by using the following commands:

rlogin localhost -l oracle
<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/csdbtool drop
<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/ csdbtool drop_rpms

Step 3   Reattempt an installation of the Cisco RPMS software. Refer to the Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server Installation Guide for details.

If the database initialization error occurs again, proceed to Step 4.

Step 4   Contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.

Database Connectivity Failure



A database connectivity failure occurs when Cisco RPMS is unable to connect with the database.

Note The user may see a very similar error while running the ./uninstallcrpms command. This is because the uninstall program also needs to open up a window. The solution is the same.

Note This problem may also be encountered during uninstallation.

The following is an example of system output indicating an database connectivity error:

Loading properties from /opt/app/rpms/sbin/../config/dbserver.conf
Finished loading properties.
Data Source = ORACLE
Driver Type = JDBC-Weblogic-Oracle URL = jdbc:weblogic:oracle:globedb
username = oracle password = ********
DBFactory Error: driver was unable to connect to the data source, driver msg:[ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied -(oracle/********@globedb)]


Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To resolve a database connectivity failure, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Verify that the database is not connecting to Cisco RPMS by entering the following commands:

rlogin localhost -l oracle
cd <Oracle_home_dir>/bin
./sqlplus rpmsuser/<password>@<TNS_name>
./tnsping <TNS_name>

If the response to these commands indicates that Cisco RPMS is not connecting to the database, proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, proceed to Step 9.

Step 2   Verify the status of the TNS Listener by entering the following command:

./lsnrctl status

Step 3   If a failure is indicated, start TNS Listener manually by using the following command:

<Oracle_home_dir>/bin/lsnrctl start

If TNS Listener restarts, proceed to Step 4. Otherwise, proceed to Step 5.

Step 4   Repeat Step 1 to verify database connectivity.

Step 5   If TNS listener does not restart, restart Oracle:

rlogin localhost -l oracle
connect internal;

Step 6   Restart TNS Listener.

Step 7   Repeat Step 1 to verify database connectivity.

Step 8   Reattempt an installation of the Cisco RPMS software. Refer to the Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server Installation Guide for details.

If the database initialization error occurs again, proceed to Step 9.

Step 9   Contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.


Web Server Fails to Start



This problem occurs when the Web server fails to start during Cisco RPMS startup.

The following is an example of system output indicating that the Web server failed to start:

host# sbin/crpms start
Starting Cisco RPM Server on Wed May 30 17:33:45 PDT 2001
Note: using VM "/export/home/crpms/java/bin/jre"
Java VM version 1.1.7
Starting RPMS Database Server... DBServer Started
Starting RPMS... RPMS Started
Starting administrative servlets... Admin Servlets Started
Starting Fast Track Admin Web server
could not bind to port 64000 (Address already in use)
Fast Track Admin Web server Failed to start
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To return the Web server to service, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Stop the Web server by using the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms webserver stop

Step 2   Restart the Web server by using the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms webserver start

Step 3   If the Web server restarts, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.

Unable to Start/Stop Oracle



This problem occurs when the system is unable to start or stop the Oracle database.

The following is an example of system output indicating a database connectivity error:

host# bin/svrmgrl stop
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
Message 4505 not found; No message file for product=SVRMGR, facility=MGR
Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12571
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To start or stop the Oracle database, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Ensure that you are logged in as an Oracle user by entering the following commands:

uid=1002(oracle) gid=101(dba)

If you are logged in, proceed to Step 3. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2   Log in as an Oracle user by using the following command:

rlogin localhost -l oracle

Step 3   Ensure that the environmental variables are inherited by entering the following command:


The system should return a response similar to the following:


Step 4   If the response is not similar, ensure that the Oracle variables are defined in the Oracle user file .cshrc (according to the installation guide) and reinstate variables by using the following command:

source .cshrc

Step 5   If the Web server restarts, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.

Unable to Start/Stop TNS Listener



Used when an error message is recieved when trying to start or stop TNS Listener.

The following is an example of system output indicating a problem with the TNS Listener:

host# bin/lsnrctl stop
LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 21-JUL-01 15:40:41
(c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Message 1053 not found; No message file for product=NETWORK,
facility=TNSMessage 1052 not found; No message file for
product=NETWORK, facility=TNS
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To start or stop the TNS Listener, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Ensure that you are logged in as an Oracle user by entering the following command:

uid=1002(oracle) gid=101(dba)

Step 2   If the response indicates that you are not logged in, log in as an Oracle user by entering the following command:

rlogin localhost -l oracle

Step 3   Ensure that the environmental variables are inherited by entering the following command:


The system should return a response similar to the following:


Step 4   If the response is not similar, ensure that the Oracle variables are defined in the Oracle user file .cshrc (according to the installation guide) and apply variables by using the following command:

source .cshrc

Step 5   If the Web server restarts, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.

Images on the Cisco RPMS GUI Are Not Displayed Correctly



Use this technique when images on the GUI for the RPMS are not displaying correctly.

Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To correct the display of images on the Cisco RPMS GUI, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Ensure that the following supported Web browsers are being used:

If changing browsers solves the problem, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2   Create a hosts file entry for the Cisco RPMS server on the client.


