
Table of Contents

Configuring a Universal Gateway
for Service

Basic Gateway Configuration
Enabling Services
Enabling AAA and RADIUS
Enabling PPM
Enabling CAC
Using Reporting Features
Optimizing the Universal Gateway
Special Topics

Configuring a Universal Gateway
for Service

This chapter presents examples of configuring a universal gateway for service as part of the Cisco ASAP Solution. It also presents options for various scenarios, as well as recommendations to optimize performance.

Caution   Certain features vary from one Cisco IOS release to another, as do configuration requirements. Before configuring a platform, always refer to the latest release notes for the solution. The release notes for the Cisco ASAP Solution are available at the following URL:

For configurations of other solution components, such as gatekeepers and supporting servers, see "Configuring Optional Network Components."

Note   The term gateway is used here generically to refer to a Cisco AS5000 series universal gateway (UG) access platform that supports the functions illustrated in this section. Although the term gateway has a specific meaning within the context of H.323 RAS signaling, this term is applicable even where optional H.323 is not used. Furthermore, traditionally when dial/modem services were referred to, the access platform supporting those services was referred to as a network access server, or NAS. The term gateway is used within the context of the Cisco ASAP Solution to describe an access platform providing the dial/modem function, as well as a single UG that is capable of functioning as both a NAS and a voice gateway.

Many of the following configuration and optimization topics are discussed in detail in Chapter 3, "Basic Configuration Using the Command-Line Interface," and Chapter 6, "Configuring Voice over IP," in Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide at the following URL:

The following major topics are covered in this chapter:

Basic Gateway Configuration

This section presents the following fundamental topics and example configurations on the gateway:

Baseline Configuration

"Baseline" includes such universal issues as setting timestamps, establishing a time zone, establishing connections with TFTP servers, and the like. The following annotated configuration excerpt illustrates these issues.

Step 1   Enable timestamps, relative to the local time zone, for debugging and logging. Timestamps are required for logging messages to have meaning. (See also Enabling Logging.)

no service single-slot-reload-enable
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec show-timezone
service timestamps log datetime msec show-timezone
service password-encryption
hostname <name>

Step 2   Ensure that testing is suppressed, and that console logging is disabled. See Suppressing Modem Startup Tests and Autotests, and Optimizing System Logging.

no boot startup-test
logging buffered 1000000 debugging
logging rate-limit console 10 except errors
no logging console guaranteed
no logging console

Caution   Take care that excessive logging does not overwhelm the CPUs.

enable secret <secret>
username <name> password <password>
resource-pool disable

Step 3   Establish a time zone and other clock parameters.

clock timezone PDT -8
clock summer-time PDT recurring
clock calendar-valid
voice-fastpath enable
ip subnet-zero
no ip source-route
no ip gratuitous-arps

Step 4   Create a loopback interface, to ensure that operations are not dependent on a single physical interface being up. See Enabling Communications between a Gateway and a RADIUS Server.

interface Loopback0
ip address <address subnet-mask>
no ip mroute-cache
no keepalive

Note   A loopback interface can be used as a source address for many operations (routing protocols, group-async, RADIUS servers. In this case it corresponds to the source interface for TACACS+.

Step 5   Configure FastEthernet interfaces.

interface FastEthernet<interface>
description <description>
ip address <address subnet-mask>
no ip mroute-cache
load-interval 60
duplex full
speed 100
no cdp enable

Step 6   Repeat the above for other FastEthernet interfaces as required.

Step 7   Establish an interface for TFTP server connections.

ip tftp source-interface <interface> no ip domain-lookup
no ip dhcp-client network-discovery

Step 8   Establish a fax interface. The following are defaults.

fax interface-type modem
mta receive maximum-recipients 0

Note   The default for interface-type depends on the feature card configuration. If a modem is present, the default is modem, the case for universal port cards. For fax configuration information, refer to the following:

T.38 Fax for Cisco Universal Gateways at the following URL:

Fax Services at the following URL:

The above reference also discusses the command mta, which sets options for SNMP Mail Transport Agents (MTAs).

ip classless
ip route <default-gateway>
no ip http server
no cdp run
call rsvp-sync
voice-port <interface>:D <---see Note below

Note   Voice port interfaces are created automatically when ISDN serial D-channels are created.

line con 0
exec-timeout 60 0
password 7 0300520A0A1B2C49
logging synchronous
line aux 0
no exec
logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 60 0

Configuring Controllers

References to resources, as well as examples, are provided below for T1, E1, and T3 (channelized T3, or CT3) controllers.

Configuring T1 and E1 Controllers

Fundamentals and References

For the fundamentals of configuring T1 and E1 controllers, refer to Configuring Channelized T1 and E1 Trunk Cards in Chapter 3, "Basic Configuration Using the Command-Line Interface," in Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide at the following URL:

For VoIP applications, refer to Configure Signaling on Voice Ports in Chapter 6, "Configuring Voice over IP," in that document.

For a variety of examples of T1 and E1 controller configurations for VoIP, including PRI, refer to Chapter 4, "Provisioning Non-SS7-Based POPs" in the Cisco Wholesale Voice Solution Design and Implementation Guide at the following URL:

The following configuration examples, although presented for a Cisco AS5300, are also applicable to UGs:

Example T1 Controller Configuration

The following example illustrates how to configure T1 controllers.

Step 1   Configure T1 controllers. See also Enabling TDM Switching Services.

controller T1 1/0
framing esf
 linecode b8zs

Note   The default framing is sf, and the associated default linecode is ami. This and the above framing and linecode are always paired.

Step 2   Repeat Step 1 for each additional T1 controller. For more details see Enabling SS7 Interconnect on the Gateway (Optional).

Note   When NFAS (non-facility associated signaling) is implemented, multiple spans (controllers) will use the same D-channel (see Step 1).

Refer to Chapter 3, "Basic Configuration Using the Command-Line Interface," of Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide, at the following URL:

Refer also to the following in that chapter: Configuring ISDN PRI, Configuring the D Channels for ISDN Signaling, and Configuring ISDN NFAS on CT1 PRI Groups.

Configuring T3 Controllers

Fundamentals and References

For the fundamentals of configuring T3 Controllers, refer to Configuring Channelized T3 Trunk Cards and Configuring ISDN PRI in Chapter 3, "Basic Configuration Using the Command-Line Interface," in Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide at the following URL:

The following configuration excerpt illustrates the essentials of configuring T3 controllers for PRI service, as well as other key features as noted. Variable options are indicated as follows: <option>.

Step 1   Configure a T3 controller. Framing and cable length will vary.

controller T3 1/0
framing m23
cablelength 20
t1 1-28 controller

Step 2   Repeat the above for each additional T3 controller.

Note   The numbering of steps in this example is for reference only, and generic provisioning not of interest to this solution is not commented on. The order in which various configurations are presented is not the order in which provisioning would occur. Furthermore, privileged EXEC mode is required to enter the commands resulting in the configurations illustrated below.

Step 1   Enable timestamps for debugging and logging.

no service single-slot-reload-enable
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec show-timezone
service timestamps log datetime msec show-timezone
service password-encryption
hostname <name>

Step 2   Ensure that testing is suppressed, and that console logging is disabled. See Suppressing Modem Startup Tests and Autotests, and Optimizing System Logging.

no boot startup-test
logging buffered 1000000 debugging <---for logging lines, see Caution below
logging rate-limit console 10 except errors
no logging console guaranteed
no logging console

Caution   Take care that excessive logging does not overwhelm the CPUs.

enable secret <secret>
username <name> password <password>
resource-pool disable

Step 3   Establish a time zone and other clock parameters.

clock timezone PDT -8
clock summer-time PDT recurring
clock calendar-valid
voice-fastpath enable
ip subnet-zero
no ip source-route
no ip gratuitous-arps

Step 4   Establish an interface for TFTP server connections.

ip tftp source-interface <interface> no ip domain-lookup
no ip dhcp-client network-discovery
fax interface-type modem
mta receive maximum-recipients 0

Step 5   Configure a T3 controller. Framing and cable length will vary. See Configuring T3 Controllers.

controller T3 1/0
framing m23
cablelength 20
t1 1-28 controller

Configuring Network Timing

The NTP (Network Timing Protocol) clock period is automatically defined.

ntp clock-period 17179936 <---see Caution below
ntp update-calendar <---a recommended option

Caution   Do not alter the default clock-period setting.

Step 1   To cause the system calendar to be updated periodically from the NTP time source, use the command ntp update-calendar.

Note   For a discussion of NTP, refer to Enabling Management Protocols: NTP, SNMP, and Syslog at the following URL:

Step 2   Define a primary and a secondary NTP server.

ntp server
ntp server prefer

Configuring ISDN PRI on the Gateway (Optional)

ISDN PRI may or may not be required in your network. The following is only an example. For the details of SS7 configuration, see Enabling SS7 Interconnect on the Gateway (Optional).

Step 1   Configure the serial interface. This is also required for NFAS signaling. See Configuring Controllers for NFAS.

interface Serial1/0:1:23
no ip address
no ip proxy-arp
no logging event link-status
no keepalive
no snmp trap link-status
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice modem
no fair-queue
no cdp enable

Step 2   Establish the ISDN switch type of the telco service provider. See Enabling SS7 Interconnect on the Gateway (Optional), and Defining the ISDN Switch Type.

isdn switch-type <switch-type>

Note   For a discussion of ISDN switch types, refer to National ISDN Switch Types for Basic Rate and Primary Rate Interfaces at the following URL:

Caution   Cisco recommends that you consult with your telephony service provider to ensure compatibility with the PSTN before proceeding. To support SS7 interconnect, a switch type of primary-ni is required. See Defining the ISDN Switch Type.

Note   When a controller is configured for PRI, serial interfaces are created automatically. Repeat the above for each additional serial interface that is automatically created. See also Configuring the ISDN Serial Interfaces 2-9, for information specifically related to enabling synchronous dial services.

