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element  2nd  3rd 
"write once, run anywhere" 
% percent 
> comparison operator 
> greater than 
>= comparison operator 
< comparison operator 
< less than 
<= comparison operator 
*  [See asterisk]
.ear files 
.NET (Microsoft)  2nd 
.NET Framework (Microsoft) 
.war (web archive) files 
= comparison operator 
\ escape character 
_ underscore 
2-PC (two-phase commit protocol) 

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ABS arithmetic function 
abstract persistence schema  2nd  3rd 
    EJBQL and 
    terminology conventions and 
abstract programming model 
abstract schema name  2nd 
abstraction, coarse-grained vs. fine-grained 
access control  2nd 
    deployment and 
    isCallerInRole( ) and 
accessor methods (accessors)  2nd  3rd  [See also set and get methods]
    element and 
    naming conventions and 
ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable) 
ACID transactions 
activating enterprise beans 
    entity beans and 
    MDBs and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and  2nd 
    transient fields and 
actual types 
adapter classes 
addPhoneNumber( ) 
Address EJB (sample entity bean) 
    queries and 
    relationships and 
ADDRESS table, creating 
AddressBean class  2nd 
AddressDO dependent value class 
administered objects  2nd 
afterBegin( ) 
AND operator 
application client component 
application developers
    CTMs and 
    importance of component models for 
application exceptions 
    bean-managed persistence and 
    DuplicateKeyException and 
    FinderException and  2nd 
    ObjectNotFoundException and 
    RemoveException and 
    stateless session beans and 
    vs. system exceptions 
    in transactions 
application servers  2nd 
    for distributed objects 
    of EJB 
arithmetic functions 
arithmetic operators 
    WHERE clause and 
array of structures, listing behavior and 
asterisk (*) indicating wildcard  2nd  3rd 
asynchronous messaging  2nd  3rd 
    JMS and 
ATM transactions 
atomicity of transactions  2nd 
attributes of transactions  [See transaction attributes]
    element and  2nd 
    JNDI API and 
Auto-acknowledge value 
automatic teller machine (ATM) transactions 

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backward compatibility, container-managed persistence and 
bean adapters 
bean class  2nd 
    business interface and 
    Client API and 
        for entity beans 
        for MDBs 
        for session beans 
    declared fields in 
    EJB 1.1 and 
    EJB 2.0 and 
    element and  2nd 
    local interface implementation and 
    remote interface implementation and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
bean instances
    concurrent access to prohibited 
bean-managed persistence (BMP)  2nd  [See also BMP entity beans]3rd 
    disadvantage of 
    ejbCreate( ) and 
    sequence diagrams for 
bean-managed persistence(BMP)
    workbook exercise for 
bean-managed transaction (BMT) beans 
beans  [See enterprise beans entity beans session beans MDBs]
begin( )  2nd 
BETWEEN clause 
billing address vs. home address 
BMP  [See bean-managed persistence]
BMP entity beans  2nd  3rd 
    exceptions thrown by 
    methods for 
    resource connections and 
    XML deployment descriptors for 
BMT beans 
bookPassage( ) 
books, online order transactions for 
Borland products, JBuilder IDE and 
bulk accessors 
business concepts, CMP entity beans and  2nd 
business interface 
business logic
    encapsulating into business objects 
    session beans and 
    stateful session beans and 
business methods 
    business interface and 
    CMP entity beans and 
    invoked by clients 
    local interface and 
    transaction attributes and 
business objects 
    example of (Person) 
    granularity and 
    in three-tier architecture 
business system transactions  [See transactions]
business-to-business applications 