Step 3   If the images display correctly, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.

Unable to Add/Change/Delete Administrators in the GUI



Use this technique when you are unable to add, change, or delete administrators in the Cisco RPMS GUI.

Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To add, change, or delete administrators in the RPMS GUI, perform the following steps:

Step 1   To do this, the Oracle data must be manipulated directly. Log in to the CLI as system root by using the following command:

cd <RPMS_home_dir>/bin./execsql "update cs_privilege set priv_value='\"ch3yQkFkeus8k\"' where profile_id=(select profile_id from cs_user_profile where user_name='username')"


This sets the password to changeme.

Step 2   Log in to the system and change the password for this administrator immediately.

RPMS Server Process Is Not Running



Use this technique when the process for the Cisco RPMS server is not running.

Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To restart the Cisco RPMS server process, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Check the log files to determine a possible cause of the process failure by entering the following command:

tail <RPMS_home_dir>/log/rpmserver.log
tail <RPMS_home_dir>/log/rpms.log

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your RPMS server.

Correct the cause of failure as necessary.

Step 2   Stop the Cisco RPMS server process by entering the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms rpmsserver stop

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS server.

Step 3   Restart the Cisco RPMS server process by entering the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms rpmsserver start

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS server.


RPMS Database Server Process Is Not Running


Use this technique when the process for the Cisco RPMS database server is not running.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To restart the RPMS database server process, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Check the log files to determine a possible cause of the process failure by entering the following command:

tail <RPMS_home_dir>/log/dberror_date
tail <RPMS_home_dir>/log/dbserver.log


Correct the cause of failure as necessary.

Step 2   Stop the Cisco RPMS database server process by entering the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms dbserver stop

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS server.

Step 3   Restart the Cisco RPMS database server process by entering the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms dbserver start

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS server.


RPMS Watchdog Process Is Not Running


Use this technique when the Cisco RPMS watchdog process is not running.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To restart the Cisco RPMS watchdog process, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Check the log file to determine a possible cause of the process failure by entering the following command:

tail <RPMS_home_dir>/log/watchdog.log

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS server.

Correct the cause of failure as necessary.

Step 2   Stop the Cisco RPMS watchdog process by entering the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms watchdog stop

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS server.

Step 3   Restart the Cisco RPMS watchdog process by entering the following command:

<RPMS_home_dir>/sbin/crpms watchdog start

where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS server.

Incorrect Access Server and Cisco RPMS Keys


Use this technique when the system is configured with incorrect access server and Cisco RPMS keys.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To correct the keys on the access server and the Cisco RPMS, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Debug TACACS by using the following command:

debug tacacs

The system returns a response similar to the following:

Jul 21 18:46:18.275 PDT: TAC+: Using default tacacs server-group "RPMS" list.
Jul 21 18:46:18.275 PDT: TAC+: Opening TCP/IP to timeout=5
Jul 21 18:46:18.279 PDT: TAC+: Opened TCP/IP handle 0x65CC25BC to
49 using source
Jul 21 18:46:18.279 PDT: TAC+: (733062386) AUTHOR/START queued
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: (733062386) AUTHOR/START processed
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: received bad AUTHOR packet: type = 0, expected 2
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: Invalid AUTHOR/START packet (check keys).
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: Closing TCP/IP 0x65CC25BC connection to 172.19.50

Step 2   Reenter the keys on the access server and the Cisco RPMS.

Step 3   If the keys are now correct, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.


Cisco RPMS Cannot Identify Access Server



Use this technique when the Cisco RPMS cannot identify an access server. This can be caused by the following:

  • The access server may not be configured correctly on the Cisco RPMS.
  • The name server entry may not match the source IP address for the access server.

  • Note   This problem appears to be the same as a mismatched key issue.

Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To ensure that the Cisco RPMS can identify an access server, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Debug TACACS by entering the following command:

debug tacacs

The system returns a response similar to the following:

Jul 21 18:46:18.275 PDT: TAC+: Using default tacacs server-group "RPMS" list.
Jul 21 18:46:18.275 PDT: TAC+: Opening TCP/IP to timeout=5
Jul 21 18:46:18.279 PDT: TAC+: Opened TCP/IP handle 0x65CC25BC to
49 using source
Jul 21 18:46:18.279 PDT: TAC+: (733062386) AUTHOR/START queued
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: (733062386) AUTHOR/START processed
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: received bad AUTHOR packet: type = 0, expected 2
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: Invalid AUTHOR/START packet (check keys).
Jul 21 18:46:18.479 PDT: TAC+: Closing TCP/IP 0x65CC25BC connection to 172.19.50

Step 2   Ensure that the associated access server is defined on the Cisco RPMS server.

Step 3   Ensure that the access server hostname and IP address match the name server entry.

Step 4   Define the source address on the access server by entering the following command:

ip tacacs source-interface FastEthernet0/1

Step 5   If the Cisco RPMS can identify the access server, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.