Step 3   Optimize the use of the ISDN B-channel.

isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup
isdn bchan-number-order ascending <---important! see Caution below

Caution   To reduce the chance of B-channel glare (assignment contention) with bidirectional traffic, make the near-end hunt proceed in a direction opposite that of the far-end setting. As the default is descending, it is probably the setting at the far end. However, take care to confirm the far-end hunt direction first.

Configuring Controllers for NFAS

This is optional for PRI, but is required for SS7 interconnect.

With NFAS (non-facility-associated signaling) multiple spans share the same D-channel. The D-channel configuration is on the interface associated with the primary NFAS controller. In this case, it is serial 1/0:1:23.

Step 1   Use the following general syntax to configure a controller for PRI NFAS:

controller <T1 | E1 controller ID>
pri-group timeslots 1-24 nfas_d primary nfas_int <number> nfas_group <number>

Step 2   Configure, at a minimum, the following:

controller <T1 | E1 controller ID>
pri-group timeslots 1-24 nfas_d primary nfas_int 0 nfas_group 0
controller <T1 | E1 controller ID>
pri-group timeslots 1-24 nfas_d none nfas_int 1 nfas_group 0

Caution   The NFAS interface number (nfas_int number) must be unique to each trunk (controller). All trunks must be placed in the same NFAS group (here nfas_group 0).

Enabling SS7 Interconnect on the Gateway (Optional)

Support for SS7 signaling may or may not be required in your network. On the gateway, the basic configuration consists of the following activities:

Additional options can be configured. For more detail refer to Using SS7 Interconnect References.

Note   Predefined SS7 resource groups are automatically created when resource pooling is enabled to a Cisco RPMS from a UG that is configured for SS7 interconnect. For details see SS7 Resource Groups.

Defining the ISDN Switch Type

SS7 signaling requires a PRI (primary) national ISDN (ni) switch type. Use the following global configuration command:

isdn switch-type primary-ni

Note   The only switch type supported for SS7 interconnect is primary-ni.

Configuring the ISDN Serial Interfaces

ISDN serial interfaces require signaling that is out of band, over a dedicated data channel, the D-channel. The following configuration is on the D-channel interface (Serial1/0:1:23). [See Configuring ISDN PRI on the Gateway (Optional).]

Step 1   Configure the incoming D-channels for ISDN signaling. This is the D-channel defined previously in the NFAS configuration. See Configuring Controllers for NFAS.

Note   Refer to Configuring the D Channels for ISDN Signaling in Chapter 3, "Basic Configuration Using the Command-Line Interface," of Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide, at the following URL:

interface Serial1/0:1:23
ip unnumbered Loopback0
dialer idle-timeout 2147483
no snmp trap link-status
isdn incoming-voice modem

Note   ISDN signaling is from the Cisco RLM. See Configuring RLM and Using Cisco RLM.

no isdn send-status-enquiry
isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup <---will negotiate for another B-channel if one is busy
no fair-queue

Note   For more information and references on multilink PPP and multichassis multilink PPP, see Configuring Multilink PPP.

Configuring RLM

Where SS7 interconnect is used, Redundant Link Manager (RLM) is a feature that provides virtual link management over multiple IP networks so that the Q.931 signaling protocol and other proprietary protocols can be transported on top of multiple redundant links between the Cisco Signaling Controller (in our case, the Cisco SC2200) and the gateway. In addition, RLM opens, maintains, and closes multiple links, manages buffers of queued signaling messages, and monitors whether links are active for link failover and signaling controller failover. The user can create more than one IP connection between the signaling control and the gateway.

Note   The following deals with configuring RLM on the gateway only. See Using Cisco RLM. For more information about RLM, refer to Redundant Link Manager (RLM) at the following URL: htm

Configure RLM Groups

Use the following to establish an RLM group and server.

rlm group 0
server <SC2200-reference>
link address <SC2200-IP-address> source <interface> weight 1

The server name, SC2200-reference, only has local significance. The link IP address specified, SC2200-IP-address, is that of the Cisco SC2200. The source interface determines the source IP address that will be used by the gateway for RLM traffic.

Two RLM groups can be defined, allowing for redundant links to the Cisco SC2200; however, they must be defined with different weight values. The one with the higher weight is the primary group and is used unless it is out of service.

Note   The interface defined (for example, Ethernet0) is that of the interface providing the connection to the signaling and management network, not that of the data network connection.

Specify the RLM Group Number

On the Serial0:23 interface (the D-channel), use the following to assign the rlm-group number that ISDN will start using.

interface Serial0:23
isdn rlm-group 0

Note   This ensures that the ISDN protocol stack functions properly while the D-channel information (Q.931 and the Q.921 frames) is transported over possibly multiple IP networks through UDP across links managed by the RLM. See also Configuring the ISDN Serial Interfaces.

For more details refer to ISDN Module at the following URL: tm

Using SS7 Interconnect References

For complete details of configuring SS7 interconnect, consult the SS7 interconnect solution documentation. References to SS7 interconnect for voice and dial services are presented below.

SS7 Interconnect for Voice Services

For the details of configuring SS7 on a gateway for voice services, refer to Configuring Media Gateways for the SS7 Interconnect for Voice Gateways Solution at the following URL:

SS7 Interconnect for Dial Services

For the details of configuring SS7 on a gateway for dial (modem data) services, refer to Configuring Media Gateways for the SS7 Interconnect for Access Servers Solution at the following URL:

The remainder of the SS7 configuration takes place on the components of the Cisco SC2200 node. See Establishing Additional Components to Support Dial.

Enabling Services

This section presents the following service-related topics:

Enabling Dial Services

Dial services fall into two fundamental categories, according to whether the data streams rely on a system clock or not: synchronous (ISDN) and asynchronous. Key configurations for each category, respectively, are presented in the following:

Configuring Dial-In (Asynchronous) Modem Service

To support modem service for analog dial calls, an asynchronous group interface is required, as well as a range of asynchronous interfaces (lines) to be supported. Using an asynchronous group interface makes it easy to configure a large number of interfaces by allowing them to be cloned from a single managed copy. This can reduce the number of lines in the configuration, because each asynchronous group interface configuration can be replaced by at least one group-async.

Tip To assign the asynchronous interfaces to a group-async interface, view the running configuration to determine the number of asynchronous lines that need to be aggregated.

Note   For details, refer to Configuring the Asynchronous Group Interface, in Chapter 3, "Basic Configuration Using the Command-Line Interface," of Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide at the following URL:

Do the following to configure dial-in modem service.

Step 1   Establish a group-async interface. This interface controls the characteristics of analog dial calls.

interface Group-Async0
ip unnumbered Loopback0
encapsulation ppp
no ip mroute-cache
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout <seconds> <---see Note below

Note   dialer idle-timeout defaults to a nonzero value.

async mode interactive <---see Note below

Note   async mode interactive is required only if both EXEC and non-EXEC sessions are to be supported.

no snmp trap link-status
no peer default ip address
ppp authentication chap callin <---CHAP options can vary
group-range <start> <end> <---see Note below

Note   A noncontiguous range of slots for the DSPs can be entered in the range and the software will adjust accordingly.

Step 2   Configure lines (support the dial-in interfaces). Configuring lines requires defining a range.

line <start> <end>
exec-timeout 5 0
no flush-at-activation
modem InOut <---see Note below

Note   If the gateway is being used only for dial-in services and COT support is not required, use modem dialin and transport input none.

Modem capability is defined automatically when the IOS detects the modems.

transport input all <---see Note above
 autoselect during-login <---see Note below
autoselect ppp

Note   The use of autoselect during-login is required only if both EXEC and non-EXEC sessions are to be supported.

Configuring ISDN Synchronous Service for Dial

To configure a synchronous dial service, first configure a synchronous dial ("Dialer") interface, then associate a dialer interface group with a serial interface, as shown below.

Step 1   Configure a dialer interface.

interface Dialer1
ip address negotiated
encapsulation ppp <---see Caution below
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
load-interval 60 <---see first Note below
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout <seconds>
dialer pool 1 <---see second Note below
autodetect encapsulation ppp
no peer default ip address
no fair-queue
no cdp enable
ppp authentication chap callin

Note   The command load-interval determines how often, in seconds, the traffic load is examined with respect to bringing up additional multilink PPP links when they are needed. This command is used only for dial-out services.

Note   The dialer pool 1 (above) must be associated with dialer pool-member 1 (below) on the serial interface. The older method used dialer-group 1.

Caution   The command encapsulation ppp is recommended for an ISDN synchronous data call. Of special importance on a UG is the statement ppp multilink, which is required to enable multilink PPP. (See also Enabling Multichassis Multilink PPP., below.) In addition, the command isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup is recommended for two-way TDM calls. By negotiating for another B-channel if a given channel is occupied, this prevents calls from being rejected. For more detail, see Enabling TDM Switching Services.

Step 2   Associate the dialer interface group just established with a serial interface.

interface Serial <number>
dialer pool-member 1 <---see Note below

Note   The dialer pool-member is associated with dialer pool 1. The older method used dialer rotary-group 1.

Step 3   Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for all serial interfaces that are to be associated with the dialer interface group.

Enabling Multichassis Multilink PPP

ISDN multichassis multilink PPP (MMP) is useful where there are large pools of dial-in users and a single chassis cannot provide enough dial ports. MMP uses Stack Group Bidding Protocol (SGBP) to enable MMP. (See Configuring SGBP (Optional).)

Note   For background and provisioning information, refer to Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol at the following URL:

Note   For more background and detailed references on Multilink PPP (MLP) and Multichassis Multilink PPP (MMP), see Configuring Multilink PPP 4-34.

Use the following commands to enable SGBP to support MMP (Multichassis Multilink PPP) connections. See Configuring SGBP (Optional).

sgbp group sgbp1
sgbp member <hostname IP-address>

In this simple example with a stack that consists of two UGs, sgbp member defines the name and address of the partner UG. That UG would use this command to define the name and address of the current UG. Therefore, an sgbp member line must include all members of the stack with which the current UG must communicate.