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C++ programming language 
Cabin EJB (sample entity bean) 
    deployment descriptor for  2nd 
    local interface, creating for 
    many-to-many relationship and 
    persistence and 
    queries and 
CABIN table, creating 
cabin.jar file 
callback methods  2nd 
    adapter classes and 
    bean class and 
    container and 
    EJBException and 
    RemoteException and 
cardinality  [See multiplicity]
cascade deletes 
    caution with 
    workbook exercise for 
casting, programming language support for 
CCM (CORBA Component Model) 
CDATA sections 
    WHERE clause and 
chaining stateful session beans 
checked exceptions  [See subsystem exceptions]
    CORBA and 
Class.newInstance( ) 
classes  [See bean class]
Client API 
client applications
    container-managed persistence and 
        for entity beans 
        for session beans 
    entity bean relationships, testing with 
    examples of for MDBs 
    for JMS 
    stateful session beans and 
client view 
    RMI protocols and 
    stateful session beans and 
client-jar file 
clients, example of (PersonClient) 
CLR (Common Language Runtime) 
CMP 1.1 vs. CMP 2.0 
CMP entity beans 
    EJB 1.1 and 
    primary keys and  2nd 
    relationships between 
    transaction attributes and 
    workbook exercise for 
CMP fields  [See persistence fields]
CMR fields  2nd 
    EJB QL and 
co-located enterprise beans  2nd 
coarse-grained abstraction 
code  [See source code]
Collection type 
    EJB 2.0 and 
collection-based relationships  [See relationships, collection-based]
Collection.add( ) 
Collection.addAll( ) 
Collection.remove( ) 
COM (Component Object Model) 
commit( )  2nd 
common interface, implementing 
Common Language Runtime (CLR) 
Common Object Request Broker Architecture  [See CORBA]
comparison operator 
comparison operators  2nd 
    unsupported Date class and 
    WHERE clause and 
component interfaces  2nd  [See also remote/remote home interfaces; local/local home interfaces]
    differentiating between 
    EJB 2.0 and 
    implementing a common interface and 
component models 
    importance of for application developers 
    standard model and 
Component Object Model (COM) 
component transaction monitors/servers  [See CTMs]
compound primary keys  2nd  3rd  4th 
    hash codes in 
COMware  [See CTMs]
CONCAT string function 
    MDBs and 
    stateful session beans and 
connection factories 
    element and 
    signing enterprise bean on to 
consistency of transactions  2nd 
    definition of prohibited 
container-managed persistence (CMP)  2nd  3rd  [See also CMP entity beans]
    vs. bean-managed persistence 
    collection-based relationships and 
    EJB 1.1 and 
        vs. EJB 2.0 
    element and  2nd 
    no-argument constructor and 
    sequence diagrams for 
container-managed relationship fields  [See CMR fields]
containers  2nd 
    deployment tools for  2nd 
    entity beans and 
    servers and 
    technology changes in 
Context class 
conventions for enterprise beans  2nd  [See also naming conventions; terminology conventions]
conversational state  2nd  3rd 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
    CTMs using 
    IDL and 
CORBA Component Model (CCM) 
create methods  2nd  3rd 
    CMP entity beans and 
    enterprise beans, initializing with 
    entity beans without 
    remote references and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
    transaction attributes and 
    transitioning between states and 
createAddress( ) 
CreateException  2nd 
    CMP entity beans and 
createTopicSession( ) 
    client applications
        for entity beans 
        for session beans 
    entity beans  2nd 
    session beans  2nd 
CreditCard EJB (sample entity bean) 
    queries and 
Cruise EJB (sample entity bean) 
    queries and 
CTMs (component transaction monitors)  2nd  3rd 
    benefits of standard server-side component model for 
    common problems with 
    EJB as standard component model for 
    resource management and  2nd 
    transaction attributes and 
    vendors and 
Customer EJB (sample entity bean) 
    queries and 
    relationships and 
CUSTOMER table, creating 
CustomerBean class 

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data integrity 
data types 
    actual vs. declared 
database locks 
database mapping, object-to-relational 
database tables
    defined in SQL 
    schemas for 
    in application servers 
    bean-managed persistence and  2nd 
    entity beans and 
    locking techniques for 
    in three-tier architectures 
DataSource resource factory 
Date class 
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) 
declarative transaction management 
declared fields 
declared types 
defining  [See creating]
deleting  [See removing]
deliverTicket( ) 
dependent objects
    format validation and 
    passing by value 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
dependent value classes  2nd 
    workbook exercise for 
deploying enterprise beans 
    CMP entity beans and 
    entity beans and 
    multiple deployment and 
    session beans and 
deployment descriptors  2nd  3rd  [See also XML deployment descriptors]
    co-located enterprise beans and 
        for entity beans 
        for session beans 
    example for Cabin EJB 
    find methods and 
    bean assembly 
    enterprise beans  2nd  3rd 
deserializing primary keys 
design strategies 
    element and 
developers  [See application developers]
developing  [See creating]
direct database access 
directory service  2nd  [See also JNDI; naming]
directory structure
    for entity beans 
    for session beans 
dirty reads  2nd 
DISTINCT keyword 
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) 
distributed component servers  [See CTMs]
distributed computing 
    resources for further reading 
distributed objects  2nd 
    architecture/systems for 
        firewalls and 
        services provided by 
        Titan Cruises sample business illustrating 
    concurrency and 
    example of (PersonServer) 
    firewalls and 
    location transparency and 
    ORBs and 
    system-level functionality for 
distributed transactions (2-PC) 
DO qualifier 
document header 
Document Type Definition (DTD) 
Does Not Exist state 
    MDBs and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
        transitioning to from Method-Ready Pool 
doGet( ) 
doPost( ) 
    packages for EJB/JNDI 
    workbook exercises  2nd 
drivers for JNDI 
DTD (Document Type Definition) 
DuplicateKeyException  2nd 
Dups-ok-acknowledge value 
durability of transactions  2nd 
Durable value 

