
Table of Contents

About This Guide
Document Objectives
Document Organization
Document Conventions
Related and Referenced Documents
Cisco Connection Online

About This Guide

This chapter discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of this publication.

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly and might be more up to date than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

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The product catalog, which is on the CD-ROM and web site, contains a list of all available publications. Refer to the information packet booklet that arrived with your order for warranty, license, and more details. Also see the sections "Related and Referenced Documents" and "Cisco Connection Online" at the end of this chapter.

Document Objectives

This publication describes the initial site preparation, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of the Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System hardware. This guide also covers selected maintenance procedures.


This publication is designed for the person installing the Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System. Installers, who will usually be Internet service provider (ISP) or telephone company personnel, should be familiar with electronic circuitry and wiring practices and have experience as electronic or electromechanical technicians. Additionally, it is expected that the users of this manual will have experience at installing high-end networking equipment. Some procedures in this manual require a certified electrician.

For information on initial software configuration of the AccessPath system, refer to the Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System Software Configuration Guide. For information on using the AccessPath Manager, refer to the document Installing Cisco AccessPath Manager and the online help that comes as part of the AccessPath Manager software.

For more advanced configuration applications, refer to the Cisco IOS configuration guides and command references and to the documents listed in the section "Related and Referenced Documents" later in this chapter.

Document Organization

The major sections of this installation and configuration guide are as follows:

Document Conventions

This publication uses the following conventions to convey instructions and information.

Command descriptions use these conventions:

Examples use these conventions:

Note      Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.

Means the action described saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in the paragraph.

Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.

Warning    Means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. To see translations of the warnings that appear in this publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.

Waarschuwing  Dit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van standaard maatregelen om ongelukken te voorkomen. Voor vertalingen van de waarschuwingen die in deze publicatie verschijnen, kunt u het document Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Informatie over naleving van veiligheids- en andere voorschriften) raadplegen dat bij dit toestel is ingesloten.

Varoitus  Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Olet tilanteessa, joka voi johtaa ruumiinvammaan. Ennen kuin työskentelet minkään laitteiston parissa, ota selvää sähkökytkentöihin liittyvistä vaaroista ja tavanomaisista onnettomuuksien ehkäisykeinoista. Tässä julkaisussa esiintyvien varoitusten käännökset löydät laitteen mukana olevasta Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information -kirjasesta (määräysten noudattaminen ja tietoa turvallisuudesta).

Attention  Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant causer des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement, soyez conscient des dangers posés par les circuits électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents. Pour prendre connaissance des traductions d'avertissements figurant dans cette publication, consultez le document Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Conformité aux règlements et consignes de sécurité) qui accompagne cet appareil.

Warnung  Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu einer Körperverletzung führen könnte. Bevor Sie mit der Arbeit an irgendeinem Gerät beginnen, seien Sie sich der mit elektrischen Stromkreisen verbundenen Gefahren und der Standardpraktiken zur Vermeidung von Unfällen bewußt. Übersetzungen der in dieser Veröffentlichung enthaltenen Warnhinweise finden Sie im Dokument Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Informationen zu behördlichen Vorschriften und Sicherheit), das zusammen mit diesem Gerät geliefert wurde.

Avvertenza  Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle persone. Prima di lavorare su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre conoscere i pericoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici ed essere al corrente delle pratiche standard per la prevenzione di incidenti. La traduzione delle avvertenze riportate in questa pubblicazione si trova nel documento Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Conformità alle norme e informazioni sulla sicurezza) che accompagna questo dispositivo.

Advarsel  Dette varselsymbolet betyr fare. Du befinner deg i en situasjon som kan føre til personskade. Før du utfører arbeid på utstyr, må du vare oppmerksom på de faremomentene som elektriske kretser innebærer, samt gjøre deg kjent med vanlig praksis når det gjelder å unngå ulykker. Hvis du vil se oversettelser av de advarslene som finnes i denne publikasjonen, kan du se i dokumentet Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Overholdelse av forskrifter og sikkerhetsinformasjon) som ble levert med denne enheten.

Aviso  Este símbolo de aviso indica perigo. Encontra-se numa situação que lhe poderá causar danos físicos. Antes de começar a trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, familiarize-se com os perigos relacionados com circuitos eléctricos, e com quaisquer práticas comuns que possam prevenir possíveis acidentes. Para ver as traduções dos avisos que constam desta publicação, consulte o documento Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Informação de Segurança e Disposições Reguladoras) que acompanha este dispositivo.

¡Advertencia!  Este símbolo de aviso significa peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular cualquier equipo, considerar los riesgos que entraña la corriente eléctrica y familiarizarse con los procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes. Para ver una traducción de las advertencias que aparecen en esta publicación, consultar el documento titulado Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Información sobre seguridad y conformidad con las disposiciones reglamentarias) que se acompaña con este dispositivo.

Varning!  Denna varningssymbol signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada. Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och känna till vanligt förfarande för att förebygga skador. Se förklaringar av de varningar som förkommer i denna publikation i dokumentet Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Efterrättelse av föreskrifter och säkerhetsinformation), vilket medföljer denna anordning.

Related and Referenced Documents

Make sure that you have access to the following documents. These documents are available in print, on CD-ROM, and on the World Wide Web. If you need further assistance, see the following section, "Cisco Connection Online."

Table 1   Related and Referenced Documents

Cisco Product Document Title

Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System1

  • Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System Software Configuration Guide
  • Installing Cisco AccessPath Manager
  • Release Notes for the Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System
  • Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System

Failsafe/Console Management Shelf1, 2

  • Cisco 2500 Series Access Server User Guide
  • Access Services Configuration Guide

Access Server Shelves1, 2

  • Cisco AS5200 Universal Access Server Software Configuration Guide
  • Cisco AS5200 Universal Access Server Hardware Installation Guide

Router Shelf1, 2

  • Cisco 7206 Installation and Configuration Guide

Switch Shelf1, 2

  • Catalyst 5000 Series Command Reference
  • Catalyst 5000 Series Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
  • Catalyst 5000 Series User Guide
  • Catalyst 5000 Advanced Software Configuration Guide

Cisco IOS Software2

  • Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide

In addition, refer to the applicable configuration guide, command reference, and associated publications (e.g., feature guides, release notes, configuration notes, updates).

Cisco Marketing Tools

  • Cisco Information Packet
  • Cisco Product Catalog
1See also any applicable configuration notes, updates, and release notes.

2These documents are not shipped in printed format with the Cisco AccessPath Integrated Access System. They are, however, available on the Cisco Connection Documentation CD-ROM and the World Wide Web.

Cisco Connection Online

Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco's customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.

CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the World Wide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.

You can access CCO in the following ways:

For a copy of CCO's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact For additional information, contact

Note      If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526-7208, or

Posted: Mon Jan 20 21:14:55 PST 2003
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