Note   The above information is very basic. For more information and references on multilink PPP and multichassis multilink PPP, see Configuring Multilink PPP.

Step 4   To enable SGBP, you must enable VPDN. See Enabling VPDN, below.

Enabling VPDN

Generically, an L2TP tunnel is referred to as a VPN (virtual private network) tunnel.

Note   When L2F is used, the tunnel endpoint is called an HGW (home gateway). When L2TP is used, the tunnel endpoint is called an LNS (L2TP network server). The point of access to the network (in our case the UG) is often referred to as an LAC (L2TP access concentrator).

For an overview and details of configuring virtual private networks, refer to the chapter "Configuring Virtual Private Networks" in the Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide, Release 12.2, at the following URL:

The establishment of VPDN groups is optional, and is an optimization techniques that employs virtual templates to speed the establishment of call interfaces.For background and information on how to complete this optional provisioning, see Using Virtual Access Interfaces to Optimize Dynamic Interface Configuration.

The following illustrates the establishment of local VPDN groups.

Note   The gateway provisioning supports interactions with a Cisco RPMS. For details of Cisco RPMS, refer to Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1.1 at the following URL:

(Later versions of Cisco RPMS are known as Cisco Resource Policy Management Server.)

See also L2TP Tunneling and VPDNs 4-17 and L2TP Network Server 5-5.

There are three basic types of VPDN:

Configuration issues related to these VPDN types are discussed in the sections that follow.

Note   If you are using an LNS as the remote server, before proceeding see L2TP Tunneling and VPDNs. That section illustrates both gateway and server configurations.

Local VPDN

Use the following basic steps to configure VPDN manually on the gateway. If using an LNS, see Configuring VPDN on the LAC. See also Assigning Dial DNIS Groups to Support Local RPM (Optional).

Note   For an overview and details of configuring virtual private networks, refer to the chapter "Configuring Virtual Private Networks" in the Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide, Release 12.2, at the following URL:

Step 1   Enable VPDN, and tell the gateway to look for tunnel definitions.

vpdn enable

Note   This is the only command required when VPDN definitions are server-based. Continue with the following basic steps if doing local VPDN.

Step 2   Define a local group number identifier for which other VPDN variables can be assigned. Valid range is from 1 through 3000.

vpdn-group <group-number>

Step 3   Enable the router to request a dial-in tunnel to an IP address, if the dial-in user belongs to a specific domain or dials a specific DNIS.

Note   The following configuration example is local VPDN (VPN) information only. When Cisco RPMS or Cisco AR are running and have the appropriate VPDN information, the UG obtains its VPDN information from those applications. Therefore, a configuration on the UG (other than vpdn enable) is unnecessary.

vpdn enable
vpdn-group 23
protocol l2tp
dnis Local_rpm_vispt
initiate-to ip
local name local_rpm_tid
l2tp tunnel password 7 00071A150754
vpdn-group 31
protocol l2tp
dnis Local_rpm_rispt
initiate-to ip
local name local_rpm_rispt
l2tp tunnel password 7 0822455D0A16

Remote (Server-Based) VPDN

VPDN must also be enabled on a remote server, such as a Cisco RPMS or Cisco AR. See Configuring VPDN on the LNS.


The details of configuring a UG to interact with a Cisco RPMS server are presented in Enabling Cisco RPMS 1.x.

Using Virtual Access Interfaces

Virtual access interfaces are logical entities that can optimize the dynamic configuration of serial interfaces for dial services. For the details of configuring this optimization technique, see Using Virtual Access Interfaces to Optimize Dynamic Interface Configuration.

Additional Optimization Techniques for Dial Services

The following sections present optimization techniques that are of value for dial services:

Enabling Voice Services

After controllers are configured, the next essential step to enabling voice services is to configure a dial plan. Where universal ports are concerned, a unified dial plan is called for. This section presents the following topics:

Establishing Unified Dial Plans

A unified dial plan is simply a dial plan that supports both voice and dial numbers. In a converged voice and dial network, a unified dial plan defines how any call, whether voice or dial, should be handled, including whether it should be terminated locally, routed across the network, processed by another element, and so on. This overall unified dial plan is typically implemented on a range of network elements that may include gateways, gatekeepers, route servers, proxy servers, and the like.

The gateway is the main element affected when implementing a unified dial plan (as opposed to a voice-only dial plan), because this is where the decision takes place as to whether or not a call should be processed locally as a dial call. Different called numbers are required to differentiate voice calls from dial calls.

The gateway dial plan implementation continues to define how the gateway should handle all incoming calls, including whether to terminate the call locally, initiate a script to play IVR prompts, forward the call to another gateway, use H.323 RAS (Registration Admission, and Status) messaging, and so on. In a unified dial plan implementation, this is extended to accommodate dial calls that the service provider wishes to have terminated locally.

Caution   Currently, support for a unified dial plan is implemented through a feature commonly referred to as "fall through to dial." There must be no matching dial peer for a dial access number if that number is to be handled as a dial call.

Note   For a discussion of dial plans in the context of voice services, refer to Dial Plans and Number Normalization in Chapter 2, "Provisioning the Gatekeeper Core" in the Cisco Wholesale Voice Solution Design and Implementation Guide at the following URL:

The topic of static dial plans is discussed in even greater detail in Designing a Static Dial Plan at the following URL:

These are illustrated in the example configuration excerpts that follow.

Assigning Dial Peers to Voice Ports

The following configuration excerpts illustrate assigning dial peers to the voice ports of an H.323 gateway.

Step 1   Assign dial peers to voice ports using the following general syntax. Here we use an entire FastEthernet interface, and define both POTS and VoIP ports.

interface FastEthernet<interface>
h323-gateway voip interface
dial-peer voice <number> pots
incoming called-number <area-code>
dial-peer voice <number> voip
destination-pattern <area-code>
session target ipv4:

Note   Subsequent steps provide the details of specific dial-peer configurations: POTS, VoIP, and prepaid. The voice ports that are shown are assigned automatically.

Caution   Applications that are not compliant with T.38 Fax Relay, such as Microsoft NetMeeting, may not work properly unless certain configurations are applied to the dial peer as well as to the gatekeeper. For details see UG and GK Configuration Requirements for Microsoft NetMeeting with T.38 Fax Relay.

Step 2   Configure a POTS voice dial peer.

voice-port 1/0:1:D
dial-peer voice 901 pots
incoming called-number 902.......
no shutdown
destination-pattern 901110[0-4]...
port 1/0:1:D
prefix 901

Step 3   Configure a variety of VoIP dial peers.

dial-peer voice 903 voip
destination-pattern 903.......
session target ras <---forwards call to H.323 gatekeeper for RAS admission
dial-peer voice 9021092 voip
destination-pattern 9021092...
session target ras
dial-peer voice 9021090 voip
destination-pattern 9021090...
session target ras
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 901103 voip
destination-pattern 901103....
session target ras

Note   For a discussion of direct-inward-dial and session target ras, refer to the technical note Voice-Understanding How Inbound and Outbound Dial Peers are Matched on Cisco IOS Platforms at the following URL:

Step 4   Configure a dial peer for prepaid calling-card services.

dial-peer voice 69 pots
description ASAP_voice Prepaid
application debit
incoming called-number 8006661234
destination-pattern 8006661234
port 1/0:1:D

Note   For a discussion of other aspects of enabling prepaid services for voice, see Enabling Prepaid.

Configuring H.323 Registration

The following discusses the configuration required to enable H.323 registration on a gateway so that the GW can register with a GK. For a discussion of what is required on the GK, see Establishing a Gatekeeper.

Step 1   Configure the UG to register with the GK.

Note   Refer to Configuring Gateways and a Gatekeeper in a Single Zone, in Chapter 2, "Provisioning the Gatekeeper Core," of the Cisco Wholesale Voice Solution Design and Implementation Guide, at the following URL:

interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
duplex full
speed 100
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id z1-gk1 ipaddr 1718
h323-gateway voip h323-id z1-gw3
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#

Enabling Prepaid

Enabling prepaid billing services for voice calls is discussed in considerable detail in Establishing Billing Services for Calling Card Services, in Chapter 3, "Provisioning Shared Support Services," of the Cisco Wholesale Voice Solution Design and Implementation Guide, at the following URL:

In addition to establishing a dial peer dedicated to this service, call treatment will need to be enabled and interactive voice response (IVR) facilities will need to be established and provisioned. The following fundamental steps are required:

Configure Dial Peers for Prepaid

An example dial peer for prepaid service is illustrated in Step 4 of Assigning Dial Peers to Voice Ports.

Enable IVR

Do something similar to the following to enable interactive voice response (IVR) prompts for prepaid calling-card services.

Note   Refer to Provisioning Services to Support IVR in Chapter 3, "Provisioning Shared Support Services," of the Cisco Wholesale Voice Solution Design and Implementation Guide, at the following URL:

Step 1   Declare the location of the Cisco TCL IVR scripts on a TFTP server.

call application voice debit tftp://

Step 2   Determine a user ID length.

call application voice debit uid-len 4

Step 3   In our example, make English the first language of choice.

call application voice debit language 1 en

Step 4   In our example, make Spanish the second language.

call application voice debit language 2 sp

Step 5   Declare the location of the two prompt files, respectively.

call application voice debit set-location en 0 tftp://
call application voice debit set-location sp 0 tftp://

Enable Accounting for Prepaid

You will also need to enable H.323-based accounting on the gateway, an AAA feature. See Enabling H.323-Based Accounting for Voice.

Enabling T.38 Fax Relay Service

Cisco AS5350 and AS5400 UGs support fax over IP services in addition to VoIP. The Cisco T.38 Fax Relay for Universal Gateways feature provides standards-based fax relay protocol support on UGs.

Caution   Applications that are not compliant with T.38 Fax Relay, such as Microsoft NetMeeting, may not work properly unless certain configurations are applied to the dial peer as well as to the gatekeeper. For details see UG and GK Configuration Requirements for Microsoft NetMeeting with T.38 Fax Relay.