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EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) 
"EJB" in enterprise bean names 
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
    API for 
    architecture of 
    background and development of 
    bean-managed persistence and 
    choosing CTMs for 
    container-managed persistence and 
    design strategies for 
    development by Sun Microsystems 
    EJB Query Language and 
    J2EE support for 
    vs. JavaBeans 
    packages for  2nd 
    relationships and 
    source code for  2nd 
    technologies addressed by 
        container-managed persistence and 
        asynchronous messaging and  2nd 
        home methods and 
        interoperability and 
        local interface and  2nd  3rd  4th 
        MDBs and  2nd  3rd  4th 
EJB client view  [See client view]
EJB home  2nd  [See also EJBHome interface]
EJB object  2nd  [See also EJBObject interface]
EJB Query Language (EJB QL) 
    elements/queries  [See entries at query]
    examples of 
    statements  [See statements]
    weaknesses of 
EJB references, stateful session beans and 
EJB server  [See servers, EJB]
ejb-jar file 
ejb-jar.xml file 
EJB-to-CORBA mapping 
ejbActivate( )  2nd  3rd  4th 
EJBContext interface  2nd  3rd  4th 
    rollback methods and 
    stateless session beans and 
ejbCreate( )  2nd  3rd 
    BMP entity beans and 
    CMP entity beans and 
    EJB 1.1 and  2nd 
    ejbPostCreate( ) vs. 
    MDBs and 
    return values and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
ejbCreateAddress( ) 
    callback methods and 
    EJBLocalObject and 
ejbFind( ) 
ejbFindByCapacity( ) 
ejbFindByPrimaryKey( ) 
EJBHome interface  2nd  3rd  4th  [See also home interface]5th  6th  7th 
    Java RMI-IIOP and 
    reference to, finding 
    stateless session beans and 
ejbHome( ) 
ejbLoad( ) 
    BMP entity beans and 
    Ready state and 
EJBLocalHome interface  2nd  3rd 
EJBLocalObject interface  2nd  3rd  4th 
    container-managed relationships and  2nd 
EJBMetaData interface  2nd  3rd 
    session beans and 
EJBObject interface  2nd  3rd 
    HomeHandle object and 
    Java RMI-IIOP and 
    workbook exercise for 
ejbPassivate( )  2nd  3rd 
    ejbRemove( ) and 
ejbPostCreate( )  2nd  3rd 
    CMP entity beans and 
    EJB 1.1 and 
    ejbCreate( ) vs. 
ejbRemove( )  2nd  3rd 
    BMP entity beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
ejbSelect naming convention  2nd 
ejbSelect( ) 
ejbSelectAll( ) 
ejbSelectByCity( ) 
ejbSelectCustomer( ) 
ejbSelectMostPopularCity( ) 
ejbSelectZipCodes( ) 
ejbStore( ) 
    BMP entity beans and 
    Ready state and 
element  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th  11th  12th  13th  14th  15th  16th  17th  18th  19th  20th  21st  22nd  23rd  24th  25th  26th  27th  28th  29th  30th  31st  32nd  33rd  34th  35th  36th  37th  38th  39th  40th  41st  42nd  43rd  44th  45th  46th  47th  48th  49th  50th  51st  52nd  53rd  54th  55th  56th  57th  58th  59th  60th  61st  62nd  63rd  64th  65th  66th  67th  68th  69th  70th  71st  72nd  73rd  74th  75th  76th  77th  78th  79th  80th  81st  82nd  83rd  84th  85th  86th  87th  88th  89th  90th  91st  92nd  93rd  94th  95th  96th  97th  98th  99th  100th  101st  102nd  103rd  104th  105th  106th  107th  108th  109th  110th  111th  112th  113th  114th  115th  116th  117th  118th  119th  120th  121st  122nd  123rd  124th  125th  126th  127th  128th  129th  130th  131st  132nd  133rd  134th  135th  136th 
    abstract persistence schema and 
    adding to XML deployment descriptor 
    CDATA sections and  2nd 
    element and  2nd  3rd  4th 
    elements nested within  2nd 
    find methods and  2nd  3rd  4th 
    identified in XML documents 
    in element  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th  11th  12th 
    JMS and  2nd 
    local EJB references and 
    MDBs and  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th 
    security roles and 
    select methods and 
    sharing resources and 
    single-field primary keys and 
    values of 
    of business logic into business objects 
    primary key data and 
    stateful session beans and 
enterprise archive (.ear) files 
enterprise beans 
    "EJB" acronym for 
    accessing from client applications 
    assembling into applications 
    containers and 
    creating  2nd 
    element and 
    finding  2nd 
    identity, comparing for 
    interacting with other beans 
    removing  2nd 
    signing on to connection factory 
    source code, downloading 
    state and sequence diagrams for 
Enterprise JavaBeans  [See EJB]
Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language  [See EJB Query Language]
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 
EnterpriseBean interface 
entity beans 
    bean-managed persistence and  [See BMP entity beans]
    concurrency and 
    containers and 
    create methods not implemented for 
    creating  2nd 
    element and  2nd  3rd 
    emulated by session beans 
    getting information from 
    interactions between exceptions and transactions (synoptic table) 
    JMS messages and 
    life cycle of 
        state diagram for 
    listing behavior and 
    vs. MDBs 
    relationships between  [See relationships]
    removing  2nd 
        cascade deletes and 
    vs. session beans  2nd  3rd 
    states of 
    transaction attributes and 
    types of 
    workbook exercise for 
entity objects, passing by value 
EntityBean interface  2nd 
    callback methods and  2nd 
    CMP entity beans and 
EntityContext interface  2nd  3rd 
Enumeration type 
    EJB 2.0 and 
environment entries 
environment naming context  [See JNDI ENC]
environment properties, accessing 
equality comparisons 
equals( ) 
    vs. isIdentical( ) 
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 
escape character (\) 
exceptions  2nd  [See also application exceptions; system exceptions; subsystem exceptions]
    bean-managed persistence and 
    stateless session beans and  2nd 
    transactions and 
        summary of interactions between (table) 
exclusive write locks 
    downloading workbooks for  2nd 
explicit narrowing 
explicit transaction management  2nd 
    caution with 
Extensible Markup Language  [See entries atXML]

