
Table of Contents

Changes to Windows Files and Registry Entries
Windows 95 and Windows NT Registry Entries
WIN.INI Entries
Filenames and Purposes

Changes to Windows Files and Registry Entries

This appendix includes information on the changes that Cisco DialOut Utility makes to your Windows files, as well as a list of the filenames and an explanation of each file's purpose.

Windows 95 and Windows NT Registry Entries

When you run SETUP.EXE, the Cisco DialOut Utility revises the statements in the Windows 95 or Windows NT Registry or adds the statements described in the following sections.

Registry Entries for Windows 95 and Windows NT

The following statements appear in both the Windows 95 and Windows NT Registries in the following path to the Cisco DialOut Utility support modules:

  DialOut-portname (portname is the name of the virtual com port)
  Cisco Systems, Inc.
   Port IDs
Value Id is the internal name of the module. The first line is the path to the module. The second line is the entry point into the module.
PortIds associate a port name with an internal port ID. Port List of the virtual com ports.Value Id is the internal name of the port. The first line is the IO Manager name of the port. The second line is network driver parameters. The third line is local com port parameters.

Additional Registry Entries for Windows NT

In addition to the entries noted in the section "Registry Entries for Windows 95 and Windows NT," the following statements appear in the Windows NT Registry:

  DOUTDrv Pointer to Event Log message DLL
  DOUTWnt Pointer to Event Log message DLL
Parameters needed by the operating system to load the device driver layer.
Parameters list of virtual com ports. Value Id is the IO Manager name of the port (with xx appended to the front of the name). The first line is the internal name of the port.
Used to start the helper service.

WIN.INI Entries

If you are using Windows 3.1x, the Cisco DialOut Utility makes the following changes to the WIN.INI file:


BuildNumber is used for troubleshooting purposes.

FirstTime is set to 1 immediately after installation, so the Cisco DialOut Utility knows it needs to perform certain tasks upon startup. After you reboot the PC and the Cisco DialOut Utility performs the startup tasks, FirstTime is set to 0.

PasswordCache is a reserved system value. It is always set to 1 and cannot be changed.

NeedSecurity is set to 0 or 1.

DefaultShow is no longer used.

Directory=C:\PROGRAMS\CISCO\DIALOUT.WIN is the default Windows 3.1x drive and directory for Cisco DialOut Utility. If you selected another drive or directory, this line will reflect your selection.

COMx displays an asterisk (*) for ports that are not used by Cisco DialOut Utility. For ports used by Cisco DialOut Utility, this line indicates the IP address and modem settings.

DialOutDriver displays a list of the DLLs used by the Cisco DialOut Utility.


During installation, the Cisco DialOut Utility copies your existing COMM.DRV file to a file called ORGCOMM.DRV and replaces it with Cisco DialOut Utility's own COMM.DRV file. This should not affect the operation of Windows.

Filenames and Purposes

Table B-1 lists the files that the Cisco DialOut Utility places in the directory you specify during setup. Not all files are installed on all Windows platforms, and the setup files are present on the Cisco DialOut Utility installation disk but are not installed on the hard disk.

Table B-1   Filenames and Purposes

Filename Purpose


Used to install or reinstall the Cisco DialOut Utility1


Contains installation instructions and information1


Help file for the SETUP program1


Cisco DialOut Utility program


Help file for the Cisco DialOut Utility program


Main helper layer module (Windows NT only)


Event messages for the helper layer (Windows NT only)


Network helper layer module to interface to the Cisco DialOut Utility


Helper layer module that contains common functions used by other Helper layer modules


Cisco DialOut Utility driver (Windows NT only)


Removes the Cisco DialOut Utility system from the workstation (Windows 95 and Windows NT)


Removes the Cisco DialOut Utility system from the workstation (Windows 3.1x)


Helper layer module that contains additional common functions (Windows 95 and Windows NT)


Cisco DialOut driver for Windows 3.1x


Cisco DialOut driver for Windows 95

1File is on installation disk but is not installed on hard disk.

Posted: Mon Jan 20 21:19:17 PST 2003
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