Step 1   Enable T.38 Fax Relay service.

Note   For more detail, see Enabling T.38 Fax Relay Service. Refer also to T.38 Fax for Cisco Universal Gateways at the following URL: htm

voice service voip
fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0
fax interface-type vfc

Caution   With certain PC telephony applications that are not T.38 compliant (for example, Microsoft NetMeeting), the global use of this command can be problematic. Cisco recommends that you disable T.38 Fax Relay on the VoIP dial peers that service such applications.

When a fax is sent from an originating GW, an initial voice call is established. The terminating GW detects the fax tone generated by the answering fax machine. The VoIP H.323 call stack then starts a T.38 mode request, using H.245 procedures. (H.245 is a core component of the H.323 standard that specifies messages for opening and closing channels for media streams, and other commands, requests and indications.) If the opposite end of the call acknowledges the T.38 mode request, the initial audio channel is closed and a T.38 Fax Relay channel is opened. When the fax transmission is completed, the call reverts back to voice mode.

The command voice service voip enters the voice service configuration mode. The subsequent command fax protocol specifies the global default fax protocol for all the VoIP dial peers. The keyword t38 specifies the T.38 Fax Relay protocol.

Caution   T.38 Fax Relay can be configured under dial-peer voice, but the configuration for the specific dial peer takes precedence over the global configuration implemented under voice service voip.

Note   For further details, additional references, and configuration examples, refer to T.38 Fax Relay for Cisco Universal Gateways, at the following URL: htm

Enabling TDM Switching Services

After receiving an incoming call with SS7, ISDN PRI, or CAS signaling, Cisco UGs analyze the dialed digits and, if required, forward the call outward (using the appropriate outbound signaling) to the designated port or trunk group. This feature, variously referred to as "grooming," "drop and insert," or (in EMEA) "tromboning," is necessary for PSTN interconnects to provide not only legacy voice services but also test calls. The TDM switching feature of the UGs allow cross-connections to be made directly on the time slot interchange (TSI) portion of the DSP.

Note   TDM switching, the ability of Cisco AS5000 series UGs to switch information directly between two DS0 circuits without affecting the data, is introduced in TDM Switching, in Chapter 2, "Solution Architecture and Services," of the Cisco ASAP Solution Overview and Planning Guide at the following URL:

Any Cisco AS5000 series trunk interface (T1 or E1, including T1s inside a CT3) can be designated as an outbound or inbound trunk for TDM switching purposes. SS7, network-side ISDN PRI, user-side ISDN PRI, or CAS signaling is provided on this outbound trunk to signal calls redirected by the UG. Calls to be redirected are identified simply through a dial-peer match of the called number, or DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service).

Note   Dial peers are discussed in TDM Switching, in Chapter 2, "Solution Architecture and Services," of the Cisco ASAP Solution Overview and Planning Guide at the following URL:

See also Establishing Unified Dial Plans 2-17.

Refer also to the following useful documents at their respective URLs:

Configuring Voice over IP

Network Side ISDN PRI Signalling, Trunking, and Switching

Example TDM Switching Configuration

The example configuration presented below illustrates one way to configure both SS7-to-PRI and PRI-to-SS7 switching. Controllers 1/0:1 through 1/0:14 represent SS7 ingress and egress facilities. Controllers 1/0:15 through 1/0:28 represent ISDN non-NFAS ingress and egress facilities, with a switch type of NI2 (National ISDN-2).

In this example, any incoming SS7 10-digit call with the called-number NPA-NXX digits 904-102 is switched to the ISDN PRIs on controllers 1.0:15 through 1/0:28. Conversely, any incoming 10-digit call on the ISDN PRIs with the called-number NPA-NXX digits 904-704 is switched to the SS7 RLM NFAS group 0, which consists of controllers 1/0:1 through 1/0:14.

On the ISDN PRI egress side, this configuration provides two principal benefits:

In the following excerpt, the first five steps simply configure the controllers. The last step, the configuration of dial peers, is what really enables TDM switching.

Step 1   Configure dial peers. This begins the actual TDM switching configuration.

dial-peer voice 1 pots
description SS7 to PRI TDM switching <---see Note below

Note   This dial peer begins the SS7-to-PRI hunt. By default its preference is 0, but there is no preference 0 line.

incoming called-number 904102.... <---periods represent wildcards
destination-pattern 904102....
no digit-strip
port 1/0:15:D
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 2 pots <---second peer in the hunt, with preference 1
description SS7 to PRI TDM switching
preference 1
incoming called-number 904102....
destination-pattern 904102....
no digit-strip
port 1/0:27:D
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 3 pots <---third peer in the hunt, with preference 2
description SS7 to PRI TDM switching
preference 2
incoming called-number 904102....
destination-pattern 904102....
no digit-strip
port 1/0:16:D
forward-digits all
<---snip---> dial-peers 4 through 9 not shown
dial-peer voice 10 pots <---tenth peer in the hunt, with preference 9
description SS7 to PRI TDM switching
preference 9
incoming called-number 904102....
destination-pattern 904102....
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23:D
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 11 pots <---eleventh peer in the hunt, with preference 10
description SS7 to PRI TDM switching
preference 10
incoming called-number 904102....
destination-pattern 904102....
no digit-strip
port 1/0:24:D
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 12 pots <---see Note below

Note   This dial peer does not have a preference. It switches calls from the ISDN PRIs to the SS7 T1 controllers 1/0:1 through 1/0:14.

description PRI to SS7 TDM switching peer
incoming called-number 904704....
destination-pattern 904704....
no digit-strip
port 1/0:1:D
forward-digits all

Step 2   Configure B-channel negotiation to support simultaneous ingress and egress traffic. This is done on the serial controller that supports the SS7 D-channel, as in the following abbreviated example.

interface Serial1/0:1:23
 isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup <---important

Step 3   Reduce the chance of B-channel glare (assignment contention) with bidirectional traffic. To do this, make the near-end hunt proceed in a direction opposite that of the far-end setting.

Caution   Take care to confirm the far-end hunt direction first.

Note the following abbreviated example.

interface Serial1/0:15:23
  isdn bchan-number-order ascending <---important

As the default is descending, it is probably the setting at the far end.

Enabling AAA and RADIUS

This section covers the following topics:

Enabling Basic AAA Service: Overview

Enabling basic AAA service consists of three fundamental steps:

1. Enabling AAA

2. Defining AAA servers

3. Defining methods to apply to each of the three elements of AAA: authentication, authorization, and accounting. This step requires the use of method lists, which will vary according to the needs of each network.

For background, the AAA method lists for authentication, authorization, and accounting are discussed in "AAA Method Lists."

Enabling Basic AAA Service: Examples

The following examples illustrate how to enable AAA accounting for voice services on the gateway. The following topics are covered:

Enabling H.323-Based Accounting for Voice

For prepaid services (see Enabling Prepaid, you will need to enable H.323-based accounting on the gateway. The vsa (vendor-specific attributes) command option is required to support prepaid voice services only.

gw-accounting h323 vsa <---required for prepaid service only
gw-accounting voip

Note   For a discussion of VSAs in the context of AAA billing, refer to Understanding and Provisioning AAA Billing in Chapter 3, "Provisioning Shared Support Services," of the Cisco Wholesale Voice Solution Design and Implementation Guide, at the following URL:

Refer in particular to Methods to Enable VoIP Accounting on Gateways to Support Billing in that section.

A Basic AAA Example

The following steps illustrate basic AAA provisioning. (There are many options that are beyond the scope of the current discussion.)

Step 1   Enable AAA.

aaa new-model

Step 2   Define AAA servers.

Typically AAA groups are used. This allows different servers to be used for each element of AAA. It also defines a redundant set of servers for each element. However, the keywords radius or tacacs+ are also used. The latter approach uses globally defined RADIUS or TACACS+ servers, and is not as flexible as using AAA server groups.

    a. Define a RADIUS AAA server.

aaa group server radius <server-group-name>
server <IP-address/hostname> auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646

Note   The above port numbers are defaults, for authorization and accounting, respectively. Explicit port numbers are required only if nondefault ports are used.

    b. Alternatively, define a TACACS+ AAA server.

aaa group server tacacs+ <server-group-name>
server <IP-address/hostname>

Step 3   Define AAA method lists. The following lines are processed sequentially.

    a. Define an authentication method list.

aaa authentication login default local group <server-group-name>

Note    For background on this and the other method lists, see "AAA Method Lists."

This does the following. By default, authenticate users requesting login access by first checking the local username list. If the username is not listed locally, authentication will be through the AAA servers defined in the AAA group server-group-name. Defining local authentication first is typical where ports are being used by scripted login clients who use generic passwords (such as AOL). If there is no response from the servers, login users will not be able to access the network.

aaa authentication ppp default if-needed local group <server-group-name>

This does the following. By default, authenticate users requesting PPP access only if they have not already been authenticated. Authenticate first through the local database. If that fails, authenticate through the AAA servers defined in the group server-group-name. This can be used to access the gateway locally for administrative purposes in case, for example, network connectivity to the gateway is down.

    b. Define an authorization method list.

aaa authorization exec default group server-group-name if-authenticated

This does the following. By default, authorize users running EXEC shells through the AAA servers defined in the AAA group server-group-name. If there is no response from the servers (for example, they are not working), just let them run the required services.

aaa authorization network default group server-group-name if-authenticated

    c. Configure an accounting method list.

aaa accounting exec default start-stop group <server-group-name>
aaa accounting network default start-stop group <server-group-name>

Additional AAA Accounting Options

You can also define additional AAA accounting options. Select only those steps you want to apply. (The following commands are used in global configuration mode.)

Step 1   Ignore null usernames. This prevents the Cisco IOS software from sending accounting records for users whose username string is null.

aaa accounting suppress null-username

This prevents accounting packets from being sent for users who are autoselected as connecting through PPP. Initially the gateway assumes a login session (rather than a PPP session, which is aborted when PPP is detected).