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    persistence  [See persistence fields]
    relationship  2nd 
FIFO (first in, first out) strategy 
finalize( ) 
find methods  2nd  3rd 
    bean-managed persistence and 
    CMP entity beans and 
    EJB 1.1. and 
    transaction attributes and 
findByCapacity( ) 
findByGoodCredit( ) 
findByName( ) 
    query elements and 
findByPrimaryKey( )  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    BMP entity beans and 
    CMP entity beans and 
FinderException  2nd 
    query methods and 
fine-grained abstraction 
firewalls, e-commerce and 
first tier 
foreign keys 
format validation 
forms, requests for 
Forte IDE (Sun Microsystems) 
FROM clause 
fully qualified class names, XML deployment descriptor elements and 
functional expressions
    support for limited in EJBQL 
    WHERE clause and 

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get methods  [See set and get methods]
get( )  2nd 
getAge( ) 
getCallerPrincipal( )  2nd 
getConnection( )  2nd 
getCustomers( ) 
getEJBHome( ) 
    EJBContext interface and 
    EJBMetaData interface and 
    HomeHandle interface and 
    MDBs and 
getEJBLocalHome( ) 
    EJBContext interface and 
    MDBs and 
getEJBMetaData( ) 
getEJBObject( )  2nd 
    BMP entity beans and 
getEnvironment( )  2nd 
    replaced with JNDI ENC 
getHandle( ) 
getHome( ) 
getHomeAddress( ) 
getHomeHandle( ) 
getId( ) 
getInitialContext( )  2nd 
getName( ) 
    CMP entity beans and 
getObject( ) 
getPhoneNumbers( ) 
getPrimaryKey( ) 
    BMP entity beans and 
    EJBObject interface and 
    EntityContext interface and 
    stateless session beans and 
getPrimaryKeyClass( ) 
getRollbackOnly( ) 
getStatus( )  2nd 
getters  [See set and get methods]
getUserTransaction( ) 
graphical deployment wizards 
graphical user interfaces  [See GUIs]
greater than (>) 
GUIs (graphical user interfaces)
    component models and 
    in three-tier architectures 

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Handle interface  2nd  3rd 
HandleDelegate interface 
    container technology changes and 
    Handle interface and  2nd  3rd 
    HomeHandle interface and  2nd  3rd 
    vs. primary keys 
    removing enterprise beans with 
    sample implementation of 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
    workbook exercise for 
hash codes in compound primary keys 
hashCode( ) 
heuristic decisions 
home address vs. billing address 
home interface  [See also remote home interface]
    CreateException and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
home methods  2nd 
HomeHandle interface  2nd  3rd 
HomeHandle object 
HTTP/HTTPS requests, J2EE support for 

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IBM products
        JMS and 
    VisualAge IDE 
icon elements 
identity  2nd  3rd  4th  [See also security identities]
IDEs (integrated development environments) 
    vendors of 
IDL (Interface Definition Language), CORBA and 
IIOP (Internet-Inter-Operability Protocol)  2nd  [See also Java-RMI IIOP]
    firewalls and 
IllegalStateException  2nd 
implementation class  [See bean class]
implementation independence 
    standard server-side component model and 
implicit transaction management 
    using transaction attributes and 
IN operator
    FROM clause and 
    WHERE clause and 
IncompleteConversationalState exception  2nd 
initial context 
InitialContext class, client components and 
InitialContext object 
input parameters
    LIKE operator and 
    WHERE clause and 
instance pooling 
    MDBs and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
instance swapping 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
instance variables, stateless session beans and 
integrated development environments 
interfaces  [See component interfaces]
Internet-Inter-Operability Protocol  [See IIOP]
interprocess components 
intra-instance method invocation 
intraprocess components 
IS EMPTY operator 
IS NULL comparison operator 
isCallerInRole( )  2nd  3rd 
isIdentical( )  2nd 
isolation conditions 
isolation levels 
isolation of transactions  2nd 
Iterator.remove( ) 

