5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
Have you ever sat down at a terminal
where the "erase" key (the
character that deletes the last thing you typed)
wasn't where you thought it would be? If you have,
you know how disorienting this can be! On
Linux, there's
loadkeys. If you're using the
X Window System, check into the
xmodmap (Section 5.1) command. Newer shells, like
bash and zsh, tend to do their
own handling of these special characters -- especially during
their built-in command-line editing
(Section 30.14). Check your shell's
manual page about
readline. The most portable method is with the
stty (Section 5.7)
command. All of these give you a way of changing the erase character
(along with several others) so you can restore some order to your
stty takes two kinds of input. If you want to give
the command interactively, type stty
erase char, where
char is the key you normally use for
erase -- BACKSPACE,
DELETE, whatever -- followed by RETURN. This will do the trick,
provided that the character you type isn't already
used for something. If the character is in use or if
you're putting stty commands into
your .login, .profile, or
.bash_profile file, it's better to
"spell these characters out."
"Control" characters in
.login are allowed, but they
aren't a great idea. If you like to use the
BACKSPACE key as the erase key, add the following line:
stty erase ^h
If you want to use the DELETE key, quote the ?
character so the shell won't treat it as a wildcard (Section 1.13):
stty erase ^\?
That is, stty lets
you represent a control key with the two-character combination
^x, where
^ is the literal key
(caret) and x is any single character. You
may need to put a \ before the
x to prevent the shell from interpreting
it as a wildcard [and a \ before the
^ to prevent old Bourne shells from interpreting
it as a pipe! -- JP].
Of course, you're not limited to the BACKSPACE or
DELETE keys; you can choose any other key you want. If you want to
use "Z" as your DELETE key, type
stty erase Z. Just make sure
you never want to type a real Z!
Table 5-1 lists functions that
stty can change.
Table 5-1. Keys to set with stty
The command stty everything (BSD derivatives) or
stty -a (Linux and System V derivatives) shows
all your current terminal settings. The werase
and rprnt characters aren't
implemented on some older versions of Unix, though they are on Linux
and Darwin and most other modern Unix variants.
It's amazing how often you'll see
even moderately experienced Unix users holding down the BACKSPACE or
DELETE key to delete a partially completed command line that contains
an error.
It's usually easier to use the line-kill
characters -- typically CTRL-u or CTRL-x. (The command stty -a or stty
everything (Section 41.3) will tell you
which. Section 5.7 shows how to change
them.) The line-kill character will work on a command line (at a
shell prompt (Section 4.1)) and in other places where the terminal is
in cooked mode. Some Unix programs that don't run in
cooked mode, like vi, understand the line-kill
character, too.
Even better, many stystems have a
"word-erase" character, usually
CTRL-2, which deletes only back to the previous whitespce.
There's no need to delete the entire command line if
you want to change only part of it!
As a historical note, the erase character was originally
#, and the kill character was originally
@. These assignments go back to the olden days,
when terminals printed with real ink on real paper and made lots of
noise. However, I'm told that there are some modern
systems on which these settings are still the default.[19]
Terminal emulators, editors, and other programs can fool around with
all of this stuff. They should be well behaved
and reset your terminal when you leave them, but
that's often not true. So don't
expect your settings to work within a terminal emulator; they may, or they may
not. And don't expect your settings to be correct
after you exit from your terminal emulator. Again, they may, or they
may not. This is primarily due to the fact that some
terminal-emulator programs lie about the extent to which they support
a given set of control codes.
The tset program
also fools around (Section 5.3) with key settings. Therefore, in your
shell setup files (Section 3.3), put stty after
--ML, JP, SJC, and TOR
 |  |  | 5.7. Find Out Terminal Settings with stty |  | 5.9. Working with xterm and Friends |
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