Step 2   Include the IP address in the start record.

aaa accounting delay-start

Step 3   Send accounting records on system start/stop.

aaa accounting system default wait-start group <server-group-name>

As in start-stop, this sends both a start and a stop accounting notice to the accounting server. However, if you use the wait-start keyword, the requested user service does not begin until the start accounting notice is acknowledged. A stop accounting notice is also sent.

Other AAA Options

You may also find one or more of the following useful. (The following commands are used in global configuration mode.)

Step 1   To support RADIUS, use extended NAS port format (also applicable to UGs). The regular nas port attribute is still sent, but an accounting VSA is also sent with the extended NAS port information.

aaa nas port extended

This allows interfaces in the same slot to be differentiated (for example, 1/0:1 from 1/0:3).

Caution   The above requires VSAs, so these must be enabled. See Enabling H.323-Based Accounting for Voice.

Step 2   Use multithreaded AAA processing. [This is required only in IOS releases prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)XB.]

aaa processes <n>

where n = the number of AAA processes.

Cisco recommends 5 < n < 15 for RADIUS-only environments, and 10 < n < 30 for environments with TACACS+.

Caution   Adjust n with care, as this creates a bell-curve performance profile that is environment-specific. Increase its value to decrease the PPP queue, and ensure that the CPU is not burdened by PPP queue improvements.

Tip Use show ppp queue to check for improvements. For an example of CPU monitoring, see Scaling AAA Processing.

Administrative Options for AAA

Through the use of administrative listnames, you can control authentication, authorization, and accounting for administrative groups. Here we use the example listname ADMIN. Select only those steps you wish to apply. These options can be applied to console (line con 0), auxiliary (line aux 0), and virtual terminal (line vty 0 4) interfaces.

Step 1   Set login authentication on an interface. Here we define the listname.

login authentication ADMIN

Step 2   Define an administrative authentication method list.

aaa authentication login ADMIN group LAB local

This first authenticates users through the AAA server group LAB, then proceeds to the local username list. The AAA group ADMIN corresponds to the login authentication ADMIN configured in the previous step.

Step 3   Define an administrative authorization method list.

aaa authorization exec ADMIN group LAB if-authenticated

Note   This does the following. The result is the same as for the previous command, but for the listname ADMIN, through the AAA servers defined in the AAA group LAB.

Step 4   Define an administrative command level for authorization.

aaa authorization commands level ADMIN group LAB if-authenticated

This does the following. The variable level is the specific command level that should be authorized. Valid entries are 0 through 15. Level 1 is normal user EXEC commands. Level 15 is the privileged level. There are five commands associated with privilege level 0: disable, enable, exit, help, and logout. If you configure AAA authorization for a privilege level greater than 0, these five commands will not be included in the privilege level command set.

Step 5   Configure an administrative accounting method list.

aaa accounting exec ADMIN wait-start group LAB

Step 6   Run accounting for all commands at the specified privilege level.

aaa accounting commands level ADMIN wait-start group LAB

This does the following. The variable level is the specific command level that should be tracked. Valid entries are 0 through 15. Level 1 is normal user EXEC commands. Level 15 is the privileged level. There are five commands associated with privilege level 0: disable, enable, exit, help, and logout. If you configure AAA authorization for a privilege level greater than 0, these five commands will not be included in the privilege level command set.

Note   For details, refer to Accounting Commands at the following URL:

Step 7   Provide information about all outbound connections made from the gateway (such as Telnet, local-area transport (LAT), TN3270, packet assembler/disassembler, and rlogin).

aaa accounting connection ADMIN wait-start group LAB

Enabling Communications between a Gateway and a RADIUS Server

After AAA is enabled and RADIUS servers and keys are defined on the client gateway, communications must be established between the gateway and the RADIUS server. This section addresses the recommended configurations on the gateway, with the basic options you should configure there. See also Enabling RADIUS-Based PPM.

Caution   You must enable AAA on the gateway before you can configure RADIUS. See Enabling Basic AAA Service: Examples.

Note   A detailed discussion is also provided in Configure Communication between the Gateway and the RADIUS Server in Configuring a Gateway for AAA, Chapter 3, "Provisioning Shared Support Services," of the Cisco Wholesale Voice Solution Design and Implementation Guide, at the following URL:

The above-referenced section also illustrates how to configure the gateway to use VSAs and how to configure gateway-specific accounting.

The full RADIUS command syntax on the gateway is as follows:

radius-server host <IP-address/hostname> auth-port <number> acct-port <number> [non-standard] timeout <seconds> retransmit <number> key <string>

Caution   The order of option entry is important, as certain options are no longer available after you enter certain other options. Specifically, the key must be entered at the end.

Note   Refer also to RADIUS Commands at the following URL: m

There are many other options that are not addressed here. For a discussion of server implementations of RADIUS, refer to Configuring RADIUS at the following URL: m

Do the following to establish communications. You can selectively define the parameters to override, and leave others at their default values by not defining them. (You cannot define deadtime as a server-specific parameter.)

Step 1   Define RADIUS servers, source address, authorization and accounting ports, and keys.

radius-server host <IP-address/hostname> auth-port <number> acct-port <number> key <string>

The above line is required for each RADIUS server listed in an AAA server group. Define on the client gateway the authentication and accounting ports on the RADIUS server. These are the ports on the server to which the client will send authentication and accounting data. Keys are typically defined for each RADIUS server, although a global command is available. There is no default key.

Caution   You will not be able to configure these ports after the key is established.

The Cisco defaults for auth-port and acct-port are 1645 and 1646, respectively. (The RFCs define these as 1812 and 1813, respectively.) The important thing is to make sure the client ports match the corresponding ports on the RADIUS server. Server-specific values must be defined as part of the radius-server definition for that server.

Step 2   Define additional communications parameters. These include timeouts, retries, and deadtime, as defined in the substeps below. The values shown in the configuration lines are Cisco's recommendations.

    a. Define how many times the client should try to contact the server before giving up. (The default value is 3 retries.)

radius-server retransmit 2

    b. Define how long the client should wait before retrying to get a response from the server. (The default value is 3 seconds.)

radius-server timeout 1

    c. Define how long the client should wait before attempting to contact the server again. (This is the default.)

radius-server deadtime 1

This means that, after the RADIUS server is declared dead, the client will wait 1 minute before attempting to communicate with the server again.

Step 3   Define basic RADIUS server attributes. The following are Cisco's recommendations.

    a. Distinguish EXEC from PPP sessions.

radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth

This causes the client to send attribute 6 (Service-Type) set to "1" (login) for users connecting through EXEC, and to "2" for users connecting through PPP.

    b. Send session IDs in all RADIUS packets.

radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req

The Accounting Session ID is a unique identifier used to calculate the session context. It is the only identifier provided by the RADIUS protocol that can relate authentication and accounting requests to one another with absolute certainty. Attribute 44 allows the service provider to track all RADIUS information associated with a specific call, from initial connection through termination. This is useful where preauthentication or VPDN is used.

    c. If using a management and accounting built around Ascend's port format (Format C), configure the RADIUS server to send Attribute 25 information and use Format C.

radius-server attribute 25 nas-port format c

Note    Attribute 25 is not a VSA, but instead is an IETF Class attribute. The above string is typically included in the access-accept packet. If it is provided, it must also be included by the UG in accounting-start and accounting-stop packets.

Format C applies only if you are using the Ascend port format. For more information, see "Format C." Otherwise, you can use any suitable format.

Step 4   Define additional RADIUS options. The following are Cisco's recommendations.

    a. Assign unique accounting session IDs.

radius-server unique-ident <number>

The above prepends a value defined to the Acct-Session-Id string. Each time the system reboots, this value increments and is updated in the system configuration.

For example, for

radius-server unique-ident 1

we initially have

acct-session-id = 01000008

Following a system reboot, we have

acct-session-id = 02000008

    b. Enable vendor-specific attributes (VSAs). These are required for the client to send, receive, and process VSAs. The following lines enable VSAs for accounting and authentication, respectively.

radius-server vsa send accounting
radius-server vsa send authentication

VSAs are needed to support other options such as aaa nas-port extended. In this case both the accounting and authentication attributes are included, and the extended information is included in a VSA that is sent within Attribute 26.

Caution   If radius-server vsa send authentication is enabled, depending on how the RADIUS server is configured, the server may echo back the attributes it received. If the client does not expect the VSA in the Access-Accept packet, it may drop the call.

    c. To force RADIUS to use the IP address of a specified interface for all outgoing RADIUS packets

ip radius source-interface <interface>

Use this command to set a subinterface's IP address to be used as the source address for all outgoing RADIUS packets. This address is used as long as the interface is in the up state. In this way, the RADIUS server can use one IP address entry for every network access client instead of maintaining a list of IP addresses.

This ensures that the source IP address used for RADIUS packets from the client is deterministic. Typically, a loopback interface ensures that there is no dependence on a single physical interface being up.

Tip The above command is especially useful in cases where the router has many interfaces and you want to ensure that all RADIUS packets from a specific router have the same IP address.

Enabling PPM

This section discusses how to enable port policy management (PPM) on the gateway. PPM is not required, but is recommended wherever traffic and resources need to be managed. PPM can be enabled locally through RPM features, or it an be enabled remotely in conjunction with a Cisco RPMS or a RADIUS server.

This section presents the following basic topics:

Enabling Local RPM

Enabling RPM locally, on the client gateway, requires the following steps:

Establishing Resource Pools and VPDNs

The following configuration excerpts illustrate the establishment of resource pools on the gateway (that is, for local RPM). The VPDNs are optional.

Step 1   Enable resource pools.

resource-pool enable
resource-pool call treatment resource channel-not-available
resource-pool call treatment profile busy

Step 2   The following illustrates the establishment of local VPDN (virtual private data network) groups. See Enabling Multichassis Multilink PPP, and Enabling VPDN (Optional).

Note   The establishment of VPDN groups is optional. For details of Cisco RPMS, refer to Cisco Resource Pool Manager Server 1.1 at the following URL:

VPDN groups contain the data required to build a VPDN (VPN) tunnel from the UG to the LNS. See also L2TP Tunneling and VPDNs and L2TP Network Server.