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J2EE  [See Java 2, Enterprise Edition]
J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA), J2EE support for 
JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service), J2EE support for 
JAF (Java Activation Framework), J2EE support for 
JAR files 
    cabin.jar and 
    CMP entity beans and 
    deploying multiple enterprise beans in 
    ejb-jar file and 
    entity beans and 
    session beans and 
jar utility  2nd 
Java  2nd 
    event model for 
    platform independence and 
Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 
    application client component 
    future enhancements for 
    guaranteed services and 
    SDK server 
Java Activation Framework (JAF), J2EE support for 
Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP), J2EE support for 
Java archive files  [See JAR files]
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), J2EE support for 
Java Database Connectivity  [See JDBC]
Java IDEs  [See IDEs]
Java Message Service  [See JMS]
Java Naming and Directory Interface  [See JNDI]
Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) 
Java RMI  2nd 
Java RMI-IIOP  2nd  3rd 
    J2EE support for 
    programming model for 
Java RMI-JRMP, J2EE support for 
Java Transaction API  [See JTA]
Java Transaction Service (JTS) 
JavaBeans vs. EJB 
JavaIDL, J2EE support for 
JavaMail API 
    J2EE support for 
JavaServer Pages (JSP)  2nd 
    J2EE support for 
javax.ejb package 
    including with IDE 
javax.ejb.spi package 
javax.jms package 
JBuilder IDE (Borland) 
JCA (J2EE Connector Architecture), J2EE support for 
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)  2nd 
    J2EE support for 
    obtaining connection to 
JMS (Java Message Service)  2nd  3rd  4th 
    client application for 
    element and 
    J2EE support for 
    messaging models for 
    workbook exercise for 
JMS connection factories 
JMS providers 
    connecting to 
JMSReplyTo attribute 
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)  2nd  3rd  [See also JNDI ENC]
    authentication and 
    finding enterprise beans with 
    J2EE support for 
    naming service and 
    packages for 
    service providers (drivers) for 
JNDI ENC  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    getEnvironment( ) and 
    MDBs and  2nd 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
    TravelAgent EJB and 
JRMP (Java Remote Method Protocol) 
JSP  [See JavaServer Pages]
JTA (Java Transaction API) 
    explicit transaction management and  2nd 
    J2EE servers, required access to 
JTS (Java Transaction Service) 

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legacy persistence 
LENGTH string function 
less than (<) 
life cycle 
    end of 
    of entity beans 
    of MDBs 
    of stateful session beans  2nd 
    of stateless session beans 
life-cycle methods  2nd 
LIFO (last in, first out) strategy 
LIKE comparison operator 
listAvailableCabins( ) 
listing behavior  2nd 
Local Client API 
local home interface  2nd 
    EJB1.1 and 
    element and  2nd 
    workbook exercise for 
local interface  2nd  3rd  4th 
    bean class and 
    EJB 1.1 and 
    element and 
    stateless session beans and 
    suffixes and 
    workbook exercise for 
local references 
LOCATE string function 
location transparency  2nd 
    J2EE application client components and 
logical operators 
    WHERE clause and 
lookup APIs 
lookup( ) 
loopbacks  2nd 
    element and  2nd  3rd 

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main( ) 
managed objects 
Mandatory transaction attribute 
Manes, Anne 
many-to-many bidirectional relationship 
many-to-many unidirectional relationship 
many-to-one unidirectional relationship 
MapMessage  2nd 
MDBs (message-driven beans)  2nd  3rd 
    accessing EJB with 
    concurrency and 
    container and 
    conversational state and 
    EJB 2.0 and 
    element and  2nd  3rd 
    vs. entity and session beans 
    explicit transaction management and 
    instance pooling and 
    interactions between exceptions and transactions (synoptic table) 
    life cycle of 
    sending messages from 
    transaction attributes and 
medical systems transactions 
MEMBER OF operator 
message brokers 
message types 
message-driven beans  [See MDBs]
message-oriented middleware  [See MOM]
MessageDrivenBean interface  2nd 
MessageDrivenContext interface  2nd  3rd 
MessageListener interface  2nd  3rd 
messaging  2nd  [See also asynchronous messaging]
    models for in JMS 
    sending messages from MDBs 
messaging domains 
META-INF directory  2nd 
    EJBMetaData interface and 
    session beans and 
method arguments 
method overloading 
method permissions, specifying 
Method-Ready Pool
    MBDs and 
    MDBs and 
    stateless session beans and  2nd 
Method-Ready state  2nd  [See also Transactional Method-Ready state]
    for creating and finding enterprise beans 
    life-cycle  2nd 
    select  [See select methods]
    unchecked  2nd 
Microsoft products
    .NET Framework  2nd 
    CTMs and 
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) 
middle tier 
MOM (message-oriented middleware) 
    for asynchronous messaging 
MQSeries (IBM) 
    JMS and 
MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) 
multi-entity find methods 
multi-entity select methods 
multiple-bean deployment 
multiplicity  2nd  3rd 
    class diagram depicting 
    element and 
mutators  [See set and get methods]

