For terms or acronyms not listed below, see Internetworking Terms and Acronyms at the following URL:
A |
AAA | authentication, authorization, and accounting |
ALTDGK | alternate directory gatekeeper |
AR | Cisco Access Registrar |
ASAP | Cisco Any Service, Any Port solution |
ASP | application service provider |
B |
BAMS | Cisco Billing and Measurements Server |
C |
CAC | call admission control |
CBWFQ | class-based weighted fair queueing |
CDR | call detail record |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CIC | Cisco Info Center; carrier identification code |
CLI | command line interface |
CO | central office |
CPU | central processing unit |
CVM | CiscoWorks2000 Voice Manager |
D |
DGK | directory gatekeeper |
DNIS | Dialed Number Identification Service |
E |
EMEA | Europe, Middle East, and Africa |
EMS | element management system |
EO | end office |
F |
FG | feature group |
G |
GK | gatekeeper |
GW | gateway |
H |
HDLC | high-level data link control |
HSRP | Hot Standby Router Protocolused to ensure GK fault tolerance |
I |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICPIF | ITU G.113 Calculated Planning Impairment Factor |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IMT | intermachine trunk |
IPM | Cisco Internetwork Performance Monitor |
IS | in service |
ISP | Internet service provider |
ISUP | ISDN User Part |
ITSP | Internet telephony service provider |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
IVR | interactive voice response |
L |
L2F | Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol |
L2TP | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol |
LFI | Cisco Link Fragmentation and Interleaving |
LLQ | low latency queuing |
LNS | L2TP network server |
M |
MGC | Media Gateway Controller |
MGCP | Media Gateway Control Protocol |
MIB | Management Information Base |
MLP | Multilink PPP |
MML | Man-Machine Language |
MMP | Multichassis Multilink PPP |
MTP | Message Transfer Part |
N |
NAS | detwork access server |
NMS | network management system |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
NFAS | Non-Facility Associated Signaling |
O |
OGW | originating gateway |
OLO | other local operator; other licensed operator |
OOS | out of service |
OPC | origination point code |
OPT | Open Packet Telephony |
OSP | Open Settlements Protocol |
OSS | Operations Support System |
P |
PCM | pulse code modulation |
Portable Document Format | |
PIN | personal identification number |
POP | point of presence |
PPM | port policy management |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol |
PSQM | perceptual speech quality measure |
PSTN | public switched telephone network |
PTT | Post, Telephone, Telegrapha government-mandated or -operated national telephony carrier |
Q |
QoS | quality of service |
QoV | quality of voice (SNMP) |
R |
RADIUS | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service |
RAI | resource availability indicator |
RAS | H.225 Registration, Admission, and Status Protocolspoken between H.323 gateways and their gatekeepers |
RLM | Cisco Redundant Link Manager |
RPM | resource pool management; resource pool manager |
RPMS | Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol |
RTCP | Real Time Conferencing Protocol; RTP Control Protocol |
RTP | Real-Time Transport Protocol |
RTR | Real Time Reporter |
S |
SC | signaling controllera Cisco SC2200 signaling gateway that converts SS7 to a backhauled NI-2 protocol to gateways; see also VSC and MGC |
SGBP | Stack Group Bidding Protocol |
SGCP | Simple Gateway Control Protocol |
SLT | signaling link termination; Cisco Signaling Link Terminala Cisco 2611 machine capable of terminating SS7 at the MTP2 layer and backhauling MTP3 (and up) to the SC2200 or virtual switch controller (VSC) |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SPE | system processing engine |
SS7 | Signaling System 7 |
T |
TAC | Technical Assistance Center |
TACACS | Terminal Access Controller Access Control System |
TCL | Tool Command Language |
TDM | time-division multiplex; time-division multiplexing |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
TGW | terminating gateway |
U |
UG | universal gateway |
UGM | Cisco Universal Gateway Manager |
URL | uniform resource locator |
V |
VPDN | virtual private data (or dial) network |
VSA | vendor-specific attributea nonstandard attribute tag used by RADIUS. Cisco has defined many useful VSAs to enhance the gateway CDR format. |
VSC | virtual switch controllerone of various Cisco machines capable of providing SS7 signaling conversion, and able to control gateways by means of MGCP; referred to as the SC in this document |
VWIC | Voice/WAN interface card |
W |
WFQ | weighted fair queuing |
WIC | WAN interface card |
Posted: Wed Oct 2 12:27:27 PDT 2002
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