Note   For additional details see Resource Pool Management at the following URL:

resource-pool profile vpdn Local_rpm <---arbitrary name
limit base-size all
limit overflow-size 0
resource-pool profile customer Local_rpm
limit base-size 30
limit overflow-size 10
dnis group Local_rpm_rispt
dnis group Local_rpm_vispt
vpdn group 23
vpdn group 31
vpdn profile Local_rpm

Step 3   Establish a resource pool profile with AAA parameters.

resource-pool profile customer Cisco_Customer
limit base-size 30
limit overflow-size 10
dnis group DNIS_LIST1 <---see Note below
dnis group DNIS_LIST2
vpdn profile LOCAL_RPM
resource-pool aaa accounting ppp
resource-pool aaa protocol group tacacs+ local

Note   See Assigning Dial DNIS Groups to Support Local RPM (Optional).

Assigning Dial DNIS Groups to Support Local RPM (Optional)

Resource pool management (RPM) allows wholesalers to aggregate dial resources across multiple gateways and allocate subsets of those resources to their retail ISP customers. RPM enforces service level agreements (SLAs) for dial access for each ISP. Where a better use of dial resources is required, a Cisco RPMS can be used.

The following illustrates local RPM only. To use a Cisco RPMS, see Enabling Cisco RPMS 1.x.

Step 1   Assign dial DNIS groups to support local RPM.

Note   Refer to Configuring Media Gateways for the SS7 Interconnect for Voice Gateways Solution at the following URL:

dialer dnis group Local_rpm <---group names are arbitrary
dialer dnis group Local_rpm_rispt
number 9011105008
dialer dnis group Local_rpm_vispt
number 9011105007

Enabling Cisco RPMS on the Gateway

For a detailed illustration of enabling Cisco RPMS on the gateway, see Enabling Cisco RPMS 1.x.

Enabling RADIUS-Based PPM

Enabling RADIUS-based PPM consists essentially of establishing communications between the host gateway and one or more RADIUS servers, and enabling AAA preauthentication. Preauthentication can be specified according to the following criteria: CLID (Calling Line IDentification) number, call type, or DNIS number. You can also specify a group of DNIS numbers that will be bypassed for preauthentication.

Step 1   Ensure that communications are established between the gateway and a RADIUS server. See Enabling Communications between a Gateway and a RADIUS Server.

Step 2   Ensure that AAA is enabled. See A Basic AAA Example.

Step 3   To enter AAA preauthentication configuration mode, enter the following in global configuration mode:

Router(config)# aaa preauth

Step 4   The prompt changes. To specify a AAA RADIUS server group to use for preauthentication, enter the following at the prompt:

Router(config-preauth)# group <server-group>

Step 5   Specify preauthentication criteria as needed.

Note   For details, refer to "Configuring AAA Preauthentication" in Configuring RADIUS at the following URL: tm

Step 6   There is another method to configure DNIS preauthentication. For details, refer to the section mentioned in the previous note.

Step 7   In addition to configuring preauthentication on the gateway, you must also configure preauthentication profiles on a RADIUS server. For details, refer to the section mentioned in the previous note.

Enabling CAC

Call admission control, or CAC, is a feature that gracefully prevents call from entering the gateway if certain resources (for example, CPU capacity, memory, and interfaces) are not available to process those calls. To deal with high CPU use, large call volumes, or occasional large numbers of calls (spikes), CAC allows you to address both call spikes and call thresholds. Configure call spikes to limit the number of incoming calls over a short period of time. Configure call thresholds to define the circumstances under which system resources should be enabled.

For the details of CAC features, both basic and enhanced, see Call Admission Control and RSVP.

Caution   Managing call spikes and thresholds is especially important in handling transactions involving debit cards, which require AAA and similar types of support.

Note   For additional information on CAC, refer to Call Admission Control for H.323 VoIP Gateways at the following URL: tm

Enabling Call Treatment

The following steps illustrate the use of call treatment to establish a call threshold and a resource threshold. See Call Admission Control and RSVP. Both RAI (Resource Allocation Indicator) and non-RAI examples are shown.

Step 1   Enable call treatment. This example does not use RAI.

call treatment on <---enables call treatment
call threshold global cpu-5sec low 50 high 75 <---sets thresholds
call rsvp-sync

Note   The above does not use RAI (Resource Allocation Indicators). Not all Call Admission Control (CAC) features are available in early releases of the Cisco ASAP Solution.

Step 2   Globally set a CAC H.323 RAI resource threshold on all ports. This also causes RAI information to be sent to the GK.

call threshold global cpu-avg low 90 high 95 busyout
resource threshold high 90 low 85

Note   See also Call Admission Control and RSVP, page 4-2. This topic was introduced in Chapter 5, "Solution Management," of the Cisco ASAP Solution Overview and Planning Guide.

Caution   The above values should be appropriate for most situations. However, an issue related to ISDN cause codes must be taken into account. A cause code is sent after the high call threshold is crossed and the channels are in the process of transitioning from an IS (in-service) busy or IS idle state to an OOS (out-of-service) state. Before the channels go into an OOS state (which can take seconds to occur), any TDM call that attempts to connect to these channels will be rejected with a cause code of 41 (temporary failure).

Using Reporting Features

To be managed properly, networks of any considerable size require the collection of various types of data. This section discusses the fundamentals of reporting (including logging, syslog, and SNMP), as well as of the Cisco IOS feature known as CallTracker, under the following topics, respectively:

Enabling Reporting

The details of enabling such reporting features as logging, syslog, and SNMP are covered in section 7, Enabling Management Protocols, of the Cisco AS5x00 Case Study for Basic IP Modem Services at the following URL:

The discussion there is applicable to gateways in general. The following example addresses syslog logging.

Cisco IOS software can send syslog messages to one or more element manager servers. Syslog messages are then collected by a standard UNIX or NT type syslog daemon. With syslog you can do the following:

Syslog is recommended for all but the smallest networks. For syslog to be used, logging must first be enabled.

Caution   To enable syslog, ensure that console logging is disabled. Use show logging to confirm this, and no logging console to turn off console logging if it is enabled.

After timestamps are enabled (see Baseline Configuration), there are two more fundamental steps to enabling reporting:

Enabling Logging

Logging can be enabled by itself on the gateway, and is required for syslog to be used. Do the following to enable basic logging.

Step 1   Allow logging up to the debug level (all 8 levels) for all messages to be sent to a syslog server.

logging trap debugging

Step 2   If you are working with multiple gateways, assign a different logging facility tag to each server.

logging facility <facility-tag> <---for example, local4

Step 3   Assign the interface to the syslog server.

logging <source-interface> <---for example, FastEthernet0/1

Step 4   Assign the address of the syslog server.

logging <IP-address>

Enabling SNMP on the Gateway

The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) traps generated by the gateway can provide a variety of useful information. This section is concerned only with what is required on the UG to enable SNMP. An SNMP server must also be configured. For more information see Enabling SNMP.

Caution   Cisco recommends that you enable SNMP on all gateways. Otherwise, network management systems will not have access to the variables and trap information that they need as you use these applications. (It is the responsibility of the management application to process that information appropriately, and different applications support different SNMP features.) At the most basic level, simply set the SNMP enable community string parameter to public (read only), and the management applications will take care of the rest.

Do the following to enable SNMP on the UG. The following example presents just a few options.

Step 1   Specify an SNMP server engine name (ID). Here we configure a local name.

snmp-server engineID local 80000009030000014280B352

Step 2   Define the community access string. Here it is public but read-only.

snmp-server community public RO

Step 3   Enable SNMP traps. Here we enable traps for ISDN at layer 2.

snmp-server enable traps isdn layer2

Note   Refer also to Configuring Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) at the following URL: m

Configuring CallTracker

CallTracker is a network management subsystem within the Cisco IOS. Relying on syslog and SNMP, CallTracker enables the tracking of calls and their attributes, from the ingress ports (T1, E1, CT3) to the DSP resource used. This feature captures detailed statistics on the status and progress of active calls and retains historical data for disconnected call sessions. CallTracker collects session information such as call states and resources, traffic statistics, total bytes transmitted and received, user IP address, and disconnect reason. The resulting database tables can be accessed through SNMP, syslog, or the Cisco IOS command line interface.

The primary purpose of CallTracker is not only to provide detailed output about the gateway's performance (such as the number of good vs. bad calls), but also to help improve the analysis and use of resources—for example, in determining which DSPs are not functioning properly, or which ingress channels are not in use.

Note   CallTracker has many features that are not discussed here. CallTracker was originally introduced on Cisco AS5300 and AS5800 platforms, and is documented in greater detail in CallTracker plus ISDN and AAA Enhancements for the Cisco AS5300 and Cisco AS5800 at the following URL: m

The following steps provide the basic operation of CallTracker on the gateway. You will also need to ensure that syslog and SNMP are enabled. See Enabling Reporting.

Step 1   Enable CallTracker.

calltracker enable

Step 2   Send call information to syslog for processing at a later date.

calltracker call-record <terse | verbose> [quiet]

By default, call record logging is disabled. Cisco recommends the options verbose and quiet. The subcommand terse generates a brief set of call records containing a subset of the data stored within CallTracker (used primarily to manage calls). The subcommand verbose generates a complete set of call records containing all of the data stored within CallTracker (used primarily to debug calls). The option quiet causes call records to be sent only a configured syslog server, and not to the console.

Step 3   Configure the history buffer.

Caution   CallTracker does not report to the syslog server immediately after a call has disconnected. This is because it is not a high-priority process, and must wait for sufficient CPU capability to be available. This can take up to a minute. Consequently, the history buffer needs to be large enough to hold the data before reporting.

The syntax is as follows:

calltracker history max-size <number>

As a rule of thumb, figure out the maximum number of calls you will receive over a 1-minute period. Consider call length, call type, and the fact that ISDN calls are shorter than modem calls. Also consider that a configuration error or hardware failure in one part of the system could force a higher call rate in another part.