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n-tier architectures 
named declarations 
    element and  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th 
naming (primary service)  2nd 
naming conventions
    accessor methods and 
    ejbSelect and 
    for suffixes used with create method names 
narrow( ) 
navigation operator 
network communication layer 
network connections, reducing with session beans 
network messaging 
network traffic 
    reducing with session beans 
Never transaction attribute 
newInstance( ) 
    MDBs and 
no state 
no-argument constructor 
NonDurable value 
nonreentrance  2nd 
nonrepeatable reads 
nontransactional enterprise beans 
NOT operator 
NotSupported transaction attribute  2nd 

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object bindings 
Object class 
object database persistence 
object ID (OID) 
Object Management Group  [See OMG]
Object Request Brokers  [See ORBs]
object serialization
    bean instance activation and 
    Handles and 
object transaction monitors  [See CTMs]
Object Transaction Service (OTS) 
Object type, primary keys and 
OBJECT( ) operator  2nd  3rd 
object-oriented databases, persistence and 
object-oriented programming languages 
    RMI and 
object-to-relational database mapping wizards  2nd 
    direct database access and 
object-to-relational persistence 
ObjectNotFoundException  2nd  3rd 
    find methods and 
ODBC (Microsoft) 
OID (object ID) 
OMG (Object Management Group) 
    CORBA-compliant ORBs and 
one-to-many bidirectional relationship 
one-to-many unidirectional relationship 
one-to-one bidirectional relationship 
one-to-one unidirectional relationship 
online book order transactions 
onMessage( )  2nd  3rd  4th 
    business-to-business applications and 
open connections 
operator precedence, WHERE clause and 
OR operator 
ORBs (Object Request Brokers)  2nd 
    in application servers 
    CTMs and 
    services, defining for 
ORDER BY clause 
OTMs  [See CTMs]
OTS (Object Transaction Service) 
overloaded constructor 
overloaded methods 

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passing objects by value 
    dependent objects and 
    entity objects and 
Passivated state 
passivating enterprise beans  2nd 
    ejbPassivate( ) and 
paths, simple queries with 
PAYMENT table 
percent (%) 
    improving with session beans  2nd 
    of transactions
        across methods 
        balancing against consistency 
permissions, element and 
persistence  2nd  [See also bean-managed persistence; container-managed persistence]3rd 
    enterprise beans and 
    entity beans and 
    stateful session beans and 
    workbook exercise for 
persistence classes 
persistence fields  2nd  3rd 
    EJB QL and 
    manipulating with bulk accessors 
persistence instances 
Person (sample business object) 
PersonClient (sample client) 
PersonServer (sample distributed object) 
phantom reads  2nd 
phantom records 
Phone EJB (sample entity bean) 
platform independence 
point-to-point (p2p) messaging model 
Pooled state 
portability  [See implementation independence]
PortableRemoteObject class 
Pramati Application Server 
    mapping wizard for 
presentation tier 
primary keys  2nd  3rd 
    bean-managed persistence and 
    compound  [See compound primary keys]
    container technology changes and 
    container-managed persistence and  2nd 
    element and 
    entity beans and 
    vs. Handles 
    MDBs and 
    removing enterprise beans with 
    single-field  2nd 
    stateless session beans and 
    types of 
    workbook exercise for 
primary services 
primitive data types  2nd 
primitive wrappers  2nd  3rd 
Principal object 
    role-driven access and 
    tracking client identity with 
procedural programming languages 
process( ) 
ProcessPayment EJB (sample session bean)  2nd 
programming languages
ProgressÕ SonicMQ messaging product 
    set and get methods and 
property fields 
property files/property sheets vs. deployment descriptors 
publish-and-subscribe (pub/sub) messaging model 

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    EJB QL and, weaknesses of 
query methods 
    arguments and 
QueueReceiver message consumer 
QueueReceiver.receive( ) 
queues  2nd 

