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- Macintosh platforms
: Window.open() method
- data tainting on
: Enabling Data Tainting in Navigator 3.0
- magic cookies (see cookies)
- mailing list on JavaScript
: Discussion of JavaScript
- mailto: protocol specifier
- Security Holes and Security Hobbles
- Security Hobbles in Navigator 3.0
- manipulating images (see images)
- <MAP> tags
: The Link Object
- Math object
- Arithmetic and Mathematical Functions
- Math
- Math.abs()
- Math.acos()
- Math.asin()
- Math.atan()
- Math.atan2()
- Math.ceil()
- Math.cos()
- Math.E
- Math.exp()
- Math.floor()
- Math.LN10
- Math.LN2
- Math.log()
- Math.LOG10E
- Math.LOG2E
- Math.max()
- Math.min()
- Math.PI
- Math.pow()
- Math.random()
- Math.round()
- Math.sin()
- Math.sqrt()
- Math.SQRT1_2
- Math.SQRT2
- Math.tan()
- mathematical functions
: Arithmetic and Mathematical Functions
- arithmetic operators
- Arithmetic and Mathematical Functions
- Arithmetic Operators
- computation
: Still More Features
- max()
: Math.max()
- MAX_VALUE constant
: Number.MAX_VALUE
- MAYSCRIPT attribute
: The MAYSCRIPT attribute
- memory
- management in Navigator 2.0
: Per-Page Memory Management in Navig...
- reclaiming (see garbage collection)
- setTimeout() bug
: setTimeout() memory leak
- + operator and
: Workarounds for Navigator 2.0
- method property
- Form method property
- Form.method
- methods
- Functions
- Methods
- instance methods
: Classes in JavaScript
- JavaMethod object
- The JavaMethod Object
- Java Field Values versus Method Ret...
- JavaMethod
- for manipulating arrays
: Array Methods
- overloaded, LiveConnect and
: Problems with overloaded methods
- special, for every object
: Special Object Methods
- static (class)
: Classes in JavaScript
- tainting
: Data Tainting in JavaScript
- Microsoft's ActiveX
: Calling JavaScript from Applets
- milliseconds (see date and time; seconds)
- MIME types
: Non-HTML Documents
- MimeType object
- Miscellaneous Changes
- The MimeType Object
- MimeType
- MimeType.description
- MimeType.enabledPlugin
- MimeType.suffixes
- MimeType.type
- mimeTypes[] property
- Still More Features
- Navigator.mimeTypes[]
- for Navigator object
: The MimeType Object
- min()
: Math.min()
- minus (-) operator
: Subtraction (-)
- minutes
- Date.getMinutes()
- Date.setMinutes()
- MIN_VALUE constant
: Number.MIN_VALUE
- modulo (%) operator
: Modulo (%)
- month
: Date.setMonth()
- months
: Date.getMonth()
- more than operator (see greater than operator)
- MorphObject()
: Live3D
- mouse events (see event handlers; onClick(); onMouseOver())
- movies (see LiveVideo plug-in)
- multidimensional arrays
: Multidimensional Arrays
- multiple
- browser windows
: Multiple Windows and Explicit Windo...
- running scripts
: JavaScript and Threads
- scripts in document
: The <SCRIPT> Tag
- multiplication (*) operator
: Multiplication (*)
- multithreading
- What JavaScript Can't Do
- JavaScript and Threads
- mutable string values
: Mutable string values
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