
Table of Contents

Upgrading the Serial Port Communications Interface (SCI) Card to Microcode Version 5.1
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage
Confirming Update Requirements
Modifying the SCI Card Microcode

Upgrading the Serial Port Communications Interface (SCI) Card to Microcode Version 5.1

Product Numbers: MC-SCI-V5.1= and MC-SCI-V5.1A=

This configuration note describes the maintenance upgrade procedures for the serial port communications interface (SCI) cards to Microcode Version 5.1. To complete the upgrade, you will replace twelve integrated circuit components. The new components are shipped as part of the SCI Version 5.1 upgrade kit, which you will use to upgrade your system software version. This upgrade is for SCI cards currently at Revision 2.

Microcode Version 5.1 supportsonly three serial ports, but each of the ports can be configured for either full- or half-duplex operation. (Half-duplex operation requires the V2 NRZI applique, which is identified by the letters "NRZI/H" on the label on the outside of the applique plate.)

Note      If you are upgrading from Microcode Version 1.0, you require microcode update package
MC-SCI-V5.1= rather than MC-SCI-V5.1A=. MC-SCI-V5.1= includes five additional integrated circuit components that should be replaced as part of the upgrade procedure.

Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage

Electrostatic discharge damage (ESD) occurs when electronic printed circuit cards are improperly handled and can result in complete or intermittent failures. ESD can impair electronic circuitry and equipment. Always follow ESD prevention procedures when removing and replacing cards. Following are steps for handling printed circuit cards:

Step 1   Slip on an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ensuring that it makes good skin contact.

Step 2   Connect the strap to an unpainted chassis frame surface or another proper grounding point or surface to safely channel unwanted ESD voltages to ground.

Step 3   Use the ejectors to remove the card. Handle the card by its sides. Place the card on an antistatic surface or in a static shielding bag. To prevent further damage to the card by ESD voltages, defective cards must remain in the static shielding bag when returned for repair or replacement.

Step 4   Handling the new card by its edges only, insert it into the chassis. Avoid contact between the card and clothing. The wrist strap only protects the card from ESD voltages on the body; ESD voltages on clothing can still damage the card.


Use an ohmmeter to check the ESD-preventive wrist strap to ensure that the resistor is providing proper ESD protection. For safety, the measurement should be in the range 1 to 10 mega ohms.

Confirming Update Requirements

Verify that your current SCI card is marked Rev. /2. Then use the EXEC command show controller mci to confirm the current microcode version. The first line displayed on the screen contains the controller type and the microcode version. Verify that it displays the following:

 MCI X, controller type 2.0, microcode version 1.3 (or 5.0)

Verify that the microcode version shown is correct for your upgrade kit. For upgrade kit
MC-SCI-V5.1=, the microcode should be version 1.0. For upgrade kit MC-SCI-V5.1A=, the microcode should be Version 1.1 or later. If you have the incorrect upgrade kit, contact a service representative.


To prevent damage to the components from electrostatic discharge, observe proper ESD protection procedures when handling cards and their components.

Figure 1   SCI Card—Component-Side View

Note      The numbered components shown in Figure 1 (and listed in Table 1) are the only ones to be changed; do not remove any other components. Shaded components are shown for reference.

Modifying the SCI Card Microcode

Follow this procedure to upgrade the SCI card. Before beginning, refer to Figure 1 and locate the components you will replace. The labels of the sockets and the part numbers of both the new (replacement) components are listed in Table 1. Note that some components can be supplied in one of several part numbers.

Step 1   Ensure that the power cord is unplugged from the wall and that you have taken proper precautions to prevent ESD damage to the card.

Step 2   With a chip extractor, remove the components from the locations listed in Table 1. If a chip extractor is not available, you can remove the components by gently lifting each from its socket using the tip of a flat-bladed screwdriver. (If you are upgrading from Microcode Version 1.1 or later, you will not replace the last five components listed in Table 1.)

Step 3   Replace the old components with the appropriate new components listed in Table 1. Position the new component in the socket using the same orientation as the old one. Set the notch on the side of each component in the same direction as the notches on the other components.

Step 4   Be careful not to bend any of the legs while inserting the component. If this happens, use needle-nose pliers to straighten the legs.

Table 1   Revision 2 SCI Card Microcode Component Numbers

Socket Location  Old Component Numbers  New Component Numbers1 


17-1624-01 U607

17-1624-02 U607


17-1623-01 U504

17-1623-02 U504


17-1622-01 U505

17-1622-02 U505


17-1619-01 U506

17-1619-02 U506


17-1618-01 U404

17-1618-02 U404


17-1614-01 U405

17-1614-02 U405


17-1613-01 U406

17-1613-02 U406


17-1621-01 U304

17-1621-02 U304


17-1620-01 U305

17-1620-02 U305


17-1617-01 U306

17-1617-02 U306


17-1616-01 U204

17-1616-02 U204


17-1615-01 U205

17-1615-02 U205


17/0675-01 U213
or 17/0675B-01 U213
or 13/107B-01 U213

17/0675-01 U213
or 17/0675B-01 U213
or 13/107B-01 U213


R68561AP-01 U708

R68561AP-01 U708


R68561AP-01 U709

R68561AP-01 U709


R68561AP-01 U908

R68561AP-01 U908


R68561AP-01 U909

R68561AP-01 U909

The new component number contains a six-digit part number, a two-digit version identifier, and a socket location number. For example, the component number 17-1624-01 U607 contains part number 17-1624, version identifier 01, and socket location U607.

These parts only need to be installed on upgrades from Microcode Version 1.0.

This completes the upgrade procedure.

Posted: Thu Nov 6 16:16:35 PST 2003
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