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Read Committed isolation level 
read locks 
Read Uncommitted isolation level 
    performance and 
Ready state  2nd 
receive methods 
receiveNoWait( ) 
references  [See also remote references[references]
    to EJB home interface, finding 
    element/ element and 
    to enterprise beans 
    to external resources 
relational databases 
    CTMs, as analogy for 
    CustomerEJB and 
    object-to-relational persistence and 
relationship fields  2nd 
relationship name 
relationships  2nd 
        container-managed persistence and 
        IN operator and 
        IS EMPTY operator and 
        MEMBER OF operator and 
        paths and 
    types of 
    workbook exercises for  2nd  3rd 
Remote Client API 
remote home interface  2nd  3rd  4th  [See also Java RMI-IIOP[remote home interface]
    bean-managed persistence and 
    CMP entity beans and 
        for entity beans 
        for session beans 
    element and  2nd 
    workbook exercise for 
remote interface  2nd  3rd  [See also Java RMI-IIOP]
Remote interface 
remote interface 
    bean class and 
    BMP entity beans and 
    business interface and 
    CMP entity beans and 
        for entity beans 
        for session beans 
    element and  2nd 
    restrictions on 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
    suffixes and 
    workbook exercise for 
Remote Method Invocation  [See Java RMI entries at RMI]
remote procedure calls (RPCs) 
remote references  2nd  3rd 
    in bean-to-bean interaction 
    explicit narrowing of 
    Handles, obtaining through 
remote types 
RemoteException  2nd 
    business interface and 
    callback methods and 
    stateless session beans and 
remove( )
    EJBHome interface and 
    EJBObject interface and 
    transaction attributes and 
RemoveException  2nd 
    remove( ) and 
removePhoneNumber( ) 
    BMP entity beans 
    enterprise beans  2nd 
    entity beans using cascade deletes 
    session beans  2nd 
Repeatable Read isolation level 
repeatable reads  2nd 
Required transaction attribute 
RequiresNew transaction attribute 
Reservation EJB (sample entity bean) 
    created by ReservationProcessor EJB 
    queries and 
    reasons for using 
ReservationProcessor EJB (sample MDB) 
    client applications for 
resource factories, obtaining 
    element and 
resource management 
    listing behavior and 
    ORBs, poor support for 
resources for further reading
    distributed computing 
    Enterprise JavaBeans specification 
    Java Message Service 
    JavaServer Pages 
    XML  2nd 
resources, sharing 
restrictions imposed by Java RMI-IIOP 
ResultSet interface, listing behavior and 
return types 
RMI loop  2nd 
RMI protocols  2nd  [See also Java RMI]
    vs. RPC 
role-driven access control 
rollback( ) 
rollbacks  2nd 
    BMTs and 
    database updates and 
    EJBContext interface and 
    exceptions and 
    transactional stateful beans and 
root element ()  2nd 
RPCs (remote procedure calls) 
runAs security identity  2nd 
runtime behaviors
    customizing with deployment descriptors 
    modifying at deployment in server-side components 
runtime exceptions 

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    of transactions 
second tier 
secure communication 
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 
    EJBContext interface and 
security identities  2nd 
    element and 
    runAs  2nd 
security methods 
security roles  2nd 
    CMP entity beans and 
    element and  2nd 
SELECT clause 
select methods  2nd 
    bean-managed persistence and 
    DISTINCT keyword and 
sequence diagrams for enterprise beans 
serializable classes 
Serializable interface
    persistence fields and 
    primary keys and 
Serializable isolation level 
    performance and 
serializable objects 
    EJBMetaData and 
serializable types  2nd 
server-side components 
    models for 
        benefits/importance of standard model 
        CTMs and 
        ORBs and 
    containers and  2nd  3rd 
    direct database access and 
        choosing/setting up 
        implementation independence and 
        transaction management and 
        vendors of (list) 
        workbook exercises and 
service providers (drivers) for JNDI 
    guaranteed per J2EE specification 
    provided by distributed object systems 
    J2EE support for 
session beans  2nd  [See also stateful session beans; stateless session beans]3rd  4th 
    concurrency and 
    creating  2nd 
    direct database access and 
    element and  2nd 
    vs. entity beans  2nd  3rd 
    explicit transaction management and 
    improving performance with 
    interactions between exceptions and transactions (synoptic table) 
    JMS messages and 
    vs. MDBs  2nd 
    modeling workflow with 
    removing  2nd 
    transaction attributes and 
    using to emulate entity beans 
    workbook exercise for 
SessionBean interface  2nd  3rd 
SessionContext interface  2nd 
SessionSynchronization interface  2nd 
set and get methods 
    bean-managed persistence and 
Set type 
set( )  2nd 
setAddress( ) 
setCreditCard( ) 
setCustomer( ) 
setCustomers( ) 
setEntityContext( )
    EJBContext interface and 
    EntityContext interface and  2nd 
setHomeAddress( ) 
setId( ) 
setInt( ) 
setMessageDrivenContext( )  2nd 
setName( ) 
setPhoneNumbers( ) 
setReservations( ) 
setRollbackOnly( )  2nd 
setSessionContext( ) 
setters  [See set and get methods]
setTransactionTimeout( ) 
sharing resources 
Ship EJB (sample entity bean)  2nd 
    bean-managed persistence and 
    defining remote home interface for 
    queries and 
ShipBean (sample class)  2nd 
Simple Object Access Protocol  [See SOAP]
simple queries 
single-entity find methods 
single-entity select methods 
single-field primary keys  2nd 
skeletons  2nd 
    example of (Person_Skeleton) 
Smalltalk programming language 
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)  2nd 
SonicMQ messaging product (Progress) 
source code
    for enterprise beans, downloading 
    in this book 
SQL (Structured Query Language) 
    database table defined in 
    vs. EJBQL 
SQRT arithmetic function 
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 
state  2nd  3rd  [See also life cycle; transitioning between states]
    bean-managed persistence and 
    diagrams for enterprise beans 
state-management callback methods 
stateful session beans  2nd  [See also session beans]3rd  [See also session beans]4th  5th 
    element and 
    Handles and 
    instance pooling and 
    life cycle of 
        diagram for 
    remote interface and 
    transactional  2nd 
    workbook exercise for 
stateless session beans  2nd  [See also session beans]3rd 
    element and 
    instance pooling and 
    life cycle of 
        state diagram for 
    open connections for 
    remote interface and 
    using from within stateful session beans 
    workbook exercise for 
    element and  2nd 
    workbook exercises for  2nd 
Status interface 
store-and-forward messaging 
String functions 
String types 
Structured Query Language  [See SQL]
stubs  2nd 
    EJB objects and 
    example of (Person_Stub) 
    on client  [See remote references]
    reducing number of with session beans 
subscribing to topics  2nd 
SUBSTRING string function 
subsystem exceptions  2nd 
    bean-managed persistence and 
suffix  2nd  3rd 
suffixes  2nd  [See suffix]
    create methods and  2nd 
Sun Microsystems 
    EJB-to-CORBA mapping developed by 
    Enterprise JavaBeans developed by 
    Forte IDE developed by 
    web site 
Supports transaction attribute 
suspended transactions 
swapping bean instances 
synchronizing beanÕs state  2nd  3rd 
synchronous messaging 
system exceptions  2nd 
    vs. application exceptions 
system-level functionality 