TACACS+ Single Connection Is Configured



Use this technique when there are repeated attempts to connect to the Cisco RPMS. This occurs when the TACACS server has be configured with a single connection, by means of the following command:

tacacs-server host <IP address> single-connection
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To remove the single connection for the TACACS server, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Debug the TACACS server by entering the following command:

debug tacacs

The system returns a response similar to the following:

Jul 24 12:37:12.440 PDT: TAC+: Opening TCP/IP to timeout=5
Jul 24 12:37:12.440 PDT: TAC+: Opened TCP/IP handle 0x65F6AB1C to
49 using source
Jul 24 12:37:12.640 PDT: TAC+: Closing TCP/IP 0x65F6AB1C connection to 172.19.50
Jul 24 12:37:12.640 PDT: TAC+: Opening TCP/IP to timeout=5
Jul 24 12:37:12.640 PDT: TAC+: Opened TCP/IP handle 0x65F6AFB8 to
49 using source
Jul 24 12:37:12.840 PDT: TAC+: Closing TCP/IP 0x65F6AFB8 connection to 172.19.50

Step 2   Remove the single connection configuration by entering the following commands:

no tacacs-server host <IP address> single-connection
tacacs-server host <IP address>

where IP address is the IP address of the TACACS server.

Port Counts Are Out of Synchronization



Use this technique when the port counts between the access server and the Cisco RPMS are out of synchronization. This is caused by one or more of the following:

  • The number of active calls reported on the Cisco RPMS does not match the number of active calls on the gateway.
  • Calls are initially reported on the Cisco RPMS but are then cleared.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To resolve the port discrepancy between the access server and the Cisco RPMS, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Ensure that the associated access server is configured with the required administration command:

tacacs-server administration

Step 2   If the port discrepancy is resolved, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance.

Oracle Configuration Updates Are Not Reflected on Snapshot Site Cisco RPMS Server(s)



Use this technique when a Cisco RPMS server(s) pointing to the snapshot (replication) Oracle database server does not have an up-to-date configuration. This is caused by one or more of the following:

  • Cache triggers are not defined.
  • The master Oracle database server is not set to update snapshot sites.
  • The replication interval has not yet been reached (and a manual update is not performed).
  • The cache trigger interval has not yet been reached.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To ensure the successful replication of the Oracle database, perform the following steps:

Warning Oracle replication should only be attempted by an Oracle DBA.

Step 1   If this is your first replication attempt, perform the following steps. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

    a. Ensure that the cache triggers defined on the Cisco RPMS are pointing to the snapshot server.

    b. Ensure that a unique user name is being used as the Oracle replication administration user name.

    c. Ensure that an Oracle master is set to update snapshot site(s) of changes.

    d. Ensure that the replication interval is reached.

    e. Ensure that the cache trigger interval is reached.

Step 2   If replication was previously working to the snapshot server/Cisco RPMS, perform the following steps:

    a. Ensure that the replication interval is reached.

    b. Ensure that the cache trigger interval is reached.

    c. Verify that the replication data is being received.

Step 3   Verify that replication data is being received on the snapshot site.

Step 4   Verify that the Cisco RPMS tables exist, by entering the following commands:

cd <RPMS_home_dir>/bin
./execsql "select table_name from user_tables"

Where RPMS_home_dir is the home directory of your Cisco RPMS.

The tables should be listed and the last line should indicate that 32 tables exist:

Number of rows fetched = 32

Step 5   Verify that replication data is received on the snapshot site.

Step 6   Check the Cisco RPMS schema to determine what data is received, that is, to check all customer profiles received, by entering the following command:

./execsql "select customer_name from cs_customer"

Refer to Appendix E of the Cisco Resource Pool Manager 1-1 Configuration Guide for complete table structure information.

Enabling a Cisco RPMS Debugging Session


Use this technique when you need to debug problems on your Cisco RPMS.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To enable a debug session on your Cisco RPMS, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Clear the log file by using the following commands:

echo > rpms.log
echo > dbserver.log

Step 2   Enable debugging on required subsystems by performing the following steps:

    a. Select Detailed for the level of debugging.

    b. Select Minor for the level of error logging.

    c. Click the Update button to apply the options you have selected.

Step 3   Debugs appear in rpms.log and dbserver.log files.

Disabling a Cisco RPMS Debugging Session


Use this techqnique when you have completed a debugging operation.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


To disable a debugging session on the Cisco RPMS, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Deselect debugging on subsystems by performing the following steps:

    a. Select Basic for the level of debugging.

    b. Select Severe for the level of error logging.

    c. Click the Update button to apply the options you have selected.

Step 2   Disabling a debugging session should be done as soon as possible.

Using show Commands


Use the following show commands when troubleshooting Cisco RPMS problems.
Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


The following show commands are helpful in diagnosing problems on the Cisco RPMS:

Using debug Commands



Used the following debug commands to troubleshoot Cisco RPMS problems.

Target Platform(s)

Cisco AS5000 series


See Introduction


As needed


Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1-1 Installation Guide

For all related documents, see References.


The following debug commands are helpful in diagnosing problems on the Cisco RPMS:

Posted: Wed Jan 22 01:57:41 PST 2003
All contents are Copyright © 1992--2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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