As a first estimate for number, Cisco recommends you begin with

number of ports on gateway x 4

where 4 takes into account 4 calls per second arriving on a gateway.

Step 4   Configure polling intervals for modem statistics. The syntax is as follows:

modem link-info poll time <seconds>

Cisco recommends 320 seconds.

The above sets the polling interval at which link statistics for disconnected calls are retrieved from the modem. As mentioned previously, this information is buffered and sent to the syslog server for later processing.

Optimizing the Universal Gateway

This section presents a variety of Cisco recommendations that will reduce processing overhead, logging interactions, and other system activities that can impair networks of any substantial size and traffic burden if they are not managed carefully. The following topics are presented:

Optimizing CPU Efficiency

Overburdening the processing power of a CPU can have a pronounced effect on overall network efficiency. The more overburdened CPUs there are in a network, the greater the impairment. This section discusses a variety of techniques to relieve the CPU of unnecessary tasks and allow it to deal with demanding ones as needed. The following topics are presented:

Maximizing CPU for Various Processes

Processes such as ISDN Layer 2, EXEC sessions, AAA messaging, and the like must not be starved for CPU. Use one or both of the following terminal configuration commands to ensure that processing power is available for those processes:

Step 1   Determine the scheduling of low-priority processes.

scheduler interval 500

The above allows low-priority processes to be scheduled every 500 ms, thereby allowing some commands to be typed even if CPU use is at 100%.

Step 2   Guarantee CPU time for low-priority processes.

scheduler alloc 3000 1000

The above guarantees CPU time for low-priority processes by putting a maximum time allocated to fast switching (3000 ms) and process switching (1000 ms) for each instance of network interruption.

Note   The above recommendations are found in Troubleshooting Router Hangs at the following URL:

Optimizing Port Resources

To ensure that resources are available, you can use the following command to specify the percentage of available port resources required to enable a trunk line. (See Delay Trunk Activation.)

trunk activate port-threshold <percent>

Optimizing System Logging

Unnecessary logging can place unneeded burdens on platform CPUs. Logging to the console, in particular, can have undesired effects. Cisco recommends the following logging settings.

Step 1   Disable console logging. This is important, and the second command ensures it.

no logging console
no logging console guaranteed

Caution   A failure to disable console logging can cause CPU interrupts, dropped packets, and denial of service events. The router might also lock up.

Step 2   In case you ever need to enable console logging, use the following rate-limit command option to prevent the console from being overwhelmed by messages:

logging rate-limit console 10 except errors

Step 3   Disable logging on serial D-channel interfaces and group async interfaces.

no logging event link-status

Step 4   Double-check features that generate logging. (See Configuring CallTracker.)

calltracker call-record terse quiet

Disabling PPP Multilink Fragmentation

PPP multilink fragmentation is enabled by default. Turning it off can relieve the load on the CPU. To do so, use the following command:

no ppp multilink fragmentation

Preventing Process Takeover

On occasion certain processes can be so demanding that they prevent other processes from using the CPU. The default maximum time for a single process to execute is 200 ms. However, it can be beneficial to set a limit that allows the vast majority of processes to execute while preventing long processes from dominating. To prevent exceptionally busy processes from starving others for CPU processing power, Cisco recommends the following:

process-max-time 30

Scaling AAA Processing

Use multithreaded AAA processing to provide for a load-sharing distribution of processes. This is illustrated in Other AAA Options. Note the caution there, and adjust the number of processes with care.

To see, for example, the processes that are related to PPP authorization, use the following command:

show processes cpu | include PPP auth

Optimizing Access Lists

To minimize unnecessary processing burdens resulting from the use of access control lists (ACLs), Cisco recommends the following general guidelines.

Platform-Specific Considerations

There are a variety of issues related to the use of Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) and cache that need to be considered.

CEF optimizes network performance and scalability for networks with large and dynamic traffic patterns. It is less CPU-intensive than fast switching route caching. Distributed CEF, or dCEF, is a default on some platforms.

To enable CEF, use the ip cef command in global configuration mode. To disable CEF, use the no form of this command. The keyword distributed enables dCEF.

There are also cache settings (related to cache aging and I/O caching) that can help improve performance. Table 2-1 lists recommended CEF and cache settings for a variety of Cisco access platforms used in the Cisco ASAP Solution.

Table 2-1   Cisco Access Platforms and Recommended CEF and Cache Settings

CEF Recommendation Cache Recommendation Notes



ip cache-ager 20 3 3

Speed up cache aging (see Caution below)

Cisco AS5400

Pre-12.2(2)XB: Disable

io-cache enable

Ensure I/O cache is enabled

ip cache-ager 20 3 3

Speed up cache aging

Post-12.2(2)XB: Enable

no io-cache enable

Do NOT enable I/O caching





AS5850 uses dCEF, which is on by default. Disabling CEF has a major negative impact on the CPU

Caution   Do not enable cache aging if you are using multilink PPP or VPDN.

Optimizing Modems

Recommendations for modem management include the following topics:

Managing Modem Recovery

Modems may occasionally stop working. However, reloading the firmware generally resets the modem. The gateway can identify which DSPs have gone out of operation, and automatically reloads their firmware with minimal impact on end users or gateway capacity. Do the following for basic modem management.

Step 1   Use the following command to see the active statistics of all SPEs (service processing engines), a specified SPE, or a specified SPE range serving modem (and voice) traffic.

show spe modem active

This is used in the same way the show modem command is used for MICA modems. (The show modem command is not supported on the Cisco AS5350 or Cisco AS5400.)

Note   The term SPE refers to the universal port card. For details refer to Managing and Troubleshooting the Universal Port Card at the following URL:

Caution   Modem commands differ between MICA and NextPort modems. The syntax for the latter is that used for universal gateways. Refer to Comparing NextPort SPE Commands to MICA Modem Commands at the following URL:

Step 2   Use the spe command set, as in the following example, to configure recovery thresholds and download parameters.

spe recovery port-threshold 8
spe recovery port-action recover
spe download maintenance time 2:00
spe download maintenance max-spes 8
spe download maintenance window 90

Note   Refer to Chapter 3, "Basic Configuration Using the Command-Line Interface," of Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide, at the URL at the following URL:

Tip For more details of setting failure thresholds and configuring download times, refer to Configuring Modem Recovery at the following URL:

Defining Basic Modem Capability

For modems attached to asynchronous lines, a predefined modem capability, or modemcap, is used as an initialization script. That script facilitates the proper operation of the Cisco modem software in handshaking with and responding to calls from the user's dial-in modem. The Cisco IOS maintains a set of built-in modemcaps for various internal and external user modems. A variable command option, modemcap_name, is used to represent a variety of modem types made by a variety of manufacturers.

Note   For more detail refer to Modem-Router Connection Guide at the following URL:

Do the following to create a minimum modemcap that will improve handshaking efficiency.

Step 1   Use the generic syntax to define a new modemcap.

modem autoconfigure type <type>

where type in this case is not an existing modem type, but rather, for example, MyGenericModemcap (an arbitrary name).

Step 2   Now use the following global configuration command modemcap edit to edit the new modemcap. The syntax is as follows:

modemcap edit modemcap_name miscellaneous <initialization_string>

So, for our example we have

modemcap edit MyGenericModemcap &F

Note   &F represents the built-in MICA and NextPort modems, and may be used with many modems to reset them to their factory defaults.

Caution   Do not use a preceding AT or terminating &W. Also, for this method to work, the modem must be configured with echo and response codes turned on. These are common factory defaults, but if they are not, a reverse telnet command to the modem will be required to turn them on.

Suppressing Modem Startup Tests and Autotests

Caution   Make sure that startup tests and autotests are never enabled. Such tests, unless required, will have a negative impact on network operations.

The following is the command syntax for suppressing startup tests or autotests on universal gateways, which use SPEs:

no port modem startup-test | autotest

Use two separate lines to turn off both test types.

Optimizing SNMP

Cisco recommends that you disable traps on serial D-channel interfaces, but allow them to be enabled if a D-channel does go down.

Step 1   Disable traps on serial D-channel interfaces.

no snmp trap link-status

Step 2   Enable traps if a D-channel goes down. This is a global command.

snmp-server enable traps isdn layer2

Caution   Generally speaking, because of the messaging interactions required, be selective when you enable SNMP features and options.

Using Virtual Access Interfaces to Optimize Dynamic Interface Configuration

Virtual access interfaces are logical entities—configurations for a serial interface that are not tied to a physical interface. One way to create virtual access interfaces is to use virtual template interfaces. In this case, the interfaces are cloned dynamically from a predefined configuration template for dial-in services. For example, when a user dials in, a predefined configuration template is used to configure a virtual access interface. When the user is done, the virtual access interface goes down and the resources are free for other dial-in uses.

Each virtual access interface can clone from only one template. However, some applications can take configuration information from multiple sources :virtual profiles can take configuration information from (a) a virtual template interface, (b) interface-specific configuration information from a user stored on an AAA server, (c) network protocol configuration from a user stored on an AAA server, or (d) all three. A virtual profile is a unique Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) application that can create and configure a virtual access interface dynamically when a dial-in call is received, and tear down the interface dynamically when the call ends. The use of both templates and AAA configuration sources results in a unique virtual access interface for each dial-in user.

In addition, a precloning feature causes virtual access interfaces to be cloned in advance on the gateway, reducing the load on the system during call setup.

In summary, a significant feature of virtual profiles, virtual templates, and precloning is that these features reduce the demands on the gateway CPU. Choose one or both of the following options, as needed:

Creating Virtual Access Interfaces Selectively

Do the following to create virtual access interfaces on the inbound connection as required.