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tables, creating in databases 
terminology conventions 
    abstract persistence schema and 
third tier 
this keyword 
Thomas, Anne 
three-tier architecture  2nd 
TicketDO object  2nd 
    Passivated state and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
Titan Cruises (sample business) 
tools  [See utilities]
Topic object 
toString( ) 
TP monitors  2nd 
    CTMs and 
TPC (two-phase commit protocol) 
transaction attributes  2nd 
    CMP entity beans and 
    definitions of 
    entity beans and 
    MDBs and 
transaction interoperability 
transaction managers 
transaction processing monitors  [See TPmonitors]
transaction propagation  2nd 
    BMT beans and 
transaction scope 
Transactional Method-Ready state  2nd  [See also Method-Ready state]
transactional objects 
transactions  2nd 
    accuracy of 
    attributes of  [See transaction attributes]
    balancing performance of against consistency 
    declarative management and 
    element and  2nd 
    exceptions and 
        summary of interactions between (table) 
    explicit management and 
    isolation of  [See isolation conditions]
    propagation of  [See transaction propagation]
    scope of 
    stateful session beans and 
transient fields  2nd 
transitioning between states 
    Method-Ready Pool and 
    stateful session beans and 
    Transactional Method-Ready state and 
TravelAgent EJB (sample session bean)  2nd 
    MDBs and  2nd 
    reasons for using 
    transactions and 
    CORBA and 
two-phase commit protocol (2-PC or TPC) 

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unchecked exceptions 
unchecked methods  2nd 
undefined primary keys 
underscore (_) 
unit-of-work  2nd 
unsetEntityContext( )  2nd 
updatePhoneNumber( ) 
    distributed computing technologies 
    JAR files for CustomerEJB 
    in JNDI 
    Sun Microsystems 
    this book 
    workbook exercises  2nd 
    XML deployment descriptors and 
UserTransaction interface  2nd 
    definition of 
    container-deployment  2nd 
    for database tables 

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validation rules 
value types, restrictions on 
    of CTMs 
        fear of lock-in and 
    of EJB servers
        list of 
        object-to-relational database mapping wizards and 
    support for JMS 
virtual fields 
Visual Cafe IDE (WebGain) 
VisualAge IDE (IBM) 

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web components 
web servers, in application servers 
web-based interfaces, in distributed-business-object architectures 
WebGainÕs Visual Cafe IDE 
WebSphere (IBM) 
WHERE clause 
wildcards, asterisk indicating  2nd  3rd 
    for graphical deployment 
    for object-to-relational database mapping 
workbooks for use with this book 
    deploying CustomerEJB and 
    exercises in 
workflow, modeling with session beans  2nd 
    stateful session beans and  2nd 
wrapper classes for primitive data types 
write locks 

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    version of, specifying in documents 
XML deployment descriptors  2nd  [See also deployment descriptors]3rd 
    BMP entity beans and 
    for client components 
    CMP entity beans and 
    contents of 
    document header and 
    element and 
    elements of  [See XML elements]
    JMS and 
    local interface and 
    MDBs and 
    roles and 
    select methods and 
    stateful session beans and 
    stateless session beans and 
    transaction attributes and 
XML documents 
XML elements 
        for entity beans 
        for session beans 
XML tag delimiters 

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zipping/unzipping JAR files