Note   For further information, refer to Configuring Virtual Template Interfaces at the following URL:

Step 1   In global configuration mode, create a virtual template interface and enter interface configuration mode.

interface virtual-template <number>

Step 2   Enable IP without assigning a specific IP address.

ip unnumbered ethernet 0

Step 3   Enable PPP encapsulation on the virtual template interface.

encapsulation ppp

Step 4   Create virtual-access interfaces only if the inbound connection requires one.

virtual-profile if-needed

Precloning Virtual Access Interfaces

Do the following to specify the number of virtual-access interfaces to be created and cloned from a specific virtual template.

Note   For further information, refer to PPP Autosense at the following URL: htm

In global configuration mode, preclone virtual access interfaces as follows:

virtual-template <template-number> pre-clone <number>

In other words, specify the number of virtual-access interfaces (number) to be created and cloned from a specific virtual template (template-number).

Additional General Recommendations

There are a variety of Cisco IOS-based configuration settings that can also improve performance. If you have not already implemented the following, Cisco recommends that you review these topics and implement the respective commands.

Delay Trunk Activation

You can enable trunks to be activated when a defined percentage of SPEs (system processing engines) are ready to process calls, with the following command.

trunk activate port-threshold percent

This prevents the platform from attempting to accept calls before a sufficient number of SPEs are ready.

Note   Refer also to Setting the Port Threshold for the Trunk Card at the following URL: m

Enable Passive Header Compression

Passive TCP header compression can help improve efficiency.

ip tcp header-compression passive

Note   On SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) lines, the passive option prevents transmission of compressed packets until a compressed packet arrives from the asynchronous link, unless a user specifies SLIP on the command line. For PPP, this option functions the same as the on option.

Optimize Line Configuration for Dial Service

Where dial-in only service is to be supported, the following commands will optimize the handling of calls:

modem Dialin
transport input none

Special Topics

The following special topics are presented in this section:

Enabling Modem Features: V.44 and V.92

This section provides resources for enabling V.44 and V.92 features that are available in Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 universal gateway modem firmware. (These features are also available on Cisco AS5300 modems.)

V.44 Features

ITU-T standard V.44 is a compression algorithm known as LZJH (for Lempel-Ziv-Jeff-Heath). V.44 LZJH compression increases upload and download speeds, making Internet access and Web browsing faster, and also improving the call success rate.

For more information on this feature, as well as how to implement it, refer to the feature module V.44 LZJH Compression for Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateways at the following URL:

V.92 Features

A new ITU-T modem standard, V.92, has been developed to enhance the existing V.90 standard. V.92 provides faster upstream speeds in analog (client) to digital (ISP) modem connections, while making possible such features as quicker modem negotiation and a modem-on-hold (MOH) capability. These new capabilities are addressed, respectively, by the following feature enhancements to the Cisco IOS and the feature card firmware:

Related statistics are also collected by the feature card, for storage in the Cisco IOS software.

Quick Connect

Quick connect (QC) provides a standard method of reducing the negotiation time by storing analog channel characteristics (such as equalizer taps and echo canceller taps) in nonvolatile memory on the modem feature card. Similarly, digital characteristics are also stored. After characteristics have been established and stored, on subsequent calls to a server modem equipped to train fast, the client modem examines the answer tone to verify that line conditions match the saved parameters. If they match, an fast connection is attempted. (Negotiation times can be reduced from 20 to 10 seconds.) If they do not, a regular V.90 handshake commences.

For more information on this feature, as well as how to implement it, refer to the feature module V.92 Quick Connect for Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateways at the following URL:

Modem on Hold

Modem on hold (MOH) was designed to resolve a problem that resulted in a large number of trouble calls to the ISP. Often users with a single line do not disable call waiting when they are online, and a call waiting signal looks to a modem like a line disconnect. Depending on how the modem is configured, this can often result in the modem hanging up. While some users may prefer this behavior, a hung-up modem is an inconvenience to other users.

Note   The V.92 MOH feature is designed for use on lines that are configured for call waiting. A call waiting (incoming) voice call signals the suspension of the modem session. If call waiting is not enabled, other callers simply receive a busy signal, and the modem session is not interrupted. MOH can also be controlled on a per-call basis by means of a RADIUS server.

MOH allows a dial-in user with a single line to suspend a modem session to answer an incoming voice call—or place an outgoing call while engaged in a modem session. After the session is suspended, the ISP modem listens to the original connection and waits for the user's modem to resume the connection. The interval during which the server remains alert to the reconnection is called the "call-waiting survival," and is configurable.

Caution   Call-waiting tones vary widely from country to country. Configuring the MOH feature in a specific country for which the client modem does not recognize the tones can cause the modem to disconnect.

For more information on this feature, as well as how to implement it, refer to the feature module V.92 Modem on Hold for the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateways at the following URL:

Managing Echo Cancellation


In Cisco AS5400 and AS5350 UGs, echo cancellation is enabled by default, with tail-delay coverage set at 8 milliseconds. However, if you are using the Cisco echo canceller in the UGs, it is important to determine the maximum echo-path tail delay and IP network delay that may exist in your network. In addition, other services (such as wireless) may add additional echo-path delays. If echo delay is longer than the provisioned tail length, echo cancellation will not work.

In general, you should enable echo cancellation in networks where predicted echo-path delays exceed 32 milliseconds. Also, if you plan to use external echo cancellation, Cisco recommends that you disable the echo cancellers in the UGs. This will save memory and other platform resources.

Note   Information about echo cancellation terminology and guidelines for network design can be found in ITU recommendation G.168, available at See also Echo Analysis for Voice over IP at the following URL:

The following example echo-cancellation configurations are presented:

Disabling Echo Cancellation

The following commands illustrate how to disable echo cancellation on a voice port.

Caution   Because voice ports are created automatically when an ISDN D-channel or CAS signaling is assigned to a controller, you must determine which voice ports require echo cancellation and which do not. In this SS7 example there is only one voice port, as SS7 requires the instantiation of only one voice port (1/0:1:D), to support the serial D-channel.

5400#conf t
5400(config-voiceport)#voice-port 1/0:1:D
5400(config-voiceport)#no echo-cancel enable

Changing Tail-Delay Coverage

If you decide to use echo cancellation in your UGs, you may have different needs regarding the tail-delay coverage setting. The following commands illustrate how to change the tail-delay coverage setting.

5400#conf t
5400(config)#voice-port 1/0:1:D
5400(config-voiceport)#echo-cancel coverage
5400(config-voiceport)#echo-cancel coverage ?
128 128 milliseconds echo canceller coverage
16 16 milliseconds echo canceller coverage
24 24 milliseconds echo canceller coverage
32 32 milliseconds echo canceller coverage
64 64 milliseconds echo canceller coverage
8 8 milliseconds echo canceller coverage
5400(config-voiceport)#echo-cancel coverage 128 <---see Note below

Note   This sets the echo canceller to cover a tail delay of 128 milliseconds.

Typical Echo-Cancellation Settings

Here are some typical echo-cancellation settings, most of which are defaults. In this SS7 case, the settings are mapped from this port to a port related to a path in the echo canceller.

5400#sho voice port
ISDN 1/0:1:D - 1/0:1:D <--serial D-channel for SS7 RLM group (T1 controllers 1/0:1-1/0:14)
Type of VoicePort is ISDN
Operation State is DORMANT
Administrative State is UP
No Interface Down Failure
Description is not set
Noise Regeneration is enabled
Non Linear Processing is enabled
Non Linear Mute is disabled
Non Linear Threshold is -21 dB
Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm
In Gain is Set to 0 dB
Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB
Echo Cancellation is enabled
Echo Cancellation NLP mute is disabled
Echo Cancellation NLP threshold is -21 dB
Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 128 ms
Playout-delay Mode is set to default
Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms
Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms
Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms
Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms
Connection Mode is normal
Connection Number is not set
Initial Time Out is set to 10 s
Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s
Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s
Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s
Wait Release Time Out is set to 30 s
Companding Type is u-law
Region Tone is set for US
Station name None, Station number None

UG and GK Configuration Requirements for Microsoft NetMeeting
with T.38 Fax Relay

Applications that are not compliant with T.38 Fax Relay, such as Microsoft NetMeeting, may not work properly unless certain configurations are applied to the dial peer as well as to the gatekeeper. Adjustments need to be made to the NetMeeting application, the UG, and the GK, as discussed below. There are three basic components to configuring Microsoft NetMeeting with T.38 Fax Relay:

Configuring the NetMeeting Application

Step 1   Choose Tools > Options > Advanced Calling.

Step 2   Select Use a Gatekeeper to Place Calls.

This will allow you to enter a phone number in the Call menu.

Configuring the UG for NetMeeting

On the gateway, if you are using the global command to configure T.38 Fax Relay service (see Enabling T.38 Fax Relay Service), rather than configuring individual dial peers, you must do the following on the incoming VoIP dial peer that serves PC-to-phone calls.

Step 1   Enter the command fax rate disable.

Step 2   Enter the command codec G711ulaw.

If these are not configured, calls will have only a one-way audio path. Note the following.

dial-peer voice 1000 voip
 description Incoming PC Calls
 incoming called-number 9011081...
fax rate disable <---must be configured
codec G711ulaw <---must be configured
no vad

In addition, NetMeeting currently causes a digital data bearer capability to be built into the outgoing SETUP message on egress PC-to-phone speech calls from the Cisco gateway. Below is an example of what can be done to remedy this.

Step 3   Configure bearer-cap to 3100 Hz, as shown.

voice-port 2/0:D
echo-cancel coverage 64
bearer-cap 3100Hz <---must be configured

Configuring the GK for NetMeeting

Gatekeeper provisioning is discussed in greater detail in "Configuring Optional Network Components." However, for convenience, the following information is presented here.

In order for the gatekeeper to allow calls from a NetMeeting PC, you must configure a series of no use-proxy statements. Configure no-use-proxy as in the following example (zone GK names will vary):

no use-proxy z3-gk1 remote-zone z1-gk1 inbound-to terminal
no use-proxy z3-gk1 remote-zone z1-gk1 outbound-from terminal
no use-proxy z3-gk1 default inbound-to terminal
no use-proxy z3-gk1 default outbound-from terminal

Posted: Wed Jan 22 02:10:15 PST 2003
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